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WWE 2004: Let the Worlds Collide

Recommended Posts

1)Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon - Puro style, but I'll go with ECW's own over the Master of the J Crown


2)Kidman & London vs Kyo Dai - London Calling


3)Matt Morgan vs Billy Gunn - The @$$ man can overcome the DNA of TNA, but he'll need the help of the dawg.


4)Rhino vs Rikishi - rematch time, which implies the Kish gets his win back


5)The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Kurt Angle & ??? - Angle is on the big push, WGTT won't stop that here.


6)Brock Lesnar vs John Cena - Eat, Sleep, Conquer, repeat


Bonus Questions

1) Who will be Kurt Angle's tag team partner - I can see Kurt going back to Hardcore Holly

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Smackdown opened with Micheal Cole & Tazz at the commentary table. They started talking about the card, but were interrupted by Paul Heyman, accompanied by Matt Morgan, Big Show & Brock Lesnar. Heyman came to the ring and said that at the Royal Rumble – The Big Show will win the Royal Rumble and Brock Lesnar will beat Hardcore Holly, and that is a fact. However, we have a thorn in our side, and his name is John Cena. Tonight, in the main event, Brock Lesnar will take out that thorn.


Tajiri vs. Ultimo Dragon

Good high-flying match between these two. The finish came when the Dragon went for a moonsault, but Tajiri rolled out of the way and then connected with the Buzzsaw kick for victory.

Winner: Tajiri

Rating: 67/100

The cameras cut backstage to Eddie Guerrero’s locker room. He was talking to someone on the phone, when Kurt Angle walked in. Eddie gave a hasty goodbye to the person on the phone, and asked Kurt what he wants. Angle said he wants Eddie to team with him tonight against The World’s Greatest Tag Team. After much thought, Eddie agreed.


Kidman & London vs. Kyo Dai

With the Basham Brothers on commentary, Kidman & London brought it to Kyo Dai. Despite consistent distractions by the Basham Brothers, Kidman gained his team the victory with 450 Splash on Akio.

Winner: Kidman & London


Kidman and London then cut a promo, saying that this Sunday on the pre-show; they will take the Basham Brothers Tag Team titles.

Rating: 60/100

The cameras were again backstage where Eddie was walking. All of a sudden, Chavo attacked him. Chavo threw him into load of crates and then kicked him until Chavo was dragged away by officials. The cameras returned and the commentators pondered if Eddie will be able to wrestle later.


Matt Morgan vs. Billy Gunn

Billy Gunn put up a good fight against Paul Heyman’s monster. Despite this, Morgan put him away by reversing a Fame Asser into a powerbomb.

Winner: Matt Morgan


However, Matt didn’t get much time to celebrate because Chris Benoit came out and cut a promo on Matt Morgan and Paul Heyman, saying that no matter the odds, Benoit will walk out Sunday as the Royal Rumble winner.

Rating: 58/60

Rikishi vs. Rhino

Rikishi looked to win with a super kick, but Rhino caught his leg, pushed him away and then gored him for the three count.

Winner: Rhino


The World’s Greatest Tag Team then came out. They said that since Angle clearly doesn’t have a partner, he has to face them in a handicap match. However, they will let him not face them if he admits that the World’s Greatest Tag Team are the greatest wrestlers in the world. Angle then came out and said that he wasn’t going to say that, because it wasn’t true. Angle walked to the ring and the match was about to start, when suddenly ‘Viva la Raza’ played and Eddie limped out, joining Angle in the ring.


The World’s Greatest Tag Team vs. Kurt Angle/Eddie Guerrero

Eddie & Angle came out like a house on fire. However, Eddie’s injuries would come back to haunt them, and the World’s Greatest Tag Team got the victory after Eddie missed a frog splash, allowing Haas to roll him up for a three count.

Winners: The World’s Greatest Tag Team

Rating: 67/100

When the programming returned, the commentators ran down the card for the Royal Rumble, and gave their predictions.


Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena

John Cena started well, but was soon taken down by Brock. Lesnar worked on Cena’s midsection, hitting him with several suplex variations. Lesnar then picked him up and hit him an F5, but Cena kicked out! Lesnar was mad, and this allowed Cena to mount a comeback, hitting Lesnar with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He went for the FU, but Lesnar slipped off the back, and hit Cena with a German Suplex. He picked him up for another F5, but Holly came out and distracted Lesnar, which allowed Cena to slip off the back and roll up Brock, getting the 3 count.

Winner: John Cena


Holly then charged into the ring and brawled with Lesnar. The brawl continued for several minutes until officials broke it up, with the two staring at each other to end the show.

Rating: 80


Overall Show Rating: 80


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  • 4 weeks later...
Breaking News

Starting at the Royal Rumble, WWE will be running an official 'prediciton contest' among its fans, with the winner getting to make a decision that will actually impact the running of the WWE. These prizes may include choosing a match at a pay-per-view or deciding someone to get drafted from one show to another. The Rules for ppv predictions are as follows:

1)You get 5 points for correctly guessing the winner, and another point for guessing the finish (pinfall, submission, count out, dq, no contest, other)

2)3 bonus questions will be asked, each of which are worth 2 points


The rules for TV SHow predictions are as follows

1)You get 2 points for correctly guessing winners

2)Bonus questions may be asked, and they will be worth 1 point each


The first prediction contest will run from the Royal Rumble to Wrestlemania. The WWE would like to wish luck to all of its fans good luck


Royal Rumble Predictions


Pauk London & Billy Kidman versus The Basham Brothers©




Main Show:

Cruiserweight Championship

Rey Mysterio© versus Tajiri




Intergender Tag Team Match

Chris Jericho & Trish Stratus versus Mark Henry & Jazz




Cage Match for World Tag Team Championships

The Dudley Boyz versus Ric Flair & Batista©




WWE Championship

Hardcore Holly versus Brock Lesnar©




Grudge Match

Eddie Guerrero versus Chavo Guerrero




Last Man Standing Match for World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Micheals versus Triple H©




Winner gets a title shot at Wrestlemania

The Royal Rumble Match



Bonus Questions

1.Who will be the first entrant in the Royal Rumble Match


2.Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble Match


3.Who will gain the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble Match

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Royal Rumble Predictions


Pauk London & Billy Kidman versus The Basham Brothers©

Winners: Bashams

Finish: Pin


Main Show:

Cruiserweight Championship

Rey Mysterio© versus Tajiri

Winner: Mysterio

Finish: Pin


Intergender Tag Team Match

Chris Jericho & Trish Stratus versus Mark Henry & Jazz

Winners: Henry & Jazz

Finish: Pin


Cage Match for World Tag Team Championships

The Dudley Boyz versus Ric Flair & Batista©

Winners: Dudleys

Finish: Pin


WWE Championship

Hardcore Holly versus Brock Lesnar©

Winner: Lesnar

Finish: Pin


Grudge Match

Eddie Guerrero versus Chavo Guerrero

Winner: Eddie

Finish: Pin


Last Man Standing Match for World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Micheals versus Triple H©

Winner: Triple H

Finish: Last man standing... duh!


Winner gets a title shot at Wrestlemania

The Royal Rumble Match

Winner: Undertaker


Bonus Questions

1.Who will be the first entrant in the Royal Rumble Match

John Cena


2.Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble Match



3.Who will gain the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble Match

Matt Morgan

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Royal Rumble Predictions


Pauk London & Billy Kidman versus The Basham Brothers©

Winners: London & Kidman

Finish: Kidman SSP - pin


Main Show:

Cruiserweight Championship

Rey Mysterio© versus Tajiri

Winner: Mysterio

Finish: 619 - Drop the Dime - pin


Intergender Tag Team Match

Chris Jericho & Trish Stratus versus Mark Henry & Jazz

Winners: Jeristatus

Finish: Statusfaction - pin


Cage Match for World Tag Team Championships

The Dudley Boyz versus Ric Flair & Batista©

Winners: Dudleyz

Finish: Escape the cage - Flair is too old to escape


WWE Championship

Hardcore Holly versus Brock Lesnar©

Winner: Brock

Finish: F5 - referee stoppage


Grudge Match

Eddie Guerrero versus Chavo Guerrero

Winner: Chavo

Finish: Handfull of tights - pin - set up the Wrestlemania match


Last Man Standing Match for World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Micheals versus Triple H©

Winner: Shawn

Finish: Superkick - KO


Winner gets a title shot at Wrestlemania

The Royal Rumble Match

Winner: Kurt Angle


Bonus Questions

1.Who will be the first entrant in the Royal Rumble Match - RVD


2.Who will last the longest in the Royal Rumble Match - Randy Orton


3.Who will gain the most eliminations in the Royal Rumble Match - John Cena

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pre-Show: Kidman and London beat Basham Brothers when Billy Kidman hit Doug Basham with a Shooting Star Press. However, Danny Basham was the legal man but the referee didn’t notice. The Bashams complained post match but to no effect. The cameras then cut backstage where Cena drew his number. After drawing his number, he cut a rap claiming that he would win. Then Stevie Richards came in and drew his number. However, Scott Steiner attacked him, causing him to drop it. As Steiner was beating up Richards, Mick Foley came in grabbed the ball, looked at it, and then walked out.


