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Your Excellent and Abysmal Fights

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With the release of WMMA4, I figured it's time for a new excellent/abysmal fight thread.


To start it off, here's an Excellent rated fight from my save game:


- Sharon 'Whipper' Manna vs. Patricia 'Ramrod' Martin
- From 'WCL 3: Cavanagh vs. Gorman' (from the save game 'WCL')
- Created 04 January 2015

(Rd 1 - 05:00) The first of the main fights is Sharon 'Whipper' Manna taking on Patricia 'Ramrod' Martin. 
(Rd 1 - 05:00) The referee is Kyle Crisp.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) Our judges are: Reginald Wodehouse, Edward Wilde, and Millhouse Twain.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) Round one begins!
(Rd 1 - 04:47) An exchange of strikes does not produce any damage.
(Rd 1 - 04:22) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 04:22) Martin uses a left jab and also nails a right cross. Manna uses a left jab and also connects with a right hand.
(Rd 1 - 04:00) An exchange of strikes sees both fighters fail to land anything significant.
(Rd 1 - 03:26) They exchange a few strikes but nothing significant lands.
(Rd 1 - 03:07) They stand and trade in the center of the cage, but neither fighter gives or takes any real damage.
(Rd 1 - 02:39) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 02:39) Martin hits a jab but misses with a big right hand. Manna uses a left jab but doesn't connect with a right hand.
(Rd 1 - 02:28) We go past the halfway point of this round.
(Rd 1 - 02:14) An exchange of strikes does not produce any damage.
(Rd 1 - 01:36) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 01:36) Manna hits a left hand. Martin hits a left jab and also nails a vicious right cross!
(Rd 1 - 01:23) Manna is knocked down!
(Rd 1 - 01:23) Martin starts pounding away on Manna, looking to finish her off!
(Rd 1 - 01:23) Martin pounds away on Manna but can't land anything significant.
(Rd 1 - 01:05) Looking to catch her breath, Martin is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.
(Rd 1 - 00:37) Martin blocks Manna as she tries a transition to guard.
(Rd 1 - 00:23) Martin keeps Manna guessing with a few quick strikes.
(Rd 1 - 00:01) Manna tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.
(Rd 1 - 00:00) Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.
(Rd 1 - 00:00) I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Martin.
(Rd 2 - 05:00) There's the bell for the start of the round!
(Rd 2 - 04:48) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 2 - 04:48) Martin misses with a left jab but nails a right cross. Manna uses a left jab and also connects with a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 04:22) Both fighters meet in the center.
(Rd 2 - 04:22) Manna hits a left jab and also hits a good right hand. Martin hits a left jab and also scores with a great right hook.
(Rd 2 - 03:55) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 2 - 03:55) Martin scores with a jab and also connects cleanly with a right hand. Manna scores with a jab and also hits a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 03:36) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 2 - 03:36) Manna scores with a left hook. Martin lands a left jab and also nails a vicious right cross!
(Rd 2 - 03:23) Manna is knocked down!
(Rd 2 - 03:23) Martin senses victory and starts to unload with punches!
(Rd 2 - 03:23) Martin unloads with big rights, but Manna covers up well.
(Rd 2 - 03:10) Martin throws a few right hands to the body.
(Rd 2 - 02:42) Manna tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.
(Rd 2 - 02:31) Martin pounds away with rights but fails to land any significant blows.
(Rd 2 - 02:17) Manna tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.
(Rd 2 - 02:04) Looking to catch her breath, Martin is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.
(Rd 2 - 01:35) Martin starts trying to work to go from side control to mount.
(Rd 2 - 01:35) Manna fights the attempted mount off, and they wind up scrambling for position.
(Rd 2 - 01:22) The scramble results in Martin being on her back pulling half guard.
(Rd 2 - 01:04) Manna throws a few weak-looking punches as she decides on her next move.
(Rd 2 - 00:47) Manna throws a quick, ultra-nasty elbow strike to the head.
(Rd 2 - 00:40) Manna throws a few strikes, but is clearly slowing things down so that she can catch her breath.
(Rd 2 - 00:15) Manna throws a quick, ultra-nasty elbow strike to the head.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) The time is up, and that's the end of round two.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Martin.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) By my scorecard, Manna really needs a finish in this final round or she will lose the fight.
(Rd 3 - 05:00) It's the final round and we are back underway!
(Rd 3 - 04:55) They come together and strike.
(Rd 3 - 04:55) Martin scores with a jab and also lands a nice right hook. Manna hits a jab and also hits a good right hand.
(Rd 3 - 04:28) Both fighters come together and strike.
(Rd 3 - 04:28) Manna is off-target with a jab but nails a right cross. Martin uses a left jab and also connects cleanly with a right hand.
(Rd 3 - 03:57) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 3 - 03:57) Manna hits a jab and also nails a right cross. Martin scores with a jab but misses a right hook.
(Rd 3 - 03:29) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 3 - 03:29) Martin uses a left jab and also connects cleanly with a right hand. Manna hits a jab and also connects with a right hand.
(Rd 3 - 03:18) Manna backs off, looking extremely dazed...that last shot may have knocked her loopy!
(Rd 3 - 03:18) Martin comes in fast and smashes Manna with a right hand! Down she goes! She is out!
(Rd 3 - 03:06) By knock out, the winner is Patricia Martin!
(Rd 3 - 03:06) Official Result: Patricia 'Ramrod' Martin defeats Sharon 'Whipper' Manna (Knock Out (Punch) in 1:54 of round 3). The match was rated as being Excellent.

