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WWE 2015: The Road Through WrestleMania And Beyond

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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena

Comments: I can't see Barrett beating Cena. He's like the Kofi to Cena's Randy Orton.


Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth

Comments: I like the buildup you've given to Bray thus far.


Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Axelmania is about to get derailed.


Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan

Comments: Not much drama on who wins here, but which of them will hit the other one.


Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Seth, being the MitB holder, needs momentum more than Ziggler, who seems to just be adrift.


Fun Fan Signs:

The Dean of Ambrosia


Comments On Previous Show: Jericho's return as a heel is nice to see, it's been way too long since he was a heel IRL. As I mentioned, I like how you've done with Wyatt as well, his promos have been spot-on. A few days ago I was asked who I thought was the best promo writer on the GDS, and with no hesitation I said angeldelayette.

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Austin Aries defeated Manik...C-

Bobby Lashley defeated Kenny King, Robbie E and Bram...D+

The Wolves defeated The Revolution...C-

Magnus, MVP and Ethan Carter III defeated Bobby Roode, Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson...C

Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe...C+



ANGLE: Confrontation involving Sami Zayn and Mark Henry...C-

Dana Brooke defeated Bayley...F+

Sami Zayn defeated Mark Henry...C

Hideo Itami defeated Darren Young...D-



Matt Taven defeated Hanson...D

Alberto El Patron defeated Jay Lethal...B

The Addiction defeated Jay Brisco and Michael Elgin...C

#TNA – #NXT – #ROH


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Comments On Previous Show: Good job booking the last show


Thanks a lot, Warhawk8492. I am really glad you enjoyed the show. 3 hours can definitely be difficult to book every single week. Then add the 2 hours for Smackdown and, well, yeah. LOL.


Comments On Previous Show: Nice Job making Ryback look good against Brock


I am glad that you enjoyed the Ryback/Lesnar match, crackerjack. One thing I really wanted to do for that match was to make it seem like a more even contest. I am glad that came through.


Comments On Previous Show: Jericho's return as a heel is nice to see, it's been way too long since he was a heel IRL. As I mentioned, I like how you've done with Wyatt as well, his promos have been spot-on. A few days ago I was asked who I thought was the best promo writer on the GDS, and with no hesitation I said angeldelayette.


First of all, I have to say that your words about my promos are one of the biggest compliments I have ever received. I really appreciate that, Beejus. It definitely makes me smile. Especially coming from a writer for which I have all the respect in the world.


Glad that you have enjoyed my portrayal of Bray Wyatt. Will it turn out like the real WWE? We will have to wait and see. And I agree that Jericho coming back as a heel was needed for him. I think he does some of his best work as a heel. It's like they say, it's so much easier to work as a heel than as a babyface.

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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth

Comments: The Eater of Jobbers


Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: AmbroseMania


Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler



Fun Fan Signs:

Bray Wyatt is the new Galactus

R-Truth isn't quite the Silver Surfer


Comments On Previous Show:

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Thursday Week 2 February 2015 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: OH Celeste Center (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 10,200

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 3.25





[Michael Cole welcomes everyone to WWE Thursday Night Smackdown! We are coming to you from the Celeste Center in Columbus Ohio for tonight's action, including a tag team match pitting Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan against The Authority's Kane and Big Show. Last week, Reigns beat both of them on his own. Can he do the same with Daniel Bryan as his partner? Cole is interrupted as 'My Time Is Now' begins to play. The crowd gives a mix of boos and cheers as John Cena walks out from the back. Cena passes a fan with a sign reading: 'Cena's Like We've Got A Mystery To Solve!' Cena steps into the ring and says that he feels great to be here on Smackdown and in Columbus Ohio. He says that they are only a couple of weeks away from him stepping in the ring with Rusev, dropping him with an Attitude Adjustment and being the first man to pin the Russian Super Athlete. Cena admits to the crowd that he passed out in the Accolade last Monday night on Monday Night Raw but he never gave up. He says that just like the USA, he will never give up. But he says that Rusev will not get the hold on him again. He guarantees it. As Cena continues, he is interrupted by 'Rebel Son' and out from the back comes not only Bad News Barrett but Luke Harper. They stand near a sign reading: 'CENAH, GET ME A GLASS OF WATAH!' Barrett laughs into the microphone and tells John Cena that he should not be worrying about what might happen at Fast Lane because tonight he has some bad news. That bad news is that he has to step into the ring with the Intercontinental Champion tonight right here on Thursday Night Smackdown. He says that Cena might not survive tonight. Cena says that Barrett might talk big but he remembers when Barrett got buried under hundreds of chairs by John Cena. So if Barrett wants some, he can come and get some. Cena pulls off his shirt and Barrett heads down to the ring. Our opening match right here on WWE Thursday Night Smackdown is next! A sign reading: 'John Cena is a fat twat!' is shown briefly in the background before the cameras quickly cut away.]


Match #1


Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena


[This great match starts off like a bare knuckle fight between Bad News Barrett and John Cena. Cena takes early control and sends Barrett outside the ring, looking down at both Barrett and Luke Harper, who stands in the path between Barrett and Cena. Harper strokes his beard as Barrett slowly stands outside the ring. Cena walks over and Barrett grabs him by the legs, tugging him out of the ring. Luke Harper distracts the referee, giving Barrett time to kick Cena between the legs and then ram him into the steel steps. Barrett slides back in the ring and distracts the official as Luke Harper strikes Cena with a discus clothesline. Harper tosses Cena back in the ring and Barrett takes control. During his momentum, Barrett sends Cena to the ropes -- Winds Of Change! Barrett scores a two count and then gets to his feet. Barrett yells at the crowd before lifting Cena and going for the Wasteland but Cena strikes with elbow shots to the side of the head and then drops to the mat behind Barrett. Cena slips around and gives Barrett a DDT. Both men are slow to their feet and Cena catches Barrett with a couple of flying shoulderblocks. He ducks a punch by Barrett and brings him down with a spinning power bomb, setting Barrett up for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Luke Harper climbs on the apron and Cena goes over, striking Harper with a punch. Barrett gets up and charges Cena -- Bull Hamm -- NO! Cena ducks the Bull Hammer attempt, raising Barrett on his shoulders -- Attitude Adjustment! A sign raises in the background, reading: 'If you think that Barrett will win...I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS!' Cena makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: John Cena (Via Pinfall @ 10:34)

Match Rating: B




[From the ring, we are taken to a video which shows Chris Jericho standing at the Washington monument. He looks up at the monument and says 'really? This is the monument dedicated to the man who says I cannot tell a lie?' That monument has to be the biggest lie in the world, right? Jericho is, then, shown standing at the monument for Abraham Lincoln and says that this has to be the ugliest man in the United States of America. Jericho says that this man does not even come close to the looks of the Ayatolla of Rock and Roll-A! As a matter of fact, without that facial hair, he kind of looks like Jack Swagger. But, Jericho says, he is better than these people and any Americans that he comes across. Jericho comes across a homeless person and asks him what he thinks of the American dream. The man says that the American dream is a lie. Jericho agrees and shakes hands with the homeless person before stealing some money from his jar and walking off. He looks in the camera and says that Swagger is going to go down to the savior of the WWE, the humble Lionheart Chris Jericho.]




[Bray Wyatt is shown in a darkened room with a spotlight showing just his face. Wyatt says that he lives in a place where angels fear to tread and where demons will not travel. Wyatt says that he is used to walking with the reaper but now he is the new face of fear. He is the one that the WWE Universe will now known as the darkest man on the planet. He is the eater of worlds. He says that there is another man who was once like him. But that person is now resting in parts unknown. That person is too afraid to come from his silence, from his darkness. It is time to spread the light on that person. Wyatt says that he will take that person's hand and guide him into the light and then feed him to the darkness. Tonight that will come at the hands of his own sacrificial lamb R-Truth. He says that he will be in the ring tonight. He will not be hiding. Find me. FIND ME!]