Jillian Garcia introduced Cruiserweight Championship match. “Introducing first, the Champion, from San Diego, California, weighing in at 175lbs, Rey Mysterio”. Mysterio leaped out to the ring, shaking hands with the crowd as he went. “And introducing the Challenger, accompanied by the Japanese Mafia, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 209lbs, Tajiri”. Tajiri slowly came to the ring, looking extremely focused ahead of the upcoming match.


http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag74/Finmoploy/Rey%20Mysterio_zpszz4eg9ra.jpg VERSUS http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag74/Finmoploy/Tajiri_zpswrtm0j4p.jpg

The two men faced off and waited for the other to make a move. Tajiri caught Rey as he was eying the Japanese Mafia, kicking him into the corner. Tajiri began stomping on Rey. As he walked back and taunted the crowd, Mysterio bounced back and landed a few stiff kicks to his stomach. They ended up in a fast chain wrestling match for about a few minutes. The Japanese Mafia got involved, allowing Tajiri to throw Mysterio over the top rope. However, Mysterio hung on, and then delivered a springboard dropkick to his opponent.


Rey ran off the opposite ropes and as Tajiri went down for a back body drop, Rey flipped over his back. Rey turned around and ducked under a superkick attempt by Tajiri and landed a dropkick to his knee. Rey then bounced off the ropes again and landed a dropkick to his head. Rey covered ....1....2. Tajiri kicked out. Rey went up top and went for a crossbody, but Tajiri ducked and landed a superkick on Rey when he got up.


Tajiri grounded Rey for the next several minutes, kicking his midsection repeatedly. However, Rey ducked a Roundhouse Kick and dropkicked Tajiri through the ropes and into Sakoda. As Akio helped them back up, Mysterio leaped to the outside and delivered a senton to all three men! Mysterio then rolled Tajiri back into the ring and celebrated with the crowd.


Mysterio controlled the match for a minute or two, hitting his challenger with several aerial moves. However, after a distraction by the Japanese Mafia, Tajiri ran up behind Mysterio and landed a dropkick to him, knocking him down. After a few hard kicks to Mysterio, Tajiri seemed to be in the driver's seat. However, Mysterio managed hit a drop toe hold, bounced off the opposite ropes, and hit a 6-1-9 and the West Coast Pop! The referee counted ....1....2....3. Rey celebrated his victory as Tajiri yelled at Akio and Sakoda.


Winner: Rey Mysterio




Kurt Angle was in his locker room, getting ready for the Royal Rumble when Tony Chimel came in.


Tony Chimel: How are you feeling ahead of the Royal Rumble match, knowing that you have the highest chance of winning of anyone in the match.

Kurt Angle: Your Olympic Hero feels great coming into the Royal Rumble. He knows that coming in at number 30, he can Suplex the remaining superstars out of the ring and not have to worry about anyone else coming out. At the end of the day, the WWE audience will know that their Olympic Hero will be headlining Wrestlemania. It’s True, It’s True.



When the cameras returned, Jillian Garcia introduced the mixed tag team match. “Introducing first, at a combined weight of 352lbs, ‘Y2J Chris Jericho and Trish Stratus”. The pairing came to the ring and seemed focused ahead of their upcoming match. “And introducing their opponents, accompanied by Theodore Long, at a combined weight of 549lbs, Mark Henry and Jazz”. The pairing slowly came to the ring as Teddy yelled instructions at them.


Chris Jericho started the match against Mark Henry. Y2J used his speed advantage to dodge all of Henry’s moves, occasionally hitting some kicks to the big man. He even knocked the World’s Strongest Man down with a dropkick. However, after a couple of minutes, a Jazz distraction allowed Henry to knock the Ayatollah of Rock N’Rolla with a huge clubbing blow to the side of the head.


Mark Henry dominated for several minutes after that. He targeted Jericho’s ribs. After a while, he picked Jericho up for the World’s Strongest Slam, but Y2J slipped off the back and dropkicked the back of Henry’s knee. Henry turned around and caught a Jericho kick, but Chris hit him with an enzugari instead. Henry went back into the corner, but Jericho clotheslined him into the corner, ran off the ropes and hit a bulldog on the big man. He then springboarded off the ropes and connected with a Lionsault. He covered but Mark Henry powered out at two.


Trish then signalled for a tag, to which Jericho obliged. As per the rules of the match, Jazz came in to join her. Stratus dominated at first, hitting Jazz with several kicks and punches, but Jazz’s power allowed her to eventually take control. Jazz then dominated for several minutes, targeting her abdominals, setting her up for the Bitch Clamp.


However, when she went for a Bitch Clamp, Trish rolled through, waited for Jazz to turn around and hit her with the Chick Kick. She covered ....1....2... Jazz kicked out. Trish then whipped Jazz into the corner and set up for the Stratusfaction. Mark Henry came in to try and break it up, but Chris Jericho dropkicked him out of the ring, and then hit him with a crossbody to the outside. Trish Stratus then hit Jazz with the Stratusfaction. She covered ....1....2....3. As she celebrated with Chris, Theodore Long collected both members of Thuggin’ and Buggin’ Enterprises and left the arena, yelling how it was a conspiracy.


Winner: Chris Jericho and Trish Stratus




The steel cage descended ahead of the World Tag Team Title match. Once the cage had come down, Jillian Garcia introduced the competitors for the match. “Introducing first, the Champions, at a combined weight of 521lbs, Evolution”. The Tag Team Champions came to the ring looking confident. “And introducing the Challengers, from Dudleyville, at a combined weight of 560lbs, The Dudleys”. The Dudleys ran out carrying a table, which put in the ring as the match began.



The Dudleys went right after Evolution as soon as the bell rang. They threw them all around the cage, pummelling them. After several minutes, they hit ‘Wassup?’ on both members of Evolution before signalling to the audience. The waited for Flair to get up before attempting a 3D, however Batista stopped them in their tracks by spearing Bubba Ray Dudley out of his boots. D-Von went to attack him, but Flair hit a low blow on him, allowing Evolution to take control.


Evolution beat down both Dudleys for several minutes. Flair co-ordinated traffic as they systematically dismantled Bubba Ray and D-Von. When one of them attempted to make a comeback, the numbers game got to them and the comeback was put down. Flair soon ordered Batista to finish it. ‘The Animal’ picked up Bubba Ray and delivered a huge Spinebuster into the steel cage. Ric Flair then set up the table the Dudleys had brought in and pointed at D-Von.


Batista picked D-Von up and Batista Bombed him through the table! Flair however, instead of climbing out, ordered Batista to leave with D-Von. The Animal was confused, but did as he was told. He carried D-Von up the cage, as Flair beat Bubba down. Batista escaped with D-Von, and then dropped the Dudley before climbing back in. When Batista got back in, Flair ordered him to Batista Bomb Bubba Ray. As he lifted him up, Flair began to climb out. The commentators realised that if Flair escaped, due to Batista having already having left, Batista & Flair would retain.


Unfortunately for Flair however, that did not happen, as Bubba managed to escape the Batista Bomb. Batista went to spear Bubba, but was sidestepped, and The Animal went crashing into the cage. Bubba then climbed up after Flair. Flair was at the top of the cage when Bubba caught his leg. The Nature Boy tried to shake him off, but Bubba kept hold and slowly dragged the 16x World Champion back into the steel structure.


They began brawling in the very precarious position. Flair nearly managed to knock Bubba down, but the Dudley smashed his head into the cage, causing the Nature Boy to fall back into the ring! Bubba then climbed up and over the cage, before dropping down to the other side, gaining the victory. The Dudleys celebrated their title win as Flair berated Batista in the ring for letting Bubba get to him.


Winner: The Dudleys



The cameras went backstage where Tony Chimel was standing by with Paul Heyman.

Tony Chimel: How is your client feeling ahead of his upcoming title defence?

Paul Heyman: Tony, let me get one thing clear to you and everyone in the audience. This isn’t going to be a match; this is going to be a beat down. I would be surprised if it lasts more than 10 minutes. Hardcore Holly is going to be going on another trip to the hospital once this is over.

Tony Chimel: I wouldn’t be so sure Mr. Heyman, Holly has been on a role lately, even toppling the United States Champion, the Big Show, whereas Brock Lesnar lost to John Cena on Smackdown.

