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WCW Monday Nitro #3 Preview

December 15th, 1997



Tune in this monday on Nitro to see all of the biggest names in wrestling




  • We continue to bring you the worlds best cruiserweights as 'The Iceman' Dean Malenko takes on Rey Mysterio Jr
  • One half of Harlem Heat, Stevie Ray makes his return from injury as he takes on Glacier
  • Perry Saturn gets his rematch for the WCW Television Championship against the man that shocked him and the rest of the world last week, Disco Inferno
  • The Giant and Kevin Nash will sign their contract for Starrcade
  • 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage takes on Lex Luger and then in the main event, the 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair seeks revenge against the man that put him out of action at Fall Brawl, Curt Hennig!


Prediction Listing


Dean Malenko vs Rey Mysterio Jr



Stevie Ray vs Glacier



Television Title Match

Disco Inferno © vs Saturn



Prince Iaukea vs Steve 'Mongo' McMichael



Bill Goldberg vs Louie Spicolli



The Steiner Brothers vs The Faces Of Fear



Lex Luger vs 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage



Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig



Bonus Question


One of these matches ends in a no contest...which one?




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Dean Malenko vs Rey Mysterio Jr



Stevie Ray vs Glacier



Television Title Match

Disco Inferno © vs Saturn



Prince Iaukea vs Steve 'Mongo' McMichael



Bill Goldberg vs Louie Spicolli



The Steiner Brothers vs The Faces Of Fear



Lex Luger vs 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage



Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig



Bonus Question


One of these matches ends in a no contest...which one? Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig

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Dean Malenko vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Comments: Dean vs Eddy for Starrcade sounds just wonderful.


Stevie Ray vs Glacier

Comments: lol Glacier


Television Title Match

Disco Inferno © vs Saturn

Comments: Disco backs his way into a successful title defense.


Prince Iaukea vs Steve 'Mongo' McMichael

Comments: Mongo only pawn in Goldberg streak.


Bill Goldberg vs Louie Spicolli

Comments: BILL SMASH


The Steiner Brothers vs The Faces Of Fear

Comments: Steiners are just bigger all around.


Lex Luger vs 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage

Comments: Going for the no contest here.


Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig

Comments: I'm assuming that you're likely to put this match on again at Starrcade, so Curt runs away to give Flair a count out win.


Bonus Question

One of these matches ends in a no contest...which one? Luger/Savage.

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Dean Malenko vs Rey Mysterio Jr



Stevie Ray vs Glacier



Television Title Match

Disco Inferno © vs Saturn



Prince Iaukea vs Steve 'Mongo' McMichael



Bill Goldberg vs Louie Spicolli



The Steiner Brothers vs The Faces Of Fear



Lex Luger vs 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage



Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig


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Dean Malenko vs Rey Mysterio Jr



Stevie Ray vs Glacier

Comments: lol!! Saw him on the WWE Network shows!! Maybe you can make him better than he was!?


Television Title Match

Disco Inferno © vs Saturn

Comments: This is an interesting feud... Part of me thinks that Saturn will win it straight back so he's a 2-time Champ... but then, maybe Disco is a transitional Champ for someone else?!


Prince Iaukea vs Steve 'Mongo' McMichael

Comments: No idea who any of these are!


Bill Goldberg vs Louie Spicolli



The Steiner Brothers vs The Faces Of Fear



Lex Luger vs 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage



Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig

Comments: No contest for me!


Bonus Question


One of these matches ends in a no contest...which one? Flair vs Perfect!


Was never really a fan of WCW, but I always liked the idea of it :p So interested to see how this diary develops over time! Hope you keep it up, it's great so far!!!

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WCW Monday Nitro #3

December 15th, 1997

The DCU Center, MA

Attendance: 14,555

Show Grade: 77 (B)


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The announce team open the show by welcoming us to Monday Nitro. They say you could change the channel and watch a bunch of fat guys in masks fight each other over at the other company OR you could stay here and watch the best wrestlers in the world, LIVE! They then hype the matches for the night including a number one contenders match for Eddy Guerreros Cruiserweight championship and the massive main event between former stable mates Ric Flair and Curt Hennig. We then cut backstage to the office of the commissioner JJ Dillon




Dillon tells The Giant that later tonight, they will hold a contract signing in the ring for the match at Starrcade between Kevin Nash and The Giant and that once the contract is signed, there will be no contact between Nash and Giant until Starrcade.


Dillon: Also, know this Giant. You still aren't medically cleared to wrestle so if you want the match, you will need to sign a medical waiver right now clear WCW in case your injury gets any worse from your match.


The Giant nods and signs the waiver




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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Rey%20Mysterio%20Jr.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Dean%20Malenko.jpg


The announcers mention that if you want the best cruiserweights in all of wrestling, then WCW is the place to see them. The match started off very evenly with a lot of sizing up. Malenko would use his strength advantage to overpower Rey and Rey would use his speed advantage and run circles around Malenko. Just as the match was about to get going, out comes...




Eddy and Chavo with steel chairs in hand. They climb in the ring and destroy both Malenko and Mysterio as the match gets ruled a no contest.


Winner: No Contest

Match Score: 55


After the match, Eddy continues to hit both Malenko and Mysterio with his steel chair while Chavo looks reluctant. Eddy then places the steel chair onto the stomach of Malenko and tells Chavo to go up to the top rope. At first Chavo refuses until Eddy slaps him hard in the face and tells him again. Chavo reluctantly goes up top and hits Malenko with the frog splash onto the steel chair while Eddy continues to stomp Mysterio.







Backstage we see Ric Flair psyching himself up for his match when in walks...




DDP tells Flair that he has his back tonight in the main event and also mentions that JJ Dillon awarded him a US Championship rematch at Starrcade after being cheated out of it two weeks ago and he hopes Flair is ok with it. Flair gives his blessing as only he can.


Flair: DDP, I have no problem with you going after the US Title, WOOOO! Because, I only need tonight to get back at Hennig for putting me out of commission at Fall Brawl and after I win tonight, we're gonna go out on the town, Stylin and Profilin, wheelin, dealin and lady stealin brother...WOOO! WOOO! WOOO!