Match #2


Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth


[Our second match of the evening features that Bray Wyatt against R-Truth. Both men could use some wins this evening as they come eye-to-eye in the middle of the ring. The match itself is fairly short but an entertaining bout where R-Truth scores a two count following a sit-out inverted suplex slam. Two signs go up nearly side by side reading: 'Bray Wyatt is the new Galactus!' and 'Hey Bray your NOT Galactus!' Wyatt takes control over when he reverses a headscissors attempt by R-Truth into a version of the Styles Clash. Wyatt pulls R-Truth up and whips him into the corner, following him in with a body avalanche in the corner. Wyatt grips the turnbuckles and bends over backward, crab-walking to the center of the ring before turning over onto his chest. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'R-Truth isn't quite the Silver Surfer!' Wyatt gets up and grabs Truth -- short-arm clothesline and then he moves Truth into position. He kisses Truth's forehead and then drops him with the Sister Abigail. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'The Truth is...DEA!' Wyatt makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Bray Wyatt (Via Pinfall @ 6:02)

Match Rating: C+




[The backstage area is the perfect setting for an interview with the Show-Off Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler says that tonight on Smackdown is the perfect setting for him to show off when he takes on Seth Rollins from The Authority. He reminds everyone that at the Survivor Series he pinned Rollins to send The Authority packing. Ziggler says that he is focusing on his match tonight with Seth Rollins but that he also wants to talk about what happened last Monday night on Monday Night Raw. He says that he was showing off in a match with John Cena but out comes Rusev to ruin the match. He says that Rusev ended his opportunity to show off on that show so he has to end something of Rusev's. He is going to be the very first person to pin Rusev this Monday night on Monday Night Raw if Rusev is willing to accept his challenge. He says that he is going to prove why he is the greatest wrestler in the WWE. He says that this Monday night on Raw, Rusev is going to go down at the hands of a perfectionist because while he creates things that are perfect, he can also end things that are perfect. So Super Athlete, you are going to meet Superman.]




['Here Comes The Pain' begins to play and the crowd boos as Paul Heyman walks out from the back and then makes a motion. This motion brings out The Beast, The Conquerer Brock Lesnar. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion stands amidst the pyro before he walks down to the ring with Paul Heyman. They walk past a fan with a sign reading: 'Bring back Deuce N Domino!' Heyman and Lesnar step inside the ring and Heyman has a microphone. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And I am the advocate for the reigning, defending, undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World...BAHROCK LESNAR! Heyman says that there were some people in the audience who didn't think that Brock Lesnar would be coming out on Smackdown this week as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Heyman says that those people are fools because Ryback is not even in the Conquerer's league. Lesnar asks for the microphone and then takes it from Paul Heyman. He tells Heyman that he has something to say. He says that when Heyman accepted the challenge from Ryback last week, he wasn't sure if he wanted to wrestle for free, especially against The Big Guy. But he has to say that after that match he has more respect for Ryback than he had before the match. He says that the Meathook Clothesline is one tough move. Heyman snatches the microphone back, looking annoyed at the words from his Beast. Heyman says, continuing on, that last Monday night, Seth Rollins woke the Beast from his slumber. He says that Seth Rollins should watch his back or maybe he will be forced to retire from the WWE before ever cashing in that Money In The Bank contract. Then Paul Heyman turns his attention to the Show Of Shows, WrestleMania. Will it be Daniel Bryan or will it be Roman Reigns? Heyman says it doesn't matter which man it is. Because at the end of the night it will be Brock Lesnar standing tall with the WWE World Heavyweight title. Yes, you better believe that. The music plays again and Heyman and Lesnar walk away.]




[From there, we move to a backstage area where Adam Rose is shown taking a swig from a bottled water. He seems to be contemplating something when it come The Rose Buds and The Bunny! They are all humming the Adam Rose theme song and surrounding him with Adam Rose and The Bunny in the middle. Rose finishes his water and tosses it across the room before shoving The Bunny to the mat. Rose looks around to The Bunny and all of the Rose Buds and tells them that they are all fired! He says he is sick and tired of being the guy who says don't be a lemon, be a Rosebud. He says that he doesn't need the Rosebuds. He says he is better than they are. He shoves a few of them down and says that beginning this Monday night they are going to see the real Adam Rose come out. He pushes his way through the rest of the Rose Buds and exits that particular backstage area. Who will be the real Adam Rose?]


Match #3


Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose


[Our next match features #AxelMania taking on the Lunatic Fringe in Dean Ambrose. The match is an excellent back and forth contest with Axel showing some of the technical prowess he learned from his father. Axel brings Ambrose over in a snapmare and then strikes with a rolling neck snap. Axel stands up and points toward the WrestleMania sign, yelling AXELMANIA! Axel picks up Ambrose and catches him with a clothesline. Ambrose staggers backward and bounces off the ropes coming back with a clothesline of his own! Axel rolls out of the ring to create some separation but Ambrose comes flying with a suicide dive onto Axel! Ambrose celebrates with a fan holding a sign reading: 'The Dean of Ambrosia!' The action returns to the ring where Ambrose catches Axel with a Tornado DDT and then hooks Axel -- Dirty Deeds! He connects with the Dirty Deeds and makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dean Ambrose (Via Pinfall @ 7:08)

Match Rating: B-




[With Dean Ambrose celebrating in the ring, we move backstage to the locker room where Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns come face-to-face. Bryan asks Reigns what that was about last Monday night. Reigns asks Bryan what he's talking about. Of course Bryan is speaking about the spear. Reigns tells Daniel Bryan that he was standing on the tracks when the train was coming through. He says that a train doesn't have a name on it. It cannot simply put on the brakes when someone steps in front of it. He says that he's not sorry and that's exactly what Daniel Bryan can expect at Fast Lane. Bryan asks him what about tonight when it's the two of them against Big Show and Kane? Reigns says that he can handle both of them on his own. He showed that last week. So, tonight, Daniel Bryan will be riding his power and strength to a victory. You can believe that. Reigns turns and walks off as Bryan yells at Reigns not to walk away from him.]





[in another area backstage, we are shown The Usos down on the floor as The Brass Ring Club stands over them. Cesaro puts the boots to Jimmy Uso as Tyson Kidd drops down beside Jey Uso and begins throwing punches. Cesaro picks up Jimmy Uso and begins the Cesaro Swing! He swings him around and around for several repetitions before Tyson Kidd throws a dropkick to the skull of Jimmy Uso. Jimmy is dropped and Cesaro and Tyson Kidd look down at the two fallen WWE World Tag Team Champions. Cesaro puts another boot to Jey Uso's head before he motions to Tyson Kidd and the two of them walk off. Security and doctors come out from hiding to check on The Usos. These two teams will meet at Fast Lane for the WWE World Tag Team titles. Which team will come out on top?]


Match #4


Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan


[Our semi main event is a strong tag team match between two tag teams in which one is more cohesive than the other. It shows early on when a miscommunication between Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan lead to Bryan being knocked down by a Superman Punch. Reigns gets knocked out of the ring and Team Authority takes control over Daniel Bryan. Kane and Big Show make quick tags, keeping the fresh man in the ring as they wear down Daniel Bryan. Kane locks Daniel Bryan in a Bear Hug, squeezing the life out of the YES Man. The crowd gets solidly in the corner of Daniel Bryan as Roman Reigns is reaching a hand out, offering it to Daniel Bryan but he is out of reach. The Bear Hug continues to squeeze the life out of Daniel Bryan until he gets that second wind from the crowd. He begins clapping the ears of Kane again and again until Kane is forced to release. Bryan catches Kane with a couple of kicks to the ribs and then an enzuigiri brings both men to the mat. Both men crawl toward their corners. Kane tags in Big Show and Daniel Bryan tags in Roman Reigns! Reigns meets Big Show with a clothesline! He throws a Superman Punch to Kane! Kane rolls out of the ring and Daniel Bryan pulls himself into the ring. He charges and catches Kane with a suicide dive! Reigns knocks Big Show down and Show lands on the bottom rope. Reigns exits the ring and then charges -- dropkick! A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'Future Tag Team Champions .. YES!!! you can believe that!' Reigns slides into the ring and cocks his fist before punching the mat. Show slowly gets up -- Superman Punch! Reigns moves back into his corner and roars before...Daniel Bryan tags himself in! Reigns looks toward Bryan a moment and then laughs as Bryan sets himself up in a corner. A sign is thrown up in the background reading: 'Reigns can't wrestle!' Bryan begins the YES! chants. As Show starts to get up, Bryan charges -- Running Single Leg High Knee! Bryan makes the cover: One, Two, Three! As the three count is made, a sign goes up in the background: 'Better than Big Show!']


