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1983 USWA Goes Cult

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Mid-South Coliseum Feb. Week 1

Attendance: 10,000 Sell-Out

Rating: 74/B-


The Fabulous Show opens the night. Fargo interviews Eddie Marlin and Jerry Lawler about the ending to his Caged Fury match. Lawler isn't happy as the decision stands. 67

Norvell Austin and Honky Tonk Man team up to defeat Rossi & Smothers 50

The Fabulous Ones and The Fuller Brothers have a huge argument 79

Dennis Condrey def Wendell Cooley 59

The Midnight Express hype themselves with two of them going way off topic to ruin the segment. 49

The Fantastics def The New York Assassins 62

Bill Dundee fills the crowd in on his (kayfabe) injury and immanent return to action 69

Ron Fuller def Ricky Santana in a pretty good match 71

The Rock N Roll Express, Rick Gibson, & Koko B Ware def The Nightmares, Pat Rose, & Carl Fergie 59

The 3 Poffos try to run down TNT and Combs prompting TNT to come chase them out of the ring. 60

Wendi Richter def Susan Sexton 50

Candi Devine comes out post-match and jumps Wendi beating her down 67

Austin Idol squashes Shane Douglas in an amazing match 74

Jimmy Valiant and Dutch Mantell def Barry Horowitz & Phil Hickerson 74

The lights go out for a couple of minutes. When they come back on, Jimmy Valiant is face down in the center of the otherwise empty ring. 79


Louisville Gardens Feb. Week 1

Attendance: 5,000 Sell-Out

Rating: 73/B-


Jimmy Valiant comes out and says he's sitting in the crowd with his fans 70

Bobby Eaton opens the show by squashing Tracy Smothers 52

Judy Martin def Joyce Grable 59

TNT w/Combs hype their singles matches against The New York Assassins tonight 58

Terry Taylor and Don Bass were up first. Taylor wins cleanly 51

The three top members of The First Family come to the ring with Jimmy Hart. They say that the only thing that gives them solace in their run of bad luck is that those three losers have gotten their butts handed to them by the Fullers. Lawler & Mantell have enough of that and run them out of the ring by swinging chairs. 70

Tom Pritchard gives TNT the sweep by def Roger Smith 58

Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo hype themselves 64

Poffo & Savage def Cooley & Rossi 66

Randy Rose squashes Shane Douglas 34

The RnR Express and Rick Gibson w/Richter celebrate their win over The Midnights at Caged Fury 58

Lelani Kai gets the tainted win over Debbie Combs with interference by Candi Devine 50

Wendi comes screaming out of the back, and she and Combs turn the tide beating Candi down. 62

Stan Lane def Adrian Street 73

Steve Keirn def Jimmy Golden via DQ from interference by Robert Fuller 78

Lane comes down to the ring to check on Keirn. He picks up the mic and says that if you and your rotten brother want a tag title shot, you've got it! The Fullers just laugh and say you're fools. 66


I've highlighted the important stuff from the two shows in purple for easy reading. Well, first the bad news. I still can't get on PPV. Closed Circuit turned me down again. Somehow WWF can get on the Medium level Cablevision though. The good news is that I did get the 4th guy I was shooting for so he couldn't join his friend in WWF. However, WWF has continued their signing spree. They've added Bob Armstrong, Bob Roop, and Pez Whatley all from Georgia, Raymond Rougeau and Dino Bravo from Canada, Jack Brisco from MACW, and Thunderbolt Patterson for some reason. Oh, and the new AWA World Champion. No, not that one. No, not the other one. Ken Patera. Seriously. There's Magnum TA, Arn Anderson, Hulk Hogan, etc all available, and you pick Patera (and Thunderbolt).


The big reveals on the first TV show of the month will be up probably Thursday as I have to take my Dad up to Louisville for his outpatient surgery Tuesday. Everything should be fine. It's just going to put me behind a little.

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“Welcome to another jam-packed episode of USWA Wrestling. Our next big event is titled Legacy because each and every year we're going to be honoring some of the legends in wrestling, and it gives me great honor to introduce the first legend we'll be honoring. Come on out Jackie Fargo.” A quick clip of some of his great matches from CWA is shown while he comes out. “Well, Lance, I've never been a humble man laughter, but I am so honored to be in the initial group. That doesn't mean I'm going anywhere though.” Boos start raining down from the crowd as The Fuller Brothers and Golden walk down to the ring. Lance says, “Now, wait just a minute you three. We don't want any trouble.” “So, you're being inducted into some Hall of Fame for all you've done, Fargo? Well, if this tub of lard is being inducted for his legacy, then one of the preeminent families in wrestling has to be going in too, right Lance?” “Well, Robert, I don't see any of your names on this list.” “Well, that's interesting, Lance because if we're not Legacy, then all I see out here is trash, and our mamas raised us to always take out the trash. So get'em boys!” They proceed to beat Fargo down to a pulp finishing with him locked into a figure four screaming in agony as the announcers screamed for someone to come out and help. Rating: 73


Two of our talented midcarders open the show. The crowd still hadn't quite recovered from the attack though so they didn't get into the match much. Neither did the announcers much. Terry Taylor picks up the clean victory Rating: 52



“I have been waiting since Monday night for this. Whoever you are that jumped me at the Coliseum, get your sorry behind out here and face me like a man!”


Unfamiliar music begins to play...



“Attention! You want to know who attacked you? Well here I am, maggot! Why did I attack you? Because you are what is wrong with America today! You stand there looking like a hippy holding that title you took by cheating, not once but twice thinking you're the best wrestler here in the United States Wrestling Association. The fact of the matter is you're a coward who ran away from the competition in the east because you knew you couldn't beat me, and I like the greatest President in history, Ronald Reagan, know what to do with sniveling cowards. We strike quickly in the night, and we win because we're the United States of America! What do you have to say about that hippy?” No words are necessary because Valiant attacks Sarge, and they brawl all over the ring as we go to commercial. Rating: 72



This should be your clue that the show is jammed packed if the TV title match doesn't rate being at the end. Mando does his best and gets in plenty of offense, but it was pretty clear that Savage is just on another level right now. He makes his 3rd successful TV title defense. Rating: 74


Candi Devine is in the ring as we return from commercial. “Wendi, I owe you an apology. So, if you could please come down here so I can give it to you face to face.” Wendi peeks out from behind the curtain scanning the area. “Come on, it is just me in the ring. I promise I'm not going to lay a hand on you.” Wendi reluctantly starts making her way down to the ring when The Glamour Girls come out of hiding behind her and strike. Richter tries to fight back, but the surprise and 2-on-1 odds are too much to overcome. Candi laughs, “I do owe you an apology Wendi. I'm sorry I didn't hit you with that tennis racquet harder! You're not taking my title from me.” Rating: 55



“We've been sitting around since Caged Fury licking our wounds and planning our next move. However, there has been one thing that cheers us up any time we're feeling down, and that's the fact that we're not those sad-sacks that got owned by The Fuller Brothers and Golden. I mean one of them is out of action for several weeks, and Lawler's face got even uglier to the where I've heard he can't shave because every mirror cracks when he looks at it. Now, he's gone and gotten a 4th loser to get revenge. Oh, that makes us laugh and laugh and...” Out from the back come Lawler and Mantell. They stop for a second though and count the 3 men in the ring then count the 2 of them. Then they both stick a finger up in the air like they got a good idea and wave their hands for someone to come out. The roof almost blows off the building as out steps Tommy Rich, for GCW Heavyweight Champion! The three of them sprint to the ring while the heels turn tail and run. Lance adds from commentary “Looks like those three got more than they bargained for in Tommy Rich.” Rating: 73



The “We're building Koko up if it kills me” continues, plus a squash match is all I could squeeze in here. Koko shows off his skills coming out of the match looking good. Rating: 58



The announcers stated that Marlin made this match after what occurred earlier. If Sarge is looking for a fight, he got one from Ricky Santana. Sarge kept using his size to try and keep the much lighter Santana down while Ricky used his speed and aerial prowess to keep Sarge off-balance. He had some success, but that size advantage was just too much because Sarge packs too much of a punch. The announce crew picks up on that as Sarge is pinning him wondering if Jimmy can withstand those punches. Rating: 79


The main event was more 6-man tag action. The announcers pointed out that this was a huge opportunity for the Midnight Express to gain huge bragging rights on The Rock N Roll Express with a victory here especially since King and Dutch haven't tagged together with Rich before. That was the story early in the match as the Midnights use their tag team experience, and more than a few shortcuts, to start off strong. Eventually, Calhoun caught them cheating which gave Dutch the chance to tag in the fresh Rich. He spent the rest of the match in the ring, much to the Georgians delight. It didn't last too much longer though as Austin Idol came out of the back and grabbed him dragging him out of the ring and punched Rich in full view of Calhoun who called for the bell. Idol bolted to the back when Lawler and Dutch came over. The faces win via DQ Rating: 87




Wow, what a great show! Can't be any happier with how the debuts of Sarge and Rich went off. It was a shame that I couldn't get the 3rd signee on the show. He'll make his debut Monday night. The 4th signee will debut on next week's TV show. As you see, Olympia has named the big show as Legacy while also giving me the idea of a pseudo-HOF and attack on Fargo. It is going to be announced next week that the sub-heading for this year's show will be Vengeance for obvious reasons. That sub-heading will change every year. Plus, the logo I have looks really cool, and I don't have any that say Legacy on them.


On the other feds notes, AWA wised up and gave the World title back to Bockwinkel before Patera joins WWF. Also, WWF kept up their hiring spree by adding Skip Young aka Sweet Brown Sugar from MACW. More black magic out of GCW as they ran their two shows in Hawaii to 600 fans, yet made $6,000. They should hit Cult next week. There's only one of the two auto-signings left (Rich was one of the two) so I doubt their signing spree is going to cause me to add anyone. I did go ahead and release Bass and Smith to make room on the roster so I'm up to 56 wrestlers, including women.


In good news, I'm up to 7th in the rankings as the spillover from hitting 65 in GL jumped Tri-State up to 29.

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I loved the opening segment. I live in Rhode Island but we used to get the USWA show up here in the early to mid 90's and I have to admit I used to hate it when they would put Jackie Fargo on. Because it always meant that the heels were going to come out and do something to him. It would happen like three or four times a year.:D


I think what bothered me was I had no clue who the hell he was at the time. I did not really understand his impact on Memphis wrestling. My father being a long time fan told me about Bruno, Gorgeous George, Haystacks Calhoun, Tony Garea, et cetera.


