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Kicking the Hard Stuff: The Todd Cusson Story (CV97)

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(I know, I have a habit in pushing the underdogs)


"Let's put the Juice in the Man Darin".

(Awesome vignet).


I would push Man-Darin but he's just a bit old, and has less star quality then other guys.


Was that your own suggestion of a vignette because I don't remember writing that?

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Segment 27: Chase-ing a High.


I rarely ever mention this but I have had a girlfriend for a few months now, Emma and I had been dating since just after MEE is was about to close down. She had been busy enough, which is why I hadn't really mentioned it before. I mean, she was working with DAVE too so she had a lot on her plate. We finally did get to have a proper date, where neither of us would be interrupted. It was a few weeks before MEE Rivals Collide and we promised each other not to bring up wrestling, I was fine with that, but she was making real strides in DAVE due to her appearances in MEE, Phil apparently was really impressed with her delivery in her promos. I said we'd go out for dinner but I realised if I cooked her dinner, it would be a lot more special for her and she also randomly said she was dying for chocolate brownies for whatever reason. So I baked her some, the sensitive man that I am, and once she arrived I quickly threw them into the fridge on the top shelf to keep them fresh and to make sure they were a surprise.




She arrived about 15 mins early.




"Hi, uhhh."




"You're a bit early"


"Yeah, is that a problem?"


"Uhhhh, well."




Her face was happy when she came in, but she was about to explode now.


"... There's a f*cking whore in here, isn't there?"


"Uh, what?"


"The f*ck is she? I'll f*cking murder her"


She "searched" the bedroom, bathroom, the whole apartment. Of course she found nobody. With Emma, you kinda need to let these things pass, she's got quite the temper.


"There's nobody here.."


"Obviously, I was just making your dinner and it's not ready yet. I wanted it to be a surprise"


"Oh... I feel so stupid now"


She came over and gave me a hug and apologised. She sat and watched tv as I finished off the dinner.


The dinner was actually pretty good. Who knew I had this talent? But the main event was yet to come.


"I have another surprise for you."


"You do?"


"Yeah, I made chocolate brownies"






"Aw Todd, you shouldn't have"


I strolled over to the fridge as she began to talk about wrestling.


"So.... Phil was talking to me today?"


"I thought we weren't going to talk about wrestling"


"I know but..."


I had just opened the fridge when she said.


"Todd look at me"


I turned to her as I reached my and in and grabbed the brownies from the second shelf.


"HGC want to negotiate a contract with me..."


"...... What?"


"They want to talk to me about joining the company"


"Do you want yours hot?"




"Your brownies?"


"Uh, yeah whatever. I think you are ignoring my news."


"I'm not. I don't expect you to stay here with me. Go check it out at least."




Of Course. I'm not going to hold you back"


"Todd... What would I do without you?


"Well, for one, you wouldn't have any brownies."


We laughed and she took a huge bite out of one. I stopped, and looked at the brownie and looked at my plate. Then I got up.


"These are real good"


I ignored her and opened the fridge. I hadn't..... Please tell me I hadn't.... I looked over at Emma who only had 1 of her 5 brownies left on her plate. In my haste, of looking at Emma when she was talking about HGC. I had placed the brownies I made on the top shelf. I had grabbed the brownies on the second shelf. These brownies had been dropped around by some old college buddies of mine, you know, the "special" kinds of brownies you'd have in college, and mainly, the only reason I knew how to make brownies. I had just handed these "special" brownies to my girlfriend... I would never here the end of this.


After awhile, Emma was as high as a kite on a windy spring evening.


"Whoooooa. Todd, imagine if I did sign for HGC?"




"I'd school Sam Strong on the mic"




"Yeah. Anbody can talk like this, brother?"


Probably the most hilarious and surprisingly accurate Sam Strong imitation I had ever heard.


"Thats true"


"Yeah.... I wonder what Rip Chord looks like?"


"Everybody knows what Rip Chord looks like, he's been on TV for years?"


She paused and thought really hard.


"Oh yeah.... Todd?"




"Imagine if I did sign for HGC?"


For the rest of the night I sat beside Emma, asking the same 5 questions the whole night. Imagine if I did sign for HGC?, I wonder what Rip Chord looks like?, Who else works for HGC?, Are you as happy as I am? and anytime she'd go to the toilet, when she'd come back she'd ask "Did Richard Eisen die while I gone? which I'd reply with no and she'd say but He's so old. As amusing as it was I had to cover my tracks. I threw away the brownies, emptied 10 bottles of beer and told her she had gotten really drunk. I got away with this one. Just about.

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MEE Rivals Collide


Woods: Hello everybody, and welcome to Modern Edgy Entertainment. Our event tonight is Rivals Collide. Unfortunately, the dictator continues to run MEE. Todd Cusson still is the governing power of MEE.



Angle 1: Todd mocks the MEE faithful


*Todd and his Entourage behind him come out from behind the curtain to a chorus of boos*


Todd: Oh, all you so called fans can stick it. I'm the owner of this company and I give one of your so called fan favourites a US title shot and this is how you treat me. Nobody disrespects me like that. You know what, thanks to you, Richard Blood's 1v1 match tonight will have a new stipulation. If he loses to Jack tonight, then he will never, ever be allowed a singles match against me for the MEE World Heavyweight title ever again. Oh and Gilmore, good luck in your title match tonight. *Sarcastically* We're all rooting for you.


Rating: 30/ E+


Woods: Can you be any more arrogant than the Dictator? Guess not. Either way, he is the boss right now and his rule, his decisions. Unfortunately for Richard Blood, his wrath has affected him.



Match 1: Flex v ???


• Flex poses for the women until a theme song hits.




• It is none other than Snap Dragon’s theme and he comes rushing to the ring.

• As Dragon enters, Flex stomps down on him, as a cheap shot.

• Flex does gain control from this, only for a brief moment though as he starts to pose again, this allows Dragon to give a swift kick to the back of Flex’s legs.

• The two get back to a vertical base and they lock up.

• Flex gets a side head lock applied but Dragon strikes him a few times in the abdomen and he releases the hold.

• Flex then turns straight into a dropkick.

• From there, Dragon controls the match accordingly, hitting a German suplex before climbing the ropes.

• He hits a beautiful Dragon-sault (Moonsault) and pins, 1…. 2…… 3.


Winner: Snap Dragon by pinfall in 9:30

Finishing Move: Dragon-sault (Moonsault)

Rating: 30/ E+


Woods: What a spectacular move! The Dragon-sault could be one of the most devastating finishing moves in MEE. Of Course, Supreme Hype would beg to differ.