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Here's a couple of Excellent rated fights from my WCL game, using my FemFight mod.


Excerpt from WCL 2: Hume vs. Sanchez:


- 'Penance' Tamara Miletich vs. Mary 'Renegade Warrior' Smash
- From 'WCL 2: Hume vs. Sanchez' (from the save game 'WCL')
- Created 11 January 2015

(Rd 1 - 05:00) The first of the prelim fights is 'Penance' Tamara Miletich taking on Mary 'Renegade Warrior' Smash. 
(Rd 1 - 05:00) Refereeing this bout will be Joel Gorman.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) The judges for this bout are: Roger Wilson, Anthony Cook, and Michael York.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) And here we go!
(Rd 1 - 05:00) They start with a touch of gloves.
(Rd 1 - 04:48) Smash comes forward with an attack.
(Rd 1 - 04:48) Miletich lands two left hands in the exchange.
(Rd 1 - 04:48) Smash lands a left hand and then hits a nice straight right that lands hard.
(Rd 1 - 04:32) Miletich wades through some punches in order to close the distance and grab Smash into a grapple.
(Rd 1 - 04:16) Miletich is trying to push Smash so that her back is up against the cage.
(Rd 1 - 04:16) Miletich does it, Smash is stuck with her back to the cage.
(Rd 1 - 04:02) Smash takes a hard foot stomp.
(Rd 1 - 03:49) Miletich catches Smash with a massive elbow to the face!
(Rd 1 - 03:27) Miletich hits a knee strike to the side of the ribs.
(Rd 1 - 03:12) Smash is controlled up against the cage and eats a sharp right to the ear.
(Rd 1 - 02:55) Miletich attempts to wrestle Smash to the ground.
(Rd 1 - 02:55) The takedown is successful and she is now on top of a turtled up Smash.
(Rd 1 - 02:42) Miletich is too slow to stop Smash getting back up.
(Rd 1 - 02:27) We move into the second half of this round.
(Rd 1 - 02:27) Smash comes forward and the two fighters exchange strikes.
(Rd 1 - 02:27) Miletich manages a counter jab.
(Rd 1 - 02:27) Smash hits a left jab and then hits a nice straight right.
(Rd 1 - 02:02) Smash steps forward and a striking exchange begins.
(Rd 1 - 02:02) Miletich hits two left hands on the counter.
(Rd 1 - 02:02) Smash lands a left hand and then hits a nice straight right.
(Rd 1 - 01:45) Smash comes forward and the two fighters exchange strikes.
(Rd 1 - 01:45) Miletich scores with two counter jabs.
(Rd 1 - 01:45) Smash hits a left jab and then catches Miletich with a right hook.
(Rd 1 - 01:26) Smash initiates an exchange of strikes.
(Rd 1 - 01:26) Miletich lands two left hands in the exchange.
(Rd 1 - 01:26) A jab hit home from Smash and then lands a right hand.
(Rd 1 - 01:03) Smash comes forward on the attack.
(Rd 1 - 01:03) Miletich tries to hit a jab, but misses.
(Rd 1 - 01:03) Smash hits a left hand, but her big right hand follow-up misses.
(Rd 1 - 00:51) We're into the final minute of the round.
(Rd 1 - 00:42) Smash steps forward and strikes.
(Rd 1 - 00:42) Miletich scores with two counter jabs.
(Rd 1 - 00:42) Smash lands a jab and then catches Miletich with a right hook.
(Rd 1 - 00:16) Smash closes in on Miletich, looking to unleash some strikes.
(Rd 1 - 00:16) Smash connects with a nice jab and then lands a right hand.
(Rd 1 - 00:00) The time runs out on round one.
(Rd 1 - 00:00) That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Miletich.
(Rd 2 - 05:00) There's the bell and round number two begins!
(Rd 2 - 04:49) Smash can't connect with her set-up strikes, but then hits a nice straight right.
(Rd 2 - 04:27) Smash connects with a nice jab and then lands a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 04:10) Both fighters come together and strike.
(Rd 2 - 04:10) Smash uses a left jab and also hits a right cross. Miletich is off-target with a jab and also misses with a big right hand.
