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CZCW: Fight To The Top

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While the format is fine, it might attract more people if you used pictures on the shows. Since everything is all in black, for someone glancing through it may come off looking like a wall of text.


An easy thing to do is upload the pictures you want to use to a site like photobucket, then copy the url links to a word or notepad doc and then you can just copy and paste the links from that doc to the site here.


You don't need to go all out in presentation but a little bit can help to generate more interest and more readers.


Again, this is just a suggestion based on my experience with my dynasties. Ultimately you should go with whatever you are most comfortable with doing.

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While the format is fine, it might attract more people if you used pictures on the shows. Since everything is all in black, for someone glancing through it may come off looking like a wall of text.


An easy thing to do is upload the pictures you want to use to a site like photobucket, then copy the url links to a word or notepad doc and then you can just copy and paste the links from that doc to the site here.


You don't need to go all out in presentation but a little bit can help to generate more interest and more readers.


Again, this is just a suggestion based on my experience with my dynasties. Ultimately you should go with whatever you are most comfortable with doing.


Is there a way for it to display without them having to click a link? I'd love to have more presentation value, but I find linking to pictures to not really add a ton of value.

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They won't need to click a link, if you host on a place like photobucket and then copy the url string for the picture and put it here it should automatically display here.


That's what I do with my dynasties.


What browser do you use? I just see links in chrome on your dynasties, but in firefox I do see the pictures.

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I use Chrome and see pictures in Dragonmack's dynasty. It might be an issue with your settings.


You would be correct, good sir. lol. I don't know why, but my account settings were set to not show pictures. Alright, After the last few shows of this year, I'll probably be doing a bit of a reboot with better presentation and such.

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Saturday Week 1 December 2014

3639 at Gorski Ballroom


Matthew Keith: Anyone Else?


Fresh off his impressive title defense against Marc Speed, the long reigning champion Matthew Keith starts the show off in the ring.


Keith: Masked Cougar. Donnie J. Steven Parker. Remmy Skye. Akima Brave. Mikey James. And now Marc Speed. That's what my resume looks like in 2014. I'm undefeated this year, winning all of my matches with ease. I've defeated all the top guys in this sad excuse for a company and honestly, I'm

getting a bit bored. Who's left for me to prove myself against? Chet Chavez? HA! I've come out here several times over the past few months looking

for a new challenger, but that is not my purpose tonight. There is no challenger lying in wait that poses any threat to me or my title. Any further

title defenses against undeserving challengers would only serve to tarnish me and my title's reputation. That is why I have come out here to announce

that I'm taking an extended holiday vacation and I'm taking the CZCW Coastal Championship with me.


The crowd boos. The boos cease as The Guru's entrance music hits.


The Guru: I don't know who you think you are, but pro wrestling champions can't exactly just go on vacation and hold the title hostage. I congratulate you on your success, but there are still plenty of challenges out there for you. For instance, tonight, you will go one on one with CZCW legend, Insane Machine.


Matthew Keith: That's the best you can do? A guy you refer to a "legend" just as a nice way of saying "He used to be good, but he's way past his

prime now." Fine, but when I win tonight, I expect to either have a real challenge put in front of me or be given a vacation.


The Guru: I wouldn't look past Insane Machine, but don't worry. I've got a REAL challenge in the works for you at CZCW Christmas Cage Chaos. (68)


Going Coastal (California Love Machine and Frankie-Boy Fernandes) vs. Aerial Assault (El Mitico Jr. and High Flyin' Hawaiian)


The commentators put over the fact that El Mitico Jr. and High Flyin' Hawaiian are looking to compete regularly in the tag team division. Despite

having little experience together, the two high fliers put on a pleasing display, utilizing flashy tag team manuvers and kept the opposition on

the defensive throughout the match. In the end, Frankie-Boy Fernandes was pinned after a Frog Splash by HFH and a Shooting Star Press by El Mitico

Jr. (48)


Frankie Dee Open Challenge


Dee: As you may or may not know, Farrah left me for that oaf Colossus. I really don't care, as it allows me to focus on beating each and every one

of you in the back. So whoever wants to come out here and be the first in a long line of beatings, come on down.


Matt Sparrow's entrance music hits. An angry Matt Sparrow walks to the ring, talking a bunch of unintelligible smack talk to Dee on his way to the

ring. He rolls into the ring and the two start brawling. (32)


Frankie Dee vs. Matt Sparrow


This was an ultra stiff match, with both guys having a huge chip on their shoulder. The match was somewhat even, but Sparrow did tend to get the

better of things and ended up winning with the Bird Brain Buster. (42)


Post Match Attack


After the match, Sparrow doesn't let up and continues to assault Dee. He even goes out of the ring, grabs some weapons and continues the beatdown

with his new found tools. (25)


Post Match Promo


Finally finished with his assault, a short of breath Matt Sparrow gets on the mic.


Sparrow: Everyone loves to poke fun at Matt Sparrow. Yes, my singles career hasn't exactly gotten off to a great start, but I've realized the error

in my ways. When competing in singles matches under normal rules, my wings are clipped. I'm not able to soar the way I do when I have say a...steel chair in my hands. (Sparrow looks at the chair he just got done beating Dee with a crazed smile on his face.) Findlay O'Farraday...I'm going to show you what Xtreme is! (36)


The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane) vs. Chet Chavez and Jonnie Perez


This was just short of being a squash match in favor of The American Cobras. (31)


Rudy Velasquez vs. Air Attack Weasel


Both of these guys came up short in the fatal four way for the CZCW Xtreme title. Both guys used a mixture of fast, high flying manuvers and gritty

violent blows. After several minutes of competitive action, Sayeed Ali made an appearance. The commentator team talked about how he must be out here to continue his feud with Rudy Velasquez, but he shockingly attacks Air Attack Weasel instead. Velasquez takes advantage of the unexpected help,

winning the match. (47)


Al Coleman vs. Greg Keith


There really wasn't a rhyme or reason to this match, but it was unjoyable nonetheless. They fought in a catch-as-catch-can style, with lots of

counters and realistic wrestling. After a thoroughly enjoyable dozen or so minutes, Coleman picked up a hard fought victory with his Ankle Brace

submission. (63)


Non-Title Match:

Findlay O'Farraday vs. KC Glenn


Another match that seemed to be made to give these two guys something to do that turned out to be quite enjoyable. Despite having completely

different in ring styles, these guys clicked for what was probably the best match of the night. It didn't have a clean ending, but it did have

an ending that worked. Matt Sparrow came down to the ring and clocked Findlay over the head with a steel chair in plain view of the ref. (69)


Colossus vs. The American Flash


Another match that puts over how much of a monster Colossus is. Flash wasn't completely squashed, but the match wasn't exactly competitive either. Colossus new manager/relationship with Farrah Hasketh gets off to a great start, as the seem to have a really good chemistry. (32)


Mikey James vs. Remmy Skye


These two have certainly had better matches, but this one wasn't terrible. The commentators put over the fact that the winner of this match may

find themselves next in line for a title shot. The match wasn't able to come to a decisive ending as Colossus came out and attacked both men.

Marc Speed also ran out and the four men had a chaotic brawl. (56)


Non-Title Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Insane Machine


Insane Machine put up a good fight, but the result was the same as all of Matthew Keith's other CZCW matches. Keith goes over and looks to really

have beaten almost every top guy in the company. (64)


Overall Show Rating: 61

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Saturday Week 3 December 2014

3213 at Gorski Ballroom


More of a Challenge


Keith: Well, I beat "big bad Insane Machine." What's this big challenge you are talking about Guru?


The Guru comes out.


Guru: Well Matthew, I thought long and hard about how to challenge you. You've defeated Mikey James. You've defeated Marc Speed. You've defeated

Remmy Skye. And now you've defeated Insane Machine. In every encounter, you were able to pick apart your opponents weaknesses and come out on top. But how will you do when you have to face all four of those men simultaneously in a steel cell at Christmas Cage Chaos?


Matthew Keith: That is your challenge? To just put me in a match with all the bums I've already defeated?


The Guru: Well, if these men really are the bums you claim them to be, than its possible that one of these so-called "bums" can take your title by pinning one of the other bums involved in the match. They can take your title without you even being involved in the decision.


Matthew Keith: That's not fair!


The Guru: The life of a champion is not fair. You wanted a challenge, you got it.


Just as Guru was about to turn and leave, Colossus' music hits and he comes out, followed by his beautiful manager Farrah Hasketh.


Hasketh: Guru, I respect your drive to always raise the bar to challenge your champions. However, you don't need to throw a bunch of losers at Keith

at the same time to challenge him. Colossus is the man for the job. He, like Keith, has never tasted defeat in CZCW and what do fans eat up more

than a battle between two unblemished combatants?


The Guru: I'll tell you what Farrah. I'm not going to give Colossus a title shot..in a singles match. But I will add him to the match at Christmas

Cage Chaos to make it a nice even 6 competitors. How does that sound?


Farrah Hasketh: It sounds like 5 other men are going to be trapped in a steel structure with the most destructive man in all of CZCW. It sounds

like the perfect setting for a new champion to begin his reign. It sounds perfect!


Matthew Keith: This isn't fair! You can't put me in a cage with this brute and four other men that want nothing more than to dethrone me! You might

as well handcuff me and throw me in a cage with lions!


The Guru: Aw where is that world famous Keith cockyness? Good luck, Matthew. (64)


California Love Machine vs. Chet Chavez


CLM has been on a pretty awful run recently, so this was a fairly transparent attempt to get him some positive momentum. The fans didn't care and

it really just ended up being a low note on the show. (30)


Backstage, The Guru is sitting at his desk, listening to Frankie Perez complain about his lack of inclusion in the main event at the CCC when Akima Brave bursts in.


Akima Brave: If you're handing out title shots like slop in a soup kitchen, why was I not included Guru? Huh?


The Guru: You knew after you lost to Matthew Keith for the third time you wouldn't be getting another title shot for a very long time.


Akima Brave: Yeah and that's fine if new deserving challengers are stepping up to take a place that I could otherwise occupy, but if everyone else

is getting a title shot, why not me?


Frankie Perez: Hey, Akima! I was here first. Wait your turn.


Akima Brave: Shut up, Frankie. No one wants to see Mikey James' lackey fight for the title.


Frankie Perez: And they want to see you lose for the millionth time? You're a joke, Brave.


Akima Brave: Frankie, you've got two choices. Either shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you.


Frankie Perez starts to talk back and the two are almost nose to nose at this point, but Guru interrupts them.


The Guru: Guys, even the most eloquent speech isn't going to make me put you into the Coastal Zone Title Match, so drop it. Besides Frankie, you

know you and Mikey have to take those tag titles from Rich & Famous.


Frankie Perez: Screw the tag titles!


The Guru: Fine. You two want to be like this? You two can take your frustrations out on each other at the show next week.


Akima Brave: Fine. If I can't get my hands on Keith, at least I can pummel Perez.


Frankie Perez: You wish. I'm going to be beat you so bad that you'll never even think about getting another title shot. (49)


The scene shifts to Sgt. West giving a pep talk to The American Cobras in the locker room area.


Sgt. West: Listen men. I've got something very important to tell you. On your journey to the title, it is always important to keep your eyes on the

teams ahead of you, but it is almost equally important to make sure that that none of the new breed is sneaking up on you, looking to take your

place. Tonight, I want you to make sure that everyone knows their place.


Malloy and Spillane: Yes sir! (43)


Rudy Velasquez walks down to the ring, mic in hand.


Velasquez: So, my plans to run shit around here haven't really gone as planned. Sayeed Ali, being the punk he is, wouldn't accept my offer and now

look at him. No title, no nothing. Well things are about to get even worse for him. He's going to get an opportunity to see what he could've had.

My boy Hector Galindo is here, baby. The Latino Kings are taking over! (40)


Aerial Assault (El Mitico Jr. and High Flyin' Hawaiian) vs. The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo)


The Latino Kings put a beating on Aerial Assault for much of the early going. Just as the high fliers were about to make a comeback, The American

Cobras showed up, laying both El Mitico Jr. and HFH out, handing the Latino Kings their first CZCW victory. (49)


Frankie Perez vs. The American Flash


For tonight, Perez had to settle for taking his aggression out on The American Flash. He beat Flash soundly, but picked up a slight injury in

the process. (41)


Backstage, Carl Batch is shown talking and shaking hands with Sayeed Ali, but the audience can't hear what they are saying. The commentators

question why Batch is here in CZCW. (52)


The scene shifts to Frankie Dee walking backstage. Greg Keith walks by and without reason or hesitation, Frankie Dee jumps him. Kicking and stomping

on him until he's satisfid with his sneak attack. (36)


Akima Brave vs. Jonnie Perez


Back in the ring, we have a sanctioned match, but it ended up being just as much of a beatdown as Frankie Dee put on Greg Keith, if not moreso.

Brave sends a message to Frankie Perez via his brother, beating him in just a handful of minutes without facing any sort of adversity. (53)


Sayeed Ali comes down to the ring. The commentators mention that last week, he surprisingly attacked Air Attack Weasel instead of his rival, Rudy



Sayeed Ali: So everyone wants to know why I attacked Air Attack Weasel. First of all, I'm done with Rudy. I didn't want anything to do with him in

the first place. I wish he and his boyfriend Hector all the luck in the world.


The crowd laughs.


Sayeed Ali: Secondly, Air Attack Weasel is the reason why I am no longer a champion. He's the one who got pinned by Findlay O'Farraday, not me.

Honestly though, I don't even want the Xtreme title anymore. I've got bigger and better things in my future. What I do want is to make Air Attack

Weasel pay for being the garbage motherf***** he is. I can't stand hacks like him taking up roster spots, making the rest of us look bad by

association. So Weasel, I'll see you next week. You better hope Old Saint Nick doesn't have your pink slip in your stocking. (50)


Al Coleman vs. Findlay O'Farraday vs. Matt Sparrow vs. KC Glenn


These four have found themselves intertwined over the past few weeks. This non-title match was good while it lasted, but it quickly devolved into

chaos. Al Coleman and KC Glenn ended up brawling away from the ring into the crowd, leaving just Matt Sparrow and Findlay O'Farraday. Sparrow takes

the opportunity to show off his new "hardcore" side, grabbing a steel chair and introduces it to Findlay's skull. The ref stops the match without

a definitive ending, with Sparrow assaulting O'Farraday in the ring. (51)


Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol are in the ring with ear to ear smiles on their faces and tag titles over their shoulders.


Jake Idol: Well, it looks like your one little loophole is over Guru. It looks like Jackpot and I will get the well deserved break that we've



Jackpot Jordan: Unless someone else has the entry fee.


Jake Idol: Have you seen what these chumps paychecks look like? They'd be better off working at McDonalds! Hahaha!


The Guru interrupts Rich & Famous' celebration.


The Guru: I will admit, the fact that The Cali Dragons no longer have an interest in pursuing your belts did throw me for a loop. However, I was

made aware of a second loop hole not long ago and made a few phone calls, just in case this very situation should happen.


Jake Idol: Loop hole? What loop hole?


The Guru: The loop hole that says that the entry fee only applies to competitors under CZCW contracts. Luckily for me, CZCW is part of a beautiful

arrangement known as the Confederation of the Territories. It allows for workers to flow freely between members of the Confederation without signing a contract for each company they compete in. See where I'm going with this, Jake?


Jake Idol: Yeah...


The Guru: Well, NYCW has one of the most experienced tag teams in the business today, the Ring Generals Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler. Would you

like to guess who your opponents will be next week, with your precious titles on the line? Good luck, gentleman. (52)


Matthew Keith, Colossus, and Insane Machine vs. Marc Speed, Mikey James and Remmy Skye


The 6 men involved in the title match at Christmas Cage Chaos face off in a 6 man tag match to conclude the evening. Marc Speed, Mikey James and

Remmy Skye actually worked relatively well together, but I can't really say the same for the team of Matthew Keith, Colossus and Insane Machine.

For the first several minutes, everything went as a standard 6 man tag match would. Once Matthew Keith was tagged in, things changed a bit. Speed, James and Skye all became way more eager to tag into the bout. After Keith took some damage and looked to tag out, it became apparent that his partners had no interest in giving him a reprieve from the beating he was taking. He went to tag in Colossus, but Colossus dropped off the mat,

denying him his tagging opportunity. After allowing Keith to take a couple minutes of extra punishment, Colossus blind tagged his way in to the

match, cleaned house and pinned Remmy Skye for the win. (62)


Overall Show Rating: 59

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CZCW Christmas Cage Chaos


Saturday Week 4 December 2014

3352 at Gorski Ballroom


Going Coastal (California Love Machine and Frankie-Boy Fernandes) vs. The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo)


Going Coastal continues to operate as the bottom team, giving wins to anyone who comes up against them. This match also served the purpose of putting over the Latino Kings, who are a new team to CZCW, but well established within the indie scene. (49)


After Latino Kings picked up the victory, they continued to stomp and assault Frankie-Boy Fernandes. Despite this being in plain view of California

Love Machine, CLM did not intervene and eventually even turned his back and walked up the entrance ramp, leaving his partner at the mercy of Rudy

Velasquez and Hector Galindo. (22)


Frankie Dee vs. Greg Keith


Both of these guys seem to be incapable of getting any real momentum going. They have been in relatively bad form lately and the loser could find

himself forever opening shows instead of ending them. Dee and Keith put on a solid match with a real sense of urgency. Each man really wanted to

win this bout. After a hotly contested 10 minutes, Greg Keith came out with the big win. (61)


Carl Batch Runs Into The Tag Champs


Backstage, Carl Batch is talking to Rich & Famous, but the fans can't hear what is being said. Again, the commentators question why Carl Batch

is here in CZCW. (54)


The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane) vs. Aerial Assault (High Flyin' Hawaiian and El Mitico Jr.)


Aerial Assault wanted to get revenge on The American Cobras for interfering in their match last week, but Sgt. Bubba Lee West must've coached

his guys up well, as they teamed up fluidly and never looked in any real danger. They picked up the win and looked the superior team throughout.