Paul Heyman: Really, Mr. Chimel, really. Firstly, Brock Lesnar did not lose to Cena, he was pinned for a three count, but Cena got destroyed during that match, Hardcore Holly was the only reason Lesnar didn’t finish that idiotic rapper off for good. Secondly, Brock Lesnar has conquered Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, The Big Show and The Rock. You would seriously say that Hardcore Holly is a potential issue. Now, if you would excuse me, I have to get Lesnar for the upcoming match.



After an advertisement of the Royal Rumble’s sponsor, Jillian Garcia introduced WWE Championship match. “Introducing first, the Champion, accompanied by Smackdown General Manager Paul Heyman, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 295lbs, Brock Lesnar”. The WWE Champion came to the ring looking extremely relaxed. “And introducing the Challenger, from Mobile, Alabama, weighing in at 243lbs, Hardcore Holly”. Holly ran to the ring looking extremely fired up ahead of the biggest match of his career.



As soon as the match began, Holly took the fight to Lesnar. Whenever Lesnar tried to power him off, Holly charged straight back in. Holly got Lesnar into the corner and delivered a huge chop to the Beast. He then delivered another chop, followed by another, followed by another. The ref then dragged him off Brock, but as Lesnar recuperated on the ropes, Holly grabbed his legs, leaving him in a wheelbarrow position. Despite much protest by Paul Heyman, he then kicked the World Champ in the gut, leaving him reeling.


Hardcore Holly the signalled to the crowd, and lifted Lesnar up for the Alabama Slam, but Heyman jumped onto the apron, distracting the Spark Plug, allowing Lesnar to fight out. As Holly turned around, he was flattened by a huge clothesline from the Beast, turning the tide of the match


When Holly got up, Lesnar grabbed him around the waist and delivered a huge Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Brock wasted no time to run over deliver a dead-lift German Suplex on Holly. Lesnar then taunted the crowd as Hardcore Holly rolled around, holding his neck.


Brock continued his domination for the next several minutes hitting Holly with a wide variety of suplexes targeting his neck. Lesnar then whipped Holly into the corner before lifting him to the top rope. He climbed up with him and attempted a superplex, but Holly blocked and knocked the World Champion down. With Brock at his feat, Holly grabbed Lesnar’s waist and dived over him, delivering a huge Sunset Flip Powerbomb, leaving both men down.


The referee began counting both men down ....1....2....3....4, both men began to stir, 5....6, both men reached the ropes, 7....8....9, Lesnar and Holly both got to their feat just before the ref threw the match out. Holly threw a punch. Lesnar recoiled before throwing a punch of his own, knocking Holly back. Holly then delivered another punch to Brock, staggering the Beast. Lesnar then attempted a punch, but Holly blocked it, and hit Brock with another punch. Holly then delivered a barrage of punches before running off the ropes. However, when he came back, Lesnar picked him up and delivered a massive F5 to his challenger!


Brock Lesnar crawled into the cover and the ref started counting ....1....2.... Hardcore Holly got his shoulder up at the last moment. Neither Paul Heyman nor Brock Lesnar could believe it. Instead of complaining however, Brock picked Holly up and delivered a massive German Suplex, causing further damage to his neck, but not only that, he held on. Lesnar then picked Holly up again and delivered a belly-to-back suplex to him.


Brock covered ....1....2... Holly kicked out again. Lesnar waited for Hardcore Holly to get up before charging at him and delivering a huge clothesline. Lesnar covered again ....1....2... Holly yet again managed to get his shoulder up. Lesnar was visibly getting angry, and delivered a huge suplex to Holly. The champion covered once again ....1....2... Hardcore Holly managed to kick out again.


Brock was clearly fed up with Holly. He lifted him onto his shoulders for an F5, but Holly managed to slide off the back. Lesnar turned around, but Holly kicked him in the gut, and then planted him with a DDT, leaving both men down.


Both men slowly got to their feat. Holly ducked a punch from Lesnar and hit him a Sidewalk Slam. He followed this up with a Vertical Suplex. Holly then picked Lesnar up and delivered a Falcon Arrow to him. Holly covered and the ref counted ...1....2. Brock Lesnar kicked out. Holly was clearly frustrated, but signalled to the crowd for the Alabama Slam. He waited for Lesnar to get up, before lifting him up and, much to Heyman’s chagrin, slammed him back down with the Alabama Slam.


Hardcore Holly crawled over to Brock Lesnar and draped an arm over Lesnar. The referee counted ....1....2.... Brock Lesnar kicked out! Holly couldn’t believe it, but Heyman was clearly relieved on the outside. He thought for a moment, and then ascended to the top rope. He waited for Brock Lesnar to get up and then he leaped, but the Champion caught him! Lesnar lifted Holly onto his shoulders and delivered a huge F5. He covered and the ref counted ....1....2.... Hardcore Holly somehow got a shoulder up!


Lesnar was furious. He picked Hardcore Holly up and delivered a massive Powerbomb. Not only that but he held on, picked him up and delivered another Powerbomb, followed by another Powerbomb, and then another bone-shattering Powerbomb! Brock Lesnar picked Holly up again to deliver a fifth Powerbomb, but the ref got in the way and tried to stop him. However, Lesnar ignored the ref and delivered yet another powerbomb. Brock then picked up the lifeless body of Hardcore Holly and drilled him with a third F5!


Brock Lesnar the hooked Holly’s leg and the ref slowly counted ....1....2....3. ‘The Next Big Thing’ played and Brock Lesnar celebrated his victory while the ref called over medical attention. The medic called out a stretcher as the cameras went backstage.


Winner: Brock Lesnar




The cameras cut backstage, where Booker T was collecting his number. He grabs his number, looks at it and then does a Spinaroonie, before leaving the room. The commentators noted that he must have got a pretty good number.



Jillian Garcia introduced the Grudge match between Uncle and Nephew. “Introducing first, El Paso, Texas, weighing in at 228lbs, Eddie Guerrero Eddie came to the ring looking fired up. “And introducing his opponent, from El Paso, Texas, weighing in at 239lbs, Chavo Guerrero”. Chavo came to the ring and confidently got in the ring, seemingly not deterred by how fired up Eddie was.


The bell rung and the two Guerreros locked up. After a minute of chain wrestling, Chavo slapped Eddie. Eddie charged at Chavo, but Chavo ducked underneath the ropes so Eddie couldn’t get to him. After the referee backed Eddie off, Chavo came back in and they locked up again, with Chavo getting the advantage. He worked over him for a few minutes, including hitting a European Uppercut and a Missile Dropkick.


Eddie soon made a comeback by reversing a belly to back suplex into snapmare. Latino Heat successfully delivered several armdrags to his nephew, before delivering a Monkey Flip, which sent Chavo out of the ring. As Chavo recuperated, Eddie leaped over the ropes, delivering a Plancha to his nephew.


Eddie controlled the match for a few minutes before attempting to deliver a brainbuster to Chavo. However, it was blocked with an eye rake by Chavo which the ref did not see, allowing the younger Guerrero to take control again.


Chavo targeted Eddie’s eye for the next several minutes with several punches and kicks. After a while, he picked Eddie up, and delivered a suplex, and held on. Chavo then delivered a second suplex, again holding on, taunting his uncle. He attempted a third suplex, but Eddie blocked it and delivered a suplex of his own, holding on himself, and hitting Chavo with the ‘Three Amigos’.


Eddie ascended to the top rope and appealed to the crowd. He went for the Frog Splash, but Chavo was able to get his knees up. Not only this, but he rolled Eddie up: ....1....2.... Eddie kicked out! Chavo complained to the ref, but to no avail. Chavo then whipped Eddie into the corner.


Chavo lifted Eddie to the top rope, and pummelled him for around 30 seconds before he was pulled back by the ref, who checked on Eddie. Chavo however, ran up and went for a Super Frankensteiner ... but Eddie caught him. He delivered a powerbomb to his nephew off the turnbuckle, much to the delight of the crowd. Eddie then signalled to the crowd, before leaping off the turnbuckle and hitting a Frog Splash on Chavo. The ref counted: ....1....2....3. Eddie won, much to the delight of the crowd. He celebrated in the ring as the commentators talked about what could be next for Eddie Guerrero.


Winner: Eddie Guerrero




Jillian Garcia introduced World Heavyweight Championship match. “Introducing first, the Champion, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 265lbs, ‘The Game’ Triple H”. The World Heavyweight Champion came to the ring looking extremely focused. “And introducing the Challenger, from San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 225lbs, ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Micheals”. HBK came to the ring with usual theatrics, and looked like he was confident he could beat Triple H.



Shawn Micheals started the match going right after Triple H. He backed him into the corner and delivered chop and chop, turning Triple H’s chest bright red. HBK then dropkicked Triple H down. He climbed the top rope and went for a moonsault, but Triple H got out of the way.


The Game delivered a clothesline on Micheals. He then locked him in an Abdominal Stretch. After a minute in the hold, Micheals nearly fought out, so Trips changed the hold into a sleeper. Micheals nearly passed out after a minute, but he managed to break out. He made a miniature comeback, but a low blow put a stop to that.