DDP tells Flair to calm down before he passes out and they shake hands



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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Stevie%20Ray.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Glacier.jpg w/http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Ernest%20Miller.jpg


We start off with the announcers mentioning that Stevie specifically asked Booker to stay out the back as he wanted to do this himself. To start Glacier keeps Stevie at bay with his kicks as he knew if he allowed Stevie to get close, his power would be too much. Eventually, Ray did get close and it didn't take long for Ray to hit Glacier with the Flapjack to pick up the win.


Winner: Stevie Ray

Match Score: 52


After the match, Ernest Miller is in the ring to help Glacier up who shoves him away. As they are arguing, Stevie Ray tries calming them down which results in him getting a brutal kick to the head from Glacier. As Miller asks what he is doing, he cops a kick to the head as well. Glacier then starts beating on Ray until...




Booker T runs out and makes the save, knocking Glacier down with a clothesline. Booker checks on his brother as Glacier rolls out of the ring and backs up the ramp.




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WCW Television Championship Match


http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Saturn.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Disco%20Inferno.jpg


The match started off with Disco acting cocky as he was on a one match winning streak! It didn't take long for Disco to lose that confidence though as Saturn just straight overpowered him. Saturn was showing an aggressiveness that seemed out of place, even for him. The announcers said he was probably thinking of Chris Benoit the whole time he was beating on Disco. Almost exactly the same as last week, as Saturn signalled the end with the Rings of Saturn, Chris Benoits music played but this time Benoit wasn't on the stage and as Saturn looked at the stage waiting for Benoit, Disco again, rolled him up with a handful of tights and got the pinfall victory.


Winner: Disco Inferno

Match Score: 47


After the match, Disco ran out and got his title as quickly as he could and ran around the ring celebrating in a very over-the-top manner but escaped quickly enough that Saturn couldn't catch him.




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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Steve%20McMichael.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Prince%20Iaukea.jpg


There wasn't much to this one. McMichael toyed with Iaukea for a while before eventually putting him out of his misery, hitting him with the Mongo Spike.


Winner: Steve 'Mongo' McMichael

Match Score: 34


After the match, Mongo grabs a mic and tells Bill Goldberg to get his ass out here now.




The crowd goes crazy as Bill Goldberg obliges and comes out on the stage.

Mongo: Bill, I beat that joke that is laying over there in five minutes flat. Can you beat that time?




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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Goldberg.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Louie%20Spicolli.jpg


Spicolli gets a couple of punches in early and every time Goldberg goes on the offensive, McMichael distracts him at ringside. After two minutes, Goldberg hits the spear on Spicolli which makes McMichael try a sneak attack on Goldberg who turns around in time and spears him too. He then picks up Spicolli for the Jack Hammer and the victory in a little over three minutes.


Winner: Bill Goldberg

Match Score: 43


Goldberg then tells a laid-out McMichael that it took him three minutes



We cut backstage to Mean Gene who introduces his guest at this time...




Okerlund begins to ask Savage a question when Savage just snatches the mic out of Okerlunds hand...Savage tells Bret that meddling people make him mad and Hart doesn't want any of the Madness.


Savage: Bret, just watch what I do to Lex Luger tonight. You've unleashed the madness of the Macho Man and what happens to Luger tonight is nothing compared to what is gonna happen to you at Starrcade...OOOOOOOH YEEEEEEAH!!!


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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Meng.jpghttp://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/The%20Barbarian.jpgw/ http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Jimmy%20Hart.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Scott%20Steiner.jpghttp://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Rick%20Steiner.jpgw/ http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Ted%20DiBiase.jpg


At the start of the match the announcers threw to highlights of Jimmy Hart saying how the Faces of Fear wanted a shot at the titles and WHEN they beat the Steiners tonight, they will be number one contenders. As can be expected, this was a very physical match with a lot of stiff punches and kicks landing. The Steiners were looking the most cohesive they have looked in weeks and it looked like Rick had Meng beat as he called in Scott to go for their double team finisher when Scott noticed Barbarian had Ted DiBiase on the outside. Scott climbed out to chase Barbarian as Rick was asking what Scott was doing, saying Ted will be fine. As Rick turned his attention back to Meng he got caught in the Tongan Death Grip. There was nothing Rick could do as Meng held him down for the three count.


Winners: The Faces Of Fear (Meng and The Barbarian)

Match Score: 62






We now go to the ring where we see JJ Dillon and The Giant waiting in the ring with a desk in it and the contract waiting to be signed. Nash and Hall make their entrance next.




While in the ring, JJ explains that The Giant has already signed his medical waiver and the contract is waiting to be signed. Hall takes a mic and says it's time for a survey. Hall asks the crowd if they wanna see Nash vs Giant at Starrcade to which the crowd roars in approval.


Hall: Sounds like at Starrcade, it'll be one more for the good guys!


Nash then takes a mic and tells Giant to sign the contract first and makes the obligatory "ladies first" joke. As the Giant goes to sign the contract, Hall smashes his injured hand with the microphone as the Giant screams in pain. Hall and Nash beat down Giant as JJ flees the ring. Security come out and get Nash away before he can attempt the Jack Knife Powerbomb on Giant. Hall then picks up the mic again...


Hall: That was just too...SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!


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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Randy%20Savage.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Lex%20Luger.jpg


The announce team mentioned Buff Bagwell had taken the night off and wasn't in the building meaning Savage had Lugers full attention. This was a very close match-up with neither competitor being able to get an advantage. When Luger did get an advantage, out came...




But Savage told him to get to the back. Savage said he was going to not only beat Luger on his own, but absolutely destroy him. As Vincent finally shrugged his shoulders and turned around, Luger rolled up Savage with a small package for a very near fall. Luger got Savage up in the Torture Rack after that but Savage raked the eyes and hit a low blow on Luger as the ref was distracted with Vincent who hadn't fully left yet. Savage then went up and hit his flying elbow drop, but instead of pinning Luger, he went up and hit another flying elbow drop. He then looked right down the camera and said "This is for you Bret" as he hit a third and final Elbow drop and finally pinned Luger for the three count.


Winner: Randy Savage

Match Score: 68




As the announce team hyped the main event which was up next, the cameras cut backstage to see an unconscious DDP laid out on the floor. The announcers speculated that it must've been DDPs Starrcade opponent, Curt Hennig.