Sayeed Ali vs. Air Attack Weasel


Ali wanted to make Air Attack Weasel pay, not neccessarily for costing him his title in a fatal four way, but because he thinks he is a "hack" and

is taking up a roster spot. Weasel made that goal a bit more difficult than Ali anticipated, but still "The Garbage Man" came out on top. The match

was largely forgettable, which makes sense as these guys styles don't really seem to mesh. (48)


CZCW Xtreme Title Match:

Findlay O'Farraday vs. Matt Sparrow


As Findlay O'Farraday came down to the ring, Sparrow came up from behind and clobbered him with a steel chair. He continued to assault him with

weapons for the next few minutes and then hit him with his finisher. Sparrow went for a pinfall and got a LONG 2 count, but O'Farraday kicked out.

From there, O'Farraday made a big comeback, punishing Sparrow for his cowardice. The champion probably could've ended the match a lot sooner than he did, but he seemed to really want to make Sparrow pay for his audacity. In the end, Sparrow's attempt at being a hardcore fighter doesn't

really pan out and he loses to Findlay. (42)


O'Farraday leaves the ring with his belt as Sparrow comes to. Sparrow lumbers out of the ring and stumbles up the entrance ramp, incredibly dejected. The commentators talk somberly about Sparrow's future prospects and what his current state of mind must be like after several failed reboots of his career. (26)


Al Coleman vs. KC Glenn


These two seemed to pick up some bad blood for each other in their fatal four way match last week, ending up brawling away from the ring, entirely

removing themselves from the contest. This match was made as a way for them to settle the score, which Glenn did in pretty decent fashion after

a surprisingly long match for its place on the card. During its 15 minute run time, both guys were really able to show their in ring capabilities,

but the match kind of suffered from a real lack of build. In the end, Glenn comes out on top and sets his sets on bigger and better targets. (59)


CZCW Tag Team Title Match:

Rich and Famous (Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan) vs. The Ring Generals (Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf)


The Ring Generals were cheered for opposing Rich and Famous, but ultimately weren't very well known as they are a New York based tag team competing in the southwestern US. This match had a really old school nature to it, especially when compared to the more modern style of most of the matches put on in CZCW. This was very much face vs. heel playing to the crowd, 1980s in ring work with the heels cheating at every turn and working to isolate Marv Statler from his opponent. Eventually, Waldorf got the hot tag, but Rich & Famous' rampant cheating just ended up being too much and

the champions were able to retain against their invading opponents. (47)


After the match, Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan got on the mic and did some brief crap talking about their opponents, the fans and CZCW in general. (41)


Akima Brave vs. Frankie Perez


The co-main event ended up being the second best match of the evening, as it should be. Brave and Perez' dislike for each other really came through

in the ring, especially in the usually mild mannered Frankie Perez. Each man hit their opponent with hard hitting offense and refused to be pinned.

Just as the commentators were beginning to question whether either one of these men could be beated, Brave annihilated Perez with his finisher and

picked up the win. (62)


Hell in a Cell Match for the CZCW Coastal Championship Match:

Matthew Keith vs. Colossus vs. Insane Machine vs. Marc Speed vs. Mikey James vs. Remmy Skye


Once all 6 competitors were locked inside the cell, chaos began. Colossus had a really strong start, but it might've been too impressive as it lead

to him getting more attention from his opponents than he other wise would have. Both Colossus and Matthew Keith were ganged up on and somewhat

removed from a chunk of the earlier portion of the match. Insane Machine and Remmy Skye resumed their prior rivalry, as did Marc Speed and Mikey

James. Remmy Skye played the role of insane spot monkey, which ended up being his downfall. After some fairly memorable spots, the beginning of the

end started. Insane Machine suicide dived onto Colossus outside the ring, taking both men out. Remmy Skye then hit Matthew Keith with a huge move

from off the top rope, but was unable to take advantage of it. Meanwhile, Marc Speed hit Mikey James with two concurrent German suplexes and was

looking to hit a third when James slipped out and hit him with a devistating Super Kick, sending him out of the ring. This leaves the 3 men who

have held the title in 2014 left in the ring, but all are in pain and unable to capitalize on the moment. They all start to stir at the same time.

James and Skye are each teased as potentially winning the match, but they don't. Keith ends up getting a Proton Lock on Remmy Skye after a failed

manuver from the top turnbuckle and taps...NO! James breaks up the submission! James then lays Keith out with his signature double arm DDT and Remmy Skye with a Super Kick. He pins Skye and ends up getting the 3 count. We have a new champion! (67)


Overall Show Rating: 64

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2014: Awards, Injuries and Deaths


Wrestler of the Year - Joey Minnesota



Company of the Year - TCW



Team of the Year - The Syndicate (Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins)



Match of the Year - Tommy Cornell versus Joey Minnesota



Show of the Year - NOTBPW Winter War



Young Wrestler of the Year - Jay Chord



Vetern Wrestler of the Year - Bryan Vessey



Female Wrestler of the Year - DEVIL Karube



Most Improved Company - Pro Wrestling SAISHO



Independent Wrestler of the Year - Hidekazu



Manager of the Year - Jessie



Announcer of the Year - Peter Michaels



Color Commentator of the Year - Emma Chase



Referee of the Year - Sam Sparrow




Joshua Taylor (13 Months with Semi-Severed Spinal Column)



Chance Fortune (6 Months with Broken Leg)



Yoshimi Mushashibo (6 Months with Churchillian Neck-Nerve Damage)



Champagne Lover (13 Months with Major Concussion)




Richard Eisen


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I just wanted to stop by and say it has been ages since there has been a CZCW diary on here so I am happy that you have decided to do this as they are one of my favorite companies to run. You are doing a top notch job, so keep up the great work!
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Resetting The Stage: CZCW 2015


Main Eventers:



Mikey James

Mikey James is the man in CZCW. He doesn't have the worlds most charming personality, but his work ethic and stand up nature have

led to fans standing firmly behind him, rooting for him every step of the way. James has now once again recaptured the CZCW Coastal Championship,

but he did so without actually pinning Matthew Keith. In order for James to truly be considered the champ by many, he must defeat the man who held

the CZCW Coastal Championship for nearly half of 2014.



Matthew Keith

No one benefitted more from the crumbling of the F.O.B. then Matthew Keith. He took Steven Parker's title belt on his way out and

defended it against pretty much every viable challenger. In the last show of the year, Keith had his first loss ever in CZCW in a 6 way Hell in a

Cell, with Mikey James becoming the new champion going into 2015. Keith feels like a lot is owed to him just by the virtue of who his father is,

but it would be a farce if Matthew Keith doesn't get his championship rematch to start off 2015.



Akima Brave

Since his debut, Akima Brave has had a take no prisoners attitude about making his way to the belt. Brave seems to have boatloads of

confidence in himself and a complete lack of fear and maybe even respect for his peers within the company. Frustration has to be bubbling up

within Brave as he will be unable to even challenge for the title for a long time after failing multiple times against Matthew Keith. One has to

think that Brave will be taking his pent up rage out on the CZCW roster until he is presented with another title shot.



Remmy Skye

Remmy Skye is the kind of guy who when offered to take the red or blue pill, he'd take both to try and increase his high. Skye is

certainly a big proponent of recreational drug use, which has made his speech seem like it comes straight from the script of Dazed and Confused.

While drug usage has its obvious downfalls, it does have its benefits for Remmy. It seems to allow him to relax and focus on the task at hand when

he's in the ring. It also lowers his inhibitions towards high risk manuvers, which often times end up winning him matches.



Marc Speed

Marc Speed is a guy who lets his ability do the talking for him, not his words. Speed is one of, if not the most technical guys in

CZCW, His submissions are awesome, but not as awesome as his "tap, nap or snap" mantra. He's come up short in his bid for the CZCW Coastal

Championship so far, but 2015 could be his year.


Upper Mid Carders



Frankie Perez

Depending upon how you look at it, Frankie Perez is either the most unsuccessful of the successful or the most successful of the

unsuccessful. He's never quite able to climb the mountain and sit on the throne, but he is able to beat most other people trying to challenge for

the title. Perez is usually a mild mannered kind of guy, but as of late he's been showing a bit of a heelish streak in his interactions with

Akima Brave and Mikey James.



Insane Machine

Insane Machine is a mysterious character with not much known about him or his intentions. His return to CZCW was odd, with a

prolonged stalking of Remmy Skye. As of late, Machine has dropped the occult out of ring stuff and focused on winning matches in the ring.




At nearly 7' tall and over 300 lbs, Colossus is an odd fit for CZCW. Thus far, he's mainly been pushed as a world beater, tossing

his opponents to the side like a cyclops taking on a poodle. His mic skills are pretty much non-existent, but his recent pairing with the beautiful

and well spoken Farrah Hasketh has gone a long way to add interest to his cause.



Findlay O'Farraday

O'Farraday is a no nonsense behemoth who excels at hardcore wrestling. He has almost no personality, but his brutish way

with weapons is endearing in its own special way. O'Farraday currently holds the CZCW Xtreme Championship.



Al Coleman

There is something that isn't right about Al Coleman. He's slightly...unhinged. He often creates rifts in the locker room and even

makes issues between himself and people like Marc Speed, his friend and tag team partner. Coleman is a submission ace, but it often times seems

like he ends up being overshadowed by his more successful partner.



Matt Sparrow

Flash Sparrow started the year as CZCW Tag Team Champions and even defended the belts a few times, but things with downhill for

Matt Sparrow after they lost the belts. Flash Sparrow's success spiraled downwards to the point where Matt decided to take a break from tag team

competition and focus on his singles career. That went even more poorly, with Sparrow coming up short repeatedly in his feud against Air Attack

Weasel and others. Sparrow then decided to focus his attention on becoming a hardcore singles competitor, but when Xtreme Champion Findlay O'Farraday easily

handled him in a title bout, Sparrow left the ring dejected. It remains to be seen what will come next for

Matt Sparrow, but I don't know that things can get any worse as he has appeared to hit rock bottom.


Mid Carders



Sayeed Ali

Sayeed Ali is probably the diamond in the rough in CZCW. He was involved in some of the more memorable mid card feuds and he has one

of the more interesting characters arguably in all of pro wrestling. Known as "The Garbage Man" Ali often utilizes garbage cans and lids in hardcore

matches and participates in more dumpster matches than all other wrestler combined. He is motivated by his desire to rid wrestling of the "trash"

that takes up space on the roster and he sees himself as just the man for the job. After 4 months as the CZCW Xtreme Champion, Ali finally lost

the belt in November, but claimed no desire to regain the belt, as he has "bigger and better" plans for the future.



KC Glenn

KC Glenn often found himself lost in the shuffle when the F.O.B. was in full swing, but after the faction split up, he and Matthew

Keith both have found a lot of success. The Texas kid with a drawl hasn't quite made it to Matthew Keith's level yet, but he could be there sometime

in 2015. His in ring work is phenominal and his mild nature has made him a hard guy to dislike.



Jake Idol

Jake Idol is much more the cool, pretty boy in Rich & Famous. He's also quite cunning, as was shown by his contract manipulations

that require an entry fee of 20,000 dollars to be paid to challenge Rich & Famous for their titles, which has allowed them to avoid defending the

title for the most part. Unless if a CZCW tag team hits the lottery, expect Rich & Famous to be wearing the gold for most, if not all of 2015.



Jackpot Jordan

One half of the tag team champions, Rich & Famous, Jackpot Jordan certainly wouldn't be called the brains of the operation. He has

quite the temper and the incessant need to gamble, neither of which are traits that you would neccesarily choose in a partner. It's worked so far

for Jake and Jackpot, however, as they come in to 2015 with 2 successful title defenses and no real possible challengers.



Greg Keith

Matthew Keiths twin brother Greg hasn't come by near the success that his brother Matthew has. The duo held the tag titles earlier in

2014, but after The F.O.B. disbanded, Matthew abandoned his brother in wrestling purgatory, the lower midcard. Greg Keith tried to claw his way

out and make his own way in CZCW by beating KC Glenn, but it is Glenn who came out on top and is tipped to be one of the guys to look out for in

2015, not Keith. Greg will certainly have to find a way to make his mark this year, or he risks becoming known simply because of his successful

famous relatives and not for what he brings to the table.



Air Attack Weasel

Weasel seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way. Early in the year, he found himself in the "Animal Kingdom" feud with Snow

Fox and Masked Cougar, where he came out on the short end. Then he got involved in a feud with Matt Sparrow which ended up getting him an

Xtreme title shot that he failed to capitalize on. It's hard to predict, but 2015 may be the last opportunity for Weasel to make a run at the top

of the card. Otherwise, he may find himself as a perrenial bottom feeder for the rest of his career.



Rudy Velasquez

Velasquez, much like Sgt. Bubba Lee West, made his real impression on CZCW in a hardcore-centric feud with Sayeed Ali. Velasquez

has a typical gang banger mentality and wanted Ali to "run" CZCW with him, but when Ali refused, Velasquez took that as disrespect. Velasquez lost

out in the Ali feud and later came out short in his bid for the CZCW Xtreme Title. He saw his short comings as him being on the losing end of the

"numbers" game and enlisted his old partner Hector Galindo to take the place that he originally offered Sayeed Ali. The Latino Kings aren't very

far into their CZCW campaign, but so far so good.



Hector Galindo

Not much is known about the newest member of the CZCW roster other than he is Rudy Velasquez' partner in crime. How far the duo

can go remains to be seen.



Sgt. Bubba Lee West

For the first half of the year, West really played up his no nonsense drill instructor side, beating people down in hardcore

matches. His feud with Sayeed Ali really raised both men's profile within the company, but he generally got the worst end of things and shortly

after that decided to switch up and go with more of a mentoring role. Now, West looks to lead the young American Cobras to tag team gold in 2015.


Lower Mid Carder



California Love Machine

If I had to bet, I'd bet all my money and then some on California Love Machine ditching his dead weight tag team partner

Frankie-Boy Fernandes. CLM isn't the most wildly successful guy in singles competition, but when Going Coastal goes out for a match, it's a pretty

safe bet that Fernandes will have his shoulders on the mat for the three count. CLM is an air headed pretty boy, so it is unclear where a possible

singles career will take him, but its gotta be better than losing matches because of your inept partner.



The American Flash

Flash Sparrow were a successful tag team towards the early portion of 2014, but after a prolonged slump, the team went their

separate ways. Neither has been particularly successful on their own, but American Flash in particular has just been thrown into meaningless one

off matches where he comes out on the wrong end. Perhaps a 2015 Flash Sparrow reunion is in order?



Frankie Dee

Dee is a rather blank slate MMA convert who has a chip on his shoulder after Farrah Hasketh dropped him faster than a moldy breakfast

sandwich. He has almost no charisma, but his athleticism and dedication to the sport could produce an outstanding in ring performer.



Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane

Like so many tag teams, these two a really nothing without each other and not a whole hell of a lot together, if I'm being honest. These two lifelong friends, known as the American Cobras,

have found themselves on the lower rungs of the tag division for the entirety of 2014. It wasn't until Sgt. Bubba Lee West took interest in them that they begun having success.



El Mitico Jr.

Currently, El Mitico Jr. is a pretty generic luchador with truck loads of talent. He isn't getting much of a push, especially

being paired up with High Flyin' Hawaiian, but he's certainly one to look out for.





Jonnie Perez

Jonnie Perez has a reputation for having no regard for his or his opponents safety. He's high risk, but doesn't often get a

reward for his efforts.



High Flyin' Hawaiian

High Flyin' Hawaiian is always smiling, even though he's usually on the losing end of things. His positive attitude has led

to him being well liked, both by the fans and in the locker room. He's recently formed a high flying tag team called Aerial Assault with El Mitico




Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Fernandes is the pretty boy lacky of California Love Machine and usually ends up costing Going Coastal their matches in

tag team matches. He doesn't have a ton going for him and really would need to be repackaged to be considered anything other than a glorified



Enhancement Talent



Chet Chavez

Jobber with a baby face fresh out of wrestling school.


Out Of Ring Performers



Carl Batch

Batch is known as a fast talking manager from DAVE and FCW. He has been shown backstage talking to the likes of Sayeed Ali, Jake Idol

and Jackpot Jordan. It is unknown why Batch has shown up in CZCW, but he's probably looking for new clients to add to his managerial resume.



Ernie Turner

Ernie Turner is what southern people politely call a "character". He's not exactly the brightest or most outstanding citizen, but

almost everything that comes out of your mouth cracks you up. He's got a story for every occassion, a "guy" for every sketchy task that needs

doing and self made metaphors that don't make sense to anyone other than him. He's southern to the bone and it's rather endearing.



Farrah Hasketh

Farrah Hasketh is CZCW resident hot bitch. She showed up on the arm of Frankie Dee, but as soon as a bigger more impressive

specimen came along for her to switch her support to, she did it. Her and Colossus seem to have great chemistry and could be a forced to be

reckoned with in 2015 and beyond.



Jez McArthuer

CZCW's lone referee. His lack of focus, inability to recover from even the most basic and harmless of manuvers, and of course his

ability to consistently count to three make him at the very least, an adequate official.



Mitch Naess

Mitch Nasess fills the role of stuffy announcer to a tee. He doesn't really have an ounce of charisma or likeability to him, but he

can do an ad read like no other.



The Guru

It is possible that no one man made more job changes in 2014 than The Guru. Normally, bouncing from job to job is a sign of being flaky,

or unreliable. In the Guru's case, it is representative of his motivation and drive. He left the commentary booth to introduce the world to a

group of up and comers self-titled as the "Future of the Business". When the faction fell apart, The Guru was able to transition into a new

Commission of CZCW position, which he has done well in since.

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CZCW New Year


Saturday Week 1 January 2015

3479 at Gorski Ballroom


Mitch Naess: Welcome to the first CZCW of the year!


Ernie Turner: It looks like we'll be startin' the year out with some words from our Commish, The Guru.




In the ring, The Guru is wearing a suit and a smile, with microphone in hand.




The Guru: Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to a new year in Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling!


Crowd pops.


The Guru: Over the holiday season, I've spent a lot of time thinking about how to improve this already tremendous company and tonight, I have some...