Jackie Fargo?


Not so much. Therefore, when they would drag him out for his quarterly beating it meant next to nothing to me.


My point being, I loved the opening segment so much because it reminded me of watching Memphis on the crappy UHF station they used to broadcast it on up here.

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I loved the opening segment. I live in Rhode Island but we used to get the USWA show up here in the early to mid 90's and I have to admit I used to hate it when they would put Jackie Fargo on. Because it always meant that the heels were going to come out and do something to him. It would happen like three or four times a year.:D


I think what bothered me was I had no clue who the hell he was at the time. I did not really understand his impact on Memphis wrestling. My father being a long time fan told me about Bruno, Gorgeous George, Haystacks Calhoun, Tony Garea, et cetera.


Jackie Fargo?


Not so much. Therefore, when they would drag him out for his quarterly beating it meant next to nothing to me.


My point being, I loved the opening segment so much because it reminded me of watching Memphis on the crappy UHF station they used to broadcast it on up here.


Thanks. Honestly, I'm pretty sure he had retired before I started watching CWA, but I fully remember the hype build-up of The Fabulous Ones. The Moondogs beat him bloody at least twice to further their epic feud with them. Kind of what I'm channeling here actually. Didn't realize that USWA ever reached north of KY/S. Indiana. Glad you enjoyed it.

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They did a retirement angle for Jackie Fargo in 81 or 82. It was on Youtube it might be the first appearance of Jim Cornette or not on Memphis TV he gave Jackie Fargo a retirement award. In 1980 mod he will be the Southern Champion it was the last singles title he held. I think it would be cool if you imported Ron Wright into the mod. He is in the Risky Business data. In the updated 1983 mod and 1980 mod he will be in the data.
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there is some mod from the 70's that has Ron Wright too - wrestling. I know that because as I'm watching it progress he -and brother Don won like 4 tag titles in the same federation. They are killing it which is great that they are getting the chance like this. They were such a dominant team in Tennessee for years. Then Ron's antics as a manager were awesome as well.


as for BHK watching Fargo on UHF, that reminds me of the way I used to watch wrestling too. We were fortunate enough to have a giant rotary tv attenae on the roof and picked up Mid-Atlantic, GCW, Southeastern (Knoxville) and Memphis wrestling. Often took a while to figure out who everyone was - especially watching a snowy picture.

Fargo was the king of Memphis before Lawler. That's all you need to know. Everyone knew him in the Memphis area and he was always a ratings and attendance boost when they brought him back. (much like Ron Wright was in East Tennessee. When Jim Cornette was negotiating TV for his new Smokey Mountain Wrestling, he was telling them all the great talent he has signed like Paul Orndorff fresh off his WWF run with Hogan, former NWA world champion Ron Garvin, tag team legends Rock & Roll Express, Fantastics, etc. the TV producer just nodded and asked if that was all. Cornette dropped his head then remembered that he has just talked to Ron WRight about coming in to manage. The producer perked up: "Ron Wright!!! Why didn't you say so!!!! Now that's big!!!!" --- just goes to show how important the old legends are to the core fans. new fans just have to learn about them - and that's why we are here :D

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Mid-South Coliseum Feb. Week 2

Attendance: 10,000 Sell-Out

Rating: 80/B


The Fabulous Ones come out and verbally light into The Fullers 78

The Midnight Express I (Rose/Condrey) def Douglas & Rossi 62

The Midnight Express hype themselves and their new clients The Gamour Girls 50

Bobby Eaton follows that botched interview by def Smothers 63

Hart, Idol, Mr. Olympia, and Norvell warn Rich that he's picked the wrong side 76

Adrian Street def Wendell Cooley 59

Lawler, Rich, Dutch, and Dundee hype themselves as they will end The First Family 77

The Fantastics def Brown & Pat Rose 59

TNT's (Pritchard & Taylor) Interview is interrupted by Poffo & Savage who beat them down 68

Koko B Ware squashes Fidel Sierra 53

The Fullers & Golden announce themselves as The Legacy Studs, and they're adding those tag titles to their collection 73

Wendi Richter & Debbie Combs teamed up to def Sue Green & Sexton via DQ from Devine 52

Combs & Richter jump Candi before she can escape and beat her down 66

Dutch Mantell def Phil Hickerson in the semi-main event 80

The main event was Jimmy Valiant defending his North American title against a mystery opponent who turned out to be...JAKE ROBERTS!!! Sarge interferes as Valiant is going to win for the DQ. 84

Sarge & Jake beat the champ down leaving him bloody in the ring 75



Louisville Freedom Hall Feb. Week 2

Attendance: 12,215 Out of 15,000

Rating: 69/C+


Before Idol, Olympia, & Norvell can run them down, Rich & Mantell run them out of the ring with chairs in hand. 70

Jimmy Golden squashed Smothers 48

Sarge comes down and insults Louisville and Freedom Hall saying that they love Valiant because they're losers too. 67

The Glamour Girls w/Cornette def Vachon & Williams 57

An even worse promo from The Midnights & Glamour Girls 45 :(

Norvell Austin def Rossi 38

The 3 Poffos & Candi Devine hype themselves 56

Terry Taylor squashes Pat Rose 41

The Rock N Roll Express, Rick Gibson, & Wendi Richter hype themselves 58

Ricky Santana squashes Ken Wayne 41

Jimmy Valiant taunts Sarge right back! 64

Mando Guerrero def Fergie 41

The King hypes himself 73

Velvet MacIntyre def Sherri Martel via DQ 35

The Fuller Brothers hype their main event tag match vs The Fantastics 62

Jerry Lawler proves that Barry Horowitz can't semi-main event in a horrible match that Lawler wins 66

The Fuller Brothers def The Fantastics via DQ as The Fabs interfere 70

The Fabulous Ones argue with The Fuller Brothers to close the show 73


Sigh, the Louisville show was horrible. Yes, I've given up the Gardens because I didn't realize that I would be close to filling Freedom Hall every week this soon. So, I'm staying in Louisville, just going to a bigger arena. I'm sure CWA would have jumped at that if they could have sold it out every week. Not to mention I need all the money I can get my hands on.


Btw, this post is up 2 hours late thanks to Al sending me down the YT rabbit hole watching Jackie Fargo videos.


In contract notes, WWF signed up Bobby Duncum and Luke Williams. I'm thinking WWF isn't going to run the Cartoon era in this game. Seems like they want to copy me in running a rough-and-tumble brawling fed. Keep signing the 35 & over crowd Vince (and running lousy shows as they have one 69 and a 68 as their best shows since mid-Feb). The bigger news was actually out of Georgia as they signed Arn Anderson & Tony Atlas to Exclusive PPA deals which is evidently something the AI gets to do as they do have a working agreement with Mid-South. Come on and go bankrupt Georgia! I can do a lot with Arn. Oh, and they're working on adding Hayes and a couple of others to Exc PPA's as well. I can have a roster of 75 wrestlers, right?:eek: I'm kidding, I think.

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USWA Wrestling Sat. Week 2

Kellogg Arena Battle Creek, MI

Attendance: 8,442 Out of 8,500

Rating: 75/B- Improved in all 11 regions

TV Rating: 0.56 +0.01



http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Robert%20Fuller_zpsqh0xjw5p.jpg http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Ron%20Wright%204_zps9loozqh9.jpg http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Stan%20Lane3_zpsjzqjjqvh.jpg http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Steve%20Keirn3_zpsmeji8fs9.jpg

http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Bob%20Orton%20Jr_zpst0rsftba.jpg & http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Jimmy%20Golden_zpscpkbbz6f.jpg

“After last week's show, the entire USWA fan base has been demanding answers, and we're going to bring Robert Fuller out right now to give them to you.” “Oh the fans are angry, are they Lance? Well, I went out and found a real wrestling legend that should be inducted into this Legacy over that never-was, Jackie Fargo. So let me introduce a real Legacy Stud, Ron Wright.” “Well, he is certainly a legend, but I don't think he ever sold out the Boston Garden.” Wright rips the mic out of Lance's hand. “Yeah, I didn't sell out the Boston Garden because I didn't want to wrestle up there, but you know how many times that loser wrestled me in Tenn.? ZERO! Because he knew I'd beat him so bad he'd have to quit wrestling all together. The Fabulous One isn't a legend. I am, and The Fuller Brothers are going to beat his second rate tag team for the titles to cement their Legacy.” Lance is borrowing Dave's mic. “Looks like the tag team champs have something to say about that because here they come.” Fuller intercepts them, but it is only a distraction as you can see Wright waving his hands wildly towards the back. It's Jimmy Golden and Bob Orton Jr.! They attack The Fabs turning it into a 4-on-2 beat down as the announcers say “There's 5 of them now? How are The Fabulous Ones going to counter that?” Rating: 60


This is the return of Bill Dundee to wrestling, and he looks to be in pretty good form. Granted, the competition wasn't that tough. Dundee picks up the clean win Rating: 61


The First Family makes their way down to the ring at the end of the match sarcastically clapping as they surround the ring with Dundee inside. “Oh look, the shrimp bravely came back for us to squash. How many times does it take to get something through you thick head that wrestling isn't where you're supposed to be? I guess we're going to see if one more will do.” Dutch Mantell comes out. “Hey, you three losers can stop right there! You're so scared of facing us that you're going to jump a man 3-on-1? I mean you should be because we constantly outsmart you, like right now.” While everyone was focused on Dutch, Rich and Lawler had snuck behind them and jumped Norvell and Olympia. When Idol and Hart turn around and see this, they try and bolt, but Dutch grabs Idol to join in the beat down. Rating: 72


And finally I get Honky Tonk Man back on TV. This was mainly just to remind viewers that indeed the Junior Heavyweight Title exists, HTM holds it, and how good a wrestler he is. He easily retained over the jobber Rating: 51



Two squash matches in a row! 80's booking ftw. The announcers spent the match hyping up the feud between TNT & Savage & Poffo. Tom looks good in picking up the win. Rating: 58



