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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38401" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I just I just wanted to stop in and say that I really enjoyed reading the most recent episode/issue. Great stuff here! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks I am happy that you liked the show.</p><p> </p><p> I would also like to thank everyone for there comments, I appreciate it very much.</p>
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  • 3 weeks later...


It's that time again, it's time to announce the next three guests on the GDS Dynasty Show. First off let me announce the man who will take part in Mod-Makers corner this show. He made the 1970 "Territory Daze" Database and now is the third guest in Mod-Makers Corner, Mammoth. Next up we have an"Extremely Honorable" writer, he is the writer of ECW/ROH 94' Extremely Honorable smwilliams. And finally you will see the man who has the Active TNA Dynasty going to date, he is the writer of Taking the LOL out of LOLTNA, Mootnie!!! I am so glad to have all of them on the show this month and I can't wait for you all to hear the interviews.


(P.S. The answer to the raffle question from the last episode was 1/20, as it was in Packerman120. No one was able to get it right unfortunately so no one gets the prize.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

GDS Dynasty Show






Welcome everybody to the
GDS Dynasty Show,
on Grey Dog Software. I am your host
and we have an excellent show for you here and now. On this month’s show you will see The Writer of
ECW/ROH Extremely Honorable
who is the Main Event guest of the show. Also this month we have the maker of the
1970 “Territory Daze”
is my guest for this month’s edition of mod-makers corner. And the third guest for the show today, is the writer for
“Taking the LOL out of LOLTNA”
. Without any further delay let’s get started with the show. So right now, I'd like to welcome the opening guest of the night. he is the writer of Taking the LOL out of LOLTNA. Please Welcome Mootinie!







Glad to have you on the show Moot.


: It's great to be here! Although I'm a little irked that Packerman got on here before me.


: Haha, but hey your here now so let’s make the best of it.


: Yeah, I'm honoured that you asked me to come on. Seeing the other interviews and what people had to say, I'm not entirely sure I can live up to those standards, but we'll see haha.


: I'm sure you'll do great. Speaking about doing great, your TNA Dynasty has been getting great reviews from all readers. And I was looking at the boards and I was kinda surprised that your Dynasty is pretty much the only TNA Dynasty out there. Why do you think that is?


: Yeah I was super stoked after I wrote Victory Road, I was a little nervous, I didn't really like the show all that much, it took ages to write up, but people like it so that's quite gratifying to know I'm doing well. In answer to your second question, yeah, it is a little surprising. I think Kijar ran one a while back, I think it was him... haha. And then Captain2 ran one, but it certainly seems to be an overlooked company, especially when compared to the WWE diaries and the recent crop of WCW ones. Maybe people just don't watch TNA? I'm not entirely sure.


: Yeah there seems to more WWE/F dynasties that start and fail then there are TNA dynasties at all. You can definitely see that WWE is kind of the favorite among writers it seems. So to stem off my previous comment, what is your favorite company to write for, and why?


: Well, I really enjoyed doing New Japan.


: Wait, you did the New Japan dynasty with the CM Punk joining the Bullet Club storyline?


: Yes, that was me.


: Wow, I loved that storyline and very much enjoyed reading your shows.


: Aww man, thank you. But yes, that was a lot of fun. I felt like I was talking to myself for most of it, then I won Diary Of The Month, I was like 'wow, people are actually reading these long paragraphs?' haha, I'm trying to be less wordy with my TNA one you see. But I'm really glad people enjoyed it.


: So back to my previous question which company was your favorite to write for?


: I'm not entirely sure my TNA one is more enjoyable than my New Japan one, because obviously I'm only four shows in on the latter, whereas I wrote loads for New Japan.


: That's true, maybe when you come back to us we can see which you enjoy(ed) more.


: Absolutely, I'm sure that after Slammiversary I'll probably be able to tell you which I preferred writing haha, but the New Japan one was so frustrating at times, because of having to write the G1 Climax and its 10 events or so, doing that was killer haha.


: Yeah I bet, it's kind of a coincidence you bring that up because I started a regular season as New Japan and was wondering how exactly the G1 Climax tournament would go down in the game and I just looked up past shows of it. But, now speaking of your writing, what is you writing process exactly like?


: I have a Notepad document with a template that has all the BBCode stuff in it. I simply copy and paste that, fill it in, add the wrestler's names, etc etc. Then just leave a blank space for all the actual writing to be done. It's a two-tier process, formulating the template, and then actually writing all the details, if that makes sense to you. It does to me, kinda.


: It sounds like a very unique process, never really heard of someone doing that to be honest. To me it kind of reminds me of the way Fiction Plus works actually.


: I more-or-less saw the way that E-V writes, and Beejus, and tried to emulate that. Fiction Plus didn't seem to be that clean, and as a Graphic Designer, I always want my diary to look as tidy as possible.


: You’re a Graphic Designer, that's very interesting. I know this isn't really about dynasties but, I'm curious what kind of work do you do exactly in the profession?


: Pretty much just logos, leaflet designs, banners, advertorials. Anything that can be made in Photoshop or Illustrator, I can do, like belts for TEW for example, haha.


: I guess if I ever need some Logos, banners, or titles I know who to call, haha.


: Yeah, I'm your man!! Haha.


: This has been great Moot, but we are running out of time but before we go I have one last question, Could we possibly see you making another dynasty along with LOLTNA or will you stay as a one dynasty man?


: I've thought of running one as a side project, something much smaller, but I think my TNA one would suffer because of it. I'm focused on just one at the moment but in true wrestling fashion, never say never.


: Well Mootnie it's been fun, but it's time for a commercial and when we comeback we will hear from Mammoth on the next edition of Mod-Makers corner. It was great having you Moot.


: Thank you my man, the pleasure was all mine.



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- Welcome back, right now it’s for the usual news for the month. So if you haven’t already heard the Community Dynasty is being attempted for a fourth time with its commissioner Ayden. If you happen to be interested in joining you can follow this link to find more details on it, but the shocking thing about the dynasty is that there is no WWE in it. That’s right; WWE is not a company that is up for grabs so if you want to be a part of a company that you enjoy get there fast.


Let me now introduce the next guest on the show. He is the third person to be apart of Mod-Makers Corner and is the creator of the excellent 'Territory Daze' 1970 mod. Here is Mammoth!!







: Welcome to the show Mammoth, glad to have you.


: Thanks. I've been looking forward to this, and I can't wait to see what questions you've got planned for me.


: Well it is very great to have you. Right now lets start off with this, what inspired you to make a 1970's mod in the first place?


