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Supreme Wrestling Federation: 79' and Onward!

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...SWF Presents...






Dusty Streets is backstage with Buddy Hollar, discussing his recent attempt at dethroning the reigning World Heavyweight Champion at this year's The Challenge 1979.


Buddy Hollar: Good day to the fans of the SWF, I'm here with Dusty Streets, former King of the Squared Circle & World Heavyweight Championship contender, Dusty, glad to have you here.


Dusty Streets: Good to be here, Buddy.


Buddy Hollar: So first things first, how happy were you for your dad, Rocky, at his induction ceremony?


Dusty Streets: I was extremely proud of my father for his accomplishments, but I think the happiest moment of the entire thing was that Sid finally came around, a little at least, and we all just got to put everything behind us and hug it out as a family.


Buddy Hollar: It was indeed a heartwarming moment, but onto other things, how painful was it to come so close to winning that World Heavyweight Championship, and nearly dethroning Rip Chord?


Dusty Streets: It was awful, if I'm being honest with you. It was the lowest of my lows. I really felt like I had the opportunity to do something and control my own destiny, but I failed that at The Challenge. Now, I guess I just have to go back to the drawing board.


Buddy Hollar: Well, you can't beat yourself up Dusty, you put up a great fight. We're all hoping you get back on that horse and maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to walk out with that belt some day.








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Sam Strong vs Chief Two Eagles


Not many were surprised by the outcome of this match, as Sam Strong fought dirty to win himself another match in the Supreme ring. A couple big punches from both men made it look like an even match from the get-go, but as the match went on, Sam Strong took more and more cheap shots to pick up the win. A huge Strong-Arm Lariat after a subtle eye-poke leaves Eagles vulnerable to the pin, and Sam Strong takes advantage.








Sam Strong demands a microphone after his victory in this evening's opening match:


Sam Strong: I don't even know why I'm out here right now, brother. I fought like a man at The Challenge, and Micky still feels the need to come out here like a sore winner and give you guys some kind of sob-story about how his career was on the line.


Well I'm sick of Micky Starr, brother.


If it weren't for the fact that my dad taught me to be gracious in defeat, I'd still be out here tossing Micky around this ring like a rag doll.


But I'm not gonna' do that... you know why?


Cause one day or another, I'm gonna' get Micky Starr in this ring and I'm gonna' get my revenge.








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Team Sexy vs The Wrecking Crew


A relatively lopsided match, Team Sexy just couldn't communicate well enough to compete with the very experienced Wrecking Crew. The Mitchells plow through Don Juan & Tommy Handell, hitting their opponents with huge lefts and rights, cornering them, and eventually finishing them off when Bill Mitchell dispatched of Tommy Handell with a quick Fisherman's Suplex for the pin.








Richie Pangrazzio Jr and his father, Coach Dick Pangrazzio, walk backstage before they are confronted by The Hit Squad. It doesn't take long for the father-son duo and the dangerous tag-team start wildly swinging at each other. While it's clear that the Pangrazzios are still confident in their abilities after their victory over The Hit Squad at The Challenge 1979, Powerhouse Patterson & Ray Williams still carry dynamite in their hands, and it showed as they decked the Pangrazzios with right hand after right hand. Coach Dick drops to the ground and Williams ditches Richie to join his own partner in beating down daddy Pangrazzio. The officials come pouring out of the separate change rooms and separate the four men, but the damage is done, and Coach Dick is bleeding from his nose as the officials call for the medic to come tend to his wounds.








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Teddy Flame © vs Master Fuji

SWF United States Championship


The first match to show some kind of even level of competition as Fuji and Flame fly around the ring at high speeds. Fuji fires off some hard kicks that make contact, both to the gut and to the head of the United States Champion. Flame tries to rattle of some kicks of his own but they do not have the same effect, Fuji looking more focused than ever as he advanced towards the champion. Unfortunately, that focus would become less and less of a factor as the match went on, as Flame picked up speed whereas Fuji began to slow down. A wayward kick left Flame with the door open for a big Cutter, planting Fuji's head into the canvas and covering him for the victory. Joey smiles at the cameras and grabs his belt, throwing it over his shoulder as he points towards the backstage area, taunting his brother, Joey.








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Vladimir Grinkov vs Farmer Fran


While few people expected Fran to put up a fight in this match-up, even fewer people expected Richard Eisen to stay out of it. Eisen was up to his usual antics, circling the ring like a shark, watching over his client as Grinkov fired off punch after punch, systematically picking Farmer Fran apart. Fran was slowing down more and more as the minutes passed, and Eisen realized that he may not even have to get involved in this one for his client to walk away unscathed. Unfortunately, that was not the case, as Fran landed a nasty shoulder block as Grinkov rebounded off of the ropes. Sensing that his client was in trouble, Eisen stepped into the ring and blasted Fran from behind with a huge boot to the back. Fran fell forward and as the referee went to call for the disqualification, Eisen let him know that he would fire him if he followed through. Eisen motioned for Grinkov to cover Fran, and he did. The referee counted the pin and Grinkov was awarded the victory, albeit not without a lot of controversy. Eisen took the honors of raising his client's hand in victory, and grabbed a microphone to let out one single sentence.


Richard Eisen: If The Masked Patriot feels the need to make his way out here, I hope he rethinks his decision, because if I ever catch him trying to assault or injure my client in any way outside of a match, I am not afraid to use my power the way that I see fit.








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Ace McQueen vs Wild Man Sullivan


It's not often that we get to see Ace McQueen in singles action, but this evening, Black Jack decided to take a night off and McQueen was not prepared to do the same. Wild Man Sullivan accepted the offer of a match and here we are. McQueen and Sullivan swing back and forth at each other as they try to make the other man break. Neither man shows any signs of backing down, so Sullivan makes the first major move, grabbing hold of McQueen's waist from behind and firing him across the ring with a back suplex. McQueen rolls with it and lands back on his feet, thanks to the backwards momentum, and the two are back at it again. A right from Sullivan, a left from McQueen; a left from Sullivan, a right from McQueen. There was no stopping these two men, they were prepared to go all night, but unfortunately, that would not be the case.


Shawn Spades comes sprinting down from the backstage area and hops into the ring. Spades takes out the referee as he makes his way into the ring and McQueen soon becomes his next target. McQueen puts up a good fight but with Sullivan shocked and standing in the corner to avoid the commotion, Spades is free to take advantage of the element of surprise and floors McQueen with a nasty clothesline. Sullivan soon becomes the target of Spades aggression, but he sends the incoming youngster flying out of the ring with a hard Irish Whip. Spades stares him down from outside the ring, but eventually lets out a chuckle and walks off. Sullivan, still confused about how the match is going to end, waits for either the referee or McQueen to stand up or at least show some sign of life. It's indeed the referee that wakes up first, and as such, Sullivan has no choice but to go for the cover and put McQueen out of his misery. Sullivan picks up the victory after a lot of commotion.