Winners: Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan (Via Pinfall @ 9:52)

Match Rating: B




[A video begins playing showing the return of The Viper Randy Orton this past Monday night on Monday Night Raw! Seth Rollins had come out and given a Curb Stomp to Brock Lesnar. It looked like Rollins was going to cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase and become the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion. As a matter of fact, he had given that briefcase to referee Mike Chioda. But then Randy Orton entered the ring and went right after the Future of the WWE. He took down Rollins with a Lou Thesz Press and then threw some punches. He took down Rollins with the rope hung DDT and then setup for the RKO but Rollins managed to escape the ring. This Monday night we will be seeing and hearing from the Viper Randy Orton. What will he have to say and what will The Authority have to say about Randy Orton?]




[We are taken from that video to an interview with the number one contender to the WWE Diva's Championship Paige. Paige begins the interview talking about her WWE Diva's title match with Nikki Bella at Fast Lane. She tells Nikki that this is HER HOUSE and that the WWE Diva's title is HER BELT. She says that she is going to prove that at Fast Lane when she beats Nikki for the WWE Diva's title. But that is still a couple of weeks away. So she says she would like to challenge Nikki and her sister Brie Bella to a tag team match this Monday night on Raw. She says that she will find a partner in the back and that she will be more than ready to give Nikki Bella a preview of what is going to happen at Fast Lane. She says she is going to prove why she earned the nickname of Miss Hell In Boots. She is going to prove why everyone should be giving Divas a chance.]





Match #5


Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler


[Our main event is a match that can only be an excellent encounter between a Show-Off and the Future of the WWE. Rollins and Ziggler begin the match exchanging holds back and forth, with each man going for their finisher early on only to be denied by the other man. The back and forth exchange is interrupted when Jamie Noble distracts Dolph Ziggler. It's enough for Rollins to take control, striking Ziggler with a few kicks. Within moments, Rollins catches Ziggler with the three straight vertical suplexes, leaving Ziggler lying on the mat. Rollins plays to a booing crowd, yelling that he is the Future of the WWE! He gets into a brief argument with a fan holding up a sign reading: 'Fishsticks for Rollins!' Then he has security take out a fan holding up a sign reading: 'AND THERE'S ROLLINS WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE BAH GAWD MAGGLE!' He turns his attention back to Ziggler and catches him with a big boot. He whips Ziggler into the turnbuckle and charges in with a clothesline in the turnbuckle. Rollins pulls Ziggler toward him and catches him with the Buckle Bomb and then a Superkick. Rollins makes the cover:]














[The crowd cheers loudly when The Show-Off kicks out of a pin attempt by Seth Rollins. Ziggler shows some brief offensive spurts but those are generally stopped by either a distraction or outside interference by J & J Security. A fan throws up a sign reading: 'Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Seth Rollins keeps on rollin'!' Rollins looks down at Dolph Ziggler before bouncing off the ropes. He's going for the Curb Stomp! But Ziggler avoids the stomp and catches Rollins with a Superkick! Both men go down to the mat and the crowd is solidly behind the Show-Off. Both men slowly reach their feet before the ten count and Ziggler takes down Rollins with a dropkick. He bounces off the ropes and brings Rollins down with a famouser, making a cover and getting a two count. A sign is raised in the background: 'This Sign Sucks And I Suck For Making It!' Ziggler is in control but out from the back comes Rusev and Lana. Rusev approaches the ring and Ziggler is slightly distracted by the presence of the Super Athlete. But he quickly turns his attention back to Rollins and catches him with a Jumping DDT! Ziggler stares at Rusev as he covers Rollins: One, Two, Kickout! The match continues with another back and forth moment before Lana gets the attention of the referee. Rusev enters the ring as Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag on Rollins. Ziggler drops back but he is caught with a jumping side kick from Rusev. Rollins seizes the moment and drops Ziggler with the Curb Stomp. Rusev exits the ring as Rollins makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Seth Rollins (Via Pinfall @ 16:46)

Match Rating: B





[seth Rollins scores the victory but his celebration is cut short as Lana and Rusev enter the ring. Rollins lets Rusev have his fun, exiting the ring as Rusev lays in some boots to Dolph Ziggler. He picks up Ziggler and drops him with a pop-up Samoan Drop. Rusev looks down at the fallen Ziggler before giving him a hard stomp to the back. He moves in for the Accolade as the chants of 'USA, USA, USA' fill the arena. Suddenly, 'My Time Is Now' begins to play and out from the back comes John Cena! The former fifteen time World Champion slides into the ring and he is met head-on by Rusev. The two men exchange punches in the center of the ring with neither man backing down from the other. Cena blocks a Rusev punch and then lifts him for the Attitude Adjustment but Rusev drops down from the shoulders of Cena. Rusev shoves Cena forward -- Zig Zag by Dolph Ziggler on Rusev! Ziggler pops up from out of nowhere and drops the Hero of the Russian Federation with the Zig Zag! Rusev rolls out of the ring and stands beside Lana as she raises the United States title. A staredown occurs between Dolph Ziggler and John Cena in the ring and Rusev out of the ring as the credits show up for WWE Smackdown. We'll see you Monday night on Monday Night Raw! A sign is briefly shown in the background as we fade to black: 'We Want Khali!']

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


This week on Smackdown, we had some predictors get a perfect score of 5/5. Congratulations to Russelrules44, Uncrewed, jscotty, Smasher1311, Beejus, Bigjondalegend and Bad News Fryer!


1. Uncrewed=4 Wins

2. jscotty=3 Wins

Bad News Fryer=3 Wins

4. kieranforthewin=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

Smasher1311=2 Wins

Beejus=2 Wins

8. CPBHBK=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win

codeydbw=1 Win

KnowYourEnemy=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Warhawk8492=1 Win

Russelrules44=1 Win

Bigjondalegend=1 Win

16. The_CoC=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

Frootloop=0 Wins

SkipMartin=0 Wins

lukess11=0 Wins

Ayden=0 Wins

KeyR1=0 Wins

Nobby_McDonald=0 Wins


Really enjoying your booking so far. Cant wait to see how u turn the WWE Universe around after Mania


Really glad to hear that you're enjoying my booking. Is there anything in particular that you're enjoying? I hope that I can keep things up in the run to WrestleMania and following WrestleMania. I know that things are always hot in the run to WrestleMania. The question is, how far can I keep things going?

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-We have come back to Monday Night Raw along the road to Fast Lane and then WrestleMania. We are thirteen days away from Fast Lane where we will see Daniel Bryan take on Roman Reigns to determine who will face Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight title at WrestleMania. On this night, we are going to see Daniel Bryan in action on our main event. What a match we have signed for Monday Night Raw as the leader of the Yes Movement takes on the ever-humble Lionheart Chris Jericho. Jericho has not been a happy wrestler since making his return to the WWE last week. But he has a chance to be a very happy man in defeating Daniel Bryan. On the other hand, Daniel Bryan is looking for momentum coming toward Fast Lane and his chance to main event WrestleMania.


