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1983 USWA Goes Cult

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<p>Okay, I decided I desperately wanted to get the first month done. It's going to be a very abbreviated write-up with no pictures though. Lots of interesting stuff happened around the wrestling world.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:18px;">USWA Wrestling Sat. Week 4</span></span></p><p>

<strong>Frankfort Center Frankfort, KY</strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 5,000 Sell-Out</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: 76/</strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">B-</span></strong> <em>Improved in all 11 regions</em></p><p>

<strong>TV Rating: 0.33</strong> <em>+0.04</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The show opens with Jimmy Valiant in the center of the ring. He celebrates his victory over Austin Idol last night and holds up the North American title belt. Evidently, he was a little worse for wear than he claimed as he didn't do well improvising. <strong>66</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We send it over to Lance who says this interview with Lawler was taped last night after the controversial ending to his match with Robert Fuller. To sum up, Lawler says that once his head is healed, he's going straight to Marlin to get the decision overturned. Short of that, he's going to get even. You haven't begun to get past me, Fuller. <strong>83</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After break, we have the final TV quarterfinal match between the 3 lucky losers Fulton, Poffo, and Cooley. We played a quick interview in the corner ala some other company up north where Fulton and Cooley were with Miss Elizabeth saying that the best man was going to win whichever one of them it was with no hard feelings. They worked well together dispatching a tired Poffo. Then, they went at each other with great respect. <strong>Fulton nailed Cooley with a flying cross body to move to the semis. 51</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Returning from another commercial, this time the Fuller Brothers were in the ring. They ran down Lawler, Mantell, and Dundee saying they won their two matches and beat the hell out of Dutch. The not-King can whine all he wants, but maybe he should re-read the contract once he can see again. He won the match, and he's done with him. <strong>59</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A brief video highlighting The Fabulous Ones bombs spectacularly for reasons unknown. <strong>44</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We unveil our brand new video highlighting the only place in the US to feature women's wrestling with clips from the matches so far with them also in their "natural" habitats aka several clubs in Memphis fitting their styles. <strong>65</strong></p><p> </p><p>

That's followed up with a match between Combs and Sexton that ended when Susan grabbed the tights to get the win. <strong>42</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Randy Savage is out following the commercial break as the announcers lambast him from running last night. He lays into Taylor saying that last night's match shouldn't have even happened, and that he can't wait for next week to get his hands on him in the semifinal match. Eddie Marlin steps out from the back, and says that after last night, he has moved the match to RIGHT NOW! <strong>46</strong> <em>Uncharacteristically off performance from Savage plus the whole GL situation with Taylor & Marlin killed it</em></p><p> </p><p>

Taylor came out like a bat out of hell as Randy clearly sold that he wasn't ready for the match. Finally, he rolled out of the ring and regrouped with his father. That seemed to right the ship as Savage controlled the rest of the match getting the pinfall on that beautiful flying elbow. <strong>69</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The main event was Stan Lane vs Mr. Olympia who impressed everyone with how great a match it was considering neither was close to 100% after last night. It looked like a time limit draw was going to happen when Hart decided to intervene. The megaphone hit Lane square in the head, but it slipped out of Jimmy's hands rolling right against Calhoun's feet. He called for the DQ. <strong>80</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Okay, the important stuff. I somehow went from almost $1 million after the TV show to $290k at the start of the month. Cult is brutal. Worker expenses were only $255k, and I killed it on Merchandise clearing $29k. So all told, I only cleared <strong>$40k</strong> for the month. So, yeah, not chasing any big stars anytime in the near future. Got to get on PPV. Though again, I blew about $100k on that Extreme Level drug testing at the big show which I'm never doing again.</p><p> </p><p>

On that note, my pop in the US is now 58.5/23.8/18.8/23.8/8.9/8.8/60.2/8.8/20.9/20.9/8.8 from left to right. So basically I've gained 3.8 (or 4x0.9+2) except in GL (3.5) and SE (5.2). Not terrible, and I'm trying desperately to get to 65 in the SE to hit the next spillover level.</p><p> </p><p>

As for other feds, Georgia lost 23k this month so they're down to 77k. They only gained 3 points across the board so they're a ways off from Cult for now as they need 5 more points in Mid-Atlantic or Great Lakes. WWF is doing a lot better as they gained 5-6 across the board. They should hit Cult sometime this month making my lack of funds a big deal. WCCW did poorly as they only gained 2 points across the board. At that pace, they're not hitting Cult for 3 more months.</p><p> </p><p>

As far as upsets go, I guess the game heard me mocking Ted DiBiase not doing too well as Vince decided it would be him to end Backlund's World title reign. Though to be fair, the AI always ends it once he defends the title as it doesn't seem to ever like more than 100 title defenses. The show was horrible though as they held it in the SW getting a 65 rating. Also, AWA didn't want to be left out in shocking World title changes as Bockwinkel lost the AWA World title Ken Patera. Jerry might need to check in and see if Verne is okay. That match might be MOTY though as it got a whopping 93 cementing Nick's awesomeness as Patera is horrible. No other big title changes other than Jimmy defeating Idol.</p><p> </p><p>

I think I'm going to put this up to a vote. Do I stay with my plan to buy out GCW probably in a few months and make them my development fed, or do I go for the easier thing and buy WWA now? They are actually back to positive money right now, but they'll be negative within a week or two. That would clear some of the guys I'm not using a lot plus I could grab a few more people to fill it out. The thing with WWA is as long as they keep the TV show, they make you a fortune every month, around $100k, since you're paying for all the workers. Granted, there is literally no one on their roster other than Troy Graham that I'd put on my roster and Rick McGraw in development. That's seriously an old-folks home. I'd have enough to fill it easily though except for trainers though Snyder and Bruiser aren't horrible options. Thoughts?</p><p> </p><p>

The only scheduled debut was Italian Stallion so come on random generated people!<img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Buying GCW makes sense historically since they actually did merge for a while in real life - and would give you better talent to bring in</p><p> </p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/efDH-unJ4_I?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Memphis - Lance Russell Gordon Solie Discuss The Merger of Memphis & Georgia Championship Wrestling"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p>

On the other hand with finances being a concern the WWA might be smarter especially if they do help pay the bills. Troy Graham aka Dream Machine is a good addition. Maybe Dick the Bruiser for a match against Lawler if he's still able to go in the ring. (maybe they have a diamond in the rough who has some great lakes popularity)</p><p>

kill the drug testings for now and get the money flow going better. Not sure how much cash you need to buy either of them, but guessing WWA is cheaper. Use them for your developmental and just sign guys from GCW on PPA (or trades) for short runs to keep things fresh</p><p> </p><p>

I forget what it takes in national popularity to get a big PPV network signed up. I remember when playing the territory mods, I set up some regional closed circuit networks (which is more what they actually used in that era) and that helped to offset the cash drain of being Cult</p>

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Hmmm...I'd forgotten all about that, though that was about the time little 4th grade me started Sat. Morning basketball so I might have missed it. I think you need around 20 pop across the board to get the Closed Circuit PPV deal in the game though with the industry and economy going strong, I might get it earlier. Hell, I'd take a 6 month 100% deal just to boost everyone up quicker.


I really think the money is going to be fine. I spent heavily on Fate Awaits for little gain, and that Extreme Level drug testing killed me. I would have cleared at least $150k if not for those two things, plus the one or two shows I did on Medium drug testing either. I may go ahead and drop it completely or keep it on Low level. Basically, it may be determined by what WWF does when they hit Cult soon. There are two guys I'm absolutely not going to let them sign if I can help it.


As for which fed would be better to buy, I looked heavily after posting that, and there are so few unemployed people I'd hire on a developmental deal that I'm not sure WWA is worthwhile, and I'm trying really, really hard not to go steal a bunch of name people who are already working to stuff in there. GCW on the other hand can almost fill WWA by itself. From the Road Warriors, Moondogs, Darsow, and more, they have a lot of names that need some help. I'll see what happens.

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Sorry for the delay. Almost didn't get this one posted after trying to unload a washer/dryer set which almost killed me and my Dad, mainly trying to take the 1960's era old ones out of the basement. 60's machines--made to last and made out of about 4 times as much metal and parts as modern stuff so they weigh a ton. Hopefully, I can be back on schedule soon as we ramp up to Caged Fury.


Mid-South Coliseum Feb. Week 1

Attendance: 9,893 out of 10,000

Rating: 76/B-


Jimmy Valiant opened the show arguing with Idol about Mr. Wrestling 2 74

Tom Pritchard defeated Carl Fergie 56

Robert Fuller's bragging was interrupted by Ricky Santana; match later 64

The Rock N Roll Express & Rick Gibson defeated The Nightmares & Pat Rose 65

The Fabulous Show Featured Fargo & Savage getting into an argument 77

The Midnight Express I defeated Douglas & Smothers 58

Eaton joins the three of them to taunt The Rock N Roll Express 60

Honky Tonk Man defeated Joey Rossi to retain Jr. Heavyweight Title 48

The two of them are joined by Norvell & Mr. Olympia as Hart hypes the 3 of them 62

Wendi Richter defeated Sue Green 52

Candi Devine came out and argued with Wendi 64

Dutch Mantell defeated Don Bass via DQ in a phenomenal match due to Ron Fuller & Golden's interference 77

Ron Fuller & Jimmy Golden continue to beat down Dutch 62

Robert Fuller defeated Ricky Santana via handful of tights 78

Jerry Lawler comes down and the war of words turn into a brawl to close the show 80


Louisville Gardens Feb. Week 1

Attendance: 5,000 Sell-Out

Rating: 72/B- First B- show in the Gardens!!!


