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Its January 1st 2013. The WWE has hit the ‘PG’ era. All the fans are calling for a change. Vince Mcmahon missing from our screens for a while and lots of rumours have been reported. Is Vince about to sell? Has he given up on the WWE? Age gets to us all right?


Smackdown has been cancelled, rights have been lost and a lot, titles sold, and other companies have branched off, and re due to open. There is competition. Competition the WWE has not had for a long time. Monday night RAW is due to air, and amongst the speculation, there is only one thing we know for sure. Vince has a special announcement

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Week 1 January 2013



Vince McMahon’s music hits and he walks out with the WWE Title

In ring

"Contracts of all workers have been cancelled. The Roster is open to anybody who has the right ’attitude’ I will now be hands on and much more active. Let me now introduce to you all, my enforcer ‘The Big Show"

(Grade B+)


Shane McMahon enters the ring

"Vince, I’ve been away for a while as you know, and I have decided it time for me to come back, I’m needed here, you need me and the company needs me. On my return I would like to welcome 2 new people to join us, please welcome ’The worlds most dangerous man’ Ken Shamrock and the Big Boss Man"

(Grade C+)


Still in ring

Vince, "All we need now is Hunter to join and we will be unstoppable"

Shane, "Vince, forget about Hunter, who put him where is he is? Us, we did, we can take it away from him, just like we did…….."


Stone Cold’s music hits, he comes out and attacks all members of the Co-operation and takes the Title


Stone Cold, "Vince you said its open to anyone with attitude, well you sure as hell know Stone Cold Steve Austin has attitude, look at this (middle finger) and I’m taking that God damn belt with me, (he takes the belt) and anyone out there agrees with me, can I get a ‘HELL YEAH"

(Grade B)





Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are now in the Commentary seats and discuss where the company is going

JR "anything can happen with this evil alliance, Stone Cold won’t let them win"

King laughs "Stone Cold is the thief and they should have him arrested"


Triple H comes out

"Vince, we all know things need to change around here, you said we need people with more ‘attitude’ well guess what Vince, I did some recruitment of my own"


‘Break it down’ D-X music hits, out comes Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Xpac, with Chyna


Road Dogg takes the mic introduces all members

Triple H "llllleeeeets get ready tooooooo……. "

(Grade C-)


Co-operation music interrupts. this time Stephanie

Stephanie "Hunter, our marriage is more important than you hanging around with nobodies, you know you should be with your family"

Chyna, "Stephanie you are a cheap **** for cheating with Triple H. You will not take him away from me this time girl"

Triple H, "Ladies, ladies. Why argue over ‘The Game‘, when you can fight over ‘The Game’ Its simple, you two together 1 on 1, the winner gets me, I mean c’mon Steph, you can take Chyna right? " ’Laughs’

Vince, "There is no way this is happening, will will sort something out, on OUR terms

Shane, "Leave it Steph he’s not worth it"

Stephanie, "Alright, alright, Ill do it. Ill fight Chyna"

(Grade C+)



JR "Wow what a night so far King, what could possibly happen next?"

King "oh I hope it’s a bra and panties match between Chyna and Steph and I Chyna hope Chyna keeps her clothes on"


The Brood Music’ hits and out come Edge and Christian (with Tag Team Belts)

Edge "Wow Christian, all these people have all totally come to see us"

Christian "Yeah all these ‘Peeps’. Well its a good job we managed to find these belts lying around because were the best Tag Team, like ever"

Edge "Yeah and if anybody out here wants a picture, of us with our titles, its like so the right time"

(Grade C)


Still in the ring

Hardy Boyz music hits, out come Matt and Jeff who come to fight and Edge and Christian put the belts on the line



Hardy boyz v Edge and Christian

Match starts all out, nobody looks like winning

‘Gangrel’ comes down the ramp and fights with Matt Hardy going into the crowd,

All the others in the ring are down

Lita comes down the ramp hitting Christian with a Lita Bomb, as she get up Gangrel with a clothesline out of nowhere. Then hits an impaler on Jeff Hardy and Edge makes the cover.

retain Tag Team Titles

(Grade B-)




Crash Holly walks into the ring dusting off the old ‘Hardcore Title;’

Crash, "Vince I heard you say its open to people with ‘attitude’ and well, whos got more attitude than a 6’6” 400 pound Hardcore Champion? So what do you say Vince, The co-operation with its own Hardcore Champion?"

