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DOTM: March 2015 Nominations

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  1. Credit goes to The Curator/mistaken and The Final Countdown for the layout here.

  2. You have 3 votes to nominate , 1 for each category

  3. All non-Cornellverse diaries (both real world and fantasy) have been combined into a 'Mod' category.

  4. You may substitute your C-Verse nomination for a 2nd Mod nomination, or vice versa.

  5. You may also substitute either your C-Verse nomination or Mod nomination for a second Monthly Spotlight nomination.

  6. Monthly Spotlight Nominations cannot be substituted.

  7. Please place a link to the diary you are nominating.

  8. In the Monthly Spotlight category, you will single out a specific aspect of a diary that particularly impressed you over the course of the month, be it a match, show, angle, storyline, development of a character, etc.

  9. Non-Diary Threads are not eligible.

  10. You may not nominate yourself

  11. All nominations must include a reason

  12. Nominations do NOT need a second. So, once a diary has been nominated PLEASE do NOT nominate it again!

  13. No Rookie DOTM this month so everyone qualifies for Cornellverse/Mod DOTM as long as there is one show in the current month.

  14. All nominations must be within the current forum (Total Extreme Wrestling 2013 Dynasties).

  15. Monthly Spotlight: Minimum requirement of one show during the current month.

  16. Hall of Famers include: Monkeypox, Scapino1974, Tristram, Adam Ryland, Nevermore, Tigerkinney, KeefMoon, J Silver, James Casey, BigPapa42, Marcel Fromage, Reaper, Dragonmack, Eisen-verse, Self, Phantom Stranger, jhd1, The Final Countdown, angeldelayette, NoNeck, 20LEgend, michgcs and MJStark.

  17. A vote for yourself is an automatic disqualification.

  18. You may NOT nominate SWF: Generation Supreme by James Casey for Cornellverse DOTM

  19. You may NOT nominate RW: WWE THREE Brands.... by The Lloyd for Mod DOTM

  20. You may NOT nominate Monday Nights Mean War by Matt Shannon for Monthly Spotlight DOTM

  21. The hope is to update this at least once a day.





Mod DOTM Nominee's:






Cornellverse DOTM Nominee's:




Monthly Spotlight Nominee's:





Nominations will be open until April 1st 2015 (6 am Pacific Time)

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Going to nominate Ayden and packerman120 for their awesome 2-player WWE and WCW diary from 1997:




Everything from the layout to the content is spot on! Not a huge fan of the era, and never really followed WCW, but always liked the idea of a proper vs diary from this era!


And secondly...


michgcs' Bragging Rights pay-per-view from his long running alternate WWE save was an awesome read, so he gets my Monthly Spotlight nomination!



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Nominating SWF: The Dark Age by Eisen-Verse for C-Verse DOTM. Great presentation, great storytelling, all the hallmarks of an E-V diary in there. And he's back doing SWF again!


This is my Monthly Spotlight nominee, from the same diary. This is the reveal of SWF's new ownership team following the death of Richard Eisen. Very clever and unexpected twist towards the end of the reveal.

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Two DOTM Nominations from me:

Kijar's Kryptonite Wrestling Federationhttp://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=530246

Features a lot of fun indy/ex TNA and WWE guys. Posts at a good rate, too.


Mootinie's Taking the LOL out of LOLTNA http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=528675

Not only has a great title, but The Master Plan, Beer Money reuniting and multiple Maniks create a fun walkthrough of TNA.

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Two C-Verse noms to drop.


1) Tigerkinney's -"Burning Hammer are Trumps"- I know it's been said before, but NO ONE writes a believable, descriptive match like TK and this diary sees him back at the top of his game. The stuff is just phenominal. And the "Quest of Heart" show was top-notch also, if you like longer reads like I do.







2) BHK1978's- "TWA- The Ballad of Blah, Blah, Blah"- Sometimes I read one show from a diary and never even bother giving it a second chance if it doesn't 'get me' for one reason or another. Not the smartest thing, because I know diaries improve, but I is what I is. Can't help it. In the case of BHK's TWA diary, I still haven't figured out why yet, but I keep checking for updates and reading the shows. I like it. A lot, for some reason. It is just one of those diaries that strikes me as "right", and that's enough to keep me coming back.



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My DOTM nomination goes out to Rebooking Nitro's by Blodyxe. His Nitro and Thunder write-ups are always a joy to read and he pulled out all the stops with a fantastic Uncensored 2000 PPV this month. Blody has found a great balance between reality and kayfabe, his personal insight always adds an extra layer. All in all, it's a really enjoyable diary to read.
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We Should be up-to-date right now.


Three nominations from me:


SWF: The Dark Age by Eisen-Verse

GSW: Can't keep a Brother Down by Voeltzwagon

Midwest Championship Wrestling: Youth Movement by WxRobbie


I understand that you are a new member but please read the rules before making your nominations. Specifically rules 6, 7, 11 and 12.

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2) BHK1978's- "TWA- The Ballad of Blah, Blah, Blah"- Sometimes I read one show from a diary and never even bother giving it a second chance if it doesn't 'get me' for one reason or another. Not the smartest thing, because I know diaries improve, but I is what I is. Can't help it. In the case of BHK's TWA diary, I still haven't figured out why yet, but I keep checking for updates and reading the shows. I like it. A lot, for some reason. It is just one of those diaries that strikes me as "right", and that's enough to keep me coming back.




It's one of those mysteries of life :D Like how we only see rainbows after it rains and why dogs sniff their own poop. I guess we'll never know why a cranky old man like BHK1978 can make all those typos and still attract readers like moths to a flame.

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First off, I nominate Eisen's SWF: When Hell Freezes Over Part II for Spotlight. From the Khoklov/Gilmore/Money story to the Steve Frehley stuff to the ending, a CVerse show has never drawn my attention in as much as this one.




Second and finally, I nominate michgcs' Bragging Rights. The matches have great write ups, and his writing can even make me believe in Mark Henry as a legitimate champion. Great show overall.


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