Match 2: Inky the Squid Boy & Sammy Bach v Daniel Cano & Mario Heroic


• The match starts with Inky and Cano in the ring.

• Inky seems to be slightly faster than Cano and is able to dominate the early exchanges.

• That would change when Heroic came in and Heroic was able to get his team on top.

• Cano and Heroic work over Inky and it is obvious that these two guys are in total sync with each other

• That is until Inky hits a tornado DDT and gets the hot tag to Sammy.

• Sammy comes in and cleans house, knocking Heroic off the apron and hitting numerous clotheslines on Cano followed by an arm drag

• Sammy is then able to connect with a Cool as a Cucumber (STO) and pins, 1…. 2…… 3.


Winner: Sammy Bach & Inky the Squid Boy by pinfall in 9:44

Finishing Move: Cool as a Cucumber (STO)

Rating: 31/ E+



Angle 2: Cool as a Cucumber


Sammy: I'm back again, dudes. You guys know I breeze through life right? Taking one step at a time. And the next step is Union Jack. I'm coming for you bro and there ain't sh!t you can do about it, dude. Peace Out, my bro's. I'm outta here.


Rating: 29/ E


Woods: Well, he is as cool as you like. And Sammy Bach has only one thing on his mind right now and that is too beat Union Jack for the MEE US title



Match 3: Roger Dodger v Chris Bruins


• The match starts with Bruins being the aggressor and Roger dodging him at every turn, ducking under the ropes, leaving the ring, amongst other sneaky tactics.

• Roger rattles Bruins which turns out to help him as he is able to take advantage of really poor mistake by Bruins, hitting a nice shoulder block

• Bruins tries to rally back with some punches but another silly mistake gets Roger the upper hand again, and ground him with a head lock

• Bruins then successfully rallies back with a right hand followed by dropkick.

• Bruins then connects with a Bunnny Hop (Pele Kick) and goes for the pin, 1… 2…..




• Mid-count, the referee jumps up to stop Chris Hart from interfering only for Danny Patterson to come in the other side of the ring and hit Bruins with a choke slam.

• Danny revives Roger and he measure Bruins and connects with a Rage Cage (Crossroads)

• Hart then stops distracting the ref, he turns around to see Roger pinning Bruins and counts the fall, 1…. 2…… 3.



Winner: Roger Dodger by pinfall in 9:39

Finishing Move: Cage Rage (Crossroads)

Rating: 18/ F+



Angle 3: Eclipsed


Roger: Eclipse, you are a lucky guy. Me? I'm 100% trustworthy. Everybody knows me as the man that they can trust. I had nothing to do with The Entourage coming out here, hey, I'm just a regular wrestler, like anybody else. But for me, Eclipse, you are the guy that beat me. I want to rectify that. So enjoy it while you can, Clipsy. Cause I am coming.


Rating: 36/ D-



MEE Cruiserweight Title

Match 4: Tom Gilmore v Black Eagle


• The crowd hum in anticipation for this match-up that is surely to be a spectacular match.

• The early exchanges don’t disappoint as both men show great skill, the best part of the encounter is when Eagle hits a fireman’s carry followed by a rolling thunder that is countered by putting up his knees, Gilmore then hops up and does a rolling thunder of his own.

• Gilmore and Eagle trade blow for blow, move for move and neither man can get the upper hand, and the crowd a loving it.

• A head kick by Eagle knocks Gilmore to the mat but Eagle misses the follow up 450 splash, which in all honesty, if it had hit, could have ended it.

• Gilmore comes back with two clotheslines on which Eagle tries to return one but Gilmore ducks under it and hits a springboard splash that only garners a two.

• Eagle denies an Angry Stunner (Stunner) pushing away Gilmore but misses his follow up flying forearm.

• Gilmore seems to have the upper hand and starts to gain momentum but Eagle dodges a spear and Gilmore nails the ref.




• It’s at this point that things get messy as Danny and Chris Hart make their second appearance tonight.

• They grab Gilmore and hold him in place as Eagle hits a head kick.

• Eagle then gets a chair and wails on Gilmore, this gives him a crimson mask.

• Hart and Danny then push Gilmore right into a New Jersey Turnpike (Angel’s Wings)

• All three men revive the ref, as Eagle pins Gilmore, 1… 2…… 3.



Winner: Black Eagle by pinfall in 15:05

Finishing Move: New Jersey Turnpike (Angel’s Wings)

Rating: 48/ D+


Woods: No! The Entourage are there again and again they cost someone their match. Come on, Todd. At least give us something. You can't have everything.



Angle 4: Dealing with it


*It takes awhile before Gilmore is up. His face is covered in his own blood as he grabs a microphone*


Gilmore: Todd, you crush my soul. You crush my hope. You crush everything that I stand for in MEE. You took away a friend 2 months ago when you slammed Preston through that table. The snap wasn't the table it was Preston himself. But you know what you b*stard? He's recovering. More and more each day. My faith in the world has been restored when I can see a man, who lost everything come back time and time again to face the evil that put him there. And now Todd, you have angered me. More than I ever have been before. You want me to be angry Todd, huh? Well, you f*cking got me. Say hello to ANGRY F*CKING GILMORE, CAUSE HE'S COMING FOR YOU, TODD CUSSON!


Rating: 37/ D-


Woods: I guess Gilmore just gave us something to cheer about. Todd, you better watch out because the beast that is Gilmore, he's coming for you.



MEE US Title, if Blood loses he cannot have a Singles match against Todd for the MEE World Heavyweight title again

Match 5: Union Jack v Richard Blood


• Blood starts the match extremely aggressively charging at Jack.

• Blood wastes absolutely no time in wailing on Jack, clubbing him with blow after blow, showing that this match means a lot to him.

• Jack is beaten down to the mat and Blood goes to work.

• He wears Jack down, he starts with an atomic drop followed by a back body drop.

• Between each move, Blood scans all around the arena, clearly waiting for The Entourage to show up.

• He then goes back on the attack and starts to stomp on Jack.





• At this point, boo’s radiate around the arena as Danny and Chris Hart again show up on the ramp, these boo’s give blood the incentive to turn around.

• Danny and Hart put their hands up to signify that they ain’t getting involved as Blood shouts at them and making a gesture, saying bring it.

• At this point we see, Jack is back to his feet, although staggering he still knows what he’s doing and tips Blood on the shoulder.

