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WWF RAW is WAR! #2

December 8th, 1997

Show Grade: 75 (B-)

MOTN: Jeff Jarrett vs. Mankind (73)



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The show opens up as The Rock comes to the ring, no NOD lackeys by his side.



Boston, Massachusetts, prepare to be enlightened. Prepare to learn about how amazing The ROCK really is! Now, when Rock comes to the ring, The Rock wants something. Whether it's to tell someone that they are wrong or to stick my boot straight up someone's candy ass! But tonight, I talk to you Vince McMahon. You see, The Rock has come here tonight to ask, no demand something of you. At In Your House: D-Generation X, The Rock wants to go ONE on ONE with the Heartbreak Kid; Shawn Michaels! So Vince, why don't you come out of your chair and come give The Rock what The Rock wants!



Vince now joins Rocky in the ring, each one of them holding their own microphone.






Ho ho hold up a sec there Rocky. Just because you claim to stick your something up somebody's ass doesn't mean you get a title shot! Hell, if that were the case, I'd hold all the damn titles in this business! But tonight Rock, tonight you will have your chance. In the Main Event of the evening, you will be taking on THE UNDERTAKER in this ring. And if you can beat Taker, then we will take your request into consideration. Now, where were we?



As if on cue, The Undertaker makes his way to the ring! Taker goes face to face with Rocky, each sizing up the other when Taker does the slit throat motion and rolls his eyes back. Taker is laying the boots to Rocky! It's a beatdown to start out RAW, and the fans are loving every moment of it. The beatdown ends after Taker nails Rocky with a Tombstone before leaving the ring, appearing to be satisfied with his work.



Grade (s): 88 (B+), 70 (C+), 81 (B)





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The Legion of Doom vs. Los Boricuas



There wasn't much that needed to be said about this contest. The hispanic tag team stood no chance in this one. The LOD made quick work of the jobbers as they look strong heading into their big title fight this Sunday against The New Age Outlaws for tag team gold. Hawk gets the pin after a devasting Doomsday Device left Vega out cold. Colder than Canada. In fact, maybe Vega should go to Canada, where there won't be people out to try and one up him.



Winners: The Legion of Doom

Grade: 59 ©




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After the match, the Disciples of Apocalypse consisting of Skull, 8-Ball and Chainz come to the ring, where it appears Chainz will be doing the talking.



Now, let me make this simple for you Spanish speaking hispanics! At IYH: DX, you will be taking on these two men right to my side! Those men are Skull and 8-Ball! Have fun Sunday, because we are going to send you straight back to Puerto Rico! Adios muchachos!




But they won't make the escape easy, as the Nation of Domination come out! They spread out there attack, as Mark Henry and Faarooq take on the Los Boricuas while Ahmed Johnson and Kama Mustafa beat down on the DOA. After two brawls, the NOD regroup in the ring after absolutely dismantling their opponents. The NOD stand tall... for now.



Grade: 34 (E+), 46 (D)





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Mankind vs. Jeff Jarrett



For the second match of the evening, we saw two men with nothing to lose facing off. These two men wanted to prove themselves. They felt they deserved more than being the second match on RAW! These men gave it their all, and Vince is sure to notice their good performance. After a good back and forth bout that featured many near falls and a few devastating maneuvers, Mankind picked up the win after making Jarrett submit to the Mandible Claw.



Winner: Mankind

Grade: 73 (B-)





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[After the match, Mankind grabs a mic and begins to deliver a promo.]



Now now now, I am here to deliver a message. A message... that will spook everyone down their sk-skullls. For many a weeks now, I, I have had someone on my mind. This man.. this man destroyed what I live for. He, he came into my home and he destroyed-oyed everything! This Sun-Sunday, I want him in my house! KANE! I ch-challenge you! To a boiler room brawl!






[As if on cue (I use that a lot),
"The Big Red Monster" Kane
storms the ring! Mankind and Kane are now part of a wild brawl, each man giving blood, sweat, and tears to try and beat down the other. Kane ends up lifting Mankind up, and dropping him with a big Tombstone! Kane then picks up Mankind's mic and utters two words.]




I... accept.