The Fabulous Ones celebrate their tag titles before being interrupted by the Fuller Brothers for a war of words 68

Jimmy Golden defeated Wendell Cooley 52

More hyping of The First Family by Jimmy Hart 59

Norvell Austin squashed Smothers 44

The Rock N Roll Express, Rick Gibson, and Rockin' Wendi Richter hype themselves 51

Bill Dundee squashed Brickhouse Brown 40

A special Fabulous Show Featured Fargo interviewing Lawler & Dutch 64

Leilani Kai defeated Vivian Vachon via cheating 54

Phil Hickerson & Barry Horowitz defeated Douglas & Rossi 43

Randy Savage, both Poffos, and Candi Devine Hype Themselves 52

Velvet MacIntyre defeated Judy Martin via DQ 53

Tom Pritchard & Mando Guerrero defeated The Nightmares 44

Jimmy Valiant defeated Roger Smith via DQ from Idol's interference to retain North American title in a no-sell match 66

Valiant and Idol brawl all the way backstage 71

Jerry Lawler defeated Adrian Street 78


No PPV deal as I got rebuffed again.:( The big news of the week is the war of words between Vince McMahon and Verne Gagne. It's just a hostile relationship for now, but that could change in the future. Almost selling out The Mid-South Coliseum and that 72 rating in the Gardens meant it was a great week for me.

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The ending of their match from Fate Awaits plays again showing Lawler flung from the ring over the top rope and being busted open by the guard rail then Robert Fuller being declared the winner. Lance says Eddie Marlin has reached a decision, and he's in the ring with both King and Fuller right now. “Thank you Lance. Jerry, I've heard your case, and I've re-watched the footage on the Fate Awaits VHS tape, available now in stores. Robert, I've met with your lawyers, and we've gone over the contract with a fine tooth comb. How you got that clause put into the contract is something our lawyers are answering for now, but the bottom line is you won the match because the contract states that the only possible disqualifications were for outside interference and weapons.” Jerry goes nuts as the fans boo. “Now Jerry, I'm not finished yet. I don't like being swindled any more than you do, King, and the committee has reached a solution you and the fans will like. The next event happening Thursday the 25th is named Caged Fury.” “Are you saying what I think you're saying, Mr. Marlin? I get that ego in a cage! Where do I sign up? You made me bleed all over Chattanooga, Fuller, and I will get my revenge.” “That's quite an interesting idea the committee cooked up. It's a shame that match ain't happening though. I'm wrestling for titles now that I beat your “king” so no rematch for you, Lawler, ever.” More boos from the crowd. “Well, that's your decision, Robert. Oh wait, I forgot to mention that this would be a #1 Contender's match. So, if you want to chase the North American title, you WILL face Lawler in a cage.” “Fine. I defeated your fake king once, but Jerry, you walked away from that one. Mark my words, Lawler, you're not walking out of the cage.” Rating: 74


The opening match of the show was the 2nd semi-final of the TV title tournament, and the matches keep getting better as both men went all out to face Savage in the finals next week. Fulton kept taking high-risk moves as the aerial specialist is known to do, and as they're known to do, miss spectacularly. Of course it helps when Fuller pushes you off the top rope which is what happens. Golden's piledriver is a mere formality. Jimmy Golden wins via Fuller's interference. Rating: 64


It didn't take long for his opponent to make an appearance. “Golden! You all keep talking about how great your family is. How much they've done for wrestling. Well, I've got a family legacy too. Oooh yeah! We're past the age of who's daddy is better though, and next week, I'm going to wreck you so hard the only relative you'll want is your mama. Besides, that ugly face isn't fit to be TV champion.” “You keep running your mouth every day around here about how awesome you are, but I've seen you wrestle. I'm a better wrestler than you, and that TV title is going to be mine!” Rating: 77


The Texas Cowgirls & Velvet MacIntyre vs The Glamour Girls & Candi Devine

The poor women had to follow Savage on the mic. However, the two experienced tag teams made it a great match. Of course, the story was Candi doing everything she could to avoid Wendi as the announcers talked up their upcoming Women's title match at Caged Fury. With all the smooth tags, everyone kind of lost track of time so everyone was shocked when the bell rang for a time limit draw. Candi high-tailed it to the back with Wendi giving chase. Rating: 59


When we return from commercial break, Wendi is back in the ring with the Rock N Roll Express and Rick Gibson. “We've been all around the great United States of America, met a lot of wonderful people, had a lot of fun, enjoyed a lot of rock n roll, and won a lot of matches. We get along with pretty much anyone and everyone, but there's just 4 people we can't stand. Cornette! You and your group of sad sacks are trying to make a name for yourselves by beating us, and we're not going to stand for it. So why don't you come on out here, and we can settle this right now." Oh the Midnight Express come out, but they're carrying chairs. The three of them make pretty quick work of the RnR as Cornette wanders over to the announce desk to add “Do you like my mama's gift for me, Lance? Personalized chairs!” Rating: 66

And we have found great chemistry! The announcers were amazed at how well Tom and Terry worked as a tag team. Granted, The Nightmares aren't all that scary, but it was a sight to behold nonetheless. Terry got the pin on Danny. Now I need the forum to come up with a great name. Rating: 55


The First Family is in the ring as we come back from commercial. All 4 of them rip into Mr. Wrestling II for interfering in their business and helping Valiant steal that title. They also hype Idol's match Monday night against him saying that he's going to make sure that's the last we ever see of that masked meddler. Rating: 63

Fuller strutted out to the ring as he didn't expect Rick Gibson to have much left after the attack earlier from The Midnight Express which played as Gibson slowly walked down to the ring in discomfort. The fans did everything they could to rally Rick, but it didn't seem to work at first. Then, Fuller taunted him one too many times, and Gibson started making it a match. The adrenaline-fueled run lasted for a couple of minutes with a couple of nice drop-kicks and a near-fall. However, the wily veteran broke out the cheapshots to turn the tide back in his favor, and Gibson finally ran out of gas giving Fuller the momentum-improving victory. Rating: 80


Just when you thought the main event was going to get outshone by the semi-main, these two veterans showed just how good they both were in this exceptional match. The match was a very open affair with both men showcasing their strengths. As great a match as it was, you knew the ending was going to be abrupt. It didn't involve either of them though. Hart set himself up to nail Dundee with his megaphone which brought out Valiant racing to stop him. Hart tried to get away through the ring, only to be grabbed by Bill while Mr. Olympia grabbed Valiant. After Calhoun begged for both of them to let them go, dueling rights caused him to call for the bell as the match ends in a Double DQ Rating: 81

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tag team name

somehow I don't think "Cok-Doc" would make it past the censors (playing on the old Red Rooster gimmick).

However TNT might work for them (t and t for first name, first initials)

another I always liked for a team like this would be FANTASY (using the old Aldo Nova song of the same name for their entrance music)



the idea I had about closed circuits played on something suggested years ago about "super regions" since it's a big jump from 2 being cult to a dozen to go national (having 4 regions or something for the super region). So I had set up a new closed circuit company for SE, GL, MAC, Mid South (for example). Or you could just do your top 2 - idea being to make bank more than gaining in the outer regions at least for now. Crockett didn't run his Closed Circuit events all over the country - he just had them in his home territory areas in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast (so that could be another CC company)

I don't know if they can be added during a game or have to be put in before you start. You have a long way to go to make 20% pop everywhere (PR and Hawaii are the sticking points I'm sure)

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We're thinking a lot a like as TNT was the first thing that popped in my head too, and I think I'm big enough compared to what AC/DC was in 1983 in the US that the minor music level qualifies. The other option would be Prime Time (last name initials again) though that smacks as more heelish to me. Same with an early Heavenly Bodies which would work with Susan Sexton playing Sunny. Hmmm...Oh well, I do love when the game throws you a bone to long-term planning. You'll see what I mean on the next TV show.;)


I think I can import PPV carriers during the game. I'd just have to create them, though the Closed Circuit setup Al made for the mod is easier to get on than a normal PPV deal considering their actual viewing size. As long as I stay with a full national TV deal, HI and PR won't be an issue as everyone is gaining that 3.8, and that 20 pop requirement is just that, Pop not Importance so their being inconsequential doesn't matter. I am hoping that I'm going to get a big spillover chain when SE hits 65 and that plus the rocking Industry and improving Economy gets me the deal quickly.


And one thing I forgot to mention in the setup is not only Georgia going to go under, but SWCW has narratives that kill it off sooner as they die in mid 83 when USA kills their TV show (full 10 effect to their bank account x2). They've got a pretty good roster full of people who actually wrestled either in CWA or USWA too, and you know, Tully, though he's working for both MSW and AWA. And no amount of money is going to get me to hire Gino. Sorry, but he was basically a drug factory. So that's coming down the line too.

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It could be interesting seeing some of the Southwest talent coming into Memphis (and would be helpful when you're ready to expand west).