“Take a look at what happened Monday night at the Coliseum.” The video rolls of the end of the Valiant vs Jake title match where Sarge jumps in and then the 2-on-1 beat down. “Here are the two men. So what do the two of you have to say for yourself?” “Is that disgusting hippy mad? Did we hurt his feelings? If you can't handle that little bit of pain, you might as well just hand that title over right now because that is just a taste of what I'm going to do to you at Legacy. I represent the greatest fighting force in all the world, and we don't cry to mommy if we get a boo-boo. This man next to me is more of a man than you'll ever be.” “I do what I want, when I want, and to whoever I want. Sarge wanted me to soften you up, so I did. I'm putting the entire USWA that they better watch their backs because Jake Roberts is here.” Lance finishes it off by saying “You do know that you're facing Valiant and a partner of his choosing later on tonight.” A flash of concern cross their faces before they regain their composure saying “Bring it on!”. Rating: 73

The women return to in-ring action after being off last week. It was 6-man tag action featuring the new alliance between Candi & The Glamour Girls vs Vachon & The Trailblazers. Wendi Richter sat in on commentary for the match which ended up being pretty good. The heels slowly took control of the match and just threw in some feet on the ropes for the tainted victory leading Richter to make some blistering comments. Rating: 56


The problem with that was the announce table was pretty close to the ring so the 3 heels heard everything she had said, and they weren't too happy about it making a beeline straight to her. Wendi starts to get concerned as she realizes that she's trapped when the Rock N Roll Express' music hits as Ricky and Robert charge down to the ring with a chair in hand that they pass to Wendi. She swings it a few times at the heels as the 3 of them now retreat to the back leaving the angry heels ringside. Rating: 64



Valiant came down to the ring spitting fire leading the start of the match to be slow going as both Sarge and Jake kept sliding out of the ring. Finally, the action picked up when Jimmy tagged in Mando. He took control of the match for a brief little bit until Jake started breaking out the dirty tricks, which drove Jimmy crazy. A tag out to Sarge and more dirty tricks as clearly they had figured out it would tick Valiant off. Eventually, he couldn't take it any more, and it moved into chaos territory with all 4 men brawling. Calhoun tried to restore order, but the 4 of them wouldn't stand for it leading him to call for the double DQ draw. Rating: 78



And we're back to Savage in the main event. This time he defends the title against Rick Gibson. It was an epic match with 10 minutes of non-stop action. Gibson was actually in control of the match when Poffo made his move. He wandered over to Wendi and baited her. This distracted Gibson giving Savage the opening to roll him up with a handful of tights to boot. He makes his 4th successful TV title defense. Rating: 78


For the record, I couldn't get Ron Fuller into that opening angle. He also has bad chemistry with Wright, no positives with the rest but no negatives either. I really, really, really should have just stuck the show in the South East, but I'm worried more than 7 shows will burn the region out. Wright and Orton's momentum is still really high so it is all good. Not sure about the Sarge promo. I really struggled writing it for some reason. Savage may be main eventing the GL shows as he seems to be golden even with 56 pop there.


Okay, now for the other stuff. As expected, Georgia just hit Cult. Hopefully, this will hasten their decline though if they get PPV it may take a little longer. Plus, they're adding several more people, and now most of them will be on Written deals. I went ahead and turned WWA into a development fed for the very low, low price of $9,800. I've sent down 8 wrestlers, 4 men/4 women, and I'm signing about 14 more people, all unemployed. Other than Hercules (the latter WWF version with the chain), they're pretty much all jobbers on the men's side. I grabbed Col. Ninotchka who should turn out well for the women. I'm adding a couple of people to the main roster to replace some of the now super-jobbers I sent down.


In heartbreaking news, WWF just grabbed Moondog Rex so I can't repeat the epic Fabs vs Moondogs tag team feud. I guess Vince is unleashing Demolition way early. Hey, maybe Rex will throw a fit again and get fired. Vince can sign Darsow because he's not very good right now.

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First off, I marked out when I saw the picture of Ron Wright there with Fuller. Too bad there are chemistry issues with big brother Ron, but you might be able to use that as an angle down the road (Ron Wright and Ron Fuller did have some major wars in East TN back in the day, so maybe some of that bad blood has carried over to the game :D )


Is Spot (Larry Latham) and Spike (Bill Smithson) in the game? They were the Moondog combination I remember most in Memphis (if so, you won't need Rex) -- if not, maybe reprise Spot's team with Honky Tonk Man (Larry Latham and Wayne Ferris were the Blond Bombers -- famous for their concession stand brawl in Tupelo) or turn another wrestler sitting around not doing much into a new Moondog. Jarrett was always taking a journeyman wrestler and gave them a gimmick which then made them in a main event superstar (anyone remember Sugar Bear Harris? Jarrett and Lawler gave him some face paint and a loin cloth - and the Ugandan Giant Kamala was born). Maybe you can work similar magic with someone as a new Moondog :D

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I can't find Spike in the game. There is a 3rd Moondog though, but that's Sailor White (Moondog King). Unfortunately, Spot is the worst of the three of them as far as performance row skills go. Just sucks as their feud with The Fabs is literally the first major feud I ever remember. It ran for like a year and a half with many gallons of blood shed. Georgia just should have gone bankrupt quicker. Or the AI should stop grabbing half of tag teams all the time, seriously that's been going on in TEW since 08 at least.


I could very well grab White when GCW does go under and Spot becomes useful (he's in the low 60's in performance row skills which is a big, big no no for me). He improved quite quickly in my GCW game though.


Of course, the Fabs vs Legacy Studs feud is just getting off the ground, and I plan for it to be just as epic and last about 6 months or so, so no worrying about anyone else. Hmmm...Ted DiBiase has blondish hair at this time and the Fabs need some help. I'm kidding. No more signings right now.;)

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I can't find Spike in the game. There is a 3rd Moondog though, but that's Sailor White (Moondog King). Unfortunately, Spot is the worst of the three of them as far as performance row skills go. Just sucks as their feud with The Fabs is literally the first major feud I ever remember. It ran for like a year and a half with many gallons of blood shed. Georgia just should have gone bankrupt quicker. Or the AI should stop grabbing half of tag teams all the time, seriously that's been going on in TEW since 08 at least.


I could very well grab White when GCW does go under and Spot becomes useful (he's in the low 60's in performance row skills which is a big, big no no for me). He improved quite quickly in my GCW game though.


Of course, the Fabs vs Legacy Studs feud is just getting off the ground, and I plan for it to be just as epic and last about 6 months or so, so no worrying about anyone else. Hmmm...Ted DiBiase has blondish hair at this time and the Fabs need some help. I'm kidding. No more signings right now.;)


Moondog Cujo is under Lanny Kean but he doesn't debut until June of 1983. The Sheepherders were a helluva feud as well, if I remember correctly it was the first big feud for the Fabs.

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Mid-South Coliseum Feb. Week 3

Attendance: 10,000 Sell-Out

Rating: 81/B


The Legacy Studs minus Orton open the show verbally ripped into The Fabulous Ones 76

Orton's absence was explained as he squashed Smothers 67

Valiant and Sarge's war of words ended with a war of fists 84

The Rock N Roll Express def The Nightmares 69

The Midnight Express all come out and mock them asking is that all you've got? 57 so close to not hitting that penalty that drug it down

Condrey stays out there and squashes Rossi 59

The entire First Family comes out and warns Lawler about all the pain they're going to inflict at Legacy: Vengeance. 75

Tommy Rich puts on the most impressive squash match def Pat Rose 76

Rich is joined by Lawler, Dutch, and Dundee who say the pain from Sat. was just the beginning. 81

Tommy Rodgers squashes Carl Fergie 47

TNT w/Combs hype their main event tag match vs The Fuller Brothers 68

Wendi Richter def Leilani Kai via DQ from interference by Martin and Candi 57

This leads to a 3-on-1 beat down 63

Dutch Mantell & Bill Dundee def Street & Hickerson in great semi-main 81

The main event TNT vs Fuller Brothers match ends in Double DQ via interference from The Fabulous Ones and Savage & Poffo 82

Eight man brawl to end the show! 84


Louisville Freedom Hall Feb. Week 3

Attendance: 13,028 Out of 15,000

Rating: 76/B-


Valiant's interview is interrupted by Sarge and Jake, but King to the rescue! 73

Golden squashes Rossi 52

TNT save Combs from Savage & Poffo's harassment 57

TNT stay out and def The Nightmares 57

The Fabulous Ones hype their Legacy tag title match vs The Fuller Brothers 74

Bobby Fulton def Barry Horowitz 51

Miss Elizabeth celebrates by shooting t-shirts into the crowd 55

Tommy Rodgers squashes Pat Rose 45

This time The Legacy Studs minus Golden taunt The Fabulous Ones 66

Adrian Street squashes Smothers 53

Hart & Idol get saved from Mantell & Dundee by Olympia & Norvell 69

The Glamour Girls def Vicki Williams & Debbie Combs via DQ from Richter's interference 57

Wendi and chair lay serious smack down on The Glamour Girls 64

Austin Idol def Mando Guerrero cleanly 73

The main event saw King def Jake Roberts via DQ 82


Okay, here is the full development roster broken down into how much work is needed.


Roster (skills that can be dramatically improved/some room for improvement) *Possibly never will make the roster



Bryan St. John (2/4)*

Fidel Sierra (2/3)

Italian Stallion (2/5)*

Joyce Grable (3/3)

Shane Douglas (2/5)

Velvet MacIntyre (1/6)

Wendell Cooley (2/5)




Brickhouse Brown (5/3)

Col. Ninotchka (4/2)

Denny Brown (5/3)

Frankie Lancaster (5/1)*

Rick McCord (4/6)

Sherri Martel (6/3)--I'm amazed at this

Sue Green (6/2)

Terry Daniels (3/6)*

Tim Patterson (5/3)

Tony Anthony aka Dirty White Boy (4/3)

Valente Fernandez (4/4) I give him a 60/40 shot at making it



Long-term projects

Bobo Brazil Jr. (7/4)

Hercules (5/8)

Joel Deaton (7/4)

Michael Kirchner (6/3)

Rick Link (6/1)

Rip Morgan (6/6)

Sally The Farmer's Daughter (10/7)


So, other than hiring way too many (remember 8 of them came from the main roster) people, come on WWA fire your lousy wrestlers already, this list is very, very, very jobberific which was the goal. Bobo Jr. was just a throwaway to his father who is the WWA champ. Only 4 people that I think I may regret hiring though Bryan got the "future superstar" news item. Though all 4 are on 1 year contracts so no big whoop either way. Herc is the only one that won't be a jobber, I hope, but a good, fully-stocked jobber-corp is a good thing. Namely, I need something to push Koko and HTM up the card (and Shane when he is recalled), and more people seems to be a good plan.


