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Supreme Wrestling Federation: 79' and Onward!

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...SWF Presents...






The show begins with Shawn Spades walking through the backstage area. Still visibly confused by his discussion with Deadly Gamble last week, Spades is looking over his shoulder occasionally making sure there's nobody coming for him. What he fails to notice, however, is a door opening on the left side of the backstage area, and The Lunatics emerge from one of the dressing rooms and assault the young man in the middle of the hallway. Spades yells for help but the Lunatics already have him in their clutches and they bolt off with the young man hanging over Saionji Omura's shoulder. The two carry Spades back into the dressing room and as the door closes, the screen fades to black.








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The Hit Squad vs The One Percenters


After their impressive display of teamwork last week, Powerhouse Patterson and Ray Williams decided to link up as The Hit Squad to take the tag team ranks by storm. Their first official challenge as a team lies in the One Percenters. Midden and Williams start in the ring and fire at each other, with Williams obviously getting the better of the striking exchanges because of his background. Midden tries to get close to throw him around, but he is instead tossed into his own corner. Midden tags out and The Night Rider jumps into the mix, but Williams ducks under a clothesline and tags out to Powerhouse Patterson, who flies into the ring and blasts The Night Rider with a big spear tackle. The Hit Squad continue to dominate their opponents until Powerhouse Patterson eventually finishes things off, pinning The Night Rider after a big clothesline.








Following the match, The Hit Squad get a hold of some microphones and address their common enemies:


Powerhouse Patterson: Last week, me and Ray, with some help from Johnny Boy Tucker, dominated the so-called, "All-Star Team". Richie Pangrazzio & his daddy never showed up until the end of the match with Richie tried to get the jump on my boy Ray. Now that's some coward stuff right there.


Ray Williams: We know ya' scared little Dickie, so why don't you back down while ya' still in one piece.


Powerhouse Patterson: Ray already blasted your dad Richie, and you don't want that kind of evil on you. Stay out of our way, you don't wanna' be around when The Hit Squad rolls through.


Ray Williams: Take note Richie, if it can happen to the rest of your boys, ya' best bet it can happen to you.








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Teddy Flame © vs Farmer Fran

SWF United States Championship


Farmer Fran was outclassed from the beginning of this match-up. Teddy Flame flew around the ring with zero care for his own safety, and his sole goal was to get through this match as quickly as possible. As Fran lumbered around the ring at a pace reminiscent of a sea turtle on dry land, Flame blasted him with everything but the kitchen sink, finishing the match after dropping the big man with a big dropkick from the top turnbuckle. Teddy Flame performs well in another title defense.








Following the match, Teddy Flame continues to celebrate his successful title defense. Out of nowhere, Joey Flame flies down the entrance ramp and makes his way into the ring. Teddy throws his belt to the side and the two swing wildly at each other until the referee manages to break them up. The two men shout at each other from opposite sides of the ring until Teddy tries to get close. Joey rushes at him and Teddy rolls out of the ring, grabbing his belt in the process. Joey gets hung up on the ropes as he chases his brother out of the ring, and by the time he can get himself unhooked, Teddy has already made his way to the entrance ramp, smiling at his brother until he is out of sight.








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Rampage vs Rick Rumble


Another fairly short match, as the mysterious Rampage takes on the established star that is Rick Rumble. Rumble shows everyone, as he seems to do every time he steps in the ring, why he's one of the top stars of the SWF, as he runs through Rampage and shows off some new tricks in the process. Rampage can't seem to kick things into gear as the match goes on, and by the time the match had passed the eight minute mark, Rick Rumble was getting ready to finish things up. Rumble gets the pin after a big DDT leaves Rampage unable to respond. Rumble gets up and looks around for Papa Voodoo, but with his nemesis nowhere to be seen, Rumble plays to the crowd and makes his way backstage to celebrate.








Rip Chord is seen backstage talking to his "protege", Sam Keith.


Rip Chord: You did good last week kid, showed me you've got a lot more fight in you then I woulda' thought. How'd you like your first tag team match?


Sam Keith: Well I'm still a little sore so...


Rip Chord: Ahh nothin' a little whiskey won't fix. You don't got a match tonight do ya' kid?


Sam Keith: No I don't, and I made sure you didn't put me in one either.


Rip Chord: Good kid. You seem a little agitated, pour yourself a drink and just relax kid, get used to the good life cause if you keep hangin' with me, you'll never have to go back.


Sam Keith: Whatever you say Mr. Chord.


Rip Chord: You're gonna' have a match next week though, I thought I'd give you some notice this time, and let me tell you, you better be on your game cause this guy's tough.


Sam Keith: I'll definitely make sure I'm ready to go, but... one question: who am I wrestling?


Rip Chord: Dusty Streets.


Chord hops out of his chair and puts his drink down while he goes to take a little walk. Keith remains in the dressing room, completely shocked at what he's just heard. Next week, Sam Keith will take on number one contender to Rip Chord's World Heavyweight Championship, Dusty Streets in singles competition.








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"Crippler" Ray Kingman vs Percy Devine


"No Mercy" Percy sure lived up to his nickname in this match-up, showing little care for his own safety as he engaged in a drag-em' out brawl with Ray Kingman. Kingman gets tagged a few times with some powerful shots from Devine, but he weathers the storm and brings things to the mat to show Percy that there's more to the sport than just throwing hands. From that point on, it was a display of technical excellence that left Percy looking like a fish out of water, as he had no answer for Kingman's submission game. Devine gets caught in a Sleeper Hold and manages to fight it off for awhile, and continues Kingman plays to the crowd as he threatens to choke Devine unconscious. Devine finally succumbs to the Sleeper Hold and taps out. The referee raises Kingman's hand and he is awarded the victory.