I'm not so sure I wouldn't try Gino for a short term -- let him job out to your up and comers to help them get over until he fails a drug test and then fire him to set an example. My guess is he would be able to give you some quality matches until then


just a rare clip from the past that ties into the Southwest connection -- you'll have a chance to expand on this feud and take it to the stratosphere.


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just a rare clip from the past that ties into the Southwest connection -- you'll have a chance to expand on this feud and take it to the stratosphere.



Okay, first off, that promo is amazing. Second, was that a screw-up on Tully's part when he said Mid-South seated 16,000? Third, Gino is working for AWA so that's a moot point right now. Fourth, he's picked up a damaged knee cap thanks to Manny Fernandez, or he didn't pay his dealer on time.;)



Mid-South Coliseum Feb. Week 2

Attendance: 10,000 Sell-Out!!!

Rating: 73/B-


Jimmy Valiant psyches up Mr. Wrestling II for his match vs Idol 64

Norvell Austin squashes Shane Douglas 56

Jimmy Hart hypes up Idol's match vs Mr. Wrestling II 66

Mando Guerrero squashes Brickhouse Brown 48

Ron Fuller & Jimmy Golden def The Fantastics 69

Dutch & Dundee Attack Fuller & Golden & beat them down 51

Sherri Martel def Vicki Williams via cheating 43

The Fabulous Show featured Fargo interviewing Lawler & Fuller about their Cage match 72

Dennis Condrey squashed Smothers 57

Cornette & The Midnight Express(es) Taunt The Rock N Roll Express 62

TNT (Taylor & Pritchard) def Fergie & Sierra via DQ from the Poffos 50

Savage, Lanny, Angelo, and Candi Devine taunt the fallen TNT 41

Austin Idol defeated Mr. Wrestling II via interference from Mr. Olympia 64

Valiant breaks up the beatdown of Mr. Wrestling II by Idol & Olympia 65

The Fabulous Ones retained their North American Tag Team titles by defeating Horowitz & Street 80


Louisville Gardens Feb. Week 2

Attendance: 5,000 Sell-Out

Rating: 75/B- Better than Memphis???


Lawler, Dundee, and Mantell are taunting Robert Fuller when Cornette interrupts them and demands a 6-man tag match vs Midnights 50 Rose's pop killed the angle

Honky Tonk Man retained his Jr. Heavyweight Title def Douglas 59

Jimmy Hart hypes up Mr. Olympia's title match vs Valiant tonight 61

The Gibson Brothers def The Nightmares 52

The Fabulous Ones hype themselves 72

Barry Horowitz def Joey Rossi 31

Ricky Santana def Carl Fergie 35 Must clear out that concession stand;)

Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo taunt TNT 56

Ricky Morton squashed Pat Rose 37

The Glamour Girls def Vachon & MacIntyre via cheating 59

Wendi Richter & Candi Devine Argue 67

Lawler, Dundee, & Dutch def The Midnight Express via DQ from The Fullers & Golden 76!!!

The 6 of them clear out that concession stand with a brawl 58

Jimmy Valiant retained his North American title defeating Mr. Olympia via DQ from Austin Idol 82

Idol finishes the beat down and invokes his rematch clause 64


What did we learn this week? That penalty for being worse than the previous segment is massive. Oh well, this was another hugely successful week with the first sell-out of the Coliseum, and the Garden show out-rated the Coliseum show. Though to be fair, that was a lot due to Mr. Wrestling II being fatigued (given his schedule with GCW and MSW and old-age he was always going to be fatigued thus not on the big show and not the main event) and had to be kept strong since he was borrowed and close in pop to Idol.

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great ratings for both your weekly house shows. Looks like you may have Louisville figured out now --- as you are growing will there be a time you have to find a bigger arena in the great lakes area? (financial benefit for your growth). I am really surprised that more of your angles don't get over better though.


I did some research on attendances in the Mid-South. Maybe SWCW drew 16,000 to some shows in Houston or San Antonio but Memphis Mid South only got above 11,000 a couple times. The record crowd was 17,000 in an outdoor park for Billy Wicks vs Sputnik Monroe - with boxing champ Rocky Marciano as special referee.


The attendance for the Tully-Lawler match in Memphis was one of the lowest of the year at 4,667. The next week Andy Kaufman returned for a tag match with Lawler and drew over 9,000.

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Nah, that was part of the challenge. I had to keep the Gardens weekly show until I got a 2nd TV show. Yeah, I could probably get 8-9.5k right now, but things financially are doing okay. I'm making almost 250k per week. Hopefully, Caged Fury will perform a lot better now too. Yeah, I'm just going to have to lean on Lawler and Valiant for that Gardens show with some Fabulous Ones thrown in for a little longer.


USWA Wrestling Sat. Week 2

Brown County Veterans Arena Green Bay, WI

Attendance: 5,000 Sell-Out!

Rating: 76/B- Improved in all 11 regions

TV Rating: 0.42 +0.08



http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Stan%20Lane3_zpsjzqjjqvh.jpg http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Austin%20Idol_zpsi2a52q9o.jpg

Stan Lane is being interviewed by Jackie Fargo about what's next for The Fabulous Ones. Unfortunately for the fans, we don't find out the answer because Austin Idol crashes the interview. “Nobody wants to hear from one half of the tag team champions. They want to hear from the Idol tell them all about how he eliminated another has-been Monday night in Mr. Wrestling II. Now, I get to face that has-been Jimmy Valiant one-on-one like it should be.” Idol looks really ticked off when Fargo and Lane are both laughing. Lane says, “You had your two cronies beat him down, and even then you couldn't beat him. Hell, I can beat you in that ring right now if it is one-on-one.” “You're on.” as Idol exits the area. “Looks like we have a main event, Lance.” as we throw to the desk quickly before the theme music hits. Rating: 69



Six-Man tag team action to start off the jam-packed show featuring the Midnight Express fighting 3 jobbers. Yep, I've mismanaged Koko to where he's an opener now. It isn't a squash match as the faces get some offense in, but the ending is never in doubt. Really, the only question was would the RnR Express come charging out from the back, but they didn't even when Cornette threw a couple of zingers their way when he invaded the announce desk. Rating: 51



Lance says Eddie Marlin is coming out here for an unscheduled announcement. “Well Lance, this affects the Television title match coming up next. The tournament has been great, showcasing all the great talent we have here in USWA and either Savage or Golden will make a fine champion. However, one man got left out of the tournament because he was Jr. Heavyweight champion, and that is Tom Pritchard. He came to me recently and said he'd forfeit his contractual rematch for that belt for entry into the finals. The crowd pops for that and Randy Savage coming down to the announce area. “So let me get this straight Marlin. We're going to have a 3-way match for the television title involving someone who wasn't in the tournament!?! That little pipsqueak had all week to prepare while you spring this on me right now! You just don't want me to win, right Marlin!” “Now, Mr. Savage, I called your manager Wednesday with this news. Mr. Golden has known for that long too. If you didn't get the message, that's not my fault. Mr. Pritchard made his decision, and I think it will make for an exciting match. Good luck. The match starts right after this.” Rating: 52 This is why I start as the Authority Figure/Interviewer with good pop. Marlin is killing the segments. :(



Lance informs the viewers that Savage spent the break pacing around the ring like caged animal. Speaking of cages, Caged Heat is coming up in less than 2 weeks as a graphic appears showing the 2 confirmed matches. Get your tickets now! The other two wrestlers are in the ring now, and Calhoun calls for the bell. Even though Tom and Jimmy are on opposite sides, they both realized they needed to focus on Savage to start the match. Good plan, but Savage wouldn't be stopped as he threw both of them through the ropes to the floor yelling “That title is mine!”. Fuller grabbed Golden as he tried to slide back into the ring leaving Pritchard alone for a moment. Sound advice as Randy beat on Tom for a couple of minutes until Jimmy saw an opening and nailed him from behind. They traded excellent wrestling moves for the next few minutes as the announcers talked about their families. Tom got back into the action with an excellent dropkick that caught both men. He went to the top rope and hit a double-axe handle right on Golden's head, but Savage broke up the pin attempt at 2. Randy sent Tom into the ropes before Calhoun was in position, and Angelo popped Tom right in the back of the head. He staggered right into a powerslam for the pin right before Golden could break it up. Randy Savage is your NEW TELEVISION CHAMPION! Rating: 72



We return from break with Lance Russell saying we have a piece of tape featuring Valiant and Lawler. It cuts to what looks to be someone's workshop. “How's the cage coming, Gus?” You see a finger point to one side of it propped up against the wall. Jerry and Jimmy both enter the shot now as they grab the steel and slap it with their palms. “This looks like it is going to hurt, King.” “It's going to hurt a lot, Jimmy, but it is going to keep people who don't belong there out.” “Austin Idol! What you did Monday night to Mr. Wrestling wasn't befitting a man, much less someone after this belt. I had to outsmart you to take this title, which I have to admit wasn't all that hard, but at Caged Fury, all I have to do is grind you to pulp inside this.” slaps his hand hard against the cage for effect “Robert Fuller! No contract stipulation is going to save you this time. This cage doesn't care about your big-time lawyers or your family name. It's going to make you bleed until you can't bleed any more. Payback is coming to you.” Rating: 72