Oh, and Mid-Atlantic hit Cult too so there are all kinds of hiring shenanigans going on right now. Evidently Crockett doesn't like Exclusive PPA's as he hasn't done one yet while Georgia keeps right on going with them and writtens. Still not sure how they got Kernodle to sign a written while having a working agreement with MACW. Kernodle, Freebird Hayes, Rotundo, and Schultz have joined GCW. Meanwhile it seems like WWF has finally stopped signing people.

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USWA Wrestling Sat. Week 3

Harper Stadium Fort Smith, AR

Attendance: 8,613 Out of 9,000

Rating: 80/B Improved in all 11 regions

TV Rating: 0.58 +0.02




“Before I bring Jimmy Valiant out, I have an announcement for all our fans across the country. You can see Legacy: Vengeance in any movie theater that handles Closed Circuit broadcasts. We'll be running ads in newspapers listing all theaters in their areas, but you can contact your local movie theater to request it.”


“Now, Jimmy, after all the things Sgt. Slaughter has said about you, I know you have some things you want to get off of your chest, so take it away champ.” “You bet I do Lance! Slaughter, you've called me a hippie because I have this beautiful head of hair. All I know is the women love it just fine, daddy. You've tried to say I didn't earn this title. Just because I beat The First Family at their own game twice doesn't mean I haven't earned this title. Finally, you say that you're the American Ideal which somehow makes you better than the Boogy Woogy Man. Well, Slaughter, we're going to find out who is the better man live on Closed Circuit PPV in a Last Man Standing match. I'm going to knock you off that pedestal you've put yourself on and keep this title.” Rating: 73



Time to start cramming everyone into the go home TV show. Sadly, no tag chemistry between Golden & Orton, but no bad chemistry either. The Fantastics brought the exciting, aerial action while Orton & Golden brought the mat-based, ground and pound action. It meshed really, really well, especially since it only went ten minutes of all-out wrestling. Well, it could have gone longer, but The Fabulous Ones came charging out of the back with dog collars and entered the ring causing the DQ. Rating: 74 And that's with Fulton being kept strong!



The dog collars are due to the main event later tonight. The announcers talk about how this is clearly The Fabulous Ones' solution to the numbers problem they have with the Legacy Studs. They knock them out then choke both Orton and Golden in the ring before anyone can react. Stan and Steve then leave saying “Now it is 3-on-2 Fullers!” Rating: 77



As you can guess, this match was there to cool the crowd down and hype the RnR vs Midnight Express feud. The winner was obvious to all involved, but the two had great chemistry making it an interesting squash match. Rating: 57



As the 6 men are making their way out to the ring, we play the video from the Coliseum Monday night showing the chaos at the end of the TNT vs Fuller Brothers match. Ron Wright starts it off. “So, we have an 8-man tag match coming up in a little bit where the man that gets the pin gets to pick the stipulation for their tag match at Legacy: Vengeance. Boys, you can put those dog collars away because when you look at these four elite athletes, you ain't winning the match. Robert takes over, “We got you two so rattled and scared that you're jumping our friends from behind. Well, let me tell you something. My brother and I have been fighting and beating pretty boys like you since we were little, and we haven't needed anyone's help to do it.” Ron chimes in, “They'll be fine, but you won't be after we're through with you especially after we pick the match.” Savage's turn now. “TNT, oh yeah, you think you're dynamite, but you hide behind a woman. Well, she won't be there to bail you out once we pin you tonight.” Lanny finishes it off. “We're soaring to the top while you're stuck in the mud because we're better than you.” Rating: 72 I don't know if Wright has ever not botched an unscripted promo yet. Come on game! He's a legend.



The announcers showed the video of the attack on Richter by Candi & The Glamour Girls at the Coliseum and her revenge on Kai & Martin the next night as to why they aren't here, and why Candi is defending her title against Wendi's friend Combs, not to mention her team's feud with Poffo's kids. Debbie comes out on fire from the start, but Candi wisely lets her burn herself out before striking. She makes pretty quick work out of her after that. Candi Devine makes her 5th successful title defense. Rating: 48



We now run a hype video on the First Family vs Lawler & Friends feud. Each of them get to state what their side is going to do at Legacy: Vengeance Rating: 79 Somehow got 6 of the 8 to improvise okay-to-excellent with only Hart & Lawler botching it. 75% nailing it is pretty darn hard to achieve.


Welcome back to Lower Midcard status Koko! Your reward is facing Sarge. It became clear early on in the match that Sarge was already focused on Thursday night as he wasn't interested at all. Koko took advantage of this to great effect controlling a lot of the match. He got 3 near falls as the announcers sold that you can't take the night off against anybody here in USWA. That 3rd near fall is when Sarge got angry, and you never like an angry drill Sargent. He started punching with that hard right fist and didn't stop until it looked like Koko was fully booked into la-la land. Rating: 79



Winner picks the stipulation in their tag team match at Legacy: Vengeance


http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Stan%20Lane3_zpsjzqjjqvh.jpg http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Steve%20Keirn3_zpsmeji8fs9.jpg & http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Terry%20Taylor_zpsz7h3hzpp.jpg http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Tom%20Pritchard_zpsbnrqyupd.jpg w/http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Debbie%20Combs_zps6dd24pvs.jpg


http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Robert%20Fuller_zpsqh0xjw5p.jpg &http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Ron%20Fuller%203_zpshwz8pyhe.jpg w/http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Ron%20Wright%204_zps9loozqh9.jpg & http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Randy%20Savage_zpsskukdnev.jpg http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Lanny%20Poffo_zpsedfgpbm6.jpg w/http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/Angelo%20Poffo_zpsypdsdymq.jpg

All 8 men were intensely focused on this match as the stakes were high. Unlike most tag matches like this, you had to pin your future opponent to win so there was no hiding by the heels. Both sides worked well with their other tag team as the match was very even throughout. Any near fall was quickly broken up by the other side. Wright spent the entire match trying to antagonize The Fabs, and with both of them on the apron after getting a very close near fall, they snapped and chased him bringing both Fullers around as a brawl broke out turning it into a regular tag match. The one thing the Poffos are good at is capitalizing on breaks, and this was no different as Angelo waves his arm to the back which confuses the announcers as Candi has left. Lanny is down in the ring with Pritchard standing over him.


With everyone distracted, he slides in and nails Tom from behind, dropping him like a rock and puts Poffo on top of him while Savage stops Taylor from breaking it up. Savage & Poffo get to name the stipulation! Rating: 84



Hmmm...I might have been better off naming it Legacy: Outnumbered;) I picked up Rip Rogers (ex-ICW wrestler) and Dean Malenko to fill the jobber roles. Yeah, Dean is going to be the technical-based face jobber for any heel that needs to bump those stats up. He'll move up once the job squad works its way through development. He would be down there now, but I figured he'd be better off on the main roster. Rogers is basically a slightly worse Barry Horowitz in top row skills so he's not doing much until that improves dramatically. This is an equal fed after all.


The big news of course is that I'm now officially on PPV. I got Al's approval to drop them down to Very Small (from Small) size. Even still, I had to agree to a 90/10 revenue split so it is only for 6 months. I'll be in a much stronger position then along with the Industry and Economy still improving. It is going to cost me $1425 for Sarge and $1800 for Orton as I had to match WWF's offers (that's 10%/20% PPV bonuses). I'll have the PPV card posted Sunday.