Triple H then whipped Micheals into the corner, and he began pummelling him. HHH lifted HBK up to the top rope and attempted to superplex him, but it was blocked Shawn. The Cerebral Assassin tried again, but it was blocked again. Mr. Wrestlemania kicked The Game down, and then delivered a huge elbow drop to him.


Micheals signalled to the crowd and began to tune up the band. However, Ric Flair came in the ring and began chopping the Showstopper. HBK did not take too kindly to this, and gave The Nature Boy a Sweet Chin Music for his troubles. HBK then went for the kick on The Game, but HHH dodged him, and then delivered a chop block to the knee of Shawn, who crumpled in a heap.


Triple H worked over Micheals’ knee for several minutes. He went for a Figure Four Leg Lock, but Micheals countered. HBK then got up and charged at HHH, only to receive a huge knee to the face. Triple H then picked Shawn up and delivered a massive Pedigree to him. The referee began counting 1....2....3....4....5....6. At 7, Micheals began to crawl to the ropes, by 8, Micheals was pulling himself up, and Micheals was on his feet by 9.


Triple H could not believe Shawn Micheals had gotten up from a Pedigree. He went over to Shawn, but Micheals hit him with a Flying Forearm Smash, followed by a Kip Up. Micheals then delivered an atomic drop followed by a Powerslam to Hunter. HBK ascended the top rope and hit an elbow drop onto The Game. He went to the corner and started tuning up the band, but Flair got onto the apron, only to be sent down to the ground due to some Sweet Chin Music.


Shawn Micheals charged at Triple H, sending them both over the top rope. HBK began tuning up the band, but when he went for Sweet Chin Music, it was countered into a Spinebuster by the Cerebral Assassin. HHH then lifted Micheals up and whipped him into the steps, dislodging them.


Triple H grabbed a chair and smacked it over The Heartbreak Kid’s back, causing him to crumple. The Game lifted it up again, and brought it right down into HBKs sternum. Triple H tossed the chair aside and watched as the referee counted 1....2....3....4....5....6....7. Shawn Micheals however began to get up, causing Triple H to send The Showstopper into the ring post, busting HBK open.


Tripe H began dismantling the announce table. He threw the bloodied Micheals onto it and hooked him up. However, Micheals span out of it and hit Sweet Chin Music on The King of Kings. HBK rolled off the table and climbed the turnbuckle as the referee counted Triple H down. When he was on a count of 8, HBK signalled to the crowd, and leaped onto the Game, delivering a heart-stopping elbow to his sternum!


Both men were completely laid out. The referee began counting 1....2....3....4....5. HBK began to pull himself up, but at the count of 7, Batista charged down and delivered a massive spear to the Heartbreak Kid, stopping the count. The Animal then lifted Micheals up and delivered a massive Batista Bomb onto the steel steps. Batista then picked Triple H and leaned him against the barricade. The referee had to begin counting, and got to 9, when unbelievably, HBK kipped up!


Batista charged, but received Sweet Chin Music from the Showstopper. Micheals then went over to HHH and turned him around, but got a huge Sledgehammer shot to gut for his troubles. Triple H then hooked him and delivered a Pedigree. The referee started counting, and Shawn Micheals was unable to get up, giving Triple H the victory.


Winner: Triple H



Jillian Garcia came out and announced the beginning of the Royal Rumble match. She called out number 1, CHRIS BENOIT. When Benoit reached the ring, she called out number 2, MATT HARDY. Hardy came out with a Matt Sign, which read ‘Matt Fact: Matt Hardy will win the Royal Rumble, no matter where he enters’. When he reached the ring, the bell rang and the match begun.


Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy went at it straight away, with Benoit dominating Hardy. He was unable to get him over the top rope right away, and Sensei of Mattitude surprised him with a kick to the midsection followed by Ricochet. Not much else went on as the two chain-wrestled their way till the third entrant arrived, ROB VAN DAM.


RVD came to ring and hit a Super kick to Hardy straight away. He then brawled with Benoit. Hardy ran up and attempted to eliminate RVD but, got thrown over the top rope for his efforts, only just hanging on. Benoit and RVD attempted to eliminate him, until the fourth entrant came out, A-TRAIN.


A-Train attacked Benoit and RVD with a double clothesline, allowing Hardy to roll back in. The different people went to battle with people from their respective brands, with A-Train battling RVD, and Benoit fighting Hardy. At least it stayed like that until A-Train ran through Benoit. A-Train and Hardy beat down Benoit and RVD until the fifth participant came out, GOLDBERG.


Goldberg charged down to the ring, ducked a clothesline from Hardy and speared A-Train out of his boots. Hardy attempted to attack him, but got a Spinebuster for his troubles. Goldberg then dispatched of a discombobulated A-Train to pick up the first elimination (GOLDBERG ELIMINATED A-TRAIN). Goldberg then military pressed Hardy, and threw him out of the ring onto Shannon Moore, getting the second elimination (GOLDBERG ELIMINATED MATT HARDY). The buzzer then sounded for the sixth entrant, RANDY ORTON.


Orton slowly walked down to the ring, not keen on getting in the ring with Goldberg. He eventually gets in the ring, and brawls with Goldberg. He is dominated, but manages to stay in. RVD and Benoit start brawling on the other side of the ring, with Benoit hitting a German Suplex on RVD. The seventh entrant soon came out, SCOTT STEINER.


Steiner flexed his muscles as he came to the ring, and fought with Goldberg once he got in. That gave Orton some breathing space, and he went over and started to brawl with RVD and Benoit. He got both of them down, and then proceeded to stop on them limbs, working them down. Goldberg dominated Steiner, but Scott managed to avoid elimination with an eye poke. He then attacked Goldberg’s leg, hoping that it would slow him down. The buzzer soon sounded and the eight entrant came out, MAVEN.


Maven went right after Steiner, and actually managed to get him teetering, only for Steiner to power his way back in. On the other side of the ring, Benoit began to fight back against Orton, and avoided a clothesline to hit Randy with a German Suplex. Benoit actually hang on, hitting another won. He went for another German Suplex, but was stopped by an interfering MATT MORGAN, who smashed Benoit in the back with a steel chair. Morgan then picked Benoit up and threw him over the top rope, to boos from the fans (MATT MORGAN ELIMINATED CHRIS BENOIT). Morgan left the ring as the ninth participant arrived, MARK HENRY.


Mark Henry came in started brawling with Goldberg, and he was the first man to not be over powered by the big man. They brawled, with no clear winner. Elsewhere in the ring, Randy Orton was beating down RVD in the corner, taunting the fans. RVD attempted a comeback, but a dropkick by Orton put that to rest. Next to them, Scott Steiner was attempting to eliminate Maven. Maven was close to elimination, but Maven managed to cling to Steiner’s head with his legs, pulling Steiner over the top of him and eliminating him (MAVEN ELIMINATED SCOTT STEINER). Big Poppa Pump threw a hissy fit, and tried to attack Maven, but was kicked off. However this distraction allowed Orton to clothesline Maven, eliminating him (RANDY ORTON ELIMINATED MAVEN). The buzzer then sounded and the tenth entrant came out, AKIO.


Unfortunately for Akio, he didn’t last long, as he attacked Goldberg first, which was a mistake that caused Goldberg to launch Akio from the ring (GOLDBERG ELINIMATED AKIO). However, this distraction allowed Henry to batter him from behind. Henry then went to throw Goldberg over the top rope, but Goldberg countered, sending Henry over the ropes and onto the apron. Goldberg then speared Henry, sending him down to the floor (GOLDBERG ELIMINATED MARK HENRY). In the opposite corner, RVD mounted a comeback on Orton. He hit a spinning heel kick, followed by an enzugari. Rob then signalled to the crowd and hit a rolling thunder. He went to the top rope, waited for Orton to get up and then leaped, and was caught with an RKO! Unfortunately for Randy, he couldn’t capitalise as number 11 came out, MICK FOLEY.


Foley charged to the ring and leaped at Orton, who was frozen in shock. Foley beat Orton all over the ring, before eliminating him (MICK FOLEY ELIMINATED RANDY ORTON). Foley then went to the top rope and leaped to the outside onto Randy, eliminating himself and causing further damage to the Intercontinental Champion (MICK FOLEY ELIMANTED HIMSELF). While this was happening, Goldberg and RVD were recovering, but did begin to brawl when the buzzer sounded for number 12 to come out, CHARLIE HAAS.


Charlie Haas charged to the ring, but was met by an oncoming Goldberg, who clotheslined his head off. Goldberg and RVD spent the time trying to eliminate Charlie Haas, but they were interrupted by number 13, SHELTON BENJAMIN.


