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Darn it, thought I forgot to predict. :D


House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose



Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini



ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards


#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine

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Congratulations on your DOTM win man. :)


House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose

Comments: I imagine this is Lethal & Coleman and I feel like they kinda, sorta have to win here.


Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards

Comments: Pretty obvious. :p


"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: He needs to get some victories if he's going to be #ELG1N :D


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini

Comments: From one man to another... can we please have a picture for Mandy Leon? :rolleyes:


ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards

Keep these boys strong.


#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine


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House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose

Comments: Keep House of Truth Strong, like the taste of a Moose.


Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards

Comments: What a loss for Caprice...man....the win will be Low Key though.


"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini

Comments: This match will fuel up TJ with Diesel as he builds momentuem.


ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards



#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine

Comments: The champs will feel the love....


Thoughts of Previous Show: Loved the show man....needs more Low Ki puns though. :D

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LOL I'm funny without even trying. Too bad Lloydie doesn't have a sense of humor :rolleyes:


(whew, i sure got out of a potentially awkward situation. good job, michgcs!)




Gee, I wonder if that's true...






Hahaha I was going to point out you didn't do too hot. :p


I'm glad you brought this up, among other things... I don't know... However, he seems to go 'Kagah!!' a lot in promos and what not... and his 'boys' make all kinds of noises during his matches... If you're looking for the full Dalton Castle experience, I recommend his match with Adam Cole at Death Before Dishonour of this year... It showcases him brilliantly I feel! He also hit his 'Dead Lift German Suplex' on Moose on ROH TV last week!!! :D


(and here to Donovan Dijak, who is a BIG man!!)



Basically, he's awesome... KAGAHH!!!


You're obsessed with Dalton Castle. :p Far from surprising. :)


Congratulations on your DOTM win man. :)


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini

Comments: From one man to another... can we please have a picture for Mandy Leon? :rolleyes:



"The Exotic Goddess" will have a picture on the next show. :p

And thank you very much! I'm surprised and impressed that I managed to win that this month! Makes me motivated to keep this diary going. :D


Thoughts of Previous Show: Loved the show man....needs more Low Ki puns though. :D


I do whatever I can to keep those puns low key. :p

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In a pre-show dark match, The Young Bucks def. The Decade in 8:24 when Matt Jackson def. Adam Page by pinfall with a Moonsault.

Rating: 51


In a pre-show dark match, Mark Briscoe def. Silas Young in 7:37 by pinfall with a Cut-Throat Burning Hammer.

Rating: 47






Commentary Team: Kevin Kelly & Steve Corino


Kevin Kelly: Welcome one, welcome all, to another edition of Ring of Honor Wrestling!

Steve Corino: I'm Steve Corino, that's Kevin Kelly, and man do we have a show in store for you.

Kelly: Everything from the Trilogy members in singles matches to a surprise competitors House of Truth match, and a #1 Contendership Match!

Corino: The Kingdom, Love Gun, War Machine. What team will challenge the Addiction next?


Match One

Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Jay%20Lethal_alt%202_zpswkgoiqil.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Cedric%20Alexander_alt_zps48tcjgc5.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Truth%20Martini_alt_zpss1t00f9f.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Roderick%20Strong_alt2_zpsr1urwpkx.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Quinn%20Ojinnaka_alt3_zpswnxc2znu.jpg

House of Truth (Jay Lethal & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose


You may have expected Donovan Dijak and Cedric Alexander to compete in this one, but Jay Lethal decided to lace up his boots for tonight and we have a helluvan opener! Moose and Strong knew that had to bring their A-Game in order to take down the Undisputed Champion here tonight, as well as Cedric Alexander (who broke Moose's undefeated streak). With Truth Martini jeering at ringside, Moose and Strong found a hard time getting into a stride. This left Roderick Strong to be worked over by both Alexander and Lethal, a united House of Truth. In the end, Lethal landed the Lethal Combination TWICE on Strong, before tagging in Cedric Alexander and letting the newest House of Truth member simply make the cover. Moose could do nothing to stop this.


House of Truth (Jay Lethal & Cedric Alexander) def. Roderick Strong and Moose in 8:06 when Cedric Alexander defeated Roderick Strong by pinfall.