Woohoo, GCW is down like 50% (to $38k) of their cash after running their two shows in Puerto Rico. Probably due to signing people with large bonuses. Come on and go broke!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="smartman" data-cite="smartman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39799" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Rating: 72 I don't know if Wright has ever not botched an unscripted promo yet. Come on game! He's a legend.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ron Wright never had a script and could talk til the cows come home. The game better straighten up and fly right or he's gonna put an ol fashioned East Tennessee Dog Whuppin on someone. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> from your developmental guys, Itallian Stallion and Frankie the Thumper Lancaster have enough name value in the local area that could make good jobbers to the stars. You have a few guys who might be serviceable at least on the mid-card and provide some spot main events (like the Dirty White Boys)</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="olympia" data-cite="olympia" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39799" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ron Wright never had a script and could talk til the cows come home. The game better straighten up and fly right or he's gonna put an ol fashioned East Tennessee Dog Whuppin on someone. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> from your developmental guys, Itallian Stallion and Frankie the Thumper Lancaster have enough name value in the local area that could make good jobbers to the stars. You have a few guys who might be serviceable at least on the mid-card and provide some spot main events (like the Dirty White Boys)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It is frustrating to say the least when he and Lance get that "improvised badly" note. I know Lance never had a script outside of the show card announcements. I've gotten that note with Flair and Piper too and about "flipped the table". And yeah, the video on YT where Wright is fined and suspended is absolute gold. Uppity ref!</p><p> </p><p> As for the dev squad, Lancaster is really wretched. Consistency is his only performance row stat in the 60's. He's got a long, long way to go. Italian Stallion is one I probably shouldn't have signed. I think he got a good news story which is the only reason I did. Some of the most ready are Denny Brown, Rick McCord, Tim Patterson, and Tony Anthony. Shane, Sierra, and Cooley are all going to be back pretty soon too. The big question is if I can buy GCW at the start of the month because after their latest bunch of signings, almost all I am not picking up btw, they're down to under $15k with their two Sat. shows and their big event on Sunday, which hasn't been added to PPV as they haven't signed up for it yet. Very odd as they always get PPV within a week usually.</p><p> </p><p> Sorry for the delay. I'll get the 2 house show results & PPV card posted sometime during RAW.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39799" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Mid-South Coliseum Feb. Week 4</strong><p><strong> Attendance: 10,000 Sell-Out</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 83/</strong><strong><span style="color:#006400;">B+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Eddie Marlin hosts a very tense Face-to-Face meeting between Valiant & Sarge <strong>66</strong> <em>Marlin just can't hang in main event angles:(</em></p><p> Tom Pritchard squashes Pat Rose <strong>70</strong></p><p> Taylor joins Tom & Debbie to taunt Poffo & Savage <strong>85</strong></p><p> Terry Taylor gets some revenge by def Rip Rogers via DQ from Angelo <strong>65</strong></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">Lanny Poffo & Savage come out and announce that Combs is barred from ringside Thursday night, and without her, you two chumps haven't got a chance! </span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>86</strong></span></p><p> Mr. Olympia squashes Dean Malenko in a bad chemistry squash <strong>55</strong></p><p> Hart, Idol, and Norvell hype their tag team main event against Lawler & Rich <strong>72</strong></p><p> Bobby Fulton squashes Danny Davis <strong>53</strong></p><p> It's the return of the Fabulous Show! No wait, that's Ron Wright. He says it is The Wright Stuff, and he brings out Ron Fuller & Bob Orton who taunt The Fabulous Ones. <strong>74</strong></p><p> Bobby Eaton squashes Rossi <strong>54</strong></p><p> The full Midnight Express taunt The Rock N Roll Express <strong>62</strong></p><p> Ricky Santana def Carl Fergie <strong>43</strong></p><p> The Rock N Roll Express, Rick Gibson, and Wendi Richter hype themselves <strong>72</strong></p><p> Robert Fuller def Mando Guerrero by using feet on the ropes <strong>75</strong></p><p> Jerry Lawler & Tommy Rich drew Austin Idol & Norvell Austin via time limit <strong>86</strong></p><p> Lawler, Rich, and Mantell brawl with Idol, Austin, and Mr. Olympia <strong>76</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39799" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Louisville Freedom Hall Feb. Week 3</strong><p><strong> Attendance: 13,357 Out of 15,000</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 75/</strong><strong><span style="color:#008000;">B-</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Sarge is joined by Orton & Golden challenging Valiant & The Fabs to 6-Man tag match <strong>68</strong></p><p> Honky Tonk Man & Norvell Austin squash Malenko & Smothers <strong>52</strong></p><p> The Midnight Express & Glamour Girls Hype Themselves <strong>55</strong></p><p> Vivian Vachon def Susan Sexton <strong>46</strong></p><p> Lance Russell hosts a tense Face-to-Face meeting between Wendi & Candi <strong>64</strong> <em>Amazing result for an entertainment angle!</em></p><p> Lanny Poffo def Koko B Ware via interference by Angelo <strong>66</strong></p><p> TNTw/Combs Argue with Poffo & Savage <strong>59</strong></p><p> Ricky Morton & The Gibson Brothers def Hickerson, Horowitz, & Fergie <strong>61</strong></p><p> Valiant & The Fabulous Ones Accept the Challenge <strong>79</strong></p><p> Leilani Kai def Vicki Williams via interference by Judy Martin <strong>62</strong></p><p> Lawler, Rich, Mantell, and Dundee hype themselves <strong>70</strong></p><p> Bill Dundee def Adrian Street via DQ interference from Idol <strong>72</strong></p><p> Lawler & Rich save Dundee from First Family attack <strong>59</strong></p><p> Valiant & The Fabulous Ones drew Sarge, Orton, & Golden time limit draw helped via distraction/interference by The Fuller Brothers <strong>79</strong></p><p> The Fabulous Ones Argue with The Fuller Brothers <strong>66</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Backslid slightly in Louisville. Really blame Street for that, but it wasn't a bad show. You really, really can tell the difference when I run in the Southeast though. Check out those promo ratings! Heck, Jake Roberts cut a freaking 91 promo in the pre-show hyping himself.</p><p> </p><p> Okay, same rules as last time. Winner of the contest names April's PPV. If there are more than 5 entries, anyone who is perfect in their prediction gets a very special prize.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Legacy:</span></strong> </p><a href="http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/scott_smart2000/media/1983%20Mod/WWEVengeance_zpszz8ztcma.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/WWEVengeance_zpszz8ztcma.jpg</span></a><p> Live on Closed Circuit PPV from Jefferson Convention Center Arena in Birmingham, Alabama</p><p> </p><p> <strong>North American Title--Last Man Standing Match</strong></p><p> Jimmy Valiant © vs Sgt Slaughter</p><p> </p><p> <strong>North American Tag Team Title--30 Minute Iron Man Match</strong></p><p> The Fabulous Ones © vs The Fuller Brothers w/Ron Wright</p><p> </p><p> <strong>6-Man Tag Team Elimination Match</strong></p><p> Jerry Lawler, Tommy Rich, & Bill Dundee vs Austin Idol, Mr. Olympia, & Norvell Austin w/Jimmy Hart</p><p> </p><p> <strong>North American Women's Title--Two out of 3 Falls</strong></p><p> Wendi Richter vs Candi Devine © w/Angelo Poffo</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Debbie Combs is barred from ringside</strong></p><p> TNT vs Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage w/Angelo Poffo</p><p> </p><p> <strong>USWA Junior Heavyweight Title Match</strong></p><p> Bobby Fulton w/Miss Elizabeth vs Honky Tonk Man w/Jimmy Hart</p><p> </p><p> <strong>#1 Contender Match for TV title 15-Man Battle Royal</strong></p><p> Adrian Street, Barry Horowitz, Bobby Eaton, Carl Fergie, Dennis Condrey, Koko B Ware, Mando Guerrero, Phil Hickerson, Randy Rose, Rick Gibson, Ricky Morton, Ricky Santana, Rip Rogers, Robert Gibson, Tommy Rogers</p><p> </p><p> Dutch Mantell vs Jake Roberts</p><p> </p><p> Also, Jackie Fargo & Jerry Jarrett get their Legacy awards</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tie-breaker Questions:</span></strong></p><p> 1. How many titles switch hands?</p><p> 2. Who is the <strong>loser</strong> aka last man standing on the losing side in the 6-man tag match?</p><p> 3. Most eliminations in battle royal?</p><p> </p><p> Note: When picking the battle royal match, it doesn't have to be a Face to win it IF you think TNT will win the tag match as I'll stick in the victor for a 3-way TV title match against Randy Savage. So literally anyone in the match not named Carl Fergie can win unless you have Poffo & Savage winning, in which case pick a face.<img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>North American Title--Last Man Standing Match</p><p>

Jimmy Valiant © vs <strong>Sgt Slaughter</strong></p><p> </p><p>

North American Tag Team Title--30 Minute Iron Man Match</p><p>

The Fabulous Ones © <strong>vs </strong>The Fuller Brothers w/Ron Wright</p><p> </p><p>

6-Man Tag Team Elimination Match</p><p>

Jerry Lawler, Tommy Rich, & Bill Dundee vs <strong>Austin Idol, Mr. Olympia, & Norvell Austin w/Jimmy Hart</strong></p><p><strong>


North American Women's Title--Two out of 3 Falls</p><p>

Wendi Richter vs <strong>Candi Devine © w/Angelo Poffo</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Debbie Combs is barred from ringside</p><p>

TNT vs <strong>Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage w/Angelo Poffo</strong></p><p> </p><p>

USWA Junior Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

Bobby Fulton w/Miss Elizabeth vs <strong>Honky Tonk Man w/Jimmy Hart</strong></p><p><strong>


#1 Contender Match for TV title 15-Man Battle Royal</p><p>

Adrian Street, Barry Horowitz, Bobby Eaton, Carl Fergie, Dennis Condrey, <strong>Koko B Ware</strong>, Mando Guerrero, Phil Hickerson, Randy Rose, Rick Gibson, Ricky Morton, Ricky Santana, Rip Rogers, Robert Gibson, Tommy Rogers</p><p> </p><p>

Dutch Mantell vs <strong>Jake Roberts</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Also, Jackie Fargo & Jerry Jarrett get their Legacy awards</p><p> </p><p>

Tie-breaker Questions:</p><p>

1. How many titles switch hands? 2</p><p>

2. Who is the loser aka last man standing on the losing side in the 6-man tag match? Bill Dundee</p><p>

3. Most eliminations in battle royal? Ricky Santana</p>

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<p>North American Title--Last Man Standing Match</p><p>

Jimmy Valiant © vs <strong>Sgt Slaughter</strong></p><p>

Valiant is limited while Sarge has several money feuds to work toward (from Mando, to Dundee, to Lawler)</p><p> </p><p>

North American Tag Team Title--30 Minute Iron Man Match</p><p>

The Fabulous Ones © vs <strong>The Fuller Brothers w/Ron Wright</strong></p><p>

they are the Legacy Studs on a show called Legacy - picking the upset here</p><p> </p><p>

6-Man Tag Team Elimination Match</p><p>

<strong>Jerry Lawler, Tommy Rich, & Bill Dundee</strong> vs Austin Idol, Mr. Olympia, & Norvell Austin w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

with heels winning the titles, the good guys need something. </p><p> </p><p>

North American Women's Title--Two out of 3 Falls</p><p>

Wendi Richter vs <strong>Candi Devine</strong> © w/Angelo Poffo</p><p> </p><p>

Debbie Combs is barred from ringside</p><p>

TNT vs Lanny <strong>Poffo & Randy Savage w/Angelo Poffo</strong></p><p> </p><p>

USWA Junior Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

Bobby Fulton w/Miss Elizabeth vs <strong>Honky Tonk Man</strong> w/Jimmy Hart</p><p> </p><p>

#1 Contender Match for TV title 15-Man Battle Royal</p><p>

Adrian Street, Barry Horowitz, Bobby Eaton, Carl Fergie, Dennis Condrey, <strong>Koko B Ware</strong>, Mando Guerrero, Phil Hickerson, Randy Rose, Rick Gibson, Ricky Morton, Ricky Santana, Rip Rogers, Robert Gibson, Tommy Rogers</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dutch Mantell</strong> vs Jake Roberts</p><p>

Jake will get his chances, but doesn't the new guy always have to job to an established veteran on the first show?</p><p> </p><p>

Also, Jackie Fargo & Jerry Jarrett get their Legacy awards</p><p> </p><p>

Tie-breaker Questions:</p><p>

1. How many titles switch hands? 2</p><p>

2. Who is the loser aka last man standing on the losing side in the 6-man tag match? Mr Olympia of course</p><p>

3. Most eliminations in battle royal? Phil Hickerson - he's the biggest and baddest guy in the match. The Koko push begins in earnest here as he picks up a couple good feuds during the Royal, like Rip Rogers, and leading to a showdown with Big Phil</p>

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North American Title--Last Man Standing Match

Jimmy Valiant © vs Sgt Slaughter

I just can't stand Valiant


North American Tag Team Title--30 Minute Iron Man Match

The Fabulous Ones © vs The Fuller Brothers w/Ron Wright

I have to go with the Fullers to keep this war raging on


6-Man Tag Team Elimination Match

Jerry Lawler, Tommy Rich, & Bill Dundee vs Austin Idol, Mr. Olympia, & Norvell Austin w/Jimmy Hart

Lawler, Rich, Dundee win, but I think a beat down will happen after the match.