Sam Strong shows up to the ring for his main event match with a microphone in hand. He lets the crowd know he has some things to say before he has to dish out another beat down, and the crowd quiets down so he can begin:


Sam Strong: Last week I watched Micky Starr get absolutely demolished by someone that can only be described as a mystery man.


You best believe Sam Strong's got something to say about that, brother.


Micky, you used to have it all. You were the champ, brother, and you could do no wrong.


I used to be a champion too, Micky, and I got somethin' to tell you.


A real champion woulda' seen that coming, brother.


Whoever he was, however big, a real champion would've killed that man just for trying.


So to the mystery man, I've got but two things to say. First of all, thank you for proving to the world that Micky Starr is nothin' but a washed up has-been, and second: you best not try that kind of stuff with Sam Strong, brother.








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Hagar Erikson vs Sam Strong


The two big men get down to business from the start of the match. Hagar and Strong trade blows with each other as neither man wants to be the first to drop. Strong wobbles Hagar Erikson with a big European uppercut, but Hagar fires right back with one of his own. Strong is the first to take things to the mat, launching Hagar Erikson into the air with a big belly-to-belly suplex. Erikson hops back to his feet and falls victim to the same move once more. The two get back to their feet and Strong ducks under a clothesline from Hagar Erikson, only to put him back down with a clothesline of his own. Hagar gets back to his feet with a little help from Sam Strong, who tries to position him for a big suplex, but Hagar doesn't let him, instead firing him into the air with a suplex of his own. The two continue to go at it for a couple minutes before Sam Strong starts to swing the momentum in his favor once more. A few well placed strikes leave things looking grim for Hagar Erikson, until...




The mystery man appears once more, instead walking to the ring this time. Sam Strong can see him make his way down the entrance ramp and stares him right in the face as he stands over Hagar Erikson. The match still going, the unidentified man makes his way right down to the ring apron and just stares intently at Sam Strong. Hagar Erikson sneaks up from behind and goes for a quick roll-up, but Sam Strong rolls through and just as he gets to his feet, the mystery man is in the ring and has floored him with a huge spear tackle. The referee calls for the bell and rules Sam Strong the winner by disqualification. Hagar makes his escape, wanting to avoid the wrath of the mystery man; who just stands over his victim and lets out a massive roar once more. But this time, he does more than just roar, and as he breathes heavily, he lets out one more yell:




The yell resonates through the arena, loud enough that from the front row to the nosebleeds, it is completely audible. The mystery man, known as "Thor" for the time being, drops to one knee next to Sam Strong and bows his head as the show fades to black.




Final Grade: B-

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Who would've thought he was up to no good?


Some drama in Mexico this week, as one of the biggest heels in Mexican wrestling history, Mephisto, was stopped by the police last night. The 37-year old was allegedly speeding away from a drug-related crime scene just outside of Tijuana and did not pull over when first instructed to by the Mexican police.


Mephisto is a two-time Campeon de Universal OLLIE, and was part of the four-man walkout that would lead to the formation of the MPWF (Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation). Although he was part of the initial four, Mephisto has apparently fallen down the pecking order a little bit, and has been on the outs with his three associates. Mexican police believe that Mephisto's income from wrestling has slowly become more and more of a concern and it is quite probable that he was involved with the drug bust that he was caught fleeing from. Although there is no proof at the moment, and Mephisto is currently not being detained, investigations will continue and we will update you as the story continues.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) this week are: smwilliams, Tiberious4 & JShmoopy




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #117


Main Event

Marcus McKing vs Joey Flame


Sam Keith vs Dusty Streets


The Lords of War vs The Mustache Dream Team


Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Kenny Maynard

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...SWF Presents...






Backstage we see Ray Williams grabbing himself a water bottle from the vending machine. It's at that point that Richie Pangrazzio Jr. comes from behind and surprises him. With Williams pinned against the vending machine, Pangrazzio barks some insults in his face:


Richie Pangrazzio Jr: You think you're all tough since you beat the rest of my boys? No, you're nothing Williams, and you never will be. You're the saddest excuse for an athlete I've seen in my entire life. Powerhouse Patterson? You think that's who's gonna' help you get ahead here? Get real. I'm gonna' do the same thing I did to him two years ago to you, I'm gonna' beat you until you're completely irrelevant.


Ray Williams: You're a piece of work Richie, you know that? You think you're gonna' come round' here and intimidate me? You think I'm playin' around Richie? If you so pissed off why don't you do something about it instead of telling me how scary you are. You're just a joke.


Richie Pangrazzio Jr: Really Ray, really? Because last I checked, there is no one laughing at the All-Star Team, especially not it's star player. You better hope to god that we don't end up fighting at The Challenge, cause if we do, I will make sure that is the last anyone ever sees of Ray Williams.







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Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Kenny Maynard


Maynard struts his stuff for the crowd before this match starts and they are loving it. It's been too long since they've last seen Kenny Maynard and he looks ready to go. His opponent, on the other hand, looks as cold as ever after his altercation with Ray Williams just moments ago. The match starts and the two feel each other out before locking up. Pangrazzio is the first to make a move and that's his first mistake, as Maynard drops a massive hammer-fist onto his back and sends him face first into the canvas. Maynard locks him in a schoolyard head lock and hoists him back to his feet. Pangrazzio powers through the head lock and tosses Maynard over his shoulders with a big side suplex. After breaking free of the head lock, the match is all about Richie Pangrazzio, as the self-proclaimed "star player" blasts Maynard with big strikes and even bigger throws that leave the ladies man open to a big Home Run Swing. Pangrazzio gets the pin and scores another victory.








