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TNA 2004: This Is Wrestling

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A man sits alone in a dark office, it's a New Year's Eve party. The man's blonde hair is disheveled, he wears a tie that is crooked. He is upset. It's nearly two years into an investment he has made and he isn't getting the return he expected. Things aren't getting better they only seem to be getting worse. He needs a game changer. This man is Jeff Jarrett, wrestling royalty, owner of TNA Wrestling. Suddenly, his phone rings and he answers.


Jarrett: Hello?


???: Hi Jeff.


Jarrett: Well, I'll be. I didn't expect to hear from you today.


???: Happy New Year!


Jarrett: Happy New Year to you as well.


???: Listen, I'm ready to get back in the game.


Jarrett: So, what kind of contract did New York offer you?


???: I haven't talked to them.


Jarrett: You haven't talked to them.


???: No, I've been watching some of the stuff you guys have been doing, it's great.


Jarrett: Thank you.


???: It could benefit from one thing though.


Jarrett: What's that?


???: Me. I want in.


Jarrett: Really?


???: Really. I feel like we could change wrestling together.


Jarrett: Well how about you get on a plane first thing tomorrow and fly out to Nashville. I would love to talk about this over dinner.


???: I'm used to flying.


Both men laugh


???: I'll be in Nashville by tomorrow afternoon.


Jarrett: Great, I'll see you tomorrow.


Mr. Jarrett may have just secured his game-changer. The year is 2004, this is TNA, this is wrestling!


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TNA X Division Title Match ~ Ultimate X 2

Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin


AJ Styles and AMW (Chris Harris and James Storm) vs. Jeff Jarrett and Red Shirt Security (Northcutt and Legend)


Abyss vs. Erik Watts


Raven and ??? vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)


NWA World Tag Team Titles

3LK (Konnan and BG James) vs. Samoan Connection (Sonny Siaki and Ekmo)


Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Kid Kash vs. Johnny Swinger vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jerry Lynn


BONUS: Who will be Raven's mystery partner

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TNA X Division Title Match ~ Ultimate X 2

Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin


AJ Styles and AMW (Chris Harris and James Storm) vs. Jeff Jarrett and Red Shirt Security (Northcutt and Legend)

Abyss vs. Erik Watts


Raven and ??? vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)


NWA World Tag Team Titles

3LK (Konnan and BG James) vs. Samoan Connection (Sonny Siaki and Ekmo)


Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Kid Kash vs. Johnny Swinger vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jerry Lynn


BONUS: Who will be Raven's mystery partner: Sting

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TNA X Division Title Match ~ Ultimate X 2

Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin


AJ Styles and AMW (Chris Harris and James Storm) vs. Jeff Jarrett and Red Shirt Security (Northcutt and Legend)


Abyss vs. Erik Watts


Raven and ??? vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)


NWA World Tag Team Titles

3LK (Konnan and BG James) vs. Samoan Connection (Sonny Siaki and Ekmo)


Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Kid Kash vs. Johnny Swinger vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jerry Lynn


BONUS: Who will be Raven's mystery partner- Sting

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TNA X Division Title Match ~ Ultimate X 2

Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin


AJ Styles and AMW (Chris Harris and James Storm) vs. Jeff Jarrett and Red Shirt Security (Northcutt and Legend)


Abyss vs. Erik Watts


Raven and ??? vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)


NWA World Tag Team Titles

3LK (Konnan and BG James) vs. Samoan Connection (Sonny Siaki and Ekmo)


Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Kid Kash vs. Johnny Swinger vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jerry Lynn


BONUS: Who will be Raven's mystery partner: STANG?