Rating: 51


Match Two

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Caprice%20Coleman_alt_zps6koiz66t.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Low-Ki_alt_zpsl7bpm0id.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Austin%20Aries_alt_zps8sblkxw0.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Eddie%20Edwards_zps3kod6bzr.jpg

Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards


With one dominant stable being victorious, we move to another one. The Trilogy have two different singles matches here tonight, with this being the first. Low-Ki was incredibly impressive here, maybe the most impressive wrestler of the evening. He worked away at Coleman for seven minutes, showing off his great in-ring abilities. The no-nonsense member of the Trilogy put Coleman to rest with the Warrior's Way.


Low-Ki def. Caprice Coleman in 7:01 by pinfall with a Warrior's Way.

Rating: 57



Just after the match, the Trilogy are standing tall in the ring. Edwards and Aries each raise an arm of Low-Ki. The three then turn around.


With Caprice Coleman already very much down, the Trilogy lay the beatdown. They stomp away at him endlessly, with no one around able to do much to help poor Coleman. They exit to their entrance music now.

Segment Rating: 41




Match Three

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Michael%20Elgin_alt2_zpsxku668es.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Dalton%20Castle_zpshokmizoi.jpg

"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle


We come back from the break and head right into Michael Elgin and Dalton Castle. Two very, very different competitors both looking for some momentum here. Dalton Castle has the crowd behind him more and more every week, his mannerisms really remarkable. That wasn't enough to stop the hard-hitting Elgin, however, as he escaped a Deadlift Suplex attempt and locked in the Crossface in the center of the ring.


Michael Elgin def. Dalton Castle in 6:13 by submission with a Crossface.

Rating: 48


Match Four

Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Kyle%20OReilly_zpsbtqe97hj.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Bobby%20Fish_alt3_zps8n74wvxx.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Trent%20Barreta_zpsd6v0hwku.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Rocky%20Romero_alt4_zpsvtw2gbzi.jpg

reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice


This match was a pleasant surprise, as it was previously unadvertised. These two teams went toe-to-toe for over eight minutes. The fans were behind this one, hoping for reDRagon to get a much deserved win. They had it sealed in the end with a beautiful High/Low combination, but Romero gripped Bobby Fish from the apron and suplexed him onto the apron itself! Beretta then pushed Kyle O'Reilly into the previously exposed turnbuckle post and rolled him up for the one, two, three! Upset victory for RPG Vice!


Roppongi Vice def. reDRagon in 8:21 when Beretta def. Kyle O'Reilly by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.

Rating: 52




Match Five

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/TJ%20Perkins_zpsmscc0f9u.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Mandy%20Leon_zpssm66n7bn.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/J%20Diesel_zpsnkkf3vfp.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Truth%20Martini_alt_zpss1t00f9f.jpg

"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/ "The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini


Back to the regularly advertised card, we saw TJ Perkins come down to the ring with the gorgeous Mandy Leon on his arm. Truth Martini led J. Diesel out next, and definitely paled in comparison to "The Exotic Goddess." TJ Perkins is climbing the ladder in ROH very quickly, and this match proved a lot of that. Mandy, just as last week, kept Truth at bay while TJP did his work in the ring. He put away Diesel with a Running Single Leg High Knee Strike before the four minute mark!


TJ Perkins def. J. Diesel in 3:57 by pinfall with a Running Single Leg High Knee Strike.

Rating: 42


Pre-Main Event

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/ACH_alt3_zpstdfhsayg.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Austin%20Aries_alt_zps8sblkxw0.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Low-Ki_alt_zpsl7bpm0id.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Eddie%20Edwards_zps3kod6bzr.jpg

ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards


As we inch closer to the #1 Contendership Main Event, we run into the clear match of the night. ACH had the cards stacked against him, and watched Coleman be beat down by the Trilogy earlier in the evening. How would we fare against the charismatic Trilogy member one-on-one? ACH brought the heat, even landing a Springboard Moonsault to all three Trilogy members at one point! This only led to an angrier Austin Aries, however, and he rolled out of the way of the Best 450 Ever from ACH to land his own beautiful 450 Splash. This insult to ACH was followed by the one, two, three.


Austin Aries def. ACH in 12:55 by pinfall with a 450 Splash.

Rating: 61




An already beaten ACH is the next victim of the Trilogy-on-one assault. This continues for a couple minutes before a very familiar theme music hits!


"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles sprints down to the ring, causing the surprised members of the Trilogy to back up and clear the ring! They retreat as Styles helps ACH up.