Sid Streets comes flying out of the backstage area and makes a dash towards the ring. Wild Man Sullivan, anticipating his arrival after hearing Sid's entrance music, braces for impact. Sid hits the ring and the two swing wildly at each other, but Sullivan is the first to break. Sid follows it up with more and more punches as Sullivan falls towards the mat. The officials make their way down to the ring and separate the two, and Sid laughs as he celebrates (much to the crowd's dismay) the beating he has just issued to Wild Man Sullivan.








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"Crippler" Ray Kingman vs Marcus McKing


The result of this match was, to some extent, up in the air, but in reality the hot streak that Marcus McKing has been on should have been enough to influence the opinion of the fans. Kingman puts up a great fight and the two fight it out for nearly a half hour before a winner is declared. Kingman and McKing roll on the ground, showing off some of their technical skills, exchanging submission attempts and taking turns escaping each other's holds. McKing is the first to place his opponent in a real dangerous situation, latching on to a nasty arm-bar that nearly forces the submission. Kingman breaks free after doing some work and the two return to their feet. Kingman somehow gets behind McKing after the two lock up in the center of the ring and applies a schoolyard headlock, but it doesn't last long as McKing is able to escape out the backdoor and the two face off once more.


Kingman tries to get a hold of McKing in order to apply his famous Sleeper Hold, but it is unsuccessful as McKing does a great job of keeping Kingman away from his neck. Marcus lands a hard right hand, and then a big knee to the stomach that sends Kingman tumbling to the mat. McKing stomps him out a few times before attempting the pin, but he only scores a two count before Kingman kicks out. Kingman lands a hard right hand but McKing fires one right back at him. The two continue at this pace until McKing gets caught with a big boot to the gut, and Kingman positions himself to plant him into the canvas with a DDT. However, McKing resists, and throws Kingman over his shoulders and the former United States Champion braces for a long fall back down to the mat below. Kingman is forced to wait in the center of the ring, vulnerable to an attack, as McKing climbs to the top turnbuckle and plays to the crowd before he flies off with a huge elbow drop. He places the elbow perfectly into Kingman's chest and the "Crippler" is clearly too winded to defend himself any further, as McKing scores the pin. Who will stop Marcus McKing? Find out next week on Sunday Slamfest!




Final Grade: B-

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Decisions Must Be Made




As a booker there are a ton of decisions that you have to make, especially when someone like Richard Eisen gives you so much power. I've been behind the wheel of this company since 77', and I've never been this confused as to where I've had to go. I didn't have a lot of decisions to make regarding the main event scene, as long as Micky Starr was in the main event and walked away with his belt, the rest would just figure itself out.


Then when Rip came along, we had a credible threat to the belt, and we had someone that could finally take it off of Micky so he could go off and get involved with some of the other feuds. Now that Rip's held the belt for a year though, we have to start figuring our shit out. Essentially what I've had to do is talk to all the main event guys and the on-the-cusp midcarders that could be groomed into a credible contender, or even a World Champion. But I have to be careful to not give them false hope because we don't want to flip this title around, and in the process, take away its value.


As I sat in my office, Richard sat in his, and over the course of the day I saw the traffic get redirected towards my door. Richard didn't want to talk about any of this with the roster; as far as he was concerned, he was the king, and the king didn't talk to his loyal servants unless there was a camera on them. When we weren't on screen, I was in charge. Coincidentally, as soon as Sunday came around Richard wanted to know exactly what was going on so he could show up and put a face on for the crowd.


I could continue on my rant about Richard's methods of running his company, but I'll save you the time. It wasn't long before Sid Streets showed up at my door and took it upon himself to open and knock at the same time, eliminating the purpose of knocking in the first place.


"Hey boss, you got some time to talk?" said the twenty-three year old with silver hair that rivaled his father's. "I've got a little time. Have a seat." I didn't really have much time, but I figured Sid would give me something, at least something, that I could use to solve this puzzle.


"I know you guys are gonna' be looking for someone to build up on the way to King of the Squared Circle, and I know you guys are gonna' need a new threat to that belt once Dusty's program is over. I'm just letting you know that you don't need to look any further, I'm right here."


Oh brother.


"While I admire your enthusiasm Sid, I'd prefer to put first things first and to be brutally honest with you, I don't know how the fans would react to two straight Streets boys going after the belt. We just turned you last year, and they're eating you up as a heel" -- before I could finish, Sid's mouth had already begun to move.


"You're damn right they are, that should be enough to tell you how good I'd be as your World Champion." He was persistent, I have to give him that. But facts were facts. We turned Sid last year because he wasn't ready for a run with the belt, we turned him at the same time that Chord won the belt so that he DIDN'T have a reason to beg for a title shot like he was known to do.


"Sid, you have to understand that titles don't validate your work in this business, tons of the best of the best go their entire careers without getting the strap. Look at your dad for example. The fact is that you've got enough heat on you right now without the belt around your waist and we need to give it to someone who has nothing going for them right now."


"So you're saying I'm too good for the belt then? That's bullshit and you know it, Rogan." Jesus, the nerve of this kid. I've been running this place since this little punk was in high school and he's still gonna' act like I don't know what I'm doing.


"Micky Starr & Rip Chord aren't too good to hold that belt then? Cause that's bullshit too Kevin. You just don't like me." Gold star for Sid. You know, for as good as that Rocky Streets was you'd think he would've taught his youngest that showing up to meetings with road agents on time, and you know, not being a total dick backstage is important to your success in the wrestling business... or any business in general for that matter.


"Sid I'm just trying to tell you that I don't know what we're going to do yet. I have to gauge how the backstage environment is and who's really deserving of this shot. There are tons of guys here who would kill for the position you're in and if you're not happy with it, that's a different story altogether. But for now, you just need to sit tight and be happy with what we do with you. DeColt, McKing... those guys have been in the business longer than you and are still being lost in the shuffle around here. Those are the kinds of guys that we really need to put a belt on; the guys that the fans like but that we still don't have anything for."


I couldn't keep talking to this kid without getting more and more frustrated. He wasn't gonna' like what I told him unless it was "Yes Sid, the belt is yours, while you're at it take my new car out for a spin." I could see his face getting progressively more and more irritated and I let him know that it might be best for him to head back to his dressing room and take a break. "If the schedule's gotten to be too vigorous for you and you're stressed out, I get it, I can leave you off of this week's show and you can take a week off. Nobody around here's gonna' have any qualms with that, Sid." I could see the wheels in his head turning and he was coming back around.


"... it's just that you're not gonna' be allowed to feel that kind of stress if you're ever a World Champion." but I just had to open my mouth again.


I'm in for a long day.