North American Women's Title--Two out of 3 Falls

Wendi Richter vs Candi Devine © w/Angelo Poffo

Debbie Combs is barred from ringside

Wendi gets the win

TNT vs Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage w/Angelo Poffo


USWA Junior Heavyweight Title Match

Bobby Fulton w/Miss Elizabeth vs Honky Tonk Man w/Jimmy Hart


#1 Contender Match for TV title 15-Man Battle Royal

Adrian Street, Barry Horowitz, Bobby Eaton, Carl Fergie, Dennis Condrey, Koko B Ware, Mando Guerrero, Phil Hickerson, Randy Rose, Rick Gibson, Ricky Morton, Ricky Santana, Rip Rogers, Robert Gibson, Tommy Rogers


Dutch Mantell vs Jake Roberts


Also, Jackie Fargo & Jerry Jarrett get their Legacy awards


Tie-breaker Questions:

1. How many titles switch hands? 2

2. Who is the loser aka last man standing on the losing side in the 6-man tag match? Norvell Austin

3. Most eliminations in battle royal? Phil Hickerson


Note: When picking the battle royal match, it doesn't have to be a Face to win it IF you think TNT will win the tag match as I'll stick in the victor for a 3-way TV title match against Randy Savage. So literally anyone in the match not named Carl Fergie can win unless you have Poffo & Savage winning, in which case pick a face.

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Yay, 3 predictions already! KnowYourEnemy, are you calling the tag title match a draw? You bolded only the VS though you're picking 2 titles switching hands so either you're picking the Fullers or doing a back-up prediction for the tie-breaker question.


Now, I'm off to start writing this up. This is pretty much your 48 hour warning as I'm pretty sure Wed. is going to be shot. Oh and Alvarasus, check your PM because I've got something I need help with your mod.

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Hmmm...seem to be stuck at 3 predictions. Oh well, a quick status update. If I post that I'm doing a battle royal again, someone find me and smack me hard. So, no, the Royal Rumble isn't coming to USWA ever (and the name is off the table). I have half of the show done with hopefully the rest done tonight. What I'm going to do is give the 24 hour warning, and I'm going to post the first half tomorrow night at 7pm CDT. This is so it isn't a massive wall of text that is undigestable. The 2nd half (6-man tag, Women's title, The Legacy Awards, and two North American title matches) will go up Saturday.
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Jefferson Convention Complex Arena Birmingham, AL

Attendance: 22,073 Slightly disappointing as target was 25k

Rating: Wouldn't you like to know :p


Part 1


Dutch is in the locker room getting ready when Jake Roberts barges in. “I heard what you've been saying about me after what I did to your buddy Lawler Tuesday night. You have the guts to repeat it to the entire country watching on PPV and my face?” Dutch finishes tying his boot then gets right in Jake's face. “Let me make this very clear, you young putz. You came in here riding Slaughter's coat tails thinking you're the baddest man here. Well, I'm here to tell you that I have been and always will be the baddest man in the USWA, and I'll add that breaking every rule in the book to inflict punishment doesn't make you a bad man. It makes you a fool.” “Listen here old man, the last person who called me a fool is still in the hospital. If you want to join him, meet me out in the ring with a ref RIGHT NOW!” Dutch finishes the segment, “That guy is gonna get hurt real soon.” Rating: 84



If the people settling into the theaters were looking for wrestling, they didn't get much here. The match didn't even get started for the first few minutes as Jake jumped Dutch as he broke the curtain. They beat each other bloody by the time the bell did ring. Poor Frank Morrell gave up trying to stop the blatant punches being thrown by both men, and boy, were punches being thrown. As the match reached the 10 minute mark, there still wasn't an actual wrestling move done. That ended when Dutch nailed a suplex and a splash for a 2 count. He kept control for the next few minutes but couldn't get more than a two count. Finally, Jake started to turn things around via cheating, of course. The problem was that Dutch had scouted him so well that he'd never allow Jake to do his DDT finisher, countering it every time. After the fourth attempt, the crazy Jake came out. He threw Dutch out of the ring, through the ropes, and sent him crashing into the ringpost. While he was down, Jake ripped up the padding around the ring leaving nothing but concrete exposed. He sent Dutch into the post again all while Morrell is yelling at Jake that he's DQ'd if he uses the concrete. Jake just laughs at him as Dutch staggers over right into a DDT onto that concrete. As the bell rings and security tries to storm down to the ring, Jake picks him up again and gives him another one. The mic catches Jake saying “Who's the fool now, old man?” Dutch Mantell “wins” via DQ Rating: 76 That counted as Dutch taking a Crazy Bump.



We go backstage as the EMT's work on Dutch to The First Family's locker room. “Ha ha, fellas, it clearly is going to be 3 on 3 now as Dutch may be done for good. This is the night we re-take our rightful place as the best in the business. The fact that we get to go through King and that no-good Tommy Rich to do it makes our victory tonight that much sweeter.” Idol picks up, “Rich, Hart told me all about you being a member of the Family and how glad he is that he upgraded to The Idol. I know a good thing when I find it. You want to be another Lawler bootlicker and bask in the fans' cheers.” Mr. Olympia chimes in “The fans don't do a thing for you, Tommy. Picking that shrimp to be on your team won't do anything for you either. He's damaged goods and nothing more than a bug on a windshield when I hit him.” Norvell speaks next, “Lawler, you've done everything you could to keep me down here in USWA, and now I get my chance to get you in the ring where I can exact some revenge. You're going to regret what you've done to me Lawler.” HTM finishes, “Fulton! You think you're Fantastic enough for this title, but you ain't nothin' but a hound dog. I'll make sure you're crying all the time after I whip you in that ring.” He plays Hound Dog on his guitar exiting the locker room as he and Hart make their way to the ring. Rating: 79



A quick little video showing the end of the match from Fate Awaits is played as both men come to the ring showing the DQ victory when Hart interfered. The match went a lot like it did before. The bigger HTM tried to keep the flier Fulton grounded while Bobby tried to get as much space as possible to hit his high-flying moves. The problem HTM had was that unlike last time, Fulton showed his improved mat skills so that even when the match slowed down, Bobby could out-wrestle him. As the frustration started to build as that realization dawned on both Hart and the champ, they decided a repeat of last month's strategy of keeping the title via DQ was the answer. The bad news for them was that Elizabeth and Bobby had figured out how to counter-act that strategy. She went over and occupied Jimmy meaning the megaphone was out so HTM went over to grab the title belt. However, the timing was all off as Fulton followed him out, knocked the belt right out of his hands, and whipped him into the ring apron. Bobby rolled HTM back into the ring and nailed a top-rope splash for the victory. Your NEW Junior Heavyweight champion Bobby FultonRating: 66



Lance catches Savage & Poffo before their match. “We had those two losers beat last month only to have their woman get in our way. We took care of that with our win Saturday, and now, they're going to wilt under our greatness. Oh yeah! Those tag team titles are going to be ours soon, and I'm going to be the first wrestler to hold two titles in USWA. Can you dig it, Lance?” “Terry and Tom call themselves TNT, but dynamite needs someone to light their fuse. Without their spark, they're just two sticks, and we're going to snap those sticks.” Lance finishes the segment, “You two might have just provided that spark.” Rating: 81



Tom and Terry sure don't look like sticks as they sprint down the aisle catching Randy taking his robe off. Tom sends Randy out of the ring with a dropkick as the match starts with Terry and Lanny while Pritchard makes a highlight-reel, top-rope flying axe-handle to the outside on Savage as Angelo looks on in horror. Lanny tried to look on in horror, but Terry took it to him as TNT owned the first 3 minutes of the match. Finally, Angelo had seen enough so as Randy was starting to recover, he hopped up onto the apron to break the momentum. Lanny executed a mule kick on Tom, now the legal man, which allowed him to finally tag in Savage to turn the tide. He hopped over the top rope and cleared house sending both out to the floor. Randy posed in the center of the ring long enough for TNT to get up before hitting a baseball slide on both of them. He grabbed Taylor and whipped him over the railing into the crowd as clearly he wanted to work on the still hurting Pritchard. Back into the ring, he worked Tom over pretty good, but all he could get is a two count. Frustrated, he tagged in Poffo to keep up the attack, but the crowd roared as Taylor popped back over the railing and demanded a tag. Tom managed to break free and do just that. He was calling for the Five Arm and NAILED IT! As Tom came over and nailed Randy to prevent a break up of the pin, Angelo saw no other option but to slide into the ring and nail Taylor causing the DQ. TNT wins via DQ Rating: 80



Sarge comes out to the interview area with Lance. “Listen up maggots! You people in the South disgust me. You're overweight. You're ugly. You wave the flag of a bunch of traitors to this great nation. Granted, you didn't have a real American like myself to look up to around here. Maybe that's why you cheer for that hippie from New York City, Jimmy Valiant. You just don't know any better. Well, in a little while, you're going to have a champion to be proud of in Sargent Slaughter. One who makes America proud when he wrestles. A man who fights with honor. A man that follows what the greatest President in American history says. Might makes right, and my might is coming for you tonight Valiant. Rating: 89



15-Man Battle Royal for TV Title Shot

Adrian Street, Barry Horowitz, Bobby Eaton, Carl Fergie, Dennis Condrey, Koko B Ware, Mando Guerrero, Phil Hickerson, Randy Rose, Rick Gibson, Ricky Morton, Ricky Santana, Rip Rogers, Robert Gibson, Tommy Rogers