: Truthfully? I'm not sure. If I knew how hard it was going to be, I might not have done so. I guess I just wanted to challenge myself and do something that hadn't previously been done. There have been a lot of great historical moderations, almost all of which I've played at some point but eventually, there came a point where everyone who was "Yet to Debut" was virtually the same. So I figured the best way to fix this would be to go back even further and we could see the likes of Ric Flair debut and enter this wrestling world we've created for them and that's probably the thing that inspired me the most.


: Yeah that is a good motivation, just watching all the all-time greats grow into the huge stars they are in real-life. Do you personally have any favorite all-time great that's in the database?


: Wow, what a question. Apart from all the names you'd normally think of, there's El Solitario in Mexico and Bobby Shane in America; they're the two that immediately come to mind. Sadly, both of them were probably taken from us before we truly saw the best of them but their careers are still highly memorable, despite them very rarely being brought up in the conversation of "Best Ever". If I had to pick one, it would probably be Bobby Shane though because he was truthfully the total package.


: Two odd choices, but two very good workers that as you said we lost before we could see their best. Now as you've told me you are from England, correct?


: Absolutely.


: So did being from England make it harder to make the American wrestling scene from the 70's?


: I don't know really. I mean with the internet, it's all highly accessible but yes, I imagine it would have been easier had I been American. I'd say the Japanese and Mexican regions were more difficult. As a lot of British wrestling fans would probably admit, we perhaps watch more American wrestling than we do British wrestling... which isn't necessarily a good thing. Therefore, I already had a good knowledge on Ric Flair, Ray Stevens, Hulk Hogan etcetera so I guess that helped a lot that I already had a fair bit of knowledge of the wrestling scene in America. The further back I went through the more difficult it became but websites like Wrestlingdata.com and forums for old-time wrestling fans really helped.


: Yeah, I don't know why but American wrestling has always been on top of the wrestling world for some reason. Most people know about a lot of the American indy companies and such while most don’t know about indy companies in any other country.

So I understand that the Territory Daze mod is still getting some little things fixed in it but, when can we expect another mod from you? Oris the Territory Daze mod the only mod that you will make?


: Yeah, Territory Daze is still being worked on. Do you want an exclusive? One of the things being worked on is an additional promotion which is "50th State Big Time Wrestling" which is a Hawaiian promotion. As for second part of your question, At this point, I couldn't give you a definitive answer. I really want to concentrate on Territory Daze and make it the best it can be but if another era or year interested me, there is nothing to say I wouldn't take a crack at it. I mean I've already done a gimmick file and a couple of skins and I'd say I enjoy the little bits like them more than the fully-fledged moderation but as I say, I don't think I'd be against the idea of a new moderation if I found something that interested me. I don't know, maybe your readers can give some suggestions?


: You heard it here first fans; if you have any suggestions to give mammoth for a possible new mod he may be open to doing it. Now finally mammoth before we go do you have any words for anybody that is tempted to start making a new mod?


: Quite simply, enjoy it and do a moderation that you want to play and don't worry about anyone else. You'll soon realise that there are other people out there who'll enjoy it just as much as you.


: Well mammoth it was great having you and I can't wait to see your future updates for Territory Daze as well as any future mod that you will produce.


: Thank you, it was a real pleasure. Especially following in the footsteps of great moderation makers like Alvasaurus and Matt Shannon.


: Fans, when we comeback from commercial break I will get a chance to interview the writer of ECW/ROH Extremely Honorable SmWilliams. Don’t go away!



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- Welcome back to the show everybody, and if you are just joining us then you missed two great interviews with Mammoth and Mootinie so you might wanna look those up on Youtube. But now fans I have some big news, if you haven’t heard the End of the Year awards have been canceled. But what I have decided to do is resurrect them in a smaller fashion, and on the next month’s telecast of the GDS Dynasty Show it will be the End of the Year Award Show. There will be Seven awards to be voted for and they are as followed: Real World Dynasty of the Year, C-Verse Dynasty of the Year, T-Verse Dynasty of the year, Best Presentation, Shock of the Year, Show of the Year, and Storyline of the Year. I will be PMing some of the very top of the line members of GDS Forums to see if they happen to be interested in par-taking in the secret nominations and voting. So be ready because next month it will be the Year End Awards ceremony!!


Now fans tonight we've had some great guests, but now it's time for the Main Event guest of tonight’s show. He is the writer of ROH/ECW Extremely Honorable, Please, welcome to the stage Smwilliams.






: I am glad to have you on the show Sm.


: Glad to be here. Thanks for inviting me!


: The pleasure is all mine. It's just an 'honor' to have you. See what I did there..


: Haha. Should've seen that one coming.


: Haha, yeah I just took the opportunity I saw coming. So Extremely Honorable ROH/ECW dynasty is a very creative way to look at ECW and ROH. Considering most people or just some people see ROH as the new ECW. Is that what kind of motivated you or inspired you to create this dynasty?


: I think so. They kind of represent opposite ideologies. ECW being predicated on garbage wrestling, T&A, and the like while ROH is more about the art of wrestling. Yet, they've largely occupied the same place in the wrestling landscape as the 'alternative' to a Big 2...although I don't know if you considered TNA a worthy successor to WCW.


: Oh hell no, TNA isn't as close to as good as WCW was. Maybe back in the mid 2000's but that's it.


: Ironically, I was debating between a TNA dynasty and the ECW/ROH mash-up.


: Interesting. I mean there really hasn't been many successful TNA Dynasties lately and same can be said about ECW and ROH, but to be honest I think a lot of people are happy that you did pick ECW/ROH because the dynasty is working out really well. How are you enjoying it?


: I'm enjoying it a lot. It's slow going just because of other commitments, but I think that avoids to me getting burned out on the characters. Also, it's my first 'real world' dynasty after writing 3 C-Verse dynasties.


: That's a good point about getting bored of the character because usually when I myself would do dynasties I'd be so wrapped up in characters that I'd stop liking the dynasty and as you said get burned out. Also now that you brought up the C-Verse I've gotta ask this, which do you prefer C-verse dynasties or real-world dynasties? Which do you enjoy reading more and which do you enjoy writing more?


: It depends largely on the writer which sounds like a cop out, but it's not, I swear! For example, Self's CGC is consistently entertaining and probably my favorite dynasty going. In the hands of somebody else, I might not it enjoy it as much as let's say The Final Countdown's WCW diary. And vice versa. As far as which I prefer writing, probably the C-Verse. In the 'real world', the audience and myself get wedded to the characters as we all know them. It's a lot easier to be creative with certain wrestlers in the C-Verse.


: Do you find yourself having a different writing process for C-verse dynasties and real-world dynasties?