Colossus' entrance music hits and out comes the behemoth himself with his gorgeous manager, Farrah Hasketh, in tow. The giant lumbers down in to

the ring and Farrah grabs a microphone of her own.




The Guru: Hey guys. I don't know what you are out here for, but I'd appreciate it if we could discuss it in the back in my office, after this okay?

I've got some really big announcements I want to make and...


Rich & Famous entrance music interrupts The Guru this time. The tag champs soak up the boos as they walk down and into the ring. They both show

off their belts to the crowd before turning their attention on to The Guru.




The Guru: Mr. Idol, Mr. Jordan. I have asked Colossus to see me in my office and I will ask the two of you to do the same. I have some really

important announcements to...


Sayeed Ali's entrance music hits. The former CZCW Xtreme Champion comes down to the ring with his signature aluminum garbage can. He tosses the

can into the ring and rolls in behind it.




The Guru: That's it! I'm going to have to ask you all to leave and talk to me in my office on an individual basis. I have some announcements I

want to make and you are all holding up the show.


Unknown Voice: Actually Guru, you holdin' up my show.


The Guru looks around, trying to figure out where the disembodied voice is coming from. The answer is revealed as Carl Batch steps out on the

entrance ramp with a suit on and a matching fedora. He has a large smile on his face, but is still somehow able to keep the unlit cigar hanging

in his mouth. He walks down the ramp with a confident swagger and once he gets to ringside, the tag champions separate the ropes for him to

make for an easy entrance into the ring.




The Guru: Your show? I wasn't even aware you were on the payroll.


Carl Batch: It is funny you should say that cuz its you who ain't on the pay roll no more, Guru.


The Guru looks at Batch with a puzzled expression.


Carl Batch: It's 2015, baby! Out with the old, in with the new! CZCW management thought you did a real fine job getting us to where we are now,

but they don't think you've got what it takes to get us any further. That's where I come in. I'm the new commish.


The Guru: It's New Years, not April Fools, Carl Batch.


Carl Batch: Oh trust me. I ain't no fool. I can't exactly say the same about you though, man. I mean, you come out here, thinking you still run

shit, making a damn scene trying to make some announcement while slowly, but surely you get surrounded by enemy soldiers. You ain't too bright,

my man.


The Guru: Enemy soldiers?


Carl Batch: That's just one way of referrin' to 'em. Show 'em what I mean, Jack.


Jackpot Jordan sends a swift punch right into The Guru's gut, doubling him over in pain. Jordan and Idol then hold The Guru up, each having a hold

of one arm.


Carl Batch: Matta of fact, get this dude out my sight.


Ali stuffs Guru into the aluminum trash can and Colossus picks the trash can up as if it were empty and tosses it to the outside of the ring.

Ringside officials check on the Guru, but the men in the ring continue on as if nothing had even happened.


Carl Batch: Now then, where were we? Oh yeah, it's my show now ya'll!


Crowd: Boo!!!


Carl Batch: CZCW officials are getting real tired of boring ass MMA dudes grinding on other men and calling that "entertainment". So they called

me up to add some spice to this bland ass company. Now, many of you may have noticed I have been seen around backstage for the past month or so.

I wanted to get a real look at the roster before I got my position. Unfortunately, most of this companies "talent" ain't worth a damn thing. If

I could, I would discard almost all of ya'll, but management won't let me clear house just yet. So instead, I went around and picked out the best

hand possible. My "Royal Flush" if you will. I call them that not only because they are the best hand this companies ever been dealt, but also

because I'm going to use them to flush the useless turds ya'll call CZCW wrestlers down the toilet for good...starting tonight. I'm going to have

my guys show their dominance tonight as every single man in this ring will be walking away with a CZCW championship. Colossus will be taking on

Findlay O'Farraday in a Street Fight match for the CZCW Xtreme Championship. Rich & Famous will walk out the champs...because they don't have to defend the titles until someone ponies the money up, baby! And finally, Sayeed Ali will defeat Mikey James for the CZCW Coastal Championship in our main event. Now, if ya'll will excuse us, i've got a show to run and these boys got matches to get ready for.


Rating: 51


Backstage, The American Cobras are in the locker room.




Storm Spillane: What are we gonna do, man? They just fired him like he was nothing!


Marvel Malloy: Relax, Storm. Why do you even care about that bootleg drill instructor? He is a hot head, he rubbed everyone the wrong way and

now he is gone because of it.


Storm Spillane: That's what they want you to think, Marvel.


Marvel Malloy: What do you mean "they"?


Storm Spillane: The CZCW higher ups. They saw that Sgt. West was going to lead us to the title and they decided pre-emptively strike and fire him.


Marvel Malloy: Are you trolling me? Wait...you're serious?


Storm Spillane: Of course I'm serious man. The people with power are always trying to hold back those they see as threats, in life and in pro



Marvel Malloy: I can't deal with this right now. I've got to go to the ring for my match. You coming?


Storm Spillane: No. I've got something I need to do.


Rating: 27


Air Attack Weasel vs. Marvel Malloy




With Sgt. Bubba Lee West gone, it seems that The American Cobras, or at the very least Marvel Malloy, has gone back to square one. Malloy didn't

look at the top of his game for a lot of this match, which led to Air Attack Weasel constantly being a step ahead. In the end, Weasel picked up

the victory. (54)


The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo) vs. The Shoot Club (Marc Speed and Al Coleman)




The Latino Kings use every dirty trick in the book to eventually overcome the Shoot Club. (48)


After the match, Rudy Velasquez gets on the mic.


Rudy Velasquez: Hey Rich & Famous. I know you guys think you are above defending your titles, but you aren't. Me and boy Hector will have 20 K for

your stupid fee next show, so be ready to defend those belts. (45)


California Love Machine vs. The American Flash



On his way out to the ring, the commentators inform us that CLM has indeed ditched his old tag team partner Frankie-Boy Fernandes. He starts his

singles run off with a showcase match against The American Flash. California Love Machine shows what he can do on his own and even takes home the

victory, which is already a major improvement over his Going Coastal days. (40)


CZCW Xtreme Championship Match:

Findlay O'Farraday vs. Colossus with Farrah Hasketh




Boy was this a hard hitting match between two giants. These guys clobbered each other until literally, neither man could answer the bell. After a

devistating table spot, neither man could get up in time and the referee called off the match. (46)


Aerial Assault (High Flyin' Hawaiian and El Mitico Jr.) vs. Chet Chavez and Frankie-Boy Fernandes




This basically just served as a "get right" bout for Aerial Assault, who were coming off a couple straight losses. They got in a good amount of

offense and showcased their team work en route to a victory. Frankie-Boy Fernandes got to feel how California Love Machine must feel tagging with

him, as he did pretty well in the match, but Chet Chavez ended up kind of being the weak link and ended up being the one getting pinned. Despite

being thrown together, Chet Chavez and Frankie-Boy seemed to actually work pretty well as a team. (38)


After some talking back and forth between Mitch Naess and Ernie Turner, we cut backstage to a knocked out referee, Jez McArtheur. (36)




Insane Machine vs. Frankie Dee




The two men come out for the match, but with the lone CZCW referee having appeared to have just been assaulted backstage, there was no one available

to officiate the match. Neither man seemed bothered by that fact and the bout continued as scheduled. Insane Machine winds up putting a clinic on

Frankie Dee. After a few minutes, it is obvious that this has become a one sided beatdown, but there is no one to stop it. Then, Remmy Skye's music





Mitch Naess: It's Insane Machine's old rival Remmy Skye! Skye will make the Machine stop!


Remmy Skye jogs down to the ring and rolls in under the bottom rope. He hesitates for a moment and then joins in on the assault of Frankie Dee.


Mitch Naess: What in the world!?! Remmy Skye is joining in with Insane Machine?


Ernie Turner: I ain't seen a betrayal this sweet since peanut butter turned its back on jelly and joined up with chocolate to create the most

unstoppable force the world has ever seen.


Mitch Naess: Ernie Turner, ladies and gentlemen.


Skye and Machine are done assaulting Frankie Dee. They leave the ring, walking side by side.


Mitch Naess: Does Remmy Skye seem...of to you?


Ernie Turner: Remmy Skye always seems off to me, Mitch.


Mitch Naess: I mean more than usual.


Ernie Turner: I'm sorry man, I just don't know how ta answer that. My brain just can't make sense of "usual" and Remmy Skye in the same sentence.


Rating: 44


Greg Keith vs. Jonnie Perez




This match has kind of an interesting sub plot, as both men are wildly overshadowed by their brothers. That's where the similarites end, however,

as Keith is actually a pretty talented competitor, whereas Jonnie Perez' only wins come from his unabashed recklessness actually pays off. It didn't

pay off in this match up, as Keith's technical prowess kept him several steps ahead of Perez and eventually won him the match. (53)


Akima Brave vs. KC Glenn




It seems every CZCW card has at least one of these match ups where there isn't a whole lot of reason behind the two men going at it other than

to put on an awesome match and see who is better. The first of those criteria was certainly met, as these guys put on the best match of the night

so far. Each got in roughly an equal amount of offense and had their share of close calls. The second criteria wasn't really met as Akima Brave

sort of cheated to pick up the victory, leaving the fans with more of a empty feeling at the conclusion of the match, rather than knowing who

the better man actually was. I won't be surprised if we see this match again in the near future. (66)


CZCW Coastal Championship:

Mikey James vs. Sayeed Ali





A lot of people were surprised by Carl Batch choosing Sayeed Ali to lead his faction of representatives, but Ali more than proved he belonged at

the top of the ladder in this match. He gave Mikey James everything he could handle and then some before a begrudging Matthew Keith came out. It

originally seemed like Keith was coming down to get a piece of the man who stole his belt, but instead, Keith conked Ali over the head with the

Coastal Championship, costing Sayeed the match and allowing Mikey James to retain. (56)




Overall Rating: 56

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CZCW Earning The Shot


Saturday Week 3 January 2015

3623 at Gorski Ballroom


The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo) vs. Chet Chavez and Frankie-Boy Fernandes




The show kicks off with The Latino Kings, Chet Chavez and Frankie-Boy Fernandes already in the ring, ready for a tag match. The Latino Kings squash

Chavez and Fernandes with a sense of urgency, as if they have something more important they want to get to. (45)


After the match, Rudy Velasquez brings grabs a mic and brings attention to a briefcase he had carried down to ring side.


Rudy Velasquez: Yo Rich & Famous. I got your money. Come and get it.




Rich & Famous music hits and the champs come cautiously down to the ring. There is a tense 30 second exchange before finally Velasquez hands the

briefcase over to Jackpot Jordan. Jordan tears the briefcase open and finds that inside, instead of 20,000 dollars in cash, there is a completely

random amount of monopoly money. Almost simultaneously, The Latino Kings strike, attacking Rich & Famous when they had their guard down, sending

monopoly money flying in every possible direction. The Latino Kings get the upper hand in the situation and end up getting a few stomps in on

the tag champs. Idol and Jordan return to their feet, but each find themselves expelled from the ring. Idol gets conked over the head with the

decoy briefcase and spills to the outside of the ring while Jordan recieves a double clothesline that sends him in a 360 degree flip and to the

outside of the ring. Rich & Famous recover their belts and flee from the trap set by The Latino Kings. (36)


As Jordan and Idol are exiting the arena, Batch enters and walks down the ramp, mic in hand. The Latino Kings take this as their cue to leave,

exiting through the crowd. Batch does not look pleased, but he doesn't seem too concerned with the teams antics either. He rakes some of the

"money" around with his feet before finally speaking.




Carl Batch: Bravo, Kings. I respect ya'lls guts to come out here and ambush the world champs with some monopoly money. That's crazy! I mean,

ya'll definitely gonna have to pay, but live it up tonight. Anyways, I didn't come out here to talk about the Latino Kings. I've got some matches

to make, baby! First off, I'd like to congratulate Matthew Keith on ruining my first night as commissioner by costing Sayeed Ali the title. Now

ordinarily I would come at Keith with swift and furious justice, but being the man that he is, Sayeed Ali said he wants to handle it. So tonight,

our main event will be Matthew Keith vs. Sayeed Ali with the winner receiving a shot at Mikey James title.


In our co-main event, I was thinkin' 'bout givin' you fans a little chump on chump action...I mean champ on champ action. Sorry. We're gonna see

Mikey James, the CZCW Coastal Champion, take on Findlay O'Farraday, the CZCW Xtreme Champion. This match will kind of be a nice little send off

before Ali and Colossus snatch their belts away from them.


Speaking of Colossus, I REALLY don't like the disrespect that is being shown to the big man. He and O'Farraday knocked each others blocks off last

week. Shit happens. Same thing with Rich & Famous getting hoodwinked by those hoodrats, Rudy and Hector. Tonight, Colossus will be teaming up with

Rich & Famous to show ya'll that they are to be feared and respected, not laughed at. After they get through stomping their opponents this week,

Colossus gets his title rematch against Findlay O'Farraday and Rich & Famous get their hands on The Latino Kings...in a no title match, of course.


The crowd boos.


Carl Batch: Hey, if you can't pay the fee at the carnival, you don't get to ride the ride, baby! Anyways, lets gets this show back on track. I'm



Akima Brave vs. Greg Keith




This ended up being a really good match to get the show going again and get the crowd invested. Akima Brave is certainly higher up the ladder in

CZCW than Greg Keith, but you wouldn't know it neccessarily by this match. These two had quite a grappling exchange and for the most part, they

were pretty evenly matched. What ended up being the difference was Akima Brave's pure strength and ability to really punish his opponent with

every move that he executes. After a series of suplexes, Brave hits his finisher of Greg Keith and pins him for the hard fought victory. (60)


Air Attack Weasel vs. California Love Machine




Both men were able to start 2015 off with a big win, so one of these men would start the year off with a winning streak while the other would

have to go back to the drawing board. These two put on a fast paced, but relatively short match in which Air Attack Weasel ended up coming out

on top. (47)




Shortly after the match, Mitch Naess and Ernie Turner are talking at ring side when a man in all black with his face covered by a ski mask

assaults Ernie Turner. About half a minute later, Remmy Skye starts wading his way through the crowd and sits down in Ernie Turners seat,

taking his spot at the commentary position like nothing happened.




Mitch Naess: Uh...Hi Remmy.


Remmy Skye: Shhhhhh...He's coming. (59)


Insane Machines entrance music hits.


Insane Machine vs. Jonnie Perez




The match starts up, but the commentary seems to be the real focus of this segment.


Mitch Naess: So uh...do you know why my commentary partner was attacked?


Remmy Skye: The True leader of the Old World wanted it so.


Mitch Naess: The what of the what?


Remmy Skye: The True leader of the Old World.


Mitch Naess: So is this...True leader of the Old World...is that who just attacked Ernie?


Remmy Skye: An extension of the True leader, but not the True leader himself.


Mitch Naess: Is this leader person the reason you and Insane Machine have formed an unlikely alliance?


Remmy Skye: Insane Machine and I have flocked together through the guidance of the True leader, yes.


Mitch Naess: What is it that you guys want?


Remmy Skye: We don't want anything. The True leader speaks of the nature of things and so they become.


Mitch Naess: You know Remmy, none of what your saying is really making any sense. Remmy...Remmy?


Remmy slowly removes the commentary headset and heads towards the ring, just as Insane Machine picks up the easy victory over Jonnie Perez. Just

like last show, Remmy and Machine pick at their fallen foe like a pride of lions ripping apart the carcass of a gazelle. Once satisfied, they leave

the ring and medical attention slides into the ring to check on Jonnie Perez. (42)


The Royal Flush (Colossus, Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan) vs. The American Flash and Aerial Assault (High Flyin' Hawaiian and El Mitico Jr.)




Ernie Turner makes his return to the commentary booth with a few bumps and bruises from the assault. The Royal Flush lived up to their boss' words and pummeled their opponents in a match that was pretty short, especially for a 6 man tag match.



Immediately after the conclusion of the match, the camera cuts backstage where the Keith Brothers are together in the locker room.




Matthew Keith: You see that, Greg? These guys are rolling deep. That means I need to roll deep. I need you to have my back.


Greg Keith: What about when I needed you to have my back and help me defend the CZCW tag titles?


Matthew Keith: It led to me holding the CZCW Coastal Championship for half of last year. That was a big opportunity for me Greg.


Greg Keith: I know, but it was still shitty of you.


Matthew Keith: What about that time you told dad I skipped school Junior year? That was shitty of you too. We've both done a lot of shitty things

to each other, but at the end of the day, we are still brothers. We have to be there for each other in times of need.


Greg Keith: Alright, alright. Cut out the after school special crap, I've got your back. (64)


Al Coleman vs. Frankie Dee




On paper and in practice, this match was two MMA converts going at it in a damn near shoot match. Al Coleman is the superior combatant and ends up

making Frankie Dee tap to his patented ankle lock. (48)


KC Glenn vs. Marc Speed




KC Glenn is quickly becoming the show stealer in CZCW. Despite this match not being either of the top two matches on the card and having absolutely

no build up, this match went almost 20 minutes and was thrilling throughout. They built the match up slowly, picking up intensity and drama as

the time went on. The match was quite even and despite Glenn having an impressive performance, he ended up coming just short of the victory. Marc

Speed ends up getting the win, but everyone came out looking better for having been involved in this one. (66)

After the match, the two men shake hands as show of respect. (48)


As Mikey James comes down for his match with Findlay O'Farraday, he grabs a mic and addresses the crowd.