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Decisions Must Be Made (cont.)




As if my conversation with Sid wasn't enough to make me pack my things and head home for the night, I had more things I had to figure out before I could even consider eating, let alone a nap. A lot of our new talent in development has been itching to make their ways to the main roster and now I have to deal with what I'm going to do with them.


Richard's desperate need to have every single piece of talent in the world is making it really hard on me to keep them all active. There are just too many solid guys and they can't all have the belt at once so I don't know what to do with them. What happens? They get pissed at the management of this place (and really, who could blame them?) and decide they never want to come back after they leave.


Why would somebody reject a contract offer from the biggest promotion on the planet, you may ask?


Because this place is a f*cking prison, that's why.


People show up here, super excited for what their future holds, the fact that their moms and dads will be able to see them on TV doing what they enjoy, and then Eisen sucks the life right out of them like some kind of industrial vacuum that gets plugged in after contracts are signed. At that point you either walk out on the company and get blackballed from the industry as a whole or you take your lumps as long as Richard wants you to.


Anyways, I'm rambling. The point is, is that the next batch of zombies is about to walk in the door and I have the glorious task of deciding what spot on the shelf they're going to have for whatever's left of their three year contracts. The best part, all I have to go on is their picture and what Moretti tells me from Colorado. It's not the best job, but... no, it's just not the best job and there's no bright side.


Jerome Ramsey and the Storms are the three that are about to be dropped off on my doorstep to meet their new legal guardian. I know a bit about The Storms, being that they're a tag team that had been tearing through the independent scene before we signed them up, but Jerome Ramsey is something of an enigma. I know barely anything about the guy besides the fact that he's humongous, and while that's a very good thing to be when you're in the SWF, there are tons of big men that are waiting for you to fall off so they can get their shot.


The three walk in my office and say few words, I don't know whether Moretti has them trained to do so but if that's the case, I hope they can at least ask to go to the bathroom if they have need to go. The Storms look like they're about to piss themselves by the way they're shaking. Ramsey stands there like a huge block and honestly, I don't know how he made it through the door.


I have a general idea of what I'm going to do with the Storms; I'm gonna' throw them into the tag team division and that'll be that. They'll get a couple matches here and there, and if they're a hit with the fans I'll have the green light to push them up the card.


Ramsey's a different story though. He's not big enough to be perceived as the monster he's been made out to be, but he's not small enough to play the role of the underdog; and that really sucks... you know, for me. This is the kind of the guy that fits in with a stable, because he's not already popular and he'll need someone to essentially sign off on him.


Ahh, decisions, decisions.


"Well boys, congratulations, you've made it to the promised land", at this point I'd put on my most convincing smile. "From now on, nobody can tell you anything, you can do no wrong... but there are a few things you really can't do around here and it's my job to tell you about them", I think these kids got shipped here straight from an episode of scared straight and my wrestlers are in some penitentiary right now, cause I didn't even get a laugh out of that. I don't know what kind of humor these guys are used to, but I know for a fact that that was funny.


"Don't say anything about your boss on the air unless you're given permission to do so, don't hurt anyone... yadda' yadda' yadda' you know the drill. You've worked in a wrestling company before and I'm sure Moretti taught you enough about the place. Anyways, Storms, you guys have your first match next week so get out there and shake hands with the rest of the roster. Ramsey, I'm still trying to find a place for you but if you're lucky, I'll fit you in one of the angles this week. Deal? Cool."


Before Ramsey even had a chance to say thanks, and before Stuart Storm had a chance to nod his head in approval, Seth was running to my garbage can to throw up, and to top it off Sid had decided he'd stop by again and let me know he did indeed want a match this week.


Jesus this day cannot end soon enough. But I still came through in the end with a card that I'm at least content with.


SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #124


Main Event

George DeColt vs "Cowboy" Caldwell


Powerhouse Patterson vs Sid Streets


SWF Tag Team Championships

The Lunatics © vs The All-Star Team


Joey Flame vs Percy Devine


Sheik Mustafa vs Micky Starr

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Novelty Acts




Every so often Richard tasks us with the job of going to one of the territorial shows and scouting out the competition. Sometimes it's to heckle but a lot of the time it's actually for my sake, so I can keep an eye on the local talent that I otherwise wouldn't have had a chance to see.


I've unfortunately had more and more problems with this strategy of his as of late.


You see, people fight and claw to get their shot in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. A spot on our roster means so much more than just wrestling in the largest and most well known wrestling promotion on the planet. It means national exposure, it means significantly larger paychecks and most of all, it means that you're a household name and your value shoots up everywhere else. Unless you f*ck up really badly, leaving the Supreme Wrestling Federation opens up a shit ton of doors and you can bet your ass that the wrestlers know that.


I happened to have been assigned to an APWF show this evening because we were in the Tri-State area at the same time. Sure enough, Edmond Jackson, who I had previously released two years ago was holding one of their belts, so when I showed up in the front row and he came out of the backstage area, it made for some interesting eye contact at ringside.


Okay, I won't lie... old man Rogan let things get a little heated at ringside. But it was for a good reason. We have a very short list of enemies here at the Supreme Wrestling Federation, but when we do, they get chucked on a list and they sit there until they accept full responsibility for whatever happened throughout the entire debacle, regardless if they were at fault for the majority of it or not. For now, that list includes Robbie Gordon, Terry Lambert & Edmond Jackson. Jack Rossi used to be on the list, but eventually he saw the dollar signs and he took responsibility for his disagreement with Richard.


Robbie Gordon, as you may or may not know, was a bit of a douchebag when it came to his character. I use the term 'douchebag' in the most complimentary way, of course, because the guy was really good at playing his role. The problem was, well... he was too good. Basically, Robbie got into some deep shit after some stunt he pulled after a show one night and ever since then, he's been in the far east cause Eisen had him blackballed. And to this day I have no clue what beef Lambert has with him, could have to do with Franco & Richard not seeing eye to eye or maybe just because Terry runs a rival promotion. I'm sure that if it shut down and Eisen was able to offer him an exclusive contract it would all simmer down though.


But Edmond... well, Edmond's a different story.


The stage was set for 1977 to be one of the biggest years for the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Some inside info had let us know that Sam Strong's contract was gonna' come up about mid-April, so we had that to look forward to. Second, I was in talks with George DeColt to set up a contract with him, an exclusive one, and we had had our eyes on Marcus McKing, also a part of the APWF, to try and convince him to jump ship to us. Then you had Ares Aegaleus and Hagar Erikson still young enough to be credible threats that didn't gas every ten minutes, Rick Rumble, The Pangrazzios & Powerhouse Patterson were rounding out the main event scene and of course, Micky Starr was bringing it all home. We had every major star that was available, and we were figuring out how to pick up every major star that was, at that point, unavailable. Edmond Jackson was a major part of our roster at that point and I still maintain that he is the sole reason that 1977 didn't go exactly as planned for us.