: So far, yes. With a C-Verse dynasty, the process can take longer because you, as a writer, have to find a distinct voice for each character. The 'real world' promos have been easier to write, but not as a fun, because I know what Shane Douglas sounds like. I know what Paul Heyman sounds like.


: That's a perspective I never really saw when looking at both the C-Verse and Real World. I always saw it as easier to right which makes it fun to see all the things you can think of to say for the character. But that's just me... So to follow up my previous question, could you tell me what your writing process is?


: Sure. I book the show in its entirety from top to bottom before ever writing a word, which I have to imagine, is pretty common. At some point, I'll work from the top down, trying to develop a flow to the show. I've begun to realize that I'm terrible at writing matches, so I'll usually just write a couple of moves to get to the finish. Then, go in and add the pictures and voila! Unlike most writers, I do everything in the forum rather than use a template or a word doc.


: That's a coincidence because, last month I had Packerman120 on the show and he told me the same thing. I think it would be very risque though to write the whole show in the forum because, something may happen causing you to lose all your work and it's not like it saved to the site.


: Unfortunately, that's happened before. Guess I didn't learn my lesson haha.


: Ha, yeah it has happened to me as well when I first started writing and from then on I just used Word.


: I'm actually considering making the change especially for the big events since the time it takes increasing the chances of me accidentally closing the browser or the computer restarting and there's nothing worse than having a show almost finished and having to start from scratch.


: Exactly, that's why Word seems to be the best choice. Unfortunately, we are almost out of time but before we go I have one final question for you about Extremely Honorable. Do you have a set time line for when Extremely Honorable will end? Will it be like a story and have a beginning, middle and end or will you just keep rolling with it until it becomes boring or stale?


: Funny you should ask that because I was just thinking about that today. When I started Extremely Honorable, my end goal was actually to write for a year with the ROH Anniversary Show being the last. That said, and I don't know if this will ever happen, but my dream goal would be to write ECW/ROH until the WWF or WCW job comes open leading right into WWF (or WCW): (Insert Clever Title Here) with Paul Heyman as Head Booker.


: Haha. That would definitely be very intriguing considering not many dynasties that I've seen have actual sequels to them.


: It'd be like The Avengers and The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. Come to think of it, WWF: Age of Heyman isn't a bad title! Thanks for the idea.


: There you go. Your Welcome, and with that said fans I'm glad you could join me but we are out of time. Thank you Mootnie, Mammoth and you Smwilliams for being guests this month and I'd like to thank you fans for reading, see you next month on the GDS Dynasty Show.

(The show fades out and then to black)

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  • 1 month later...

GDS Dynasty Show





Welcome one and all to the first edition of the
GDS Dynasty Show End of the Year Awards.
I am your host
tonight will be a great night as we will hear from some of the very best writers from GDS. Some will be presenting the awards and some will be collecting the awards and hell some are will be on the red carpet for some post-show interviews. But now without any further ado let me introduce the first presenter of the night for the C-Verse Dynasty of the Year he is the writer for
Deadly Overloaded Action
and former writer for
SWF Where men Become Legends
. None other than








I think a lot of us are drawn to the Cornellverse due to the limitless creativity it provides. Unlike the real-world, there’s no blueprint when it comes to each and every character. We’re not bound by what we’ve seen but rather given a clean slate to make our own version of their world. It’s this openness, this sandbox-like scenario that, I believe, brings the best out of the writers here.


While we function as a community of creative thinkers/bookers/writers, the next award celebrates the ‘cream of the crop’ as it pertains to 2014 Cornellverse dynasties. Whether you went back in time to the late 70’s, read about men becoming legends, or went on with the show up north, there is no denying that you enjoyed a good read. To be honest, there can only be one winner but all three (any many more truly) made for quite an amazing year on the GDS forums.


Here are the nominees for the 2014 ‘Cornellverse Dynasty of the Year’…



Supreme Wrestling Federation 79’ (by Sean McFly)


SWF Where men become legends (by Eisen-Verse)


CGC On with the Show (by Self)



And the winner for the CornellVerse Dynasty of 2014 is…

















CGC On with the Show by Self







Thanks for this award. It’s nice to know that people are enjoying the project, given how much time I spend obsessing over every little detail. I’d like to thank movies and television for letting me steal all of their ideas, my long commute for giving me plenty of time in the car with nothing better to think about, and thesaurus.com for teaching me so many different ways to say “the babyface punches the heel”. I’m also grateful to the 8RoW team for getting me started. The multiplayer aspect never panned out, but those guys helped create an interesting world for me to play in. With typical dynasty favorites out of my reach, I’m forced to follow the road less traveled, and that's really helped a lot.

I’m closing in on two years and 120 shows in the project, which is considerably more than my first dynasty, and I think I’ve got quite a lot left in me. Rarely do my private games go as long as this, so there’s a whole host of new challenges for me to enjoy as I continue on.

Thanks for the award.






Great job
CGC On with the Show
has certainly become one of the premiere C-Verse dynasties on GDS and hopefully we’ll be on the ballot next year as well. Next award up for grabs is the 2014 Real World Dynasty of the year. Now there are many very good and great real-world dynasties on GDS but the qualities that embody legendary dynasties are evident in these next three nominations. Here to present the award for 2014 Real World Dynasty of the Year, he is the writer of
JCP: Race to the Top
and former writer of
WWF Attitude is Everything








It’s an honor and a privilege to have been asked to present the award for the Real World Dynasty of the Year 2014. As many of you know I’ve around the TEW scene since the early days back when the “W” stood for “Warfare” and not “Wrestling”. Over these last ten years I have been reading and writing real world dynasties and I feel like I have a pretty good idea what it takes to create a great real world story. You need the right mix of realism and your own spin in order to put your own stamp on things without turning away your audience because your ideas are too farfetched. In order to have one of the truly great dynasties you also need longevity – no matter how well written or how well booked your story is; if it only lasts a month I personally don’t think it can be classed as one of the greats.


This year’s nominees are three dynasties that embody all of the qualities I’ve mentioned and many more besides and they can all be classed as great dynasties in anyone’s estimation. Between them, they have amassed more than 400,000 views and have their armies of loyal readers who keep coming back week after week, month after month and indeed year after year. The three dynasties also bizarrely have one other thing in common, they all started within 15 days of each other all the way back in March of 2013. The fact that these three dynasties have all lasted nearly two years shows how tight the competition is for this year’s award. I can say without any doubt that all three of these nominees are worthy of the award and that all three authors should be at the top of everybody’s reading list.