Mikey James: Don't think me and Findlay don't know what you're trying to do Carl Batch. We have to defend our titles next show against your boys

so you pit us against each other to try and soften us up. Well, I'm going to tell you straight up, Carl. Findlay and I are going to come out here

and put on a great match for this great crowd. And sure, we might take a little bit out of each other, but that is sure as hell not going to stop

us from retaining our championships against the likes of Colossus and Sayeed Ali. (53)


Mikey James vs. Findlay O'Farraday




Just as Mikey James said, these two competitors put on a really solid match, even though it is apparent that Carl Batch just wanted them to beat

each other up so they would become easier targets for the challengers next show. James relied on his quick movement and Muay Thai strikes to stay

out of the reach of the plodding and powerful Findlay O'Farraday. O'Farraday did get his hands on Mikey James a handful of times throughout the

match and executed earth shattering slams that would of incapitated lesser competitors. In the end, Mikey James was able to pick up the victory,

but O'Farraday still came out of the match looking very strong. (64)


Sayeed Ali vs. Matthew Keith




Although this was supposed to be a one on one match for a shot at Mikey James title, it was obvious to just about everyone that this was going to

turn into a gang war, which it did about 10 minutes in. Colossus was at ringside for Sayeed Ali from the start of the match and just as he started

to make his presence felt, Greg Keith came down to the ring. This distracted the big man from the fact that California Love Machine and Marvel

Malloy also interferred on Matthew Keith's behalf. Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol rushed down to the ring and took out CLM and Malloy, leading to

an all out brawl on the outside of the ring. Matthew Keith looked to lock on the proton lock in the ring, but Sayeed Ali counters and hits the

GBH Driver for the win and the title shot. (70)


Overall Rating: 66

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CZCW Taking Over


Saturday Week 1 February 2015

3445 at Gorski Ballroom


California Love Machine vs. KC Glenn vs. The American Flash




In a bit of weird match making to kick off the show, we get a rather random triple threat match. All three of the guys really went out there and

gave it their all, which made up for the randomness, but it still wasn't that great of a match. In the end, the hottest prospect in CZCW, KC Glenn,

walks away with the well deserved victory, pinning The American Flash in the process. (53)


Backstage, Akima Brave is doing curls in the locker room.




Voice: Pssssttt!!!


Akima Brave pauses for a moment to see where the voice is coming from. Air Attack Weasel comes out from behind a wall.




Air Attack Weasel: I've got some information that may interest you.


Akima Brave: Get out of here, Weasel. I'm working out.


Air Attack Weasel: I thought you were a big player in CZCW. My bad.


Akima Brave: WHAT!?!!? I am THE biggest player in CZCW! What do you want?


Air Attack Weasel: Word is going around that there is going to be a real big struggle for power in CZCW coming up here real shortly, and all the

big players are picking their sides and forming their armies to make a run at the throne.


Akima Brave: What the hell are you talking about, Weasel?


Air Attack Weasel: This Carl Batch guy. He rubs A LOT of people the wrong way. Matthew Keith. Mikey James. Even those freaks Insane Machine and

Remmy skye are building up forces to rebel with. Where's your army Akima?


Akima Brave: Army? Akima Brave doesn't need an army!


Air Attack Weasel: Under normal circumstances, I'd agree with you. But the numbers game is just going to be too much. You've got to make some

alliances and you've got to make some quick. The war is coming soon.


Akima Brave: Why do you care what I do Weasel?


Air Attack Weasel: Well, when the smoke clears, I want to be on the winning side. You and I both know I'm not the most popular guy around here and

I thought an alliance between us would be mutually beneficial.


Akima Brave: I respect your honesty, man. So who else do you reccommend we include in this little mercenary crew of ours?


Air Attack Weasel: I think I've got just the guys. (52)


Aerial Assault (El Mitico Jr. and High Flyin' Hawaiian) vs. Frankie Dee and Jonnie Perez




This was a clear example of good team wrestling beating two individuals trying to wrestle together. Aerial Assault worked together nicely and their

tactics and team work led to them overcoming their opponents in an okay match. (52)


The Shoot Club (Marc Speed and Al Coleman) vs. The Keith Brothers (Matthew and Greg Keith) vs. Akima Brave and Air Attack Weasel vs. The American

Cobras (Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane)




This was a pretty solid four way elimination tag team bout. Akima Brave and Air Attack Weasel ended up being the first out after Matthew Keith

rolled Weasel up and pinned him with a handful of tights. The American Cobras then eliminated The Keith Brothers with a fantastic double team

manuver on Greg Keith. The final fall came with Marc Speed tapping out Marvel Malloy. (59)


After the match, Shoot Club leaves the ring, leaving just Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane in the ring. Out of the crowd comes Remmy Skye and

Insane Machine, intent to assault the fatigued Cobras. The two teams square off in the ring and just as they are about to go at it, Storm Spillane

turns his focus on his own partner and best friend Marvel Malloy. It then becomes a three on one assault, with Marvel Malloy taking punishment

from every direction.




Mitch Naess: I can't believe it. Storm Spillane appears to have joined up with these culty weirdos!




Ernie Turner: And he's betraying his lifelong friend Marvel Malloy to do so. These guys make me sick!


Once they feel satisfied with their work, the three man gang exits through the crowd, recieving boos every step of the way. (32)


On Rich & Famous' way to the ring, before the announcer can do his job, Carl Batch comes out and interrupts him.




Carl Batch: And introducing the champions, "The Perfect 10" Jake Idol and "The Jack" Jackpot Jordan, better known as Rich & Famous! (47)


Rich & Famous (Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan) vs. The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo)




The Latino Kings really put in on the champs and even end up beating them, but unfortunately, it was a non-title bout. That didn't seem to concern

The Latino Kings because after their victory, they went over and grabbed the belts, but were blind sided by Jackpot and Jake who then ran off with

their belts. (65)


Again, Carl Batch comes out to do the introductions for his faction.


Carl Batch: Introducing the next CZCW Xtreme Champion, King Colossus and his lovely manager, the Queen of Hearts, Farrah Hasketh!


Ernie Turner: King Colossus? When the hell did Colossus become royalty?


Mitch Naess: Beats me. (38)


CZCW Xtreme Championship Match:

Findlay O'Farraday vs. Colossus With Farrah Hasketh





Just like their first match, these two went at it in destructive fashion. No matter how much or how hard one of these men hit the other, they just

wouldn't stay down. In the end, Farrah Hasketh ended up being the difference. She distracted Findlay O'Farraday as he was looking to hit Colossus

with a steel chair. As soon as he turned around to put his focus back on Colossus, Colossus put a big boot right into the steel chair, which in

turn rammed right into Findlay's skull. Colossus then picked up the three count and became the new champion. (57)


Carl Batch again introduces his guy, this time, Sayeed Ali.


Carl Batch: And now, to complete the Royal Flush's takeover of CZCW, my main man, "The Ace" Sayeed Ali!


Ernie Turner: "The Ace?" What happened to "The Garbage Man?"


Mitch Naess: I think its part of the whole "Royal Flush" thing. "Perfect 10" "The Jack" "Queen of Hearts" "King" and "Ace".


Ernie Turner: Oh god that's cheesy.


Mitch Naess: It's certainly heavy handed to say the least. (50)


CZCW Coastal Championship Match:

Mikey James vs. Sayeed Ali





The first two main events of 2015 have been filled with interference and screwyness. This match was actually legit...for most of it. The two men

appeared to be very evenly matched, just like the first time, but this time, there was no interference from Matthew Keith. Instead, Carl Batch made

a small cameo, distracting Mikey James at the perfect time, allowing Sayeed Ali to capitalize by hitting his finisher the GBH driver and picking

up the win and the title. Every title is now in the hands of a member of the Royal Flush. (71)


Overall Show Rating: 66

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CZCW Calm Before The Storm


Saturday Week 3 February 2015

3489 at Gorski Ballroom


Carl Batch kicks off the show in the center of the ring.




Carl Batch: Its a great day to be CZCW Commissioner!


Crowd: Booo!!!!


Carl Batch: I know, I know. You guys are worried that things are going to get a little boring around here with the Royal Flush holding all the

titles. I don't think it will be any different than any other great dynasty. Their dominance may get a little stale while you're in the moment,

but once ya got a lil' time and perspective, you realize you took watching greatness for granted.


Crowd: Boooo!!!


Carl Batch: Don't worry, you guys don't have to see any members of the Royal Flush tonight. I've given them all the night off for their excellent

accomplishment last show. Anyways, I...


Matthew Keith's entrance music hits. An angry Matthew Keith comes out and stands on top of the entrance ramp.




Matthew Keith: These stupid fans don't want to hear your shit, Batch and I SURE as hell don't want to hear your shit.


Carl Batch: Boy you better recognize who's in charge here!


Matthew Keith: For now. That's actually why I came out here. You are a joke. I know it as well as CZCW management knows it. You were just a

placement holder for them until they could find a real leader to take CZCW to the top of the mountain.


Carl Batch: Is that so?


Matthew Keith: Yep. And you know who's going to take over after your pathetic ass gets the boot? My father, Sam Keith.


Carl Batch: Oh really? And when is exactly is ol' Sam gonna take my job?


Matthew Keith: He's in negotiations right now, as we speak.


Carl Batch: Negotiations. I ain't got time for negotiations. You know how long negotiations can last? Na, I ain't got time for that. I need to

shut your mouth up right now.


Matthew Keith: Shut me up? You know I have no need for your little bribes, Batch.


Carl Batch: Bribe? Ha! I'm not talking about paying you off, Keith. I'm offering to...expedite the situation. I'm offering you a match, where if

you win, Sam Keith takes my place, right then and there, no negotiations no nothin'. And if you lose...your dad never sees the inside of A CZCW



Matthew Keith: Okay...who do I have to beat?


Carl Batch: The Royal Flush. It will be you and your team against Sayeed Ali, Colossus, Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan in an 8 man tag team

elimination match. I assume your team will consist of the losers that have been helping out lately: your brother, Marvel Malloy and California

Love Machine.


Matthew Keith: So me and my guys against you and yours? I'm down. When?


Carl Batch: Next show.


Matthew Keith: Great. Well, enjoy your last show Batch. (59)


Backstage, Findlay O'Farraday is walking by himself when from out of nowhere, he finds himself jumped by Insane Machine, Remmy Skye and The Storm. (38)





High Flyin' Hawaiian vs. The American Flash




A pretty random, fast paced match between two of the lower card workers in CZCW. This instantly forgettable contest was won by The American Flash,

snapping a 6 match losing streak. (38)


Backstage, Mikey James bursts into Carl Batch's office.




Mikey James: What the hell kind of show are you running Batch?


Carl Batch: Yo Mikey, a man has to defend his territory. Matthew Keith is trying to strong arm me and I ain't havin' it.


Mikey James: No, not you and Keith. I'm talking about those lunatics that are running around here attacking everyone. They attacked my boy Findlay

and I want payback.


Carl Batch: Okay. What do you want?


Mikey James: A 6 man tag match. Tonight.


Carl Batch: Done. (54)


California Love Machine and Marvel Malloy vs. Chet Chavez and Frankie-Boy Fernandes




Mitch Naess: This tag team match just became a little more intriguing, seeing as California Love Machine and Marvel Malloy will be part of that

8 man tag match that could put a new commissioner in charge of CZCW.


Ernie Turner: Carl Batch hasn't even been in control for two months and he's already facing a rebellion. What is this, a third world country?


In the match, CLM and Malloy easily handle their opponents in what amounts to pretty much a squash match. (36)


In the locker room, Air Attack Weasel and Akima Brave are having another meeting of the minds.




Air Attack Weasel: Tonight is the night to strike. You see all the cracks don't you? Tonight is the night to show them that you are a player in

this game too.


Akima Brave: Definitely.


Air Attack Weasel: I think I know just the way to really leave your mark too... (48)


Frankie Dee vs. Jonnie Perez




As seems to be the theme of this show so far, we have another lackluster bout between two non-players in the grand scheme of things in CZCW. Frankie

Dee squashes Jonnie Perez, but who cares? (34)


The Keith Brothers (Matthew and Greg Keith) vs. The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo)




Finally, we get a match with some consequential players in it and it ended up being pretty good...up until the screwjob finish. The two teams

showed good chemistry and put on an entertaining 10 minutes or so of wrestling until Akima Brave and Air Attack Weasel got involved. it then

became a 4 on 2 beatdown, with The Latino Kings obviously joining forces with Brave and Weasel. (62)


KC Glenn vs. El Mitico Jr.




A co main event slot was a big opportunity for both of these competitors, but they both dropped the ball. It was pretty obvious that they were

told to go out there and wow the crowd, but they just didnt't click in the match together. KC Glenn picks up the win, but you can't really say

that it was an impressive performance by these two highly perceived prospects. (48)


Remmy Skye, Insane Machine and The Storm vs. Mikey James, Marc Speed and Al Coleman with Kill Switch Interference




After a pretty lackluster show, we wrapped things up with a heated 6 man tag match. Mikey James was a man on fire early on in the match, taking

it to each of the opponents, but he ended up burning himself out a bit and allowing Skye, Machine and Storm to get back into the match. The match

went on for more than 10 minutes, with the MMA converts on the losing end for most all of the bout. An unfamiliar entrance theme hits shortly after

a ref bump and it seeming like Mikey James is about to get pinned. A somewhat recognizable figure rushes down to the ring to make his presence felt.


Mitch Naess: Is that...Frankie Perez?


Ernie Turner: It looks like he found his sisters make up bag. What is all that on his face?




Frankie Perez rolls into the ring and Insane Machine stops dead in his tracks. Frankie Perez stares Machine down for a moment and then shockingly

superkicks Mikey James right in the jaw.


Mitch Naess: Not another one!


Ernie Turner: These freaks are building up quite a following.


Insane Machine pins Mikey James just as the referee starts to stir for the win. (60)


After the match, Mikey James, Marc Speed and Al Coleman exit the arena, but Skye, Insane Machine, Storm and the facepainted Frankie Perez stay

in the ring. Perez grabs a mic to address the crowd. A member of the crowd shouts, "How Could You Frankie?".


Frankie Perez: Frankie? My name isn't Frankie. They call me Kill Switch now.


Kill Switch: And I'm not out here to self promote. I'm out here to inform you that these petty squabbles between Matthew Keith and Carl Batch are

meaningless. Mikey James' crusading is meaningless. Akima Brave and Weasel's plotting is meaningless. The only true meaning can be found through

the True leader of the Old World. He shall lead CZCW when the time comes, not any of these false prophets. Resist if you must, but your fate is

already sealed.


Mic drop.


Mitch Naess: I get a real unsettling feeling when any of these guys are out here?


Ernie Turner: What makes you uncomfortable Mitch? The lifeless eyes, the deadpan delivery, the culty messages, the facepaint or the vicious,

random assaults?


Mitch Naess: Okay, I get it Ernie. I'm just saying that this whole True leader of the Old World business is giving me the creeps. The mystery

around it all is just unnerving.


Ernie Turner: Yeah well whoever this goth chump is, he ain't taking CZCW without a fight. This commissioner's job looks to be the most sought

after position in the entire south west! People are literally raising mini-militias to fight in their name so they can take over. Who needs Game

of Thrones when you have CZCW? (40)


Overall Show Rating: 56 (The worst show CZCW has posted so far, probably because the matches just seemed to be after thoughts while the storylines

were the main focus, which doesn't exactly sit well with the CZCW audience.)

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CZCW Boiling Over


Saturday Week 1 March 2015

3527 at Gorski Ballroom


The Royal Flush ("Ace" Sayeed Ali, King Colossus, "Jack" Jackpot Jordan and "The Perfect 10" Jake Idol) with "The Queen of Hearts" Farrah Hasketh

vs. Matthew Keith, Greg Keith, Marvel Malloy and California Love Machine




Mitch Naess: I've got exciting news for you folks! You won't have to wait one minute longer to see who will be in charge of CZCW. We're kicking

things off with the 8 man tag team match!




The match starts off with each team tagging out semi-frequently, getting a feel for each other. The first elimination came about 6 minutes

into the match after Colossus powerbombed the hell out of Marvel Malloy. Royal Flush then worked over Greg Keith for a few minutes, looking to

make the match 4 on 2, but Greg Keith was able to get the hot tag into his brother Matthew. After a short battle, Keith gets a surprise roll up

pin on Jake Idol to even things up. An angry Jackpot Jordan rushes in to the ring to avenge his tag team partner, but his temper just causes him

to suffer the same fate and get eliminated. Up 3-2, Matthew Keith tags out to California Love Machine looking for a respite. Sayeed Ali comes in

to meet the cocky California native. Ali shows CLM why he's the champ, putting a quick beating on him and then eliminating him after a GBH driver.

Down to Colossus and Ali versus the Keith brothers, the two sides have a bit of a staredown. Just as things are about to kick back off again,

Mikey James, Findlay O'Farraday, Marc Speed and Al Coleman pour out of the crowd and attack both teams without prejudice. Chaos ensues and the

referee calls off the match without a clear winner. (51)




Mikey James and company clear house and both the Keith brothers and the remaining members of the Royal Flush exit the scene. Mikey James gets on

the mic.


Mikey James: I'm sorry things had to go down like this. I don't like to stick my nose in other peoples business and ruin matches for you fans.

Unfortunately, Carl Batch and The Keith Family left me with no choice. Neither of them should have any say in CZCW. This company should be in the

hands of the man who was already leading it towards a promising place, The Guru!


The fans start to cheer, but the cheers are abrutly cut off by Akima Brave's entrance music. Brave, accompanied by Air Attack Weasel and The

Latino Kings come down to ring side.


Akima Brave: The Guru? You think that clown is any better than Carl Batch or Sam Keith? What CZCW needs to do is go away from these old men who

are either way past their prime or never even had a prime to begin with. CZCW needs to be led by one of its own. Someone who understands what

the wrestlers want. Someone like...me.


KC Glenn's entrance music hits and Glenn comes out with The American Flash and Aerial Assault.


KC Glenn: Someone like you? Someone immoral and only serving their own self-interest? I think we've all had enough of that in the leaders of todays

day and age. However Akima, I do agree with you that CZCW should be run by the people who understand the company best: the wrestlers. We should

have a true democratic process. No more favoritism. No more power trips. Just fair and equally represented leadership.


Akima Brave: Do you also want rainbows and sunshine and kittens and candy? Look KC, we'd all love for things to be fair, but that's just not how

the real world works. You don't understand...


The lights turn off in the arena.


Akima Brave: What the...?


After about 10 seconds, the lights turn back on. KC Glenn, Marc Speed and Al Coleman have all been laid out by Remmy Skye, Insane Machine, The Storm

and Kill Switch. This cult-like group goes then attacks Mikey James and Findlay O'Farraday as Akima Brave and Air Attack Weasel run for the hills.