-Last Thursday night on Smackdown, Dolph Ziggler issued a challenge to the Hero of the Russian Federation Rusev. Rusev has agreed to this match and will defend his WWE United States title on Monday Night Raw against the Show-Off. Which man will move to Fast Lane to defend the belt against John Cena? Can Dolph Ziggler become the very first wrestler to pin the Super-Athlete Rusev?


-Also on Smackdown, Paige talked about her upcoming Fast Lane match against WWE Diva's Champion Nikki Bella. Paige issued a challenge to The Bella Twins for Monday Night Raw. Who will be Paige's tag team partner? Will they be able to beat The Bella Twins who have had a lot of momentum since returning to each other's side?


-It was announced on Smackdown that we will see the return of The Peep Show on Monday Night Raw. The special guest for this Peep Show is none other than Stardust. Last week on Monday Night Raw Stardust turned on his brother Goldust. Christian has promised to get down to the source of Stardust's problem with his brother on the Peep Show. Will Goldust show up?


-Plus a six person tag team match featuring the Brass Ring Club, Natalya, The Usos and Naomi, John Cena in action against Luke Harper and more!


Prediction Listing


Luke Harper vs. John Cena



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???



The Miz vs. Roman Reigns



WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler



The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi



Big Show vs. Randy Orton



Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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Luke Harper vs. John Cena



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???

Comments: Can't express enough how much I love Paige.


The Miz vs. Roman Reigns



WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: DQ.


The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi

Comments: Yeah.


Big Show vs. Randy Orton



Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan



Fun Fan Signs: JERIGOD!

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Luke Harper vs. John Cena



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???



The Miz vs. Roman Reigns



WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler



The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi



Big Show vs. Randy Orton



Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan


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Luke Harper vs. John Cena



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???

Comments: The return of PaigeJ Lee


The Miz vs. Roman Reigns



WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler



The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi

Comments: Swick Kick


Big Show vs. Randy Orton



Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan



Fun Fan Signs:

CM Punk (during a divas match)


Comments on last show:

Welcome to Bad News Network, Bad News Harper

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Luke Harper vs. John Cena

Comments: Run in by Rusev


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???



The Miz vs. Roman Reigns



WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler



The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi



Big Show vs. Randy Orton



Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Match of the night


Fun Fan Signs: RAW IS BRYAN





Comments On Last Show:

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Luke Harper vs. John Cena



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???



The Miz vs. Roman Reigns



WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler



The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi



Big Show vs. Randy Orton



Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan


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Luke Harper vs. John Cena



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???



The Miz vs. Roman Reigns



WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler



The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi



Big Show vs. Randy Orton



Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan


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Prediction Listing


Luke Harper vs. John Cena



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???



The Miz vs. Roman Reigns



WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler



The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi



Big Show vs. Randy Orton



Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan



Fun Fan Signs: I'm an Erick Rowan guy!

Grab that Brass Ring and shove it sideways right down your...

Right in the Moneymaker!


Comments On Last Show:

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Luke Harper vs. John Cena

Comments: Big fan of Harper though


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???

Comments: Probably AJ


The Miz vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: Reigns should probably be destroying everybody right now


WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: But Rusev retains the belt


The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi

Comments: Dig the Brass Ring Club


Big Show vs. Randy Orton

Comments: Show honestly shouldn't win anymore


Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Should be a good match


Fun Fan Signs: More like the Big SLOW, amiright guys? ...Guys?

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Jay Lethal defeated Romantic Touch...C

Matt Jackson defeated Michael Bennett...D+

Adam Cole defeated Kyle O'Reilly...D

Mark Briscoe defeated Michael Elgin...C

Jay Lethal defeated Matt Jackson...C

Adam Cole defeated Mark Briscoe...C

Adam Cole defeated Jay Lethal for the ROH Top Prospect Tournament title...C



Chad Gable defeated Sabby Piscitelli...F+

Dash Wilder defeated Sawyer Fulton...F

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Carmella and Sasha Banks...D

Hugo Knox defeated Braun Stowman...F

Angelo Dawkins defeated Wesley Blake...F+

Bayley defeated Becky Lynch...E

ANGLE: Skit involving Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn...D

Charlotte defeated Dana Brooke to retain the NXT Womens title...E-

ANGLE: Skit involving Mark Henry, Adrian Neville and Alexa Bliss...D

Bo Dallas went to a time limit draw with Adrian Neville...D

Sami Zayn defeated Kevin Owens to retain the NXT Heavyweight title...C-



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The Bella Twins vs. Paige and ???

Comments: Can't express enough how much I love Paige.


Luke Harper vs. John Cena

Comments: Big fan of Harper though


The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi

Comments: Dig the Brass Ring Club


Thank you all for the predictions so far. Paige, Luke Harper and The Brass Ring Club are definitely four wrestlers that have a bright future in the WWE. Each of them could be future WWE World Heavyweight Champions, in my mind.

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Monday Week 3 February 2015

Location: FL Amway Center (South East)

Attendance: 11,221

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 5.46






[WWE Monday Night Raw comes to you live from the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida. Michael Cole welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw. The crowd boos loudly as out from the back comes Paul Heyman. Heyman walks out to the ring and steps inside to a minor 'ECW' chant. Heyman holds up a microphone and tells the ladies and gentlemen that his name is Paul Heyman and he is the one behind the one in twenty-one and one. He is the advocate for the reigning, defending, undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World Brock Lesnar. He says that in less than two weeks, there is going to be a match between Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan to determine the number one contender to that WWE World Heavyweight title. The winner of that match will move on to face the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar. So, really, the winner of the match is going to be the loser at WrestleMania. The truth is that whoever loses the match at Fast Lane will have more of an opportunity to win at WrestleMania than the winner of that match. As I stand here tonight, I can look each and every one of you in the eyes and say that at WrestleMania my client Brock Lesnar is going to walk in as WWE World Heavyweight Champion and he is going to leave as WWE World Heavyweight Champion. That is just a fact of life.]


[Paul Heyman might have continued but he is interrupted by the music of 'The Truth Reigns.' Roman Reigns makes his way down through the crowd, walking toward the ring with his eyes on Paul Heyman. Heyman adjusts his collar as Reigns leaps the barricade and then slides into the ring. Heyman reminds Reigns that he is just an advocate. He is not a wrestler. Reigns smiles and tugs on Heyman's tie a moment. He says that he knows that Paul Heyman is not a wrestler. Paul Heyman's client Brock Lesnar is the wrestler and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Reigns says that he knows that. He says that he also knows that he is going to beat Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane and face Heyman's client Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. Reigns says he has a message to give Brock Lesnar. That message is that he is not afraid of the Beast. He says that he is not afraid to come face-to-face with Brock Lesnar because he's just as tough as Brock Lesnar. He says that his spear will break more of Lesnar's ribs than Seth Rollins did at the Royal Rumble. Heyman tells Reigns that, with all due respect, Brock Lesnar is tougher than any superstar that Reigns has ever faced. He is the one in twenty-one and one. He is tougher than beating twenty-nine other wrestlers at the Royal Rumble. Reigns agrees with Heyman. He says that there is a reason they call Brock Lesnar the Beast. But after WrestleMania, they're going to call Roman Reigns the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and you better believe that.]


[Paul Heyman does not have the opportunity to respond. Why? Because 'Flight of the Valkyries' begins to play and out from the back comes Daniel Bryan. Bryan stands at the top of the ramp and begins the 'YES' chant. The chant is loud here in Florida as Bryan makes his way down to the ring with a huge smile on his face. Bryan enters the ring and says that there is no reason for Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns to be having this argument right now. That is because the WWE Universe is going to get what they want. They are going to get to see Daniel Bryan in the main event at WrestleMania. They are going to see The Beard against The Beast. Paul Heyman interjects, saying that Brock Lesnar would squash Daniel Bryan like a tiny little insignificant bug under his foot. Bryan says that would never happen. Bryan says that Lesnar might be a former NCAA Champion but he says that he can outwrestle Brock Lesnar. He says that when he locks Lesnar in his YES-Lock, Lesnar is going to tap out. Reigns speaks up, saying that Lesnar might tap out to the YES-Lock but that he would never tap out to Daniel Bryan. But when Daniel Bryan takes the spear at Fast Lane, he's going to be lucky to make it to WrestleMania and he better believe that. Reigns and Bryan stare at each other for a moment with Paul Heyman right in between them. Heyman coughs and says that he is looking forward to seeing the best man win at Fast Lane. He wishes them both good luck and then ducks out of the ring. Reigns and Bryan stare each other down for a long moment and then both exit the ring separately.]