So without wasting any more time; here are the nominations:


WCW ’94: War of the Thrones by Beejus


WWF: The Golden Age… and Beyond? by The Final Countdown


WWE: THREE Brands… by The Lloyd


It is with great pleasure that I can now reveal that the winner and 2014 Real World Dynasty of the Year is …















WWF: Golden Age and Beyond by The Final Countdown!!!





(The Final Countdown)


This is quite an honor, especially considering the dynasty went on hiatus for several months after I lost contact with Ritchardo. Even after months of inactivity, there was still a ton of interest when I got back underway about a month or so ago. It's awesome to know that so many people enjoy reading this dynasty, and I hope to be able to continue on for years to come.


I must also give special thanks to both my former collaborator Ritchardo and my new partner in crime Anderz for enriching this game world. They really deserve a ton of credit for making this a more enjoyable experience for both myself and everyone else. Thank you.




(Voice Over guy- When we get back we see which dynasty won the T-Verse of the year! Don’t go away!!)


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Welcome Back it’s time to present the next award so now Let me welcome on to the stage the man who will be presenting the T-Verse Dynasty of the Year Award, one of the people who helped make it, MHero!!







Hello everybody! It's kinda cool to be presenting an award to be honest. Never thought I'd be given the opportunity to do something like this.


The Thunderverse holds a special place in my heart. What began as “freelance” work for jhd turned into joining the team outright and helping to shape the mod as we barreled from the release I first worked on – the 2013 release – to the most recent release – the
. It's been a lot of fun and I'm glad to be presenting to the award of Thunderverse Dynasty of the Year.


A good dynasty is something that engages people and encourages discussion. Anyone can post match results. Anyone can post a show. It's writing engaging characters, plot lines outside of the ring and storylines inside of the ring. Expanding the show to make the reader feel as if they are there in the moment, hanging on the edge of every near-fall and praying that their heroes can kick out (or that the villain can conquer the good). Of course, a good dynasty also needs to balance the serious with an edge of humor otherwise it gets all too serious. A goofy character or interaction along the way helps break the edge of a dynasty and allow readers to feel more at home – or so I've always thought.


Anyways, enough of my ramblings, Nominees for T-Verse dynasty of the year are...


DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution-13 by Tikerkinney


Grapplers of the Galaxy by Pteroid


The Return of Terry Thunder by jhd1

The winner of the 2014 Thunderverse Dynasty of the Year award is.....

















The Return of Terry Thunder by jhd1!!!







Thanks to everyone who voted, and for all those that have supported the ThunderVerse over the years.






Now speaking of ‘returns’, when someone does return from an injury, hiatus, vacation or whatever It can be quite a shock. So what a better leeway into the 2014 Shock of the Year award, here to present the shock of the year he is the most
‘Electrifying man in all of Entertainment’
, he is the
‘Jabroni beating, pie eating, trail-blazing, eye brow razing, shock of the year presenter, he can sell out any Civic Center’
The People’s Champion’
The Rock!!

(Played by Angeldelayette)




(The Rock)


<iframe width="150" height="150" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/CUNPUdl5Hyc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


[He walks up to the podium and clears his throat.]


Excuse The Rock but FINALLY The Rock has come BACK to the TEW Awards Show! It is great for The Rock to be here among the elite wrestlers here on this show, including jabronis like Tommy Cornell or Hulk Hogan. When they wanted to decide who to present the award for Shock of the Year, who better could they get than the most electrifying man in all of entertainment today? It's time for the Real World and the Cornellverse to get a wake-up call and who better to give that than the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising best in the present, future and past because you know that The Rock is always laying the smack down on your @$$! Now, let's get to the nominees, shall we?


The first nominee is Brian Pillman forming the nWo from WCW '94: War of the Thrones by Beejus


The second nominee is Giant Redwood winning the International title from [C-Verse 97] [HGC/DaVE] Everybody Knows by Phantom Stranger


The third nominee is Steve Austin's retirement fromWWF: Glass Shatters by Beejus


The fourth nominee is The Horsemen turn on Ric Flair to end Starrcade from JCP 1988 - The Alliance Fights Back (a TGA... and Beyond Diary) by Ritchardo


The fifth nominee is The Miz revealed as Genetic Monster from WWE 2014: What did I just watch? by Captain2


The sixth nominee is Matthew Gauge getting to the main event & pushing toward Supreme Challenge from SWF: Generation Supreme by James Casey


The seventh and final nominee is Marc DuBois throwing his SWF belt in the trash from Secrets of the Ring IV: The Final Sacrifice (TCW 2014) by NoNeck

(The Rock)

The winner is….
















The Horsemen turning on Ric Flair at Starrcade The Alliance Fights Back (a TGA... and Beyond Diary) by Ritchardo!!




Unfortunately, Ritchardo could not be here tonight so hopefully he is watching, and we’d like to wish him the best and we hope he will return to the GDS community sooner rather than later. Now up next when we comeback we will hear who won Storyline of the Year, Show of the Year, and Best Presentation! Don’t go away!!



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Welcome back to the GDS End of the Year Awards!! As we roll on let me introduce the next presenter for Storyline of the Year! He is the writer of
WWE: Three Brands
, THE man of many Lloyd’s!







As a new writer, the main driving point behind writing seems to be to have people comment and to know people are reading. As you become more experienced though, you realize that it is more about the content of the shows, and enjoying writing, than the number of people that read it. With this in mind, the 'Storyline of the Year' award would mean that your diary has the BEST single storyline across the entire board! To me, that would mean that people have gotten behind an idea, and enjoyed it in the way I hoped they would. So the quality of the show, encourages enjoyment as a writer, and this in turn brings about the quantity of the readership... and that is what it's all about... The Nominees for Storyline of the Year are…


Attitude is Everything Kane VS Undertaker by Anderz


War of Thrones Beejus KOW VS WCW


JCP 1988 - The Alliance Fights Back Horsemen VS Ric Flair and Terry Taylor by Ritchardo


War of Thrones Beejus Brian Pillmans Renegade persona leading to the formation of the NWO


Generation Supreme Chris Morisette's heel turn by James Casey


CGC: On With the Show Trent Shaffer & Christian Price: Super-Friends by Self


CGC: On With the Show Self, Canadian Championship Fragment


And the winner of Storyline of the year for 2014 is…

















The Horsemen V.S. Ric Flair and Terry Taylor from the Alliance Fights Back by Rtichardo




Congrats Ritchardo, The TGAAB universe is bringing home a lot of awards tonight rightfully so, TFC, Ritchardo, and now Anderz are making it a very interesting and diverse universe. Now next up on the chopping block is the award that is pretty much the base for any and all dynasties and that is your show. That’s right the 2014 Show of the Year, and to present the award is the man who one C-Verse Dynasty of the Year earlier in the night for CGC On with the Show. Please give a round of applause for SELF!!