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http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Ric%20Flair.jpg VS http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Curt%20Hennig.jpg w/http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/aydendugmore/97%202%20player%20dynasty/WCW%20ngo/Rick%20Rude.jpg


Flair was very angry in this one after finding out what happened to his friend DDP, not to mention what Hennig did to him at Fall Brawl. The announcers played up the fact that if Flair isn't on top of his game, he could lose here. As you would expect, this was a very sound, technical display between two of the worlds best technical wrestlers. Flair used all his tricks and reminded everybody why he is the dirtiest player in the game, including a thumb to the eye, biting and even a low blow. It seemed as though Flair was using Rick Rude and the numbers advantage against Hennig. Flair had knocked Hennig down and was looking to get him locked into the Figure Four when...




out comes Kevin Nash. The announcers ask what the hell he is doing here, with Dusty suggesting taking out the Giant wasn't enough and now they wanna do the same to Flair. Nash comes in and hits Flair with a huge Big Boot to cause the DQ. Nash then Jack Knifes Flair and rolls him out of the ring.


Winner: Ric Flair

Match Score: 72


With the ring cleared out, Nash and Hennig are joined in the ring by Eric Bischoff and the World Heavyweight Champion, Hollywood Hulk Hogan.




Bischoff grabs a mic and says the nWo are here to pay their respects to the fallen. Hogan then takes the mic from Bischoff, brother and starts to name the victims of the nWo...




He mentions Flair, DDP and The Giant and then says there are two more names to add to that list when Starrcade rolls around...




Bischoff takes the mic back and says that the nWo will have control of Nitro after Starrcade and Larry will be to blame.


Bischoff: They call you Larry Legend and after Starrcade, that is all you will be...a legend. A myth. Because I am going to end you!


Hogan then starts to talk again...brother...when the lights go out as the crowd goes wild.




The crowd is going nuts and and Tony Schiavone is screaming "IT'S STING! IT'S STING!" Hogan is acting scared until...he gives Sting a little shove and Sting falls to the ground. The nWo laugh as "Sting" takes off his wig to reveal that it's just...




The nWo stand tall in the ring as the crowd boos wildly to end the show.



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Morning wrestling fans. I am up-and-coming internet wrestling writer, Fauntleroy McGillicutty and I have just been hired by WCW to bring wrestling news to all of you guys. Now that the boring introduction is out of the way, let's get to it.


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We start with some breaking news today as we can confirm that Larry Zbyszko has not been medically cleared to wrestle and will NOT be competing at Starrcade. After reaching out to WCW commissioner JJ Dillon, he said that the issue will be resolved on the next episode of Monday Nitro so make sure to tune in for that.




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While speaking to JJ Dillon, I also confirmed that he did indeed release multiple people and brought in a few veterans as well.




Kevin Sullivan, Madusa and Evan Karagias all had their contracts terminated early due to what was described as "terrible attitudes and a disruptive nature to the locker room."




To increase the depth of the tag team division, WCW scooped up three tag teams; the Insane Clown Posse (Violent J & Shaggy 2 Dope), The Amazing French Canadiens (Carl Oulette & Jacques Rougeau) and The Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson.)


All three teams have had dark matches on Nitro and Saturday Night but won't debut on TV for a while. Dillon also mentioned that he has signed a few more wrestlers but as they haven't debuted in any capacity yet, he wouldn't reveal who he signed.




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TALE OF THE TAPE: One word can describe this match; vicious. Ken Shamrock entered this match by vicious terms. Shamrock wanted Michaels, even if it meant injuring fellow superstar The Undertaker first. Shamrock earned this oppurtunity two weeks ago on RAW is WAR!, and ever since Shamrock has been fighting off the swarm known as D-Generation X. Will the degenerate keep his belt, or will the MMA bad-ass turned pro wrestler win his first world title in the WWF?







TALE OF THE TAPE: Tension. When tension rises fists are thrown. When tension rises, men are hurt. One of these men is going to leave this match a different man. After taking out lead NOD lackey Faarooq on RAW is WAR!, The Rock (formerly known as Rocky Maivia), took offense to Austin's disrepect, brutally brawling with him around the ring area. Now these two clash, with Austin's spoils on the line. Which one of these future mega-stars will walk out with the gold?






TALE OF THE TAPE: They say tag-team wrestling is an artform. True chemistry makes a tag-team. True chemistry in a tag-team match guarantees the reaction of the crowd and the heat from the hardcore fans, wanting to see more and more. In this match, blood shall almost certainly be shed. When The Legion of Doom are in a match, fists are sure to be flying, and no one, even the New Age Outlaws can take them lightly. Will the Legion of Doom add yet another championship reign to their legacy, or will the men known as New Age Outlaws stay the top tag-team in the world?







TALE OF THE TAPE: When you attack a men, he fights back. When you take a man's possession, he fight's back harder. When you invade a man's home; the man is going to rip you apart. That man will stop at NOTHING to show you the TRUE meaning of pain. In this match, Mankind will show Kane the boundary he has crossed. When Kane ripped apart Mankind's home in the boiler room, a new side of Mankind was awoken. And in this match, that Mankind will fight on his own home turf. Can Kane overcome the new Mankind, or will Mankind prove to Kane that you never damage another man's property - or else.......




Also on the card are......
















This Sunday, blood will be shed. Pain will be inflicted. With a variety of superstars fighting, you never know what's going to happen. Buy WWF: In Your House - D-Generation X! this sunday on PAY PER VIEW! And remember, the WWF shall always reign supreme!




WWF In Your House: D-Generation X Prediction Template:



WWF World Heavyweight:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Ken Shamrock




WWF Intercontinental:

Steve Austin © vs. The Rock




WWF Tag Team:

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom




WWF Light Heavyweight:

TAKA Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher




Boiler Room Brawl:

Mankind vs. Kane




Two Losing Stables are Fired:

Los Boricuas vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. The Nation of Domination




Loser Must Retire:

Steve Blackman vs. Sgt. Slaughter




Bonus Questions:


One match advertised will not take place. Which one?:

What was match of the night:

What opened the show?:

Will there be any debuts? (one point each for each correctly named debut):


Fun Bonus Question:

(Will count as half a point): How tall is Ayden?:




Side Note: Sorry if the flashy line gif bothers your eyes. When I found it on the interwebs, I just knew that I had to use it :D

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WWF World Heavyweight:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Ken Shamrock

Comments: I would have loved a Shamrock World Title win back in the day! :D But since this is DX in your house, I think they need the win here.