Vince comes out

Vince "You can be the Hardcore champion. For 5 minutes, it will be 24/7 and your first defence will be RIIIGGGHHTT now. Anybody in the building who wants a shot a the Hardcore Title get yourself out there now, oh and Boss Man, here’s your first title shot. Go get him"

(Grade B-)



Hardcore Championship match (Hardcore Match)

Boss Man hits Crash with his stick, out comes Al Snow

Al Snow, "Boss Man, I will never forget you feeding my dog to me, you will pay"

Steve Blackman then enters bringing weapons, Mideon and Test also join.

Complete chaos in the ring the Boss Man is down,

Crash just about to make the cover when Vince grabs the title

Vince, So Crash, you want to be the co-operate Hardcore Champ, well, all you have to do is walk over to me, ill pass you the title and its ours"

Crash goes outside to vince

Al Snow manages to get up and goes for the cover, Ken Shamrock jumps in and beats him up.

Mideon enters the ring, goes for the cover and gets the knightstick right in the forehead, Boss Man makes the cover and its all over,

Vince, "Anybody who touches the Boss Man tonight, will NOT get a contract"

New hardcore champion

(Grade D+)


Still at ringside

Co-peration still in the ring

Shane "Come on Hunter, bring you and your boys down here, and that woman, Chyna, Ive always heard the she likes a Big Show"

D-X enter and walk to the ring its time for…

(Grade C)



Chyna V Steph

Match starts with D-X and Co-operation fighting in the ring

Chyna finally gets to Steph who pleads her to stop

fighting still going off all over while Chyna slaps and laughs at Steph cowering, Chyna then power bombs Steph.

All men from the alliances are all laid out ringside while Vince and Triple H enter the ring

Triple H pedigrees Vince and hugs Chyna who is standing over Steph,

Chyna goes for the cover, Triple H pulls her back, hits her with a pedigree and rolls steph over her for the win

(Grade D-)




Triple H, "Well guys, you should know family always comes first, I have a family that needs me, a wife, a father in law, and a business that need me. I am the Game, I am the business. I can’t be hanging around with nobodies, In fact to prove it, tonight, Dogg, Gunn, Pac, I will take all 3 of you on, in a 3v1 elimination match, I will prove to the whole world that you are nobodies and I am The Game"

JR commenting "Triple H knows damn well he wont be alone it will never be a 3v1"

(Grade C+)



JR's comment is overheard by Vince, which leads to Triple H, Shamrock, Big Show and Boss man taking him into the ring and giving him a beating, when Chris Jericho runs down the ramp to save him,

Vince, "Well done Jericho, for all you hard work, saving this good for nothing’ SOB, you have got yourself a match, Right now, against The Big Show’ Falls Count anywhere"

(Grade C+)


Match 4

Chris Jericho V The Big Show

The co-operation sits down surrounding JR who has to praise the Big Show all the way through the fight.

After 15 minutes of 2 way action, Boss Man, Shamrock and HHH, go into the ring and beat up Jericho, big show puts one foot on his chest and the ref counts to 3, Jericho is then pulled out side the ring and put through the table,

Triple H "Come on then boys, you’re on its time to face The Gaaammmmee"

(Grade B-)



Backstage footage comes on the Titantron showing Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, X-Pac and Chyna laid out in the parking lot,

JR to King "That’s just not on, The Co-operation had them attacked, Triple H is a coward and knew this match wouldn’t go ahead"

The king replies "You know what these 4 are like, looks to me like they had one hell of a party"

(Grade D)



Triple H "You see I knew you wouldn’t do it, you have no fight, no game. You’re nothing like me I have fight, I am…………"(MUSIC HITS)

JR, "ITS STONE COLD, STONE COLD king, he’s here to give it to the Co-operation"

Stone Cold runs down the ramp

Stone Cold "Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin knows a coward when he sees one and I’m here to show the whole world who’s a coward, and open a can of whoop ass on you and your little friends over there, damn I’m even going to put the title on the line to prove it"



Stone Cold V Triple H (Falls Count Anywhere)

Match starts lots of brawling, but slows down as both men try to make moves only to be countered

Stone Cold picks up momentum, only to be hit with the Pedigree,

Triple H goes to make the cover and Stone Cold kicks out at "2 and a half king"

Triple H picks Stone Cold up and throws him to the ropes, Boss Man grabs hold of stone colds feet

Triple H comes for the clothesline from behind,

Stone Cold ducks and hits Triple H with a stunner, Big Show, Shamrock Boss man run straight into the ring and hit Stone Cold,

Big Show hits Stone Cold with a choke slam, Triple gets him in the pedigree position, Just as he is about to go for it.