The main focus of the chaos was the Midnight Express vs Rock N Roll Express as the 6 of them kind of paired off while the other 9 men fought amongst themselves. Well, not for long as Santana, Mando, and Koko joined forces in trying to get rid of Street and Hickerson as everyone knew Phil was the biggest threat, literally, in the match. Unfortunately for Koko, Phil caught him on a cross-body attempt and dumped him right out of the ring. He was followed quickly by Fergie who was dropkicked out by Tommy Rogers. The other Rogers promptly dumped Tommy out of the ring as Rick Gibson and Condrey ate a double clothesline from Hickerson for his 2nd and 3rd elimination. While Phil was distracted, Mando and Santana jumped Street and eliminated him. Rip Rogers tries to volunteer to help Hickerson, but he's having none of it almost eliminating him. Barry had been trying to stay out of sight, but his luck finally ran out as Rogers avoided the elimination by crashing right into him sending him over the top rope leaving 8 men. Santana and Mando split up to help the RnR Express, but that wasn't good for the Express as Cornette whacked Santana with the tennis racquet when no one was looking yelling for Phil to eliminate him. Then there were 7. Mando accomplishes his part by helping Morton eliminate Rose meaning 2 RnR vs 1 Midnight. Phil grabs Mando, and they battle in their corner for a long time leaving the other 4 men on their own. Eaton realizes he's outnumbered and decides to offer “help” to Rip Rogers fight Morton and Gibson. When cornered and looking like he will be eliminated, Eaton pulls Rogers into the RnR Express double-dropkick eliminating him. They return the earlier favor by saving Mando from Phil, and suddenly it is 3-on-1 against Hickerson while Eaton tries to turn invisible. Cornette strikes again as everything is set-up perfectly for another double-dropkick, this time more missile as they use the ropes. Well, Morton uses the ropes as Cornette nails Gibson with the racquet. Eaton springs into action and tosses Robert out bringing us down to the final 4. When Morton sees what has happened, he beelines straight for Eaton burying him in the corner with a flurry of punches. On the other side of the ring, the missile dropkick did work some as it threw off Phil's balance. Mando struggles to get him up and over, and when he finally manages it, Phil has the good sense to grab a handful of tights to pull Mando over too. We then actually have a little bit of a wrestling match as Eaton uses the double-elimination to get back to his feet. Morton ducks a tennis racquet shot but so does Bobby as Morrell sends Cornette to the back. Eaton struggled after that, and Morton finally eliminated him to win the battle royal! Rating: 73



The three men come out to the ring as Lance asks them if they have any update on Dutch, which they don't have. Lawler starts, “Hart, you have been a thorn in my and Superstar Dundee's sides for half a decade, but you've failed to defeat us all that time. Tonight won't be any different as we have Tommy Rich with us, and he's fired up to kick all three of your guys butts.” “Idol, you say you're a better replacement than me for the First Family? Nobody replaces Wildfire Tommy Rich! Nobody! You keep looking at yourself in the mirror while we take care of your two goons. I'm saving you for last.” Dundee finishes it off, “We've spent most of this month outsmarting your two goons, Hart, and as King said, the last five years has been all about you trying to take us out. We're still here, daddy, and we'll still be here in five years unlike your crew.” Rating: 80


Just have to finish the Legacy speech and the two title matches. Let's just say that I am ecstatic with how the show turned out.

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And now for the epic conclusion...


LEGACY: http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j397/scott_smart2000/1983%20Mod/WWEVengeance_zpszz8ztcma.jpg

Jefferson Convention Complex Arena Birmingham, AL

Attendance: 22,073 Slightly disappointing as target was 25k

PPV Buyrate: 0.44

Rating: 93/A Improved in 11 regions




6-Man Tag Team Elimination Match

Rich says he's starting for the faces and points at Idol to start for the Family. Idol just smirks while he steps to the apron leaving Norvell to start the match. He tries to over-power Rich, but Tommy uses his quickness to avoid the attacks. The faces start showing that they are a pretty well-oiled machine as they spend the early part of the match isolating Norvell, much to Hart's dismay. A 2nd-rope fist drop by the King results in the first elimination. Idol comes charging in immediately catching Lawler from behind gaining the quick advantage. They kept him in the corner for the next few minutes working him over. However, King slid through Idol's legs to tag in Rich, and the chase was on as Idol ran like his pants were on fire. The chase ended with Hart in between, and Rich asked the fans if they wanted him to punch Hart. The answer is moot though as Mr. Olympia had slipped behind Tommy, clobbering him and turning the momentum back in their favor. Idol swaggers around the ring over the downed Rich which was a mistake as that let Rich tag in Superstar...who promptly ate a clothesline from Mr. Olympia after Idol tagged him in. Bill never recovered from that and was eliminated by Mr. Olympia to restore the balance. Neither side controlled the match for the next few minutes as they both understood the next elimination was massive. That elimination came when the strap came down as more Idol boasting ticked King off. The fists flew, and the 3 count followed. Olympia figured that brute strength and jumping Lawler from behind again would be a good plan. Hart grabbing Lawler's leg when he tried to run to tag in Rich helped quite a bit too, and then there were two. It took the crowd a minute to recover from Lawler being eliminated, but Hart fixed that by laughing at him as he was heading to the back eating a right fist. Rich was clearly a little bit fresher, but it was really 2-on-1 with Hart there. Unfortunately for Mr. Olympia, it didn't work out the way he wanted as Rich reversed the irish whip causing him to eat the megaphone shot meant for Rich. Lawler, Rich, & Dundee win the match with Mr. Olympia being the last elimination. Rating: 83


The Legacy Studs have their own locker room. Ron Wright starts, “I want to tell all of you something. In this room sits the finest collection of talent in professional wrestling. Yet somehow, the Legacy awards are going to a lousy wrestler in Jerry Jarrett and a man who ducked me his entire career. Fargo, you ran around with people you claimed as family. Well really, hid behind them, and you call yourself The Fabulous One. Then, you have the gall to take two mediocre wrestlers and declare them The Fabulous Ones. There isn't one thing fabulous about either one of them.” Robert takes over, “Fargo, you knew you couldn't make it here in Alabama because only real men survive here. You're looking at 3 men that made their living in Alabama and thrived. Bob Orton Jr. traveled all around the world kicking butts and taking names. You, on the other hand, hid in Memphis, TN fighting a bunch of losers that we showed we could beat easily.” Ron chimes in, “We're taking those tag titles tonight here in our home state. I don't care that it is an Ironman match. That match is for people who know they're going to get pinned once, so thanks for admitting that. My brother and I can wrestle all night long.” Orton takes over, “I came here because these men welcomed me into their group, and that it was easy pickings. After watching most of the people who have been here for awhile, I can see why. Keirn and Lane are your tag team champions? I could beat both of them by myself so I know these two guys aren't going to have any problems.” Golden finishes, “We are the Legacy Studs, and we're taking all the titles.” Rating: 69 Not Wright's fault as he did fine. Robert on the other hand...



This feud has turned very bitter, very fast. Both women came out hitting very hard with the strikes echoing around the building causing visible wincing in the crowd normally reserved for the men. Neither of them were giving an inch so the match remained even for the first 6 minutes. Finally, there was a breakthrough when Wendi nailed a flying cross body for the pin. Angelo hopped up on the apron arguing that the count was fast distracting Diamond, the ref, and Wendi. Candi uses this opening to hit a low blow on Richter, but Wendi manages to kick out right before the 3 leading to Angelo to now complain the count is too slow. Candi ignores that and keeps up the attack, but she still can't get the pin. Resorting to high-risk offense is obviously high-risk, and it didn't pay off for Candi as Wendi moved from the flying elbow leaving Candi writhing in the center of the ring. Richter is measuring her for the 2-0 victory when Angelo calls for reinforcements. Out from the back come The Glamour Girls who slide into the ring and nailed Wendi causing Sam to call for the bell. Wendi Richter wins via DQ. Candi Devine retains the North American Women's Title Rating: 60



The Glamour Girls continue their attack as the bell rings for the DQ using their tag team moves to put Wendi down and in trouble. Candi gets up and joins in as it looks like another 3-on-1 beat down, but a roar from the crowd, those paying attention anyway, builds as Combs and Williams come running down with chairs. Debbie takes a swing at Angelo that misses as he falls on his butt before sliding into the ring running the 3 heels out as they duck the swinging chairs. Candi collects her title belt and taunts the 3 in the ring while Wendi points to the two women scooping up Angelo as you can read her lips, cover your eyes Junior. I think a Grandma feinted as we quickly killed the mics around the ring. Rating: 65



Lance starts, “And now we are going to honor two legendary members of the USWA family with the 1st Annual Legacy Awards. Here is a short video tribute.” As the video plays, Jerry Jarrett comes out followed by The Fabulous Ones wheeling out Jackie Fargo in a wheelchair. “You two have certainly earned these awards no matter what some people might say. We're here in this spacious arena only because of the foundation you two gentlemen laid. For those that don't know, Jerry Jarrett is the owner of USWA and CWA before that. Jackie, you had the whole world to choose where to wrestle, and you came down to Tennessee changing our world forever.” Fargo takes over, “It's true that I could have gone anywhere around the world, but when this man called me up, I came down and fell in love with the fans. I'm so happy to receive this award, and I'm even more proud that The Fabulous Ones are going to retain their Tag Team titles later tonight.” Jarrett takes over as Fargo is blubbering a little bit. “Lance, I look forward to when you get this award because we've been in this together. When I started this promotion, I never thought it could grow this big, and it is all due to you fans all across this great country tuning in each week and buying tickets to our live events. Thank you, everyone.” Rating: 79 Even with Jerry Jarrett dragging the angle down and Fargo choking up messing up his part a little.



Jimmy Valiant comes out to a huge pyrotechnic display as we spent too much money again. Rating: 79



The announcers explain to the crowd and the PPV viewers exactly what the rules are for a LMS match, the winner has to incapacitate their opponent for a full 10 seconds. No submissions, no pinfalls, no countouts. Still possible for a DQ though. They also point out that that has to hamper Sarge because his Camel Clutch won't win the match. Billy adds that it will still hurt a lot though. Sarge clearly is out to inflict a beating on Valiant as Jimmy has to do a lot of dodging and running away to get out of trouble early on. He finally gets an opening when Sarge slips on the floor padding that Jake had ripped up earlier. Valiant sends him straight into the guard rail hard and follows that up with a couple of smashes to the head on the guard rail. Jimmy rolls Sarge back into the ring and unloaded several more rights as a cut formed above Sarge's left eye. That is where Valiant tried to focus his attacks, but he missed a knee drop. They trade punches without even standing up as Jerry got to a 5 count before both men staggered to their feet. Sarge ducks a clothesline attempt and doubles over Jimmy with a left-right combo to the gut, finishing him off with a vicious knee lift to his head. That got an 8 count as the fans roared encouragement to the champ. To his credit, Valiant did fight back, but he never really could get Sarge down for more than a 2 count for the rest of the match. It took Sarge a little while to figure that out, but when he did, he dished out punishment by the truckload, even picking Jimmy up twice when it looked like the match was over. The boos rained down to the point that Eddie Marlin came down to ringside telling Sarge to end the match NOW! A gorilla press slam leads to the 10 count, and the EMT's rush to the ring to check on the former champ. Your NEW North American Champion—Sgt Slaughter!!! Rating: 88 And I somehow got the stupid psychology note again with Sarge's 80 psych so this match graded close to 100 as that penalty is at least 10 points. “Why did you go sign Ricky Steamboat, smartman?” “Well, so I can have another championship contender with good enough psych to avoid that stupid penalty.”