(Rd 2 - 03:52) An exchange of strikes happens right in the center of the cage, but nothing comes of it.
(Rd 2 - 03:25) Both fighters meet in the center.
(Rd 2 - 03:25) Smash lands a left jab and also connects with a right hand. Miletich doesn't connect with a left jab and also misses a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 03:02) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 2 - 03:02) Smash hits a left jab and also lands a right hook. Miletich misses with a left jab and also misses a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 02:39) An exchange of strikes sees both fighters fail to land anything significant.
(Rd 2 - 02:13) A quick exchange of strikes does not produce any damage.
(Rd 2 - 01:35) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 2 - 01:35) Smash hits a left jab and also hits a right cross. Miletich misses with a left jab but scores with a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 01:06) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 2 - 01:06) Smash hits a jab and also lands a right hook. Miletich hits a jab but doesn't connect with a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 00:53) We have one minute of the round remaining.
(Rd 2 - 00:48) A quick exchange of strikes doesn't lead to anything.
(Rd 2 - 00:13) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 2 - 00:13) Smash scores with a jab and also lands a right hook. Miletich is off-target with a jab and also doesn't find the mark with a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) Breathing very hard, Smash is looking ragged.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) Time expires and we come to the end of round two.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) That was a round full of action, drama, and effort - that is what MMA is all about.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Smash.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) We go into the final round with everything still to fight for.
(Rd 3 - 05:00) There's the bell for the start of the final round!
(Rd 3 - 04:46) They come together and strike.
(Rd 3 - 04:46) Smash hits a left jab and also lands a nice right hook. Miletich misses with a left jab but lands a right hook.
(Rd 3 - 04:18) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 3 - 04:18) Smash doesn't connect with a left jab but scores with a right hook. Miletich is off target with a left jab but lands a right hook.
(Rd 3 - 04:05) Smash stumbles her way into a clinch; she looks shattered.
(Rd 3 - 04:05) Miletich is trying to muscle Smash up against the cage.
(Rd 3 - 04:05) She does so, and now has Smash pinned to the cage.
(Rd 3 - 03:45) Smash takes a knee strike to the inside of her own knee.
(Rd 3 - 03:39) Miletich smothers Smash up against the cage.
(Rd 3 - 03:39) They remain in that position, dirty boxing each other, for a further minute.
(Rd 3 - 02:41) Miletich catches Smash with a hard elbow to the face from the clinch.
(Rd 3 - 02:25) We are now at the halfway point of the round.
(Rd 3 - 02:25) Miletich looks for a trip takedown.
(Rd 3 - 02:25) The takedown is completed, Miletich would not be denied.
(Rd 3 - 02:25) Miletich takes the back of Smash directly off the takedown.
(Rd 3 - 02:09) Miletich tries to flatten Smash out for the rear naked choke.
(Rd 3 - 02:09) The rear naked choke is fully applied, Miletich has Smash flattened out completely, there is no option but to tap out!
(Rd 3 - 01:29) Tamara Miletich takes the victory by way of submission!
(Rd 3 - 01:29) Official Result: 'Penance' Tamara Miletich defeats Mary 'Renegade Warrior' Smash (Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 3:31 of round 3). The match was rated as being Excellent.