Deadly Gamble are seen backstage, albeit without Shawn Spades and as it turns out, they haven't seen him in quite awhile:


Ace McQueen: Where the hell is that kid? I swear it's like he really took our talk the other week the wrong way.


Black Jack: Some kids just don't have the balls to hang around here Ace, ain't nothin' to do with us. Hell we were just doing our jobs as mentors, and it's not like we didn't stick up for the kid.


Ace McQueen: Yeah but seriously, you have the best tag team in the world giving you a shot, and you're gonna' act like a little punk. I just don't get it.


Black Jack: Well Ace, I've been your partner for seven years now, so I'm gonna' listen to you on this one. We don't have a match tonight, and neither does he. So as far as I'm concerned, we got's us two options. Either we go lookin' for him, or we let the little runt go off on his own and say screw it. Like you said partner, we're the best team in the world, and if he don't recognize that then heck, there's tons of young guns that would love to do for us what he was doin'. So you tell me, what's the plan?


Ace looks down at the floor and doesn't say a word. Clearly there's more to this story than we know and hopefully it will all be revealed in the coming weeks.








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The Lords of War vs The Mustache Dream Team


This is truly a match that represents a "changing of the guard". The Lords of War make their debut tonight, a highly anticipated one at that, against the established Mustache Dream Team. With Morris & Selleck pushing forty years old, and the Lords of War not even a combined forty years old, the advantage of youth is clearly on the latter's side. The Lords of War show off their strength as they effortlessly toss the Mustache Dream Team around the ring. The two monsters continue to plow through the veterans until the old guard simply cannot keep up any longer. Warlord Pain pins Wade Morris after a massive back-breaker, and Burt Selleck is too drained to even make his way into the ring to stop the pin.








Richard Eisen appears on the screen in front of a generic SWF backdrop. He announces that there will be an impromptu match-up this evening, as the newly signed Mighty Thor will take on the import, Master Fuji, in singles action.








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Master Fuji vs Mighty Thor


Master Fuji is Mighty Thor's first official opponent in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, and although Thor has already made his presence known, we have yet to see him actually compete against an opponent that sees him coming. Thor proves the doubters (if there were any) wrong in this match-up, as he throws Master Fuji around without any issues. Fuji tries to get some strikes off, but Thor shows off his exceptional strength by hoisting Fuji in the air with minimal effort. The match ends when Mighty Thor picks Fuji up over his shoulders and launches him in the air with a humongous military press, and subsequently pinning the battered Master Fuji.








Sid Streets is seen backstage with a few other wrestlers, discussing the debut of Mighty Thor. Rocky Streets shows up and all of the other wrestlers clear out, with the exception of Sid.


Sid Streets: What do you think you're doing here, Rock? I thought we had an agreement.


Rocky Streets: If you think I would ever agree to stop speaking to my son then you must have more screws loose than I thought Sid.


Sid Streets: I don't want to talk to you; ever.


Rocky Streets: Fine, then you can just listen. Sid, I gave you a chance to end things at Wrestling Classic and you basically spat in my face. You would've had everything you ever wanted in the SWF and I wouldn't still be here bothering you. But instead, you chose to show how much of a "tough guy" you are, and how little you care about those who care about you the most. Just because Dusty's fighting for a World Title doesn't mean you can't either, it just means you need to wait your turn.


Sid Streets: I'm done waiting Rocky, it's time for me to take things into my own hands and decide my own fate.


Rocky Streets: That's fine Sid, and if you want me out of your life, that's fine too. But it's going to be on my terms.


Sid Streets: If I was to listen to you right now, and that's a serious "if", what would those terms be.


Rocky Streets: Well Sid, I'm not gonna' lie to you. I've been mulling over the idea of letting my career end and what better time to do it than at The Challenge. The way I see it, I'm hardly wrestling anymore as it is, so for me to try and go for another year and wait out next year's Challenge would be silly. I'm asking you for one match. Win or lose, I'll retire and end my career with that match being the final chapter of Rocky Streets' story. If you beat me fair and square, because after last time I'm not giving you any breaks, I will leave peacefully and blind myself to your actions in the SWF. But if I win, I'm staying right here, and I'm gonna' keep being a part of the company that I've helped build. You said it yourself Sid, it's time for you to take control of your own life, so why not start now.


Sid Streets: Better pick yourself a nice retirement home then Rock, you're on.


Rocky extends his hand for a handshake, but Sid walks off without even acknowledging it. Rocky stands there and smiles, knowing that he has just written the first part of the final chapter of his wrestling career.








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Dusty Streets vs Sam Keith


This is possibly the most anticipated match of the evening, as it was the only one to have actually been announced during last week's episode. Sam Keith's biggest match to date, against one of the fastest rising stars in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Dusty Streets performs very well against Rip Chord's "protege", keeping him down throughout the majority of the match with some big stomps and kicks. Keith manages to survive the initial assault and gets a bit of offense off himself, but Dusty fires back with faster, harder strikes that leave Sam Keith looking more and more discouraged as the match goes on. Dusty Streets eventually picks up the win after nearly taking Sam Keith's head off with a big jumping leg lariat as Keith rebounded off the ropes. Dusty scores the pin and jumps for joy, until...