After dispensing Mikey James and Findlay O'Farraday from the ring, Kill Switch gets on the microphone.


Kill Switch: All this pointless fighting over who will be in charge when destiny is already set. The True leader of the Old World will head CZCW,

no matter how many factions rise up and try to put their false leadership in his place. Stop resisting and submit. (44)


The camera cuts backstage where a distraught Carl Batch is talking to someone off camera, most likely a CZCW official.




Off-Camera Voice: What the hell is this, Batch? You've got a damn war on 12 different fronts! How do you expect this company to run and prosper

with this much chaos?


Carl Batch: Well I uh...


Off-Camera Voice: It won't! That's the answer you're looking for. We've got to nip this in the bud. You know how we do that?


Carl Batch: Uh...


Off-Camera Voice: We give them a shot at what they want. They all want power so we have to put it within arms reach.


Carl Batch: How do we do that?


Off-Camera Voice: A match. A team battle royal. The winner gets to determine CZCW Commissioner.


Carl Batch: That's crazy!


Off-Camera Voice: No what's crazy is you not appearing strong enough to keep all these little uprisings from occuring in the first place. If your

team wins you better shape up.


Carl Batch: What do you mean if my team wins? You're going ta give all these mongrels a shot at my job with a level playing field? No fix, no



Off-Camera Voice: You aren't getting it. This match is like what an election is to the political system. It gives people a feeling like they had

a say even though they absolutely don't. Voting is important however, because without it, people would feel like they don't have a say. And when

people don't feel like they have a say, rebellions happen. Understand?


Carl Batch: Yeah, but what happens if the Royal Flush don't end up winning this match.


Off-Camera Voice: Well they better make sure that doesn't happen. (42)


The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo) vs. Aerial Assault (El Mitico Jr and High Flyin Hawaiian)




With the lines being drawn in the sand all over CZCW, these two teams find themselves on opposing sides. The Latino Kings prevail in this one, but

will that be the case when the Commissioner spot is on the line? (54)


Backstage, Frankie Dee walks into Carl Batch's office. Just as Frankie is about to speak, Carl Batch cuts him off.




Carl Batch: What is it?!?


Frankie Dee: I want in on this CZCW Commissioner battle royal stuff. I want to make sure I'm the guy in charge so I don't get screwed anymore.


Carl Batch: Fine. Win your upcoming match and your in with your own little team and everything. Now get out. (42)


Frankie Dee vs. Jonnie Perez vs. Chet Chavez vs. Frankie-Boy Fernandes




Frankie Dee squashes all three of his competitors and does what he set out to do, win the match so he can have a shot in the battle royal match.



His celebration is cut short by Carl Batch, who seems to be in a much better mood now than he was a few minutes ago.


Carl Batch: Congrats, Frankie. You get your own team in this stupid battle royal. Unfortunately, there are only three competitors under CZCW contract

that haven't already allied themselves with one team or another. Can you guess who those three men are?


Frankie Dee's celebration comes to a screeching hault as a realization of whose his teammates are going to be hits him.


Carl Batch: That's right. Those men that you just ran through with ease? Jonnie Perez? Chet Chavez? Frankie-Boy Fernandes? Those 3 are your partners.



Shoot Club (Marc Speed and Al Coleman) vs. Insane Machine and Storm




Insane Machine and Storm try to play head games throughout the match, but Shoot Club aren't fazed by it. Marc Speed and Al Coleman overcome their

odd opponents, eventually pinning Storm for the victory. (53)


Kill Switch and Remmy Skye vs. Akima Brave and Air Attack Weasel vs. Mikey James and Findlay O'Farraday vs. KC Glenn and The American Flash




We close the show with four opposing factions sending out four inexperienced tag teams as a semi preview of what we will actually see next show.

The match was fought under elimination rules, which led to KC Glenn and The American Flash getting sent out of there pretty quickly. It was obvious

that the level of talent was a bit above where he's at currently, which led to him getting pinned by Akima Brave. Brave's team ended up being the

next out after Air Attack Weasel was hit by a massive Findlay O'Farraday spinebuster. The crowd was then teased with a possible showdown between

Kill Switch and Mikey James, former friends and tag team champions, but Kill Switch cowardly tags out to Remmy Skye. Skye and James have an

awesome encounter with a lot of exciting counters and flashy manuvers. They both end up dead tired and look to tag out. James is able to tag out

first which allows O'Farraday to cut Skye off from his corner. Skye low blows O'Farraday and then Kill Switch illegally super kicks him. Skye

follows the super kick up with a senton and pins him for the win. (69)


After the match, an all out brawl breaks out between what seems like the whole CZCW roster. This business of everybody fighting for power is really

getting out of hand. (46)


Overall Show Rating: 60

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The Dirt Sheet


While around here we've been heavily focused on CZCW, big things have been going on with the heavyweights in the wrestling world. SWF has been in steady decline since the passing of Richard Eisen. Jerry Eisen took over, but by all accounts, failed as a head booker. TCW has all but closed the gap, making the battle for top company more of a 1A and 1B situation rather than actually having a number 1 and number 2 company.


Seeing the writing on the wall, Jerry Eisen swallowed his pride and stepped down as head booker of SWF (Still maintaining his ownership role). Marvin Earnest of MAW and NYCW fame has filled the role. Along with that change, SWF has gotten more cutthroat in going after TCW's roster. This is best represented by SWF's huge signing of 2014 Wrestler of the Year, Joey Minnesota.



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CZCW Fight For The Throne


Saturday Week 3 March 2015

3231 at Gorski Ballroom


The show starts with a hype video, showing all the different factions, possible CZCW commissioners and what led up to tonight. (54)




Mitch Naess: Welcome to CZCW Fight For The Throne! Tonight, we only have one match, but it's guaranteed to be at least an hour long and it will

probably go down as one of the most important matches in the companies history. It isn't a typical match or even typical battle royal, so I will

run down the rules and the stakes so you at home can better follow along.


There are 7 teams of four, each with their own ideas as to who should be CZCW commissioner. The winning team gets the right to put in place

anyone they want as Commissioner. Earlier tonight, the captains of each team drew a number between 1 and 7 to determine entry order. The first

member of that team will then enter at that number and every number 7 spots after that number. For instance, the team that drew the number one

spot will also have an entry at 8, 15, and 22. While the team who drew #1 are locked to these spots, it is left up to the team who will come out

when, adding a bit more strategy to the match. This spaced out entry for teams insures that no team will get the numbers advantage off the start

and steam roll the competition. Entrants will come out every two minutes and participants can only be eliminated when they are thrown over the top

rope and both feet touch the floor. The match is won once only one teams participants are left. So without further ado, lets get to the action!


Team Battle Royal for CZCW Commissioner Job:


Team Carl Batch (Sayeed Ali, Colossus, Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan)



Team Guru (Mikey James, Findlay O'Farraday, Marc Speed and Al Coleman)



Team True Leader of The Old World (Kill Switch, Remmy Skye, Insane Machine and Storm)



Team Sam Keith (Matthew Keith, Greg Keith, Marvel Malloy and California Love Machine)



Team Brave (Akima Brave, Air Attack Weasel, Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo)



Team Democracy (KC Glenn, The American Flash, El Mitico Jr. and High Flyin' Hawaiian)



Team Frankie Dee (Frankie Dee, Jonnie Perez, Chet Chavez and Frankie-Boy Fernandes)



The crowd eagerly anticipates the first entrant. They are left waiting a bit longer than usual, to really let the anticipation build. Then, Mikey

James entrance music hits and the crowd goes wild.




Mitch Naess: The first entrant of the battle royal is Mikey James! What a stand up guy to be the captain of the team and volunteer to go out first

when he could've tried to save his stamina and come out as late as 22nd.


Ernie Turner: I think it makes pretty good sense when you look at Mikey's team. I bet ya Findlay O'Farraday will be their last guy out.


Mitch Naess: What makes you say that?


Ernie Turner: He's a 300 plus pound man from Cobb County, Georgia. Those kinda folks don't run marathons. The only endurance training they go through

is hot dog eating contests at the state fair!


The second entrant is revealed to be Jackpot Jordan...or at least his entrance music comes on. Jackpot doesn't come out though. His music is cut

off while we awkwardly wait to get underway.




Mitch Naess: It seems we may be having some technical diff...


Jackpot Jordan comes out of the crowd behind Mikey James with briefcase in hand. He blindsides Mikey James over the head with the briefcase to

officially get us underway. The opening two minutes ends up pretty much being Jackpot Jordan stomping and beating down on Mikey James while the

crowd boos ferociously. KC Glenn is revealed as the third entrant. Glenn and Jackpot go at it while Mikey James gets a chance to recover from

Jordan's cowardly sneak attack. They both try to dump each other out of the ring, but they have too much fight in them at this early stage. The

fourth entrant is Rudy Velasquez. At this point, Mikey James is getting back to his feet and Glenn has Jackpot on the ropes, trying to put him

up and over. Velasquez slides into the ring and instad of he and James going at it, they both help Glenn and dump Jordan out of the ring for the

first elimination.




Mitch Naess: Jackpot Jordan's the first out after a surprising bit of teamwork from these separate groups.


Ernie Turner: I don't think it is all that surprising, Mitch. I think any opportunity these guys have to eliminate someone that isn't in their

group, they are gonna take it. Plus, Jackpot is one of the least liked guys in CZCW, so I don't think any of these guys will feel sorry for

dumping his temper tantrum throwin' ass out of the ring.


Mitch Naess: Some excellent points Ernie.


As soon as Jackpot Jordan was up and over, the temporary alliance that seemed to form between James, Velasquez and Glenn was over. Velasquez wildly

flails back and forth, punching both James and KC but he just can't take them both on at the same time. Jonnie Perez is entrant number five. He runs

down to the ring without hesitation and charges straight at Mikey James. Those two engage in a wild brawl while KC Glenn and Rudy Velasquez duke

it out in the opposite corner.




Mitch Naess: Jonnie Perez going right after Mikey James here. Is there some animosity between these two that I am unaware of?


Ernie Turner: Don't forget James has been havin' beef with Jonnie's older brother, Frankie Perez a.k.a. Kill Switch.


Mitch Naess: Surely Jonnie Perez doesn't condone his brothers recent actions?


Ernie Turner: Just because your brother starts wearing makeup and beating up random people to fit in with his cult buddies doesn't make him any

less of a brother.


It becomes apparent that Perez did not pick a very smart fight, as Mikey James takes control of the situation and ends up flinging Perez over

the top rope, making him the second elimination of the match up. Almost immediately after that, Insane Machine comes down to the ring as the

number six entrant. He and James go at it while KC Glenn and RUdy Velasquez continue to fight. Insane Machine lives up to his name, going up to

the top rope several times, making himself very vunerable to elimination, but executing high risk, aerial manuvers on the other combatants. Without

any new eliminations, California Love Machine comes in at number 7. CLM joins up with Rudy Velasquez on KC Glenn, turning the tide of that

encounter, turning it into more of a beatdown and less of a battle. Insane Machine goes to the well one too many times, as he gets caught on the

top turnbuckle by Mikey James. James played a little bit of opposum, which led to Insane Machine going to the top for another aerial move. As

soon as he got up there. Mikey James sprung to his feet and super kicked him right in the jaw, causing Machine to fall lifelessly backwards,

out of the ring, eliminating him from the competition. Al Coleman, one of Mikey James' partner comes in at number 8.




Mitch Naess: Here we go folks. The first team to have multiple members in the ring at the same time!


As Coleman enters the match, Rudy Velasquez and California Love Machine are picking apart KC Glenn in one of the corners. Coleman and James pull

the aggressors off of Glenn and give them a bit of a beating. Coleman slams CLM a few times and then locks him in an ankle lock with no way to

escape. James picks up another elimination, this time giving Rudy Velasquez the old heave ho. Al Coleman releases CLM from the ankle lock and

he rolls into one of the corners, holding his ankle in pain. Sayeed Ali is number 9. Ali pushes a big dumpster down to ringside, which causes

Al Coleman to protest. He tries to get an official to remove the big dumpster.




Mitch Naess: I agree with Al Coleman! We need to get that dumpster away from ringside. People could easily use that things to avoid being



The officials do see reason and take the dumpster to the back. However, this seemed to all be a planned attack by Sayeed Ali, as the eliminated

Jackpot Jordan sneaks up behind Al Coleman and dumps him over the top ropes. The officials only see the end result, not that Jackpot was the one

who eliminated him, so Al Coleman is out of the match. A furious Al Coleman chases after Jackpot Jordan out of the arena. With the numbers game

evened back up, Ali finally enters the ring with garbage can and lid in hand just as the tenth entrant, The American Flash, makes his presence felt.




Ali briefly tries to get Mikey James to align with him, as KC Glenn and The American Flash now are the only team with two men in the match. James

isn't having any of it, so Ali instead extends the invitation to CLM by tossing him the garbage can. California Love Machine accepts the invitation

and conks James over the head with the garbage can. Meanwhile, Ali is going back and for between KC Glenn and The American Flash, smacking both

of them with the garbage can lid over and over again until the lid becomes so warped it is unusable. Hector Galindo is number 11 and he goes

straight after Mikey James, looking to avenge his partners elimination. This frees CLM to come over and help Sayeed Ali out against KC Glenn

and The American Flash. Ali puts the garbage can over KC Glenn's head and torso and then CLM throws The American Flash into Glenn, creating a

human car crash between the two partners. With Glenn kind of trapped in the garbage can, Sayeed Ali and California Love Machine eliminate his

partner American Flash. Ali, CLM and Hector Galindo all team up on Mikey James, the first entrant in this battle royal. Frankie-Boy Fernandes

comes in at number 12. This causes CLM to peel off the attack on Mikey James and focus on his former partner.




Ernie Turner: California Love Machine is finally getting a chance to make Fernandes pay for holding him back for all these years.


California gets in a bit of a heated brawl with his former partner, getting caught up in the heat of the moment. This allows the recovering KC

Glenn to get the drop on him and dump him over the top rope, eliminating him from the match. Glenn then follows up that elimination by clotheslining

Frankie-Boy up and over the top, eliminating him as well. Hector and Sayeed are looking to get rid of Mikey James, but KC Glenn is able to break

up the elimination attempt. The Storm ends up being lucky number 13 and all of the casual alliances kind of fade away. The five men all attack

each other, but no eliminations take place. Marvel Malloy comes out at the half way mark. Just like CLM and Fernandes, the former partners Storm

and Malloy go at each other. Number 15 is Marc Speed, again giving Mikey James the one man advantage on all the other teams. Unfortunately for them

Mikey James has already been beaten up quite a bit and been in the match for nearly half an hour, so they can't really take advantage of their

numbers advantage as James needs some rest. Things continue to be somewhat uneventful, with no eliminations taking place and the ring is becoming

more and more full. Colossus comes in at number 16.




Mitch Naess: Things just kicked up a notch! That big man is going to be hard to get out of there.


Colossus immediately makes his presence felt, tossing Hector Galindo out of the ring with ease. Colossus then turns his attention on the exhausted

KC Glenn. Glenn tries to fend off the giant, but there was really no hope. Glenn suffers the same fate as Galindo and gets eliminated. Colossus

finally runs in to someone who is able to stand up to him a bit, Marc Speed. Speed puts up a fight, but Colossus is able to incapacitate him

without eliminating him. After some intense brawling earlier in the match, Marvel Malloy offers Storm and alliance to try and take out Colossus.

As the two approach Colossus, Storm backs away, leaving Marvel all on his own. Before Malloy could realize it, Colossus puts a beating on him and

tosses him out of the ring. High Flyin' Hawaiian comes out at number 17, but almost instantaneously he gets tossed out of the ring by Colossus.




Mitch Naess: Colossus is on a rampage!


With Sayeed Ali encapacitated, Mikey James, Marc Speed and Storm decided that they need to deal with Colossus. All three start clubbing the big

man and look to eliminate him, but the just can't seem to get the momentum to get him up and over. Marc Speed even goes to the outside apron to

try and get some leverage to get him up and over, but all that accomplishes is getting himself eliminated when Storm gives up on eliminating

Colossus and clocks Marc Speed, dropping him off the apron and onto the floor.


Mitch Naess: When are these guys going to learn that you can't trust Storm!


Ernie Turner: When are these guys going to learn that they really need to get Colossus out of there. If we make it to the 23rd spot, Jake Idol,

with Sayeed Ali and Colossus still in this match, then we might as well announce that Carl Batch is still the Commissioner right then and there.


Air Attack Weasel comes in at number 18 and looks to get to a safe spot in the ring and hang out there. Colossus isn't having it and picks Weasel

up and tosses him so far he crashes through the announce table.




Mitch Naess: What an elimination! He turned Air Attack Weasel into a flying squirrel!


Ernie Turner: How long did it take you to come up with that one?


Sayeed Ali and Colossus are standing tall, with an exhausted Mikey James and Storm standing on the other side of the ring. Storm offers and

alliance, but Mikey James not only refuses it, but super kicks the hell out of Storm for even thinking he would ally with that little weasel

again. This doesn't end up being the smartest move, as Colossus and Sayeed Ali beat the crap out of Mikey James for what seems like an eternity.


Mitch Naess: Whoever comes out next needs to put an end to this!


Chet Chavez' music hits.




Ernie Turner: HAHAHAHAHA! Here comes your hero Mitch!


Chet Chavez steps into the ring. Colossus pulls off of Mikey James and tosses Chavez out of the ring. Colossus and Sayeed Ali go right back to

the almost gang style beatdown of Mikey James, who is now bleeding from his mouth.


Mitch Naess: Surely they could eliminate James. Why are they punishing him like this?


Ernie Turner: They are showing their dominance. All of this started because people percieved Carl Batch and The Royal Flush as weak. They want to

make sure everyone fears them going forward.


