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Mods by Fleisch

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="claxton110381" data-cite="claxton110381" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39342" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Solomon Crowe asked for, and was granted, his release from WWE.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Wow...I liked his character too!</p><p> </p><p> May as well quit watching WWE now...NJPW is way better!</p>
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<p>I have some feedback towards Lucha Underground:</p><p> </p><p>

- Dario Culo should have a bit more overness since whenever he uses his godly speaking skills he looks out of place and gets heavily penalties for speaking - When he is often a highlight of Lucha Underground being beloved by fans even when he is heeling up. The LU fanbase is really into him and he is often used to promote it on Rey Network's commercials and youtube. He is also always featured in the show for season 1 - It makes no sense for his overness to be THIS low.</p><p>

- Vampiro should have a more flexible contract because he did just that on Lucha Underground. He wrestled a single match, but on the current mod it is impossivle for me to do Pentagon Jr. vs Vampiro II</p><p>

- Konnan was an important on screen character but due to how his contract is set up you cannot use him for angles.</p><p>

Speaking of matches...</p><p>

The product is wrong.</p><p>

LU was having comfortable main events with the likes of Drago (who I would bump his psych up to C- and reduce his basics for a bit) Fenix and Pentagon Jr. </p><p>

They built their entire main event with the likes of Johnny Morrison and Prince Puma (Ricochet).</p><p>

They should be at least "as equally rated in performance". I did some tests and I can do some main events with the workers I mentioned in a more performance fed, otherwise the episode "bombs" with a bad rating (which is nonsense considering how succesful the small show was with these main events.)</p><p> </p><p>

Also the way the product is set and the way Alberto is in it makes me dislike LU on this mod very much because of the following:</p><p>

Alberto isn't limited by dates (kinda pointless now because next update he will go to WWE)</p><p>

Due to how you made the company overness based, either you book Alberto or lose to ROH. Even the AI knows this haha.</p><p> </p><p>

Another argument to make it more performance based is that I can easily exploit Texano's, Alberto's and Mil Muertes (Muertes, not Muertas by the way) overness, go to México, spam matches with them and bam I just beat all the american companies in the mod!</p><p> </p><p>

By setting it more performance based you:</p><p>

- Get closer to the actual product.</p><p>

- Fix the possibility of a player to exploit the product and their workers to just win Regional battles.</p><p> </p><p>

As you make the product more performance based, I'd really bump the psych of most of the members of the roster. They were killing it week in week out. </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.profightdb.com/top-rated-matches/lucha-underground-142.html" rel="external nofollow">http://www.profightdb.com/top-rated-matches/lucha-underground-142.html</a></p><p> </p><p>

Just check some ratings for Lucha Underground coming from the Observer. It is impossible to produce matches of these caliber performance wise due to how the product is set up and how under rated most workers are.</p><p> </p><p>