Last week they had to follow Savage on the mic, and this week they follow King and Valiant. However, they are starting to get a following as they were barely better than the Express vs Jobbers opener. It was a pretty standard women's match. Vicki Williams got the pinfall on Green. Rating: 52



Dave Brown says that we have a situation in the back as the camera crew finds Wendi Richter face down on the ground with Candi Devine standing over her with the Women's title belt. “Who's hotter now? The champ is!” Rating: 65


Street is a veteran hand who is willing to teach the younger guys how it is done which is why he's still here, and on occasion, he gets to unleash those talents in semi-main events. He and Dutch put on one excellent match with both men getting to look good to the point that even the fans started to think an upset was going to occur. Dutch managed to fend the challenge off though and was ready to put Street away when Ron Fuller slid in the ring and nailed him from behind causing the DQ. Rating: 72



And we finally Idol perform up to what I expected from him! Either that, or Lane is really, really great. Hmmm...it probably is the latter given that 72 with Smith. I'll file that away for later. The story of the match was Idol's usual heelish moves being the only thing that kept him in the match stopping Lane's momentum every time while Hart barked out orders heard all the way into Chicago. Finally, Stan started one last offensive which unnerved Jimmy enough to get him to wave to the back. Out came a charging Mr. Olympia who slid in undetected by Calhoun and Lane who were distracted by Hart on the apron. A couple of big right hands before sliding out of the ring, and Idol easily put him away with a DDT. Rating: 82

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Mid-South Coliseum Feb. Week 3

Attendance: 10,000 Sell-Out!!!

Rating: 75/B-


Idol, Mr. Olympia, & Norvell Austin get run out of the ring by The Fabulous Ones w/chairs after being insulted by the trio. 79

Honky Tonk Man retains his Jr. Heavyweight title by def Wendell Cooley via guitar shot to head 59

It's Austin Idol back in the ring...no wait, that's Jimmy Valiant doing an excellent spoof of Idol! 78

Norvell Austin def Koko B Ware 61

Midnight Express group hype 62

Jerry Lawler squashes Brickhouse Brown 68

The Fullers & Golden hype main event 6-man tag vs RnR Express & Gibson 59 Who knew that squash would be that good?

Mando Guerrero & Santana def Sierra & Pat Rose 41

Rock N Roll Express & Rick Gibson w/Wendi group hype 67

Lanny Poffo def Joey Rossi 49

Candi Devine hypes herself before her match 55

Candi Devine retains her North American Women's Title def Joyce Grable 45

TNT (Pritchard & Taylor) w/Combs come out and challenge Savage & Poffo to a match at Caged Fury 56

Dutch Mantell & Bill Dundee def New York Assassins cleanly 68

The Fuller Brothers & Golden drew with The Rock N Roll Express & Rick Gibson via Double DQ as Lawler & Eaton interfered 78


Louisville Gardens Feb. Week 3

Attendance: 5,000 Sell-Out

Rating: 76/B- Again better than Memphis!


Lawler & Valiant hype the main event tag match against Hickerson & Street 74

Bill Dundee def Barry Horowitz 59

Honky Tonk Man w/Hart hypes himself & Jr Heavyweight title 63

The Midnight Express II def Rossi & Douglas 50

Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo taunt TNT 64

Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo def The Fantastics 70!!!

The Fabulous Show Features Robert Fuller & Idol Hyping their matches at Caged Fury saying Valiant & King don't stand a chance 57

TNT def The New York Assassins via DQ from Hart's interference 58

Hart stays in the ring and hypes the future tag champs Norvell Austin & Mr. Olympia 59

Ron Fuller squashes Tracy Smothers 47

Jimmy Golden's interview is crashed by Dutch Mantell 53

The Glamour Girls def Velvet & Combs via cheating 61

Another Richter & Devine argument 68

Steve Keirn def Randy Rose via DQ as Mr. Olympia & Norvell attack 70

Stan Lane makes the save on the attack of Keirn 54

Valiant & Lawler def Hickerson & Street 76

Robert Fuller comes out and argues with Lawler 85!!! WOW!


Well, other than each show being slightly marred by one segment shocking me, thus killing the next segment, another excellent week. I do have one question. Will I save any money by bumping the Gardens show from Big to Medium? The info doesn't mention anything about it, but I'm confident I'd still get a sell-out now.


And if you felt a disturbance in the Force, yep, the WWF just hit Cult and is upping their roster. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about them taking Rick Martel from the AWA. I've been in furious negotiations with several of the others, though why they would want Ron Bass from CWF is beyond me. I let him go without an offer even though I thought linking him with his kayfabe brother would be a good idea. WWF also priced me out of Greg Valentine, who is all yellow physically at this point. He was gold in my MACW game, but I won't miss him too much. Still hoping to either drive the price up even more and/or get a couple of them. And yes, one of the two guys they're never getting is on that list. Protect your jewels, King. He will be here soon, I hope.