Segment Rating: 46




Main Event

#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

Three-Way Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Mike%20Bennett_alt_zpssa6rzxsi.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Matt%20Taven_alt2_zpsgcbslwpd.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Matt%20Sydal_zps8otg5d5c.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Chris%20Sabin_alt2_zpsydcnpjsy.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Hanson_alt_zpsxdnedurm.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Raymond%20Rowe_alt3_zpsumxoi42r.jpg?t=1437463415

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine


Our main event was to decide which of these three teams will face the Addiction at All Star Extravaganza for the ROH World Tag Team Championship. Right at the start, Hanson takes down both members of Love Gun with a double clothesline, and Ray Rowe does the same to both members of the Kingdom. They play to the crowd due to their early advantage, which allows Bennett to sweep Rowe's legs and take him down. The Kingdom find control early on, tagging in and out to isolate Matt Sydal of Love Gun. He landed a hot tag to Chris Sabin at one point, allowing Sabin to work away at Bennett, making Bennett tag out to Hanson. Sabin and Hanson fought back and forth in a beautiful sequence, one of the match's highlights. Just as Hanson may have had Sabin put away, Matt Taven tags himself in and yells "Matt Taven, bitches!" before hitting Sabin with a Springboard Splash. Sabin kicks out, and Taven looks frustrated. As the match lingered on, each of these teams became withered and hoping to get the win. Rather than give up easy, there was nearfall after nearfall with none of the teams gaining much of an advantage. Just as it appeared the Kingdom had Raymond Rowe down for the count..



The Briscoes head to the ring to take on their rivals, causing Matt Taven and Michael Bennett to bail from the ring! Chris Sabin runs at Hanson with a devastating dropkick, and Matt Sydal comes off the top rope with the Shooting Sydal Press on Raymond Rowe! ONE! TWO! THREE! SABIN AND SYDAL ARE THE NEW CONTENDERS!


Love Gun defeated The Kingdom and War Machine in 13:06. During the match we also had the Briscoe Brothers distract the Kingdom.

Rating: 49



The Briscoe Brothers take it to the Kingdom members, and the two teams end up brawling all the way backstage! Ring of Honor Wrestling comes to a close!

Segment Rating: 35


Overall Show Rating: 50




Prediction Standings:

TheLloyd: 12 (+5)

Satyr24: 13 (+6 perfect score again!)

Uncrewed: 11 (+5)

crackerjack: 11 (+5)

daulten6: 9 (+3)

The_CoC: 12 (+6 perfect score!)

The Whole Shebang: 6

michgcs: 7 (+3)

Mootinie: 11 (+6 perfect score!)

Wolfman84: 9 (+4)

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On the next edition of Ring of Honor Wrestling...

reDRagon look to avenge their loss to RPG Vice last week, Dalton Castle is in action, Low-Ki faces a Bullet Club member, the two contenders to the TV Title face the House of Truth, we get hype for our tag title match, and a new #1 Contender is named in the main event!


reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice



BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles



House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin



#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong



Thoughts of Previous Show:

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Ohhhh Mandy, how you melt my heart :rolleyes:


reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice

Comments: I smell a Best Of Three.


BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: Reiterating the comment I make on every Whitmer match... he's there to lose.


"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles

Comments: Matt Jackson isn't a singles guy.


House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon

Comments: ACH lost last week and I feel like Dijak is just there to eat a pin. That, and Mandy never loses. :)


Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin

Comments: Should be one hell of a match. I'd give Sabin the win here myself, I think last time you had Daniels go over Rowe, I see no damage in him losing first-up to make the tag champs a threat.


#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


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reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice

Comments: reDRagon is way to good to lose here.


BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: The BOYZ!


"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles

Comments: Bullet Club s way too cool to lose here


House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon

Comments: It honestly could go any way


Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin

Comments: Big Sabin Fan


#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

Comments: Backbreaker Brigade


Thoughts of Previous Show: Catching up with everything has been awesome, plus I watch ROH while I read this, so that helps.

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reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice



BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles



House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin



#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


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reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice



BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles



House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin



#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


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reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice



BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles



House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin



#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


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reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice

Comments: I think this has the makings of a nice best of 7 series :


BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: Sorry Dalton, you know the old saying: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well... get a win first."


"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles

Comments: Though I don't actually remember if you've used it, I think we see a non-finish here


House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin



#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong



Thoughts of Previous Show: I bombed... AGAIN!

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reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice



BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles



House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin



#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong



Thoughts of Previous Show:

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reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice



BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles



House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin



#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


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reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice



BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles



House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin



#1 Contendership Match

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


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In a pre-show dark match, Austin Aries and Eddie Edwards def. War Machine in 9:44 when Austin Aries def. Hanson by pinfall with a Brainbuster.