Hi, I’m Self as you all know, writer of “CGC: On With The Show”. I gave it that name because I feel that nothing is more important in a dynasty than the shows themselves. They are the medium through which we tell our stories. They are the battlegrounds that give birth to our characters. They are the threads with which we weave together the tapestries of our grand visions.

Sometimes, however, there come along shows that go beyond mere threads. Shows that feature such wondrous matches, such exhilarating moments, and such unexpected twists and turns that they can’t help but stands out from the pack. This award is to honor the very best of these shows. May I present the 2014 Show of the Year. The nominees of the 2014 Show of the Year are…


First Smackdown of WWF/E Brand Warfare by Smasher


Master of Puppets 2012 SWF: Generation Supreme by James Casey


NWA Starrcade JCP 1988 - The Alliance Fights Back by Ritchardo


Wrestlemania XX WWE 2004 The Hangover by RKOwnage


Welcome to the Jungle SWF: Generation Supreme by James Casey


TCW Excessive Force--- Secrets of the Ring IV by NoNeck


And the winner of the 2014 Show of the Year is…


















TCW Excessive Force by No Neck in Secrets of the Ring!!!




It was with a heavy heart that NoNeck was unable to attend tonight but he did thank all of his readers for enjoying the show and is very thankful he won Show of the Year. We have had a great show if your just joining us you need to get on social media right now and tell your buddies to change the channel so they can see who won the final award of the night and so they can watch the post-show interviews getting live reactions from audience members as well… Moving on, now a dynasty can have great storylines and be rated five stars. But the thing that can be the bridge between great and legendary can very well be presentation. Without any further ado I introduce the presenter for the Best Presentation of 2014 award, he is the writer of
WCW War of Thrones
and WWF Glass Shatters. None other than








<iframe width="100" height="100" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/wNMbE7OzL-g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

(“War of the Thrones” plays to bring out Beejus, who walks to the podium while waving to the audience).

He says that “As CPB just said, some of the most legendary dynasties are the ones with the best presentation. Whether you’re someone who uses a lot of visual aids like pictures, a lot of coding, just a bare-bones wall of text, or even fictionplus, if you are comfortable with the form your story is being relayed, then you can typically gain followers in record time; and when you have happy followers, your writing just outright shines. These are the six dynasties and writers who were nominated for Best Presentation.


WWF The Golden Age and Beyond, by The Final Countdown,


SWF Where men become legends, by Eisen-Verse.


WWE: The Longest-Running Weekly Episodic Cluster of Shows in TV History!, by michgcs.


Operation World Championship Wrestling, by Angeldelayette.


SWF: Sunday Nights Counting Lights - The Continuing Saga of KP Avatar, by 3rdStringPG.


Deadly Overloaded Action, by Eisen-Verse.


“The votes are all tallied, and the winner is…………
















Eisen-Verse, for SWF Where Men Become Legends!




Beejus hands the award over to Eisen-Verse, shaking his head and waving again to the applauding audience before leaving the stage.





Thank you to everyone who voted for SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS for best presentation! I greatly appreciate your support and, like you, really enjoyed 'the ride' while booking/writing for the "Land of Supreme." I knew that, to ever feel comfortable with my GDS years, I would need to put together a strong SWF project. Thankfully, I had a chance to do so and truly enjoyed every second of it.


I'm a very visual guy and, in some ways, I've always found that to be a major limitation when creating a GDS dynasty. With the WWE or TNA, you can turn on the TV and actually WATCH these companies (and their wrestlers) in real-time. In doing so, you KNOW how to feel when you see someone hit the screen. We don't have that chance here; so, I work hard to create the imagery that pulls my vision out to the forefront. With SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS, I feel like I did some of my best work there.


All in all, thank you again for your support!




Fans, it was a great show and I’m hope you all enjoyed it! But don’t go away as up next will be the After Part Interviews Live! Before we go let me just give out a thanks to all those who have helped me with this show in anyway. Let me thank, Eisen-Verse, Beejus, Mootnie, The Lloyd, Angeldelayette, Jhd1, Phantom Stranger, RKOwnage, SMwilliams, The Final Countdown, Zergon, Sean McFly, Self, MHero, and Anderz. I really appreciate all the help that you gave me for this show. Well fans that raps up the 2014 GDS End of the Year Awards, see you next month with all new guests for the GDS Dynasty Show and I can’t wait to see you all next year for the 2015 GDS End of the Year Awards. So Long!

(As the show fades out and then to Black)

Credit goes to Mootinie for the banners representing each Award.


Award Winners:


Real World Diary Of The Year:


WWF Golden Age and Beyond (Final Countdown)



C-Verse Diary Of The Year:


CGC On with the Show (Self)


T-Verse Diary Of The Year:


The Return of Terry Thunder [ThunderVerse] (jhd1)


Storyline of The Year:


JCP 1988 - The Alliance Fights Back (Horsemen VS Ric Flair and Terry Taylor Ritchardo)


Show Of The Year:


TCW Excessive Force--- Secrets of the Ring IV (NoNeck)


Shock Of The Year:


The Horsemen turn on Ric Flair to end Starrcade ( Ritchardo's JCP)


Best Presentation:


SWF Where men become legends (Eisen-Verse)

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GDS Dynasty Show End of the Year Awards After Party!!


(As the After Party begins the first guest we see is none other than the writer of SWF Supreme Generation James Casey.)




(James Casey)


: Hey James, so what did you think of the show?


: A lot of fun! Some very deserving winners, no question. You only have to look at the quality of the nominees to see what a deep field it was across the board.


: That is very true, couldn't say it better myself. Now how does it make you feel that you were nominated for three different awards with all those other great writers?


: Really, I was delighted. The great thing, personally, was seeing which elements of the diary appealed to people. That Matthew Gauge's push was a shock was what I wanted, as he jumped from the pack. That Chris Morrisette's push got nominated I think says a lot about the appeal of the character, who's an unsung hero in the CVerse, and SWF in particular.


And the competition... Well, NoNeck, RKOwnage, Self, Phantom Stranger... I could go on, but it's an elevated group to be among.


: And you do definitely deserve it. Now before I head off to see what some of the other guests are up to I do have one last question. Throughout the night what was the biggest shock that struck you during the show? Was it a winner, presenters speech, etc.


: I probably can't call the Rock's appearance a shock. The man's a total mark for GDS award shows!