Match #1


Luke Harper vs. John Cena


[Our opening matchup features the number one contender to the WWE United States Championship John Cena taking on the man he punched on Smackdown, Luke Harper. Highlights of that are shown on a split-screen as this match begins. We also have Bad News Barrett on commentary this week hurling insults about John Cena and Dean Ambrose, Harper's opponent at Fast Lane. Harper takes control over Cena, using his power to his advantage, including smashing Cena in the corner with a body avalanche. Harper brings Cena to the mat and then hooks a front face-lock, doing a Gator Roll on Cena before releasing and bringing a couple of stomps to the head of the leader of the Cenation. A fan raises a sign up that reads: 'Welcome to Bad News Network, Bad News Harper!' Eight minutes into the match, Dean Ambrose comes out from the back and confronts Bad News Barrett. The two begin to brawl at ringside and then toward the back, distracting Luke Harper. Harper turns back to Cena and Cena catches him with a flying shoulderblock! Another from Cena! Cena ducks a clothesline and drops Harper with a side release spinout powerbomb! Cena raises his right hand and the does the 'You Can't See Me' gesture before dropping the Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena stands and waits for Harper to get to his feet -- Attitude Adjustment! Cena makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: John Cena (Via Pinfall @ 9:41)

Match Rating: B-




[After celebrating his victory, John Cena asks for and is given a microphone. Cena says that it's great to be here on Monday Night Raw in front of the fans in Orlando, Florida! He says that last week he didn't have such a good night. He says that his match with Dolph Ziggler was interrupted by a so-called Russian Super Athlete. He says that Rusev has been dominant here in the WWE. He has beaten men like the Big Show, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger and other Americans but he's never faced someone like a fifteen time World Champion. He says that tonight Rusev defends the United States title and his streak against Dolph Ziggler. He says that he wishes Ziggler all the luck in the world tonight against the Hero of the Russian Federation. But if Ziggler doesn't get the job done tonight and even if he does, Rusev is going to receive an American-sized ass whooping at Fast Lane courtesy of John Cena. Cena says that usually he tells his opponents that you can't see me. But at Fast Lane Rusev is going to have to look him right in the eyes and he is going to see the American flag in the background waving proud and clear. Cena says that he is going to give Rusev an Attitude Adjustment that is going to prove that even a Super Athlete's shoulders can be pinned for three seconds and we are going to see a new United States Champion and that's all he has to say.]






[From the ring, we move backstage where we see Roman Reigns coming face-to-face with Chris Jericho. Jericho looks him up and down for a moment and says that this is Roman Reigns, huh? Jericho says he thought that Reigns would be bigger. Reigns smirks and says that Jericho is lucky that tonight he is taking on someone that his size in Daniel Bryan. Jericho responds that Reigns is one of the reasons that he returned to the WWE. He says that he has come to save the WWE Jerichoholics from people like Roman Reigns. Jericho says that when Roman Reigns enters the ring, the fans quickly change the channel because he is boring. Reigns asks how boring it would be if he just laid Jericho out with a Superman Punch here tonight? Before Jericho can answer, Triple H approaches them both. Hunter welcomes Jericho back to the WWE and says he is looking forward to tonight's main event. But this argument gives him an idea for the main event on Smackdown. That idea is to have Chris Jericho in one corner and Roman Reigns in the other corner. These two men going one on one. He says that will be best for business before smiling and walking off. Reigns smirks as Jericho looks a little scared before walking off. Reigns calls out to Jericho that he will see him on Thursday. You better believe that.]




[The Bella Twins are already inside the ring when Paige comes out from the back. Nikki Bella laughs and says that she knew that Paige wouldn't have a tag team partner this week. She says that she knew there would never be anyone who would team with the great white hope of the WWE Divas because nobody likes Paige. Paige has a microphone and says that Nikki Bella is keeping HER WWE Divas title warm for her right now and that it will come back where it belongs at Fast Lane. After all, this is HER ring and HER night. She says that she actually does have a tag team partner and that partner is coming out right now. The crowd stirs slightly as they wait to see who the partner is. Out from the back comes...AJ Lee! The announcers go crazy at the return of AJ Lee. She has not been seen in two months! AJ and Paige high five and then run to the ring. The Bella Twins quickly exit the ring and AJ and Paige stand tall in the ring, looking down at The Bellas.]


Match #2


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee


[The second match of the evening features four of the top WWE Divas. The match is fairly good for a Divas match, showing that the Divas can compete with the men as far as good matches go. AJ starts the match hot against both Bellas, catching both of them with quick swinging neckbreakers. She tags in Paige and Paige quickly becomes the face-in-peril. The Bella Twins use some double-team moves on Paige, keeping her down in their corner. The Bella Twins hit Paige with a double dropkick and then a double legdrop that scores a two count when AJ Lee breaks up the pinfall. Nikki yanks up Paige and goes for the Rack Attack but Paige slides out behind her. Paige catches Nikki with a fallaway slam and both women crawl toward their corners. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'AJ likes.420!' Paige tags in AJ and Nikki tags in Brie. A fan throws up a sign reading: 'CM PUNK!' AJ brings Brie down with several clotheslines and then a Tornado DDT! She waits for Brie to sit up and then catches her with a Shining Wizard. AJ looks ready to strike with the Black Widow but Nikki pulls her sister out of the ring. Nikki and Brie move backward up the ramp with Nikki holding up the WWE Divas title. The referee begins the count, counting out the Bella Twins.]


Winners: Paige and AJ Lee (Via Countout @ 7:36)

Match Rating: C-




[With the victory in hand, Paige and AJ Lee begin celebrating inside the ring. The Bella Twins exit up the aisle as Paige yells that this is her house. Paige climbs on the second turnbuckle and raises her arms in victory tonight. AJ Lee looks up at her and gives that twisted smile for a moment. Then she moves to another corner and raises her arms upward as well, drawing in cheers. It is almost competing cheers between the two Divas as they celebrate. Then they meet in the middle of the ring and shake hands. They raise each others' arms and then exit the ring, high fiving the fans as they make their way to the back. AJ pauses in front of the fan whose sign reads: 'CM PUNK!' She smiles and takes a Sharpie from the fan, autographing the sign and pressing a kiss on it before she moves up the aisle and disappears in the back.]





[Last Thursday night on Smackdown, Adam Rose fired the Rosebuds and The Bunny. We are shown a brief video clip of that happening on Smackdown before we are taken backstage to Adam Rose. Rose had promised that we are going to see the true Adam Rose this night on WWE Monday Night Raw. Rose is stretching and then he turns his focus on the camera. Rose says that right now he is going to reveal his new agenda and the new and true Adam Rose. Rose is about to continue when he is suddenly taken out from out of nowhere by a Meat Hook Clothesline by Ryback! Rose is laid out on the floor as Ryback smiles down at him. Ryback looks in the camera and shrugs before walking off. So tonight we are not going to see the new Adam Rose it appears since he was knocked unconscious by Ryback.]