Goldberg and RVD managed at first, but the tag team ability of Benjamin and Haas soon turned the tide of momentum, and the World’s Greatest Tag Team grounded Goldberg and RVD. They technically dominated them for the remaining time period, until number 14 arrived, TOMMY DREAMER.


Dreamer arrived to huge cheers, and brought his A-Game to The World’s Greatest Tag Team. He soon went for the Dreamer DDT on Haas, but received a super kick from Benjamin, and was then dumped from the ring (SHETLON BENJAMIN ELIMINATED TOMMY DREMER). The cocky duo then returned to Goldberg and RVD. They worked them over until number 15 came out, THE BIG SHOW.


Big Show joined the World’s Greatest Tag Team in beating down Goldberg, but this didn’t last long, and Goldberg made a comeback, hitting Haas with a Spinebuster. He then speared both Benjamin and then ducked a punch from Big Show and speared him as well. Goldberg then picked up Big Show, and attempted a Jackhammer on the giant! He lifted him up, and then WHAM! BROCK LESNAR tackled him. Lesnar then lifted Goldberg up, and delivered a massive F5 on him. Big Show then picked Goldberg up, and tossed him from the ring. (BIG SHOW ELIMINATED GOLDBERG). As Brock Lesnar left, the buzzer again sounded and number 16 came out, THE HURRICANE.


The Hurricane charged to the ring and started punching Big Show. He ran off the ropes and flung himself at the Big Show, but got a huge punch for his efforts. Big Show then picked up the lifeless superhero and launched him over the top rope (BIG SHOW ELIMINATED HURRICANE). On the other side of the ring, RVD was fighting back against the World’s Greatest Tag Team, kicking them all over the ring. He knocked them both down, and played Shelton on top of Charlie. He went up top, and signalled for the Five Star Frog Splash, he leaped, but Benjamin rolled out of the way meaning Haas took the full blow. As soon as Rob got up however, he was met by a Super kick from Shelton, who then collapsed, leaving all three of the men down. The buzzer then sounded and number 17 came out, RON SIMMONS.


Simmons brought the fight to Big Show, brawling with the big man. He ran against the ropes and clotheslined him, stunning the Giant; he tried again, and actually knocked him down. After this, he signalled to the crowd, and picked the giant up, but was pushed away and received a huge side kick. Big Show then picked Simmons up and Choke slammed him out of the ring (BIG SHOW ELIMINATED RON SIMMONS)! The medics rushed to Ron, checking he was OK as Big Show taunted the crowd. On the other side of the ring, Benjamin was attempting to eliminate RVD. He managed to get him over the top rope, but was then pulled over himself. Big Show then charged into RVD, but Rob pulled Shelton into his way, who went flying into barricade. Benjamin however clung onto the barricade, stopping his feat touching the floor. He was left pondering how to get back to the ring as number 18 arrived, RIKISHI.


Rikishi ran right into Big Show, sending the Giant flying. Haas was pulling himself up in the corner, so Rikishi walked over and gave the technician a giant stink face. Big Show soon stopped this, spearing the Samoan. Show then launched Rikishi over the top rope, picking up his fourth elimination (BIG SHOW ELIMINATED RIKISHI). This was also the opportunity Benjamin needed, launching himself onto the back of Rikishi, and then jumped back into the ring. The trio of Big Show and The World’s Greatest Tag Team then attempted to eliminate Rob Van Dam, but were unsuccessful in this endeavour by the time number 19 had come, BOOKER T.


Booker took the fight right to Big Show, allowing RVD to fight off Benjamin and Haas. Everyone brawled for the next minute, until Benjamin went for a superkick on Booker, who ducked, meaning Big Show got caught. This only angered the Giant, and Big Show chucked both members of the World’s Greatest Tag Team over the top rope (BIG SHOW ELIMINATED SHELTON BENJAMIN) (BIG SHOW ELIMINATED CHARLIE HAAS). This allowed RVD and Booker T to take advantage, and Booker kick Show in the stomach as he turned around, hitting him with the Scissor Kick, followed by a Rolling Thunder on the Giant. As the duo attempted to eliminate the Big Show, number 20 came out, CHRISTIAN.


Christian began brawling with long time rival Booker T as soon as he hit the ring. This left RVD by himself to try and eliminate The Big Show. Unfortunately, he was just too tired to lift the Giant, and was punched off. Show then threw RVD into the corner, stunning Mr. Monday Nights. Big Show then joined Cpt. Charisma in beating down Booker. The two had control when number 21 arrived, BRADSHAW.


Bradshaw went after the Giant, clearly anger about what had transpired earlier. However, this anger meant he paid no attention to Christian, who was able to deliver a beautiful dropkick to the back Bradshaw’s head. Big Show then grabbed Bradshaw by the throat and Chokeslammed him out of the ring! Medics rushed to the APA member as Big Show and Christian returned to RVD & Booker. They continued to beat them down until number 22 charged out, JOHN CENA.


Cena charged to the ring, ducked a huge clubbing blow by Big Show and spear tackled Christian. He punched him a few times before being dragged off by Big Show. The Giant put his large hand around Cena’s throat, but John powered out! Cena then ducked a punch and managed to deliver a back drop. He followed this with a Five Knuckle Shuffle. He then signalled to the crowd and waited for Show to get up. To the astonishment of the crowd, he got the giant onto his shoulders, but Show grabbed onto the ropes. Cena, however, delivered the AA to the outside, causing Big Show’s feet to touch the floor, eliminating the Giant (JOHN CENA ELIMINATED THE BIG SHOW). On the other side of the ring, RVD was fighting back against Captain Charisma. He kicked Christian in the legs repeatedly, and then superkicked him. The buzzer then sounded and number 23 arrived, RHYNO.


Rhyno immediately brawled with Cena, with no clear winner for the two minute period, Elsewhere, Rob Van Dam went to the corner and hit a split-legged moonsault on Christian. He then picked him up and attempted to throw him over the top rope, but Christian managed to hold on to the ropes and avoided elimination. Eventually, Christian fought Rob off and rolled back into the ring, right into a kick by Booker T. Booker then did a spinaroonie as the buzzer sounded for number 24 to come out, CHRIS JERICHO.


The Ayatollah of Rock N’ Rolla helped his buddy Captain Charisma out against Rob and Booker. After a while, they managed to knock RVD down and doubled teamed Booker for the majority of the period. On the other side of the ring, Cena and Rhyno had brawled right into the corner of the ring and were both trying to eliminate each other. Neither man could get an advantage for a while, but Cena eventually managed to get Rhyno teetering on the edge. He had nearly eliminated him when number 25 arrived, RENE DUPREE.


Rene charge to the ring, and lifted a distracted Cena up and over the top rope, bringing Rhyno with him (RENE DUPREE ELIMINATED JOHN CENA) (RENE DUPREE ELIMINATED RHYNO). He taunted the crowd for a minute. On the other side of the ring, Vitamin C was dominating Booker T and Rob Van Dam. That was until Christian taunted the crowd causing Jericho to push him. Captain Charisma was confused by this outburst, and this distraction allowed Rob and Booker to mount a comeback. They dished out blows to both members of Vitamin C, until they were blasted from behind by the leader of La Resistance. Dupree, Jericho and Christian beat down the duo until number 26 came out, VAL VENIS.


Val started brawling with his rival Rene Dupree as soon as he reached the ring. After some brawling, Venis delivered a powerslam to Dupree, and ascended to the top rope. He signalled to the crowd, but Dupree rolled away into the corner. Val leaped down and followed him, but received a low blow from the Frenchman. Dupree dominated him for the remaining time. On the other side of the ring, RVD and Booker T mounted a comeback. Rob managed to knock Y2J down with an enzugari, and Booker delivered a backdrop to Christian. RVD then kicked Jericho in the stomach, leaped over the top of him and hit a sunset flip. Booker, however, when up top and hit a leg drop on Christian, incapacitating both of them. RVD attempted to eliminate Captain Charisma, but Jericho stopped him and the two brawled until number 27 arrived, KANE.


Jericho and RVD stopped brawling in order to try and tackle the Big Red Machine, but they both received uppercuts for their efforts. Booker charged towards him, only to get met with a big boot. Kane then set his sights on Christian, who attempted to bargain with the monster, but received a side slam for his efforts. He then picked RVD up and dropped him; face first, onto the turnbuckle, busting him open. Kane then waited for Jericho to get up, before wrapping his hand around Y2J’s throat. He lifted him up, but Jericho slipped out, and kicked the Big Red Machine in the back of the knee. The Ayatollah of Rock N’ Rolla then teamed up with Booker to keep him on the mat for the remaining time period. On the other side of the ring, Val Venis mounted a comeback against Rene Dupree. He punched him with left hooks and right hooks, and then looked to eliminate him, but was unfortunately unsuccessful when number 28 arrived, ROBERT CONWAY.