Oh and for all of you reading this, first, thank you. Second, if you could vote up the star ranking, that would be great as I don't believe any diary should be anything under 3 stars. Too much time and effort goes into a diary for the ultimate loser that is the 1-star bandit to let him win. Third, go nominate your favorite diary on here. There are tons of amazing ones, and I have a hard time picking which one to vote every month. Oh, that's not me wanting a nom as there are at least 15 RW diaries better than mine so go nominate and then vote.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:18px;">USWA Wrestling Sat. Week 3</span></span></strong></p><p><strong> Summit Arena Hot Springs, AR</strong></p><p><strong> Attendance: 6,200 Sell-Out!</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 78/</strong><span style="color:#008000;">B</span> <em>Improved in all 11 regions</em></p><p> <strong>TV Rating: 0.41</strong> <em>-0.01</em></p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Jimmy%20Valiant_zpsrifdvbp1.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Jimmy%20Valiant_zpsrifdvbp1.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Lance%20Russell_zpsruus4jhd.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Lance%20Russell_zpsruus4jhd.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Austin%20Idol_zpsi2a52q9o.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Austin%20Idol_zpsi2a52q9o.jpg</span></a></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39799" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>We don't open the show in Hot Springs, Arkansas, but instead in the USWA board room with only 3 people in there, Valiant, Idol, and Lance Russell while the screen shows you “Recorded Thursday”. “You both have things to say, and the board of directors doesn't want a fight so we're doing it here instead of the ring. Now, as the champion, Jimmy, you get to start.” “Austin Idol, you and your cronies have jumped me at every turn. I fought your match at Fate Awaits, and I defeated the 3 of you. So it is only fair that at Caged Fury, you get to fight my match. In a cage, where your Mouth can't interfere, where Mr. Olympia can't interfere, and where Norvell Austin can't interfere, you will be all alone. Oh I'll still have all the fans behind me. You will be all alone. Bring your A game, Idol. I know you have one in you when you aren't hiding behind Hart's skirt.” Idol hops up out of his chair prompting both of the others to do the same. “Say your peace with words, Austin.” “You're darn right I'll be alone, but so will you, Valiant.” He flexes a little. I'm still in my prime while you're long in the tooth. You want my A game, well you're going to get it. The question you better ask yourself is if you still have an A game to bring. Enjoy that title for 6 more days because I'm taking it back.” Idol storms out of the room leaving Jimmy deep in thought. <strong>Rating: 78</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Ricky%20Santana_zps4u9i9nmr.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Ricky%20Santana_zps4u9i9nmr.jpg</span></a> VS <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Mr.%20Olympia%202_zps2saosdxr.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Mr.%20Olympia%202_zps2saosdxr.jpg</span></a></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> We give the announcers a semi-main event quality match to discuss the interview and Caged Fury. This was part training match and a chance to highlight Mr. Olympia as he's going to take part in the tag title match against the Fabulous Ones. Santana shows he's got a bright future, but it isn't quite there yet. Mr. Olympia gets the clean victory. <strong>Rating: 69</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Stan%20Lane3_zpsjzqjjqvh.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Stan%20Lane3_zpsjzqjjqvh.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Steve%20Keirn3_zpsmeji8fs9.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Steve%20Keirn3_zpsmeji8fs9.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39799" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The Fabulous Ones are in the interview area with Jackie Fargo. “Hart! You keep sending your goons after us and these titles. You know what never changes? We keep holding onto these titles. Now you're sending two big, bad dudes after us in Mr. Olympia and Norvell Austin. Well, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and fall they will. We're the North American Tag Team champions entering Caged Fury, and we're leaving Caged Fury with these belts. We're going to enjoy bashing your skulls into the cage.” <strong>Rating: 73</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Norvell%20Austin_zpsdrvp4mvx.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Norvell%20Austin_zpsdrvp4mvx.jpg</span></a> VS <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Tracy%20Smothers_zps1xhyfcxq.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Tracy%20Smothers_zps1xhyfcxq.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> We keep hyping the tag team match at Caged Fury by featuring the fourth man in the match. Unlike Mr. Olympia, this was clearly a squash match as most of the match featured Austin toying with the very over-matched Smothers. <strong>Rating: 53</strong></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Lanny%20Poffo_zpsedfgpbm6.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Lanny%20Poffo_zpsedfgpbm6.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Randy%20Savage_zpsskukdnev.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Randy%20Savage_zpsskukdnev.jpg</span></a> w/<a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Angelo%20Poffo_zpsypdsdymq.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Angelo%20Poffo_zpsypdsdymq.jpg</span></a> & <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Tom%20Pritchard_zpsbnrqyupd.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Tom%20Pritchard_zpsbnrqyupd.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Terry%20Taylor_zpsz7h3hzpp.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Terry%20Taylor_zpsz7h3hzpp.jpg</span></a></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39799" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>As we come back from commercial break, the 3 Poffos are in the ring. “So let me get this straight, 2 men who can't beat me for this title are teaming up to try and beat both of us.” All 3 laugh as Savage continues. “You have a manager while we have a living legend. Look, you two just aren't in our league. Why don't you two run along before we hurt you.” The commentary comes to an end as TNT come charging into the ring as the three heels decide to run. “Just because we don't cheat to win every match doesn't put us out of your league, Savage. Our manager is going to keep you on the up-and-up, and with it just being the two of you, we like our chances.” <strong>Rating: 62</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Vivian%20Vachon_zpsnqamwjgd.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Vivian%20Vachon_zpsnqamwjgd.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Joyce%20Grable_zpsm4xfofpu.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Joyce%20Grable_zpsm4xfofpu.jpg</span></a> & <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Wendi%20Richter_zpswh7ewakv.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Wendi%20Richter_zpswh7ewakv.jpg</span></a><p> VS <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Candi%20Devine_zpsco3rtxsu.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Candi%20Devine_zpsco3rtxsu.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Sherri%20Martel%203_zpszz4mfp70.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Sherri%20Martel%203_zpszz4mfp70.jpg</span></a> & <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Susan%20Sexton_zpsxgv27tde.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Susan%20Sexton_zpsxgv27tde.jpg</span></a></p><p> Vivian Vachon & The Texas Cowgirls vs Candi Devine, Sherri Martel, & Susan Sexton</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> The story this week was again all about if Candi and Wendi would face off against each other before the title fight at Caged Fury. Candi took great pains to make sure that didn't happen, finally tagging out to Sexton and booking it to the back. Wendi gave chase leaving it to be a tag match. Vachon got the victory pinning Sexton. <strong>Rating: 49</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Ricky%20Morton_zps7ihgulxj.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Ricky%20Morton_zps7ihgulxj.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Robert%20Gibson_zpsdnxn5o3a.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Robert%20Gibson_zpsdnxn5o3a.jpg</span></a> & <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Rick%20Gibson_zpsrrucxqnq.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Rick%20Gibson_zpsrrucxqnq.jpg</span></a><p> FACE-OFF</p><p> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Bobby%20Eaton_zpseceil5pn.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Bobby%20Eaton_zpseceil5pn.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Dennis%20Condrey_zps6xekm3xl.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Dennis%20Condrey_zps6xekm3xl.jpg</span></a> & <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Randy%20Rose_zpsp2zwvqnu.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Randy%20Rose_zpsp2zwvqnu.jpg</span></a></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39799" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wendi is still chasing Candi so the Rock N Roll Express & Gibson are in the ring as we return from commercial. “You've been running your mouths about beating us at Fate Awaits for the entire month, and we are sick of it. The viewers at home are sick of it, and the fans here are sick of it. The way we figure it, the best way to make sure there isn't any cheating is to put all of you in the ring at the same time so nobody can run out from the back and jump us. No time limits, no DQ, and no Jim Cornette! What do you three yellow-bellies have to say about that!?!” The answer comes fast and furious as the 3 Midnight Express charge into the ring as a brawl breaks out. The 6 men fight everywhere before Lance sends us to break hoping it gets out of here before the TV title match up next. <strong>Rating: 68</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/generic_tv2_zpsgkflhxfl.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/generic_tv2_zpsgkflhxfl.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Koko%20B.%20Ware_zpszmsgciww.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Koko%20B.%20Ware_zpszmsgciww.jpg</span></a> VS <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Randy%20Savage_zpsskukdnev.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Randy%20Savage_zpsskukdnev.jpg</span></a> w/<a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Angelo%20Poffo_zpsypdsdymq.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Angelo%20Poffo_zpsypdsdymq.jpg</span></a></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> This match did two things. First, it shows just how amazing Savage is in the ring, which is why he's the inaugural TV champ. Second, it shows why I need to get Koko a big push. The action was fast and furious, but no one thought Randy was going to lose this match. Randy Savage is Still Television Champion! <strong>Rating: 78</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Jerry%20Lawler%202_zpskhibijuh.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Jerry%20Lawler%202_zpskhibijuh.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Dutch%20Mantell_zpset7qmtwf.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Dutch%20Mantell_zpset7qmtwf.jpg</span></a> & <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Bill%20Dundee_zpsoeathjui.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Bill%20Dundee_zpsoeathjui.jpg</span></a> VS<p> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Robert%20Fuller_zpsqh0xjw5p.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Robert%20Fuller_zpsqh0xjw5p.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Ron%20Fuller%203_zpshwz8pyhe.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Ron%20Fuller%203_zpshwz8pyhe.jpg</span></a> & <a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/Jimmy%20Golden_zpscpkbbz6f.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Jimmy%20Golden_zpscpkbbz6f.jpg</span></a></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> We keep the brawling chaos going with 6 men who really, really don't like each other in the main event. To show you how loaded the show was, there wasn't any hype going into this. This is a repeat of the go home show from January except with 6 different people, and it follows the same formula. Lots and lots of brawling, little control by Calhoun, and the crowd loving every second of it. Oh, and the match ends in a draw. This time due to time running out on the show. 80's booking, everyone! <strong>Rating: 82</strong></p><p> </p><p> The announcers take the last 2 minutes of the show to hype up Caged Fury focusing on the biggest two matches: Valiant vs Idol for the North American title and Lawler vs Robert Fuller both in a CAGE! You don't want to miss Caged Fury everyone!</p>
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Mid-South Coliseum Feb. Week 4

Attendance: 10,000 Sell-Out!!!

Rating: 74/B-


The Fabulous Show kicks off the night with Valiant & Idol talking more about their title match in the cage 74

Norvell Austin gains some momentum by def Wendell Cooley 59

Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage taunt TNT to their face; TNT aren't fazed 69

Bill Dundee squashed Fidel Sierra 58

The entire Midnight Express taunt The Rock N Roll Express 59

Ricky Morton def Roger Smith in a way better match than I thought possible 73

As The Fabulous Ones set up for an interview Hart orders Mr. Olympia & Norvell to beat them down. 62

Jimmy Golden squashes Shane Douglas in an amazing match 70

Jerry Lawler does a mediocre job hyping his match against Robert Fuller 59

Koko B Ware celebrates his return to Lower Midcard by squashing Brickhouse 47

The Fantastics w/Miss Elizabeth hype the main event tag team match against The Fuller Brothers 58

Debbie Combs def Sue Green by DQ after Candi Devine interfered 40

Wendi Richter catches Candi this time and spanks her a few times to the crowd's delight 62

Robert Gibson def Don Bass 68

The semi-main event was the shocker of the year as Rick Gibson def Adrian Street via DQ after interference by Bobby Eaton 80

The main event couldn't quite match up but the 4 men gave it their all The Fuller Brothers def The Fantastics by using the ropes for a tainted victory 76


Louisville Gardens Feb. Week 4

Attendance: 5,000 Sell-Out

Rating: 74/B-


We're getting Jimmy done early tonight. Valiant and Idol empty the locker room before their argument turns physical. 73

Jimmy Valiant stays in the ring and squashes Brickhouse 59

The Fabulous Ones say they're fine and ready to get their hands on Mr. Olympia & Norvell Austin 77

The Gibson Brothers and Ricky Morton def The Nightmares & Carl Fergie 53

Jimmy Hart & Norvell & Mr. Olympia come out and say that was just a taste last night of the punishment The Fabulous Ones are going to get Thursday. 60

Tommy Rodgers def Barry Horowitz 43

Cornette does all the talking for The Midnight Express mocking the earlier match saying those three aren't in his guys' league. They're going 2-0 on Thursday. 54

Bobby Eaton and Randy Rose show how to beat two jobbers in Douglas & Smothers 48

Judy Martin keeps looking impressive def Vivian Vachon 57

The Fabulous Show was all about the Women's title match as Fargo interviewed Candi & Wendi 50

Phil Hickerson def Joey Rossi 54

Jimmy Hart hypes up The Honky Tonk Man 61

Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage def Mando & Santana via cheating from Angelo 71

Another near brawl gets broken up as TNT has some words with Poffo & Savage that they don't like. 59

Jerry Lawler def Don Bass 76

The 2 Fullers and Golden surround the ring as he's pinning Bass, but before they strike Dutch & Dundee charge out causing a brawl all over the arena because nothing says southern booking like a go-home show brawl 61


If you wonder what PST does to your show, study the Coliseum show as the main event had a burnt out crowd which is how an 80 semi and 76 main event could produce a 74 show rating. The 2 shows did exactly what I wanted--gain pop and have no injuries or exhaustion. Rick Martel and Greg Valentine have signed with WWF, but the 4 other people I'm competing with them for haven't committed to either of us yet. Please don't go bankrupt. Please don't go bankrupt.