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TNA X Division Title Match ~ Ultimate X 2

Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin


AJ Styles and AMW (Chris Harris and James Storm) vs. Jeff Jarrett and Red Shirt Security (Northcutt and Legend)


Abyss vs. Erik Watts


Raven and ??? vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)


NWA World Tag Team Titles

3LK (Konnan and BG James) vs. Samoan Connection (Sonny Siaki and Ekmo)


Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Kid Kash vs. Johnny Swinger vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jerry Lynn


BONUS: Who will be Raven's mystery partner Sting

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LIVE from The TNA Asylum in Nashville, TN


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TZjpnXcGZ9w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Video runs recapping 2003 in TNA Wrestling, a new song “Boom” by P.O.D. Runs to a quick montage of TNA action. Mild pyro goes off inside the Tennessee State Fairgrounds AKA THE TNA ASYLUM


Rating: 43 – D




Jeff Jarrett's music hits as he makes his way to the ring


Jarrett: Welcome to 2004! The year of Double J. Welcome to my world, welcome to Planet Jarrett. This new year marks the continuance of my dominance.

JJ continues to ramble on getting underneath the skin of the crowd as he belittles the babyfaces and lifts himself up as the greatest wrestler alive today.


Jarrett: Tonight, we will continue to see that this really is Planet Jarrett when myself and my Redshirt Security beat up AMW, “America's Most Wussy” and AJ Styles. Then, I will be named Mr. TNA, because I am NWA World Champ, this is my yard, this is TNA, this is Planet Jarrett! Learn to love it!


Time: 4 minutes

Rating: 73 – B-




Camera cuts to ringside


Mike Tenay: Strong words from Jeff Jarrett to start this new year.


Don West: I have a feeling Mike.


Mike Tenay: What is it Don?


Don West: This is the year that someone puts Jeff Jarrett in his place.


Mike Tenay: We can only hope Don. Now, tonight we have a huge night.


Don West: That's right! I'm stoked!


Mike Tenay: I know why! Tonight is Ultimate X 2!


Don West: Christopher Daniels, Low-Ki, Chris Sabin, and X Champ, Michael Shane. It's going to be freaking insane!


Mike Tenay: That it will be, let's go to the ring for our opening match of the evening.


Time: 1 Minute

Rating: 33 – E+




Shark Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Kid Kash vs. Johnny Swinger vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jerry Lynn


Fast paced X Division style match. Though the action was fun, the crowd never really got into it. Jerry Lynn hit Johnny Swinger with the cradle piledriver to get the 3 count.


Winner: Jerry Lynn

Time: 11:20 Match Time

Rating: 43 – D




Cameras cut backstage to Scott Hudson


Scott Hudson: Ladies and Gentleman, joining me now, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles. AJ, we know that the final two men in the voting for the Mr. TNA contests are you and Jeff Jarrett. What are your thoughts about Jeff and this competition.


AJ Styles: Scott, thank you for having me here tonight. As for the Mr. TNA contest, everyone knows that when the name TOTAL NONSTOP ACTION is mentioned there is one face that springs to mind. That face is the face of the “The Phenomenal One.” Jarrett can walk around claiming Mr. TNA as much as he wants, he'll find out different tonight. With that said, Jeff Jarrett has something that I want. It weighs ten pounds and is made of gold and leather.


Scott Hudson: The NWA World Heavyweight Title.


AJ Styles: Exactly right. Tonight, I will pin Jeff Jarrett, win the Mr. TNA contest, and then Scott....I'm gunning to become NWA World Heavyweight Champion once again.


AJ Styles walks off with a smile


Scott Hudson: Strong promises from AJ Styles, let's go back to the ring for the NWA World Tag Team Title Match


Time: 2 Minutes

Rating: 46 – D




NWA World Tag Team Titles

The 3LK (Konnan and BG James) vs. The Samoan Connection (Sonny Siaki and Ekmo)


The 3LK recently beat Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger for the NWA titles. Ekmo and Siaki have only tagged together a few times but it appears they will be a force to be reckoned with. The match was sloppy at time with Konnan looking particularly bad. The finish came when Ekmo distracted the ref allowing Siaki to nail BG James with a foreign object he pulled out of his tights. It was elementary after that and we have new NWA World Tag Team Champs.


Mike Tenay: I can't believe what we've just seen Don.


Don West: What a travesty that 3LK lose the titles this way.


Mike Tenay: I don't think The Samoan Connection has heard the last of 3 Live Krew!