Edmond was to put Richie Pangrazzio over in a feud that was going to end at the King of the Squared Circle event in 77', giving Pangrazzio the title of King of the Squared Circle and catapulting him into a main event level feud with Micky Starr. Well, what seemed like a perfect way to turn a Chihuahua into a full-sized Rottweiler wasn't enough for the old guard dog, and Jackson decided that he was going to moan like a grandfather that missed out on the early bird special.


"Kev, how long have we worked together? You're just gonna' throw away everything I've worked for... for this little Pangrazzio kid?"


"Kev, I really think you guys should talk this out a little further..."


"Kev, think about what you're doing bud, you know me"


"Kev, you know as much as I know that this plan is f*cking crazy..."


That stupid voice, filled with a sense of entitlement from the moment he began to speak, still plays back in my head every time I hear his name. Edmond Jackson is the Supreme Wrestling Federation's (and mine... don't forget mine) worst enemy. He came, he put in some work and when the going got tough and he had to take one for the team, he turned his back on us and signed himself off to the first company willing to offer him a pretty penny.


To his credit, he's not an idiot, that's for sure.


There were countless offers, it's like every single day I would get some kind of reporter sending me a letter or calling me to ask for my opinion on the whole situation. I didn't care; so every day it was f*ck Edmond Jackson, we didn't need him. We still don't, and it's still the exact same sentiment. But it doesn't take away from the fact that even since leaving the promotion and getting out of our hair for good, he still manages to be a nuisance.


Although there's hardly any cases that are as bad as Jackson's, getting laid off by the Supreme Wrestling Federation is both the best and worst thing that can happen to a person's wrestling career. But once you get past the worst part, you can start to enjoy the best. The worst part is having to deal with the fact that you might just not have been good enough to deal with the national exposure and the increased stress levels that are associated with Eisen's company. But once you get over your own inadequacies, you can start to enjoy the countless dollar signs and zeros that are being shoved in your face just so you can sign on the bottom line.


Eisen's stamp of approval can be issued and revoked, but once you've been stamped, it might as well be a tattoo. Because baby, that shit's like herpes... it might not show, but it stays with you forever.

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...SWF Presents...






Micky Starr and Sam Strong start this evening's show in the ring, both equipped with microphones. The two argue back and forth about their previous encounters and their match at The Challenge:


Micky Starr: Sam Strong and I wrestled a few weeks ago at The Challenge and I haven't quite gotten the chance to talk with him face to face about the outcome. So Sam, I'm giving you your chance to fire at me and let me know how you feel.


Sam Strong: Brother, I've got nothing to say to you. You beat me fair and square and honestly, I'm leaving it at that.


Micky Starr: Well honestly Sam, given your little rant last week about me, I feel like your answer isn't exactly... truthful.


Sam Strong: Brother, I said I had nothin' to say. I told everyone last week that I would get you in the ring and get my revenge, one way or another... it's just not that time yet.


Micky Starr: I'm not letting you get away that easy Sam. I don't take kindly to getting called out and honestly, you're acting like a little bit of a coward right now.


Sam Strong: I'm not gonna' tell you three times, Mick. You beat me, and you can take as long as you want to celebrate that fact. But one day, you and I are gonna' meet in this here ring once again, and brother, you best hope you're in the best shape of your life... cause on that day, it's gonna' be me who's not letting you get away that easy.


Micky Starr: Well Sam, if you have any issues with me being in a good enough shape to give you enough of a fight, why don't I just prove that to you in my match tonight. You're totally welcome to stay at ringside and watch, but if you feel like sulking backstage I won't blame you.


Sam Strong: I'll do what Sam Strong feels like doin' brother, and you don't get to say nothin' about that.


Sam gets out of the ring and Sheik Mustafa's music hits, signalling that it's time for our opening match of the evening.








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Micky Starr vs Sheik Mustafa


It wasn't going to take an expert's opinion to tell you how this match was going to go. The Sheik was very much so out of his comfort zone in this match with the former World Champion of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, and Micky Starr did his best to continue to make his opponent feel like a fish out of water. The Sheik put up a valiant effort, but it just wasn't enough to stop 'Mighty' Micky Starr's triumphant display of excellent wrestling ability. Micky puts a stop to this one in just under six minutes with a big German suplex that is packed with so much force, that Mustafa was unable to kick out.








http://i59.tinypic.com/2h7du8x.jpg vs http://i61.tinypic.com/1055mo1.jpg


Percy Devine vs Joey Flame


Percy Devine, at one point, was looking like a serious contender for the United States Championship. Unfortunately for him, Teddy Flame showed that he was indeed the best fit for the belt, and Devine was left in a position that was unfamiliar to him; his back was against the wall with nowhere to go. He did show a sense of desperation in this affair with Joey Flame, but it was still just not enough to prove that he really did belong in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Joey picks up a quick victory after a nasty Superkick leaves Devine unconscious and vulnerable to the pin.








The cameras head backstage to find Vladimir Grinkov brawling with his rival, The Masked Patriot, but it was not a one-on-one brawl. A relatively unfamiliar face was also involved in the quarrel, and it was Captain USA that was coming to the aid of his partner-in-patriotism as the two tried to beat down the seemingly unstoppable Russian. Richard Eisen came storming out of his office to find his client being assaulted by the duo and immediately sent the two scattering as he interrupted the brawl. Eisen tended to his client's wounds but Grinkov did a good enough job of defending himself that he was able to get out relatively unscathed. Unfortunately for The Masked Patriot & Captain USA, this was a war that was not going to end quickly... or painlessly for that matter.








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The Lunatics © vs The All-Star Team

SWF Tag Team Championships


Angus McCloud and Maxwell Aland start things off and it's an ugly one from the start. McCloud swings at Aland, who responds with a shot of his own. The two pound on each other for a few minutes before Angus manages to drop him with a huge clothesline. McCloud hoists him to his feet and sends him into The Lunatics' corner with a hard Irish whip, and Omura and McCloud take turns tagging in and out of the match, double teaming the All-Star Team member. McCloud winds up back in the ring by the time Aland gets out of the corner, and when McCloud misses a right hands, Aland takes the opportunity to tag out to Ken Wakata, who perches himself on the top turnbuckle and comes flying off with a huge dropkick to an unsuspecting Angus McCloud. Wakata goes for the pin but McCloud kicks out before the referee's hand hits the mat once. McCloud hops back to his feet and tags out to Omura who hops into the ring and unleashes a huge knee to the body that folds Wakata over. Omura drops a few stomps and viciously assaults the injured body of Ken Wakata before landing a huge leg drop to finish the match. The Lunatics make another successful defense of their Tag Team Championships, and once more, without the appearance of Shawn Spades.