Excerpt from WCL 6: Whitworth vs. Nevada:


- Glenda 'Crash' Manna vs. Nellie 'The Huntress' White
- From 'WCL 6: Whitworth vs. Nevada' (from the save game 'WCL')
- Created 13 January 2015

(Rd 1 - 05:00) In the last of the preliminary fights, Glenda 'Crash' Manna takes on Nellie 'The Huntress' White in the WCL Lightweight division. 
(Rd 1 - 05:00) Jared Morris will be the referee.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) The judges for this bout are: Donald Coward, Derrick Walker, and Richard Bobish.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) Round one begins!
(Rd 1 - 05:00) They touch gloves.
(Rd 1 - 04:51) White steps forward and strikes.
(Rd 1 - 04:51) Manna manages a counter jab.
(Rd 1 - 04:51) White connects with a nice jab and then lands a right hand.
(Rd 1 - 04:41) A quick exchange of strikes does not produce any damage.
(Rd 1 - 04:16) They stand and trade in the center of the cage, but neither fighter can land a good shot.
(Rd 1 - 03:44) White forces an exchange of strikes.
(Rd 1 - 03:44) Manna scores with two counter jabs.
(Rd 1 - 03:44) White lands a left hand and then hits Manna with a straight right.
(Rd 1 - 03:25) White comes forward and the two fighters exchange strikes.
(Rd 1 - 03:25) Manna hits a jab in the exchange.
(Rd 1 - 03:25) A jab hit home from White and then catches Manna with a right hook.
(Rd 1 - 03:07) They come together and strike.
(Rd 1 - 03:07) White uses a left jab and also scores with a right hook. Manna is off target with a left jab and also can't hit a right cross.
(Rd 1 - 02:49) White steps forward and a striking exchange begins.
(Rd 1 - 02:49) Manna hit a counter left hand.
(Rd 1 - 02:49) White lands a left hand and then lands a right hand.
(Rd 1 - 02:34) A quick exchange of strikes doesn't lead to anything.
(Rd 1 - 02:23) We pass the halfway mark of this round.
(Rd 1 - 02:08) Manna hits a tentative left hand.
(Rd 1 - 02:08) White lands a left hand and then hits Manna with a straight right.
(Rd 1 - 01:50) The two fighters engage with strikes but neither lands anything worthwhile.
(Rd 1 - 01:27) The two fighters stand and trade strikes, neither lands a significant blow in the exchange.
(Rd 1 - 00:50) White comes in looking to strike.
(Rd 1 - 00:50) Manna scores with a weak, flicked left hand jab.
(Rd 1 - 00:50) White connects with a nice jab and then hits Manna with a straight right.
(Rd 1 - 00:27) White steps forward and a striking exchange begins.
(Rd 1 - 00:27) Manna lands a left hand in the exchange.
(Rd 1 - 00:27) White lands a jab and then hits Manna with a straight right.
(Rd 1 - 00:15) Manna appeared to be going for a takedown, but White took the initiative first.
(Rd 1 - 00:15) White fails to find a home for her jab, but then scores with a right cross.
(Rd 1 - 00:00) Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
(Rd 1 - 00:00) That round goes to White, 10-9 on my card.
(Rd 2 - 05:00) We are back underway!
(Rd 2 - 04:49) They stand and trade in the center of the cage, but neither fighter can land a good shot.
(Rd 2 - 04:17) They stand and trade in the center of the cage, but neither fighter gives or takes any real damage.
(Rd 2 - 03:46) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 2 - 03:46) White scores with a jab and also scores with a right hook. Manna misses a jab but scores with a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 03:24) The two fighters engage with strikes but nothing significant lands.
(Rd 2 - 02:59) It looked like we were about to see Manna try and get some grappling started, but White was more aggressive and took the initiative.
(Rd 2 - 02:59) A jab hit home from White and then scores with a right cross.
(Rd 2 - 02:37) Manna scores with a weak, flicked left hand jab.
(Rd 2 - 02:37) White connects with a nice jab and then hits Manna with a straight right.
(Rd 2 - 02:30) We are now at the halfway point of the round.
(Rd 2 - 02:18) White hits a left jab and then hits Manna with a straight right.
(Rd 2 - 02:07) White attacks with strikes.
(Rd 2 - 02:07) Manna throws a counter left but doesn't connect.
(Rd 2 - 02:07) White hits a left jab and then lands a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 01:50) Manna uses a left jab while backing away.
(Rd 2 - 01:50) White hits a left jab and then hits a nice straight right.
(Rd 2 - 01:34) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 2 - 01:34) White doesn't connect with a left jab but hits a right cross. Manna is off target with a left jab but scores with a right hook.
(Rd 2 - 01:19) White attacks with strikes.
(Rd 2 - 01:19) Manna hit two counter left hands.
(Rd 2 - 01:19) White hits a left jab and then hits a nice straight right.
(Rd 2 - 01:07) They come together and trade leather, but neither fighter really does any damage.
(Rd 2 - 00:39) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 2 - 00:39) White hits a left jab and also hits a right hand. Manna is off-target with a jab and also misses with a big right hand.
(Rd 2 - 00:19) White steps in and looks to unleash.
(Rd 2 - 00:19) White connects with a nice jab and then hits a nice straight right.
(Rd 2 - 00:01) White hits a left jab and then hits Manna with a straight right.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) Round two ends as time expires.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) That has to go down as a 10-9 round to White.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) Manna is in deep trouble with only one round remaining - I think she needs a finish or she will lose this fight.
(Rd 3 - 05:00) There's the bell and the final round begins!
(Rd 3 - 04:53) An exchange of strikes sees both fighters fail to land anything significant.
(Rd 3 - 04:19) They stand and trade, but all the shots are either off target or are safely dealt with.
(Rd 3 - 04:08) White looking shattered, initiates a clinch to buy some recovery time.
(Rd 3 - 04:08) Manna, controlling the grapple with White, tries to scoop her up for a slam.
(Rd 3 - 04:08) Manna has her! Slams her down! Manna gets side control.
(Rd 3 - 03:55) Manna tries to get into the mount position.
(Rd 3 - 03:55) She does it, and has the mount on White.
(Rd 3 - 03:12) Manna tries to lock White in an armbar.
(Rd 3 - 03:12) White does excellently, defending the armbar and using it to get on top in side control.
(Rd 3 - 02:34) White tries to pound on Manna, but none of the blows land with any degree of power.
(Rd 3 - 02:20) Manna takes the opportunity well and manages to pull guard.
(Rd 3 - 02:00) With a quick movement, White throws a shoulder smash to the face and upper chest of Manna.
(Rd 3 - 01:50) White throws a few weak-looking punches as she decides on her next move.
(Rd 3 - 01:24) Grabbing an arm, Manna attempts to lock on a triangle choke.
(Rd 3 - 01:24) The triangle is deeply applied, White has to tap before she is put to sleep!
(Rd 3 - 00:47) The winner, by submission; Glenda Manna!
(Rd 3 - 00:47) Official Result: Glenda 'Crash' Manna defeats Nellie 'The Huntress' White (Submission (Triangle With Armbar) in 4:13 of round 3). The match was rated as being Excellent.