Okay, now for the big news. I'm breaking down and having a prediction contest. If I get 5 participants, the winner gets to name my next big event. If anyone gets a perfect score, they get to have me sign someone and push that person up to Upper Midcard and/or become Jr. Heavyweight champ within a couple of months. Note: No one working for AWA or Mid-South are eligible nor is Ric Flair or Dusty Rhodes, and they have to be eligible to work in the USA.


Caged Fury


The Rock N Roll Express & Rick Gibson vs The Midnight Express I&II Elimination Match

No DQ, No time limit, and No Cornette

Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage vs TNT (Terry Taylor & Tom Pritchard)

The Honky Tonk Man © vs Bobby Fulton

Junior Heavyweight Title Match

Bill Dundee vs Jimmy Golden

Dutch Mantell vs Ron Fuller

Candi Devine © vs Wendi Richter

North American Women's Title Match

The 3 Cage Classic Matches (Pinfall or Submission only)

The Fabulous Ones © vs Mr. Olympia & Norvell Austin

North American Tag Team Title Match

Jimmy Valiant © vs Austin Idol

North American Title Match

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs Robert Fuller


Tiebreak Question #1: Who gets the pinfall/submission in the Express vs Express match?

Tiebreak Question #2: How many titles change hands?


Show won't be up until Wednesday late night (US Central Time) so almost 48 hours at least to predict. Oh, and just to be clear, there are no borrowed wrestlers this time around.

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The Rock N Roll Express & Rick Gibson vs The Midnight Express I&II

No DQ, No time limit, and No Cornette

Cornette may not be there, but he will have a surprise in store


Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage vs TNT (Terry Taylor & Tom Pritchard)

tough betting against the Poffos, but this should elevate your new team (and Savage gains it all back with TV title defenses)


The Honky Tonk Man © vs Bobby Fulton

Hard Rock Wayne Ferris is gonna play a tune on Fulton's head. (fun story about his transition from Blonde Bomber to HTM - as he lost a "loser dyes his hair black" match with Austin Idol) -- I don't see HTM as a traditional Jr, but what a great way to elevate Koko B Ware down the road if he can knock off this long time champ


Junior Heavyweight Title Match


Bill Dundee vs Jimmy Golden

Dutch Mantell vs Ron Fuller

having the sides split the matches sets up the rubber match in the caged main event.


Candi Devine © vs Wendi Richter

North American Women's Title Match

The 3 Cage Classic Matches (Pinfall or Submission only)

The Fabulous Ones © vs Mr. Olympia & Norvell Austin

North American Tag Team Title Match

I can't pick against a team as good as Olympia and Austin. ;)

I think hook or crook, they find a way to upset the Fabs (whether to transition the belts to R&R or to set up a long term feud with the FABS)


Jimmy Valiant © vs Austin Idol

North American Title Match

Boogie wins the rematch. I'd actually love to see him have a short title run and maybe pass the belt over to the Tennessee Stud Stable to keep them relevant -- since this is Memphis, I expect someone to come after Valiant when the match is over to set up next month's program


Jerry "The King" Lawler vs Robert Fuller

You've done a good job of building up Robert, now time for the King to knock him down so the fans go home happy


Tiebreak Question #1: Who gets the pinfall/submission in the Express vs Express match? Gibson

Tiebreak Question #2: How many titles change hands? 2

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You need to specify which Gibson, Olympia. There are two there, you know. And I'm editing the post because I left out that it is an elimination match.


let's go with Ricky Gibson. With a minimal of effort, I bet you can build him into a top singles star (which he was before the car accident)

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The show opens in the ring with The Fuller Brothers and Golden. Each take turns hyping their singles matches saying that tonight will be the end of the line for Dundee, Mantell, and your so-called King Rating: 76


The opening match of the show again featured Jimmy Golden, this time against Bill Dundee. Golden spent the whole match taking every shortcut he could think of to try and put the little Scotsman down, but none of them worked as the fans kept rallying Bill. Finally, Jimmy had enough and used a steel chair which did keep Dundee down. Unfortunately, that gave Bill the win too. Rating: 78


To the interview area now where Fargo is with Cornette and The Midnight Express. Cornette does all the talking. "I've figured out how to beat the three of you, and sure I may not be there to help them out, but I've spent the last week drilling that plan into the Midnights. You are finished, and we'll be tag team champs soon." Rating: 63



With Cornette leaving, the match gets started halfway down the ramp as the RnR Express & Gibson jump them. They brawl all over the place for 5 minutes before Morton rolls Condrey into the ring to have a proper match. He manages to get the pin on Dennis after a missile dropkick for the first elimination. Ricky has to go help the Gibsons on the floor because the chairs Cornette's mama gave them have come out (it is no DQ after all). He goes to help Robert which means Eaton gets the chance to roll the groggy Rick Gibson into the ring to even up the score. Bobby nails Ricky with a beautiful top rope dive to the outside. This meant Robert and Randy were the only two left standing. Rose gets sent into a ring post and Robert rolls Eaton into the ring for a pin making it 2-on-1. The Rock N Roll Express work their tag team magic to make short work on the single Rose with Robert Gibson getting the pinfall. Rating: 77


Back to the interview area as Fargo now has Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo w/Angelo Poffo. "The only thing that is guaranteed to go boom tonight is TNT. We're so much better than they are. Oh yeah!" Rating: 57


Oh things went boom alright, but the Poffos weren't very happy with the result. The in-ring action was phenomenal, but it wasn't settled in the ring. Savage got fed up with Combs cheering her charges on and went to scare her off which caused a brawl on the floor. Combs took a swing at Angelo to stop him from hitting Pritchard, but both connected as Morrell called for the bell. Double DQ as this feud looks to just be getting started Rating: 81


There's a quick video highlighting the Women's title feud between Wendi & Candi Hmm...not a minor angle yet doesn't show up in the history. Think it got a 65 or 66


The Women's Title match kept up with tonight's theme of fighting like there's no tomorrow. Wait, actually tonight's theme has been interference all over the place, and boy did it keep that going too just not from who you would expect. Wendi had finally taken control of the match when Angelo hopped up on the ring to distract Diamond. Out from the back came a sprinting Jim Cornette...with his tennis racket. Wendi caught sight of him and stopped arguing with Poffo to yell at him. Jim got in her face so she couldn't see him passing the racket to Candi. She didn't really feel anything either as she got nailed with it and dropped like a rock. Candi Devine retains her Women's title via lots and lots of cheating Rating: 52


Well, it didn't take long for The RnR Express and Rick Gibson to come flying out of the back after Cornette who takes off into the crowd. The Midnights come roaring out of the back, and it looks like the beginning of their 6-man tag match all over again just in the aisles. Wendi gets the smelling salts, sees the tennis racquet lying outside of the ring and does a great John McEnroe impression smashing it on the ground yelling "You can't be serious!!!" Rating: 67


Back in the interview area, Dutch Mantell takes a minute to taunt Ron Fuller saying he was looking forward to getting payback from what he did to him at Fate Awaits. He's going to put the old man out to stud. Rating: 67


The match was very good, but it seemed to lack a little something. The crowd may have been a little spent by this point. It went back and forth for a good ten minutes before pinfall attempts started as they were happy beating each other senseless. Mantell had Fuller reeling when more interference came out in the form of Jimmy Golden and a chair (buying in bulk saves money!). No Dundee to come out and save him, and Dutch eats a chair shot to the back of the head as Fuller picks up the tainted victory. Rating: 76


Jimmy Hart brings out HTM, Mr. Olympia, and Norvell Austin. "You're looking at three champions right here. Honky Tonk Man here is going to keep his Junior Heavyweight title here in a minute, and then after that match, these two men here are going to beat The Fabulous Ones so badly in the cage even their mamas won't be able to recognize them. Play a quick tune for us." "Fulton, you think you're Fantastic, but you ain't nothin' but a hound dog." He then butchers Hound Dog by Elvis. Rating: 59


Bobby Fulton showed that if he is a dog, the bite is quite painful as he controlled the match from the very start. HTM was reeling, and Hart was getting more and more agitated outside. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, and neither could HTM as he was in place to be pinned. Hart hopped up on the apron and just nailed Fulton with a slap to get the DQ. Fulton wins the match, but Honky Tonk Man retains his Junior Heavyweight Title Rating: 67


The Fabulous Ones come out and give Hart a sarcastic clap as he's half-dragging HTM to the back. "You see that cage being constructed right now, Hart. It's going to keep your annoying butt out of our match which is great for us, and very, very bad for your two lackeys. We aren't afraid to bleed a little to keep these titles as they mean we're the best tag team in North America. So bring your two big, bad men to try to take these away. We're ready to kick your ***. Rating: 82


The cage is setup and the door is locked. The action was everything you think of when you think cage match and then some. It ended up being the MOTN. Even the fan in the front row holding the "Mr. Olympia is my hero" sign was riveted by the match. All 4 men ended up bloody, even the masked Mr. Olympia had blood seeping out from his mask as evidently we didn't spend enough to file the cage down properly. The heels came close to victory several times, but they never could keep both Fabs down long enough for the 3 count. Finally, Mr. Olympia got sent into the cage and took a Savate Kick from Lane as Keirn was hammering away at Norvell long enough for the victory. The Fabulous Ones retain the North American Tag Team titles. Rating: 84