WWF Intercontinental:

Steve Austin © vs. The Rock

Comments: Rocky sucks... but he's going to win, I can feel it!


WWF Tag Team:

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom

Comments: This one's tough to call, so I'm sitting on the fence and saying Champs retain!


WWF Light Heavyweight:

TAKA Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher

Comments: Should have had a better career


Boiler Room Brawl:

Mankind vs. Kane

Comments: Home field advantage


Two Losing Stables are Fired:

Los Boricuas vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. The Nation of Domination

Comments: Surely right?!


Loser Must Retire:

Steve Blackman vs. Sgt. Slaughter

Comments: Surely right?!


Bonus Questions:


One match advertised will not take place. Which one?: Ooooo.... urrmm... Austin vs Rock

What was match of the night: HBK/Shamrock

What opened the show?: Tag Title Match

Will there be any debuts? (one point each for each correctly named debut): Nope


Fun Bonus Question:

(Will count as half a point): How tall is Ayden?: Haha!!! Brilliant!!! I'm saying 5'11 (and a half)''

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WWF In Your House: D-Generation X Prediction Template:



WWF World Heavyweight:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Ken Shamrock




WWF Intercontinental:

Steve Austin © vs. The Rock




WWF Tag Team:

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom




WWF Light Heavyweight:

TAKA Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher




Boiler Room Brawl:

Mankind vs. Kane




Two Losing Stables are Fired:

Los Boricuas vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. The Nation of Domination




Loser Must Retire:

Steve Blackman vs. Sgt. Slaughter




Bonus Questions:



One match advertised will not take place. Which one?: Mandkind VS KANE

What was match of the night: Shawn/Ken

What opened the show?: Light Heavyweight Title

Will there be any debuts? (one point each for each correctly named debut):no


Fun Bonus Question:

(Will count as half a point): How tall is Ayden?: 6 ft 7

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WWF In Your House: D-Generation X Prediction Template:



WWF World Heavyweight:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Ken Shamrock

Comments: Ken Shamrock is just not a WWF Champion to me.



WWF Intercontinental:

Steve Austin © vs. The Rock




WWF Tag Team:

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom

Comments: Yeah, go away Hawk.



WWF Light Heavyweight:

TAKA Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher

Comments: TAKA is hands down, the most underrated worker in WWF history. I love that man.



Boiler Room Brawl:

Mankind vs. Kane

Comments: Truthfully, I have no idea.



Two Losing Stables are Fired:

Los Boricuas vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. The Nation of Domination

Comments: Mark Henry is going nowhere. lol



Loser Must Retire:

Steve Blackman vs. Sgt. Slaughter




Bonus Questions:



One match advertised will not take place. Which one?: Mankind vs. Kane

What was match of the night: HBK vs. Shamrock

What opened the show?: #1 wrestler in the world TAKA vs. that Brian Lawler kid

Will there be any debuts? (one point each for each correctly named debut): Nope.


Fun Bonus Question:

(Will count as half a point): How tall is Ayden?: CPB says 6ft 7, I say 6ft 8 :D

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WWF In Your House: D-Generation X Prediction Template:



WWF World Heavyweight:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Ken Shamrock




WWF Intercontinental:

Steve Austin © vs. The Rock




WWF Tag Team:

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom




WWF Light Heavyweight:

TAKA Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher




Boiler Room Brawl:

Mankind vs. Kane




Two Losing Stables are Fired:

Los Boricuas vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. The Nation of Domination




Loser Must Retire:

Steve Blackman vs. Sgt. Slaughter




Bonus Questions:



One match advertised will not take place. Which one?:Mankind vs. Kane

What was match of the night: Steve Austin © vs. The Rock

What opened the show?: The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom

Will there be any debuts? (one point each for each correctly named debut): Nope


Fun Bonus Question:

(Will count as half a point): How tall is Ayden?: 5:8

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WWF In Your House: D-Generation X Prediction Template:



WWF World Heavyweight:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Ken Shamrock




WWF Intercontinental:

Steve Austin © vs. The Rock




WWF Tag Team:

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom




WWF Light Heavyweight:

TAKA Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher




Boiler Room Brawl:

Mankind vs. Kane




Two Losing Stables are Fired:

Los Boricuas vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. The Nation of Domination




Loser Must Retire:

Steve Blackman vs. Sgt. Slaughter


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WWF World Heavyweight:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Ken Shamrock

Comments: Shawn isn't losing it here.


WWF Intercontinental:

Steve Austin © vs. The Rock

Comments: That should clear up Austin for the World title run.


WWF Tag Team:

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom

Comments: NAO over OLD.


WWF Light Heavyweight:

TAKA Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher

Comments: No.


Boiler Room Brawl:

Mankind vs. Kane



Two Losing Stables are Fired:

Los Boricuas vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. The Nation of Domination

Comments: Or at least sent to some kind of development.


Loser Must Retire:

Steve Blackman vs. Sgt. Slaughter

Comments: Odd, but okay.