Winners: …aaaannnnddd NEW NWA Tag Team Champions, THE SAMOAN CONNECTION


Time: 12:46

Rating: 49 – D+



A video recaps The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero) turning on their former mentor Raven in a very vicious manner.


Time: 2 Minutes

Rating: 31 – E+




The Gathering come to the ring.


Raven's music hits and he stops at the top of the ramp.


Mike Tenay: I've heard all kinds of rumors on who Raven's partner may be. I believe we may be about to find out.


Raven: Many have thought that I have burned all my bridges in the wrestling business. While it is true, I have more enemies than friends. In some cases you need an enemy on your side. Punk, Dinero, you proved that there is no honor among thieves. Fortunately I know how to fight fire with fire. I have a lot of rivals who are also thieves. This man who I'm teaming with tonight, we've fought, we've teamed, we've bled, we've smoked together, we've drank together.....hell......I even crucified him one time....I think you know who I'm talking about..........





































<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/N7FwaMSQS6I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Mike Tenay: OH MY GOD!




Mike Tenay: Raven and Sandman are together!


Time: 3 minutes

Rating: 40 – D-




Raven and The Sandman vs. The Gathering (CM Punk and Julio Dinero)

These four do a lot of brawling. Unfortunately Sandman's less than stellar condition really kept it from being a great encounter. Mid-way through the match FATHER JAMES MITCHELL appeared on the ramp. Mitchell came to ringside and watched the match unfold. Dinero gets ahold of Raven and they brawl into the stands. Mitchell gets on the ring apron and yells at Sandman distracting him. Punk comes up behind....PEPSI TWIST...1...2...3


Mike Tenay: Raven is screwed by The Gathering once again


Don West: They screwed him with an assist from James Mitchell!


Winners: The Gathering

Time: 7:45

Rating: 40 – D-



Cameras cut backstage to Scott Hudson


Scott Hudson: I'm here with “The Franchise” Shane Douglas. Tonight, your protege, Michael Shane, defends his X Division Title in Ultimate X 2.


Shane Douglas: Hahahaha. That's right tonight, “The Franchise” will lead, “The New Franchise” Michael Shane to that ring where his title is suspended in an X. Now, TNA management has stacked the deck against Michael Shane, but when you're a “Franchise player” it doesn't matter what management does, you rise above it. Tonight, Michael Shane walk in X Division Champion....and he walks out still X Division Champion.


Time: 3 minutes

Rating: 33 – E+




Erik Watts vs. "The Monster" Abyss


Erik Watts is the representative for TNA management. Abyss is not a fan of Watts. A really clunky and terrible brawl that sees the two men counted out.


Winner: Double Countout

Time: 7:27

Rating: 30 – E+



Abyss and Erik Watts brawl all over the ringside area and fight to the back


Mike Tenay: These two really hate each other.


Don West: I get the feeling this isn't done between them.


Mike Tenay: Not by a long-shot.


Time: 2 minutes

Rating: 18 – E-




We are once again backstage with Scott Hudson


Scott Hudson: Joining me now, NWA World Heavyweight Champion, “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett.


Jeff Jarrett: Give me that mic. Now, get out of here Hudson. Take that bald head and beat it slapnuts.


JJ looks directly in the camera


Jeff Jarrett: I want you to hear me and hear me good AJ Styles. TNA is my yard. TNA is my domain. TNA is the house that Double J built. On top of that, the NWA World Heavyweight title is my possession and I'm not letting go of it anytime soon. I beat you for this very title just a couple of months ago and you aren't getting it back. Let me tell you why AJ, because under no circumstances are you even going to get a shot at this title. Now, America's Most Wanted, you have made a mistake. You joined yourself with your little buddy AJ, let me tell you something...biggest mistake of your careers. Tonight, myself and Redshirt Security are going to put a hurting on you and then we'll go on to my Mr. TNA party! See you in the ring suckers.