Angus McCloud demands a microphone following his successful title defense with his partner, Saionji Omura.


Angus McCloud: If you've ever seen us live and in person, ya' know that I do the talking, and when I getta' talking, everyone else getsta' walking. Tonight, we got rid of the All-Star Team once again, and we proved that we are not scared of no Deadly Gamble or no Shawn Spades.


We left ourselves open ta' you three ta' show up and ruin our night, but ya' didn't. Stay out of our backyard mates, cause ya' never know what kind of dogs are hangin' around. We're here every week fellas, and if ya' ever want to come see us, ya' know where we are.








Rip Chord is backstage with Sam Keith standing proudly behind him. The Supreme Wrestling Federation's World Heavyweight Champion delivers a message to his former challenger, Dusty Streets.


Rip Chord: How many times do I have to prove to you people that I am the be all, end all of this company. How many times do I have to talk until you people understand that there is nobody in this company that is on my level. Nobody will ever be on my level. I embody the word 'supreme' and I give that word a new meaning every time I step in the ring.


If little Rocky Streets Jr thinks he's going to show me up, then he's completely mistaken. If anybody on this planet, thinks they're going to show me up, then they're delusional. I'm the number one wrestler in the world for a reason people, so take notice.








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Sid Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson


Powerhouse Patterson and Sid Streets, from the moment they entered the ring, let the crowd know that they were about to go to war. From the intense staredown that the two men shared before the opening bell, to the sheer amount of punches and kicks that the two exchanged before locking up with each other, Streets and Patterson put on a match that shattered expectations. Patterson got hold of Streets and let loose with some dirty right hands as he gripped his opponent's collar, but once Streets broke free, it was a different story, as the youngest of the Streets' clan threw Powerhouse Patterson around the ring with a variety of suplexes and throws. Once the two men are both back on their feet, the match picks up where it left off, with the two swinging wildly at each other, neither man giving an inch. The match finally comes to an end when Patterson miscalculates the amount of force he puts into a spear tackle, and when Streets dodges out of the way, Patterson dives face first into the turnbuckle. Streets pulls him out of the corner and drops him with a huge Street Sweeper for the pin.








Wild Man Sullivan emerges from the backstage area but simply stands in the entrance ramp, taunting the victorious Sid Streets. While one would expect the unpredictable Sullivan to rush the ring to achieve some sort of comeuppance following the beatdown he suffered last week at the hands of the man he faces off with, he simply stands, waiting for Streets to do something, anything. Streets throws his one hand up and points at Sullivan from the ring, and nods as he wears his grin like it's fresh out of the store. The two face off for a few more minutes until the screen at home fades to commercial and we prepare for the main event.








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"Cowboy" Caldwell vs George DeColt


In a rematch from their previous dark show match at The Challenge 1979, "Cowboy" Caldwell and George DeColt face off in the main event of this week's episode of Sunday Slamfest. Caldwell tries to turn this into a brawl from the sound of the opening bell, but DeColt uses some nice footwork to move around the ring and avoid any of his deadly hands. DeColt moves in to lock up with his opponent and drags him to the mat, working a tight headlock in hopes of slowing the big man down, but Caldwell powers through the headlock and gets back to his feet, firing off a hard uppercut that forces DeColt to respect his power. DeColt backs away, tentatively moving around to set up his own offense, but Caldwell rushes him into the corner and grips him by the throat, rattling off some hard rights until the referee pulls him away and forces the match to resume in the center of the ring. DeColt gets a hold of him once more and brings the match back down to the mat, wrenching an arm-lock that he had used to drag him down in the first place. DeColt masterfully moves around on the mat to stop Caldwell from regaining his footing, and works the arm-lock until Caldwell manages to muscle himself over to the ropes, forcing the referee to break the hold. DeColt relinquishes immediately, but stomps and kicks his opponent to stop him from getting back to his feet immediately. The end of the match comes when DeColt ducks under a hard clothesline and grabs hold of Caldwell's neck, dropping him to the mat with a big swinging neckbreaker to set up the pin. Caldwell is unable to kick out and DeColt is victorious in the main event of Sunday Slamfest.








George DeColt celebrates his victory with the fans until a familiar face emerges from the backstage area. Mighty Thor emerges from the backstage area but his slow walk allows DeColt to prepare for the inevitable. Unfortunately, what he wasn't expecting was Corporal Doom to emerge from the crowd and jump him in the middle of the ring. Before Mighty Thor even manages to make it to the ring, Doom has started assaulting the Canadian, blasting him with stomps and kicks and grabbing him by the neck with a tight sleeper hold. Doom raises him up to his feet, still clutching on to the hold, and threatens to put him to sleep, barking out insults as he continues to wrench the hold. DeColt eventually passes out, and Doom lets him violently fall to the canvas, his torso slumped over his own knees. Doom points at Mighty Thor and barks some insults his way, but Thor simply smiles and returns to the backstage area from which he came. The show ends with Doom raising his hands in victory as the screen fades to black. Join us next week for another exciting episode of Sunday Slamfest!




Final Grade: B-

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Whether or not you like him in the ring, it's undeniable that Sam Strong excels on screen...


Sam Strong's movie, 'Blackheart', was in theaters last year and the box office revealed that it was a huge success. Well, the movie has finally been released on VHS, with some extended scenes that are sure to have you glued to your TV screen even more than at the theaters. The movie is coming out just in time to coincide with the road to SWF's Golden Dreams, where Sam Strong will most likely play a large role once more, possibly opposite Micky Starr.


The movie continues to prove that crossover stars do have a lot of appeal in the wrestling business, as Sam Strong's popularity continues to grow rapidly. He is arguably more well known that Micky Starr himself to the casual fans, simply due to his crossover appeal. While Micky Starr is undoubtedly the most popular wrestler on the planet, it is arguable that Sam Strong is the biggest star on the face of the earth right now. How will Strong's involvement in the first ever pay-per-view event for the Supreme Wrestling Federation affect buy rates? We'll have to wait and find out.


Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) are: Corki, Uncrewed & smwilliams. Congratulations!




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #125


Main Event

Micky Starr vs Sid Streets


Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Hagar Erikson


Rip Chord & Sam Keith vs The Mustache Dream Team


The Perfect Storm (Stuart & Seth Storm) vs The All-Star Team


George DeColt vs Vladimir Grinkov

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...SWF Presents...






Sid Streets opens the show, interrupting an interview between Wild Man Sullivan & Buddy Hollar. He grabs Hollar's microphone out of his hand and begins yelling into it, effectively starting a war of words with the Wild Man himself.


Sid Streets: You must really think you're all that to mess with me, Sulley. You must really think you're somethin' special.


Wild Man Sullivan: Wild Man think Sid scared. Wild Man think Sid not believe in himself.