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Got my first Excellent Fight


- Anthony 'Showtime' Pettis vs. Edson Barboza
- From 'UFC Fight Night: Pettis vs. Barboza' (from the save game 'UFC')
- Created 14 January 2015

(Rd 1 - 05:00) It's time for the main event of the evening! Anthony 'Showtime' Pettis battles Edson Barboza in the UFC Lightweight division. 
(Rd 1 - 05:00) Bernard Sims is the referee for this fight.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) Our cageside judges are: Gene Hogan, Fred Vechio, and Ted Miletich.
(Rd 1 - 05:00) We are underway!
(Rd 1 - 05:00) The fighters touch gloves.
(Rd 1 - 04:55) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 1 - 04:55) Pettis scores with a jab but misses with a roundhouse kick to the body. Barboza hits a left jab and also hits a left roundhouse kick to the body.
(Rd 1 - 04:35) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 1 - 04:35) Pettis uses a left jab and also scores with a stinging right high kick. Barboza hits a jab and also scores with a great right hook.
(Rd 1 - 04:15) Both fighters meet in the center.
(Rd 1 - 04:15) Pettis uses a left jab and also lands a right hook. Barboza lands a left jab and also hits a kick to the leg.
(Rd 1 - 03:45) Both fighters come together and strike.
(Rd 1 - 03:45) Pettis hits a jab and also lands a left kick to the ribcage. Barboza scores with a jab but fails to land a body kick.
(Rd 1 - 03:32) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 03:32) Pettis lands a left jab and also gets a glancing blow with a high kick. Barboza hits a jab but misses a right hook.
(Rd 1 - 03:09) They come together and strike.
(Rd 1 - 03:09) Barboza lands a left jab but misses with a roundhouse kick to the body. Pettis uses a left jab and also lands a leg kick.
(Rd 1 - 02:46) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 1 - 02:46) Barboza scores with a jab and also scores with a scything kick to the legs. Pettis scores with a jab but can't hit a right cross.
(Rd 1 - 02:27) We are now at the halfway point of the round.
(Rd 1 - 02:27) An exchange of strikes sees both fighters fail to land anything significant.
(Rd 1 - 02:04) Both fighters move in and engage.
(Rd 1 - 02:04) Barboza is off-target with a jab but hits a crunching kick to the thigh. Pettis uses a left jab and also scores with a quick kick to the lead leg.
(Rd 1 - 01:56) Pettis limps slightly as he circles.
(Rd 1 - 01:42) The two fighters engage.
(Rd 1 - 01:42) Barboza is off-target with a jab and also doesn't connect with a right hand. Pettis scores with a brace of jabs but misses with a head kick attempt.
(Rd 1 - 01:16) The fighters go toe-to-toe with strikes but the flurry ends without any really damaging shots landing.
(Rd 1 - 01:04) Pettis is limping a little from the damage he has taken to his legs.
(Rd 1 - 00:57) The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.
(Rd 1 - 00:57) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 1 - 00:57) Barboza hits a jab and also scores with a great right hook. Pettis uses a left jab but can't get a kick to the body.
(Rd 1 - 00:35) They come together and strike.
(Rd 1 - 00:35) Pettis hits a jab and also gets a glancing blow with a high kick. Barboza is off target with a left jab and also misses with a big right hand.
(Rd 1 - 00:17) The two fighters come forward and engage.
(Rd 1 - 00:17) Barboza scores with a jab and also lands a left kick to the ribcage. Pettis doesn't connect with a left jab and also can't hit a right cross.
(Rd 1 - 00:05) Pettis is limping slightly.
(Rd 1 - 00:00) Time expires and we come to the end of round one.
(Rd 1 - 00:00) That round goes to Barboza, 10-9 on my card.
(Rd 2 - 05:00) Round two begins!
(Rd 2 - 04:52) They engage in the center.
(Rd 2 - 04:52) Barboza uses a left jab and also nails a right cross. Pettis hits a left jab but doesn't connect with a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 04:27) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 2 - 04:27) Pettis scores with a jab and also scores a glancing blow with a right head kick. Barboza misses a jab but hits a glancing blow with a high kick.
(Rd 2 - 04:12) Both fighters move in and engage.
(Rd 2 - 04:12) Barboza hits a left jab and also lands a spin kick. Pettis uses a left jab and also lands a leg kick.
(Rd 2 - 03:51) Both fighters come together and strike.
(Rd 2 - 03:51) Barboza lands two jabs but doesn't get a leg kick. Pettis is off target with a left jab and also doesn't connect with a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 03:27) Both fighters meet in the center.
(Rd 2 - 03:27) Pettis uses a left jab and also launches a right head kick that did damage. Barboza lands a left jab but doesn't connect with a right hand.
(Rd 2 - 03:04) Pettis quickly steps in and grabs Barboza.
(Rd 2 - 02:48) The grappling doesn't go anywhere, and they break apart.
(Rd 2 - 02:30) We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.
(Rd 2 - 02:19) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 2 - 02:19) Barboza lands a left jab and also scores with a quick kick to the lead leg. Pettis lands a left jab but doesn't get a leg kick.
(Rd 2 - 01:53) Barboza comes forward on the attack.
(Rd 2 - 01:53) Pettis hit two counter left hands.
(Rd 2 - 01:53) Barboza can't connect with a jab, but then scores with a leg kick.
(Rd 2 - 01:37) The two fighters come together and strike, but it's really tentative and nothing comes of it.
(Rd 2 - 01:05) They engage in the center.
(Rd 2 - 01:05) Barboza lands a left jab and also scores with a stinging right high kick. Pettis hits a left jab and also hits a good right hand.