• Blood turns around, straight into a Revolution in Evolution (Cutter) and pins, 1…. 2….. 3.


Winner: Union Jack by pinfall in 15:30

Finishing Move: Revolution in Evolution (Cutter)

Rating: 38/ D-



Angle 5: A stipulation that hurts


Todd: Ah, the sweet sound of victory. It's a real shame, Rich. Really, really is. But I know, How about we give you a match against someone who truly deserves a beating. And hey if you win, maybe I'll remove that stipulation from this match and I'll give you a title match against me after all. In fact, the winner of this match will be the number 1 contender. Sounds like a plan. So Rich, you will face Chris Bruins in a number one contender match next month. And, oh there's more, And it will be a First Blood match.


Rating: 16/ F+


Woods: He... He's taken it too far. Those two guys are best of friends, they ain't going to fight each other. They ain't going to beat each other til the other bleeds... *Sigh* Well, I've been Rhys Woods... Thanks for watching.


Show Rating: 34/ E+

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Event Standings

Uncrewed 3/5

Zergon 3/5

Jaysin 3/5

Kitarzu 2/5



These results will be carried over to the next show and 2 more shows after that. These are 4 very important shows, at the end of these four shows, the person with the highest total from these four shows and the one with the highest overall total will receive a very special prizes. Between these shows there will be no Behind the Scenes segments. These shows will (hopefully) be posted in quick succession over the next couple of days.



Uncrewed 29/45

Zergon 27/41

Kitarzu 25/41

Jaysin 24/34

DevinTEW13 18/23

Jaded 10/19

KnowYourEnemy 5/9

Midnightnick 5/10

3rdStringPG 3/5


MEE Livin' on a Prayer


Man-Darin v Nathan Black v Flex v Jake Sloan


MEE US Title

Union Jack v Eclipse


No. 1 contender for the MEE World Heavyweight title, First Blood

Chris Bruins v Richard Blood.

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Man-Darin v Nathan Black v Flex v Jake Sloan

None of these guys haven´t been doing a whole lot but Flex is the one who had seen most on-screen time (or at least that´s how I feel) so I´m guessing he has the advantage here.


MEE US Title

Union Jack v Eclipse

Eclipse isn´t likely to win here, I think. The main reason I think that way is Dodger who´s likely to interfere here. Oh and Jack has a date with Bach too.


No. 1 contender for the MEE World Heavyweight title, First Blood

Chris Bruins v Richard Blood.

Blood lost to higher caliber opponent (or that´s how I currently see it) in last show and Todd seemed to concentrate on him with his promos too so I´d say he´s more likely to go over.

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MEE Livin' on a Prayer


Woods: Hello everybody, and welcome to Modern Edgy Entertainment. No changes in ownership here tonight, Todd still reigns supreme, and we'll be expecting him anytime soon.



Angle 1: Back to the Mosh Pit


*Todd and his Entourage behind him come out from behind the curtain to a chorus of boos*


Todd: Well, well, well. We are back again and I am still the owner of MEE. Still the world heavyweight champion and still the most prized asset of this company. I am the leader of the most powerful force in wrestling history, The Entourage rule over this company... and soon we will expand to other wrestling companies. DAVE will be our first target and they better be ready. Welcome to the.....




*At this moment, Preston Lockhart returns to a momentous applause, despite only 63 people being in attendance. He's clearly still hurting though*


Preston: Todd, I'm sick of you think that you can rule my promotion. Just remember that you only own this promotion in my absence. Well, guess what, I'm back and I think this event need some changes. We can't have an event where are World Champion is not competing. That's just bad for business. So tonight, our main event will be changed. Chris Bruins and Richard Blood will face Todd Cusson in a triple threat match for the MEE World Heavyweight title.


* The crowd cheers as Todd throws a tantrum in the ring and sends his two lackeys to go attack Preston.*




*At this point, Gilmore, Bruins and Blood come from the back to Prestons side, which makes Todd pulls his boys back into the ring.*


Preston: And if anybody tries to interfere they will be instantly fired, and will also cause the person they interefered for to be fired!


Rating: 24/ E


Woods: Preston return signals the end for The Entourage's rule of MEE and he has laid it on the line. Triple Threat for the World title. Bruins, Blood and Cusson, any interference, will result of the dismisal. There is a whole bunch on the line tonight.



Match 1: Jake Sloan v Man-Darin v Flex v Nathan Black


• The match starts with Jake and Black beating into Flex and Man-Darin respectively.

• It’s not long before Man-Darin turns it around and Black is flung out of the ring.

• Flex also gets out of Jake’s beating by leaving the ring, this a mistake as Man-Darin hits a suicide dive to the outside onto Flex

• Black comes back in the ring to battle Jake, hitting a German suplex.

• Man-Darin then comes back into the ring and helps out Jake hitting a dropkick to Black.

• Man-Darin and Jake then get hit by a double clothesline by the returning Flex

• Black and Flex then take control, Black hitting a snap suplex on Jake while Flex tries to knock Man-Darin out of the ring. He fails

• Man-Darin hits a bicycle kick from the apron and Flex then rolls out of the ring.

• Black then throws Jake from the ring and turns around, straight into a Clementine Crush (Styles Clash) and pins, 1…. 2…… 3.


Winner: Man-Darin by pinfall in 10:23

Finishing Move: Clemintine Crush (Styles Clash)

Rating: 33/ E+


Woods: Match one down. Quite an entertaining one too. Yet, we all know there is just one match that you want to see tonight and that is Todd Cusson losing the title to one of the two men from The Rebellion.



Angle 2: The Taunting Never Stops


Roger: After last month I proved I can beat the best of them, beating Chris Bruins. yet he goes on to get an opportunity to win the world title while I can't even get a match against Eclipse. And I won. But don't worry, I'll hustle my way into a match with Eclipse soon enough. I'll give you time to prepare Eclipse, before I beat you with my Cage Rage.


Rating: 39/ D-


Woods: Although, I greatly dislike that hustling punk after he stole me for all my cash in that poker game, he's got a point. He did beat Chris Bruin last month, all be it with some interference, but hey a win is a win.



Match 2: Union Jack v Eclipse


• Eclipse starts the match with a fast, intense pace hitting numerous kicks and then a flying elbow.

• Eclipse again is running the ropes but Jack is able to counter into a sit-down powerbomb, but it only garners a 1.

• Jack then grounds Eclipse and even works his way to a Britannia Crossface (Crossface) but Eclipse is able to get to the ropes only a few seconds into the hold as he’s not that far from the rope.