Remmy Skye comes out at number 20. He runs down to the ring and slides in. Colossus turns his attention to Remmy Skye, but Skye motions to him

as to say, "Go ahead and continue. I don't care about him." The crowd boos as the assault continues while a recovering Storm and Remmy Skye just

sit back and watch. After about another minute of this, Sayeed Ali finally instructs Colossus to go ahead and toss him out. Just as they were

about to get rid of James, Skye and Storm spring into action and attack the two members of the Royal Flush. Greg Keith comes out at number 21 and

understanding the situation, joins up with Storm and Skye to take on Sayeed and Colossus. The three men are able to kind of neutralize the size

and numbers advantage that the Royal Flush have been enjoying for this middle chunk of the match. Findlay O'Farraday comes out number 22. As soon




as O'Farraday gets into the ring, the big man charges like a bull straight for Colossus. Everyone else clears out of the way and the two giants

collide, with O'Farraday's moment sending them both crashing over the top rope and outside the ring.


Mitch Naess: O'Farraday just took one for the team and got rid of Colossus!


Ernie Turner: Yeah but that oaf eliminated himself in the process.


So now we are back down to five competitors: Mikey James, Sayeed Ali, Storm, Remmy Skye and Greg Keith, although James seems to be all but out of

this one. With Colossus gone, Sayeed Ali tries to make some alliances, but the others see through his crap and team up on him. They look to

eliminate him, but Ali smartly rolls under the bottom rope. Jake Idol comes out at number 23 and gives Ali his confidence back. Ali and Idol

come after Skye and Storm and the match basically breaks into a tornado tag match, with Mikey James hurting in one corner and Greg Keith biding

his time in another. El Mitico Jr. comes in at spot 24. El Mitico forces Greg Keith to come out of his corner and fight. Meanwhile, we get another

elimination, as Jake Idol dumps Storm out of the ring. Akima Brave is entrant number 25. He gets off to a pretty hot start with a double clothesline

on Greg Keith and El Mitico Jr, eliminating both of them at the same time. Akima, Idol and Skye go at it for about a minute, while both Mikey

James and Sayeed Ali rest on the canvas. Frankie Dee comes out at number 26, looking pissed off. He has kendo stick in hand and he rushes down

to the ring. He hits everyone with the kendo stick. Every single person feels the sting of Frankie Dee's kendo stick. Frankie starts shouting and

getting pumped up while he's in control of the situation. He starts talking to the crowd at the wrong moment and gets eliminated from behind by

Sayeed Ali. Ali is then snuck up behind by Akima Brave and eliminated.




The second to last entrant is Kill Switch. He and Remmy Skye take over the match, being the only team with more than one person left in the match.

They look to get rid of Jake Idol, but when they toss him over the top, he skins the cat pretty brilliantly. Mikey James finally gets back to his

feet and feeds both Remmy Skye and Kill Switch a super kick before falling back down. Akima Brave and Jake Idol are going at it when the final

entrant, Matthew Keith enters the match.




The six men have a bit of a staredown, trying to figure out where things are going to go from here. The two schools of thought that seem to be

going around the competitors is that they either need to get rid of Skye and Kill Switch since they have the numbers advantage or get rid of Keith

since he's the freshest man and was a long time CZCW Coastal Champion. Idol makes the first move, going after Remmy Skye. Akima Brave and Mikey

James follow suit, also looking to eliminate the high flier, while Matthew Keith occupies Kill Switch with a fight of his own. Remmy Skye tries

to fend everyone off, but he ends up succumbing, becoming the next elimination.


Kill Switch gets away from Matthew Keith and attacks the men responsible for eliminating Remmy Skye. Idol and Brave get out of there, leaving

Kill Switch and his old beaten down friend, Mikey James, face to face. Kill Switch turns on the gas and obliterates Mikey James with quick kicks

and punches to the body and legs. Mikey Jame is barely able to stand, bloodied and exhausted. Kill Switch blows him a kiss and then superkicks

him straight in the jaw, sending him out of the ring, finally ending Mikey James near hour long run in the match.


Jake Idol tries to get a sneak elimination on Kill Switch, but the attempt fails quite laughably. This leads to Kill Switch fighting Jake Idol

while Akima Brave is putting fist after fist into Matthew Keith's skull on the other side of the ring. Really, Akima Brave is putting it on

Matthew Keith.


Kill Switch nearly eliminates Jake Idol, but Idol keeps hanging on. Finally, Akima Brave ends up going for a spear on Matthew Keith, but Keith

dodges, which sends Akima Brave straight into Idol who was on the outside apron. Idol flies off the apron right in front of where the commentary

table used to be, eliminated. Idol bends over in pain on his knees, clutching his midsection that just took the brunt of that spear. Air Attack

Weasel, who was seemingly eliminated earlier in the evening by Colossus tossing him out of the ring through the commentary table, gets to his feet,

standing on the collapsed commentary table. Weasel boosts himself off of Jake Idols back onto the ring apron.


Ernie Turner: What the hell is Weasel doing?


Mitch Naess: Wait a minute...his feet never touched the floor. He landed on the commentary table and has been laying here ever since. I thought

he was injured!


Ernie Turner: Does that mean...?


Mitch Naess: Air Attack Weasel is still in this match!


Akima Brave has a huge smile on his face, knowing that he now has a man advantage on Matthew Keith and Kill Switch. He turns around to lead Air

Attack Weasel into battle, but instead, Weasel grabs him by the tights and pushes him out of the ring, eliminating him.


Mitch Naess: Weasel just eliminated his own leader!


Ernie Turner: What can he possibly gain from doing that?


While Akima Brave flips out about Weasel's betrayal, it becomes apparent why Weasel did what he did. He sold his soul to the devil...or more

appropriately to the True leader of the Old World...whoever that may be. Weasel and Kill Switch team up on Matthew Keith, really putting a beating

on him. This goes on for a few minutes until Keith is able to sneak a low blow on Kill Switch and eliminate Air Attack Weasel for real this time.


Mitch Naess: We are down to the final two, Matthew Keith and Kill Switch. If Keith wins, his father Sam Keith will take the commissioner position,

if Kill Switch wins, we get an unknown figure known as the True leader of the Old World.


Ernie Turner: I never thought I'd be rooting for Matthew Keith, but I shudder to think of CZCW's future with those freaks in charge.


For the next five minutes, every fan in the arena is sitting on the edge of their seat. The two competitors go at it, with each one hinting at



Mitch Naess: Matthew Keith German Suplexes Kill Switch over the top rope. Matthew Keith has won!


Ernie Turner: Calm down there Mitch. Kill Switch landed on the apron.


The battle continues with Kill Switch on the outside of the apron and Matthew Keith on the inside. They exchange punches until Kill Switch drags

Matthew Keith over the top rope and onto the outer apron with him. They continue to exchange blows in tense fashion until Kill Switch stuns Keith

with a particularly solid blow. Kill Switch then blows Keith a kiss, springboards off the middle rope and blasts Keith in the face with a devistating

mid air kick, sending Keith free falling to the floor. Kill Switch lands on the apron, winning the match. (71)


There's silence in the crowd and on the commentary. Not even Kill Switch is celebrating his victory. Kill Switch stares into the camera and then

the arena goes black. And stays black. And stays black. Its almost a full minute before the lights turn on and when they do, the ring is empty,

Keith is no longer at ringside and Kill Switch is nowhere to be seen. (36)


Overall Show Rating: 70

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CZCW A New Direction


Saturday Week 2 April 2015

3607 at Gorski Ballroom


We get an upper body shot of The Guru in a backstage area.




The Guru: I am back. The True Leader of the Old World, or as I like to call it, India, is once again the commissioner of CZCW. You probably have

a lot of questions and I will do my best to answer them as well as I can. First of all, why did I use people like Kill Switch and Storm to regain

power, even if it meant turning their back on their friends and all the fans? There is the obvious benefit of having two armies to everyone else's

one. But even if Mikey James had been successful in his attempt to have me regain my throne, there would still be those in management who would

want to do away with me. By adding mystery and intrigue with this "True Leader" stuff, I have transformed my self from the boring intellectual

Guru, into the dastardly leader of a cult. People are legitimately interested in what I'm going to do next. For instance, I'm going to read off

this teleprompter that I am in fact not the True leader of the Old World. The real True leader of the Old World is standing right behind me. He

is ready to reveal himself, but first, he needs to hit me in the head with a baseball bat?


Guru reads the final sentence as if it were a question, it obviously being as much a surprise to him as it is to us. He tries to turn around,

but the bat swings in from the darkness behind Guru and smashes him right in the back of the head, laying him out. A hooded figure in all black

steps into the frame, baseball bat in hand. He tilts his head up a bit so that you can see his white complection and black goatee. He slowly

flings his hood back. The True leader of the Old World is none other than Matt Sparrow.




The Sparrow: Hahahahahahaha! The Sparrow has taken his rightful place as CZCW Commissioner!


"The Sparrow", as he refers to himself now, is noticably more unkempt than we've ever seen him. He looks like he hasn't slept in days, yet appears

to be wide awake. His eyes have a crazed fire in them. He's jittery, but trying to remain composed. He seems like an escapee from an insane asylum

interviewing for a white collar job.


The Sparrow: Many of you may not like the road I took to power, but the men who helped me had the same vision for this company as I do. NOT A CULT!

They see through the favoritism and paint by numbers bullshit that all professional wrestling companies are run by. NOT ANYMORE! I'm going to

change this place for the better. YOU'LL SEE! I have uh...i have uh...several points I'd like to...uh make. Number 1...No more cookie cutter

wrestling. This show is going to be unpredictable. Part B, TAG TEAM WRESTLING IS IMPORTANT! And finally, the third step, FRESH BLOOD! NEW SIGNINGS!

Enjoy the show.


Sparrow's incredibly disjointed, manic and non-sensical promo is over. It's official. An inmate is running the asylum. (38)


We go to a ringside shot of the commentators table, but instead of the familiar faces of Mitch Naess and Ernie Turner, we are greeted by the two

foulest clowns on planet Earth. Hustler D sounds like he's been smoking a pack a day since he came out of the womb. That combined with his

thick Brooklyn accent make for a voice only a woman with severe daddy isssues could love. Joker The Pimp has such a high pitched, squeaky voice,

he makes Minecraft youtube commentators sound like normal human beings.




Hustler D: No, you didn't accidentally put in your moms favorite dvd of midget clown porn, this is CZCW!


Joker The Pimp: Tonights show is going to be CRAZY!


Hustler D: Most definitely.


Joker The Pimp: We're gonna have some double teaming, some back door surprises, maybe some toys and I think we even have a dude who's going

to show us his snake tonight. Everything an awesome wrestling show needs!


Hustler D: And we kick things off with a four way ladder match for a briefcase.


Joker The Pimp: What's in the briefcase?!?!


Hustler D: I don't know, but I heard it's gonna make someones night. (31)


Four-Way Ladder Match for Mystery Briefcase:

Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian vs. The American Flash vs. Jonnie Perez




Joker The Pimp: What a bunch of jobbers!


Hustler D: Hold on Joke, let's give 'em a chance. A lot of times jobbers are like fat chicks.


Joker The Pimp: Fat chicks!?!?!


Hustler D: Yeah, pretty girls are great and all, but a lot of them are stuck up. Fat chicks don't have the luxury of being stuck up. They got to

do the dirty jobs, if you know what I'm sayin'. Same thing with wrestlin'. Those prima donna main eventers will do just enough to satisfy, but

those jobbas will go out there and break their necks for a couple of peanuts and some pocket lint.


I don't know that Hustler D's wisdom exactly came true in this match up, but that's also because the word backstage is that every single guy in

this match is a bit disgruntled with how they are being handled. They all thought they were in line to get bigger spots and better matches, but

with the recent influx of signings, it doesn't look like that is going to happen for any of them. Also, this match was hardly given any time.

Maybe 7 minutes tops and you can't really have a good ladder match in 7 minutes. Anyways, after a pretty low effort affair by all involved,

High Flyin' Hawaiian ends up being the lucky one to pull down the briefcase. (42)


High Flyin' Hawaiian celebrates, posing on the second rope with the briefcase above his head. His celebration is cut short by The Sparrow, who

comes to the top of the entrance ramp in a black leather trench coat, baseball bat in one hand and microphone in the other.


The Sparrow: Go ahead and open the briefcase!


HFH drops down off the ring ropes and fumbles with the briefcases clasps for a moment, until the briefcase flings open. Out twirls one single,

pink piece of paper. HFH's face goes from a look of Christmas day joy to that of post-Thanksgiving food poisoning.


The Sparrow: PINK SLIP! You're out of here! HAHAHAHAHA! That'll teach you to complain about your spot.


Two security guards forceably escort High Flyin' Hawaiian out of the arena while The Sparrow continues talking.


The Sparrow: I've been a wrestler for 18 years. Not once did I complain about my spot on the roster. NOT EVER! Not once did I complain about my

worthless tag team partners. NOT EVER! Not once did I complain when CZCW fans turned their backs on me after several unsuccessful attempts to

reinvent myself. NOT EVER!


The Sparrow has a sudden shift in emotions, from hurt and angry to jovial and excited.


The Sparrow: Anyways...up next, we've got a special Machine showcase for you guys. I've got a couple of assisstants to help bring some of the

items down for the showcase. GUYS!!!!!


The next couple minutes of this CZCW show may be the most bizzarre sequence on any pro wrestling show ever. An army of stage hands carried down

random machines, ranging from sewing machines to washing machines to everything in between. That was weird enough, but as they were carrying this

junk down and placing it all around ring side, The Sparrow was going on and on about each machine, almost like this was a shopping channel show

and he was trying to convince some eldery people with disposable income to waste their money on an ultra special deluxe toaster.


The Sparrow: We've got just two machines left!


Some of the crowd boos, but a lot of the crowd has become apathetic towards the bizarre scene taking place in front of them.


The Sparrow: Our next machine has held all three titles in CZCW. TRIFECTA! Some might call him unstable, but I just call him INSANE MACHINE!!!!


Insane Machine makes his entrance, bowing down in front of The Sparrow and then getting into the ring.


The Sparrow: Our final machine is more about aesthetics than function....functionality. He's about to get broken and the warranty is expired!

Please pretend to care about CALIFORNIA LOVE MACHINE.........I SAID, CALIFORNIA LOVE MACHINE....what the hell is...


California Love Machine is being forced down to the ring against his will by a couple of security guards. CLM is protesting the whole way down

to the ring, obviously not wanting anything to do with the ridiculousness that is about to take place. The security guards stay down near the ring

so even if CLM wanted to run away, he'd just get rounded back up and forced to fight.


Hustler D: Ah the old classic whack your opponent over the head with a machine and have it be legal match.


Joker The Pimp: Me and an ex-girlfriend used to play the home edition of this one...minus the legal part. (43)


Machine Showcase:

California Love Machine vs. Insane Machine




California Love Machine starts the match incredibly hesitant, and why wouldn't he be? Insane Machine is standing in front of him with a freaking

toaster in his hands! As soon as the bell rings, Insane Machine lunges at CLM with the toaster. CLM dodges the telegraphed manuver and reverses

the situation, grabbing the toaster cord and wrapping it around Insane Machine's neck.


Joker The Pimp: Alright now I swear these two have seen the videos of me and my ex!


Insane Machine is able to escape the cord choke and go on to have a very spotty match with CLM. It pretty much just boiled down to "look what

kitchen tool I'm whacking him over the head with now", which is neither one of these guys strong suits. Some of the cooler spots in the match

included Insane Machine shutting the washer door on CLM's head and Love Machine ripping the arm off of the ringside C3-PO replica and slapping

Insane Machine with it over and over again. Insane Machine won the match after he hit California Love Machine with his signature diving head butt.



While the ring crew cleans up the aftermath of that ridiculous match, we go to the locker room, where Air Attack Weasel is standing with Kill

Switch, Remmy Skye, and The Storm. Akima Brave, Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo burts in.






Rudy Velasquez: There's that little rat!


Weasel cowers behind the wall formed by Kill Switch, Skye and Storm.


Akima Brave: We don't care about the rest of you freaks, all we want is the Weasel! He has to pay for his betrayal!


Kill Switch, Remmy Skye and the Storm part like the red sea, extending their arms out to Air Attack Weasel as if to present a big prize on some

tv game show.


Kill Switch: You can have him.


Air Attack Weasel: WHAT!?!?! You guys are just going to stand aside after all I did for you?!?!


Kill Switch: Listen Weasel, you helped us, but that was just because it benefitted you. The second something else benefits you more, you'll stab

us in the back just like you did to these guys. The Sparrow has no use for weak, back-stabbing cowards.


Akima Brave and The Latino Kings take a few steps towards Air Attack Weasel who backs up and drops to his knees, praying like his life depends on



Air Attack Weasel: Please don't do this! I'll do anything!


Akima Brave: Save it Weasel! You don't have anything we want.


Air Attack Weasel: Sure I do! How long can you guys possible beat on me back here before someone says I've had enough? Wouldn't it be more

beneficial to you to get your hands on me in the ring? Say in a steel cage match where no one could possibly get involved?


Akima Brave: You know what Weasel? I like that. I like that a lot. You and me. Steel Cage. Tonight.


Rudy Velasquez: That's all well and good for you, man, but he screwed us too.


Akima Brave: Well then have at 'em boys!


The Latino Kings stomp the crap out of Weasel while Akima Brave walks away. Both Velasquez and Galindo mutter in Spanglish about Weasel being a

traitor and a rat while giving him a beat down. (48)


Chess Maniac vs. Cobra




With the ring clear of debris, we go on to our next match: A double debut. For the uninitiated, both of these guys pride themselves on their

grappling and submissions. From there, they vary greatly however. Chess Maniac is the thinking mans wrestler. He isn't the most technically or

athletically gifted, but he makes up for it with wits and game plans. Meanwhile, Cobra comes in to every match the same. He wants to get his

opponent wrapped up and slowly and methodically squeeze the life out of them before choking them out. In this bout, Cobra was never really able

to get out of the gate, as Chess Maniac handled him from bell to bell. Maniac won the match with his finishing manuver, the Check Mate, which

is a modified Texas Clover Leaf. (42)


Cage Match:

Akima Brave vs. Air Attack Weasel




Up next was the cage match between Akima Brave and Air Attack Weasel. Brave probably regrets not getting his licks in with the Latino Kings, as

Weasel had a few tricks up his sleeve for Brave and pretty much got out of this one without any damage. As soon as the bell rang, a humongous

mountain of a man known as Mutant, King of the Wasteland, showed up and destroyed the chain on the cage door. He and Akima went at it while Weasel

cowardly snuck up and out of the cage, winning the match before it had really even started. By the time Akima got away from Mutant, Air Attack

Weasel was already out of the cage and running out of the arena.