Grade: 85 (B+)





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Ahmed Johnson vs. 8-Ball and Skull



I like squash. Squash tastes good. Especially on Thanksgiving. Mmmmm.... Thanksgiving, I want turkey now.. After five minutes, Ahmed won after putting the DOA through literal hell. Both men were left battered and beaten after this vicious assault by Ahmed Johnson.



Winner: Ahmed Johnson

Grade: 44 (D)





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[After the match, Vince McMahon emerges from his position in the ring with a microphone.]



Alright now Ahmed, get the hell out of here before I take off this suit and whip your ass myself! I.. have an announcement to make! This Sunday, at In Your House: Break It Down, we will have a triple threat tag team match! It will be you Ahmed, and Kama taking on these two men, AND the hispanics! Have fun, and get started on your preparations because this Sunday, if you don't win, you, are FIREDDDDDDDDD!



Grade: 75 (B-)





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[Cameras are rushing backstage as we have received reports of a potential fight breaking out backstage! It appears this one is already over, however, as Ken Shamrock has The Undertaker in the ankle lock! Road agents race in and break it up, but it appears to be too late as Taker looks to be unconscious. What will happen to the main event tonight? One thing is for sure, The Undertaker will NOT be competing in it.]



Grade: 76 (B-)





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Hold on, hold on a sec! Now Stone Cold has some words to say before I beat the living hell out of one of Rock's lackeys! First off, why the hell am I facing Faarooq? When's the last time he's been relevant? We're talking Stone Cold Steve Austin taking on Faarooq. It's practically my good friend Ken Shamrock taking on a 2 year old! But that don' matter, because after I knock that monkey unconscious with the Stunner, Rocky's gon' take notice and then when it comes time, I will whoop some ass here in the WWF! Gimme' a hell yeah!



Grade: 90 (A)





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Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Faarooq



Austin came, he saw, and he conquered. Austin sent a message to his foe Rocky in this one. Stone Cold did what Stone Cold does in this match, and that is to whoop some ass. Faarooq did get some offense in however, when Mark Henry provided a distraction as he managed to surprise Austin with a quick roll-up for a two. However, once Austin hit a stunner on Henry, Austin returned to the ring, hit the Thesz Press, got in Faarooq's face, and he hit the Stunner for the win.



Winner: Steve Austin

Grade: 56 (C-)





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[boy, is this an exciting moment or what! The Rock runs to the ring, looking to get a one-up on Austin before their match on Sunday. Rock and Austin go into an all-out punch fest, as the crowd start chanting for Austin. Both men look to finish it, as they whip each other around in the ring looking to finish to other one off. However, it all ended when Rocky whipped Austin into the ropes, he grabs him, and lifts him up! BUT AUSTIN REVERSES! STUNNER! STUNNER! Austin gets in Rocky's face as Ken Shamrock comes down for our main event!]



Grade: 74 (B-)





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Ken Shamrock vs. The Rock



Despite being left out to dry by Austin in the last segment, Rocky tried to put up a fight here. It was a good back and forth brawl, but unfortunately for Rocky, he was never going to come out on top of this one. After many reversed Rock Bottoms and a good brawl, Ken Shamrock managed to put Rocky away with the Ankle Lock to earn his place against Shawn Michaels this Sunday! We will see you soon on PPV, for In Your House: D-Generation X!



Winner: Ken Shamrock

Grade: 64 ©


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WCW Monday Nitro #2 Preview

December 8th, 1997



Tune in this monday on Nitro to see all of the biggest names in wrestling




  • Can Bill Goldberg keep on winning? He takes on John Nord
  • Two of the worlds best cruiserweights go head-to-head as Chavo Guerrero Jr takes on 'The Iceman' Dean Malenko
  • Perry Saturn has been forced by commissioner JJ Dillon to defend the TV Title against an opponent of Dillons choosing. Who will it be?
  • Bret Hart and Sting left the nWo red-faced at the end of Nitro last week. What will the nWo have to say tonight?
  • Diamond Dallas Page and The Steiner Brothers take on Curt Hennig and The Outsiders in the main event


Prediction Listing


Television Title Match

Perry Saturn vs ???



Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Dean Malenko



Bill Goldberg vs John Nord



Rick Martel vs Vincent



Chris Jericho and ??? vs Wrath & Mortis



Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan



Buff Bagwell vs ???



Curt Hennig and The Outsiders (Hall & Nash) w/Rick Rude vs DDP and The Steiner Brothers



Bonus Questions


Who has JJ Dillon chosen to be Perry Saturns opponent?


Which former WWF Tag Team champion will be Jerichos partner tonight?


Who is Bagwells mystery opponent?




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Television Title Match

Perry Saturn vs ???



Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Dean Malenko



Bill Goldberg vs John Nord



Rick Martel vs Vincent



Chris Jericho and ??? vs Wrath & Mortis



Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan



Buff Bagwell vs ???



Curt Hennig and The Outsiders (Hall & Nash) w/Rick Rude vs DDP and The Steiner Brothers


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Television Title Match

Perry Saturn vs ???



Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Dean Malenko



Bill Goldberg vs John Nord



Rick Martel vs Vincent



Chris Jericho and ??? vs Wrath & Mortis



Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan



Buff Bagwell vs ???



Curt Hennig and The Outsiders (Hall & Nash) w/Rick Rude vs DDP and The Steiner Brothers



Bonus Questions


Who has JJ Dillon chosen to be Perry Saturns opponent? Chris Benoit


Which former WWF Tag Team champion will be Jerichos partner tonight? Jim Neidhart


Who is Bagwells mystery opponent? Lex Luger

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Hi guys, just read this. I think it would make it much more interesting if you posted grades, attendances and tv ratings for each show weekly (on the same post) then people would be able to see how the war is going each week


For my first episode of Nitro, I have the grade and show attendance right at the top. TV ratings would be something good to have in there as well though.


Thanks for reading

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For my first episode of Nitro, I have the grade and show attendance right at the top. TV ratings would be something good to have in there as well though.


Thanks for reading


Yeah what I meant was at the end of the week put them in a post like head to head so we can see the difference each week, it would make it feel really like a head to head war like it was

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WCW Monday Nitro #2 Prediction Listing


Television Title Match

Perry Saturn vs ???


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Dean Malenko


Bill Goldberg vs John Nord


Rick Martel vs Vincent


Chris Jericho and ??? vs Wrath & Mortis


Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan


Buff Bagwell vs ???


Curt Hennig and The Outsiders (Hall & Nash) w/Rick Rude vs DDP and The Steiner Brothers



Bonus Questions


Who has JJ Dillon chosen to be Perry Saturn's opponent? Eddie Guerrero


Which former WWF Tag Team champion will be Jericho's partner tonight? Jim Neidhart


Who is Bagwells mystery opponent? Chris Benoit


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Yeah what I meant was at the end of the week put them in a post like head to head so we can see the difference each week, it would make it feel really like a head to head war like it was


Oh I got ya. Good idea. We may just incorporate that :p

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Television Title Match

Perry Saturn vs ???

Comments: If it's who I think it is, then I see title change coming.


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Dean Malenko

Comments: Just sounds good.


Bill Goldberg vs John Nord

Comments: Easy one.


Rick Martel vs Vincent

Comments: Go Martel! He could go for a great midcard push.


Chris Jericho and ??? vs Wrath & Mortis

Comments: This should drive Jericho further toward a breakdown.


Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan

Comments: Bulldog would be a great US contender.


Buff Bagwell vs ???

Comments: Buff picks up a win to put him over a little.


Curt Hennig and The Outsiders (Hall & Nash) w/Rick Rude vs DDP and The Steiner Brothers

Comments: Hall and Nash just don't often lose.


Bonus Questions

Who has JJ Dillon chosen to be Perry Saturns opponent? Chris Benoit

Which former WWF Tag Team champion will be Jerichos partner tonight? Marty Jannetty

Who is Bagwells mystery opponent? Jim Neidhart

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Television Title Match

Perry Saturn vs ???



Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Dean Malenko



Bill Goldberg vs John Nord



Rick Martel vs Vincent



Chris Jericho and ??? vs Wrath & Mortis



Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan



Buff Bagwell vs ???