Time: 3 minutes

Rating: 48 – D+




AJ Styles and AMW vs. Jeff Jarrett and Redshirt Security

Kevin Northcutt of Redshirt security just couldn't keep up in this one. With his skill level he probably shouldn't have been in a match of this magnitude. Jarrett did as much as he could to avoid being in the match with AJ. Jarrett eventually left Northcutt and Legend out to dry and he simply left and went to the back when he realized the match wasn't going his way. AJ hit Legend with the Styles Clash for the 3 count and the win.


Winners: AJ Styles and AMW

Time: 14:13

Ranking: 45 – D




Mike Tenay: What a great win for AJ Styles, Chris Harris, and James Storm.


Don West: Where is “Mr. TNA” Jeff Jarrett now?


Mike Tenay: You're looking at the man who has my vote for Mr. TNA “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles!

AMW leaves and AJ continues to celebrate in the ring when suddenly Jeff Jarrett runs out from the crowd and nails AJ with a guitar shot, leaving him down and out in the middle of the ring.


Mike Tenay: He must have circled around when he left the match earlier.


Don West: How dispicable.


Mike Tenay: He wouldn't fight AJ face to face, but now he attacks him.


Don West: Sickening.


Time: 3 Minutes

Rating: 54 – C-



Video recaps Ultimate X 1 and then hypes up Ultimate X 2, The main even is on now!


Time: 3 Minutes

Rating: 22 – E-



TNA X Division Title Match

Ultimate X 2

Michael Shane © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Low-Ki vs. Chris Sabin


This match was off the charts as far as quality goes. Unfortunately due to the faces still being relatively new to most fans, the response was somewhat lackluster. Each man had their time to shine in the match. Chris Sabins gets the upperhand near the end and hits the CradleShock on Low-Ki leaving himself a clear shot to grab the title. Just as Sabin is about to grab the title and become the new champ, Shane Douglas hits the ring and nails Sabin with a chair three times before he crashes to the ground. Shane Douglas has Michael Shane stand on his shoulders in order to retrieve the belt, win the match, and retain his title.


Mike Tenay: As long as Douglas is representing Michael Shane, who knows how long he will retain that title.


Don West: TNA management has to do something. This was highway robbery tonight.


Winner: Still TNA X Division Champion, Michael Shane

Time: 16:01

Rating: 42 – D



AJ Styles is backstage with an ice pack on his head when Erik Watts enter his locker room


Erik Watts: After I got away from my fights with Abyss, I saw what happened to you.


AJ Styles: Jeff Jarrett may have gotten the upper hand at the end of the match, but this isn't over.


Erik Watts: You better believe it isn't over. Jeff Jarrett, Don Callis, and his entire group has been running wild and running the show the last several months, but that is going to change soon.


AJ Styles: Erik, with all due respect, what are we supposed to do to get them out? I can get revenge, but when I do the backlash will be even worse.


Erik Watts: It's simple. Get the NWA World Heavyweight Title.


AJ Styles: Then they'll just load up against me and take it right back, if Callis doesn't strip me immediately.


Erik Watts: The belt is power.


AJ Styles: Ok, but you heard Double J, he is never even going to give me another shot.


Erik Watts: So, we find a way around it.


AJ Styles: A way around it?


Erik Watts: I've got an idea.


AJ Styles: An idea?


Erik Watts: Yeah, an idea.


AJ Styles: Ok, tell me about it.


Erik Watts: Here's what we do. Tonight, after you win the Mr. TNA contest we use it as leverage. Here is what we do. First you.....


AJ Styles: Hey Erik


AJ points at the fact that there is a camera in the doorway


AJ Styles: We have company.


Erik Watts: Guys can you give us a second.


The camera backs out of the room and AJ Styles closes the door in their faces


Time: 3 Minutes

Rating: 45 – D




Cameras cut to Mike Tenay in the ring


Mike Tenay: Ladies and gentelemen, it is time to present the award for Mr. TNA. This award is presented to the most successful and powerful man in all of Total Nonstop Action wrestling. Let's take a look at the nominees. First of all, the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett.