Venis turned around to deal with Conway, but soon the numbers caught up with him. Dupree and Conway dominated him for a minute, before looking to eliminate him. They placed him and against the ropes, and tried to clothesline him over the top rope, but he ducked and backdropped them both over the top rope (VAL VENIS ELIMINATED ROBERT CONWAY) (VAL VENIS ELIMINATED RENE DUPREE)! On the other side of the ring, Kane was fighting against Booker T and Chris Jericho. Kane hit an uppercut on Booker, followed by clothesline on Y2J. Christian ran in, but got an uppercut for his attempt. Kane then threw Booker into a recovering RVD in the corner, knocking them both down. Kane then walked over Val, and waited for him to turn around. When Venis did, he was met with a Chokeslam. Kane then tossed him over the top rope (KANE ELIMINATED VAL VENIS). Kane was dominating the ring when number 29 came out, ULITIMO DRAGON.


Dragon did extremely well against the Big Red Monster; kick him in his injured knee. He ducked an uppercut, and dropkick Kane in the back of the knee, knocking him down. He then went up top and leaped onto Kane, but received a huge boot to the face which knocked him over the top rope (KANE ELIMINATED ULTIMO DRAGON). Kane then returned to the downed participants. However, Booker began to make the comeback, and managed to knock the monster down with a sidekick. He then signalled to the crowd, and went for the Book End, but Kane fought out with an elbow to the back of the head, followed by a powerbomb. Ashe went to eliminate his rival, ‘Medal’ played and number 30 charged out, Kurt Angle.


Kurt Angle went right after Kane’s leg, and he managed to knock the monster down. He continued to work this leg while Vitamin C tried to remove a bloody RVD from the match. They nearly succeeded, but Booker saved Rob before it was too late. The two teams brawled, but RVD’s injuries caught up with him and Vitamin C managed to knock them both down. They then ran over and double teamed Angle. The pairing high fived, Jericho turned around, but got thrown over the top rope by Christian (CHRISTIAN ELIMINATED CHRIS JERICHO)! Y2J yelled at Captain Charisma, but Christian told him it was every man for himself. Christian then went over to Booker, but got caught with Book End. Booker tossed Christian over the top rope, and then did a spinaroonie. (BOOKER T ELIMINATED CHRISTIAN). This left 4 people, all of whom slowly got to their feat. All 4 of them went at it, with Booker knocking down Angle and RVD managing to knock Kane into the corner with a well placed kick to the jaw. Booker and RVD went at each other, with Booker coming out on top. With RVD against the ropes Booker ran, right into a monkey flip. Booker managed to hold onto the ropes, but when he attempted to get back in, RVD superkicked him out to the floor (ROB VAN DAM ELIMINATED BOOKER T). Kane, RVD and Angle then went at it. Kurt was knocked down with an uppercut, leaving RVD to fight with The Big Red Machine. His injuries soon caught up with him, and Rob ate a Chokeslam, before being tossed from the ring, leaving us down to the final two (KANE ELIMINATED ROB VAN DAM). Kane dominated Angle for the next minute. He grabbed him around the throat, and looked to Chokeslam him when suddenly the lights went out...









The lights came back on around 30 seconds later. Angle grabbed Kane around the waist and suplexed him over the top rope, winning the 2004 Royal Rumble (KURT ANGLE ELIMINATED KANE). Angle dropped to his knees and celebrated his victory. He celebrated with the fans as the show came to a close.


Winner: Kurt Angle


Overall Show Rating = 84


Prediction Contest

Qualia – 15

Nobby McDonald - 13

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Raw Predictions

Scott Steiner versus Val Venis



Number One Contender's Match for Women's Title

Lita versus Miss Jackie



Goldberg versus Rico



The Dudleys versus Vitamin C



Rob Van Dam versus ???



Booker T versus Kane



Bonus Question

Who will Rob Van Dam challenge for his match?[1]

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Scott Steiner versus Val Venis

Winner: Scott Steiner


Number One Contender's Match for Women's Title

Lita versus Miss Jackie

Winner: Lita


Goldberg versus Rhyno



The Dudleys versus Vitamin C

Winner: Dudley Boys


Rob Van Dam versus ???

Winner: RVD


Booker T versus Kane

Winner: Kane


Bonus Question

Who will Rob Van Dam challenge for his match?[1] Batista

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Raw Predictions

Scott Steiner versus Val Venis

The Genetic Freak's peaks will be too much for Venis


Number One Contender's Match for Women's Title

Lita versus Miss Jackie

Jackie will give her a fight, but Lita will have too much for her


Goldberg versus Rico

Spear, Jackhammer, Win.


The Dudleys versus Vitamin C

New champs need new challengers, win may come via Evolution though, Vitamin C will struggle early after the Rumble


Rob Van Dam versus ???



Booker T versus Kane

The Big Red Monster will continue his Rumble momentum


Bonus Question

Who will Rob Van Dam challenge for his match?[1]

Kurt Angle will give him the chance after the Rumble

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Raw Predictions

Scott Steiner versus Val Venis



Number One Contender's Match for Women's Title

Lita versus Miss Jackie



Goldberg versus Rico



The Dudleys versus Vitamin C



Rob Van Dam versus ???



Booker T versus Kane



Bonus Question

Who will Rob Van Dam challenge for his match?[1]

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Raw began with Jerry Lawler & JR at the commentary table. They started talking about the Rumble event which had just passed, but were interrupted by ‘Line in the Sand’. Evolution came to the ring and Triple H said that at the Royal Rumble the better man won. He continued, saying that you can say the match ending was unfair, he will never get another one-on-one opportunity at him. Ric Flair then took the microphone and claimed that the Dudleys were lucky last night and that when he and Batista used their rematch clause, the tag titles would return to Evolution. Randy Orton then grabbed the microphone and claimed that Mick Foley had no right to be in the Royal Rumble and that when he got his hands on him there would be hell to pay. Triple H then took the microphone back but before he could say anything ‘One of a Kind’ played and Rob Van Dam came out. He claimed that he was tired of seeing Evolution come out every week and complain. RVD continued stating that tonight, he had the power to make a match, and thus tonight, he would face ‘The Animal’, Batista. Evolution were left furious as RVD left again.

Rating: 77/100

After the break, Val Venis was in the ring when ‘Holla if you hear me’ played and Scott Steiner came out with a microphone. He claimed that Maven, Stevie Richards and his opponent here were vermin who were lucky to be in same ring as him. He then told Val Venis to save himself a beating and lay down. Venis unsurprisingly did not lay down and the match began.


Scott Steiner vs. Val Venis

Good between the two. The finish came when the Venis went for a Money Shot, but Rene Dupree came out and distracted him, allowing Steiner to lock Venis in the Steiner Recliner. Val struggled, but soon had to tap out.

Winner: Scott Steiner


After the match, Rene Dupree rolled in and started stomping away on Venis. He picked him up for the Loire Valley Driver, but Val fought out. He started punching away on Dupree, and then clotheslined him over the top rope.

Rating: 67/100

Molly Holly was just joining the commentary table when the cameras returned ahead of the number one contender’s match for her Womens title.


Lita vs. Miss Jackie

Despite a good fight by Miss Jackie, Lita put her away with a Moonsault, making herself number one contender for the Womens Title.

Winner: Lita


Lita didn’t get much time to celebrate as Molly Holly attacked her challenger, laying her out with the title.


Goldberg vs. Rico

Goldberg was mad after last night, and he took his frustrations out on Rico. He eventually put him away with a Jackhammer.

Winner: Goldberg


After the match was over, Goldberg grabbed a microphone, yelling “Brock Lesnar, Your Next”

Rating: 74/100

The Dudleys vs. Vitamin C

A very close match here. In the end though, Christian and Jericho’s recent issues cost them the victory and a possible future tag team title shot as an argument allowed the Dudleys to hit and 3D on Christian for the victory.

Winners: The Dudleys


After the match, the commentators talked about the Royal Rumble some more and the finish. The cameras then cut backstage to Vitamin C’s locker room, where the two were arguing over who was to blame for their finish earlier. Trish managed to break it up, but the tension was clear as the cameras returned for RVD against Batista.


Rob Van Dam vs. Batista

This match was a classic case of Speed versus Power. In the end, Rob reversed a Spinebuster with a kick to the head, which allowed Rob to roll up the dazed Animal, picking up the victory.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Rating: 78/100

Kane vs. Booker T

The blow-off match to these two’s rivalry was certainly brutal. The match looked to be over when Booker hit a Scissor Kick, but Kane kicked out. Kane did eventually put Booker away after a 20 minute battle with a thunderous Chokeslam.