Sorry if I seem demanding, but I'm a Lucha Underground nut who tried playing it like it was actually booked and the show kinda flopped hard.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fleisch" data-cite="Fleisch" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39342" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks forall the Iinfo. With regards to Lucha Underground, what would youset Iit as because I have it set as a Lucha Libra promotion so I'ma bit confused as to how you see LU Iin terms of its product set up.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The product used on the other mod on the front page had it right for the most part.</p><p> </p><p> See, the LU product we see in the TV is the combination of 3 things:</p><p> - Triple A less traditional Lucha approach</p><p> - American Indie wrestling match make up</p><p> - Production as a TV show with great use of vignettes</p><p> </p><p> Currently, the product doesn't reflect these three.</p><p> </p><p> The product I have been using is the following:</p><p> Traditional Medium</p><p> Mainstream Medium (Debating Heavy here)</p><p> Comedy Low (Son of Havoc entire first portion of LU were comedy matches, but outside the occasional funny match it's not really a focus. However it's important for this to be higher than none.)</p><p> Cult Low (to represent the internet support)</p><p> Risque Low (Some females wear some sexy attire but the camera don't really dwell on it for the most part.)</p><p> Modern Medium (US Indie influence.)</p><p> Realism Low</p><p> Hyper Realism None</p><p> Lucha Libre Key Feature (as it should be!)</p><p> Pure None</p><p> Daredevil Medium (Seriously we have balcony dives, Pentagon Jr. threating to burn someone on TV after dousing them in gasoline and all short of crazy stunts.)</p><p> </p><p> This configuration puts the show "rated equally in performance and overness" and allowed me to book a C- main event with Drago, Fenix and Pentagon Jr. - Very close to the actual match rating in real life.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Ockbald" data-cite="Ockbald" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39342" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The product used on the other mod on the front page had it right for the most part.<p> </p><p> See, the LU product we see in the TV is the combination of 3 things:</p><p> - Triple A less traditional Lucha approach</p><p> - American Indie wrestling match make up</p><p> - Production as a TV show with great use of vignettes</p><p> </p><p> Currently, the product doesn't reflect these three.</p><p> </p><p> The product I have been using is the following:</p><p> Traditional Medium</p><p> Mainstream Medium (Debating Heavy here)</p><p> Comedy Low (Son of Havoc entire first portion of LU were comedy matches, but outside the occasional funny match it's not really a focus. However it's important for this to be higher than none.)</p><p> Cult Low (to represent the internet support)</p><p> Risque Low (Some females wear some sexy attire but the camera don't really dwell on it for the most part.)</p><p> Modern Medium (US Indie influence.)</p><p> Realism Low</p><p> Hyper Realism None</p><p> Lucha Libre Key Feature (as it should be!)</p><p> Pure None</p><p> Daredevil Medium (Seriously we have balcony dives, Pentagon Jr. threating to burn someone on TV after dousing them in gasoline and all short of crazy stunts.)</p><p> </p><p> This configuration puts the show "rated equally in performance and overness" and allowed me to book a C- main event with Drago, Fenix and Pentagon Jr. - Very close to the actual match rating in real life.</p></div></blockquote><p> Cool I shall try those settings for LU instead. I'm always willing to change things, just good to get a little assistance on how sometimes. Just reading my response earlier... my phone likes to put "l" in for no reason!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="claxton110381" data-cite="claxton110381" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39342" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I noticed, Fleisch, that your pics for the ROH belts are outdated. Here are updated pics:<p> </p><p> ROH World Heavyweight; ROH World Television; ROH World Tag Team</p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/3P1WNKx.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/CZqkvrq.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/Wb6RRkP.jpg</span></p></div></blockquote><p> Thank you for these. I shall add them to the picture pack.</p>
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Looking over the October data, and it looks like the New Day members could use boosts to gimmick performance in regards to Cocky, Weasel, and maybe Cool and maybe, maybe Comedy. Both Kofi Kingston and Austin Creed (Xavier Woods) could use a boost for their Heel performance as well. They're both sitting at 50 for Heel performance, which I think will tank their matches and/or segments for not being able to portray a heel. The New Day's contracts could use looking at as well (probably just overlooked). I would say Obnoxious for their gimmick, with their rating being Very Good to maybe Great as they seem to have really gotten that gimmick over. Possibly increase their momentum to Very Good. I would probably also give them Very Low Positive to Positive recent fortunes as they have strung together a lot of wins (maybe not all in a row, but definitely more wins than losses). Lastly, maybe a bit of a pop boost for them? If this was already done and part of the various gimmick performance tweaks listed on the first page, then I apologize for this post.
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Looking over the October data, and it looks like the New Day members could use boosts to gimmick performance in regards to Cocky, Weasel, and maybe Cool and maybe, maybe Comedy. Both Kofi Kingston and Austin Creed (Xavier Woods) could use a boost for their Heel performance as well. They're both sitting at 50 for Heel performance, which I think will tank their matches and/or segments for not being able to portray a heel. The New Day's contracts could use looking at as well (probably just overlooked). I would say Obnoxious for their gimmick, with their rating being Very Good to maybe Great as they seem to have really gotten that gimmick over. Possibly increase their momentum to Very Good. I would probably also give them Very Low Positive to Positive recent fortunes as they have strung together a lot of wins (maybe not all in a row, but definitely more wins than losses). Lastly, maybe a bit of a pop boost for them? If this was already done and part of the various gimmick performance tweaks listed on the first page, then I apologize for this post.


Honestly they should all get a big entertainment boost. They all seem way more charismatic than before and they all have mic segments in each RAW in which they are the best speakers as well the highlight of the RAW.


In Survivor Series, they outpoped Undertaker on his anniversary match. And that is all due to their antics.


They manage to make people chant with them, they can send the audience into laughter, they have them in the palm of their hands. They trule deserve the boost.

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Thunderkitty is set to female


And before I forget, Shanna is not 26. She's 33. She also needs to be set to active in America.


Amanda Rodriguez is set to male.


Amanda Rodriguez is not even in this mod... Thunderkitty is a female and Shanna is active in the USA already. You sure you're looking at RWC?

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Real World Chronicles: December 2015 is now available on page 1. I strongly recommend you download the picture packs as previous packs may not be compatible with this version. A list of what has changed since Octobers release is on page 1, or within the read me file in the database download.


All that's left is to say is, enjoy!

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Real World Chronicles: December 2015 is now available on page 1. I strongly recommend you download the picture packs as previous packs may not be compatible with this version. A list of what has changed since Octobers release is on page 1, or within the read me file in the database download.


All that's left is to say is, enjoy!



Also, not sure if you watched it but last night on NXT a Sami Zayn return vignette aired so I'd set the injury time to about a month.

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Sorry if I missed someone else posting it, but I don't think they have. ROH Spoiler:


"Larry the Cable Guy beat Jeff Dunham when Jalepeno on a stick turned on Dunham"


Have I not set him as ROH TV champ in December's update? I thought I had but if not, thanks for that - a mere oversight on my part.



Also, not sure if you watched it but last night on "The Brady Bunch Jan Brady Rock Bottomed Alice through the families kitchen table" so I'd set the injury time to about a month.


5 weeks I think I set the return for. So he could appear in the Royal Rumble if you so wanted him to, same with Cena.

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I watched ICW (Insane Championship Wrestling) Fear & Loathing VIII and last three events from Fear & Loathing Tour and I would suggest such product changes:

Traditional: Low -> Medium (optional)

Comedy: Low -> Medium (for sure, Grado as new World champ)

Modern: Medium -> Low (optional)

Hardcore: Key Feature -> Medium (for sure - in their biggest event there wasn't a single match that would be classified to this product group, so no way that it can be a key feature)

Daredevil: Medium -> Low (optional)


I would suggest to make ICW Fear & Loathing (change next postfix number to 9, held in November, week 3, 3 hours long, size: Medium or even Big if they sell out SSE Hydro next year, tho, in my opinion, for their ambition alone to held this event in that venue it's deserves to be Big) event as Seasons Finale and maybe raise it's importance to Above Average!

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