Rating: 53


In a pre-show dark match, Adam Page def. Moose in 7:57 by pinfall with The Adam's Apple.

Rating: 39






Commentary Team: Kevin Kelly & Steve Corino


Steve Corino: Ring of Honor Wrestling fans, we'd love to welcome you to our show tonight!

Kevin Kelly: I'm Kevin Kelly, alongside King Steve Corino, and boy do we have a show tonight King!

Corino: Yes we do, I know that reDRagon are looking to get revenge on RPG Vice in our opener, Dalton Castle is in action, the Trilogy's Warrior takes on a Young Buck..

Kelly: The two contenders for the ROH World Television Title team up to take on Jay Lethal's House of Truth comrades, we get a preview for the upcoming ROH World Tag Team Title match..

Corino: And in our main event, Roderick Strong goes one-on-one with ADAM COLE, BAY-BAY!

Kelly: The winner of that match will find themselves taking on Jay Lethal in our All Star Extravaganza Main Event for the ROH World Championship! Wow! What a night!


Match One

Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Kyle%20OReilly_zpsbtqe97hj.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Bobby%20Fish_alt3_zps8n74wvxx.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Trent%20Barreta_zpsd6v0hwku.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Rocky%20Romero_alt4_zpsvtw2gbzi.jpg

reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice


In a rematch from last week, RPG Vice were cockier than ever. Beretta started things off against Bobby Fish, and managed to gain an early advantage for his team. Beretta and Romero tagged in and out for a little while, but as soon as Fish landed the hot tag to O'Reilly, it was as good as over. reDRagon picked up a very sweet revenge victory over New Japan's CHOAS members when Romero fell victim to a Brainbuster.


reDRagon defeated Roppongi Vice in 6:52 when Kyle O'Reilly defeated Rocky Romero by pinfall with a Brainbuster.

Rating: 48


Match Two

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/BJ%20Whitmer_zpsrjgtwsak.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Dalton%20Castle_zpshokmizoi.jpg

BJ Whitmer vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle


Yet another impressive match from young Dalton Castle, whose mannerisms come along more and more each week. He took it right to Whitmer in the beginning, but was continuously fighting an uphill battle. The fans seriously rallied behind the eccentric competitor, and a Deadlift Suplex had everyone's jaws on the floor. A universal hate for BJ Whitmer may have helped propel Dalton Castle to hit the Bang-A-Rang and gain a nice upset victory!


Dalton Castle defeated BJ Whitmer in 5:49 by pinfall with a Bang-A-Rang.

Rating: 44




Match Three

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Low-Ki_alt_zpsl7bpm0id.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Austin%20Aries_alt_zps8sblkxw0.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Eddie%20Edwards_zps3kod6bzr.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Matt%20Jackson_alt_zpspusvfypm.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Nick%20Jackson_alt_zpsi3ingcyl.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/AJ%20Styles_alt5_zpsy6bwhgle.jpg?t=1437423911

"The Warrior" Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson w/Nick Jackson & AJ Styles


The best match yet tonight, with the Trilogy's no-nonsense competitor taking on the older half of the Young Bucks. The beginning of the match saw Matt's speed allow him to take advantage, but Low-Ki countered nearly every move he had to offer. The also-quick Warrior land a Ki Krusher in the middle of the bout for perhaps the closest two count. Matt's fellow Bullet Club members did what they could to keep the other two Trilogy members at bay. This kept things inside the ring for most of the match, and saw Matt Jackson land a beautiful Superkick to the jaw of Low-Ki for the one, two, thr-NO! Low-Ki powers his shoulder up, and then went right back to work in order to take Jackson down with a powerful kick to the side of the head, and seal the deal with crowd favorite move Warrior's Way. One. Two. Three. Clean victory for the Trilogy.


Low-Ki defeated Matt Jackson in 13:18 by pinfall with a Warrior's Way.

Rating: 56



After the match, Low-Ki slides out of the ring to celebrate with his Trilogy stablemates. Austin Aries grabs a microphone and looks to AJ Styles as he and Nick Jackson help Matt Jackson recover.

Austin Aries: AJ! Listen up! We thought we put you guys down at Death Before Dishonor, but that wasn't your agenda. Now, my boy Low-Ki continued to do what he does best, and showed his prowess in that ring. Against your Bullet Club man, no less. If you really wanna end this, you'll have to beat Low-Ki, one-on-one, next week!