Rip Chord appears from the backstage area and rushes to the aid of his "protege". Keith tries to roll out of the ring to avoid further confrontation but he doesn't make it out in time, and before he knew it, he was in the middle of a brawl between the World Heavyweight Champion and the number one contender. Chord & Streets fire at each other with reckless abandon and Sam Keith can't even get himself out of the way. The three men wind up on the ground; all totally exhausted. Chord is the first to crawl to his feet, and Dusty is not far behind, but before any more brawling ensues, Sam Keith hops to his feet and gets between the two men. Keith shoves Chord into the corner and keeps the two separated, but Chord fires a fist Keith's way. Sam Keith drops to the ground and Dusty Streets stares at Chord with a completely stunned look on his face. Chord has just dropped his "protege" and the two men left standing just stare each other down as the screen fades to black.








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Joey Flame vs Marcus McKing


Joey Flame and Marcus McKing start things off fast, firing quick punches at each other and reversing each other's holds very fast. Joey fires McKing into the ropes with an Irish whip and McKing holds on, firing Joey into the ropes. Joey flies back and drops McKing with a shoulder block. The two continue to fly around the ring at a frenetic pace, with neither man giving an inch. McKing is the first to land any major offense, landing a big boot to the gut that sends Flame flying back into the corner. McKing follows it up with a big clothesline in the corner and drags Flame out with a nice one-hand bulldog. Flame hops back to his feet and the two men continue at this pace until Joey starts to swing the momentum in his favor. It looks like Joey is getting the better of the exchanges now and is really bringing the fight to McKing. Marcus McKing lands another nice clothesline, but as he tries to land a second, Joey slides underneath and trips him up, almost scoring a pin in the process. It seems as if Joey Flame can do no wrong in this match now, but that's until...


Teddy Flame appears at ringside. He doesn't do anything, he just stands. Belt around his waist, he stares at his brother as he continues to compete against Marcus McKing. Teddy walks around the ring, circling it like a shark, and Joey looks increasingly nervous. He's still getting the better of the exchanges, albeit less and less, and he's allowing Marcus McKing to get back into the match. McKing lands a nasty super-kick that sends Flame flying into the ropes closest to his brother, and he gets caught up in them trying to avoid contact with him. Teddy smiles as he watches what unfolds next. As Joey stares at his brother, trying to avoid contact, McKing sneaks up behind him and rolls him up. Caught by surprise, Flame struggles to get free but he can't. Teddy starts walking to the backstage area, already knowing the result of the match. Marcus McKing scores the victory, and Joey Flame looks completely devastated as the show fades to black. What will happen next week? Richard Eisen will be gathering all of the competitors that are confirmed as booked for The Challenge 1979, and will be having them officially sign contracts. Will anymore matches be confirmed? Tune in to find out.




Final Grade: B-

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But wouldn't "re-sign" be the correct term?


It was nearly five years ago today that The Masked Patriot was last seen in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Luckily for his fans, that five year period ends today, as the 37-year old has just inked a three-year deal with the number one promotion in the United States.


The Masked Patriot has won championships all across the territories. His accolades include: AAFW Tag Team Championships, APWF Tri-State Championship (x2), CWB Championship (x4) & CWB City Limits Championship (x2). To top it off, he is ranked #39 on the most recent edition of our PWI Power 500.


The Masked Patriot was initially released from his SWF contract because of an inability to keep the fans interested in his gimmick. While his gimmick was popular in the territories and on the independent circuit, it just did not come across as well for the SWF fans. Apparently things have changed, and the SWF brass has apparently become quite interested in the 37-year old after his stint with Golden Canvas Grappling in Japan. It's said that we will see The Masked Patriot in action again by next week, and we will be excited to see how the veteran has changed his style to make himself more appealing to the SWF fan base, something he didn't quite manage to do last time around.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) this week are: Tiberious4




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #118


Main Event

Sid Streets vs George DeColt


SWF Tag Team Championships

Deadly Gamble © vs The Lunatics


"Cowboy" Caldwell vs Wild Man Sullivan


Dusty Streets vs Ares Aegalus


Papa Voodoo vs Captain USA

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...SWF Presents...






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Papa Voodoo vs Captain USA


Just from looking at the two men in the middle of the ring, any human being could tell that Captain USA was in trouble from the start. Although both were close in weight & height, Papa Voodoo's menacing look could dwarf even the biggest wrestlers in comparison. Voodoo blasts Captain USA with big shots from the start of the match, and the Captain just can't get his legs under him. A quick squash match, as Papa Voodoo absolutely destroys Captain USA in mere minutes.


Following the match, Papa Voodoo continues to stand in the ring, but he does not request a microphone. Instead, he spreads his arms out as wide as possible, until his body is in the shape of a cross. With his head tilted back, staring at the ceiling, it's almost as if he is leaving himself open to Rick Rumble. But his nemesis never shows, and Voodoo returns to his casual stance and simply smirks towards the entrance ramp as the screen fades to black.








Powerhouse Patterson walks through the backstage area, most likely looking for his tag partner Ray Williams, but he is cut off by an incoming father-son duo, Coach Dick & Richie Pangrazzio Jr. The two pin him up against the wall and as Richie shouts in his target's face, his father hits him in the stomach a few times with some dirty looking uppercuts. The Pangrazzios continue to beat on Patterson until he drops to the floor like a ton of bricks, and quickly flee into one of the nearby dressing rooms.