The advantage of knowing how long the match is going to last means you can pace yourself, and both sides started the match off slowly. Partially strategy, partially I told them to let the crowd recover from Sarge's beating on Valiant. I gave the signal at the four minute mark to have them pick up the pace, and boy did they. The ten minute mark was announced right as The Fuller Brothers set up Lane for the Stud—a gorilla press by Ron straight into a bulldog aka Cutter/RKO by Robert, and they jump out to the early 1-0 lead. Keirn is on his own for the next few minutes as Stan has to recover, but he more than holds his own keeping Ron in the match for most of that time. Wright tried to help on the outside, but he couldn't stop the simultaneous tag after a double clothesline. Lane unleashed a series of hard kicks all up and down Robert's body finishing with a beautiful head-scissors that tied the match at 1 all. With 10 minutes left in the match, both sides realized there might be only one more pinfall. It was a draw for the next 5 minutes as both sides traded tags and blows equally. Wright was growing more frustrated outside, and with 4 minutes left, he saw an opportunity. Ron whipped Lane into the ropes, and Wright grabbed his foot causing a face plant.


A roar shook the building that stopped everyone for a second. Fargo had rolled himself out to the stage. Wright started laughing as did Robert from the apron and turned around. What they didn't see was Fargo wheeled himself down the ramp picking up speed heading right for Wright. Jackie lept out of the chair, which crashed hard into the back of Wright's legs (it would have but unseen by fans he hopped into it at the last second). When Ron let out a yelp from the pain as he tipped the chair over, both Fullers took their eyes off of Lane letting him tag in Keirn. Fargo had a huge grin on his face as he struts outside the ring then pointed towards the ring as Lance announces 1 minute left. Lane hits a couple of kicks setting Keirn up for the clothesline on Ron Fuller. Stan flies over to stop Robert from breaking up the pin, and it is 2-1. The entire crowd is on their feet counting down with the time on the video screen. Robert knows they have no chance to win the titles now so he starts chasing after Fargo, but he's stopped by both Fabulous Ones who count 3..2..1 as the bell rings ending the match. Still Tag Team Champions—The Fabulous Ones Rating: 94



I praised Ron Fuller, Sarge, and Lane for their performances as I couldn't have been more proud of the show. It was definitely one of those “matches bettered angles” shows as the angles ended up being the cooling off parts of the show. The battle royal shocked the hell out of me grading that well, as it did give me my single burned out crowd note of the show. While I was busy running this amazing show, chaos reigned around the wrestling world. GCW signed themselves into -$20k which means they fired a boatload of people, including several I wished they hadn't. Really wish the game had the sense to wait until they ran their shows for the week as they could have easily gone back in the black. World Class jumped up to Cult as well meaning there are now 5 Cult-level feds in the US (USWA, WWF, GCW, MACW, and WCCW). Soon it will be four. However, I'm not trying to buy GCW until they are for sure in the red at the start of the month as I'm pretty sure they're not going to bite that quickly. However, I'm not sure even 4 Cult feds can survive. Oh, and WWA finally jumped to Regional. Hopefully, that will ensure they keep their TV deal.


Wow, I'm evidently confusing you guys a lot. Al won with 4 correct predictions. Wait until I get through the start of the month to worry about coming up with a name as I need to see if I'm buying GCW. You are making me sad that I'm not pushing Koko that much. I guess I didn't make it clear that all 6 of the feuding people would be in the match so one of them really had to win. Honestly, I wanted Valiant to win the match, but Sarge threw up a huge stink which I didn't want to gut the match to address. Valiant's pop got gutted too pushing him down to UMC. I don't remember Brute def Wholesome being that big of a swing. Nobody else had much of a swing, and more importantly, no injuries or failed drug tests.

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USWA Wrestling Sat. Week 4

E.A. Diddle Arena Bowling Green, KY

Attendance: 7,138 Out of 8,000

Rating: 77/B Improved in all 10 regions

TV Rating: 0.63 +0.05


“Oh the look on your face Ron Wright when that wheelchair crashed into you was worth the pain your thugs inflicted upon me 3 weeks ago. The fact that my boys here kept their North American Tag Team Titles is just merely icing on a huge cake. Pally, The Fabulous One earned that Legacy award through years of blood, sweat, and tears, and these two men here are on their way to earning their own Legacy awards too.” Stan takes over, “Jackie, you didn't get to see the look on ol'Robert's face when he understood they had lost the match. Oh, it wasn't anger. It wasn't even despair. It was relief because they know we're the better team. You can call yourselves the Legacy Studs all you want, but we have the only Legacy stud in the USWA right here.” Steve finishes, “These titles are staying with us until we get tired of having them. We've beaten all comers, and we'll keep right on beating any team dumb enough to challenge us. Because we're The Fabulous Ones, and this man here is a legend Rating: 72



Ah the post-PPV show squash matches start with Lanny trying to regain some momentum after taking that Five Arm Thursday night, which gets shown in a box during the match. That is the main focus of course, though Dean gets to show a few good technical wrestling moves. Poffo wins cleanly. Rating: 55



We come back from commercial with Sarge in the ring waving the American flag and pointing to his North American Title belt around his waist. “Listen up maggots. We are going to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.” After that he continued on, “Congratulations, USWA. You now have a champion to be proud of and look up to, unlike that hippy Valiant. I beat him so bad that I doubt we're ever seeing him again. That puke wasn't worth my time, and looking around here, I don't see anyone else that is either so get used to me being your champion for a very, very long time.” Rating: 84 Seriously, wow!


A rematch of sorts from last week as Rose had defeated Smothers. This time they brought a partner for a tag team match. Hmm...one has a name, guess who won? Squash #2 Rating: 45



This clearly shot from the locker room post-PPV. Both of Wright's feet are soaking in water as the four other men are stewing in various different ways. Ron Fuller being the worst, punching lockers, and basically unintelligible english mutterings. Wright starts, “I'm gonna tell all of you all somethin' right now. I'm gonna spend every waking minute talking to lawyers because I'm gonna sue you, Jackie Fargo, and I'm gonna sue USWA for an unsafe working environment. You can't have someone who had no business being there operating a deadly weapon. Where was security? We're going to take this promotion for all it is worth!” “Lane and Keirn! We pinned you right in the center of the ring first. Those belts should be ours, but you had to go hide behind Eddie Marlin to make it an Iron Man match. You lost the match, and you are probably parading around showing those belts off. We're taking those belts.” Ron mutters more gibberish before Bob takes over, “The two of you better watch your backs because we're going to come for you, and you won't be able to make your 28-day contractually obligated title defense after we're done.” Golden finishes up, “Fargo, you call yourself a Legend, but that attack tonight was the actions of a coward. I don't know how you survived our first attack, but you're not surviving our next one. Rating: 63 As you can guess, Ron Fuller totally tanked his part.



Bobby Fulton came over to guest commentate and celebrate his Junior Heavyweight championship victory while his Fantastics teammate made quick work of Nightmare Danny Davis in the ring as we do our 3rd straight squash match. Rating: 48




Back from commercial, the RnR Express & Rick Gibson w/Wendi are in the ring. Morton starts off, “Midnight Express, you tried to keep us out of winning that Battle Royal to get a shot at the Television Title, but like we always do, we found a way to win away. That's who we are, and what we do. You 6 now only cheat and try to steal everything from everyone because you don't have the talent or guts to win fairly.” Rick picks up, “What you are doing to us is one thing, but you are now focusing on Wendi. That has got to stop, NOW! Glamour Girls??? This is what a real glamorous woman looks like. She should be your North American Women's champion right now if not for you two.” Robert finishes, “Ricky has a shot at the TV title in a few minutes, and if you know what is good for you, you'll stay the hell out of the match. Candi, your time is running out.” Rating: 62



We run another promo for the Women's Division highlighting the chaos and beauty of the division. Rating: 62



What??? This isn't the main event? Yeah, I'm shocked too, but Ricky's pop in the GL is only in the 30's while Randy lost a few points from the PPV loss. It was still a great match when you remember that both are midcarders. You just knew this one wasn't going to be settled in the ring though. Wendi and Angelo sniped at each other the whole match and Cornette came out to join him eliminating her (and Calhoun) from seeing Eaton slide into the ring nailing a dropkick. Savage dropped his top-rope elbow to retain his TV title. Randy Savage makes his 5th successful title defense. Rating: 77




Yep, the totally discounted Rip Rogers is in the main event, go figure. I'm crediting Tommy Rich. Oddly enough considering the semi-main, there wasn't any interference. That was bad news for Rip as Wildfire has been on a roll, and that continued here. Rating: 78



Wow, Cult is harsh. I almost doubled my income from Feb., and all I got for my trouble is $270,000 more in net profit for a total profit of $370,072 or $12,000 more than I paid in taxes for the month. Yikes! My balance is currently at $762,047.


Popularity breakdown (net pop gain for the month)

GL-70 (+6), MA-35 (+5), MS-31 (+7), MW-35 (+6), NE-21 (+7), NW-21 (+7), SE-73 (+7), SW-21 (+7), TS-34 (+8), PR-35 (+5), HI-21 (+7) Canada is 29 in Ontario and 5 everywhere else and hasn't changed since I hit 65 in GL.


I signed Barry Darsow and The Mulkey Brothers and put them into development after the mass GCW purge. The rest of development is showing progress which is great, except for 2 of the 4 iffy people. I also did offer Ricky Steamboat a written deal (20k/mo). Sorry if that bothers people, but occasionally, you have to play to the game. That psychology cap is real, meaning right now I have to have someone with a psych over 81 in the North American Title match, or the match gets crapped on. That jumps to mid-80's when I hit National btw. Here's the list of people on my roster at 82+ psych: Street (82), Orton (83), Eaton (83), Fulton (91???), Jake (94), Lawler (100), Golden (88), Olympia (90 but time decline), Savage (92), Morton (82), Robert Fuller (88), RnR Gibson (82), and Pritchard (82). That's 5 faces with King really the only legit contender.


Plus, that hurts the WWF, and I need to hurt them some. Georgia did indeed lose a boatload of money as they're sitting on -$220,000. Will they sell? Nope. They made money off their two Sat. shows which is probably the issue. Maybe once they're at -$500k next month they'll sell. So Alvarasus, I need a PPV name by Thursday or Friday. Go check out his 1985 diary too as he's doing a good one, in a minimalist style.

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