• However, it has worn down Eclipse as he is ridiculously slow to get to his feet, where he is met by a clothesline.

• Jack then measures Eclipse but is met by an inzuguri once Eclipse is on his feet.

• Both men are on the ground as they try to get up. Eclipse is up first and is able to get Jack up for a Total Eclipse (Fireman’s carry into Cutter) but Jack is able to get out of it and hits a Revolution in Evolution (Cutter) and pins, 1…. 2….. 3


Winner: Union Jack by pinfall in 14:30

Finishing Move: Revolution in Evolution (Cutter)

Rating: 33/ E+



Angle 3: I am the Evolution


Jack: Sammy, you stake your claim for a shot at my title every single month, don't you think you are working too hard for your inevitable failure. I mean look at me, I'm perfect in every way. I'm a Brit, I'm the evolution of wrestling and I'm a champion. Take it from me, Sammy, you don't want to be in the ring with me.


Rating: 42/ D


Woods: Union Jack is right. He's been extremely dominan since his US Title reign has begun, and he won it on the very first show. But we move on to the biggest match in MEE history. Cusson, Blood, Bruins. 3 men, 1 ring, 1 title. Who will be the man to bring MEE into a new era?



MEE World Heavyweight Title

Match 3: Todd Cusson v Chris Bruins v Richard Blood


• Bruins and Blood go straight for Todd as he tries to fight them off.

• He does briefly before Blood hits a wicked shoulder block.

• It’s almost like the match is backwards, as the faces work over the heel.

• Todd is able to counter a double elbow into a double clothesline to boo’s from the crowd.

• Todd takes control as he bundles Blood out of the ring and concentrates on Bruins.

• He hits a clothesline followed by a belly to belly suplex.

• He then picks Bruins up again as Blood goes to attack Todd from behind but he anticipates it and ducks which causes Blood to hit Bruins instead.

• Todd then rolls up Blood, but it only garners a 2 count.

• Both men then jump to their feet and both men hit a clothesline on the other one, which knocks them both to the mat.

• Bruins then gets up and looks to pick up Todd but Todd hits a kick to the gut and looks for a clothesline but is met by a clothesline by Blood.

• Blood then climbs the ropes but Todd knocks him down, while Bruins tries to hit a German suplex but Todd hits elbows to Bruins’ face and hits a snap mare instead.

• He then strikes Bruins and Bruins then begins to lean on the ropes, Todd then turns to Blood who is now standing on the top rope and jumps for the crossbody, but Todd drags Bruins into the path of the move and it connects on Bruins.

• Blood gets up and looks down at Bruins in shock, he turns around and is hit by a Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) and Todd ejects him from the ring.

• Then Todd gets Bruins, picks him up and hits a Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) on him and pins, 1………. 2………………… 3


Winner: Todd Cusson by pinfall in 15:30

Finishing Move: Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom)

Rating: 39/ D-


Woods: He did it! By god, the b*stard did it! Todd Cusson is still the World Champion. I can't.....



Angle 4: World War III


Preston: You can do it all, can't you Todd. I'm not going to lie, that was impressive. And you should be rewarded and I'll give you the opportunity for one. Next month there will be a 5v5 match. My team, The Rebellion, Gilmore, Bruins, Blood, Bach and Eclipse, against The Entourage, Cusson, Hart, Patterson, Jack and Eagle. If The Entourage win, Todd Cusson wins the majority ownership of MEE. If The Rebellion win, the man who scores the winning pin, gets a World Title Match against Todd at the Event in December. Let's decide this the way it should be, Todd, in the ring.


Rating: 14/ F


Woods: Holy God. I just said not only 30 minutes ago that the triple threat match is the most important match in MEE history, I was wrong... This is the most important match, next month. It will be a War of the Worlds.


Show Rating: 34/ E+

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Event Standings

Kitarzu 2/3

Zergon 2/3

DevinTEW2013 1/3

Uncrewed 1/3

Seems that the main event was changed these are the decisions I made in regarding the points given. Chris Bruins was the who was pinned he was the "loser" so anybody who picked him as the winner did not gain a point. Seems that technically Blood didn't lose and by default the people who picked Blood to win picked Bruins to lose, which was actually correct so anyone who picked Blood got a point.


Four Important shows Shows standings

Zergon 5/8

Uncrewed 4/8

Kitarzu 4/8

Jaysin 3/5

DevinTEW2013 1/3




Uncrewed 30/48

Zergon 29/44

Kitarzu 27/44

Jaysin 24/34

DevinTEW13 19/26

Jaded 10/19

KnowYourEnemy 5/9

Midnightnick 5/10

3rdStringPG 3/5

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MEE War of the Worlds


Inky the Squid Boy v Flex


The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones) v Mario Heroic & Daniel Cano


Man-Darin v Roger Dodger


The Entourage (Todd Cusson, Danny Patterson, Chris Hart, Union Jack & Black Eagle) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins, Richard Blood, Tom Gilmore, Sammy Bach & Eclipse)

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Inky the Squid Boy v Flex


The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones) v Mario Heroic & Daniel Cano


Man-Darin v Roger Dodger


The Entourage (Todd Cusson, Danny Patterson, Chris Hart, Union Jack & Black Eagle) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins, Richard Blood, Tom Gilmore, Sammy Bach & Eclipse)

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MEE War of the Worlds


Inky the Squid Boy v Flex


The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones) v Mario Heroic & Daniel Cano


Man-Darin v Roger Dodger


The Entourage (Todd Cusson, Danny Patterson, Chris Hart, Union Jack & Black Eagle) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins, Richard Blood, Tom Gilmore, Sammy Bach & Eclipse)

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MEE War of the Worlds


Inky the Squid Boy v Flex


The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones) v Mario Heroic & Daniel Cano


Man-Darin v Roger Dodger


The Entourage (Todd Cusson, Danny Patterson, Chris Hart, Union Jack & Black Eagle) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins, Richard Blood, Tom Gilmore, Sammy Bach & Eclipse)

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Inky the Squid Boy v Flex

Not completely sure about this one but I believe that Flex is higher on ladders.


The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones) v Mario Heroic & Daniel Cano

Named team over non-named one.


Man-Darin v Roger Dodger

Man-Darin did get bit of a surprise win (for me at least) in last show but Dodger seems to be the guy with higher push based on him beating Bruins even though it weren´t clean.