One match advertised will not take place. Which one?: Austin vs Rock

What was match of the night: Shawn vs Shamrock

What opened the show?: NAO vs LOD

Will there be any debuts? (one point each for each correctly named debut): Negative


Fun Bonus Question:

(Will count as half a point): How tall is Ayden?: 6'8

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WWF World Heavyweight:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Ken Shamrock

Comments: Couldn't see WM without HBK as champ. Too bad for Shamrock


WWF Intercontinental:

Steve Austin © vs. The Rock

Comments: SCSA is too good for the belt in my eyes


WWF Tag Team:

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom

Comments: LOD were washed up at this point


WWF Light Heavyweight:

TAKA Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher

Comments: TAKA rules


Boiler Room Brawl:

Mankind vs. Kane

Comments: Just feeling Kane


Two Losing Stables are Fired:

Los Boricuas vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. The Nation of Domination

Comments: DOA and Los Boricuas= gross. At least NOD were interesting


Loser Must Retire:

Steve Blackman vs. Sgt. Slaughter

Comments: Still angry at slaughter for WM 7


Bonus Questions:


One match advertised will not take place. Which one?: Slaughter/Blackman

What was match of the night: HBK/Shamrock

What opened the show?: NAO vs LOD

Will there be any debuts? (one point each for each correctly named debut): Nope


Fun Bonus Question:

(Will count as half a point): How tall is Ayden 5 ft 10 in

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WWF In Your House: D-Generation X

December 21st, 1997

HELD AT: Memphis Liberty Bowl; Attendance - 35,172

Show Grade: 79 (B)

MOTN: Mankind vs. Kane (84)






[An opening video package plays to start out the best wrestling event that you will see this December; we here in WWF can guarantee it! It is an epic video, complete with a voiceover from Freddie Blassie who for some reason is still employed! Anyways, Blassie narrates the tale of a battle between two enemies; Michaels and Shamrock. It recaps Shamrock’s determination to get his hands on Michaels, even taking out his own friend in The Undertaker to get what he felt he deserved. Shamrock is on a war path; and tonight he gets blood. But Michaels is not one to be overlooked. Undoubtedly the biggest star to come out of the New Generation, HBK is a competitor that is on the top tier of competition. Michaels isn’t a pushover, but neither is Shamrock. Who will overcome the odds and walk out of Memphis tonight with the gold? Find out tonight by watching In Your House: D-Generation X!]


Grade: 80 (B)






Kane: Mankind, you stand in my way of my destiny. You stand in the way, you stand before my true goal. For all the years of my life, my brother tortured me. Used me, just to get ahead. But not anymore. I know The Undertaker. I know who the man is deep beyond his outer layer. He’s cruel, he’s manipulative, but that’s not anymore. Undertaker will not take any more victims. Because when he fights me, I’m going to put him down for good. I’m going to show him that those childhood years of torture will come back to bite him. But Mankind, be warned, because when I enter your home. I see my brother on you. Prepare to die, Mankind!



Grade: 87 (B+)




Boiler Room Brawl:

Mankind vs. Kane


[before our first match of the evening, the cameras go to the boiler room, which has two levels of carnage. As this is Mankind's home, we see some of his belongings, including some pictures and an old mattress. Mankind sits on a wooden chair, awaiting his opponent. In a somewhat dramatic entrance, Kane arose from the boiler itself, resembling a demon coming out of hell.]


[The match begins and Kane immediately clotheslines Mankind. The winner of this match will be the first one to get knocked out, so both men must be relentless in their assault. Kane stomps at Mankind, but Mankind uses a ladder propped against the wall to get himself up. Kane grabs a glass and wood photo frame, and smashes it over Mankind's face! Blood begins to pour, as a picture of Mankind and a person who some say look like a certain ECW wrestler falls to the ground.]


[Mankind tastes the blood, and it brings out the deadly side of him. Mankind whips Kane into a ladder, as the back of Kane cracks as the demon falls. But he gets back up! Mankind grabs a steel pipe and nails Kane in the neck, but the demon is unaltered! Kane wraps his massive hand around Mankind's throat, Chokeslam!]


[After about five seconds, Mankind fights on, as he knows he must get revenge for what Kane has done to him. Mankind grabs the wooden chair, and he splinters it over Kane's back! Kane falls, and this time, he doesn't get up right away. Mankind takes the oppurtunity to look at the picture that has fallen, as he throws the picture into the boiler! Bye bye to that certain photo. Mankind grabs a wood plank from the broken chair, and he swings it, jabbing the point into Kane's abdomen! Mankind now walks around the room, looking for another object to inflict pain onto Kane when Rikishi Fatu jumps onto Mankind out of the shadows!]


[Rikishi Fatu is a menacing man, and he immediately makes his presence known by raking at Mankind's eyes. Fatu gets off Mankind's back, and he whips him into the concrete wall. By now, Kane has awoken as he and Rikishi Fatu begin to beat up Mankind. After some well placed kicks to the abdomen, Kane calls off his samoan friend, who quickly disappears back into the shadows.]


[From here, it looks like Kane has this match in the bag. He has secured a barbed wire baseball bat, and he is grinding it against Mankind's bare flesh. Mankind is bleeding profusely now, but this only motivates him even further. Kane, however, wants to knock Mankind out cold. Kane grabs Mankind's throat, but Mankind bites him. Kane relents for a moment, and it turns out to be his fatal mistake.]


[Mankind takes the advantage, as he kicks Kane in the ribs, and he drops him with the deadly Fall of Mankind, the new name for Mankind's brutal Double Arm DDT. Mankind doesn't stop there though. He then grabs a table, and he places Kane on top of it. He climbs up the steps, and he climbs and balances on the railing. He jumps, and his legs land on Kane's throat and drive him through the table! Kane is out, as Dave Hebner enters the room and checks to see if Kane is conscious. After a check of the arm, it is determined that Kane is out! Mankind has won, but has he truly beat the demon for good?]



Winner: Mankind

Grade: 84 (B+)






[A video plays next, showing a focus on the extremities of wrestling. Men flying through the air are shown; executing some nasty spots that would injure most men. But not these men. These men are some of the most bad-ass mothertruckers that you will ever witness in this world. These men will show no remorse in fighting, scratching and clawing their way to the top. They will fight, they will bleed, and they will use whatever they can get their hands on to inflict pain onto their opponents. And soon; they come to the WWF. Be warned, because The Extremists are coming, and they are going to leave a warpath and make wrestlers bleed because they want to. Be warned, WWF.]



Grade: 21 (E-)








Two Losing Stables Will Be Fired:

The Nation of Domination vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. Los Boricuas



[The rules of this one are simple; the first team to score a pinfall get to keep their jobs. Miguel, Skull and Kama start off this one, and the three teams turn it into a slugfest straight out of the gates. Kama and Miguel team up off the get-go, combining their efforts to take Skull out of the ring after Kama scooped him up and slammed him down onto the padding. From there, Miguel tagged in Savio who immediately took the fight to Kama, knocking him down with a jumping high kick scoring a two count before Faarooq broke it up. Kama tagged in Faarooq, who started to brawl with Vega. Vega made a valiant effort, but he eventually falls to a Dominator, but the pin gets broken up by Skull. Skull tags in 8-Ball, who meets a Caribbean Kick from the arisen Vega! Vega covers him, but is quickly taken off by Faarooq! Faarooq grabs Vega - Dominator! 1, 2, 3! The NOD win, and therefore keep their jobs! And for the DOA and Los Boricuas; they are FIREEEEEEDDDD!]