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Dusty Streets vs Ares Aegaleus


Dusty Streets shows off how much he's improved over the course of the last six months as he systematically picks apart the legendary Ares Aegaleus. Ares shows that he still does have a lot of fight in him, given his age, but he's just no match for the much younger, much more agile Dusty Streets. The King of the Squared Circle mauls the veteran from the start of the match, not allowing the significantly bigger Ares Aegaleus to put up any real kind of offense for the vast majority of the match. Yes, Ares manages to throw a couple big shots out of desperation that find their target, but Dusty takes them all and comes back looking more motivated every time. Dusty pins Ares after a big belly-to-belly suplex and jumps for joy after the closing bell sounds.








Dusty Streets grabs himself a microphone and addresses the fans in attendance about his upcoming match-up with World Heavyweight Champion, Rip Chord.


Dusty Streets: I just want to tell everyone here tonight how excited I am to be the man that gets to fight for you, the fans, and take that belt away from Rip Chord.


For the past few weeks, the past few months, I've had to deal with Rip Chord attacking me, my father & my values. I am an honest, hard-working man who does his best to get the job done around here, and to deal with Rip lying and cheating and taking the easy way out... well that just makes me sick.


I am going to bring that belt home with me next month, and you know what's gonna' happen next? I'm gonna' keep it there.


Mark my words, Rip, hold on to that belt while you can, and cherish it, because come July, all you're gonna' have left is memories.








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"Cowboy" Caldwell vs Wild Man Sullivan


"Cowboy" Caldwell is the hometown hero around these parts, and the crowd is going wild for his Supreme Wrestling Federation debut. Wild Man Sullivan brings the fight to him though, and Caldwell gives it right back to him. The two men engage in the kind of brawl that fans always hope for. Sullivan hits a right, then Caldwell fires one right back. The two continue at this pace for a couple minutes before Caldwell drops Sullivan with a big clothesline. Sullivan hops right back to his feet and launches a rebounding Caldwell over his shoulders and Caldwell lands flat on his back. Caldwell gets back to his feet and corners Sullivan and starts unloading punches and knees, Sullivan stumbles out of the corner and is vulnerable to a hard kick from Caldwell that sweeps his legs out from under him. It doesn't last much longer though, as Caldwell eventually gets overconfident, and Sullivan drops him with a huge boot to the head that violently sends Caldwell to the canvas. Sullivan goes for the cover, and although the crowd is sad that their hometown hero didn't come out with the victory, they applaud the efforts of the two men and Caldwell & Sullivan shake hands before the Wild Man celebrates his victory.








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Deadly Gamble © vs The Lunatics

SWF Tag Team Championships


With the whereabouts of Shawn Spades still up in the air, it's very possible that this match-up will have a very different result than past encounters between the two rival teams. Ace McQueen & Saionji Omura start in the ring and McQueen blasts the challenger with some big right hands before tossing him to the ropes with a snappy Irish whip. As Omura bounces back and tries to jump in the air for a cross-body, McQueen snatches him out of the air and sends him to the canvas with a big spear tackle. McQueen is looking better than ever and Omura just can't get into the swing of things. The Japanes import manages to tag out to his partner and Angus McCloud hops into the ring looking fiery as ever. McCloud hits Ace McQueen with a big right hand, and another right hand, and another right hand. McQueen is getting lit up and the crowd is loving it. McCloud drops him with a huge clothesline and McQueen has to crawl to his corner to tag out to Black Jack. He manages to get to the corner in time and Black Jack hops into the ring, but he can't do much to McCloud either, and soon finds himself in enemy territory as he is tossed into The Lunatics' corner. Omura and McCloud beat on him until he can't do much anymore, and McQueen is begging for the tag but it's not looking good. McQueen looks around, praying that Spades is around but no dice, and as Omura circles around to stop McQueen from being able to interfere with the pin, McCloud pins Black Jack and we now have two new Tag Team Champions. The Lunatics pick up the win and go home with the belts, and McQueen is devastated. The real question that remains now, where is Shawn Spades?








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Sid Streets vs George DeColt


George DeColt and Sid Streets show off some of their skills in this display of excellent brawling. Sid and DeColt throw each other around the ring at incredibly high speeds, and are just as quick to get back to their feet. When Sid starts to look dominant, George picks up the pace and gets in the drivers seat, and when things start to look good for George, Sid shows the crowd why he should never be counted out. The two mix it up a bit while they're standing and the crowd digs it, but after awhile it hits the mat and DeColt goes to work with rest holds and submission attempts. Sid has some trouble getting out of a very tight ankle lock but eventually breaks free.


The two get back to their feet and toss each other around some more. DeColt looks like he's getting the better of the exchanges but by no means is Sid falling behind. A couple more big chops and Sid is backed up into the corner, and DeColt mounts him in the corner and starts raining down punches. Sid manages to throw him off and move his way back into the center of the ring. Sid fires off some punches of his own and DeColt backs into the ropes and bounces right back. Sid drops him with a huge clothesline and follows it up with a tight headlock that turns into an extremely tight arm-lock. DeColt tries to fight it but Sid continues to wrench it to the point that it looks like it might break. DeColt tries to make it to the ropes, inch by inch, but he's not making much progress. He finally taps out, and Sid Streets is the winner of this week's main event. Before he can celebrate much, Richard Eisen is making his way down the entrance ramp with many of the other superstars set to take the stage at The Challenge 1979.