Winners: Kane

Rating: 82/100


Overall Rating: 80


Prediction Contes

Qualia - 17

Nobby McDonald - 11

Warhawk8492 - 7

Hitman74 - 4

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Smackdown Preview

Chris Benoit vs. A-Train



APA vs Basham Brothers



Billy Gunn vs Rhino



John Cena vs Shelton Benjamin



Eddie Guerrero vs Charlie Haas



Bonus Questions

Paul Heyman will make an announcement regarding the WWE Championship, what will it be? [1]

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Smackdown Preview

Chris Benoit vs. A-Train



APA vs Basham Brothers



Billy Gunn vs Rhino



John Cena vs Shelton Benjamin



Eddie Guerrero vs Charlie Haas



Bonus Questions

Paul Heyman will make an announcement regarding the WWE Championship, what will it be? [1]

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Smackdown Preview

Chris Benoit vs. A-Train

Winner: Benoit was on fire at this time


APA vs Basham Brothers

Winners: The APA: Always Pounding Butts


Billy Gunn vs Rhino

Winner: GORE GORE GORE! Big Rhino guy!


John Cena vs Shelton Benjamin

Winner: Like Shelton too though

Eddie Guerrero vs Charlie Haas

Winner: Poor WGTT


Bonus Questions

Paul Heyman will make an announcement regarding the WWE Championship, what will it be? [1] Angle's using his title shot at No Way Out?

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Chris Benoit vs. A-Train

Winner: A-Train's gonna tap out


APA vs Basham Brothers

Winners: APA to challenge Dudleys post Evolution


Billy Gunn vs Rhino

Winner: Billy Gunn to "Billy Gunn" this match


John Cena vs Shelton Benjamin

Winner: The Doctor is in


Eddie Guerrero vs Charlie Haas

Winner: Eddie to get his win back from the tag match


Bonus Questions

Paul Heyman will make an announcement regarding the WWE Championship, what will it be? Brock is coming


PS - Well played Warhawk8492, clean sweep last week :)

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Smackdown began with Micheal Cole & Tazz at the commentary table. They talked about the Royal Rumble for a few minutes when they were interrupted by the Smackdown General Manager, Paul Heyman. He came to the ring, accompanied by Matt Morgan. He grabbed a microphone and claimed that the Royal Rumble was Smackdown’s night: a Smackdown Star won the Royal Rumble, and the WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar, put in a dominating performance defending the WWE Championship, so dominate that Hardcore Holly was currently in hospital. Heyman continued, saying that Smackdown can’t just dwell in the past however; it needs to look forward to No Way. Heyman then announced a Number One Contender’s Tournament for the WWE Championship, featuring Shelton Benjamin, John Cena, Charlie Haas and Eddie Guerrero. At this point, he was interrupted by Chris Benoit, but before the Rabid Wolverine could say anything, Heyman told him he had a match against A-Train now!

Chris Benoit vs. A-Train

The crowd loved this match, and for good reason. Benoit and A-Train put on an amazing match here. For the finish, Benoit went for a Sharpshooter, but Morgan, who had stayed at ringside, got up on the apron, distracting the Canadian Crippler. A-Train charged, but Benoit managed to sidestep, and A-Train smashed into Morgan, sending him flying into the barricade. Chris then locked Albert into the Crossface, who had no choice but to tap out.

Winner: Chris Benoit

Rating: 73

After the break, the cameras were backstage where Tony Chimel was with Shelton Benjamin. Chimel asked Benjamin if he thought he could beat the Doctor of Thugonomics, to which Benjamin replied he was not only a better wrestler than Cena, he was also more charismatic and better looking. Benjamin continued, claiming he would have no problem putting John Cena down. The cameras then returned for tag team action.

APA vs. Basham Brothers

The APA came out with their ribs bandaged up, which allowed the Basham Brothers to dominate. However, a mistake allowed Bradshaw to roll him up for a three count. The APA celebrated as they heaped more misery onto the Basham Bros.

Winner: The APA

The cameras then cut to a pre-recorded segment by Hardcore Holly in hospital. Holly claimed that he would soon return and that he would get his hands on the World Championship when he did.

Rating: 64

Rhyno vs. Billy Gunn

Billy Gunn used his experience in this one, and managed to put up a good fight against the Man Beast, but in the end Rhino’s power was too much and the veteran Gunn was put away with a Gore.

Winner: Rhino

Rikishi danced for a minute

John Cena vs. Shelton Benjamin

Cena controlled the start of this match, but the athletic Benjamin soon took over. Shelton controlled the next several minutes, working over Cena’s back. John eventually made a comeback, but he was interrupted by the World’s Largest Athlete coming out. When Cena turned round, he caught a huge Superkick to the face, yet again turning the tide of the match.

Rating: 68

Shelton was still in control when the commercial break finished. After another minute of domination, Shelton went for the T-Bone Suplex, but Cena countered and pushed him away, before mounting a comeback. He hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle, and then picked Benjamin up for the FU. However, as he did so, Shelton’s leg caught the ref, knocking him down. Cena connected with the FU and covered, only to realise that the ref was unconscious. He tried to wake the ref up, but was spun around by The Big Show, who had got into the ring, grabbed by the throat and Chokeslammed down to the mat. Show then dragged Benjamin onto The Doctor of Thugonomics and woke the ref, who slowly countered the three count.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

After the match, Show continued the assault. He threw Cena out of the ring and got chair, which he smashed into Cena’s back. As John recovered, Show charged at him, and speared The Doctor of Thugonomics right through the barricade! He then celebrated with the US Title as medical personal attended to Cena.

Rating: 69

Kurt Angle was in the ring after the commercial break, with a celebration ceremony set up. He grabbed a microphone and thanked the fans for their support in him winning the Royal Rumble. He continued by promising to win the WWE Title at Wrestlemania. However, before he could continue, he was interrupted by the Big Red Monster, Kane! Kane came down to the ring and began brawling with Angle. The Olympic Hero put up a small fight, but Kane soon got the advantage with a huge uppercut. Kane then threw The Royal Rumble winner into the podium set up in the ring. The Big Red Monster then lifted Angle up by the throat and delivered a huge Chokeslam, before leaving with a trail of destruction behind him. The commentators talked about why Kane just destroyed the Royal Rumble as officials cleared the ring for the main event between Eddie Guerrero and Charlie Haas.

Eddie Guerrero vs. Charlie Haas

Eddie controlled the start of the match, but Haas managed to reverse the momentum early on after countering a crossbody with a dropkick. Haas then controlled the match for several minutes until he went to lock in the Haas of Pain. However, Eddie, managed to reverse it into a backslide pin, that got a 2 count. Eddie then made a comeback, hitting the Three Amigos. Eddie went up top and signalled to the crowd for the Frog Splash, but Haas leaped up and knocked Guerrero off his balance. Haas then climbed up and went for a Superplex, but Eddie blocked and kicked him off. Guerrero then signalled to crowd before leaping and connected with a Frog Splash. He covered and got the three count. Eddie celebrated the victory and advancing to the next round as Smackdown came to a close.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 74/100


Overall Rating: 74


Prediction Contest

qualia - 21

Nobby McDonald - 11

Hitman74 - 7

Warhwk8492 - 7

Crackerjack - 4

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Raw Preview

Stevie Richards versus Rene Dupree



Bubba Ray Dudley versus Randy Orton



Spike Dudley versus Kane



Stacy Kieblier & Jacqueline versus Molly Holly & Jazz



Goldberg versus Garrison Cade



Rob Van Dam versus Batista



Bonus Questions

1)Steve Austin will make an announcement tonight, what wil it be (three different topics)?[3]


2)What match type will Triple H make for RVD vs Batista II?[1]

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Raw Preview

Stevie Richards versus Rene Dupree



Bubba Ray Dudley versus Randy Orton



Spike Dudley versus Kane



Stacy Kieblier & Jacqueline versus Molly Holly & Jazz



Goldberg versus Garrison Cade



Rob Van Dam versus Batista



Bonus Questions

1)Steve Austin will make an announcement tonight, what wil it be (three different topics)?[3]


2)What match type will Triple H make for RVD vs Batista II?[1]Extreme Rules

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Stevie Richards versus Rene Dupree



Bubba Ray Dudley versus Randy Orton



Spike Dudley versus Kane



Stacy Kieblier & Jacqueline versus Molly Holly & Jazz



Goldberg versus Garrison Cade



Rob Van Dam versus Batista




Bonus Questions

1)Steve Austin will make an announcement tonight, what wil it be (three different topics)? A tournament for the number one contendership to the WHC.