Curt Hennig and The Outsiders (Hall & Nash) w/Rick Rude vs DDP and The Steiner Brothers



Bonus Questions


Who has JJ Dillon chosen to be Perry Saturns opponent? Booker T


Which former WWF Tag Team champion will be Jerichos partner tonight? Jim Neidhart


Who is Bagwells mystery opponent? Chris Benoit

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Television Title Match

Perry Saturn vs ???

Comments:Its hard to bet against the unknown but i dont see a title change so I expect a non-finish


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Dean Malenko

Comments: I love Chavo but Dean is imo one of the most underrated in my mind.


Bill Goldberg vs John Nord

Comments: As hilarious as it would be to see The Berzerker be the one to beat Goldberg but yeah that wont happen right.....right


Rick Martel vs Vincent

Comments: Do you not like Martel geez even he wont be able to pull anything passable from this mook.


Chris Jericho and ??? vs Wrath & Mortis

Comments: JEricho is top 5 all time for me have to put him over these MK wannabes


Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan

Comments: Davey's time has passed him by but Konnan can shine under the right light.


Buff Bagwell vs ???

Comments: Im not a fan of Buff at all.


Curt Hennig and The Outsiders (Hall & Nash) w/Rick Rude vs DDP and The Steiner Brothers

Comments: DDP is a rising star Hennig for sure eats the fall.


Bonus Questions


Who has JJ Dillon chosen to be Perry Saturns opponent? Chris Benoit


Which former WWF Tag Team champion will be Jerichos partner tonight? Chris Candido gotta think outside the box here


Who is Bagwells mystery opponent? Lex Luger

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Prediction Listing


Television Title Match

Perry Saturn vs ???

Comments: Gotta go with the ???


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Dean Malenko

Comments: Chavo wasn't much pushed at this time, so I'll go with Malenko.


Bill Goldberg vs John Nord

Comments: Death.


Rick Martel vs Vincent

Comments: Martel is God.


Chris Jericho and ??? vs Wrath & Mortis

Comments: Smash comes in and Smashes these two hamhocks.


Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan



Buff Bagwell vs ???

Comments: So many ???'s.


Curt Hennig and The Outsiders (Hall & Nash) w/Rick Rude vs DDP and The Steiner Brothers

Comments: The babyfaces pick up a nice win right here.


Bonus Questions


Who has JJ Dillon chosen to be Perry Saturns opponent? Chris Benoit.


Which former WWF Tag Team champion will be Jerichos partner tonight? Smash of Demolition.


Who is Bagwells mystery opponent? Lex Luger.

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WCW Monday Nitro #2

December 8th, 1997

The Spectrum, PA

Attendance: 17,380 (Sellout!)

Show Grade: 80 (B)


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We start the show with Eric Bischoff, the Macho Man, Randy Savage and the World Heavyweight Champion, Hollywood Hulk Hogan already in the ring. Bischoff grabs a mic and goes to speak but a clearly-fuming Savage snatches the mic from Bischoffs' hand. Savage talks about how Bret Hart put his nose where it didn't belong and he embarrassed Savage last week by jumping him when he wasn't ready; a fact which the announcers made a point of disputing considering Savage was the one interfering in the main event last week.


Savage: "Hitman, you've messed with the wrong man. How about me and you go one-on-one at Starrcade? Ohhhhhhhhhhh Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!


Bischoff then takes his mic back and tells Zbyszko that he should enjoy his job because after Starrcade, when the nWo win control of Monday Nitro, he won't have a job. Before he can carry on speaking, Hogan grabs the mic out of his hand. Hogan said he agrees with Macho Man when it comes to people sticking their noses where it doesn't belong and he can tell that Sting interfering is coming from a place of jealousy as Hogan has the thing Sting wants most and that he will never get it.


Hogan: Listen up brother, let's just say the nWo owes you one. So mark my words, the next time we see you, the nWo will pay you back, brother.






We cut to the crowd where Raven and his flock are seated and tells Raven he has some great news. He knows that when Raven signed his contract a few weeks back that there were prerequisite conditions added before Raven would sign the contract and that included a condition where Raven could wrestle who he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted.