Sid Streets: You couldn't be more wrong, Sulley. You've got absolutely no clue.


Wild Man Sullivan: Wild Man not need clue, Wild Man not want clue. Wild Man want match.


Sid Streets: I'm sure you would you filthy animal. But you're not gonna' get one. Not now, not never. Sorry Sulley, I don't fight primates. Watch your back.








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George DeColt vs Vladimir Grinkov


George DeColt and Vladimir Grinkov were about as evenly matched as possible in their opening match this evening. For every DeColt power punch, there was a deadly judo throw courtesy of Grinkov. The two throw each other around and rattle of punches from all angles. The two brawl over the next few minutes, until DeColt starts to pick up some momentum. DeColt catches Grinkov with some hard punches and kicks, along with some well placed chops. Grinkov is not enjoying the beating, and clearly his manager, Richard Eisen is not a fan either. Eisen hops into the ring and blasts DeColt with a big elbow to the back. The referee calls for the bell, but Eisen tells him that if he does not call the match a draw, it'll be the last match he officiates in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The referee obeys, and the match is ruled a draw as Eisen hoists his client back to his feet to make their escape to the backstage area.


But they would not make it to the backstage area just yet. Almost immediately after the sound of the bell, Corporal Doom emerges from the crowd and The Masked Patriot had cut Eisen and his client off at the entrance ramp. Two separate brawls would merge into one, as DeColt tries to escape Doom's wrath and runs directly into the scuffle between Patriot & Grinkov. The four men swing wildly at each other and once Eisen gets caught with a hard right hand from who knows where, he yells for some officials to come break the fight apart. The four men are separated and Grinkov and Eisen make their ways to the backstage area, and Corporal Doom soon follows. DeColt and Patriot shake hands and raise their arms for the crowd in celebration.








Teddy Flame is leaning against the vending machine backstage, chatting up one of the women nearby. The casual flirting doesn't last long, as Joey Flame tosses his brother, and United States Champion, into the vending machine. Teddy goes through the glass pane and the two swing at each other and Teddy lands a hard right hand that puts his brother down. Flame drops a few hard stomps on his fallen brother and walks off, tossing his championship belt over his shoulder and turning his back on the man who'd just attacked him.








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The Perfect Storm vs The All-Star Team


The debuting Perfect Storm, although extremely exciting and boasting a fresh style of wrestling that many of the longstanding Supreme Wrestling Federation fans are not used to, were just unable to get it together enough to beat the established All-Star Team. Not to mention Coach Dick Pangrazzio's influence on the match. The Storms fly around the ring and show off some high flying moves that many would consider impossible. Unfortunately, Maxwell Aland would find a way to hold them down and finish them off with a lightning quick arm-drag. Aland scores the pin and the victory for the All-Star Team.








Speaking of tag teams, we run into The Lunatics backstage. The camera follows the Tag Team Champions as they walk through the backstage area, opening doors and scoping out the locker rooms in search of their target. Unsurprisingly, their target is indeed Shawn Spades, who they manage to find in one of the locker rooms getting in a quick workout. The Tag Team Championships rush him and plant him into the lockers, beating him senseless and effectively sending him to the cement floor. The Lunatics get in a couple more cheap shots before they flee the scene, laughing and insulting their target all the while. Spades grabs his head and crawls to a nearby seat and looks out the door as the camera fades back to the ring.








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Rip Chord & Sam Keith vs The Mustache Dream Team


There was no way this match was going to the Mustache Dream Team. That was a sure thing. What wasn't a sure thing, was the dominant performance of Sam Keith. Keith refused to tag out to his mentor, Rip Chord, and elected to do the bulk of the in-ring work himself; effectively proving to his mentor how good he really is. Keith absolutely picked apart his opponents Morris & Selleck, bit by bit, taking them out at their legs and eventually working his way up to their necks. After blasting Selleck with boots to the knees and leg sweeps, Chord tagged himself in to take the glory from his protege, driving Selleck's face into the canvas with a brutal Rip Chord DDT. The mentor and protege celebrate together and taunt the fans in attendance about their victory. The crowd began to drown them out with chants of 'Dusty! Dusty!' and although the title contender did not make his presence felt this evening, it was still very clear that the fans had a hero to root for; a fact that made Chord & Keith very upset.








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Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Hagar Erikson


Erikson and Pangrazzio show off their skills in this brawl between two of the toughest men on the SWF roster. Although Erikson's age is starting to catch up with him, he kept up with Pangrazzio for the vast majority of the match, rarely showing any sign of weakness. Unfortunately, his age was the telling factor of the result of this match, as Pangrazzio was slowly wearing him down and by the end of the match, it was safe to say that Pangrazzio was picking up the pace while Hagar was playing catch-up. Erikson and Pangrazzio trade blows but Pangrazzio is clearly getting the better of the exchanges as he is more fresh, and much quicker. All great matches must come to an end, however, and Pangrazzio was in good shape to make the match go his way. Pangrazzio turns the heat up a bit and blasts Erikson with a combination of punches that boxes him in the corner. Pangrazzio catches Erikson with a big knee to the gut and plants him into the canvas with a big snap suplex for the pin, picking up the victory over a very game Hagar Erikson.








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Sid Streets vs Micky Starr


Sid Streets and Micky Starr immediately lock up in the middle of the ring and begin to do what they do best; wrestle. Micky throws him across the ring with a big arm drag, but Sid hops right back to his feet and drops Starr with a big clothesline. Starr hops back to his feet and the two trade rights and lefts before Streets ducks under a big right and drops Starr with a hard leg kick that sweeps Starr's own legs out from under him. Starr kicks Streets away as he gets to close and with that, the two are both on their feet and swinging once more. Streets is looking more and more confident as the match goes on, and Starr is looking more and more worried about an appearance from his nemesis, Sam Strong. Fortunately for him, Strong never shows up for the duration of the match, and Starr is able to regain his confidence and perform like he knows he can. Starr puts an end to the match after catching Streets with a big boot to the head, and finished it off with a Falling Starr off of the top rope. Starr gets the pin and the victory, and Streets is visibly unhappy.








As the match came to an end, the sound of Wild Man Sullivan's laugh echos throughout the arena, with Sid Streets looking more confused than ever. With his rival nowhere to be found, he looks around the ring trying to find the source of the sound. Even Micky Starr is trying to find the source, just as confused as his opponent. Before anyone can find where Sullivan's laugh originates from, Sam Strong bolts out from the backstage area and the three men in the ring brawl until the last man standing is Sam Strong himself. Strong puts one foot on Micky's chest and flexes for the crowd, and as the camera fades to black, Sullivan's laugh is still echoing throughout the arena.