A video runs highlighting the year Jeff Jarrett had, including beating AJ Styles for the NWA World Heavyweight Title

The cameras cut back the arena booing

Mike Tenay: Finally, the second nominee, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles

A video runs highlighting AJ's year including him beating Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Heavyweight Title

Mike Tenay: And the winner of Mr. TNA is............
















The crowd pops as AJ comes to the ring and accepts the award from Mike Tenay


Time: 4 Minutes

Rating: 37 – D-



AJ is holding the plaque for Mr. TNA


AJ Styles: First of all I would like to thank each and every one of these fans....

Jeff Jarrett's music hits as he appears on the stage.

Jeff Jarrett: I demand a recount, there must be some hanging chads and ballots for me that didn't get counted.


AJ Styles: Face it Jeff, I'm simply more phenomenal than you.


Jeff Jarrett: No way.


AJ Styles: I can prove it, I can beat you for that NWA World Heavyweight Title.


Jeff Jarrett: There is no way that you are getting a shot at this title.


AJ Styles: I'll make you a deal Jeff.


Jeff Jarrett: What is that?


AJ Styles: Next week, I will put my title of Mr. TNA up for grabs. If I win, you give me a title shot. If you win, you are Mr. TNA.


Jeff Jarrett: ….......


Jarrett walks down to the ringside area


AJ Styles: What say you, Jeffy?


Jeff Jarrett: That's intriguing...How about this. Next week, I bring a partner and you bring a partner. If you win, you become the number one contender for my NWA World Heavyweight Title, and if I win I become Mr. TNA.....


AJ Styles: Sounds good!


Jeff Jarrett: …...and also.....If I win, Erik Watts has to leave TNA forever!


AJ Styles: …....................It's a deal. See you next week Jeff! Here's what you have to look forward to.


AJ Styles hits Jarrett with a suicide dive to the outside and stands tall


AJ Styles music hits and plays over the arena as he celebrates with his Mr. TNA plaque.


Mike Tenay: What a blockbuster announcement and what a match for next week!


Don West: Everyone better order now, you don't want to miss next week's event!


Mike Tenay: AJ Styles and a mystery partner take on Jeff Jarrett and a myster partner, NEXT WEEK! SEE YOU THEN!


Time: 3 Minutes

Rating: 58 – C-




Total Rating: 51 – D+

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It's Thursday, this is the day that Jeff Jarrett meets with other members of the booking committee to discuss the show from the night before. Jarrett appears disappointed.


Jarrett: Alright guys, last night our guys laid it all out in the ring. The bad thing is this, for the most part it seemed the fans didn't care.


Raven: Jeff, I love these guys. Guys like Punk, Shane, Sabin, and AMW are the future of this business. The only problem is that they aren't recognizable.


Dusty Rhodes: Lemme tell ya sumthin. Jeff, we need some star power if ya weel.


Jarrett: Well, we have someone on the way. We'll probably start running vignettes for him this week.


Dutch Mantell: Who is it?


Jarrett: Dutch, as much as I trust you guys, it has to stay under wraps for now.


Raven: We need more than one guy. I have some friends from ECW I could call.


Mantell: Sorry to interrupt you Raven. However, I think we need more than Ballz Mahoney.


Jarrett: I agree. I have some ideas on some guys we can call.


Rhodes: I haves a stupendous connectionnnn that we can take advantage of.


Jarrett: Let's do it Dusty.


Raven: I'm all for whatever makes this company grow and flourish. There's no alternative to WWE and there needs to be one. Let's grow make our mark.


Jarrett buzzes his personal assistant


Jarrett: Sophie, bring me my rolodex! Boys we have some calls to make.

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Brilliant first show; love it!! Setting up nicely for next week's PPV.


Be interesting to see how you handle the weekly PPV thing. When I played this mod I gave myself a TV show and straight up switched to monthly PPVs. I also "left" the NWA and made my own TNA titles.


But good to see you're playing the mod as it was designed... for now. I have a feeling this is gonna be a lot of fun...

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Good direction, not so great writing, everyone comes of very much the same, and the format is kind of blah, check out TFC's diaries, and maybe do a format like that.