[After the match, Faarooq and Kama grab mics to “serenade” the fired teams as they head to the back. The typical, na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye! was chanted here as despite the NOD’s unpopularity, the fans still sang along with them. It was all in good fun, until Ahmed Johnson ambushed Kama! Johnson hits Kama with a big powerbomb, as Faarooq scatters. Johnson grabs a mic; and he challenges Faarooq to a fight! Faarooq runs away, but will he run away entirely? Whenever these two clash heads again, it’s going to get brutal!]



Winners: Nation of Domination

Grade: 47 (D)






Vince: Betcha you guys weren't expecting me to be here now! Now, as our announce crew over there said, next is supposed to be the Light Heavyweight Title match. But I as the owner of the WWF have absolute authority over anyone and everything in this damn company! Which, by the way, is THE company for pro wrestling if you want to actually stay awake! Now to keep this high level of quality, I am here now to announce that the Light Heavyweight division is no more! Those midgets will fight the big men now, and if they can compete, good for them. But no more special treatment for the midgets, as WWF is where the big me a lot more! Enjoy the show!



Grade: 71 (C+)




Loser Must Retire:

Steve Blackman vs. Sgt. Slaughter



[As both men make their entrances, there is a unique feel in the air as both men know this match could be their last. Since enlisting the services of Marlena, Blackman has had a renewed sense of self-confidence, challenging the veteran Sgt. Slaughter to a match. As the bell rings, Slaughter and Blackman go toe to toe, engaging a tense face off. Slaughter breaks the tense moment, suplexing Blackman out of his shoes! The fight is on as Slaughter and Blackman brawl around the ring, Slaughter gaining an early advantage. Slaughter punches away at Blackman, grabs him - nice inverted suplex slam! Slaughter wants to end this one early, as he goes down to lock in the Camel Clutch! But Blackman slips underneath him, making Slaughter fall down in embarrassment.]


[From here, it's Blackman country as the young powerhouse dominates the aging veteran Sgt. Slaughter. Blackman uses his power to similarly dominate Slaughter as Slaughter was doing a few minutes ago. Blackman looks to use his MMA training to his advantage here as he pounds away at Slaughter’s body with various maneuvers that inflict unimaginable pain. Blackman goes down to the ground and locks an excruciatingly painful Cross Armbreaker that nearly makes Slaughter tap. Out of pure pity, Blackman lets go as he lets Slaughter stumble back up to his feet. Blackman lands a nasty looking thrust kick, as he has no trouble pinning Slaughter for the three count thereafter.]



Winner: Steve Blackman

Grade: 33 (E+)






Slaughter: Whew, that about does it for me kid! Great fight, great fight. You know Steve, I see something in you. There’s something about you that makes me pity the man who decided to hold you back. You’re going places kid, I mean, look at your girlfriend! She is one of the finest pieces of body I have seen since the beginning of time! Us together, we could dominate. We will dominate. What you see here is the future of the business. Me, Sargent Slaughter, the sexy Marlena, and STEEVEE BLACKMAN! And from now on, we need a new Sargent in the WWF. That is why I hereby dub Steve Blackman; SARGENT BLACKMAN! Meeting adjourned!



Grade: 50 (D+)





WWF Tag Team Championships:

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Legion of Doom



[Hawk and the D-O-Double G started this one off, Hawk immediately gaining the advantage with a vicious clothesline. Hawk splashes on Dogg, hurting the ribs of the half-holder of the tag team championships, which the LOD are trying to win in this bout. Hawk goes to the corner, hitting an early spear that only serves to damage the Dogg even further! Hawk continues on the attack, tagging in Animal after an unsuccessful pin attempt after a vertical suplex. Animal rushes towards Dogg and tries to jump on him, but the sneaky Dogg raises a knee into his crotch! Dogg hits his Shake, Rattle, and Roll before tagging in Gunn. Gunn immediately backs Animal into a corner, where he kicks him square in the gut, making the big man fall! Gunn goes up and drops a Fame-ass-er from the top rope! 1, 2, no- Animal powers through. Gunn tags in the Dogg, as they continue to work over on Animal.]


[but Animal comes back as he grabs Dogg and hits him with a vicious spinebuster! However, it only garners a two count - and the tag team belts stay on the NAO for a minute longer. The LOD are getting impatient, they want blood or gold - or both! Animal goes after Dogg, but Dogg gouges an eye and rolls him up! 1-2-Thr- no! So close, but not enough! Animal is furious as he tags in his partner Hawk. But Dogg uses his dirty tricks again, kicking Hawk in the land down under - and i’m not talking about Australia! Dogg waits, hits his pumphandle falling powerslam; also known as the ‘Suck It Slam’, and he scores a big pinfall as the NAO retain their titles! Maybe next time LOD, but tonight here in Nashville, Tennessee, it’s the New Age Outlaws’ time to shine!]



Winners: The New Age Outlaws

Grade: 62 ©






[but after the match, the New Age Outlaws are jumped from behind! Four - maybe five men have jumped the rail and have begun beating down the tag team champions! This is cruel, the LOD just beat these men down and now they are being jumped in a five-on-two situation! The attackers are beating down the NAO with things varying from trash cans, chairs, and kendo sticks to something is ridiculous as a frying pan! Security pulls these hooded men off, but we can’t make out any faces. But we can see one thing; that being the ECW logo on all five men’s shirts.]



Grade: 44 (D)






[Next, a short video is played hyping up the WWF Intercontinental Champion Steve Austin. For a splash of edginess, old WCW clips of Austin are shown. Man did he suck there. Next, it transitions into showing the will of the man known as Stone Cold. Clips of Austin and Bret Hart's Mania match are shown, especially highlighting Austin's unwillingness to submit to Bret. Next, it's a collage of Stunners. Will Rocky be able to overcome this move? We will find out shortly.]