Richard Eisen makes his way down to the ring with a collection of Supreme Superstars, waiting to have their match formally announced to the fans in attendance and anxiously await the signings of their contracts. Rocky Streets and Sid Streets are the first to step forward.


Richard Eisen: Welcome to the official contract signings for the first announced match-ups at The Challenge 1979. It is my pleasure to announce to you, the fans of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, that the first confirmed match-up at The Challenge 1979 will be Sid Streets & Rocky Streets in a match-up that will result in Rocky Streets' retirement regardless of the result. Should Rocky Streets win, he will be allowed to remain a part of Sid's life in the company, and will still be allowed to take part in the day-to-day activities of the SWF. However, should he lose, he will be forced to leave the company indefinitely. Gentlemen, if you could step forward and sign your respective contracts, you will then be free to return to the backstage area.


Rocky & Sid sign the contracts and shake hands, albeit reluctantly on Sid's end. The two head back to the backstage area and Mr. Eisen moves on to the next match.


Richard Eisen: The next match that I am delighted to confirm for The Challenge 1979 is a Tag Team Championship clash & rematch between the new champions, The Lunatics & former champions Deadly Gamble. Deadly Gamble had a rematch clause in their contract and as such, they have decided to compete for the belts at The Challenge. However, as a champion in the SWF, you are required to defend the belt when you are booked, and as such, The Lunatics may be required to defend their title belts prior to The Challenge. Should our booking committee decide this to be the case, and should The Lunatics lose their belts, Deadly Gamble will still have their Tag Team Championship shot at The Challenge, it just may not be against The Lunatics. Gentlemen, your contracts await.


The two tag teams stare each other down, as The Lunatics hold on to their newly won championship belts. The two sign their contracts and shake hands before heading to the backstage area. Mr. Eisen continues on with the announcements.


Richard Eisen: Ladies and Gentlemen, the next announced match-up could be the most exciting match-up of the year. Sam Strong will be taking on former SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Micky Starr. If you two gentlemen would be so kind as to step forward and sign your contracts, you can be on your way.


Micky Starr & Sam Strong step forward and sign their contracts. They shake hands and then stare each other down as the photographers get their shots, and finally make their ways back to the backstage area.


Richard Eisen: Finally, it is time to announce our World Championship clash between the champion, Rip Chord, and his challenger, the King of the Squared Circle, Dusty Streets. Keep in mind that the clause that applies to the Tag Team Championships also applies to the World Championship, and Rip Chord will still be required to compete if we decide that it is time for him to do so. As a company, we would like to see Rip Chord in shape for his match-up at The Challenge 1979, so we will be keeping him active when we can to make sure he is in tip-top shape for his clash with Dusty Streets. Should he lose the title unfortunately, Dusty will still get his shot, albeit against a different champion. So, gentlemen, if you will?


Chord & Dusty sign their contracts and face off for the cameras. They shake hands and head to the backstage area at separate times, as Richard Eisen continues to wave to the cameras as the show fades to black. What will the future hold for The Flames at The Challenge 1979, and what will happen in the sagas of Voodoo & Rumble, and The Pangrazzios & The Hit Squad? Tune in next week to find out!




Final Grade: B-

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That's right, this ain't no storyline...


Rocky Streets is indeed retiring at The Challenge 1979. That fact is set in stone, however, the result of his final match with his son Sid is all but decided. We know that Rocky may or may not be appearing on screen anymore with the SWF, but he will most definitely have a role with the company as they roll on, as the former head booker has just been announced as the new Chief Talent Scout. There is even talk that Rocky's role in the company may extend to road agent work or even travelling to Rocky Mountain Wrestling to train workers alongside Antonio Moretti. Rumors even surfaced that Jim Knobb was not quite ready to work solo as a Road Agent with the SWF, but those were thrown out when Moretti was announced as a permanent trainer at Rocky Mountain Wrestling.


Rocky has been slowing down his in-ring schedule for the past two years, in fact, in 1978, he wrestled less than ten matches for the company, and he's only wrestled three times this year. Although he's been a core part of many storylines over the past two years (including the very well received Streets Family storyline), it's evident that he has been planning for retirement for quite some time, and it is expected that the Supreme Wrestling Federation will be honoring him with a spot in the company's hall of fame. Other rumored inductees include Moretti himself, as well as Ares Aegaleus. It's said that the SWF Hall of Fame will be a yearly induction ceremony that will honor past and present SWF Superstars if their credentials fit the bill, however, should there not be any inductees that meet the requirements, there will not be a ceremony that year.


Rocky will leave the sport with only one title reign to his name, a championship run with his son, Dusty, as the SWF Tag Team Champions.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) this week are: Tiberious4




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #119


Main Event for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Rip Chord © vs Wild Man Sullivan


Johnny Boy Tucker vs Vladimir Grinkov


Dusty Streets vs Vaughn Reynolds


Mighty Thor vs Farmer Fran


The Lords of War vs Gone Hollywood

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...SWF Presents...






The show starts up with Micky Starr in street clothes, addressing the crowd from the middle of the ring.


Micky Starr: Last night, we made it official. Me and Sam Strong will go head-to-head, one-on-one in a match for the ages, and at the end of it all, if I don't come out on top, well then it's curtains.


My life in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, the only company I've ever really known as "home" could be over within three weeks. No "ifs", no "ands", and no "buts".


My time here could be ticking, and there's a few things I need to get off of my chest just in case things don't go my way at The Challenge.