[From there, we are taken to another area backstage where The Miz and his stunt double Damien Mizdow are standing near a buffet table. The Miz says that the WWE Universe has been lacking because they haven't been seeing the greatest face in WWE history. He says that he is the most must-see WWE Superstar in the history of the WWE. Of course, Mizdow is mimicking The Miz as he always does since he is the stunt double. The Miz orders Mizdow to get him a bottle of water and to open the bottle. Mizdow does just that and The Miz throws his arm up in a flourish. Mizdow does the same but he has the open bottle of water in his hand. The water splashes out and the camera pulls back to reveal Mr. McMahon! McMahon was splashed by the water from Mizdow. The Miz and Mizdow look concerned and McMahon yells specifically at The Miz! He tells The Miz that he is to blame and that he is going to be punished tonight. He tells The Miz to get to the ring RIGHT NOW because he has a match lined up for him tonight.]


Match #3


The Miz vs. Roman Reigns


[The Miz and Damien Mizdow come out for this match only to find out that The Miz's opponent is none other than Roman Reigns! The winner of the 2015 Royal Rumble comes down through the crowd, passing a fan with a sign reading: '#BooReigns!' Reigns leaps the barricade and enters the ring. The Miz goes right after him with punches and actually takes a brief advantage in the beginning of the match. The Miz sends Reigns to a corner but Reigns pops out with a clothesline that floors Miz. Reigns catches The Miz with a big boot and then a pair of short-arm clotheslines. Reigns lifts The Miz and The Miz catches Reigns with a back elbow. He goes for a kneeling DDT but Reigns blocks it and lifts The Miz, flooring him with a fireman's carry flapjack! Reigns moves back into a corner and loads up his right hand, punching the mat. Reigns moves in toward The Miz -- Superman Punch! A fan brings a sign up that reads: 'Right in the Moneymaker!' Reigns backs up in a corner and roars, waiting For The Miz to rise to his feet. The Miz staggers around and turns toward Reigns -- SPEAR! Reigns just about breaks The Miz in half! Reigns makes a cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Roman Reigns (Via Pinfall @ 5:53)

Match Rating: C




[The match is over and Damien Mizdow enters the ring, coming face-to-face with Roman Reigns briefly. There's no physical interaction, however, as Mizdow lays down right beside The Miz. The Miz is slow to rise up, holding onto his ribs. Mizdow rises at the same time holding his ribs. The Miz yells at Mizdow for not helping him defeat Roman Reigns. The Miz gets physical when both get to their feet, shoving Mizdow down to the mat! The crowd boos this attack loudly. Mizdow pops back up and catches The Miz with a punch, flooring The Miz! Mizdow looks down at the fallen Must-See WWE Superstar and then lies back down beside him, returning to his role as The Miz's stunt double. It takes a few long moments before The Miz gets to his feet and stares down Mizdow, berating him before The Miz exits the ring and heads toward the back along with Damien Mizdow.]




[From the ring, we move backstage to the office where Triple H is standing by. He looks in the camera and says that he invited the camera back here to talk about his coming confrontation with the Vigilante Sting. He says that Sting represents an era that is better left forgotten. He talks about the fact that fourteen years ago, he single-handedly ended Sting's legacy when he ended WCW. He says that he hopes that Sting comes out at Fast Lane to shake his hand and then walk away from professional wrestling. If the Vigilante has any other thoughts about what might happen at Fast Lane then he is going to become a forgotten wrestler. He is going to become nothing more than a passing fad. Hunter's words are interrupted by the arrival of Seth Rollins. Rollins says that last week he should have been the WWE World Heavyweight Champion! He says he would have been the champion if it wasn't for Randy Orton! He asks Triple H just what he is going to do about that tonight. Hunter tells the cameraman that he needs to exit because The Authority needs to talk some strategy tonight.]


Match #4


WWE United States Heavyweight Title Match

Rusev defends vs. Dolph Ziggler


[Our next match this evening is one that the fans have been looking forward to since last week. The USA chants are live and loud as Rusev and Ziggler face off in the center of the ring. This is a great back and forth contest between these two men and is about as open as anyone would like to see. Ziggler takes an early advantage on the Super Athlete, striking him with the famouser and getting a one count. Rusev rolls out of the ring and Ziggler follows him. The two exchange punches before Rusev sends Ziggler into the ring post. Rusev rolls Ziggler back in the ring and joins him inside as Lana looks on at ringside. Rusev catches Ziggler with a swinging side slam and then shoves him into a corner. Rusev follows in with a hip attack in the corner before bringing Ziggler over in a suplex. Rusev yells at the crowd, who continue to chant 'USA!' Rusev picks up Ziggler and lifts him on his shoulders but Ziggler drops behind Rusev and locks on the Sleeper! The crowd pops as Ziggler has the sleeper locked on tight! Rusev drops to a knee. He looks like he is going out! Rusev drops to both knees and the referee checks with Rusev, beginning to raise his arm. His arm drops once. His arm drops twice. His arm drops -- NO! His arm stays up even as the crowd boos. Rusev lifts to his feet and backs up quickly, slamming Ziggler into the corner. Ziggler releases the hold and goes for Zig Zag but Rusev grabs the ropes to stay on his feet. He quickly lifts Ziggler -- Samoan Drop into the center of the ring! Rusev kicks Ziggler hard on the spine -- Accolade! Ziggler struggles in the hold but is eventually forced to tap out.]


Winner: Rusev (Via Submission @ 9:05)

Match Rating: C




[The match is over and Rusev remains as the WWE United States Champion this evening. Lana enters the ring with the belt and she hands it to Rusev. The Hero of the Russian Federation raises the belt up high as he stands in the middle of the ring. As Rusev celebrates and the USA chants fill the arena, the Russian flag drops down behind Rusev. He smiles at the flag, giving it a salute with his hand and with his belt. He lowers the belt down and motions to Lana. She holds the ropes open and Rusev exits the ring, heading toward the back. Can anyone pin this man or make him submit? There is one man who believes that he can do just that at Fast Lane. That one man is the former fifteen time World Heavyweight Champion John Cena. But can even that man do what many deem the impossible?]




[From the ring, we move to a darkened backstage area. This backstage area features a spotlight on Bray Wyatt. Wyatt says that he himself used to be a man. He says that he used to be a man that would whistle while moving through a cemetery. He used to be a man that has mortal fears. But he is no longer a man. He is no longer like each and every one of you. He is now the new face of fear. He says that he is the new reaper of souls. He says that there is a man who has been living in purgatory here in the WWE. This man has not been seen for a very long time. He has been floating around living within his sins. But sometimes even death will be reaped. Even the old reaper of souls will be collected by death. He says that the devil is asking this man to come home. The devil is knocking on his door so let me in. Let me in. Find me! FIND ME!]






[From there, we move to the ring where Christian is set up for the Peep Show. Christian welcomes everyone to the Peep Show and says that he has had some wacky characters on his show in the past but this one might just take the cake on that. He welcomes in the man known as Stardust! Stardust comes out to the ring and looks Christian up and down for a moment before hissing at him. Christian says that last week Stardust took down his brother in the center of the ring. He says that he knows about taking down brothers in the ring. He hasn't always gotten along with Edge, after all. But he says that what Cody did was to his blood. Stardust yells at Christian not to call him Cody. He says that Cody Rhodes died with the appearance of Stardust. He says that the cosmos has brought forth this new being with the death of the old one. Christian says that he doesn't follow that but here's someone who might follow that. He introduces Goldust! Goldust comes out to the ring and comes face-to-face with Stardust. Goldust tries to get through to his brother, telling Cody that he loves him. Stardust yells not to call him Cody! He gets angrier and angrier until he explodes with a right hand, flooring Goldust. Stardust grabs his head, shaking the head back and forth. He covers his ears and then exits the ring. He walks up the aisle and looks toward the crowd, hissing and then releasing a high pitched squeal before he disappears to the back. Goldust slowly pulls himself up and shakes his head before he exits the ring to follow his brother.]