I think for me, and this is surely my personal preference colouring things, but I was surprised that Beejus' War of the Thrones didn't get RW Dynasty of the Year. I do think it's a great dynasty, but it goes back to what I was saying earlier - the depth of the field this year has been tremendous.


: Yep that is the truth anyone of these nomnees had a viable reason for winning the awards they were put up for. Well James so long for now, maybe we'll see you soon on the GDS Dynasty Show.


Any time!



(As we continue around the party we see Mootinie, the writer of Taking the LOL out of LOLTNA)





Hey Mootinie can I get an interview?


Hey hey! Yeah of course you can.


: First off, let me get your thoughts on the show.


: Oh it was great, a whole host of worthy nominees and winners and a star-studded lineup of presenters, I can't wait for next year's, hopefully I'll be nominated next time.


: Yeah maybe, Taking the LOL out of LOLTNA could be your ticket to winning an award next year possibly.


: Yeah, let's hope so, but as Anderz said, the key is longevity and it's crazy to think that the three nominees for that award have been writing their projects for going on two years. I just spoke to Packerman, even he was blown away by that observation. Oh, and congratulations on winning that one TFC. Beejus will be coming for you.


: Your causing trouble Moot,


: It's a party! I love stirring the pot my friend!


: Haha. Speaking of TFC winning Real World Dynasty of the Year, I spoke to James Casey earlier in the night and he said that the most shocking moment in the night for him was Beejus not winning Real World Dynasty of the Year. What was the most shocking or memorable moment from the show for you personally?


: Yeah, that was a big surprise, especially given its DOTM wins. Obviously The Rock showing up as a big shock, and he wasn't actually trying to save face or anything! But I think the most memorable moment for me was Ritchardo taking home Storyline of the Year, I had KOW vs. WCW down all day long for that award but Ritchardo is still a worthy winner and I liked that all the awards were a little unpredictable.


: Before I go I've got one last question. Of all the winners on the night who do you think was the most deserving of the award he won?


: As soon as you came to me about making some graphics, I just knew that Eisen-Verse would take Best Presentation, but to answer your question: I think Self taking home C-Verse Dynasty of the Year. Although I'm not a dedicated reader of his project, I have gone through it plenty of times and I think it's great. I was happy to see him win, but a bit surprised that Eisen-Verse didn't take it for his great SWF project. Maybe that one simply ended too early in the year?


: Self has done some very good things with CGC in his dynasty but the C-Verse Dynasty of the Year was still very close to call. Well Moot thanks for joining me and also thanks for the banners as well I appreciate the help, and I hope to see you soon.


: No problem, any time! Thanks for taking the time and effort to give the board a definitive End Of Year awards, it was a great read.


: Thanks bud, I really appreciate that and next years will be even better. But thanks for taking time out from the party moot, you can go back to stirring the pot now.


: Hahaha, well... we don't want the Police showing up to this party or anything do we?...


: You only live once!


: Very true, I think I'll go find Packerman and tell him he wasn't nominated for anything and see what happens.


: Haha, good luck with that and so long Moot.


: See ya later.



(While the party continues on we see Angeldelayette by the punch table and go over to him)




: Hey Angel, can I get a quick interview?


: Sure thing. Its great to be here.


: So right off the bat I have heard rumors that you have an announcemnet to make, would you like to share?


: Absolutely. The announcement is not a positive one at first, I do have to say. Instead of bumping an old thread, I decided to use this opportunity to make the announcement that I am ending my writing of WWE 2014: The Game Is Only The Beginning. I am sorry to make that announcement. However, it is necessary in my eyes as I have lost my momentum for that game, probably due to all of the stress I am going through in real life. However, on the positive side, I am planning on beginning a brand new diary beginning in January 2015 of the WWE on the road to the Royal Rumble and beyond. I have a few changes that I will be making to the mod but I am excited about it because this is my favorite time of year. I am looking to, at the very least, get that one to WrestleMania.


: Wow, I mean while it's dissapointing to see WWE 2014: The Game is only the Beginning done, atleast we now get to see you carve out WWE in the beginning of 2015. It'll be very interesting to see what twists and 'turns' you make within the dynasty it self and I really can't wait for that.


: I do feel very lucky to have a fan base that will continue to read my diaries despite my times where I lose focus here and there. I want to take this opportunity to thank that fan base for everything that they have given me. I hope that I will continue to earn your support.


: And I bet they'd like to thank you for giving them good dynasties to read for such a long time now. Moving on now, my next question for you now is, how did you enjoy the show?


: You and the others did an excellent job of putting things together for the show. I feel bad that I was unable to help any more than I did. However, the writing for the awards was excellent and I feel like very deserving diaries were nominated and won the awards. I am grateful that I did receive one nomination in the awards themselves but there was a lot of tough competition out there. I would like to give a thanks to you and the committe themselves for working hard on getting this done.


: The making of the show was really fun and hopefully next year you can be more innvolved then this year because it was your idea. I'd like to thank you for the idea in the first place.


: Youre very welcome. I know that as a writer I absolutely love getting recognition for my work. Whether that is being nominated in the diary of the month, winning it or being part of the DOTY, it does mean a lot to each writer. I am just glad that this was able to be moved forward and hopefully will continue to grow in the future.


: It definitely will. So now moving along originally you were suppose to be the presenter of the Shock of the Year. But instead you got The Rock to do it and many say that you actually gave The Rock lines to say for the show since he was rumored to be nervous before going on. Is this true?


: It was definitely the shock of my year when The Peoples Champion came to me and asked me if he could be the presenter. Who could tell The Great One no when he asks for something like that? But he said that as an actor now he is used to being fed scripting instead of coming up with his own work. So, between you, me and the lamppost, he got a few lines here and there from my own writing.


: WOW, it's true. The Peoples Champion got his lines from Angeldelayette. That must somewhat of an honor in my book at least.


: It was and is definitely an honor. But it helps that I would love to one day work on the writing staff of a professional wrestling company. My dream right now is to either do that or work as a manager. Who knows if that dream may come true one day.


: That'd be very interesting, you'd bring some great booking skills to any writing team. And by the looks of how you wrote for The Rock, you'd be good scripting anyone as well.


Finally, before we part ways from this conversation I have one last question. On the night what was the most memorable moment of all for you?


: To me, the most memorable moment for tonight was seeing E-V get the recognition he deserves for his hard work in his SWF diary. The presentation that he does for each and every single one of his diaries is something that everyone should aspire to. He works very hard on the visual side of things and I think that is a very important aspect of a dynasty. Not to mention the fact that he is also a very good friend and a good man in his own right.