The Entourage (Todd Cusson, Danny Patterson, Chris Hart, Union Jack & Black Eagle) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins, Richard Blood, Tom Gilmore, Sammy Bach & Eclipse)

Stipulations sounds to me like Rebellion is going to win so I go with them.

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MEE War of the Worlds


Woods: Hello everybody, and welcome to Modern Edgy Entertainment. Tonight is the nights folks, 5 on 5 Elimination. Two teams, one company. This is it folks, War of the Worlds



Angle 1: The biggest match in history


*Todd and Jack come out to a chorus of boo's*


Todd: There comes a time in every man's life when an opportunity arises to become all-powerful. And tonight, my time has come. When The Entourage crush The Rebellion, I will become the unquestioned ruler of this cesspool.


Jack: The Entourage will live forever, Todd, and I will rule the wrestling world. Nobody is going to be...




*At this point Tom Gilmore & Sammy Bach come out to the ramp*


Gilmore: Todd, as much as I love the fact that you are looking forward to tonight, mainly because it'll be so much better when we crush your little dreams, but whoever gets the winning pin for the Rebellion, and I don't really care who it is, but I do know that the will destroy you Todd.


Sammy: You better believe it. Jack there will be nowhere for you to run, you'll have to be in the ring with me, the US title may not be on the line, but as long as I get to knock you into next week.


Rating: 34/ E+


Woods: Well, I think the foundations have been set.



Match 1: Flex v Inky the Squid Boy


• Inky and Flex start the match at a brisk pace, with Inky taking control after a dropkick.

• Inky starts to use his high-flying skills bouncing off the rope to hit a flying forearm followed by springboard moonsault that misses

• Inky lands on his feet though and hits Flex with a leg kick but misses the clothesline afterwards which Flex counters into a backbreaker.

• Flex then grounds Inky setting the pace to make sure he doesn’t tire himself out.

• However, when Inky goes on the attack it quickens again, but unfortunately Flex hits a drop toe hold to swing the momentum back in his favour.

• Flex is then able to connect with The Show (Fisherman’s suplex) and pins, 1… 2….. 3.


Winner: Flex by pinfall in 9:30

Finishing Move: The Show (Fisherman's suplex)

Rating: 35/ E+


Woods: And The Show starts with The Show getting the pin.



Match 2: The Rock Stars v Daniel Cano & Mario Heroic


• J.J and Mario start in the ring and set a quick pace early on, but neither men does enough to take control.

• That is until Mario hits a dropkick to J.J’s knee

• This lets Mario and Cano work over J.J, although it’s not that fluid, they still do it well.

• J.J turns the tides with a leapfrog followed by an arm drag and then a flying shoulder tackle on Cano.

• J.J makes a hot tag to Johnny as he comes in the ring and goes after Cano and hits a German suplex before knocking Mario off the apron.

• He then tags J.J back in and they connect with a Headbanger (Double Missile Dropkick) and J.J pins, 1….. 2….. 3.


Winner: The Rock Stars by pinfall in 9:44

Finishing Move: Headbanger (Double Missle Dropkick)

Rating: 31/ E+


Woods: A win here for The Rock Stars. They may have just staked their claims for a tag title shot.



Match 3: Roger Dodger v Man-Darin


• Roger dominates the Man-Darin from the get go, keeping him grounded for the opening minutes.

• Man-Darin tries to get the better of Roger but somehow, some way and usually illegal means, Roger stops his momentum time and time again.

• Roger even throws him out of the ring a few times to see if he can get a count out victory but Man-Darin has too much pride for that and always returns before the 10 count.

• Roger sets up the Cage Rage (Crossroads) but Man-Darin counters it, but again Roger stops him in his tracks with a sneaky poke to the eye

• This time Roger sets up Cage Rage (Crossroads) and it connects and pins, 1…. 2….. 3.


Winner: Roger Dodger by pinfall in 9:32

Finishing Move: Cage Rage (Crossroads)

Rating: 27/ E



Angle 2: One last time


Roger: I have done it all. I beat challenge after challenge and there is only one chalenge left. That is you Eclipse. Now, I'm not going to interfere in your mtch tonight, as I don't want to be fired, but I will expect a match against you next month as my reward for being on this hot streak.


Rating: 38/ D-



Match 4: The Entourage (Tom Cusson, Chris Hart, Danny Patterson, Union Jack & Black Eagle) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins, Richard Blood, Tom Gilmore, Eclipse & Sammy Bach)


• Eagle and Blood start in the ring and the opening exchange is quite entertaining.

• Although Eagle is the smaller more agile of the two, it is amazing to see the athletic Blood work his style, although not perfect, it sure is entertaining to see someone double in size performing moves like springboard elbows and dropkicks.

• However, it usually costs him as the more experienced high flier Eagle, is able to dodge these attempts and use kicks and back fists to get the upper hand.

• This ends up in Danny Patterson being tagged in and he instantly goes for a choke slam, Chris Bruins then comes in to break it up but he grabs Bruins by the throat too

• In the end it is Gilmore who breaks the move and Eclipse is tagged in.

• Eclipse runs in and hits some vicious kicks on Danny before running off the ropes and getting clobbered by a clothesline from Danny.

• Todd is then tagged in and looks for Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) but Gilmore comes into the ring and stands in front of Eclipse.

• As the ref tries to get Gilmore out, Todd complains like a child, wanting nothing to do with him, during this time, Eclipse is able to tag in Sammy.

• The second Sammy is tagged in Jack begins to shout at Todd, wanting to get in the ring with Sammy.

• Todd obliges and the crowd pop as these two rivals go at it for the first time.

• It’s all Jack in the early goings as he dominates Sammy.

• However, when Sammy starts to get momentum, Jack instantly tags out and Chris Hart comes in.

• Sammy then tags in Blood and Blood goes full steam ahead at Hart.

• Throwing vicious clubbing blows at the big man, it takes him down to one knee.

• Eclipse is then tagged in and he looks for a shining wizard but instead is met with an absolute ridiculously looking clothesline.

• Hart then tags in Todd, and this time there is no stopping the Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) as Hart stands in front of Todd. He pins Eclipse, 1…. 2…… 3.


Eclipse is Eliminated.


• Gilmore takes his place as the crowd pop, but Todd is quickly over to his corner to tag in Danny.

• Danny comes in and Gilmore goes to work, although his strikes are sporadic, they all connect and it seems to be taking a toll on Danny.

• Danny then tags in Hart and Hart is instantly met with an Angry Stunner (Stunner) from Gilmore and pins, 1…. 2….. 3.