On the creative meeting, you have Dusty in character, and then everyone else just sounds like the same person saying different stuff. Work on making people seem different, and find a balance. The way you had it, made Dusty seem cheesy and everyone else sound like one person with MPD.


Overall I am interested to see where you go, but the characterization, and format make it hard to keep vested in.

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I don't really care about the format. The guy can have whatever format he wants. He doesn't need to follow anyone's and might as well make his own format famous. I do say that I haven't really immersed myself into this, because there hasn't been something or someone standing out, mostly because the writing has been a little...un-different for the majority of the wrestlers, like franticloser said, with everybody sounding the same. But it was only the first show, so I can't really criticize you. Best of luck continuing with this.
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I actually really liked his writing style and format. I read it at the airport as I was waiting to board a plane home and found it very easy to read, very to the point, which is what I like.


His writing style will grow as he himself grows into the diary. Like I've said already, that was a very enjoyable first show; and sets the scene for the storylines to come.

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<a href="http://s159.photobucket.com/user/JOSHG85/media/TNA%202.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNA%202.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo TNA 2.jpg"/></a>

This week on PPV, an explosive show that you won't want to miss!


In the main event of the evening, AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett will both bring mystery partners and face-off in a tag match. If AJ Styles win, he gets a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title, if Jeff Jarrett wins he becomes Mr. TNA and Erik Watts must leave TNA. Who will win? Who will Jarrett and Styles bring as partners? Tune in to find out.


Last week CM Punk and Julio Dinero received help from Father James Mitchell in defeating Raven and The Sandman. This week CM Punk faces off one on one with The Sandman.


We just received breaking news at TNA offices....TRIPLE X is back! Watch this week as "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and Low-Ki team up to take on X Division Champ, Michael Shane and his mentor Shane Douglas.


Last week Abyss and Erik Watts went to a no-contest as they fought it each other. There is no love-loss between these two individuals and all will be settled this week when they fight in a Nashville Street Fight.


Plus Ron Killings, BG James, Ekmo, and more will be in action.


Tune in this Wednesday for Total Nonstop Action, LIVE on pay-per-view!

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Impact Quick Picks


AJ Styles and ??? vs. Jeff Jarrett and ???


Ron Killings vs. Ekmo


Christopher Daniels and Low-Ki vs. Michael Shane and Shane Douglas


BG James vs. Glen Gilberti


CM Punk vs. The Sandman


Nashville Street Fight

Abyss vs. Erik Watts


Bonus: Who will be AJ Styles' partner


Bonus: Who will be Jeff Jarrett's partner

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AJ Styles and ??? vs. Jeff Jarrett and ???


Ron Killings vs. Ekmo


Christopher Daniels and Low-Ki vs. Michael Shane and Shane Douglas


BG James vs. Glen Gilberti


CM Punk vs. The Sandman


Nashville Street Fight

Abyss vs. Erik Watts


Bonus: Who will be AJ Styles' partner? Jeff Hardy


Bonus: Who will be Jeff Jarrett's partner? Kevin Nash, lol.

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AJ Styles and ??? vs. Jeff Jarrett and ???


Ron Killings vs. Ekmo


Christopher Daniels and Low-Ki vs. Michael Shane and Shane Douglas


BG James vs. Glen Gilberti


CM Punk vs. The Sandman


Nashville Street Fight

Abyss vs. Erik Watts


Bonus: Who will be AJ Styles' partner Sting

Bonus: Who will be Jeff Jarrett's partner Dustin Rhodes

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Impact Quick Picks


AJ Styles and ??? vs. Jeff Jarrett and ???


Ron Killings vs. Ekmo


Christopher Daniels and Low-Ki vs. Michael Shane and Shane Douglas


BG James vs. Glen Gilberti


CM Punk vs. The Sandman


Nashville Street Fight

Abyss vs. Erik Watts


Bonus: Who will be AJ Styles' partner: Sting


Bonus: Who will be Jeff Jarrett's partner: Jeff Hardy

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