(If ya smeeeeeeelllllll what the Rock is cookiing)


JR "OH MY GOD KING it’s the Rock"

KING "yeah and wait until he hits Stone Cold with the co-operate elbow JR"

The Rock runs down the ramp starts brawling with the co-operation one by one throws them out of the ring,

The Rock, hit’s a rock bottom on Triple H, then hits him with a peoples elbow and puts Stone Cold over for the cover,

Title Retained

(Grade B)


After match


Co-operation try to re-enter the ring only for Stone Cold to get up, Stone Cold and the rock fight them off and Jericho finally gets up to join them in the ring. (B)


Jericho "The Co-operation’ will never e-e-e-e-ver get their hands on the WWF title"

Stone Cold "and that’s the bottom line"

The Rock "if ya smeeeeelllllllllll what the rock, Stone Cold and Y2J are cooking "

(Grade A)


Overall rating B

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I will be doing Week 2 right now, and will probably post the write up what happens in the next few days. If anybody wants to guess, the current roster, Stables, Tag teams, storylines, matches, turns, titles and holders be my guest. I will have already done the show so it would be nice to see how predictable the show is
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I don't mean to rain on your diary, it's great that there's always new ones, but you do know that Crash Holly and Big Bossman have been dead for at least a decade now?


Yep so has test, but there are no boundaries with stuff like this. Are there not other diaries using dead workers? As well as the fact that it could be another worker using the same name, gimmick, did you ever see undertaker v undertaker?

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January Week 2


RAW opens

In Ring

Paul Bearer enters the ring

Paul Bearer"I have been waiting, wating for this opportunity, to unleash, the greatest power of all time. As you know all who I have previously managed, have been deranged, they have caused destruction, and they have attitude. Let me introduce the force"


The Undertakers music hits and he makes his way down to the ring


Paul Bearer "You see the greatest demon of all time is here, to cause destruction, however I know the secret, the secret to collecting all the souls in the WWE, I will bring two forces together, they will be one, I can make them both be one"


Kanes music hits and he walks down and stops before the ring.


Paul Bearer "HA HA HA HA HA, The Brothers of destruction, I have them right, here, I have control over them, I can get them to work together. Come on Kane, come and join me and your brother, sacrifice yourself,"


Kane steps into the ring and he and The Undertaker come face to face and stare in each others eyes.


Mankinds music hits


Mankind "Paul, I think you're forgetting a little something here, you said deranged, and I think I fit the bill, wha d ya say?"


Paul Bearer "Mankind you are not a unstoppable force, you can not cause destruction, I will take your, body, take your soul, but you will not interfere with the Brothers of Destruction"

(Grade B)



Vince, Shane Stephanie and Triple H all turn up together

JR "oh my Gawd, thats the last thing we need here tonight, The Brothers are on a warpath, and these god damn power crazy SOB's turn up"

King "I dont know about you JR, but im enoying myself so far, the only thing that spoilt my night so far is that, dirty, smelly, horrible ugly creature who goes by the name of Mankind"

(Grade B-)



The Rocks music hits, and he enters the ring

Finally, The Rock has come back to OHIO. Triple H the rock says this jabroni, you run your mounth, saying your the game, well let me tell you this, The Rock know two people, and two people only who are without a shadow of a doubt, on the game. Chyna and Stephanie Mcmahon. Now The Rock doesn't care if you go from a man to a ****, back to a **** then back to a man, awww it doesnt matter theyre both man looking ****. Either way tonight, the Rock will get a piece of you, in front of the Millions, (and millions of the Rocks fans. If ya smell what the rock is cookin


(Road agent note: The Rock struggled when going of script)



The Rock is making his way up the ramp to exit and all of a sudden

'We are the nation' Nation of Domination music hits, enter Farooq


Farooq "Rock, I know times have changed, but nobody is safe around here, how about we bring the old team back and add a little protection, so we can watch your back?"