: Yeah I have seen his presentation work and he does indeed deserve that award more then anyone. Also picking off what you said "I think that is a very important aspect of a dynasty." I thought the same which is why I made that the Main Event Award. Well Angel it was great seeing you again and hopefully we can see you soon on the GDS Dynasty Show.


: Absolutely, CPB. Come to me, any time. I was honored to be one of the very first guests on the Dynasty Show. And it would be an honor to become the first repeat guest on the show, as well.


: You deserved to be the first guest for all you have done on GDS over the years. Maybe next time we meet on the show we can dive further in-depth into your style and such. But right now it's time to say so long bud.


: so long bud. Just kidding. I would be very happy to be a repeat guest on the show. And you can ask me any questions that you like. Have a great rest of your day.


: Thanks dude maybe in march we can see you again for the show. So hopefully I can see you soon then.


: You bet! Wait a second, whats in this punch?


Angel turns and runs off


: I guess I'm not gonna have any punch now.




(Right after Angel runs off we see Packerman a bit woozy as we suspect he's on his fifth glass of punch)




: Packerman hey, are you ok?


: Ya men, I'm totelly not drenk or sometheng like thit. 0 percent net drenk!


: Maybe you've had enough punch.


: Nah men, that panch is fine! You seen the pet over dere? This party is freking amazin' bro!


: If I interview you then will you put down the punch, because I was hoping too get an interview with you.


: Yeh men, I can pat done this panch for a sec. Shoot away men!


: Okay great. Right off the bat what was your initial reaction of the End of the Year Award Show?


: Men, I thaght it was a great showe! Befor I left the thing, I had hi hops on tha potentshul of dis thang, and it wes a grate debute of ite!


: I had hi hops for it to.
. I've asked Angel, Casey, and Mootinie this and now it's your turn, what was the shock of the night or most memorable moment of the night for you?


: Men, the shack of the nite for mahselve has gottobe the Beginning Countdown takin apartment the Real World diaree of the year thingee. I likee has diaree and I am glade to se him as a weiner!


: Your not driving home are you?


: Nah meng, I got mahself a valete! The bad one The Rack is drivin me home to his condapartmenthome and I gon sleep in his basment oohhhh yeahhh brother!


: Oh The Rack yeah I heard he is 'Tortured' in that big condapartmenthome all by himself. Back to the show now, we saw some very deserving winners and of all of them who do you think deserved the award they received the most?


: Men, for not ben an Cornell fanthing, I happy dat Eisen took condo the award! The dood totaly desreves it and I could be more hapy for hime!


: Uhm ok, I think understand. Oh yeah, I forgot did Mootinie tell you "You weren't nominated for anything' Because He told me that after my interview with him he'd find you an tell you that to see what happens?


: Nah men, that cowerd did note tell me dis! I men I dan't cure but that Moose guy is somethin else! I wnat him in the aley one hundred on one where I will kick his bam out wit a plate of t and crampets! Oh yeahhhhh!


: NOT THE CRAMPETS!!! Use the cake no ones eating it anyway! Thanks for your time Packer.


(Packerman proceeds to stumble off tripping numerous times to go find Mootinie "stirring the pot".)


: Mot! I went ya in da alley uno on one right naow! Come git som sister! Ohh yeahhhhh!


: Hahaha look at you, you mess!


(Packerman Punches Moot square in the face and then GDS Security start to escort both of them out with them yeling at each other as other GDS Celebrities follow them to see what's going to happen. After they are taken outside Moot and Packer stand face to face with me in between them and as soon as I move they begin to brawl.)



Mootinie V.S. Packerman

(The Following brawl was written by Beejus)


Packerman staggers toward Mootinie, and he swings… missing by a mile. Moot tries to shove Pack away, but Packerman is not to be deterred, punching Moot in the ribs. Mootinie shoves him forcefully, but an inebriated cheesehead is not easy to get away from; while Moot tries to enter his waiting car, Packerman finally connects with a right cross to the cheek, both men falling into the backseat of the car! The two war out the other side of the car and roll around in the middle of the street, stopping all traffic as they jockey for position. They roll back toward the red carpet, and bowl over some of the dignitaries in the area, actually steamrolling Fruitloop and Ayden when they find themselves too close to the brawl. Mootinie throws a punch that Packerman stumbles out of the path of, and it catches crackerjack in the jaw! Other people are trying to separate the two, and GDS Security are unable to do so as well. The red carpet gets some nose blood on it as Mootinie gets a good shot in on Packerman, and it basically requires an entire wall of other GDS stars to come in between them and shoves Mootinie into his car, which drives off into the night as Packerman is slurring loudly in the direction which Moot left in.




(While the crowd starts to disperse from the brawl between Mootinie and Packerman I see Matt Shannon standing away from the pack trying to hail a taxi.)



(Matt Shannon)


: Hey Matt, before you go can I get an interview?


Matt Shannon:
Heck yes!


: So what did you think of that fight that just happened?


Shannon: I'm shocked that I wasn't the one that started it! *laughs* Even worse, I had my cellphone cued up to play "Street Fightin' Man" by Rolling Stones, but instead I hit "Baby Baby" by Amy Grant. Now you know why I'm hailing a cab!


: Haha... So how'd you enjoy yourself at the Show?


Matt Shannon
: I had a lot of fun, if I can say so myself.


: What had to be your favorite moment on the night?


Matt Shannon
: Seeing the Final Countdown and Ritchardo rewarded for their hard work for their collaborative efforts in their respective Golden Age dynasties would probably have to rank as my favorite moment. The most surprising moment, and a great one at that, was the surprise appearance of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.


: Yeah, TFC and Ritchardo both deserved all the awards they got for making such an interesting multiplayer universe, and with Ritchardo leaving Anderz was a great choice to replace him. Also speaking of The Rock you could get a ride with him, Packerman told me Rock was taking him back to his condoapartmenthome and I bet Rock wouldn't mind if you tagged along.


Matt Shannon:
You know, that's not a bad idea. Besides, I need to save that money. Speaking of Anderz, let me say that he has done a great job in picking up where Ritchardo left off as JCP hasn't missed a beat.


: Yeah, JCP is as good as ever. Moving on now, you have a dynasty that pits you in 1997 as WCW. Now unfortunately you werent nominated for any awards this year consdering it's fairly new, but do you think next year you'll be able to get nominated or even win any of the End of the Year awards?


Matt Shannon
: Don't get me wrong, it would be humbling if I were to even be nominated for any End of the Year awards, much less winning one. But to be quite honest, whether I'll win or be nominated is the furthest thing from my mind. My main concern is making sure I'm having fun with my game save, that I'm having fun writing the dynasty, and that the readers are enjoying it. Anything else that happens is a bonus.