A dejected Jimmy Hart lets Austin Idol do most of the talking before the semi-main event. "Valiant, you've had your little bit of fun taking the title from me. It's time you give it back to the Idol as you enjoy your retirement, you has-been. It's my time now! I'm going to make you bleed tonight. I'll probably take days off your life in that cage. Just concede in front of all these loser fans. Your body will thank you later." Rating: 67


We spent some money on the pyrotechnics. They get used for an over-the-top entrance by the champ. Rating: 76


The dreaded lack of psychology note strikes again God, I hate that note so much as it is due to the match doing so much better than their low 70's psych. but gets countered a little bit from the pretty good chemistry Valiant and Idol have. I just couldn't bear to not have this match in the semi-main as the top title should be respected. To no ones surprise, Valiant didn't concede the title. Oh, he took a lot of punished though just like Idol predicted, but what Idol didn't mention is that he gave as good as he got leaving both men bloody and gasping for air at the 14 minute mark. Jimmy Hart took that opportunity to pass a chain through the cage. Idol got a big grin on his face until he turned around and saw that Valiant had seen the whole thing. Idol swung but missed as Valiant ducked to pop several jabs into the midsection causing the chain to be dropped. Jimmy went to send Idol across the ring, but Calhoun had seen the chain and was going to pick it up. Smash! Idol and Jerry go down. Valiant looks at the chain, then the crowd, then the chain, then the crowd who roars as he picks it up and wraps it around his fist. Idol gets up and eats that punch dropping like a sack of potatoes as Hart is about to have a coronary outside. Calhoun wakes up at the crowd's count of 20 to count to 3. Jimmy Valiant retains his North American Heavyweight Title Rating: 77


Jerry Lawler comes out to congratulate Valiant. "Robert Fuller, your family has hurt two of my friends tonight by cheating. I just spoke to Eddie Marlin, and neither of them are stepping foot from behind that curtain if they want to keep working here in USWA! It's just me and you and this steel cage. Are you ready for an ***-kicking? Come on and get yours Fuller!" Rating: 94


And he fired up the crowd just a little too much as they were a touch burnt out. :( For those of you wondering why it wasn't MOTN. This should have blown away the First Blood match, but it didn't, which is a shame as they put on a classic. It wasn't a wrestling classic as there wasn't much of that. Lawler wanted revenge, and Fuller just wanted to end Lawler. He passed up a few opportunities to get the win or close to it. Lawler ended up a bloody mess as his forehead became cheese to be grated by the cage. King started swinging wildly like he couldn't see, but Fuller managed to step into two big rights to go down. The crowd is trying to guide him to try and get the pin. Wait! Calhoun stops him! He examines his eyes and calls for the bell as Fuller is getting to his feet. Calhoun stopped the fight! He does stop Fuller from doing any more damage as the EMT's come through the cage door. Robert Fuller wins via tainted victory. Rating: 83


And then I made a derp at the end as I clicked the wrong button on the speech so I didn't get to Praise TNT and Mr. Olympia like I wanted. All told the show did amazing 1 point better and 1,800 more fans than Fate Awaits. I like how the programs are doing. Obviously, I'm riding the RnR-Midnight feud forever. Hopefully, the TNT-Poffo feud elevates all 4 of them. The Fullers are primed to move on while I restructure the faces. Lawler is going to have his hands full with a couple of people I kept away from WWF. So is Valiant for that matter. A couple of Mid-Atlantic people are coming for him.


WWF did add The Iron Shiek, Nikolai Volkoff, The Masked Superstar, and Buddy Roberts. I'm not sorry about any of them, really. Yeah, no full Freebirds, but Buddy was on his last legs at this point. Eadie tends to retire way before Demolition too. Keep signing up the old folks Vince.


Honestly, since the prediction contest revealed what I thought, I'm probably going to quickly post the last TV show, and then reveal how I was going to keep this going. I'm still going to play the heck out of this game as I'm loving it, but I'm not going to spend 2 hours writing up a show for only Olympia (and maybe Al though he needs to be working on the 1980 mod). Don't worry Olympia, I'll keep you posted through PM's if you're interested. I wish I knew why no one is reading. Oh well, that's the internet, and I'm not well-liked on here at all. I'll gladly keep going if I have several readers. EDIT: And so I will keep going!

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Yes I am reading and working on the 1980 mod. Olympia and me haven't read this over 1500 times so you do have fans they I am guessing don't like posting. Hell I read about 10 or 12 different diaries on here I barely ever post on them. I understand spending two hours on this and not seeing any replies it gets frustrating but, keep going and sooner or later more people will comment. Lot of the writers on here have built a following. Beejus, Final Countdown, Angel, Anderez,Lloyd they didn't have a lot of people commenting on their posts at first just people they talked to the most on here.

You have a great concept and original because very few people dare do Memphis or Southeastern. Your giving a platform for guys that don't get used very much in other diaries or are jokes in later set real world diaries. Like Jimmy Golden, Robert Fuller, Mr.Olympia, Ron Fuller, hell even Jimmy Valiant, and Jerry Lawler.

You also have lot guys people are not familiar with Jimmy Valiant is a clown in most diaries because he is the Boogie Woogie Man, but here he is more Handsome Jimmy the guy that Lawler and Jarrett wanted in Memphis.

So keep this going the comments will come you just have to give people time. To watch the world your creating evolve.

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Hey smartman thought I would leave this. I get it, I get the frustration of no-one commenting on your diary. First of all its not that people don't like you not at all. My advice is keep doing what your doing only stop when you stop having fun. If you really want this to take off keep going at it! You will grow an audience over time. You wanted to know why people might not be reading here is a list of the reasons why, take them or leave them.


- People might not know the era or the company so things seem foreign.

- There are heaps of diary's on the board a lot of them are well established and have readers that will click on there's first.


Thats all I could think of mate, again no-one (that I know of) hates you, not at all. Keep pushing away mate.

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Actually, I've been told before that spam bots cause a lot of the counters to increase. Evidently I'm a narcissist because all it took was one diary of the month nomination to become totally reinvigorated. That's a good thing because with the 4 new signings USWA is going to be really, really interesting. Last TV show should be up tonight with more comings and goings after.


Edit: Sorry, we've been having a massive problem with a bathroom sink not draining. Had to work on that so I cut this short. I do want to thank each and every one of you who commented and especially KnowYourEnemy for the July Diary nomination. I do wish everyone would at least rate this up to three stars. As I said before, unless the diary has been run through Google translate three times, all diaries on here deserve at least that. Now, if I could find a working Snake somewhere...;) First, I'm adding pictures to Caged Fury.

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glad you got invigorated again - my thought on posting in a void of silence: for me, it was just creating my own record that I could go back and read sometime. If anyone else found some enjoyment then great.


there are tons of diaries on here and I tend to look for ones that are different to follow (everyone does a WWE or WCW; most of them have the same formulas; and a lot never make it past the 10 page set-up to tell us how great and different theirs will be and never hear from them again after they run 1 card - that is if they even get to a first card). Running Memphis is hard, especially if its done right and so far you have captured the aspects that made Memphis (and the SE) such a fun territory to watch every Saturday on tv.


as for spending 2 hours typing everything up - I know what a drag that can be. For me, I'm perfectly find with bullet point summaries - as long as it tells the story -- throw in a pretty picture now and then to add some color. I'm a fan

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Pro Wrestling Illustrated

March 1983 Edition

by Sam Diamonds Are Forever


The Earth Is Shaking


February 1983 is likely to go down in history as the end of professional wrestling as we all know it. It started at the end of January as Vincent Kennedy McMahon "revolutionized" the sport by poaching 4 of the biggest superstars, DiBiase, Steamboat, Piper, and surprisingly 8-time NWA World Champ, Harley Race on exclusive contracts. Most of the promoters didn't raise a huge fuss as these contracts weren't exactly new, and they all snickered that his roster lacked star power since Bruno Sammartino retired. Plus, who wants to stay in the Northeast? They'll get tired of jobbing to Andre and Backlund soon enough and return home, they told me.


Then came the end of the month show where DiBiase, now running a Rich Businessman gimmick and being called The Million Dollar Man, won their version of the World Heavyweight title. Before the promoters could stomach that bit of news, Vince went and signed a new batch of wrestlers to fully written contracts, completely unheard of in professional wrestling history. They are Rick Martel, a young up-and-comer, Greg Valentine, a 2nd generation star, two foreign heels in The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff, the returning Bill Eadie, and two strange signings in Ron Bass and Buddy Roberts. They are both well-known in the South, but not so much in the Northeast. Of course, at their advanced age, maybe they took the security instead of shots at more gold.


When contacted for comment, I got a string of words that peeled paint off my wall from Texas as this was a blow at what most consider the top feud in all of North America in The Freebirds vs The Von Erichs. Someone is going to have to be grafted into that feud to keep World Class selling out the Sportatorium in Dallas. Vince denied this as being the reason for the offer, though you get the feeling that he was lying through his teeth. The opposite response came from Mr. Gagne as he wished Rick Martel all the best. Of course, he can afford to be more gracious as he is sharing all the top midwest talent and Ken Patera.