[From there, we move to a video that has 'One Of A Kind' playing in the background. During this video, we are shown highlights of the man who is returning to the WWE next week. This man is none other than the Whole Dam Show Rob Van Dam! He is shown hitting multiple kicks and some high flying moves off the top turnbuckle both in WWE and in ECW. He is shown hitting multiple Five Star Frog Splashes before we cut to him raising the WWE and ECW World Heavyweight titles in the air at the same time. The crowd chants along as Rob Van Dam is shown doing the double thumb point multiple times. Rob Van Dam is returning to the WWE next week right here on Monday Night Raw! It will be very interesting to find out who his opponent is and what his agenda will be upon his return.]


Match #5


The Brass Ring Club and Natalya vs. The Usos and Naomi


[A six person tag team match is up next as we see the newly christened Brass Ring Club and Natalya against the WWE World Tag Team Champions The Usos and Naomi. Of course, it's men against men and woman against woman in this contest. The match features mostly The Usos, Cesaro and Tyson Kidd in the ring. At one point early in the contest, Cesaro and Kidd are knocked out of the ring and The Usos catch both of them with stereo flying cross bodies over the top rope to the floor below! The Usos celebrate beside a sign reading: 'Grab that Brass Ring and shove it sideways right down your...' Back in the ring, the match is fairly open between both teams. Cesaro catches Jey Uso with the Cesaro Swing and Tyson Kidd hits Jey with a dropkick to the head. This scores a two count on Jey Uso. Jey manages a short comeback and manages to tag in Naomi. In comes Natalya and the two women do battle inside the ring. Naomi goes for the Rear View but Natalya avoids it and catches Naomi around the waist from behind -- German Suplex! Natalya grabs Naomi by the legs -- Sharpshooter! The Brass Ring Club and The Usos both come in and start fighting but Naomi has no choice but to submit.]


Winners: The Brass Ring Club and Natalya (Via Submission @ 9:40)

Match Rating: D+




[We move to a backstage taped interview with The Ascension. Konnor and Viktor talk about the fact that maybe they haven't been around all that much here on WWE programming but they are the greatest tag team ever in the WWE. They are better than the Road Warriors. They are better than Demolition. They are better than every highly decorated team in WWE history. They say that this Thursday night on Smackdown they are going to step in the ring and challenge any team to come in and fight them. It can be a current team or a historical team. It can be a team that has held the WWE World Tag Team titles, the WCW World Tag Team titles or maybe even the ECW World Tag Team titles. They say that it doesn't matter to them because at the end of the night all of the WWE tag teams are going to be laid to waste by The Ascension. Welcome to the wasteland.]





['Voices' begins to play and the crowd goes wild as the Apex Predator of the WWE Randy Orton walks out from the back. Orton heads right down to the ring and steps inside, looking around and listening to the crowd chant his name. He says that there have been times where the fans have chanted his name and there have been times where the fans have booed him. He says that no matter where the fans lie he has always been the same wrestler. He has always been the Apex Predator of the WWE. That is why everyone wants to try to knock him down off his perch. That brings him to Seth Rollins. He says that Rollins could not accept the fact that he is a better wrestler and a better fighter than Mr. Money In The Bank. He says that Rollins couldn't realize that Randy Orton is the present and the future of the WWE. So Seth Rollins tried to take him out. He tried to make a name for himself by ending the career of The Viper. But he made a mistake. That mistake was that he let Randy Orton live. Now Randy Orton is going to make Seth Rollins' life a living hell.]


['The Second Coming' interrupts Randy Orton and out from the back come Seth Rollins, J & J Security and Big Show. The Future of the WWE gets on the microphone and says that Randy Orton should have taken what happened as a warning. He should have listened when he got Curb Stomped and stayed away from the WWE. After all, Randy Orton had a great career here before then. He was a Legend Killer. He was the Apex Predator but now he is nothing but a little garter snake. He is a snake that is going to get crushed under the large foot of the Big Show. Rollins tells Show to go and get him. Show and J & J Security walk toward the ring while Mr. Money In The Bank stays behind them but also makes it to ringside. An impromptu match right here on Monday Night Raw! Seth Rollins stands near a fan with a sign reading: 'I'm an Erick Rowan guy!']


Match #6


Big Show vs. Randy Orton


[big Show has a lot of wrestlers at ringside during this match as he takes on the Viper Randy Orton. This semi main event is a really good match between these two wrestlers both inside the ring and outside the ring. Of course the match is marred by interference from The Authority. Seth Rollins runs Orton into a ring post outside the ring while J & J have the referee. Orton is tossed back into the ring to the Big Show. Show lifts Orton into a corner and catches him with a headbutt before striking with the large slap to the chest that has Orton staggering out of the corner. The World's Largest Athlete picks up Orton and slams him hard down to the mat. Big Show moves slow and methodically as he continues to wear down Randy Orton. Moving forward in the match, Show lifts his boot and chokes Orton in the corner for a count of four before he breaks the hold. The crowd chants 'Orton, Orton, Orton' trying to get The Viper back into this matchup. Show bounces off the ropes -- elbow drop -- NO! Orton rolls out of the way and the elbow hits nothing but canvas. The crowd fires up The Apex Predator! Orton catches Show with two straight perfect dropkicks and Show falls across the second rope. Orton moves in and turns Show around -- Rope Hung DDT! Orton eyes Rollins, who remains at ringside, watching. Orton drops down and begins pounding the mat. He waits for Show to rise to his feet -- RKO! Orton nails Show with the RKO! A sign goes up in the crowd: 'More like the Big SLOW, amiright guys? ...Guys?' Orton makes the cover as Seth Rollins goes to enter the ring: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 12:15)

Match Rating: B-





[Randy Orton has picked up the victory over Big Show this evening. But in comes Seth Rollins to the ring! Rollins raises the Money In The Bank briefcase and charges Orton -- Orton ducks! Orton goes for the RKO but Rollins pushes him off! Rollins goes for another briefcase shot but Orton blocks it and catches Rollins with a dropkick as Big Show rolls out of the ring. Orton sets Rollins with his feet on the middle rope -- Rope Hung DDT! Orton gets to his feet and looks at Rollins for a moment. He backs up into the turnbuckle and stomps the mat with his right foot. It looks like he may be setting up the punt kick! Rollins slowly gets up on all fours. Orton charges but J & J Security pull Rollins from the ring before Orton can connect! Rollins backs up the ramp with his briefcase, staring at Randy Orton. 'Voices' begins to play and the crowd cheers as Orton climbs on the second turnbuckle, posing. Will Randy Orton eventually get his hands or boots on Seth Rollins?]




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where we see referees and EMTs gathered around someone. As the cameras zoom in, we realize that this someone is none other than Zeb Coulter! Coulter is bleeding from the mouth and the forehead as he lies there on the ground, semi-conscious. He is the apparent victim of a sneak attack. The referees ask him what happened but before he can answer Jack Swagger shows up on the scene. Swagger looks upset and he picks up Coulter, cradling him against his chest. The All-American American carries his manager away, telling Coulter he is going to get him to a hospital. But what happened to Coulter? Could this be the work of Chris Jericho? He is the man feuding with Jack Swagger after all. The announcers definitely speculate about that as we move in to our main event contest.]