Final Grade: B

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Things Get Worse



Okay, I'll admit, I'm not one to bitch and moan about pranks backstage because I've pulled a few of em' myself. But there comes a time when shit gets to be way too much, and it's not just pranks anymore. People are showing up late and taking swings at each other... it's almost as if their on-screen rivalries had moved from the confines of the ring to the real world. Pangrazzio and the rest of the All-Star Team are catty as ever, standing in whatever corner they desire and not moving until they have a match or a skit to perform. Sid's been skipping meetings with road agents twice in the last month. Now, twice doesn't seem like a lot, but when you only have four televised shows a month, you're damn right twice becomes a lot.


Hell, the guys that deserve to act like jackasses are the only ones not doing it. Micky's never been a shit disturber, and Strong & Chord have been on their best behaviors since getting on with us in 77'. Dusty's been a good kid considering his dad isn't really around as much anymore but Sid's the complete opposite.


Knobb's not doing anything about it either. The guy's good at his job but Jesus Christ I've never met someone so shitty at dealing with people. That's why nobody respects him, not because he's new, not because they all loved Moretti so much, it's cause the guy sucks. I don't know why Richard decided this guy was the best choice for the job but he did and now I have to deal with the consequences.


I've had more guys in and out of my office in the past week than I've had in the last year. Every single day it's like the entire roster decides that they want to find something new to f*ck around with and next thing you know, I'm handing out fines and going off on rants about how much it would suck for me to fire them. But they know it wouldn't suck, they're not getting belts and other than the television exposure they're getting, there's not much else for them here. They know it just as much as I do. I've said it once, I'll say it again, this place is a prison.


Naturally, it's been a real shitty week to book a card, and with more and more guys getting frustrated with me (for problems they've created, might I add) I've had to work really hard to get the guys together as a unit for this one. I'm praying to God that nobody f*cks around in the ring and just does the job they're getting paid for, and everything will work out.




SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #126


Main Event

Micky Starr vs Papa Voodoo


Jack Rossi vs Corporal Doom


Vladimir Grinkov & Mystery Partner vs American Made (Captain USA & The Masked Patriot)


Jerome Ramsey vs Flyin' Ryan O'Brian


Rampage vs Wild Man Sullivan

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Main Event

Micky Starr vs Papa Voodoo


Jack Rossi vs Corporal Doom


Vladimir Grinkov & Mystery Partner vs American Made (Captain USA & The Masked Patriot)


Jerome Ramsey vs Flyin' Ryan O'Brian


Rampage vs Wild Man Sullivan


And uh, Sean.....between you and me....I think you need a vacation from the pranks. Just saying. :p

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...SWF Presents...






Richard Eisen starts the show off by calling out The Masked Patriot, who gladly answers his boss' call, storming out to the ring with a microphone in his hand.


Richard Eisen: Well well well... look who shows up.


The Masked Patriot: Make it quick Richard, I've got a match to prepare for tonight.


Richard Eisen: That's really no way to talk to your boss, young man.


The Masked Patriot: Well I'm sorry if I don't quite consider you my superior, Richard. You haven't exactly done much to act like it, at least.


Richard Eisen: Well, whether you like it or not, I am, and because I am, I get to do what I'm about to do right now. Your mystery opponent in your tag-team match with Captain USA against my client, Vladimir Grinkov, is the one... the only...


The Masked Patriot: Spit it out boss man, I don't have all day.


Richard Eisen: ... Mighty Thor.








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Rampage vs Wild Man Sullivan


Wild Man Sullivan came out to the ring with something to prove this week, and he did just that. Despite Rampage's intimidating look and size, Wild Man Sullivan's brawl-heavy style meant that Rampage was struggling to keep up, and it wasn't going to take long for the Wild Man to pick up the victory. Sullivan throws some heavy shots and tosses Rampage around the ring before finishing him off with a brutal spear tackle before scoring the pin.








Post-match, the fans are treated to one of the most awkward taunts in the history of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Wild Man Sullivan frantically looked around for a microphone after picking up the victory over Rampage, and once he found one, he began to laugh maniacally until nothing but his cackle filled the arena. Although he interrupts his laugh momentarily on a few occasions to yell Sid Streets' name, the vast majority of the taunt is simply incomprehensible and the Wild Man leaves the fans more confused than they were before he grabbed the microphone.








A new face appears in the center of the ring with a microphone, and on the jumbo screen above the ring, we are greeted by a logo that simply says: Rory's Ring. A young Irishman stands in the ring and introduces himself to the crowd as Rory McCallum, and then introduces his guest, Sam Strong.


Rory McCallum: Good evening lads', I'm Rory McCallum, and tis' is Rory's Ring. Tonight I'll be bringing to you one of the most well recognized faces in the business, Sam Strong.


Sam Strong: Pleasure to be here, brother.


Rory McCallum: Now, Sam, I just have a few questions for you and I'd like you to bear with me through a few of them. What do you think of Micky Starr?


Sam Strong: I don't like the guy, brother, and frankly I'd personally like to keep his name out of my mouth, so if you'd skip over any Micky questions... well, I'd just really appreciate it.


Rory McCallum: I've got ya' mate, don't worry about it. Now, how do you plan to bounce back from your tough loss at The Challenge?


Sam Strong: Well, I thought we were going to avoid the Micky related questions but...


Rory McCallum: That wasn't a Micky question mate, not until you made it one at least.


Sam Strong: Why can't you just ask me a question about me, brother. Aren't I good enough for you?


Rory McCallum: Listen mate I'm really not trying to step on any toes. Let's just try one more question, okay? With only one man having previously won the World Heavyweight Championship...


Sam Strong: That's it, I'm out of here brother, you just don't get it.


Rory McCallum: Well, being as I have no guest, I guess that's the end of our show tonight! Hope to see you again in Rory's Ring next week folks, g'night!








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Jerome Ramsey vs Flyin' Ryan O'Brien


It doesn't take long for the crowd to realize that Ryan O'Brien was in for some trouble. At the top of the entrance ramp stood 'The Supreme Athlete' Jerome Ramsey. Standing at least six and a half feet tall, built & toned like a freshly detailed truck. Ramsey strutted his way to the ring, making his presence known from the get-go, and unfortunately, he built upon that forward momentum after the opening bell. Ryan O'Brien was just never allowed to, well, fly, and he was nearly crippled (both figuratively and literally) by the Jerome Ramsey Express. It wasn't long after that when Ramsey picked up the pin and was already being approached by some familiar faces...








Coach Dick & Richie Pangrazzio Jr approach 'The Supreme Athlete' Jerome Ramsey following his dominant performance. Richie is carrying a jacket, splashed with purple and green, the official team colors of The All-Star Team. Coach Dick grabs a microphone as the father-son duo face off with Ramsey.