(Rd 2 - 00:39) The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike.
(Rd 2 - 00:39) Barboza hits a jab and also connects with a crunching right kick to the body. Pettis scores with a jab and also lands a nice right hook.
(Rd 2 - 00:14) Barboza attacks with strikes.
(Rd 2 - 00:14) Pettis hits two left hands on the counter.
(Rd 2 - 00:14) A combo that ends with a kick to the legs fails to land for Barboza.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) The time is up, and that's the end of round two.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) Wow, great round, that has gotten the crowd rocking.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Barboza.
(Rd 2 - 00:00) I make it 2-0 to Barboza.
(Rd 3 - 05:00) There's the bell and round number three begins!
(Rd 3 - 04:54) Barboza forces an exchange of strikes.
(Rd 3 - 04:54) Pettis lands two left hands in the exchange.
(Rd 3 - 04:54) Two left hands land from Barboza, but Pettis dodges the roundhouse body kick that comes next.
(Rd 3 - 04:30) Barboza moves in closer, ready to attack.
(Rd 3 - 04:30) It looked like we were about to see a shot from Pettis, but Barboza was more aggressive and took the initiative.
(Rd 3 - 04:30) Barboza lands a left hand and then lands a spinning back kick to the chest.
(Rd 3 - 04:23) Barely able to walk now, the damage Pettis has taken to his legs has really taken its toll.
(Rd 3 - 04:14) They exchange a few strikes but nothing significant lands.
(Rd 3 - 03:44) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 3 - 03:44) Barboza hits a left jab and also lands a left kick to the body. Pettis uses a left jab and also hits a right cross.
(Rd 3 - 03:15) A quick exchange of strikes doesn't lead to anything.
(Rd 3 - 02:44) Barboza comes forward on the attack.
(Rd 3 - 02:44) Pettis hit two counter left hands.
(Rd 3 - 02:44) Barboza hits a left jab and then lands a low kick to the legs.
(Rd 3 - 02:27) We move into the second half of this round.
(Rd 3 - 02:27) Barboza connects with a nice jab and then hits Pettis with a leg kick.
(Rd 3 - 02:03) Barboza attacks with strikes.
(Rd 3 - 02:03) Pettis scores with two counter jabs.
(Rd 3 - 02:03) Barboza lands a left hand and then catches Pettis with a low kick to the front leg.
(Rd 3 - 01:40) Barboza forces an exchange of strikes.
(Rd 3 - 01:40) Pettis hit two counter left hands.
(Rd 3 - 01:40) A jab is wide from Barboza, but then scores with a right cross that landed hard.
(Rd 3 - 01:15) Pettis quickly steps in and grabs Barboza.
(Rd 3 - 00:59) We have one minute of the round remaining.
(Rd 3 - 00:59) Pettis tries to take Barboza down.
(Rd 3 - 00:59) Pettis gets the takedown! Barboza pulls half guard.
(Rd 3 - 00:44) Looking to catch his breath, Pettis is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.
(Rd 3 - 00:28) Pettis blocks an attempted sweep.
(Rd 3 - 00:11) Pettis tries to pass the half guard.
(Rd 3 - 00:11) He passes half guard, but Barboza was ready and immediately starts to scramble.
(Rd 3 - 00:00) Round three is brought to an end as time runs out.
(Rd 3 - 00:00) Sensational round; I don't think there's a single person left sitting down in the entire building!
(Rd 3 - 00:00) I think Barboza took that round, 10-9 on my score card.
(Rd 3 - 00:00) Pettis needs to take it up a level, he's going to lose this fight unless he can find a finish, in my opinion.
(Rd 4 - 05:00) Round four begins!
(Rd 4 - 04:50) Pettis scores with a weak, flicked left hand jab.
(Rd 4 - 04:50) Barboza lands a left hand and then catches Pettis with a low kick to the front leg.
(Rd 4 - 04:31) There's an exchange of strikes at relatively close range, but nothing really lands.
(Rd 4 - 04:01) They exchange strikes, but nothing really gets through.
(Rd 4 - 03:31) Barboza forces an exchange of strikes.
(Rd 4 - 03:31) Barboza lands a left hand and then lands a roundhouse kick to the body.
(Rd 4 - 03:07) Barboza comes forward on the attack.
(Rd 4 - 03:07) Barboza lands a jab and then hits Pettis with a body kick.
(Rd 4 - 02:44) An exchange of strikes sees both fighters fail to land anything significant.
(Rd 4 - 02:27) We go past the halfway point of this round.
(Rd 4 - 02:27) Both fighters move in and engage.
(Rd 4 - 02:27) Barboza uses a left jab and also drives a kick into the thigh area. Pettis misses a jab and also doesn't find the mark with a right hook.
(Rd 4 - 02:03) Both fighters meet in the center.
(Rd 4 - 02:03) Pettis uses a left jab but misses with a big right hand. Barboza doesn't connect with a left jab but hits a kick to the lead leg.
(Rd 4 - 01:36) Both fighters move in and engage.
(Rd 4 - 01:36) Barboza hits a left jab and also scores with a stinging right high kick. Pettis hits a left jab but doesn't find the mark with a right hook.
(Rd 4 - 01:19) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 4 - 01:19) Barboza lands a left jab and also drives a kick into the body. Pettis misses with a left jab and also misses with a big right hand.
(Rd 4 - 00:47) The two fighters engage with strikes but neither lands anything worthwhile.
(Rd 4 - 00:15) Both fighters step in to strike.
(Rd 4 - 00:15) Pettis connects with a left hand. Barboza hits a left jab and also hits a stinging right body kick!
(Rd 4 - 00:01) That blow causes Pettis to fall to the ground in agony! He clearly can't continue, it's all over!
(Rd 4 - 00:01) The winner, by TKO; Edson Barboza!
(Rd 4 - 00:01) Official Result: Edson Barboza defeats Anthony 'Showtime' Pettis (TKO in 4:59 of round 4). The match was rated as being Excellent. 

