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1980 Mod Hype

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Looking forward to this one!! I usually start each 80's mod with Crockett but I think, with this one, I'll probably start with the WWF and Bruno vs. Zbyszko.


By the way, I know everyone uses wrestlingdata but for the crockett roster, your best bet might be the Mid-Atlantic Gateway. They just do crockett and their "almanac" features a month by month recap, including rosters, face/heel divide, the push they were receiving, title holders and week by week "highlights" of what went down on TV and house shows.. Just a friendly suggestion....

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I figured give you some more pictures. Some newer guys. Plus The King Jerry Lawler with his manager Jimmy Hart. Which brings me to something I am debating the CWA World Heavyweight Title. Now this title makes the rounds in 1979 Jerry Lawler gets it and he is the eighth title holder, since the title's inception. Which looks if it was created in 1978 or 1979. Mark Lewin and Thunderbolt Patterson don't ever seem to defend the title. Jerry Lawler 8 years later goes on a quest to finally win his first World Championship ignoring this so called World Title win in 1979. So pretty much I am leaning on leaving the title out of the database.

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I love the PWI style shots! There is some definite digitizing. You might be better off using the wrestler pics (not the entire graphic, just the actual pics of the wrestlers) from the DOTT database since they are nice and crisp.


I agree with you on the CWA World Hvywt Title. I'm not even positive that any of the title changes were actual matches. It was definitely a vanity title.

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Most of the rosters are done minus refs, announcers, and road agents. Still alot of work on it to be done.


Handyeric sent you a pm.


The problem is the width of the pics stretching them out to far. I think the last five I posted are good and surprised how good that Jimmy Hart picture holds up considering what I cut from it looks good. You think some of them lok bad you should of seen the ones I trashed. They were down right awful, Ric Flair one looks great until I downsized and he looked like he had buck teeth.

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That is awesome. That title change has always intrigued me because how everything went down. Tommy Rich not appearing with the title on TBS. Freebirds were on fire in the early 80's. You wouldn't know who the booker to start 1980 was would you? I know Robert Fuller had the book at the end of 1980 because Ted Dibiase has said Robert was average booker and when he came in Fuller was the booker.


From what I gather from James J Dillon's book it was Ole at the beginning of 1980. I do know he left briefly and wrestled in Alabama, which coincides with when Fuller comes in. Ole then began to book JCP in 1981 and resumed the booking duties for both for a time, before settling in fulltime in Georgia in 1982.


Man, just came on because I got the timeline on this, very sorry to see you are not working on it. As others have said, maybe just a nice hiatus, I know I don't mind waiting a bit.


Just in case you or anyone else resumes, here is the booking timeline for Georgia in 1980.


Bill Watts - January to May 1980

Ole Anderson - May to October 1980

Robert Fuller - October to February 1981

George Scott - February to August 1981

Ole Anderson - August 1981 on

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BYU 14" data-cite="BYU 14" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39626" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Man, just came on because I got the timeline on this, very sorry to see you are not working on it. As others have said, maybe just a nice hiatus, I know I don't mind waiting a bit.<p> </p><p> Just in case you or anyone else resumes, here is the booking timeline for Georgia in 1980.</p><p> </p><p> Bill Watts - January to May 1980</p><p> Ole Anderson - May to October 1980</p><p> Robert Fuller - October to February 1981</p><p> George Scott - February to August 1981</p><p> Ole Anderson - August 1981 on</p></div></blockquote><p> Watts was running Mid-South at the time, so I am going to stay with Ole booking Georgia. Because the game will not allowed Watts to own Mid-South and book Georgia. I am just going to take a break on this I am working on it but a slow pace. The reason I don't want to give this up is because I want to finish it.</p>
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