When I came to the SWF, I was just a work in progress. Sure I'd won a few belts and was making a name for myself in the business, but it was these bright lights that turned plain old Micky Starr, into the "Mighty" Micky Starr that you see in front of you today.


One World Heavyweight Championship & thirty-one successful title defenses later, and I'm a household name. Just goes to show that when you put in hard work, it pays off.


But what happens when you become a household name, is people start to have high expectations. Everyone thinks you're gonna' come out and be the same "Mighty" Micky Starr they saw last week and the week before, and when you can't be that Micky Starr anymore, they start lookin' around for the next guy who can.


When I lost my belt, I felt like I lost my drive. I felt like I wasn't me anymore. Six years of my life were devoted to carrying that gold around my waist, and keeping it there. Now, I've spent nearly a year away from the thing I loved the most, and the thing that made Micky Starr as mighty as he was.


If I couldn't get a match with Sam Strong, I didn't know what I was going to do. There wasn't anything left for me here. I need something to give me back the drive I had when I was a champion. Make no mistake, Micky Starr will live on in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, and I refuse to lose to Sam Strong at the event that runs synonymous with "Mighty" Micky Starr.


The Challenge is home turf to me Sam, and you best be ready for the toughest fight of your life, because Micky Starr is here to stay.








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The Lords of War vs Gone Hollywood


The sheer power that was displayed in the Lords of War's debut match two weeks ago was enough to intimidate possibly the entire tag team division. Warlords Pain & Agony show off their dominance in another excellent display of brute force. Hollywood Mike Kinsey & Brick Fantana's combined experience was not enough to halt the freight train that was The Lords of War, and they would eventually become the second team (most likely of many) to fall to the monsters.








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Farmer Fran vs Mighty Thor


If the opening match was not the best example of a dominant performance, then this match would be the next best candidate. Mighty Thor absolutely plows through Farmer Fran, throwing everything at him but the kitchen sink. Farmer Fran had no answers for Thor, and as a result, he spent most of the match being thrown around; that, or getting up from being thrown around. Thor continues to pound on the equally big Fran, but he decides enough is enough and puts him away with a massive chokeslam to finish off the match.


Following the match, Thor continues to assault his opponent; stalking his opponent as he tries to get back to his feet. The lumbering big man eventually manages to get two legs under himself but it's not long before Thor sends him right back to the canvas with a thunderous spear tackle. Thor stands back up and flexes his muscles for the crowd, before roaring and leaving the ring, Fran still completely incapacitated.








Coach Dick Pangrazzio is backstage with most of the All-Star Team, everyone excluding his son that is. That all changes when Richie Pangrazzio Jr. shows up and the rest of the boys clear out, leaving only the father and son to converse with each other.


Richie Pangrazzio Jr: Listen, we need to figure something out, and we need to figure it out quick. Williams & Patterson are going to be looking for a fight at The Challenge and I know for a fact they're gonna' come looking for us, so we need to get the leg up.


Coach Dick Pangrazzio: Well look who's showin' some balls around here, alright kid, you got my attention.


Richie Pangrazzio Jr: The way I see it, they already beat Frank, Ken & Maxwell, so I think it's safe to say those guys aren't worth much to us right now. We need to either find ourselves another star in the making, or we need to pull someone to our side.


Coach Dick Pangrazzio: I like what you're thinkin' kid, but hear me out, what if we already had someone on our side, and that was already a star, just waiting to get in there.


Richie Pangrazzio Jr: You can't be serious.


Coach Dick Pangrazzio: Who taught you everything you know kid?


Richie Pangrazzio Jr: No. No, no, no, no, no.


Coach Dick Pangrazzio: We're in a pinch kid, we've got a problem and it needs to be solved, and if you want to get the leg up, this is what we've gotta' do. So either you say the word, or I'm gonna' say it, but right now this is our only real shot.


Richie Pangrazzio Jr: ... You'd better get back in the gym then, old man.








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Dusty Streets vs Vaughn Reynolds


It's been quite awhile since the SWF fans have seen Vaughn Reynolds in the ring. The young man has been working on his skills on and off at Rocky Mountain Wrestling and sporadically appearing on dark show match-ups against lesser talent. He's finally back on television, and he's hoping to make the most of it and show off how much he's improved. Unfortunately, Dusty had other plans, completely shattering any hopes of a successful return to SWF broadcasting, instead hitting Reynolds with hard strikes that made the young man wish he was back on the dark show. Reynolds doesn't last long against the number one contender, falling to a Curb Stomp in just under six minutes.








http://i61.tinypic.com/2s0g3lf.jpg vs http://i60.tinypic.com/14nmdqx.jpg


Vladimir Grinkov vs Johnny Boy Tucker


The big Russian has been hyped up for a few weeks through commercials for Sunday Slamfest and will finally be making his debut against Johnny Boy Tucker this evening. The big man was brought across the pond to compete in the SWF ranks thanks to his gold medal in judo in the 1976 Summer Olympics. After training with some of the best that the American professional wrestling dojo system can offer, he was ready to make his debut in the biggest promotion in the world. Johnny Boy Tucker is his first task, and he is not an easy one. Tucker throws some hard shots in hopes to scare off his challenger, but Grinkov does not allow himself to be intimidated, instead applying the pressure and chasing his opponent down for the vast majority of the match. Once Grinkov gets a hold of Tucker, it's almost certainly over, as he throws him around the ring with ease, chaining together his throws with tight submission attempts and rest holds. He shows off his knowledge of the technical aspects of the trade, and eventually puts away his opponent with a nasty arm-lock that forces Tucker to tap out.