- Post-Fight Metrics For Anthony Pettis
Takedowns = 1 of 1
Punches (Power) = 2
Punches (Jab) = 38
Kicks (Power) = 2
Kicks (Jab) = 7
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 4
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 1 of 1
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 0

- Post-Fight Metrics For Edson Barboza
Takedowns = 0 of 0
Punches (Power) = 4
Punches (Jab) = 34
Kicks (Power) = 8
Kicks (Jab) = 16
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 0
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 0 of 0
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 1

- Post-Fight Metrics (Round 1 Only) For Anthony Pettis
Takedowns = 0 of 0
Punches (Power) = 0
Punches (Jab) = 13
Kicks (Power) = 1
Kicks (Jab) = 5
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 0
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 0 of 0
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 0

- Post-Fight Metrics (Round 1 Only) For Edson Barboza
Takedowns = 0 of 0
Punches (Power) = 2
Punches (Jab) = 9
Kicks (Power) = 2
Kicks (Jab) = 3
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 0
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 0 of 0
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 0

- Post-Fight Metrics (Round 2 Only) For Anthony Pettis
Takedowns = 0 of 0
Punches (Power) = 2
Punches (Jab) = 11
Kicks (Power) = 1
Kicks (Jab) = 2
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 0
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 0 of 0
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 0

- Post-Fight Metrics (Round 2 Only) For Edson Barboza
Takedowns = 0 of 0
Punches (Power) = 1
Punches (Jab) = 9
Kicks (Power) = 2
Kicks (Jab) = 4
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 0
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 0 of 0
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 0

- Post-Fight Metrics (Round 3 Only) For Anthony Pettis
Takedowns = 1 of 1
Punches (Power) = 0
Punches (Jab) = 10
Kicks (Power) = 0
Kicks (Jab) = 0
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 4
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 1 of 1
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 0

- Post-Fight Metrics (Round 3 Only) For Edson Barboza
Takedowns = 0 of 0
Punches (Power) = 1
Punches (Jab) = 9
Kicks (Power) = 0
Kicks (Jab) = 5
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 0
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 0 of 0
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 1

- Post-Fight Metrics (Round 4 Only) For Anthony Pettis
Takedowns = 0 of 0
Punches (Power) = 0
Punches (Jab) = 4
Kicks (Power) = 0
Kicks (Jab) = 0
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 0
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 0 of 0
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 0

- Post-Fight Metrics (Round 4 Only) For Edson Barboza
Takedowns = 0 of 0
Punches (Power) = 0
Punches (Jab) = 7
Kicks (Power) = 4
Kicks (Jab) = 4
Elbows (Power) = 0
Elbows (Jab) = 0
Knees (Power) = 0
Knees (Jab) = 0
Ground Strikes (Power) = 0
Ground Strikes (Jab) = 0
Submissions = 0 of 0
Ground Passes = 0 of 0
Ground Sweeps = 0 of 0

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Worst fight I had was MacReary taking Sly Twinge to a Unanimous Decision. That one was "Very Poor."