Dillon: You say you won't conform Raven and the good news is you don't have to. But he does *points to Saturn*. Saturn, you haven't defended your Television Title in a while so you will be defending that against an opponent of my choosing. And if you refuse, Raven, your whole flock will be fired. Oh and Saturn, your match is next!


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WCW Television Championship Match


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Saturn couldn't help but laugh as his opponent was announced. The announcers made sure to mention how Disco Inferno hasn't been able to win anything since being pinned by Jacqueline a few short weeks ago. Saturn was just toying with Disco, beating him around the ring. While Saturn was taunting the crowd, Disco managed to get a hope spot in but was soon cut off again by the raw power of Saturn. After a few minutes, Saturn signalled for the Rings of Saturn when someone came out on the stage...




Saturn started jawing with Benoit but with his attention on the stage, Disco Inferno rolled up Saturn from behind and got the 1...2...3 and we have a new Television Champ!


Winner: Disco Inferno

Match Score: 43


After the match, Disco grabbed his newly won title and ran to avoid the wrath of Saturn and the rest of the Flock but made sure to stop and thank Benoit who was also leaving the stage, although not as fast as Disco.






We cut backstage where Mean Gene has Hart ready for an interview. Gene asks Hart about the challenge issued to him earlier in the show by the Macho Man, Randy Savage. Hart said he hates how the nWo are doing what they want, when they want without any honour, much like a certain person "up north."


Hart: Gene, I hate everything the nWo stands for, so if Savage is the first person that I have to take out to destroy the nWo, then so be it. Savage, I accept your challenge. See you at Starrcade!







The announce team use this opportunity to hype the updated card for Starrcade mentioning specifically the newly announced Randy Savage vs Bret Hart along with Eric Bischoff vs Larry Zbyzsko for control of Monday Nitro and of course, Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs Sting for the World Heavyweight Championship.







In the locker room area, we see Eddy Guerrero hyping up his nephew, Chavo Guerrero Jr for his match tonight against Dean Malenko. Chavo is saying he has got this in the bag and that he will embarrass Malenko and then maybe he could challenge Eddy for the Cruiserweight title when Eddy suddenly cuts him off. Eddy talks about how they are familia and familia just wouldn't do that to familia


Eddy: Let's make one thing clear Chavo. You had better beat Malenko tonight, but if you do, you still won't get a shot at my title...this is MY TITLE!


Eddy then leaves with Chavo looking quite disappointed in his uncles words.


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This match started off with the two cruiserweights sizing each other up. Chavo did quite well against the veteran Malenko, getting in quite a bit of offense as he was obviously trying to impress his uncle Eddy after the words they had earlier. Eventually, Chavo went up for a Frog Splash but Malenko got his knees up and then locked Chavo in the Texas Cloverleaf for the victory.


Winner: Dean Malenko

Match Score: 54






Mean Gene has The Giant backstage in the interview area and Okerlund asks how The Giants hand, which was injured by The Outsiders with a steel chair, is healing. The Giant gets very intense here and says it doesn't matter how his hand is healing because he only needs one hand to destroy Kevin Nash and Scott Hall and he said he wants Nash at Starrcade.


Giant: Nash, we both know that I am the one true Giant in WCW and at Starrcade, I am going to prove it. If I have to go through Hall to get to you, then so be it!







We cut backstage where we see Lex Luger coming out of his dressing room when he is confronted by...




Bagwell says Luger got lucky last week and challenges him to a rematch tonight which Luger accepts.


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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Goldberg.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/John%20Nord.jpg


The young rookie Bill Goldberg didn't seem fazed by the big veteran berzerker John Nord, brushing off all of Nords punches. Goldberg didn't take too long before hitting the Spear and then the Jackhammer. Goldberg wins an easy one.


Winner: Bill Goldberg

Match Score: 43


After the match, Steve 'Mongo' McMichael came out onto the stage with a mic in hand.




Mongo went on to say that Goldberg may have other people impressed with his career so far, but he is not impressed and thinks Goldberg isn't anything special and he showed that last month at World War 3 when he knocked him out before their match. Mongo goes on to challenge Goldberg to a match at Starrcade.