The Rock "The Rock doesnt need anyone to watch The Rocks back"

(Grade B-)


Still at ringside

Farooq makes his way to the ring

Farooq "My invitation is out the to y'all, the leader Farooq is back"


Mark Henry and D'lo Brown enter and walk to the ring (with Jacqueline)


Farooq "See guys, we can stay safe, stay together as a team and bring power to Nation we formed, but i just got one more person to add"


APA music hits, out comes Bradshaw, who enter the ring.


Farooq "DAMN!!! now we one hell of a team, aint nobody gonna mess with us, welome bradshaw, to the Nation of Protection."


Bradshaw "Farooq, you've been gone a long time, things have changed. Me and Mark Henry were discussing things last weeks, the years we have put in. We don't need protection from you, you need protection from us"


Bradshaw hits farooq with a clothesline, Mark Henry hits D-Lo with the worlds strongest slam, and they leave with Jaqcueline.

(Grade D+)




Rikishi is in ring, and tells the fans he is back, and he is going to start by beating somebody who has no business interfering in a match last week and calls out Gangrel


Match 1

Rikishi V Gangrel (falls count anywhere)

Gangrel runs down to the ring alone and they both go at it punch for punch

Rikishi then starts to take control and dominates hitting lots of moves.

Edge and Christian both run down and attack Riksihi and run off.

Gangrel is on top and Sbale walks down to the ring clapping.

Gangrel hits Rikishi with an Impaler and walks over to Sable

Sable steps on the apron and starts to unbotton her top and gives Gangrel a low blow.

Rikishi then hits gangrel wit a Rikishi driver and its all over

Winner Rikishi

(Grade C-)


Rikishi then takes Gangrel to the corner of the ring, and give him a stinkface.

Edge and Christian both come down to Gangrels aid just as they get to Rikishi

Too Cool music hits.

Grandmaster Sexay and Scotty Too Hotty run down with baseball bats and chase, Edge, Christian and Gangrel off.

All four are left in the ring and the 3 men dance while Sable stands behind and claps, then announces they will all run as 'Too Cool'

(Grade D)



A recap is shown of last weeks ending with The Rock, Stone Cold and Jericho

(Grade B)



'Co-operation music'

Out comes Vince, Shane, Bossman and Shamrock.

Vince " To show that I am fair person, I would like to announce that the '24/7' Hardcore Championship, will be one the line for the 'next 10 minutes' only anybody willing to participate should enter now, and I can assure you, there will be no interference"


Match 2 Hardcore Championship

Crash holly comes running out to the ring and stays out side,

Test runs out and starts fighting with Crash who both end up in the ring with the Bossman.

Bossman works on Test and Crash help him and doens't touch Bossman

Finally Test is pretty much knocked out after a series of chair shots

Al Snow runs out and starts brawling with the bossman.

Crash helps the Bossman take out Al Snow.

The bossman then hits Crash with his nightstick

Test manages to get to his feet in time to give bossman the big boot and covers Crash for the win

Winner New Hardcore Champion Test

(Grade D+)


Post match

The Co-operation stay stood at ring side as Test walks to the ramp.

out come Gangrel, Edge and Christian who attack Test and bring him down and throw him into the ring with Bossman.

Vince orders Crash and Al Snow to leave the ring or be fired, they exit.

(Grade C)


Match 3

Bossman V Test

Boss man starts on top, but both are really tired and beaten from the match they just had, when Test catches him with a big boot. Test picks the belt up and walks off when, Gangrel, Christain, Edge and Shamrock attack him and throw him in the ring for the cover.

Winner New Hardcore Champion Bossman

(Grade D)


Post match

Vince "Test, you should always be prepared when you hold the 24/7 title, you could have to defend it at anytime, anywhere. You just wasn't worthy as the champions. Our 3 newest members have served us well, and they will now get a chance to impress us, in a tag team title match against the New age outlaws, and outlaws you got till 10 to get down here or your Asses or Fired"

(Grade C+)


Match 4 Tag Team Titles

Edge and Christian v New Age Outlaws.