Now, I've had two "Fantastic" fights. Is "Excellent" better than "Fantastic"? I didn't save them but for the record they are Huges KOing Boyer in 2 and Sorkin submitting South in 3.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AysoATX" data-cite="AysoATX" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38980" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I feel like "Fantastic" would be better than "Excellent" that's my own opinion. I know when I see a fight or a wrestling match I say "That was ****ing FANTASTIC!" Or "That was an excellent fight" again, that's just me.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree. Common sense would indicate that fantastic is better than excellent, but I don't think that's the case with this game. I've seen quite a few fantastic fights, but not one single excellent fight.</p><p> </p><p> Anyways, here's my first abysmal fight. Hans-Peter Schneider literally did nothing, his post-fight metrics show zero in everything. </p><p> </p><p> - 'Tenacious' Shaun Dico vs. Hans-Peter Schneider</p><p> - From 'SIGMA: van den Hoogenband vs. Oakley' (from the save game 'SIGMA')</p><p> - Created 16 January 2015</p><p> </p><p> (Rd 1 - 05:00) Moving on, 'Tenacious' Shaun Dico going up against Hans-Peter Schneider. </p><p> (Rd 1 - 05:00) Our referee is Lauri Hämäläinen.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 05:00) The judges for this bout are: Matteus Bengtsson, Quintrell Dubois, and Edmundo Jimenez.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 05:00) Round one begins!</p><p> (Rd 1 - 04:45) Dico sets it up well and shoots in at speed.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 04:45) The takedown is successful, it's a single leg that leaves Schneider pulling guard.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 04:39) Time slips away as Dico successfully keeps Schneider stuck against the ground.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 04:00) The clock runs down as Schneider is being smothered against the ground by Dico.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 03:23) Time slips away as Dico successfully keeps Schneider stuck against the ground.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 03:02) Dico lies on top of Schneider, basically smothering him.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 02:30) We go past the halfway point of this round.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 02:30) Dico throws a few relatively weak right hands.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 02:13) Dico deflects a couple of punches that Schneider threw from below.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 02:00) Time slips away as Dico successfully keeps Schneider stuck against the ground.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 01:30) Dico lies on top of Schneider, basically smothering him.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 00:53) We're into the final minute of the round.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 00:53) Schneider is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Dico off of him.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 00:16) Schneider is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Dico off of him.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 00:00) The time is up, and that's the end of round one.</p><p> (Rd 1 - 00:00) I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Dico.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 05:00) Round two begins!</p><p> (Rd 2 - 04:54) There's a takedown attempt from Dico, who set it up well.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 04:54) He has the takedown! It's a single leg, and Schneider has to pull guard.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 04:44) The clock runs down as Schneider is being smothered against the ground by Dico.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 04:07) Dico smothers Schneider with his body by pushing forward and down.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 03:35) Schneider is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Dico off of him.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 03:06) Schneider is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Dico off of him.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 02:45) Dico smothers Schneider with his body by pushing forward and down.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 02:11) Dico punches down at Schneider, but they are easily taken on the gloves.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 01:46) For the moment Dico is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 01:21) Schneider pulls Dico down in close and hits him with several short punches to the side of the head.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 01:08) Schneider is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Dico off of him.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 00:45) Dico fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 00:20) Dico deflects a couple of punches that Schneider threw from below.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 00:05) Schneider is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Dico off of him.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 00:00) Round two ends as time expires.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 00:00) I think Dico took that round, 10-9 on my score card.</p><p> (Rd 2 - 00:00) With one round left, Schneider realistically needs to stop his opponent in order to win.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 05:00) There's the bell for the start of the final round!</p><p> (Rd 3 - 04:50) Dico shoots in hard and fast for a takedown.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 04:50) Schneider cannot stop the takedown, and gives up side control.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 04:50) Schneider hasn't stopped a single takedown yet.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 04:40) Looking to catch his breath, Dico is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 04:12) Dico blocks an attempt to pull guard.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 03:52) Dico throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 03:35) Dico throws a few strikes, but is clearly slowing things down so that he can catch his breath.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 03:07) Dico fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 02:49) Schneider tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 02:32) Dico tries to ensnare Schneider in a kimura.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 02:32) Schneider blocks it.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 01:59) Schneider tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 01:45) In side control, Dico catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 01:18) Dico blocks Schneider as he tries a transition to guard.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 01:00) We have one minute of the round remaining.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 01:00) In side control, Dico catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 00:44) Schneider tries to move to guard, but Dico doesn't allow it.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 00:24) In side control, Dico throws a couple of punches designed to keep Schneider guessing.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 00:00) Time runs out and that's the end of the fight.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 00:00) That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Dico.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 00:00) The judges have given their scores, which are about to be announced.</p><p> (Rd 3 - 00:00) The judges give scores of 29-27 (Matteus Bengtsson), 30-27 (Quintrell Dubois) and 30-27 (Edmundo Jimenez).</p><p> (Rd 3 - 00:00) 'Tenacious' Shaun Dico is the winner by unanimous decision!</p><p> (Rd 3 - 00:00) Official Result: 'Tenacious' Shaun Dico defeats Hans-Peter Schneider (Unanimous Decision in 5:00 of round 3). The match was rated as being Abysmal.</p>
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