Grade: 78 (B)






[Another video package is then played; this one highlighting The Rock, who is Austin's opponent tonight. As everyone should know, The Rock was formerly known as Rocky Maivia. But with a new name and a heel turn, The Rock is better than ever. Clips are shown of The Rock's bloodline, dating back to Rocky Johnson and the "High Chief" Peter Maivia. The Rock has wrestling in his blood, one advantage over the Stone Cold hero Steve Austin. Next, current clips are shown with The Rock and the Nation of Domination. Will the Nation get involved tonight? Will The Rock walk out of Memphis with the gold? Find out next on In Your House: D-Generation X!]



Grade: 62 ©





WWF Intercontinental Championship:

Steve Austin © vs. The Rock



[The next match of the evening was to be competed under normal rules for the Intercontinental Championship. The crowd was buzzing, as they knew that this match is between two stars of the WWF. Rock enters, and goes face to face and raises the eyebrow as the bell rings. Words are exchanged, as Austin raises the middle finger! The fight is on! The brahma bull lays fists into Austin, driving him into the corner. Austin reverses and now Rocky is in the corner! Austin kicks away, and Rock falls to the canvas. Austin then lays a beautiful falling fist drop onto Rocky's skull. Austin then climbs the turnbuckle to taunt as the referee checks on Rock. However, he is met by behind by The Rock, who crotches him on the top turnbuckle! Rock climbs, Superplex off the top rope! 1 - 2, not quite, as Austin isn't losing without a fight. The fight drags on, as Rocky looks to keep Austin grounded. He is able to do so for a short amount of time, but eventually Rocky realizes he needs a big impact to keep Austin grounded. He slowly picks up a dazed Austin, whips him against the ropes and goes for the clothesline... but Austin has sprung back to life! Austin with the punches, Thesz Press to The Rock! Rock is stunned, as he rises to his feet, only to meet a Stunner!]









[Thr- No! Rock kicks out at the last second! Austin grabs Rocky to inflict more damage, but Rocky catches Stone Cold with a low blow! Rocky rolls up Austin, 1, 2, no! Rocky is frustrated, as Austin looks to recover from the blow down low. Rocky picks Austin up, goes for the Rock Bottom! But Austin reverses, and takes Rocky down with a bulldog. Austin gives Rocky the middle finger to the face, and the crowd knows that the Stunner is next. Rock rises, and Austin connects with a Stunner!]



[1, but the ref isn't counting? Where is the referee? It is now that we see that a hooded man has jumped the guardrail and the referee is looking to contain him. Whilst this is happening, a giant man is making his way to the ring! His name.... you may recognize him... is YOKOZUNA! Yokozuna is back in the WWF! He makes his presence known as he hits a Banzai Drop on Austin! The hooded man exits, as the ref re-enters, Yokozuna having made his exit. Rocky raises the eyebrow and tells Austin to bring it, as the crowd and JR are furious! Austin rises, but crashes right back down, Rock Bottom!]









[3! We have a new Intercontinental Champion! The Rock has won, and his friend and relative Yokozuna comes back out to celebrate. The two Samoans parade around the ring, soaking up the boos. But in the end, a win is a win, as Rocky walks out of Memphis tonight with some gold on his shoulder.]



Winner: The Rock

Grade: 75 (B-)





WWF World Championship:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Ken Shamrock



[Welcome back, and it is now time for the main event! This is for the big gold strap, the highest achievement any pro wrestler can achieve. Breaking traditional entrance order, DX make their entrance first. Shawn, HHH and Chyna get more pyro than usual and they enter the ring, doing the crotch chop. Shamrock comes out next, and it looks like he has brought back-up with him, as UFC star RANDY COUTURE is walking with Shamrock to the ring! DX show no change in emotion, as all parties take their respective corners as the bell rings, starting the main event of the evening!]


[shamrock and Michaels clinch to begin, as Shamrock takes the early advantage by forcing Michaels into a muay thai position. The MMA star then lands some devastating knees as Michaels crumples slowly to the ground. Shamrock then pushes Michaels to the ground and mounts him, landing punches that rattle Michaels to the core. However, these punches are not wearing Michaels down, but making him happy as he smiles into the camera, showing that a few punches don't break down a degenerate like Shawn Michaels!]


[Chyna makes her presence known, as referee Earl Hebner turns his focus to keep her in her respective corner. DX take advantage of this distraction, as HHH enters the ring with a chair, cracking it across Shamrock's spine! DX beatdown the fighter, as Couture simply watches from the outside. Chyna jumps off after HHH leaves the ring, leaving Michaels to continue the fight.]


[Michaels has the advantage now, wearing Shamrock down with mat wrestling and various slow paced stomps onto Shamrock. Michaels bounces off the ropes and Michaels catches him with a nice springboard plancha. Michaels picks up Shamrock, and takes him right back down with a belly to back suplex. Michaels crotch chops as Shamrock slowly rises, Teardrop Suplex, vintage Michaels! Michaels goes to the corner, tuning up the band! Sweet Chin Mus- No! Shamrock grabbed Michaels' ankle! Shamrock has Michaels down, locks in the ankle lock! Michaels crawls, but Shamrock drags him back to the center! Will Michaels submit? He taps, but the ref doesn't see it! Chyna has Hebner distracted on the apron! Hebner is sick of this, as he ejects Chyna from ringside!]


[back to the action, as both Shamrock and Michaels have only one man in their corner, Couture and HHH respectively. By now, Shamrock has let go of the ankle and both men are on their feet again. Brawling ensues, as the two trade punches, neither willing to back down. Michaels ducks Shamrock's punch and catches Shamrock with a big kick to the head. Michaels turns around to taunt, and when he spins back around to Shamrock, he finds Shamrock standing over him. Shamrock grabs Michaels, DDT! 1, 2, kick out at two. Shamrock kneels and locks in another ankle lock. Michaels is going through insurmountable pain right now, will he tap? Fighting, fighting, he taps! BUT EARL HEBNER DIDN'T SEE IT!]