Chris Hart is Eliminated


• Jack then comes into the ring as Gilmore tags in Sammy.

• Sammy has much better luck this time, getting the upper hand from the get go, thanks to a flying clothesline

• Jack is able to scramble way and tag Eagle in but Eagle meets the same fate as Sammy is on a roll.

• Sammy sets up a Cool as a Cucumber (STO) but Eagle counters it and pushes him away right into a Revolution in Evolution (Cutter) from Jack, and Eagle pins 1…. 2…. 3.


Sammy Bach is Eliminated


• Gilmore jumps into the ring again and attacks Eagle by surprise

• Eagle and Gilmore brawl for a bit before Danny is tagged in.

• Danny looks to steamroll Gilmore but can’t as Gilmore dodges it and he runs straight into the turnbuckle.

• Gilmore tags in Blood and Blood connects with a crossbody and pins, 1….. 2…… 3.


Danny Patterson is Eliminated


• Jack is the man that jumps in to face Blood but Bruins is tagged in.

• He runs at Jack but he misses his clothesline and Todd hits a forearm from the apron.

• This dazes Bruins and he turns straight into a Revolution in Evolution (Cutter) and pins, 1…. 2….. 3.


Chris Bruins is Eliminated


• Blood runs in instantly and Todd is tagged in without his knowledge, he whips Jack in the ropes as Jack slides under the ring ropes to the outside.

• Todd turns Blood around and hits a Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) and pins, 1….. 2……. 3.


Richard Blood is Eliminated


• Gilmore has since attacked Jack on the outside and flings him back in the ring and Jack scurries over to his corner and tags in Eagle.

• Eagle and Gilmore put on a masterclass as they trade moves back and forth.

• Eagle almost connects with New Jersey Turnpike (Angels Wings) but Gilmore counters it into an Alabama slam.

• Gilmore then is able to hit an Angry Stunner (Stunner) and pins, 1… 2….. 3.


Black Eagle is Eliminated


• Jack runs in but he is immediately hit with an Angry Stunner (Stunner) and pinned, 1….. 2….. 3


Union Jack is Eliminated


• The crowd hum in anticipation as Todd slowly makes his way into the ring, these two men have never set foot in the ring together before until tonight and you can feel the electricity.

• Both men stand in the middle of the ring as the 63 people in attendance make the sound that 150 people would make, raucously involved in the story before them.

• The two men haven’t blinked since the stand-off begun and a Todd Cusson right hand begins the inevitable onslaught.

• Gilmore returns a right hand and it goes back and forth until Todd hits a second then a third.

• Todd gets under Gilmore’s arm and is in position for a Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) but Gilmore’s elbows make sure that the move is not hit.

• Both men sprawl to the mat as Gilmore tries to regain some energy as Todd shakes off the cobwebs.

• Todd comes too first and goes to attack Gilmore but Gilmore dodges and Todd runs into the turnbuckle, Gilmore gets a schoolboy, but Todd kicks out at 2 and seven eighths.

• Both men pop straight up as Gilmore connects with a kick to the gut but can’t follow up with an Angry Stunner (Stunner) as Todd pushes him away.

• Gilmore comes back but Todd catchees him in position for a Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) but again Gilmore uses his elbows to escape.

• Todd releases Gilmore, Gilmore connects with the kick to the gut and successfully pulls of the Angry Stunner (Stunner). Gilmore slowly crawls over to Todd and covers him, 1…………………………. 2…………………………… 3.



Winner: The Rebellion by pinfall in 29:55

Finishing Move: Angry Stunner (Stunner)

Rating: 39/ D-


Woods: They did it, by god they did it. Preston own MEE, Gilmore has won the right to face Todd.



Angle 4: It's on


Gilmore: It begins. Todd, I didn't want to be the guy to put you down, but now I have no choice, I will be the one who ends you, Todd. Mark my words. Cause I AM TOM "ANGRY" GILMORE AND YOUR REIGN IS OVER!


Rating: 37/ D-


Woods: Another huge match in the history of MEE, it all starts again in one month time, it will be the Final Countdown to the match you have all been waiting for, Cusson v Gilmore.


Show Rating: 34/ E+

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Event Standings

Kitarzu 4/4

Zergon 4/4

Uncrewed 3/4

djlightning 1/4



Four Important shows Shows standings

Zergon 9/12

Kitarzu 8/12

Uncrewed 7/12

Jaysin 3/5

DevinTEW2013 1/3

djlightning 1/4




Uncrewed 33/52

Zergon 33/48

Kitarzu 31/48

Jaysin 24/34

DevinTEW13 19/26

Jaded 10/19

KnowYourEnemy 5/9

Midnightnick 5/10

3rdStringPG 3/5

djlightning 1/4

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MEE The Final Showdown


MEE Tag Team Titles

The Entourage (Chris Hart & Danny Patterson) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins & Richard Blood)


Roger Doger v Eclipse


MEE Cruiserweight Title, 4-Way Ladder match

Black Eagle v Snap Dragon v Man-Darin v Flex



Union Jack v Sammy Bach


MEE World Heavyweight title

Todd Cusson v Tom Gilmore

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MEE Tag Team Titles

The Entourage (Chris Hart & Danny Patterson) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins & Richard Blood)


Roger Doger v Eclipse


MEE Cruiserweight Title, 4-Way Ladder match

Black Eagle v Snap Dragon v Man-Darin v Flex



Union Jack v Sammy Bach


MEE World Heavyweight title

Todd Cusson v Tom Gilmore

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MEE Tag Team Titles

The Entourage (Chris Hart & Danny Patterson) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins & Richard Blood)


Roger Doger v Eclipse


MEE Cruiserweight Title, 4-Way Ladder match

Black Eagle v Snap Dragon v Man-Darin v Flex



Union Jack v Sammy Bach


MEE World Heavyweight title

Todd Cusson v Tom Gilmore

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MEE The Final Showdown


MEE Tag Team Titles

The Entourage (Chris Hart & Danny Patterson) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins & Richard Blood)


Roger Doger v Eclipse


MEE Cruiserweight Title, 4-Way Ladder match

Black Eagle v Snap Dragon v Man-Darin v Flex



Union Jack v Sammy Bach


MEE World Heavyweight title

Todd Cusson v Tom Gilmore

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MEE Tag Team Titles

The Entourage (Chris Hart & Danny Patterson) v The Rebellion (Chris Bruins & Richard Blood)

Rebellion just looks like tougher pair even if they haven´t really teamed up that often.