2)What match type will Triple H make for RVD vs Batista II? Falls count anywhere

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Raw Preview

Stevie Richards versus Rene Dupree

Winner: Dupree


Bubba Ray Dudley versus Randy Orton

Winner: Orton


Spike Dudley versus Kane

Winner: Kane


Stacy Kieblier & Jacqueline versus Molly Holly & Jazz

Winners: Molly & Jazz


Goldberg versus Garrison Cade

Winner: Goldberg


Rob Van Dam versus Batista

Winner: Batista


Bonus Questions

1)Steve Austin will make an announcement tonight, what wil it be (three different topics)?[3] A beer drinking contest, winner gets a title match


2)What match type will Triple H make for RVD vs Batista II?[1]


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Raw Preview

Stevie Richards versus Rene Dupree

Winner: I want Stevie to win, but I just can't see it


Bubba Ray Dudley versus Randy Orton

Winner: Evolution get some revenge on the Dudleyz


Spike Dudley versus Kane

Winner: The Giant Killer will be victorious, but it won't be easy with Kane having all the momentum. Post match attack won't be pretty.


Stacy Kieblier & Jacqueline versus Molly Holly & Jazz

Winners: Jazzmission FTW


Goldberg versus Garrison Cade

Winner: Fear the Spear!


Rob Van Dam versus Batista

Winner: Batista should win the rematch to set up a rubber match, but I'm thinking the Whole Damn Show will go 2 and 0.


Bonus Questions

1)Steve Austin will make an announcement tonight, what will it be (three different topics)?

Cruiserweight 6 pack match - 6 cruiserweights in a 6 pack on a pole match. Vitamin C must clean his quad bike. Big Show vs Cena in a match at the next PPV.


2)What match type will Triple H make for RVD vs Batista II? - Tables match

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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>I would like to apologise for long delay, been very busy lately</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38355" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> Raw began with Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross at the commentary table. They talked about the past week, especially Kane attacking Kurt Angle, before being interrupted by the ‘Sheriff of Raw’, Steve Austin. He came to the ring and grabbed a microphone. Austin stated that since Smackdown has a pay-per-view in two weeks, that Raw should have their own event in two weeks. Austin continued by saying that this event would be called ‘Night of Champions’, and that at this event, on Raw the week after No Way Out, every championship on Raw will be defended. He then said that the Number One Contendership for the WWE Championship would be decided by a Beat the Clock Challenge next week, which would feature Rob Van Dam, Shawn Micheals, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Christian, Goldberg, Ric Flair and Mark Henry. Before Austin left, he stated that Randy Orton would defend his Intercontinental Championship against an Unknown Legend of the Industry. As Austin left, Rene Dupree came out to face Stevie Richards.<p> <strong>Rene Dupree vs. Stevie Richards </strong></p><p> A fired up Richards controlled the early going, but a low blow behind the referee’s back changed the momentum big time. Dupree controlled Richards for a few minutes before picking him for the Loire Valley Driver. However, Richards slipped off the back and then nailed the Frenchman with a huge Stevie Kick. Before he could cover though, Steiner jumped onto the apron, distracting the ref, allowing Test to run and nail Richards with a Big Boot. He then pulled Dupree onto Stevie and left as the ref turned around to count the three.</p><p> <strong>Winner: Rene Dupree </strong> </p><p> Dupree, Test and Steiner continued beating down Richards after the match finished, but they were soon stopped by the armed pairing of Val Venis and Maven, who scattered the group, standing tall as WWE went into commercial. </p></div></blockquote><p> Rating: 67</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38355" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> <strong>Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Randy Orton </strong><p> Orton controlled the contest for several minutes at the beginning, methodically working over Bubba. However, as Orton went for a Superplex, Bubba held on, countering it. The prime resident of Dudleyville then made a comeback, before signalling to crowd for the Bubba Bomb, but Flair grabbed his leg as he went for it, allowing Orton to counter into an RKO. He covered and the ref counted to three.</p><p> <strong>Winner: Randy Orton </strong></p><p> After the match Orton grabbed a microphone and ranted about Foley, Austin and all the legends, calling them all washed up and that at Raw’s Night of Champions he would prove why he is the Legend Killer.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> Rating: 80</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38355" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> <strong>Spike Dudley vs. Kane </strong><p> To say that Kane dominated this one would be an understatement. While the commentators talked about Kane’s attack on Kurt Angle, Spike Dudley was being ripped apart. After 5 minutes, Kane finally decided to end it and hit a huge Chokeslam. A 3 count later and Kane had won.</p><p> <strong>Winner: Kane </strong></p><p> After the match Kane grabbed a microphone. He began a rant about how he attacked Kurt Angle because he didn’t deserve to win the Royal Rumble. He continued by challenging Kurt Angle to put his title shot at No Way Out on the line. Kane then laughed manically until the cameras cut backstage to Evolutions locker room, where Triple H was standing. The World Heavyweight Champion claimed it was an honour to be able to pick a match for this week, and that Eric Bischoff was clearly the superior General Manager, he wouldn’t force the World Champion and Intercontinental Champion to put their titles on the line for no reason. Triple H then claimed that after last week, Batista has revenge in his mind, and thus Rob Van Dam will yet again face The Animal, but this time in a No Disqualification match. He finished by stating that after tonight, RVD would be unable to walk. The cameras returned with Lita coming to the commentary booth.</p><p> <strong>Stacy Kiebler & Jacqueline vs. Molly Holly & Jazz</strong> [/b]</p><p> Molly Holly & Jazz controlled this contest, and despite Stacy and Jacqueline putting up a good fight, the result was never in doubt and Jazz eventually locked in the Bitch Clamp on Stacy who had no choice but to tap out</p><p> <strong>Winner: Molly Holly & Jazz </strong></p><p> After the match, Lita and Molly got into a stare down until the commercial break began. </p></div></blockquote><p> Rating: 65</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38355" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> Trish Stratus was backstage with Vitamin C after the commercial break. She told them that they have to have more trust in each other to ever win the Tag Team Titles. She then got them to do the Catching Exercise. Jericho went first; and Christian caught him. Christian then went, but Y2J just looked as he fell to the ground. Captain Charisma held his head and Trish scolded the Ayatollah of Rock N’ Rolla as the cameras returned to the ring for Goldberg vs. Garrison Cade<p> <strong>Goldberg vs. Garrison Cade </strong></p><p> Goldberg dominated this match from start to finish. Cade survived well, even kicking out of a Spear, but he had no answer to a Jackhammer.</p><p> <strong>Winner: Goldberg </strong></p><p> Goldberg then grabbed a microphone and declared that if Lesnar wasn’t going to be a man and confront him, then he would have to go to No Way Out and get an answer. Goldberg then revealed a ticket he was holding to camera before yelling “Your Next”. Goldberg then dropped the microphone and walked out.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> Rating: 69</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38355" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> <strong>Rob Van Dam vs. Batista </strong><p> Rob begun the match on top, grounding The Animal with several kick. However, Batista reversed a clothesline into a backdrop to outside the ring. Batista then grabbed a chair, and worked over RVD’s back, but he was unable to get a pinfall. After several minutes, he went for a Spinebuster, but Rob reversed it into a DDT onto the chair. He then hit several signature moves including the Van Daminator and Rolling Thunder. However, when he went for a Five Star Frog Splash, Triple H came out and distracted him, allowing Batista to knock him off his pedestal. Batista then picked him up and nailed him with a huge Batista Bomb. He covered, but only got a 2 count. The Animal was furious, but then decided to get a table. He set it up and looked to put RVD through it with a second Batista Bomb, but Rob escaped and hit The Animal with a huge kick to the head, knocking him onto the table. Rob Van Dam then climbed the turnbuckle and, with The World Heavweight Champion looking on in horror, hit a Five Star Frog Splash on Batista through the table. Rob crawled into a cover and the ref counted to three.</p><p> <strong>Winner: Rob Van Dam</strong></p><p> As soon as the match finished, Triple H ran into the ring and started beating down Rob Van Dan. He was soon joined by fellow Evolution members Flair and Orton. After a minute of beating him down, The Game picked Mr. Monday Night up for a Pedigree. However, before he could, Shawn Micheals and Booker T came out wielding chair, scattering Evolution. Booker T, HBK and Rob Van Dam finished the show on top, inviting Triple H back into the ring. </p></div></blockquote><p> Rating: 76/100</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Overall Rating: 80</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prediction Contest</strong></p><p> qualia - 26</p><p> Nobby McDonald - 18</p><p> Warhawk8492 - 13</p><p> Hitman74 - 13</p><p> Crackerjack - 4</p>
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<p><strong>Smackdown Preview</strong></p><p>

<em>Cruserweight Championship</em></p><p>

Rey Mysterio vs. Jamie Noble</p><p>

Winner:</p><p> </p><p>

Paul London vs. Bradshaw vs. Danny Basham</p><p>

Winner:</p><p> </p><p>

Rikishi vs. Chuck Palumbo</p><p>

Winner:</p><p> </p><p>

Ultimo Dragon vs. Tajiri</p><p>

Winner:</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Benoit vs. Charlie Haas</p><p>

Winner:</p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin</p><p>

Winner:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bonus Questions</strong></p><p>

After Kane attacked Kurt Angle last week, he suffered a broken rib. Will he be present? [1]</p>

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