Following that instant classic steel cage match, we get another appearance from our rather schizophrenic CZCW Commissioner, The Sparrow.


The Sparrow: That contest concludes our singles competition for the night. Now onto our quadruple main event, the quarterfinals of the tag team

championship tournament. Go ahead and put the bracket up to let fans watching at home know what I'm talking about.


Sparrow stands in the ring awkwardly, as no graphic is put up. Sparrow then realizes a graphic was never made because he has the only bracket. He

pulls a crumpled up napkin out of his pocket and uncrumples it, trying to smooth it out as best he can. He has the camera man zoom in on the

sloppy, pretty much illegible "bracket" on the napkin. Production values!


The Sparrow: As many of you may know, the tag champs here have a ridiculous clause that allows them to avoid defending their title. Fortunately,

there have been several loop holes. LOOP HOLES. that me and other commissioners have been able to take advantage of. For instance, a tournament

waves this entry fee clause. BUT A NORMAL TOURNAMENT WOULD BE BORING! so I mixed and matched the teams. NOW ITS FUN! The winning "team" of the

tournament will be made up of individuals from two separate teams. These two separate teams will end up fighting for the belts. LETS GET STARTED!



Al Coleman and Rudy Velasquez vs. Joe Gilbert and Greg Keith




Both teams are hesitant off the start and who can blame them? How are they expected to successfully tag up with a random rival? This match proves

that some people can do it better than others, as Al Coleman and Rudy Velasquez didn't look all that out of place being on the same team, where

Joe Gilbert and Greg Keith got along like oil and water. Coleman and Velasquez both have a temper and a mean streak, which is probably what led

to them clicking despite never having tagged before. They mainly took out their frustrations on CZCW newcomer, Joe Gilbert, while Keith stood

in the corner with a whiny Eli Manning-esque expression, feeling like his teammate was letting him down. Rudy Velasquez ends up winning the match

after he hit Joe Gilbert with patented sitout facebuster (X-Factor). (55)


Remmy Skye and Jackpot Jordan vs. Moroi and Canadian Dragon




Our next match pits two CZCW mainstays against two CZCW newcomers, Moroi and Canadian Dragon. In the first match, the two teams just seemed like

it was unpleasant to be partnered up with who they were partnered up with. In this match, these guys seemed disgusted to share a corner with their

partners. Jackpot Jordan dealt with this predicament using the old "group project strategy", in which he allowed Remmy Skye to do all the work in

the match while he just sat back and tried to look engaged. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, Moroi and Canadian Dragon actually tried

some tagging in and out, but each time they touched each others hands they looked like they wanted to bathe in hand sanitizer. Once Remmy Skye

had worn down the opposition, Jackpot Jordan decided to finally get involved in the match. Jordan ends up stealing the glory, pinning Canadian

Dragon after hitting his devistating finisher, The All In (Alabama Slam). (57)


Jesse Gilbert and Matthew Keith vs. Marc Speed and Hector Galindo




While the first two matches consisted of guys begrudgingly teaming up, these guys actually didn't seem to mind their assigned opponents. Marc

Speed and Hector Galindo seemed to come in to the match in good spirits, looking to continue what their respective partners started earlier in

the night, moving on in the tournament over Joe Gilbert and Greg Keith. Jesse Gilbert and Matthew Keith could've come in to this match with sour

attitudes, but instead they looked at where their brothers failed and wanted to correct their mistakes. Matthew Keith and Jesse Gilbert put most

long time tag teams to shame with their excellent communication and teamwork. It remains to be seen whether this was just beginners luck or

something more, but we will have at least one more opportunity to see Gilbert and Keith tag up as they stormed through Marc Speed and Hector

Galindo, with Gilbert picking up the pin on Hector. (46)


Kill Switch and Jake Idol vs. Babau and UK Dragon




After some good teamwork in the last bout, this match went right back to individuals competing in a team environment. Kill Switch and Jake Idol

got the better of things, mainly just because they are superior on an individual basis to Babau and UK Dragon. Just like their partners earlier

in the night, Babau and UK Dragon seemed to especially resent the fact that they were forced to be on the same side in this match. In the end,

Kill Switch blows a kiss to UK Dragon and then blasts him with a super kick that he calls The Kiss of Death for the win. (51)


Overall Show Rating: 49 (This is by far CZCW's lowest rated show ever. This show was certainly...different. It remains to be seen whether The

Sparrow's lunacy is producing a wrestling product ahead of its time or completely devoid of any sense or value. Only time will tell.)

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CZCW The Sequel


Saturday Week 4 April 2015

3623 at Gorski Ballroom


El Mitico Jr. vs. Marvel Malloy




After the bizarre trainwreck that was The Sparrow's first show at the helm, this show ended up starting on a completely normal note. Two up and

comers going at in a no frills wrestling match to see who's the better man. Marvel Malloy tried to ground the aerial stud, but El Mitico Jr.

refused to let him implement his gameplan. El Mitico Jr. stayed light on his feet and showed his luchador roots in route to a tidy victory

over Malloy. (50)


Just as things started to feel like good ol' CZCW, The Sparrow's disheveled self stumbles out to the top of the entrance ramp. He's still wearing

the leather trenchcoat that he wore last show and it is entirely possible based off of his appearance that he hasn't bathed or changed clothing

since then.




The Sparrow: THAT is what I AM talking ABOUT.


He oddly emphasized random words in the sentence, like he has completely forgotten the cadence of a normal sentence. He continues to have completely

disjointed and weird speech for the rest of the evening.


The Sparrow: The REVIEWS are in. Not SO good sparrow. ODD. weird. UNFOMFORTABLE. HAHAHAHAHA! I'm not one to SHY away from self improvement.

Too weird? Fine. Turn down the knob. Not enough wrestling. Okay. Got it. More. ELIMINATE negatives, MORE positives. MORE tournaments. Mas

torneos. Tourneos de luchadores. El Rey de la Mascara. Uno tortilla con carne bicicleta. Muchas camisas...


The Sparrow's voice trails off as he walks back out of arena mid-sentence.




Hustler D: Did you catch any of dat? Any espanol in your high school days, Joke?


Joker The Pimp: Only a few curse words I picked up here and there from my dad fighting with his Spanish side chick. Stuff like sacapuntas!


Hustler D: Whoa! Are we allowed to say that on air? (34)


Findlay O'Farraday vs. Chet Chavez




We go to another standard wrestling staple match, the squash. Chet Chavez needs experience and Findlay O'Farraday needs a bit of momentum, so

the big Georgia Bulldog goes out there and tosses Chavez around for a few minutes, getting in some of his signature moves, en route to a one

sided victory. (47)




After a brief break, we come back to the ring where Too Hot (another new CZCW signing) and Frankie Dee are in the ring. Frankie Dee looks like he's ready to start a match, but Too Hot stops him and tells him they aren't out here to fight, they are out here to dance. Too Hot does a little dance routine which gets a moderate pop from the crowd. When its Frankie's turn to dance, the serious martial artist absolutely refuses. After some coaxing, Frankie Dee agrees to dance. The music comes on and Dee does a couple dance like moves, but then out of nowhere, kicks Too Hot right in the jaw, laying him out. Dee gets on the mic and informs Too Hot that he doesn't dance, he fights. (30)


Mikey James vs. Felipe Caballero




Another squash match. This one was slightly more interesting with the debuting Felipe Caballero being introduced to us, but its still one sided

predictable "action". James wins...of course. (48)


James is soaking up the cheers from the crowd when a loud feedback sound comes from one of the mics. A ringside fan has snatched a microphone

from the announcer.


Hustler D: Looks like one of avid fans has somethin they want to say.


Joker The Pimp: That's not a fan!




Mobstar: So this is Mr. CZCW, huh? Mikey James? I've got to say: you were built up a lot more than what you lived up to tonight. Being one of the

biggest guys in GSW, I'm always hearin' about our rivals in CZ dub. I'm always hearin about how great ya'll are. How much better you are than me

and my dudes. Well I just don't see it Mikey. You ain't nothin' special. You all hype.


Mikey James: Oh yeah? Well I don't even know who you are?


Mobstar: Oh it's like that Mikey? Well you can play dumb all you want and act like you don't know who I am, but going forward, there won't be a

single person in this company that doesn't know my name. I'm Mobstar and I'm gonna show all of ya'll what GSW is about!


James and Mobstar stare each other down, exchanging words that can't be picked up by the microphones. (48)


We go to an unknown location where a bandaged up Guru is sitting at a table. The camera pans a bit to reveal former CZCW commentators, Ernie Turner

and Mitch Naess. They appear to be waiting for someone as Carl Batch comes into the room.




Carl Batch: Sorry I'm late fellas.


Mitch Naess: Alright lets get this over with quickly. The last thing we need that psycopath to know is that we are trying to get rid of him.


Ernie Turner: Don't forget those freaky little clowns!


Mitch Naess: The clowns too. But this isn't just about us getting our job back. This is about getting CZCW back.


The Guru: I agree. So here is what we are going to do...


Camera fades back to the ring where KC Glenn is already in the squared circle, getting warmed up for his mystery opponent. He waits and waits,

but no one is coming out. Then the lights dim and a scene from Jumanji plays on the big screen in the arena. It's the scene where the little boy

Peter takes his turn and ends up getting this response from the board game, "This will not be an easy mission, monkeys slow the expedition." As

soon as the quote finishes, the movie clip cuts out and the sound of screeching monkeys fills the arena. The entrance ramp is then filled with

about a dozen or so men dressed in various primate costumes, suddenly turning CZCW into an extremely low budget version of the Planet of the Apes.

All the primates stop suddenly and turn their attention back to the top of the entrance ramp. Hells Monkey is in CZCW!


Hells Monkey vs. KC Glenn




Hells Monkey rushes down to the ring and the two men get right to it. Usually known as being quite the technician, KC Glenn immediately finds

himself dragged down into a bar room brawl, throwing wild haymakers back and forth with Monkey in reckless fashion. After the first couple

minutes of explosive action, both men had spent their adrenaline rush and settled down into a more moderate paced match. Glenn fell back on his

technical approach to the game, looking to outgrapple Hells Monkey at every turn. Hells Monkey tried to outgrapple Glenn, but that just led to

him coming up short for a decent stretch in the match. Once Monkey mixed things up with hard hitting and high flying offense, he was able to get

some momentum going and even take a couple shots at winning the match. Overall, this match ended up going much longer than anyone expected. It

was almost 20 minutes before KC Glenn was able to finally defeat Hells Monkey and while most of the crowd thoroughly enjoyed the match, it was

still a bit drug on. (62)


Kill Switch and Jake Idol vs. Al Coleman and Rudy Velasquez




This mix and match tag team tournament continues with this semi-final, or quarterfinal depending upon whether you consider the end of the

tournament when the two teams break apart and go for the title or just the two teams earning the title match. This ended up being a really dull,

predictable tag match where Coleman and Velasquez isolated Idol and beat on him for much of the match. Idol then got the hot tag in to Kill Switch,

who clears house and then goes on to win the match. CZCW hardly ever runs cookie cutter matches and after this one, I don't think they should

get in the habit any time soon. (43)


In a backstage area, Akima Brave is on the mic.




Akima Brave: I...HATE...rats. But do you know what I hate almost as much? The rats buddy that keeps him from getting the beating he deserves.

Mutant, you stuck your big ugly nose where it didn't belong. So now, I have to put Weasel's beatdown on hold to take care of you. And believe me

Mutant, every time I hit you, I'm going to hit you just a little bit harder for making me wait. And Weasel, don't think I've forgotten about you.

You aren't off the hook. Not by a long shot. (57)


In the locker room, Jesse Gilbert and Matthew Keith are getting warmed up for their match. Greg Keith and Joe Gilbert are also in the locker room,

but they aren't doing anything productive, choosing instead to incessantly argue and fight with each other about who lost them their tag match

last show.




Matthew Keith: Will you two cut it out! We've got a big match up next and we don't need you two little girls distracting us with your petty BS!


Jesse Gilbert: Yeah Joe, stop fighting with him. We are still in this thing anyway as long as me and Matt can win.


Joe Gilbert: I can't believe you are taking his side!


Jesse Gilbert: I'm not taking anyones side, man. I just want to focus on my match, okay?


Greg Keith: Don't try and act like you and my brother aren't getting all buddy buddy. Remember, when you guys win this tournament, it will be

me and my brother beating you gap toothed Canadians for the tag titles!


Both Gilbert Brothers get in Greg Keith's face. Matthew splits them apart and tries to play peace keeper.


Matthew Keith: Guys! Guys! Its time for our match! Drop this crap right now!


Matthew and Jesse leave the locker room while Greg and Joe glare at each other. (48)


Jesse Gilbert and Matthew Keith vs. Remmy Skye and Jackpot Jordan




Before the match starts, Matthew Keith and Jesse Gilbert communicate in the corner, getting on the same page. They put their brotherly squabbles

behind them and go on to once again look like quite the cohesive tag team. The match started out pretty even, but Keith and Gilbert's teamwork

slowly started to overcome their opponents. Skye and Jordan desperately tried to cling to life in this match, but as time went on, they couldn't

stay above water. Matthew Keith ends up tapping Jackpot Jordan for the win. (59)


Coastal and Xtreme Championship Match:

Colossus vs. Sayeed Ali




So in an effort to make amends to the fans, The Sparrow gave them a title versus title match in the main event. Unfortunately, both champions

are friends and partners. Ali demands Colossus lay down for him and after some reassurance from Farrah Hasketh, does as he is told. Ali covers

him up as the crowd showers him with boos. The ref is just about to put his hand down for the three count when Colossus impressively tosses Ali

off of him and gets back to his feet. Ali questions and berates Colossus, telling him to "lay back down", but he isn't having it. Ali throws a

punch at Colossus, but the big man stops it and we actually end up having a match. Not a particularly good match, mind you, but a match. Colossus

is certainly limited in the ring and Ali really didn't bring out the best in him. After a clunky several minutes that weren't going well for Ali

at all, Sayeed gets himself intentionally disqualified, conveniently allowing both men to retain their own championships. (43)


Overall Show Rating: 49 (We have 2 shows under The Sparrow now. One was the worst rated and the other was the second worst rated. He's going to

have to turn things around or the pressure to toss him out as Commissioner won't just be coming from The Guru and Carl Batch.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">CZCW Tournamental</span></p><p> </p><p>

Saturday Week 2 May 2015</p><p>

3673 at Gorski Ballroom</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Hustler%20D_zpsksllgcjm.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Joker%20The%20Pimp_zps0m95jgqy.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Hustler D:</span></span> Welcome to one of the tolerable wrestling shows on the planet, CZCW. Tonight's show, stupidly called "Tournamental" by our bird brained</p><p>

advertisement people, will be packed with tournament action. We will have both the continuation of the tag team tourney and the start of a new</p><p>

tournament...El Ray...day...</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Joker The Pimp:</span></span> El Rey De Mascara!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Hustler D:</span></span> Ooo look at you rollin' your r's and whatnot! Anyways, as my partner said, we're kickin' off a lucha based tournament where 8 masked</p><p>

men will face off to see who is the King of The Masks or...</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Joker The Pimp:</span></span> El Rey de Mascara! (28)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">El Rey de Mascara Quarterfinal:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

El Mitico Jr. vs. The American Flash </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/El%20Miacutetico_zpspf4jumcl.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/The%20American%20Flash_zpsrcmjeqz9.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

El Mitico Jr. and The American Flash kick off El Rey de Mascara tournament. This match looks like it came straight from Mexico, with an abundance</p><p>

of high flying moves and chaotic series of manuveurs, one right after the other. The match got the crowd warmed up and when El Mitico Jr. picked</p><p>

up the victory, the crowd gave a nice pop for the up and coming fourth generation wrestler. (51)</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, Sayeed Ali is walking through the halls with purpose. He makes it to a door that has CZCW Commissioner written accross it. He goes to</p><p>

knock, but just lets himself in. The Commissioners office used to have a desk and some chairs and a bookcase. You know, normal office stuff. </p><p>

Well, now the office is devoid of all that and all that remains is an enormous pile of what appears to be hay in the corner of the room in the</p><p>

form of a human sized nest. Inside this human sized nest is CZCW Commissioner and certified lunatic, The Sparrow, getting some rest. Ali looks</p><p>

at the scene in disgust before waking Sparrow up.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Sayeed%20Ali_zpskaztlw8e.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Matt%20Sparrow_zpsjwqwvsay.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Sayeed Ali:</span></span> Yo!</p><p> </p><p>

The Sparrow jolts awake and offers a hand to Sayeed Ali, who promptly turns him down.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Sayeed Ali:</span></span> What did you call me back here for?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Things need to get better. You. Colossus. Crap. You. Dumpster? Gooooolllddd. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Sayed Ali:</span></span> Yo, cut out the crazy caveman shit so I can get on my way.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> The Garbage Man returns...tonight!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Sayeed Ali:</span></span> Oh yeah!?! Who's gettin' the pink slip, boss?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Uhhhhh...</p><p> </p><p>

The Sparrow pokes his head out of his office, looking down the hallway to the left, then to the right. He grabs someone who was walking by and </p><p>

pulls him into the office.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>%5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Frankie-Boy%20Fernandes_zpscfsg6uqr.jpg</span>[/img]</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Frankie-Boy Fernandes sound good?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Sayeed Ali:</span></span> Tough luck, Frank. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Frankie-Boy Fernandes:</span></span> Wait....what?</p><p> </p><p>

Sayeed Ali walks out of the office and down the hall. The Sparrow then pushes a very confused Frankie-Boy Fernandes back out of the office and</p><p>

shuts the door behind him. (44)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mobstar vs. Jonnie Perez </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mobstar_zpsw0gydxjc.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Jonnie%20Perez_zps9xnfkx6d.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