Roger Doger v Eclipse

I think Dodger will get a cheaty win this time in order to set-up third match between these two.


MEE Cruiserweight Title, 4-Way Ladder match

Black Eagle v Snap Dragon v Man-Darin v Flex

Bit of a coin flip here to be honest as no idea who could win this one.



Union Jack v Sammy Bach

Can´t have all the belts change owner in a same show now can we?


MEE World Heavyweight title

Todd Cusson v Tom Gilmore

Gilmore has gotten a huge push and I wouldn´t be surprised if that leades to him taking the belt off from Todd here espesially since Cusson has pretty much beaten any other top face already so there´s not much for him to do if he beats Gilmore too while Gilmore has plenty of good challengers left if he gets the belt.

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MME Tag Titles

The Entourage

(I dont see their dominance vanashing)


Roger Dodger


MME Cruiserweight title


(Gotta root for the underdog)



Sammy Bach

(Huge Jack fan, but he needs to go on to better things. World title anyone?)


MME World Heavyweight title

Tom Gilmore

(I'm honestly hoping Todd pulls this one out but if Jack loses his belt he'd be perfect opposition for Gilmore)

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MEE The Final Showdown


Woods: Hello everybody, and welcome to Modern Edgy Entertainment. Tonight is the night where Todd Cusson faces his biggest challenge yet against the one and only Tom Gilmore Gilmore set the Rebellion in motion all those months ago. Tonight, we will finally see the Rebellion bring down the dictatorship.



Angle 1: Preston starts the show


Preston: I come to you today as a very happy man. Every title is on the line tonight and that is always a good thing. Fighting champions are what every promoter wants and tonight, all of our champions will become that.




*Its at this moment when Todd Cusson and his lawyer, Emma Chase come to the ring. Cusson has his MEE World Heavyweight title on his shoulder, while wolf whistles come for the crowd for the slim, gorgeous Emma.*


Todd: Listen, Preston, I'm all about being a fighting champion, but my lawyer has something very important to say.


Emma: As Mr. Cusson has 10% ownership of this company, his idea's should be taken into account?


Preston: Alright. Proceed?


Emma: Furthermore, Mr. Cusson suggests that tonight's match becomes a 4 on 1 handicap...


Preston: *Laughing* Look, I'm sure Mr. Cusson's ideas are great but, unfortunately, Mr. Cusson doesn't own 10% of MEE. You see that was the stipulation of last months match. The winning teams leader will own 100% of MEE. And seems as I was the leader, I am the owner. So unfortunately, the match stays the same, except on one condition, if any member of The Entourage show their face during the main event, you will automatically lose the belt to Gilmore.


Rating: 39/ E+


Woods: Another huge stipulation for tonights main event. Todd must beat Gilmore if he wants to stay champion, this match keeps on getting more intriguing.



MEE Tag Team Titles

Match 1: The Entourage v Blood & Bruins


• Bruins starts in the ring with Danny and in the early goings, Danny dominates.

• The two big men alternate, keeping each other fresh as they work over Bruins.

• Danny hits a Choke slam, but Blood breaks up the pin that followed.

• Hart then comes in the ring and tries to get rid of Blood but fails as he himself is ejected instead.

• Blood returns to the apron as Danny puts the beating on Bruins that’s until Bruins slips through Danny’s legs and gets the hot tag to Blood.

• Blood comes in and steamrolls Danny throwing punch after punch after punch and then hits a running crossbody, but that can’t secure the 3.

• Hart comes in to help Danny but Bruins meets him half way and hits a Bunny Hop (Pele Kick) on him.

• Blood and Danny continue to slug it out until Bruins makes a tag off Blood’s back from a Danny Irish whip which Danny doesn’t see, Blood then slides under Danny’s legs and Bruins hits a Bunny Hop (Pele Kick) and pins 1…. 2…….. 3.


Winner: Blood & Bruins by pinfall in 9:56

Finishing Move: Bunny Hop (Pele Kick)

Rating: 23/ E



Angle 2: The first ever title change


*Instead of staying at his announce desk and talk about the significance of this event, Rhys Woods, gets up and goes into the ring to interview both Richard Blood and Chris Bruins*


Woods: Chris, Rich. You are tag team champions, how does that feel?


Blood: It's about time we got them guys away from the title's Rhys, we are so happy to be the champs and we can't wait to defend these belts?


Bruins: We will be the fighting champions that Preston wants and deserves. We will never let them down.


Woods: Is The Entourage finally dead?


Blood: Not yet, Tom will be the man finish them off.


Bruins: We are all rooting for him, Gilmore is God.


Rating: 30/ E+



Match 2: Roger Dodger v Eclipse


• Dodger starts the match in a rough aggressive fashion, clearly very happy to finally get his hands on Eclipse.

• He keeps him grounded and disrespects him with kicks to the back and slaps to the face while he’s down.

• Eclipse comes back though, with his unique high flying offense which starts with a wicked head kick.

• Eclipse’s offense continues pretty steadily until Roger hits a drop toe hold and Eclipse’s face connects with the middle turnbuckle, however, it only garners a 2.

• Roger controls the match again until Eclipse starts another flurry of moves which ends with a hurricanrana but this only garners a 2 count as well.

• Both men are physically tiring when Roger sets up a Cage rage (Crossroads) but Eclipse counters it using the turnbuckle to flip over into an inverted DDT.

• This lets Eclipse set up and connect with a Total Eclipse (Fireman’s carry into cutter) and pin, 1… 2….. 3.


Winner: Eclipse by pinfall in 14:38

Finishing Move: Total Eclipse (Fireman's Carry into Cutter)

Rating: 31/ E+


Woods: Haha, Roger, you ain't got nothing on Eclipse, you run your mouth, talking about how you did this and how you did that, but tonight you couldn't come close.



Angle 3: The Entourage isn't done.


*Backstage Emma and Todd are talking, Todd paces back and forth*


Emma: Todd, stop pacing, you're making me nervous.


Todd: Why would i be nervous? It's not like my whole empire is crumbling around me.


Emma: Come on, Todd, you know you'll win tonight.


Todd: That's not what I'm worried about. We are already one title down, Emma. What if Jack and Eagle lose aswell. No, I won't let it happen.


Emma: Todd..


Todd: No Emma. My empire is like the Roman Empire, but I don't plan on it ending anytime soon.


Rating: 37/ D-


Woods: I shudder at the thought of what Todd has planned. I can't even think about it.