Richard Eisen struts his way down to the ring, microphone in hand and shakes hands with the massive Russian that stands in the ring before him.


Richard Eisen: Allow me to introduce to you, the next big thing, the man who has the potential to become the greatest champion in the history of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, "The Master" Vladimir Grinkov. Grinkov, much like previous SWF competitor Tyson Laing, and current competitor Ray Williams, is a cross-over athlete, and possibly the best one we've ever had. Grinkov is an Olympic Gold Medalist, and with any luck, he'll continue to add to his trophy cabinet here in the SWF. I will be personally handling Mr. Grinkov's affairs for the foreseeable future, as it is in my best interest to "protect my investment".








http://i60.tinypic.com/syt4wg.jpg vs http://i61.tinypic.com/2lo0rhh.jpg


Rick Rumble vs Marcus McKing


An impromptu match-up as we return from commercial break. McKing and Rumble go back and forth for a couple minutes before Rumble starts to get the better of the significantly younger Marcus McKing. McKing starts to fight back a little more and it looks like an even match-up again, as for every strike Rumble lands, McKing fires back with one of his own. McKing lands a nasty clothesline that puts Rumble down, and McKing goes to work with some stomps before finishing it up with a big leg drop. Both men are on the ground now, as McKing rolls back to his feet and hoists Rick Rumble onto his feet. Rumble ducks under a big right hand and gets behind his opponent, booting his legs out from behind. Rumble continues to build on his momentum until the lights flicker, and he already knows what's about to happen. Rumble moves to the side of the ring closest to the entrance way, and stares it down. The lights flicker again but nobody appears, and Rumble starts to yell from the ring for his nemesis to appear, but he never does. At this point, McKing has had time to recover, and he hops back to his feet and spins Rumble around, and drops him with a big McKing Cutter, and scores the pin.








http://i59.tinypic.com/atqm85.jpg vs http://i58.tinypic.com/5mxruw.jpg


Rip Chord © vs Wild Man Sullivan

SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Chord and Sullivan go at it over Chord's coveted World Heavyweight Championship. Rip Chord has almost passed the one year mark with the World Heavyweight Championship, and he doesn't look like he's going to give it up that easy. The two men swing at each other wildly but Chord is the first to back out of any exchange, looking to take as little damage as possible. Wild Man Sullivan, on the other hand, fights with reckless abandon and little regard for his own safety. Sullivan charges from one end of the ring to the other just to get close enough to Chord to do any damage. While Chord looks to feel his opponent out, Sullivan looks to make this one ugly. Chord's will to avoid major contact looks to be his undoing, as Sullivan is getting the better of every exchange and for awhile, it looks like we'll be getting a new champion by the end of the night.


Unfortunately for Sullivan, Chord's resilience is far greater than perhaps any Supreme Superstar, and Wild Man Sullivan had to learn this the hard way. Chord's ability to take damage and dish it back out is one of the things that makes him (possibly) the greatest champion the SWF has ever seen, and tonight he did just that. Every strike that Sullivan managed to land was handed back to him tenfold, and Chord continued to pick up the pace and shift the momentum back in his favor. A couple big right hands and a nasty European uppercut would send Sullivan bouncing off the ropes, and the rebounding challenger would be taken off of his feet by a big boot to the head. Chord would continue the assault until he finally managed to get Sullivan on his feet long enough to put him away with the Rip Chord DDT, and successfully defends his belt in a hard fought battle that had all of the fans on their feet. Rip Chord has made it past Wild Man Sullivan, but as the commentators were alluding to the entire match, will he be able to do the same to Dusty Streets? You can find out in a couple weeks at The Challenge 1979. We will see you next week on Sunday Slamfest!




Final Grade: B+

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Wait... who!?


Vaughn Reynolds was hoping to make a triumphant return to SWF broadcasting this weekend when he was halted by Dusty Streets. Apparently that angered Vaughn enough to make him do something he'll most likely regret in the near future (if he doesn't already now).


According to new road agent, Jim Knobb, with whom we managed to have a conversation after the most recent episode of Sunday Slamfest, Mr. Reynolds had been disciplined six times in the past two years. Six times isn't much when you consider the amount of time there is in two years. However, when you consider that Vaughn Reynolds had been in and out of development over the course of the two years in question, the window for which he had time to make bad decisions was considerably smaller, and as such Mr. Knobb decided it was time to send things up to Mr. Richard Eisen.


Vaughn Reynolds had a history of causing backstage problems, but Mr. Eisen believed that he would have a decent future in the SWF if he just managed to keep a low profile and avoid confrontation. Things were looking good for Mr. Reynolds until some tension was created when Ray Kingman was hired. It seems like that was the tipping point, as Reynolds was disciplined multiple times, ranging from simply missing road agent meetings to going out of his way to start fights with much younger wrestlers. Knobb and the rest of the backstage crew had had enough, and apparently Mr. Eisen felt the same way, as Reynolds was released immediately after Sunday Slamfest was over, after he provoked and started brawling with resident jobber, Rico Santino.


Vaughn Reynolds leaves the SWF having accomplished nothing of note, with less than five wins to his name.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) this week are: Midnightnick, CPBHBK & smwilliams




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #120


Main Event

Sam Strong vs "Crippler" Ray Kingman


Jack Rossi vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr.


Dusty Streets vs Chuck


Joey Flame vs Takanofuji


Vladimir Grinkov vs Flyin' Ryan O'Brien

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