We go back to ringside where Jonnie Perez is already in the ring, awaiting his opponent. Mobstar's entrance music hits and the new CZCW wrestler</p><p>

comes down to the ring, holding up a "GSW" flag. The match itself was very much just a showcase for Mobstar, who easily ran through Perez.(50)</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Mobstar gets on the mic.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mobstar:</span></span> You see Mikey, THAT'S how you do it! I'm coming for you next pretty boy. GSW is the King of the Southwest and I'm here ta prove it. (47)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Akima Brave vs. Mutant </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Akima%20Brave_zpsfqni11so.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mutant_zpsctn5pxt2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

I think Mutant kind of surprised everyone in this match with his ability to toss Akima Brave around like he was nothing. For the first several</p><p>

minutes of this fight, it looked like Brave might not have an answer for Weasel's muscle. However, Brave switched gears and stayed light on his </p><p>

feet. This allowed him to get damage in where he could and wore the big man out at the same time. Brave also went after Mutants leg, chopping him</p><p>

down like tree. Once Brave got the big TIMBER! moment, he went right after Mutant's ankle with submission holds. He ends up getting Mutant to tap,</p><p>

much to the surprise of everyone. (57)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Air%20Attack%20Weasel_zpsqgcnrbfv.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Just as Mutant taps, Air Attack Weasel comes from out of nowhere into the ring. Brave immediately releases the hold and goes after Weasel, but </p><p>

Weasel slides out of the ring. Brave tries to get Weasel to come back in the ring and fight him, but Weasel wasn't having it. After some jawing</p><p>

back and forth, Akima Brave turns around to a recovered Mutant who kicks him in the midsection and then powerbombs him damn near through the </p><p>

canvas. Weasel then courageously slides back into the ring where he and Mutant beat the tar out of Brave for the next minute or so. (38)</p><p> </p><p>

Back in CZCW Commissioner's Office, The Sparrow is standing with Storm and Remmy Skye.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Storm%20Spillane_zpsyxw16n6u.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Remmy%20Skye_zpskhmtdvyx.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Remmy Skye:</span></span> Hey Boss, ever since we won you the commissioners job, we've felt kind of...</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Storm:</span></span> Lost.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Sparrow:</span></span> Lost? But you're right here?!?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Remmy Skye:</span></span> Not physically, like...</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Storm:</span></span> Motivationally. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Remmy Skye:</span></span> Yeah. We won you the job, but...now what? </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> We keep going. Keep giving the downtrodden places. Keep promoting tag teams above all. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Storm:</span></span> Well that's great and all, but WE were promised a better future. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Better future? DESTROY past. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Storm:</span></span> You want me to...</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> You and Marvel. 1 on 1. Tonight. Remmy. You're up next. (34)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Remmy Skye vs. Felipe Caballero </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Remmy%20Skye_zpskhmtdvyx.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Felipe%20Caballero_zpsr5o1ltxk.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Remmy Skye's match ends up being a really well done squash match against Felipe Caballero. 'Nuff said.(67)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Dumpster Match:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Sayeed Ali vs. Frankie-Boy Fernandes </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Sayeed%20Ali_zpskaztlw8e.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Frankie-Boy%20Fernandes_zpscfsg6uqr.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Sayeed Ali is actually the first out to the ring, methodically placing his garbage cans and lids around ringside and wiping down the dumpster.</p><p>

Frankie-Boy Fernandes comes out, looking around in disbelief, still not sure how he ended up in this prediciment. He does come out to fight,</p><p>

but with his job on the line in one of Sayeed Ali's patented Dumpster matches, he falls way short. Sayeed dominates Fernandes and then drops</p><p>

him into the dumpster and shuts the lid, metaphorically shutting the door on Frankie-Boy Fernandes' CZCW career. (45)</p><p> </p><p>

After Ali celebrates, leaves the ring and his arena cuts off, Frankie-Boy Fernandes comes out of the dumpster to a pretty big cheer considering</p><p>

his position on the card. He's about halfway up the ramp when his long time tag team partner, California Love Machine comes out. Despite their</p><p>

recent falling out, CLM looks to wish his former partner all the best.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/California%20Love%20Machine_zpsucoul7vv.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">CLM:</span></span> Frankie...tough break man.</p><p> </p><p>

California Love Machine extends his hand to Frankie. When Frankie puts his out, CLM retracts his to a chorus of boos from the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">CLM:</span></span> On second thought, just get out of here! Sayeed Ali just proved what I was saying all along: You are the weak link. With you gone, maybe</p><p>

now CZCW will be able to realize my true brilliance. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Frankie-Boy Fernandes:</span></span> Good luck with that a**hole! </p><p> </p><p>

CLM hits Fernandes right in the gut with a knee to the breadbasket and then lays him out on top of the entrance ramp with a devistating DDT. CLM</p><p>

smiles over his fallen former comrade and walks to the back. (34)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Marvel Malloy vs. Storm </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Marvel%20Malloy_zpsictjwvuv.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Storm%20Spillane_zpsyxw16n6u.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

After a brief break, we get our recently announced match between Marvel Malloy and Storm. These two have been friends their entire lives and are</p><p>

practically brothers, but The Sparrow drove a wedge between them and caused Storm to see the world a different way. Marvel tries to get Storm to </p><p>

see the light early on in the match and leave his psychotic leader, but Storm tells Malloy he's just jealous that he's finally going places. With</p><p>

his attempts to change Storms mind failing outright, he goes to a more old school approach and tries to beat the crazy out of him. Both guys ramp</p><p>

up the match, utilizing their hardhitting puroresu styles that they picked up from all those years of watching tapes of PGHW and WLW in Japan. </p><p>

After a pretty solid match, Storm ends up picking the win over his former friend. After the match, he tells Marvel's lifeless body that it had to</p><p>

be done and exits the ring. (46)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">El Rey de Mascara Quarterfinal:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Chess Maniac vs. Insane Machine </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Chess%20Maniac_zpsyku0otpr.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Insane%20Machine_zpspuf4lwfh.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Our second quarterfinal is quite an intriguing one, as it pits two luchadors that between them might only have one full bag of marbles. This one</p><p>

was hard to handicap, as Chess Maniac just made his CZCW within the last month, and while he had an impressive showing, he is still largely an</p><p>

unknown commodity. Meanwhile, Insane Machine has had a hot and cold return to CZCW since last year, but at 41 years of age, it is only amount of </p><p>

time until he stays cold. Perhaps this is the start of the decline, as Chess Maniac just looked a step ahead of Machine throughout this match, and</p><p>

not even because of superior phyisicality. Chess Maniac outstrategized and outmanuevered Insane Machine en route to a win and a somewhat unlikely </p><p>

berth in the semifinals of El Rey de Mascara tournament. (53)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Tag Team Tournament Final:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Kill Switch and Jake Idol vs. Matthew Keith and Jesse Gilbert </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Frankie%20Perez_alt1_zps6z9t1hsb.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Jake%20Idol_zpshdz6yrwi.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Jesse%20Gilbert_zpsr073zgmm.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Matthew%20Keith_zpsyzirwvah.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Well, after a long and rather strange tag team tournament, we are at the end. The winning pair will break off their makeshift tag team, regain </p><p>

their usual partner and then face their former partners team for the CZCW tag team titles. Easy enough, right? As has been the story through much </p><p>

of this tournament, Kill Switch and Jake Idol co-exist because of their common goal, but they don't click the way Matthew Keith and Jesse Gilbert</p><p>

do. After a long solid match, it looked like Keith and Gilberts team work would prevail, but Jackpot Jordan got his big ugly nose involved in things,</p><p>

clocking Gilbert over the head with his betting money briefcase and then dragging Jake Idol over Gilbert for the pin. Just as Jackpot was looking</p><p>

to wake the referee up, Matthew Keith took Jackpot out of the match and also tossed Jake Idol out of the ring for good measure. Unfortunately for </p><p>

him, Kill Switch blows Matthew Keith a kiss and then blasts him with a "Kiss of Death" super kick. Kill Switch pushes Matthew Keith out of </p><p>

the ring and pins Jesse Gilbert just as the referee is coming back to. 1....2....3...No! Jesse Gilbert kicks out! The match continues on and both</p><p>

men need a tag out. Gilbert gets it and Keith cuts Kill Switch off from his tag partner. Jordan tries to interfere, but Jesse Gilbert comes around</p><p>

from behind and takes him out. Idol then turns his attention to Jordan and Gilbert on the outside, giving Keith an opening to pick up the pinfall</p><p>

in the ring and get the win. Idol and Jordan can't believe it. In their eyes, Kill Switch just lost them their titles without either of them </p><p>

personally being involved in the decision. (68)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall Show Rating:</strong> 61</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">CZCW David vs. Goliath</span></p><p> </p><p>

Saturday Week 4 May 2015</p><p>

3673 at Gorski Ballroom</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">El Rey de Mascara Quarterfinal:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Babau vs. UK Dragon </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Babau_zpsue2ne860.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/UK%20Dragon_zpsue2a0mak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

CZCW again kicks off with its tournament of masked men, this time Babau and UK Dragon going at it. Arguably, these two and their partners</p><p>

were the inspiration for this tournament, with the way they just could not co-exist in the tag team tournament. UK Dragon's distaste for </p><p>

the eccentric Babau was apparent throughout this match up. UK Dragon worked a pretty traditional style match, methodically working away</p><p>

on Babau, sapping Babau's energy as the minutes tick away. Babau hits a huge second wind, hits a series of signature moves and gets the </p><p>

come from behind win for the opening round win. (60)</p><p> </p><p>

After a brief break, California Love Machine comes down to the ring, microphone in hand, with a smirk on his face.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/California%20Love%20Machine_zpsucoul7vv.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">CLM:</span></span> I feel like I can finally breathe!</p><p> </p><p>

The crowd boos.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">CLM:</span></span> I liked Frankie, really I did, but the kid just isn't on my level. Someone with my looks, my charisma, my talent? Well, let's just say that </p><p>

CZCW Coastal Championship will be around my waist in no time. So who wants to be the first man on my storied path to the title, huh? Chet Chavez?</p><p>

Jonnie Perez? </p><p> </p><p>

After a few moments of waiting, the sound of monkeys screeching fills the arena. CLM's smirk disappears as he realizes who is coming out to answer</p><p>

his challenge. At the top of the ramp stands Hell Monkey, staring at CLM. Hell Monkey throws his mask to the ground and runs to the ring. (36)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">California Love Machine vs. Hell Monkey </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/California%20Love%20Machine_zpsucoul7vv.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Hell%20Monkey_zps9xqzchfn.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

This match mainly consisted of Hell Monkey hunting CLM around the ring, with Machine trying to weasel his way out of any sort of a fair fight,</p><p>

only looking to strike Hell Monkey when his back was turned or when it was technically illegal. This strategy lasted the entirety of the match,</p><p>

and ended up being successful as CLM rolled Monkey up and got the flash pinfall. Hell Monkey kicked out right after 3, but it was too late. </p><p>

As soon as the ref hit the mat for the third time, CLM booked it out of the ring. (47)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Farrah%20Hesketh_zpspyfeefze.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Matt%20Sparrow_zpsjwqwvsay.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

We go backstage where Farrah Hasketh is outside The Sparrow's office. As always, she's wearing a skimpy secretary outfit that she skimps up a </p><p>

little bit more before knocking on the door by pulling up her skirt and opening a button or two on her blouse. The disheveled CZCW Commissioner </p><p>

opens the door, completely oblivious to Farrah Hasketh's attempt to seduce him.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Farrah Hasketh:</span></span> Hi Sparrow!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Uh...Yeah?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Farrah Hasketh:</span></span> Hey, I heard you talking to Sayeed Ali last show about how he was going back to his little dumpster matches and wouldn't</p><p>

fight Colossus anymore. Well, this was quite the surprise to my client Colossus and I. We were under the impression that there was still</p><p>

a score to be settled between the two gentleman.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Score? This isn't basketball. Where's the scoreboard?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Farrah Hasketh:</span></span> It was a figure of speech. Anyways, I just came back here to try and pick your brain. I'd like to know what you have in</p><p>

mind for Colossus. Which titan is next? Which giant does Colossus have to slay next?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Giant? *YAWN* No more Godzilla. I was thinking Samuel. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Farrah Hasketh:</span></span> Samuel? There's no Samuel in CZCW?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> No. Bible. Book of Samuel. David vs. Goliath. Familiar?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Farrah Hasketh:</span></span> Yes...? So who is David then?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Who says Colossus isn't David?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Farrah Hasketh:</span></span> The fact that he's 6'11", over 300 hundred pounds and twice the man than anyone on this entire roster. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Just a joke! So serious! Colossus will fight KC Glenn. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Farrah Hasketh:</span></span> KC Glenn? Colossus is going to squash that hick like a bug. (49)</p><p> </p><p>

In the ring, Mobstar and Mikey James are in the ring, looking to talk, not fight. </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mobstar_zpsw0gydxjc.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mikey%20James_zps24np5i6v.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mobstar:</span></span> I'd say it's time me and you sign on the dotted line Mr. James. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mikey James:</span></span> I couldn't agree more. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mobstar:</span></span> The only thing left to decide is what kind of match we will have. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mikey James:</span></span> What is to decide? </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mobstar:</span></span> Well Mikey, with the stakes of this match, I didn't really think a vanilla ol' singles match would do it justice. How can you hold a </p><p>

GSW vs. CZCW match and not have any weapons? How can you determine the king of the south west without any danger? </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mikey James:</span></span> That's the problem with guys like you, Mobstar. Always have to think that everything they are involved in is some huge thing. King</p><p>

of the south west? What kind of garbage is that? How about you and me just square off, one on one, see who really deserves to be at CZCW on the</p><p>

top of the card and who deserves to be floundering in GSW, wondering if their next paycheck is going to clear. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mobstar:</span></span> Oh you want to talk shit, huh? Well how 'bout...</p><p> </p><p>

The Sparrow interrupts the squabble between James and Mobstar. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> This is not Burger King! You don't make the matches, I do! Three words: Last...Man...Standing. (41)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Shoot Fight:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Frankie Dee vs. Too Hot</span></span></strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Frankie%20Dee_zpsgeybjvfe.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Too%20Hot_zpslszk53th.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

After Frankie Dee was embarrassed in Too Hot's arena, the Dance Off, Frankie Dee wanted to embarrass Too Hot in his, the cage with strikes and </p><p>

submissions. Unfortunately, this ended up being an even bigger embarrassment for Dee, as Too Hot made a joke of the whole situation, dancing</p><p>

and goofing off while Frankie Dee was trying to take his head off with kicks and punches. Dee's frustration got the better of him and Too Hot</p><p>

was able to catch him as he was getting wild, picking up the unlikely victory. (35)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">El Rey de Mascara Quarterfinal:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Moroi vs. Canadian Dragon</span></span></strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Moroi_zpsno2nbui0.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Canadian%20Dragon_zpsbr9iqbby.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

The final quarterfinal pits Moroi against Canadian Dragon. Unlike their partners earlier in the night, this match had a much quicker, much more</p><p>

chaotic feel to it, with both guys gambling more with their arsenal and going with all out offense, with little regard for their own safety. In </p><p>

the end, Moroi follows step with his tag team partner Babau and pulls off the win. (51)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Findlay O'Farraday vs. Cobra </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Findlay%20OFarraday_zpsegil6d4u.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Cobra_zpsjuostukv.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Squash match in favor of Findlay O'Farraday. (45)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Shoot Club (Marc Speed and Al Coleman) vs. The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo) </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Marc%20Speed_zpsycmwgi4k.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Al%20Coleman_zpspet73nbn.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Rudy%20Velasquez_zpspvmqplzj.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Hector%20Galindo_zpsvcxonslj.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Before this match, we were shown interaction between the two teams backstage before the show. They had a friendly argument about who's fault it </p><p>

was that they didn't end up making it to the end of the tag team tournament. In the end, they decided they should face off tonight to see which </p><p>

team is superior. In the end, the Latino Kings picked up the victory and the two sets of teams shook hands and embraced after the bout, showing </p><p>

a lot of respect between the four men. (62)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">CZCW Xtreme Championship:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Colossus vs. KC Glenn </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Hells%20Bouncer_alt_zpsiruldiiw.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/KC%20Glenn_zps9sz55705.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

This did play out like a David vs. Goliath scenario, just without the right ending. KC Glenn used his speed and technique to combat Colossus, but </p><p>

in the end, the giant's strength and brute force were just too much. Glenn also didn't really utilize any weapons, appearing to be completely </p><p>

unfamiliar with the hardcore environment, while Colossus thrived on clobbering Glenn with weapons. Colossus picks up the win and defends his belt.</p><p>

(52)</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Remmy%20Skye_zpskhmtdvyx.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Frankie%20Perez_alt1_zps6z9t1hsb.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Storm%20Spillane_zpsyxw16n6u.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Insane%20Machine_zpspuf4lwfh.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, the camera fades backstage. Remmy Skye, Kill Switch, Storm and Insane Machine bring four bound men with bags over the heads into</p><p>

The Sparrow's office.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> What is this?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Storm:</span></span> These men have been plotting against you. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Kill Switch:</span></span> They want to start another war.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Really? Who are they?</p><p> </p><p>

The four men's hoods are removed, revealing Carl Batch, The Guru, Mitch Naess and Ernie Turner.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Carl%20Batch_zpsvupsavjo.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/The%20Guru_zpsroexfxxf.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mitch%20Naess_alt1_zpsxm5mh5fs.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Ernie%20Turner_zpshevzdlok.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Sparrow:</span></span> Look what we have here!</p><p> </p><p>

Show abruptly cuts to black. (56)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall Show Rating:</strong> 54 (Another bad show. The Sparrow's reign as commissioner is crash landing)</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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For anyone that reads this, I think I'm gonna drop this project and start working on a different one. I feel like this dynasty is kind of jumbled and I didn't like writing for The Sparrow as much as I thought I would. I guess I could clean the Sparrow storyline up and continue from there, but I'm not sure I even want to do that.
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