Coach Dick Pangrazzio: Kid, let me tell ya', I ain't seen somethin' like that since this lil' stud (pointing to Richie) burst on the scene a couple summers ago. Anyways, that's all to say that we like what we see, and we're lookin' to do some drafting. Keep performin' like this in your next few matches and you could really be somethin' ya' know. Lemme' tell ya', The All-Star Team's always on the hunt for new talent. You do what you just did a few more times and I can get you playin' with the big boys and when you do, I can guaran-damn-tee you that belt just like I did Richie.


We're watchin', baby, this jacket could be yours and now you know it.








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Vladimir Grinkov & Mighty Thor vs American Made (The Masked Patriot & Captain USA)


Immediately after realizing that Mighty Thor would be the mystery man in this match-up, what felt like the entire arena was left in shock. How would The Masked Patriot & Captain USA, their heroes, be able to win, let alone survive a match with possibly the biggest team in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The Masked Patriot was able to do a little damage and give some hope to the masses, but unfortunately, whatever momentum was generated would time and time again be halted by their opponents. Mighty Thor impressed as he clubbed his opponents, one after the other, as Captain USA & his partner tagged in and out just to find time to breathe. Once Vladimir Grinkov found some time to make it into the ring, Captain USA was too discouraged to muster up the strength to save his partner, as he was forced to tap to a Vladimir Grinkov arm-lock.








Following the tag team match, we are brought backstage as Dusty Streets walks onto the scene and is intercepted by the World Heavyweight Champion, Rip Chord. time and time again we've seen these two brawl backstage and this time is no different. Rip and Dusty trade lefts and rights and don't stop until they are broken up by the officials. More words are exchanged as the two are pulled into their respective change rooms.








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Jack Rossi vs Corporal Doom


Jack Rossi and Corporal Doom trade blows from the start until they lock up in the center of the ring and take turns trying to out-muscle one another. Corporal Doom is smaller in stature but seems to be the more aggressive of the two, fitting in solid uppercuts and boots to the gut when he can. Rossi finally uses his size to his advantage, mauling the fiery Corporal Doom and pinning him to the mat in a headlock. While Doom kicks out, he does not escape the hold, and Rossi drags him around the ring, wrenching the hold as he moves. Doom finally escapes the hold and catches Rossi with a hard right hand that knocks him back. Rossi rebounds off of the ropes and walks into a big shoulder block from Doom, who follows it up with an attempt at a pin. Rossi kicks out at two, and the two are back at it again. The two brawl some more until the end of the match is finally upon us, and as Rossi maneuvers himself on the ground to go for a sleeper hold, Doom flips him over and pins him in a beautiful motion that leaves none more surprised than Rossi. Corporal Doom picks up a big win and celebrates for the crowd.








Following the match, Corporal Doom picks up a microphone and starts to call out his new rival, George DeColt.


Corporal Doom: There's a young man around here that there goes by the name of DeColt. Well lemme' tell you, DeColt. There ain't nobody runnin' this here company but me, you hear me! I've served and protected this company since I showed up here from the likes of The Sheik, Angus McCloud & there's no way in hell that you'll be the first to break through my defenses. Be warned, DeColt, I'm the wrong one to mess with.








http://i61.tinypic.com/qzn8xu.jpg vs http://i62.tinypic.com/2dioqz9.jpg


Papa Voodoo vs Micky Starr


Both of these men are intimidating for their own reasons. While Papa Voodoo is simply one of the most, for lack of a better word, 'freaky' wrestlers to grace the Supreme Wrestling Federation, Micky Starr's intimidation factor comes from the fact that he the most renowned and revered wrestlers in the entire world. Both men show off some of their respective skill sets as they trade punches and kicks. Papa Voodoo takes control of the match with some hard punches and a nice suplex. The two roll on the canvas, Voodoo attempts a quick pin but Starr is quick to kick out.


Micky lands a hard boot to the stomach and follows it up with a running knee lift. Voodoo collapses to the canvas and Starr capitalizes by raining down punches before going for a pin attempt of his own. Voodoo manages to kick out before two and the match continues. Starr gets caught with a nice uppercut, but fires back with a big elbow that sends Voodoo running towards the ropes. Voodoo bounces back and drops Starr with a hard shoulder block. Starr hops right back to his feet and runs for the ropes, bouncing back with a hard clothesline that puts Voodoo down this time.


The match goes on as neither man can truly put a cap on it. Voodoo is looking slower and slower as the match continues, and Micky Starr, as a result, begins to turn up the heat. Starr catches Voodoo with a nice uppercut, and another, and another... big body kick. Starr suplexes Voodoo into the center of the ring and climbs up to the top row. He positions himself perfectly and takes a moment...




Micky Starr gets the pin and celebrates his victory for the fans. Micky Starr continues to stake his claim for another run at the World Heavyweight Championship, and at this rate, it's hard not to agree with him. That's all for tonight folks, join us next week on Sunday Slamfest!




Final Grade: B-

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<span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>BRAWL BACKSTAGE</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">We've just received news that there was a bit of an altercation at the taping of this week's SWF Sunday Slamfest. The Night Rider & Mayhem Midden were involved in a rather heated argument with road agent Jim Knobb. We're not exactly certain about what the argument was about, but sources have told us that there was a bit of a disagreement about the direction of the company and whether that would include the One Percenters, to which Jim Knobb allegedly replied: 'Maybe it doesn't'</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

That obviously did not sit well with The Night Rider. Already angry enough about not being booked on the main show for another week, he went right back to Knobb's office and the two engaged in a shouting match that grabbed the attention of nearby officials. By the time the officials arrived, Knobb & The Night Rider were both behind the road agent's desk, rolling and striking each other until the officials separated them. The Night Rider & his partner, Mayhem Midden, were both escorted from the premises after speaking with Richard Eisen & Kev Rogan about the dispute, and were allegedly told to 'take a week off' and to 'not bother showing up next week'. While the two have not been fired over The Night Rider's actions, it's very possible that this may be the straw that breaks two camels' backs. We'll keep you updated on the situation.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Our Pro Wrestling Illustrated prediction contest for Sunday Slamfest is also in, and our lucky winner (or winners) are: </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Midnightnick</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">. Congratulations!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="color:#008080;">SWF Sunday Slamfest, Episode #127</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Main Event for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rip Chord © vs Chief Two Eagles</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Corporal Doom vs Johnny Boy Tucker</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Team KAOS vs The Perfect Storm</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Jerome Ramsey vs Archie Judge</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Chuck vs Wild Man Sullivan</span></span></p></div><p></p>

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<p>Main Event for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Rip Chord ©</strong> vs Chief Two Eagles</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Corporal Doom </strong>vs Johnny Boy Tucker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Team KAOS</strong> vs The Perfect Storm</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerome Ramsey</strong> vs Archie Judge</p><p> </p><p>

Chuck vs <strong>Wild Man Sullivan</strong></p>

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