This sounds like it is going perfectly for WWF, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention USWA. Vince denied the rumors floating around that he didn't actually get everyone he wanted in his buying spree because they signed with the Southern promotion. Reached for comment both Jerrys, Jarrett and Lawler were tight-lipped on if they signed anyone. All they would say is "We have the best wrestling around, and if that attracts some stars to work for us, we'll certainly work out fair compensation and more importantly showcase them to their best effect.". They can deny things all they want, but there have been some people staring up at the lights recently that say differently.


And this is the big question, are we going to have a Pro Wrestling Civil War? The South vs The North. As many southerners still lament how that war ended, you have to wonder if the Jerrys can flip that script. One thing that is very clear is that their shows have been much better than Vince has managed to put on making some question if Vince learned well enough from his father. Money and bright lights can attract a lot of people, but at the end of the day, it is still the wrestling that matters.


Wrestling is doing booming business as everyone is seeing a spike in attendance all across the country, but if it becomes a war, war has always produced casualties. All the promoters across the country have to be worried that they'll be caught in the crossfire. As someone famous wrote, "It was the best of times, and the worst of times." which sums up February 1983 pro wrestling perfectly. For the first time in my 10 years of writing for this magazine, I don't know quite what is going to happen this month. Watch more wrestling!


Sorry if this isn't kayfabe enough. All 4 of my signings will be debuting on the first week's TV show. No hints for you! Well, except for all the ones I've dropped before.


Oh, and Olympia, you're still going to get to name the what I hope is inaugural PPV. Name it whatever you want, but just know I can't make logos so if there is one out there, that would be nice. Now, I'm off to try and figure out how Nick Bockwinkel invented the teleporter (he managed to appear on the live AWA TV show in St. Louis and the Mid-South show in Miss.) and how Georgia managed to make at least $100,000 in sponsorship. They were at $-19,000 before running their end of the month show on Sunday, and at the start of March are +$54k.

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I'm sure Nick had a private Lear Jet on standby to whisk him between St Louis and Mississippi -- not all that far. and I'm sure there are some deep pockets willing to invest in GCW around Atlanta. Whether its the owner of the Superstation Ted Turner, or possibly Vince trying to buy his way into a southern market, or another mystery man we may never know about.


I'll put my thinking cap for PPV name ideas

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USWA Wrestling Sat. Week 4

Battelle Hall Columbus, OH

Attendance: 6,404 Out of 6,500

Rating: 73/B- Improved in all 11 regions

TV Rating: 0.47 +0.06


http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Stan%20Lane3_zpsjzqjjqvh.jpg http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Steve%20Keirn3_zpsmeji8fs9.jpg

We start the show with The Fabulous Ones in a post-match taped interview from Caged Fury. “We told you all that we were walking into that cage with these titles and we were going to walk out of that cage with those titles. We may not look very Fabulous right now, but these titles are what matters. Bring your next two losers to face us Hart. We aren't too hard to find. What is hard to find is someone who can take these titles from us. Let's go paint the town red, Stan.” Rating: 64


Poor Mando. I really should be pushing him, but he's pretty much a JTTS. This week he gets to face an angry Bobby Eaton and a distracted Cornette, sans tennis racquet. As you can imagine most of the announce team's focus was recounting all the RnR vs Midnight action at Caged Fury. The match was a pretty good opener though. Eaton won cleanly. Rating: 66

“And now we have a man here that looks like he's the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary. Still North American Heavyweight Champion, Jimmy Valiant.” “Thank you Lance. The Boogy Woogy Man still has this title, and I am riding high today.” We show the finish of the match where Hart passes the chain to Idol. “See there Lance! Old Jimmy Hart tried to pull a fast one on me, but Jimmy, I've already told you I'm smarter than you. I saw that coming, and POW! I floored Idol with his own chain. Ha ha. I'll defend this title against anyone worthy of a shot.” “There goes a man on top of the world. We'll be right back folks.” Rating: 77


Noticeably absent from the match was Jimmy Hart. The announcers speculated either he was really down in the dumps after a rough night at Caged Fury, or likely, no one wanted to be around a still ticked off Wendi Richter outside the ring. Lance hyped up his face-to-face with Wendi & Cornette later on in the show. In the ring, both teams used their tag team experience to keep the match even. It came down to one team is getting fired to make room for new hires, and the other is The Gibsons. Rick picks up the win cleanly pinning Smith. Rating: 62


The video starts with clips showing all 3 men getting beaten down at Caged Fury. Then the video transitions to a hospital. Inside the ER area, you can see Lawler, Mantell, and Dundee getting patched up by doctors. Nothing serious as we can't show anything graphic even in 1983 basic cable. The doctor says “Okay, Mr. Lawler, I've given you 35 stitches. You need to let the wounds heal. Mr. Dundee, the blow to your head is severe enough to put you out of action for a week. Mr. Mantell, you've got bumps and bruises, but other than that, you're fine. You're lucky too as that chair missed cracking your skull by a quarter-inch.” “Fullers! You are going to pay for this. We're coming back, and we're bringing someone along to watch our backs!” Rating: 72


As you'd expect, most of the match was spent talking about the video, especially taking a guess about who Lawler meant as a fourth person. We did steer the conversation back towards the women's division as Judy has to be aiming for a title shot soon, but as we'll show everyone in a minute why Wendi is going to get a rematch first. Martin pins Vicki cleanly Rating: 53


“Let me show you the tape first, and then we're going to have both of them out here.” The tape shows Cornette distracting Wendi during her title match with Candi Devine and him passing the tennis racquet to her to crack Wendi up side her head. Wendi's look when the video ends killed three men in three different states. “You took that title from me Cornette. I've worked my whole life to become the best female wrestler on the planet, and it was there on a silver platter. I know you have an issue with my boys beating your ugly trio, but let me make this clear, if you get between me and that title again, you're going to talk with a higher voice forever!” Cornette has been hiding behind Lance the entire time. “Will you stop that! Mr. Marlin has promised she won't hurt you today.” The crowd doubles over with laughter. “First off, you owe me $20 for my tennis racquet you broke. My mama bought that for me for Christmas. She always said that if you broke it, you bought it. Here's the bill.” Wendi just stares at in shock. “More importantly, you made it Midnight business when you decided to get into the manager business with those three low-lifes. Not a one of you are winning any titles while we're around. So if you want that title, stop managing them, and if you try to hurt me, my mama is going to sue you so fast your little head will spin.” Wendi ends the segment by ripping up the bill. Rating: 68 Kept this scripted and had way too much fun writing it.;)


The semi-main event showcased TNT being a team on the rise facing two heels that consistently perform well when needed. The match showed why it got such a high spot on the card as they put on a great ten minute match. The ending came when TNT showed off their finisher the Dynamite, a drop-kick by Taylor that sends the loser into a bulldog from the top rope by Pritchard. The victim this time is Hickerson. Rating: 73


We have another post-show interview from Caged Fury. This one is from the winner's locker room. It was clear that this wasn't a very good idea as all three of them weren't very coherent after their grueling matches. Basically, it can be summed up as “We've finished up with your three heroes who are beat so bad they'll probably never be back, and now we're going to chase gold.” Rating: 55


And this is why Randy was going to win the TV title all along. You need someone that talented that can deliver in the main event after you've had your big event to give the guys a kayfabe rest. The announcers did spend some time hyping up Miss Elizabeth's charges, especially The Fantastics as Fulton has to get another shot at the Junior Heavyweight title soon after defeating HTM. Cooley failed to defeat Randy in the tournament, and he didn't fair any better here losing cleanly this time. Rating: 74


We end the show with another hype video featuring the Women's Division ending, of course, with Candi Devine. Rating: 58


The end of month financials did show a hefty improvement as we cleared $101,438 bringing our total bank account up to almost $392,000 aka the we can buy plenty more wrestlers away from Vince and take over Georgia. Note: That's including paying the 3 signed workers signing bonuses AND their contract despite their contracts not starting until Friday or Saturday of March. Seriously, I make $143,000/mo in sponsorship money at Cult at Quite favorable, and they're at Regional with a Very favorable product. I need to ferret out that bankroll. They're going to hit Cult soon which should be a barrel of laughs.


As for my popularity gains, I did very, very well. 63.6/30.0/23.8/28.8/13.9/13.8/66.3/13.8/25.9/30.0/13.8 so +6/6/5/5/5/5/6/5/5/9/5. Better than the 3.8 in the first month. Hitting the 65 spillover point in the South East is what boosted PR up to the Mid-Atlantic level. That's the great news. The bad news is I'm rapidly approaching the ceiling in the GL and SE on what I have to run to keep gaining there and what I can produce. Hopefully, the pop will build faster, and the 4 newcomers are definitely going to help. It is an equal fed, and those 4 all have great talent.


Edit: Somehow, I have forgotten that the 4th guy still hasn't signed yet. I don't know how that happened. Hmmm...I hope I get him. Well, I will sign a 4th guy, and someone isn't going to like it. Of course, he's the one I've developed the most plans in my mind. I can fix it.


Edit #2: I want to thank everyone that has voted for me so far in the Monthly Mod Diary contest. The voting is wide-open so make sure you vote for your top choice. Also, I'm up to 3 stars. Thanks for that too.

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