: That is a great philosophy to have when writing a dynasty, any aspiring writer should take that as advice. Speaking of bonuses alot of writers tonight got those bonuses by winning there respected awards. Of all the winners who do you believe deserved there award the most?


Matt Shannon:
I don't know if I can answer that fairly or not because I haven't had a chance to check out the dynasties of fictional universes, and haven't had a chance to check out every dynasty out there for that matter. I can say, however, that TFC and Ritchardo definitely deserved their awards. The way TFC has used Hulk Hogan in his Golden Age dynasty, keeping him out of the title picture while keeping him relevant, has me wondering how a current day dynasty as WWE written by him would look like. One thing's for sure, he wouldn't have Roman Reigns quoting Looney Tunes!


: Lol, that's very true. Well Matt it was nice talking to you and I'll see you soon.


Matt Shannon
: Thank you very much...
*Beejus steals Matt's seat in Rock's car, the last seat available*


: *Chuckles as he walks away*


And that is the end of the After-Party! I hope you enjoyed.

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The three dynasties also bizarrely have one other thing in common, they all started within 15 days of each other all the way back in March of 2013.

That is bizarre. I knew War of the Thrones started around the same time as TGAAB, but I didn't realize it was that close--and that The Three Brands started in that timeframe as well. How odd that all three of these long-running dynasties began so close to each other!


Thanks to all who voted for me, as well as CPBHBK for running this and everyone who pitched in. (Oh, and to Ritchardo as well, who won more awards for the TGAAB universe than I did!) And congrats to all the other winners.


I also have to say that Beejus has a pretty sweet theme song! :D

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That is bizarre. I knew War of the Thrones started around the same time as TGAAB, but I didn't realize it was that close--and that The Three Brands started in that timeframe as well. How odd that all three of these long-running dynasties began so close to each other!


When I realised that it was so close I felt like I had to mention it. It was a very strong week around these parts.


Big thumbs up for CPB for pulling this together (and of course everyone else who contributed) and well done to all the winners.

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Awesome stuff. Congratulations to all the winners.


When I realised that it was so close I felt like I had to mention it. It was a very strong week around these parts.


Big thumbs up for CPB for pulling this together (and of course everyone else who contributed) and well done to all the winners.


Thanks to all who voted for me, as well as CPBHBK for running this and everyone who pitched in. (Oh, and to Ritchardo as well, who won more awards for the TGAAB universe than I did!) And congrats to all the other winners.


Putting this whole thing together was really very fun and I'm glad you guys enjoyed it!! And I can't wait till next year to do it all again.

P.S. The first post-show interview has been posted

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-The guests for the next edition of the GDS Dynasty Show have been announced as Anderz from JCP-Race to the Top will be on the show as we will talk about him joining TGAAB game and what it was like taking over for Ritchardo, also on the show in Mod-Makers corner will be Fleisch as we will see what motivated him to make the Millennium database as well as talking about all the other mods he has created, and finally the last guest on the show will be KnowYourEnemey as we will jump in and ask him about joining Angeldelayette's Operation: World Championship Wrestling, as Angels rival the WWF.


-You do not need skype to be interviewed for the GDS Dynasty Show all interviews will take place on Titan Pad. I repeat all interviews will take place on Titan Pad.


-The After-Party Interviews should all be done after this weekend and I will post an update once they are indeed finished.


-The GDS Hall of Fame could possibly make it's return in April of 2015 for the 2014 Class. It is a possibility that after the success of the 2014 End of the Year Awards big show that the 2014 Hall of Fame ceremony could be next.


- The last bit of news on the day is that the GDS Dynasty Show has gotten a new banner which can be seen below.




P.S. The Second After Party interview has been posted

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Oh, and congratulations on winning that one TFC. Beejus will be coming for you. ;)

As that would mean that War of the Thrones will still be going strong at this time next year, I'll happily accept that. CPB saw my ballot; he knows how much I love Beejus! :D


And on that subject, I think I know one of my top candidates for the HOF if we have that ceremony in April...

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Out of my curiosity, why was voting private for this? Not stirring up controversy, just wondering why the public couldn't vote.


Because I didn't want people to know who won before the award show, also I didn't want to cause drama between people if someone wanted them to nominate or vote for them and they didn't vote for them, and if I opened it privately to too many people it would've been to hard to keep track of, especially with all the extra nominees there probably would've been.

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Because I didn't want people to know who won before the award show, also I didn't want to cause drama between people if someone wanted them to nominate or vote for them and they didn't vote for them, and if I opened it privately to too many people it would've been to hard to keep track of, especially with all the extra nominees there probably would've been.


Just throwing in opinion here: All that drama could be eliminated by a Google Doc survey. It would be private and only select people could see the results. Was the plan ever before me and angel left to only let popular dynasty people vote? Not that I recall, but perhaps I was out of the loop. Just saying. Don't want to cause any drama though.


EDIT: May I say now that I am fine with all the winners.

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Just throwing in opinion here: All that drama could be eliminated by a Google Doc survey. It would be private and only select people could see the results. Was the plan ever before me and angel left to only let popular dynasty people write? Not that I recall, but perhaps I was out of the loop. Just saying. Don't want to cause any drama though.


EDIT: May I say now that I am fine with all the winners.


That's a good idea, honestly didn't even know you could do a Survey on Google Docs, especially a private one that the public can't see. I mean it's a little late to do it for the 2014 Awards, but next year that could very well be how voting is handled.

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That's a good idea, honestly didn't even know you could do a Survey on Google Docs, especially a private one that the public can't see. I mean it's a little late to do it for the 2014 Awards, but next year that could very well be how voting is handled.


Yup, in fact, I believe that's what Togg did for the Wrestling Auction. Thanks for acknowledging my opinion :D

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Interviews with Angeldelayette and Packerman120 have both been posted in the After-Party post. Scroll up to check it out.



I would like to thank CPBHBK for the post-show interview. Also, for doing the writeup and all the hard work he and the committee implemented in this.


On behalf of the committee and myself I'd like to send appreciation to all who enjoyed the show and the have enjoyed the After-Party. Also the final After-Party interview will most likely be posted tomorrow sometime.

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That was fun :D Thanks to CPB for letting me go as a drunk character, Moot for the brawl, and Beej for writing it up on short notice. Hope ya all liked it :D


It was a very interesting interview to say the least.


Haha just noticed I got steamrolled in a brawl. Awesome


Now you wouldn't be saying that if that actually happened, :p.



The Last After-Party Interview is posted

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