Mongo: In fact Bill, I am so confident that I will beat you, that if I lose at Starrcade, I will quit wrestling altogether!


Goldberg nods his head in the ring and the match seems to be on for Starrcade!






We see Jericho talking to somebody in a dressing room but we can't see who. Jericho says he is excited to team up with him.


Jericho: With your help, I will defeat Wrath again and cement myself as a future star of WCW!


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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Rick%20Martel.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Vincent.jpg w/http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Scott%20Norton.jpg


The match featured two veterans as Rick Martel takes on Vincent of the nWo who has Scott Norton in tow. Martel definitely has the upper hand over Vincent in a straight one-on-one match but with Norton on the outside constantly garnering Martels attention, it's a different story. In fact, a lot of times, Vincent would distract the referee while Norton would attack Martel. When it looked like Vincent was gonna pick up a big victory the lights went out...


When they came back on, a crow was sitting on one of the turnbuckles and both Norton (on the outside) and Vincent were out cold. Martel, looking very confused, pinned Vincent and picked up the 1-2-3.


Winner: Rick Martel

Match Score: 42




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Jericho walks halfway down the entrance ramp and starts to introduce his partner...


Jericho: Ladies, Gentlemen and Jerichoholics, please, welcome my tag team partner for tonight...MARTY JANNETTY!


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Jericho was showing a lot of confidence, or was it cockiness, after getting the victory over the big man, Wrath, last week on Nitro. It didn't take long for Wrath to bring him back down to earth though, hitting Jericho with pure power. The heel team did well, tagging constantly while keeping Jericho away from his corner. Jericho did manage to eventually counter a Wrath powerbomb attempt and got to his corner to make the hot tag to Jannetty, who was a proverbial house on fire taking down both Wrath and Mortis with clotheslines and dropkicks. Jannetty went to climb up top but got crotched by James Vandenberg. Wrath hit a massive superplex on Jannetty then nailed Jericho with a cheapshot. Wrath went for his Pumphandle Slam finisher but Mortis demanded to be tagged in, which Wrath reluctantly agreed to. Mortis then hit Jannetty with the Flatliner for the victory.


Winners: Wrath & Mortis

Match Score: 60


After the match, Jericho climbed into the ring and went to help Jannetty up but ultimately decided against it.




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We go straight into the next match with another WCW vs nWo matchup. This was a very even matchup. The announcers spoke about how Konnan is considered by many to be the "Hulk Hogan of Mexico" and made him to be a very big deal. Konnan hit his Rolling Thunder clothesline and then set up for the Tequila Sunrise when the lights go out again...


They come back on and again, there is a single crow on the turnbuckle and Konnan is out cold so Davey Boy pins Konnan and takes the victory.


Winner: Davey Boy Smith

Match Score: 53






Luger starts to make his entrance for his rematch with Bagwell when...




Bagwell comes out with a steel chair and destroys Luger with it. He attacks Luger with such aggression and the paramedics come out and put Luger on a stretcher while Bagwell poses in the ring. He then grabs a mic and says now that he has some free time, he is issuing an open challenge to anybody in the back.


Buff: So this is an open challenge to anyone in the back that wants to lose to the real Total Package!


Bagwell smirks as no music hits until...


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Z-GQq_kIhfc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Out comes the Nature Boy Ric Flair as Bagwell loses his mind in the ring.


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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Buff%20Bagwell.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Ric%20Flair.jpg


The announcers spoke about how we hadn't seen Flair since Fall Brawl when Curt Hennig turned on him and smashed his head with the cage door, so Flair is probably looking for revenge against Hennigs nWo brethren. Bagwell definitely wasn't as confident as a few minutes earlier. Flair dominated the match and eventually locked Bagwell in the Figure Four for the victory.


Winner: Ric Flair

Match Score: 69


After the match, Buff looks upset and can be seen asking where his backup was.






The announce team talk about the return of Flair and hype the main event which is coming up next!