MEE Cruiserweight Title, Ladder Match

Match 3: Black Eagle v Man-Darin v Flex v Snap Dragon


• The match starts with Eagle attacking Man-Darin and Flex brawling with Dragon

• It’s not long before that changes as Dragon hits a springboard suplex to Flex.

• Eagle throws Man-Darin out of the ring and Eagle attacks Dragon from behind.

• Eagle hits a German Suplex and follows that up with a springboard leg drop.

• Flex and Man-Darin are fighting on the outside as Flex bashes Man-Darin’s head off the barricade

• Dragon has turned the tides in the ring with a superkick followed by a Dragon-Sault (moonsault)

• On the outside, Flex is on top of the ladder and flies from there into the ring and hits Dragon with a clothesline

• All four men are down while the crowd cheers in appreciation.

• Man-Darin then comes in and puts the ladder on his head and starts to spin, he hits Flex with a nasty shot to the head but misses the rest.

• He throws the ladder down as he stumbles around all dizzy and walks straight into a New Jersey Turnpike (Angels Wings)

• Snap Dragon then picks up the ladder and hits Eagle with it, he then sets it up.

• He is joined on the top of the ladder by a bloodied Flex, Dragon hits a face buster from the top of the ladder.

• Eagle is then free to climb the ladder and grab the belt.


Winner: Black Eagle by Item Retrieval in 10:30

Finishing Move: Item Retrieval

Rating: 43/ D


Woods: Eagle keeps the title in The Entourage's grasp. What a match though, all competitors should be proud.



MEE US Title

Match 4: Union Jack v Sammy Bach


• Sammy runs straight for Jack and hits a flying clothesline.

• Sammy is relentless with his assault and hits kicks, punches and even knees to Jack as the crowd chant for Sammy.

• A full nelson suplex only garners a 2 for Sammy as he dominates the proceeding.

• Jack then leaves the ring for a break as Sammy follows him.

• It turns south quickly for Sammy as Jack dodges a flying clothesline and Sammy flies into the barricade.

• Jack makes sure the count is restarted as he suplexes Sammy up before landing him right on the barricade.

• Jack brings Sammy back in the ring and starts his attack again

• Sammy is able to counter it though and gets the upper hand only to crush the ref in the corner after jack dodged swiftly




• It’s at this moment when Danny Patterson and Chris Hart make their presence known, as they assault Sammy.

• Jack then hits a revolution in Evolution (Cutter) on a battered Sammy.

• Danny revives the ref and counts the fall, 1……. 2……… 3.



Winner: Union Jack by pinfall in 14:56

Finishing Move: Revolution in Evolution (Cutter)

Rating: 24/ E


Woods: Aw, that's what he had planned, make sure Jack keeps the title. He doesn't care about anybody else, but himself, he knew that the US title is more useful to him then the cruiserweight would be, and he made sure Jack kept the belt.



Angle 4: The Evolution has just begun

*At this time, Jack starts to attack Sammy. He screams in his face that he told him what would happen as the vicious assault continues. He shouts into the camera "The Evolution has just begun" as he walks to the back*


Rating: 17/ F


Woods: It's time ladies and gentlemen, the main event. Cusson, Gilmore, the world title.



MEE World Heavyweight Title, Any interference by The Entourage will result in a DQ and Gilmore winning the belt

Match 5: Todd Cusson v Tom Gilmore


· Tom and Todd stand face to face in the ring much like one month ago, their stares locked onto the challenge in front of them, the crowd cheer intensely in the background, expecting another great match

· Todd then escapes and looks across in frustration at Gilmore as he seems to be getting the edge early on.

· The two engage again and this time Todd had the upper hand, the crowd hum in anticipation.

· Business starts to pick up when Gilmore whips Todd into the corner but he misses a follow up clothesline which Todd then gets a schoolboy pin from but it only garners a 1.

· Both men are back to their feet again as Todd hits a really vicious right hand which Gilmore gives a head butt in return.

· This stuns Todd for a moment and Gilmore connects with a kick to the gut but Todd is able to counter with a German Suplex before the Angry Stunner (Stunner) is performed.

· Both men are grounded as Todd gets to his feet first and gets in position for Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) but elbows from Gilmore release the hold.

· Gilmore hits two right but misses a third as Todd connects with a Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) and pins, 1........ 2......... Gilmore shockingly gets his shoulder up just before 3

· Todd is shocked that Gilmore got his shoulder up but is up again measuring him

· He tries a second Supreme Hype (Rock Bottom) but Gilmore counters into an Angry Stunner (Stunner) and pins, 1....... 2........ Todd returns the favour by kicking out before 3.

· Both men are down and are slow to get up

· Gilmore is up first and he throws the first punch that is replied by Todd

· Both men trade punches, back and forth, both men pretty tired by this point

· A Gilmore spinebuster is felt by both men as they stay grounded, but Gilmore is first back to his feet

· He measures Todd and hits an Angry Stunner (Stunner) and slowly drapes himself over Todd's body, 1.............. 2.................... 3



Winner: Tom Gilmore by pinfall in 19:58

Finishing Move: Angry Stunner (Stunner)

Rating: 49/ D+



Angle 5: The Celebration of a lifetime


*Gilmore can barely get up as he rolls off Todd's lifeless body and the ref raises his hand while he's grounded. The ref then goes and grabs the title and hands it to Gilmore but he isn't in any state to hold it, so he lay it on his chest.*




* Blood and Bruins run down to the ring and get Gilmore to his feet. It seems like Gilmore has come too as Blood wraps the belt around his waist. Gilmore looks down as he see's the MEE World Heavyweight belt and he can't believe he actually won. Blood and Bruins lift up Gilmore on their shoulders and celebrate their wins. the picture fades to black on this image.*


Rating: 21/ E-


Show Rating: 36/ D-

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Event Standings

Kitarzu 4/5

Zergon 4/5

Uncrewed 3/5

DevinTEW2013 1/5

djlightning 0/5



Four Important shows Shows standings

Zergon 13/17

Kitarzu 12/17

Uncrewed 10/17

Jaysin 3/5

DevinTEW2013 2/8

djlightning 1/9


Zergon will receive his prize by PM



Zergon 37/53

Uncrewed 36/57

Kitarzu 35/53

Jaysin 24/34

DevinTEW13 20/31

Jaded 10/19

KnowYourEnemy 5/9

Midnightnick 5/10

3rdStringPG 3/5

djlightning 1/9


Zergon already won the 4 shows prize (They are the exact same prize), so this prize will be shared between Uncrewed and Kitarzu. You will receive your prizes by PM.

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