[HHH is up on the apron, blabbing to Hebner for who knows what reason. HHH is about to step down, but Couture grabs him from behind! Couture lays punches into HHH, and the crowd is eating it up! Couture grabs HHH, german suplex on the ramp! Couture and HHH brawl up the ramp, eliminating outside interference. It is now Shawn Michaels vs. Ken Shamrock, one vs. one, all outside interference has left, leaving these two to determine among themselves who really is the better man.]


[back from all the hoopla, and Shamrock is in control. He beats Michaels into the corner, and raises him to the second turnbuckle. Shamrock runs across and comes back and lands a nice dropkick to the back of Shawn. Shamrock waits for Michaels gets back up, vertical suplex - but Michaels reverses! Michaels chops at Shamrock, and catches him with a big clothesline! Shamrock is down, as Michaels climbs up top. He jumps and delivers a picture perfect elbow drop to Shamrock. 1-2- Th- no, kickout at the last second!]


[Michaels is frustrated, as he stomps back to the corner and tunes up the band! He goes to kick him, and Shamrock grabs the ankle again! He takes him down and twists, Michaels is locked in the Ankle Lock! He fights. And he fights. He crawls. He crawls further. Shamrock twists harder, but Michaels jumps and reaches the rope! Michaels has escaped the ankle lock! Shamrock is frustrated, as Michaels works his way up. Shamrock grabs him, looking for a belly to back suplex. Shamrock grabs him, but Michaels gets behind him! Michaels catches Shamrock with a nice superkick, and the former fighter falls. Michaels goes to the corner, tunes up the band! SWEET CHIN MUSIC! SWEET CHIN MUSIC, Michaels connects! He covers; One, two - THREE! MICHAELS RETAINS, HE HAS BEATEN SHAMROCK! It was a hard fought fight, but Michaels will walk out of Memphis with the gold!]



Winner: Shawn Michaels

Grade: 77 (B)






[After the match, former Intercontinental Champion Steve Austin comes to the fray! It looks like he wants a piece of Michaels, too! Austin runs into the ring, stunners Triple H! But as he goes for Michaels, the lights go out. They flash again, and both men are on opposite sides of the ring. They come on again, and the same masked man from earlier is in the ring! The three men charge each other, and the hooded man catches Austin with a Northern Lights Suplex! The hooded man and Michaels brawl, with Michaels getting knocked down! The hooded man goes to the ground, and locks in a figure four! Michaels is screaming in pain, but HHH runs in for the save, HHH puts the invader in position for a Pedigree, but the hooded man reverses it into a big powerslam! This hooded man has just taken out three top WWF talents! What will happen next week on RAW!, and more importantly, who really is this hooded man?]



Grade: 67 (C+)

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A good opening video, the Blassie narration is great. They actually did that for the big shows all through 1998, so it's legit.


Mankind winning is an odd choice, but I'm going to assume you have somewhere you're going with this. I liked that he had personal effects scattered around the room. Kane and Rikishi sounds familiar >_>

ECW is coming? Wow, that should be pretty cool. As long as Stephanie McMahon doesn't come out as their owner.

The NOD had to win this, because there's no way that the Nation can be fired before The Rock becomes a star. Also they're the only ones who can put on good matches, so... yeah...

So no LHW title? An interesting route to go, and it does really put Vince over as a real asshole.

Sgt. Blackman? So now he can get Marlena in the poop deck?

Big win for the NAO. I'm guessing this is the Outlaws face turn? Because the ECW guys jumping people from behind sound like a heel thing to do.

Is Yokozuna in the Nation of Domination?!? He's been oppressed enough in the past. Though at this time he weighed about as much as the entire rest of the NoD. If D'Lo disappears, it's because Yoko either ate him or sat on him and he's stuck in his backfat.

You already knew that I loved the main event. The aftermath is pretty big stuff though. A figure four leglock? Ric Flair debut confirmed!


Good stuff Pack, can't wait to see how Ayden retaliates with Starrcade.

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A good opening video, the Blassie narration is great. They actually did that for the big shows all through 1998, so it's legit.


Mankind winning is an odd choice, but I'm going to assume you have somewhere you're going with this. I liked that he had personal effects scattered around the room. Kane and Rikishi sounds familiar >_>

ECW is coming? Wow, that should be pretty cool. As long as Stephanie McMahon doesn't come out as their owner.

The NOD had to win this, because there's no way that the Nation can be fired before The Rock becomes a star. Also they're the only ones who can put on good matches, so... yeah...

So no LHW title? An interesting route to go, and it does really put Vince over as a real asshole.

Sgt. Blackman? So now he can get Marlena in the poop deck?

Big win for the NAO. I'm guessing this is the Outlaws face turn? Because the ECW guys jumping people from behind sound like a heel thing to do.

Is Yokozuna in the Nation of Domination?!? He's been oppressed enough in the past. Though at this time he weighed about as much as the entire rest of the NoD. If D'Lo disappears, it's because Yoko either ate him or sat on him and he's stuck in his backfat.

You already knew that I loved the main event. The aftermath is pretty big stuff though. A figure four leglock? Ric Flair debut confirmed!


Good stuff Pack, can't wait to see how Ayden retaliates with Starrcade.


Of course, the Blassie narration was kind of taken from you, as I thought it made sense. Glad it actually turned out to be somewhat real!


Yes, he spoke :p


It may sound familiar, but for now, Kane and Rikishi is a one time thing.


ECW is indeed coming, and their wrath is gonna be gooooodddd!


The Nation in the upcoming months are going to be at a point of dead weight, but hopefully I can come up with something for them; hopefully a mini-feud with Ahmed perhaps.


No LHW title.... It was a tough decision to make, but my division really lacked the fire to go anywhere. I'll let the vanilla midgets wrestle exclusively in the place where they claim the big boys play.


Oh Blackman is going to get Marlena in more than just the poop deck ;)


This is going to be the start of a potential face turn. They are still heels as of now, but we'll just see where that story takes us :)


Who knows? Maybe he is, maybe he isn't... As I said, pay attention in 1998, because BIG changes are coming!


I wish, as Flair here would be more than wrestling a peasant such as Buff Bagwell!



Oh, and about the RAW preview, it will be put up once Ayden books Starrcade :D and gets the file back to me. Hope you all enjoyed this PPV, as it only goes up from here!

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