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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/DDP.jpghttp://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Scott%20Steiner.jpghttp://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Rick%20Steiner.jpg w/ http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Ted%20DiBiase.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Kevin%20Nash.jpghttp://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Scott%20Hall.jpghttp://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Curt%20Hennig.jpg w/ http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Rick%20Rude.jpg


Strangely, with the exception of Rick Rude, there was no nWo backup out for this match. Hennig did everything he could to stay away from DDP, who was still fuming about how he lost last week. Everytime DDP tagged in, Hennig made sure to tag out. Rick Steiner got caught in the nWos corner and they used every dirty tactic in the book, using Rick Rude to ditract the referee and not even bothering to tag when they changed out. As Rick Steiner made his way to his corner, Scott Hall had come off the apron and went and pulled both Scott Steiner and DDP off of their corners, which started a brawl between the two Scotts. With Hall busy and Hennig not wanting any of DDP, DDP managed to get back on the apron and tag in and he took it to Nash, eventually hitting him with the Diamond Cutter but that is when Hennig decided to climb in and attack, breaking up the pin. With DDP down, Hennig felt more confident and actually tagged in. Hennig controlled the offense for a while after everything settled down on the outside until the lights went out...


When they came back on, nothing had happened but it was enough to make Nash and Hall run for it, leaving Hennig in the ring by himself to the mercy of the face team. Scott Steiner went to hit his finisher when Rick tagged himself in blind, hit a second rope Bulldog and picked up the victory while Scott looked on confused and DDP still resting on the apron.


Winners: DDP & The Steiners Brothers

Match Score: 74


The Steiners leave up the ramp arguing with Ted DiBiase trying to calm them down. After they had left, the Outsiders were feeling a bit braver and decided to come back to the ring, this time with Hollywood Hogan in tow. They obviously wanted to take out DDP who was the number one contender for the US Title. Nash hit a powerbomb on DDP and when Hogan started to go for the Leg Drop, the lights went out again...




This time, Sting was here! He did his best to defend DDP but the numbers game was just too much until...




Out comes The Giant but due to his blind rage towards Nash and Hall, he fails to see Hogan with a chair who slams it across his back and then hits him in the head to knock the big man down. The nWo stand over the bodies of DDP, Sting and The Giant to close the show as the announcers talk about how big of a win this was for the nWo and asked where the hell Bret Hart was!



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WWF RAW is WAR! #3 Preview

December 15th, 1997










-It turns out the PPV isn't until this week, so we have one hell of a RAW to make up for it!


-A clash in the main event that will see MMA crossover Ken Shamrock team with Stone Cold to take on DX!


-Steve Blackman will be in action tonight for the first time since announcing Marlena as his manager!


-Both The Undertaker and Mankind will be in action!


-Also, we will hear from Kane, Goldust, and our tag team champions The New Age Outlaws! Watch RAW this Monday Night live on the USA Network!




Prediction Listing:



Vader vs. Kane




Mankind vs. Goldust




Kurrgan vs. Steve Blackman




The Undertaker vs. Billy Gunn




Steve Austin and Ken Shamrock vs. D-Generation X




Comments on last week of shows/dynasty in general:



And as usual, comments are appreciated and remember, the WWF will always reign supreme!

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WWF RAW is WAR! #3 Preview

December 15th, 1997



Vader vs. Kane

Comments: Big Red Machine is on the rise



Mankind vs. Goldust

Comments: So is Mankind



Kurrgan vs. Steve Blackman

Comments: Blackman has a new manager, new managers get results



The Undertaker vs. Billy Gunn

Comments: lol



Steve Austin and Ken Shamrock vs. D-Generation X

Comments: Shamrock takes the fall



Comments on last week of shows/dynasty in general: I like this dynasty a lot, keep it up fellas.

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Vader vs. Kane

Comments: Poor Vader.


Mankind vs. Goldust

Comments: Goldust is getting more of a push, so I'm going with him.


Kurrgan vs. Steve Blackman

Comments: Damn, tough one... too bad it's going to suck.


The Undertaker vs. Billy Gunn

Comments: Taker looks good here by putting away a tag champ.


Steve Austin and Ken Shamrock vs. D-Generation X

Comments: A solid rule of thumb is that Austin doesn't often lose.


Comments on last week of shows/dynasty in general: The WWF doesn't have nearly enough disco fevah!

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