Match #7


Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan


[A main event match that could main event anywhere in the world as Chris Jericho steps back in action against Daniel Bryan. The YES chants are loud in the early going of this match which features some great back and forth action between the two wrestlers in the first few minutes. Neither man seems to maintain an advantage and Jericho ends up rolling out of the ring to slow things down. Daniel Bryan seems to have no intention of slowing things down. He bounces off the ropes and goes for the suicide dive but it is side-stepped by Jericho! Jericho sends Bryan right into the barricade. Jericho grabs Bryan and rams him head-first into the steel steps before tossing him back inside the ring. Jericho climbs to the second rope and drops a double axehandle on Bryan. Jericho plays to the booing crowd for a moment and then picks up Bryan. He whips Bryan to the turnbuckle and charges with a corner splash and then a monkey flip to Bryan. Jericho gets up and begins crossing his arms, yelling No to the crowd but the crowd begins the Yes chant. Jericho catches Bryan with the Breakdown. He makes the cover:]














[The crowd bursts into cheers when Daniel Bryan kicks out following the Breakdown. It is at this point that Roman Reigns comes down through the crowd and leaps the barricade, watching in a neutral corner. The match continues in the ring with Jericho in control over Daniel Bryan. Y2J drops Bryan with a double underhook powerbomb, causing a fan to raise a sign reading: 'JERIGOD!' Jericho yells 'YEAH BABY!' to more boos from the crowd. At one point, the action spills out of the ring and Jericho goes for a superkick on Daniel Bryan but Bryan ducks and Jericho hits Roman Reigns with the kick. Jericho avoids a rear waistlock by Daniel Bryan and continues the control, bringing the action back inside the ring. Jericho catches Bryan with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to boos from the crowd. The boos make Jericho yell at the crowd before he moves in and goes for the Lionsault but Bryan gets the knees up! Jericho moonsaults into the knees of Daniel Bryan and both men lay out on the mat. Both men are slow to get to their feet but when they do Bryan catches Jericho with several kicks. Bryan sends Jericho into a corner and charges -- corner dropkick! A second one! A third one and Jericho falls to the mat. Bryan exits to the apron and climbs the turnbuckle as JBL says we're about to see a flying goat. Bryan sets up and then leaps -- Diving Headbutt! A sign in the crowd is raised, reading: 'RAW IS BRYAN!' Daniel Bryan picks up Jericho and hits a rolling fireman's carry slam! Bryan makes the cover, hooking the leg:]












...Shoulder Up!]


[Roman Reigns smirks at ringside as Daniel Bryan gets to his feet and grabs Jericho -- he's going for the YES-Lock! Bryan tries to cinch the hold in but Jericho reaches the ropes before the hold can be locked in effectively. The match must continue! Daniel Bryan briefly argues with the referee, allowing Chris Jericho a moment to recover. Jericho moves in -- Codebreaker! Jericho lands the Codebreaker on Daniel Bryan! Jericho makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! How in the world did Daniel Bryan kick out of that? Jericho looks like he doesn't know what to do to beat this guy. Jericho catches Bryan with a flying forearm smash and then goes to the well again with the Lionsault. This time the move connects cleanly and Jericho makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Daniel Bryan's stamina is amazing! Both men are moving a little slower due to how long this match has gone on. Jericho goes for the Walls Of Jericho but Bryan rolls Jericho into a small package: One, Two, Kickout! Bryan quickly moves in and locks a surfboard on Jericho. But Jericho refuses to submit. The stamina of Jericho is also amazing! The surfboard is released and Bryan stands up as Jericho gets on his knees. Bryan begins laying in the kicks as the crowd chants 'YES' with each kick to the chest. Then Bryan steps back and the crowd anticipates and Bryan lands a kick to the head. Daniel Bryan moves back into a corner and begins the 'YES' chant as Jericho is slow to reach his feet. Jericho is using the ropes to pull himself up -- Superman Punch! Reigns leaped inside the ring and struck Jericho with the Superman Punch! Obviously, as revenge for the superkick earlier during the match. But it was right in view of the referee, who has no choice but to call for the bell!]


Winner: Chris Jericho (Via Disqualification @ 20:26)

Match Rating: B





[Chris Jericho quickly rolls out of the ring and heads to the back after getting his hand raised in victory. Inside the ring, Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan get into a shouting match. Daniel Bryan is obviously upset at Roman Reigns interfering in his match. Reigns just smirks and shrugs, turning to exit the ring but Bryan grabs him by the arm and turns him back around. The two men stare each other down with Bryan shoving Reigns a few steps backward. Reigns just slowly smiles and shakes his head, trying to avoid the confrontation with Daniel Bryan. Bryan shoves Reigns again and the locker room explodes. Wrestlers such as R-Truth, Slater Gator and Zack Ryder enter the ring, trying to keep these two men separated. In thirteen days, these two men will do battle at WWE Fast Lane to determine who will face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. The credits show at the bottom of the screen as wrestlers do their best to keep Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns separated. What a great show tonight! We'll see you Thursday for Smackdown!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


This week on Monday Night Raw, we had one predictor get a perfect score of 7/7. Congratulations to packerman120!


1. Uncrewed=4 Wins

2. jscotty=3 Wins

Bad News Fryer=3 Wins

4. kieranforthewin=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

Smasher1311=2 Wins

Beejus=2 Wins

8. CPBHBK=1 Win

packerman120=2 Wins

codeydbw=1 Win

KnowYourEnemy=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Warhawk8492=1 Win

Russelrules44=1 Win

Bigjondalegend=1 Win

16. The_CoC=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

Frootloop=0 Wins

SkipMartin=0 Wins

lukess11=0 Wins

Ayden=0 Wins

KeyR1=0 Wins

Nobby_McDonald=0 Wins

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Good show .. What I like about your booking is the addition of Chris Jericho to your roster. I think he can helps your show grades and can help with development of his opponent's. The storylines that aren't real life relayed intrigues me as well. I'm curious as to the road Adam Rose is on now that he is alone..


Great show

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Just to update everyone, I hope to have the next Smackdown preview up tomorrow. Sorry for the delay...


Good show .. What I like about your booking is the addition of Chris Jericho to your roster. I think he can helps your show grades and can help with development of his opponent's. The storylines that aren't real life relayed intrigues me as well. I'm curious as to the road Adam Rose is on now that he is alone..


Great show


Thank you for the response, Bigjondalegend. I am glad that you like my addition of Chris Jericho. It can be very important to add the right wrestlers/managers/etc. at the right moments so that your roster doesn't become too cluttered or you don't miss out on a very good opportunity. I agree with the fact that he can help both the show grades and development of some of the wrestlers.


I do understand that the build-up through Fast Lane will definitely be close to what the real-life WWE is running. After all, there are a lot of things that I see that they are doing well at this present moment. But there are definitely a few things that I am looking to change, which brings forth new storylines like the Adam Rose storyline. That is one that I am definitely going to have some fun with, as was shown on the latest Raw where his attempt to tell the world about the new Adam Rose was thwarted by Ryback.


I am glad you have enjoyed my shows and I bring up to the audience here as a whole, asking what all everyone has liked and disliked about the diary so far. And, perhaps, even more importantly, who is your favorite character that I have seemed to find the voice for so far? Thank you to everyone for reading and predicting and your responses as we continue to move forward along the Road To WrestleMania.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on the SyFy channel. This week we continue on the road toward Fast Lane and the road to WrestleMania. Our main event was set up this past Monday night on Raw when Triple H signed a match between Chris Jericho and co-#1 contender Roman Reigns. Jericho defeated Daniel Bryan on Monday Night Raw due to DQ when Reigns interfered. Can Jericho go two-for-two against the top number one contenders?


-Seth Rollins has not been a happy man since Randy Orton returned and cost him his chance to cash in his Money In The Bank contract. Rollins will get an opportunity to take out that aggression this evening when he takes on a member of The New Day in Kofi Kingston. Can Kingston show Rollins that this is a new day or will that thought get Curb Stomped out of Kingston's head?


-The Ascension has issued a challenge for any team to come out and face them tonight on Smackdown. What team will come out and go face-to-face with Konnor and Viktor? Will it be a historical team? Or maybe a new team stepping into what The Ascension deems as The Wasteland?


-Plus Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper take on The New Day. We will hear from Chris Jericho, Paige, Adam Rose and more. Make sure you tune in to Smackdown.


Prediction Listing


Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)



Summer Rae vs. Paige



The Ascension vs. ????



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons



Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston



Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper vs. The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods)



Summer Rae vs. Paige



The Ascension vs. ????


The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Lucha Dragons



Fandango vs. Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Kofi Kingston



Chris Jericho vs. Roman Reigns



Fun Fan Signs: Fandiggitydango

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