As Road Dogg and Bill Gunn make their entrance, Shamrock, Bossman and Gangrel attack them, they manage to hold out and fight back.

Hardy Boys music

Matt and Jeff run down the ramp straight past the fighting to get to Edge and Christian, a five man brawl outside the ring and 4 man inside it

Music Hits

JR "Its the Dudley Boys"

D-Von and Bubba Ray enter with weapons and start hitting all five men outside, they enter the ring and clear it.

As they get back outside they get involved in more fighting with the Hardy Boys, Shamrock and Bossman.

Billy gunn gets thrown into the ring by Gangrel as Edge enters from the other side, and Edge speas him and get the pin

Winners Edge and Christain retain





Back from the break Co-operation are still ringside, Triple H, Stephanie and The Big Show join them

Vince "Well Paul Bearer, I would like to call you out. I heard you talking about destruction, and I think we can work things out. You see, I am in charge of peoples contracts around here, if you give up one of your 'Brother' to the Co-operation you will be allowed to continue. If not, none of you will get a contract"


Paul Bearer comes out "Vince Mcmahon, I now give you Mankind"


Paul Bearer leaves as Mankind enters.


Vince "Mankind? thats not who I had in mind, Paul Bearer you will pay for this, Big Show tear Mankind apart"

(Grade B-)


Match 5

Big Show V Mankind (Falls count anywhere)

Match starts with all the Co-operation attacking Mankind.

Mankind keeps managing to fight back but everyime he does somebody will come from behind and take him down

Eventually in the middle of the ring he is hit with a pedigree from Triple H and then the Big Show hits a choke slam and the pins Mankind

Mankind is then beaten up, taken to the ramp and toss of the stage..

Winner Big Show

(Grade C)



Vince "This brings me to my final match of the night, I know theres three people out there, who want a piece of Hunter, and I think Hunter is good enough to take all three on at the same time. What do you say hunter? "

Triple H nods in agreement

VinceSo the final match tonight will be, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Chris Jericho, they will be Triple H...... Oh and as a reward to Paul Bearer for offering up his client tonight, Triple H will be joined By Kane and The Undertaker


Final Match

The Rock, Stone Cold, Chris Jericho v Triple H, Kane, The Undertaker (Tag)

The match has a slow start with Chris Jericho and Triple H in ring

Stone Cold is distracted and chases Vince who hits him with a chair.

The Rock and Triple H go at it outside the ring and Bosman hits The Rock with the knightstick, Jerich is left in ring with the Big Show.

The Big Show choke slams Jericho in ring.

Mankind all of sudden appears from the side of the entrance ramp and charges at the co-operation,

Kane steps out to help Makind and The Undertaker follows Kane.

(Grade C+) Winner not determined


Post Match

Kane and The Undertaker chase to Co-operation out of the arena leaving Triple H and Big Show behind

(Grade B-)


In Ring

Triple H and Big Show are overpowered by the four reamining men and both recieve a series of finishers.

Big Show and Triple H Both laid out in the middle of the ring.

Stone Cold gets the beers out and passes one each to Mankind, Jericho and the Rock who all go to a separate corner to raise a beer to the fans

(Grade B+)


Ovrall Rating B-

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I actually really like this, it's a bit of fun and quite easy to read!


All these guys in 2013 though, do you have much age decline going on??


Bring back the Heartbreak Kid!!


I didn't want to give the mod away but it seems to be causing confusion, there is going to be a press release by vince before the next show anyway so I will explain what I'm using after that and it will make a bit more sense (probably should have gone for another mod but I wanted to try this one out)

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I didn't want to give the mod away but it seems to be causing confusion, there is going to be a press release by vince before the next show anyway so I will explain what I'm using after that and it will make a bit more sense (probably should have gone for another mod but I wanted to try this one out)


Keep going, I think it's fine. I'm intrigued by what you're doing here, and I, for one, think it's quite fun.


It's the fantasy that makes a good mod IMO.

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There has been a major announcement made in the world of wrestling, which can be found here http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2045759#post2045759


Everything has been revealed regarding recent events and the future of the WWE and the world of wrestling



(everything new will be posted in the new thread, this one will just be for anyone who wants to read the first 2 shows. This will also be the last time i move threads I promise)


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