We hear a chorus of cheers from the audience, hoping to see Styles vs. Low-Ki next week. AJ Styles grabs a microphone from ringside.


AJ Styles: Nothing's going to make me refuse a match like that, but it's going to come on one condition, Aries. One condition. I'll beat Low-Ki, right here, next week, and if I do that, I want you one-on-one at All Star Extravaganza.

Aries takes a minute, contemplating.

Austin Aries: IF! You beat Low-Ki.. It'll be Styles versus Aries, live on Pay-Per-View, to really settle this!

Both men drop their microphones and the Trilogy head to the back.

Segment Rating: 65


Match Four

Tag Team Match

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House of Truth (Donovan Dijak & Cedric Alexander) w/Truth Martini vs. ACH & "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon


This match proved one thing: Jay Lethal has his work cut out for him. Both TJ Perkins and ACH will be looking to gain the World Television title at All Star Extravaganza, and they used this match as a message sender to Lethal. It didn't matter that they would soon be opponents, this one was to send that message. The size of Dijak and cunning of Alexander helped them stick with it here and there, but TJP & ACH seemed to be a solid unit. TJP jumped out of the ring to land a Corkscrew Moonsault on Dijak, and then gave Mandy Leon a kiss while ACH landed the Ready Or Not Here I Come on Alexander for the momentum & victory.


ACH and TJ Perkins defeated House of Truth II in 7:29 when ACH defeated Cedric Alexander by pinfall with a Ready Or Not Here I Come.

Rating: 39




Pre-Main Event

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Christopher%20Daniels_2_zpsb5miryeb.jpg VS> http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Chris%20Sabin_alt2_zpsydcnpjsy.jpg

Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin


You can imagine there is no love lost between these two, and they're looking to join their partners in the ROH World Tag Team Title match at All Star Extravaganza. Tonight, however, it appeared this one was about a whole lot more than that. These two wanted to prove who was the better man, hence their partners not being at ringside. The result of this all-out match was the match of the night! Daniels seemed to have a counter for everything Sabin threw at him, but Sabin didn't quit! He sealed the deal with the Cradle Shock!









NOPE! Daniels somehow kicked out, and instantly knocked Sabin down with the Last Rites, headed up top, and we see the Best Moonsault Ever! Daniels slows Sabin's momentum! Can Love Gun triumph crack the Addiction after all?


Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Sabin in 14:37 by pinfall with a B.M.E..

Rating: 66


We get a short recap video of The Briscoe Brothers' war with the Kingdom over the past month.

Segment Rating: 39




Main Event

#1 Contendership Match

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Adam%20Cole_alt2_zpsakd1pgi2.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Scarlett%20Bordeaux_alt_zpsttfhhzdg.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Roderick%20Strong_alt2_zpsr1urwpkx.jpg

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


Onward to the great main event of the evening, Scarlett Bordeaux escorted Adam Cole to the ring in a wonderful fashion. Roderick Strong came out to a good reaction next, and we had these two fighting for over fifteen minutes looking to become the next challenger for Jay Lethal's World Championship! Last time these two met, Strong came out on top in our ROH Wrestling main event. Cole needs a shot like this to get back on top, while Roddy isn't ready to say die! Backbreaker after backbreaker in the early goings, but Cole fought back and kept his arrogance on his sleeve in order to insult Roddy. Roddy refused to quit, though, escaping a Flying Crossbody and doing everything he could to try and put Cole away! Adam Cole was in the center of the ring with nowhere to go, trapped inside the Strong Hold! Would this be the end!? Surely not, this is Adam Cole, BAY-BAY! But he had no escape, until--


It was only a matter of time before the World Champion graced the crowd with his presence. He got involved in a big way, hopping up onto the apron in order to jeer Roderick Strong. A very frustrated Roddy had to release the Strong Hold, and instantly dropkick Lethal off the apron! He turned around, and there was Cole with the Panama Sunrise! Cole beats Roddy this time!


Adam Cole defeated Roderick Strong in 16:52 by pinfall with a Panama

Sunrise after a distraction from Jay Lethal.

Rating: 58


Overall Show Rating: 59

This show increased our popularity in 10 regions.




Prediction Standings:

TheLloyd: 12

Satyr24: 17 (+4)

Uncrewed: 16 (+5)

crackerjack: 16 (+5)

daulten6: 13 (+4)

The_CoC: 12

The Whole Shebang: 6

michgcs: 10 (+3)

Mootinie: 16 (+5)

Wolfman84: 13 (+4)

thecoolestjedi12: 2 (+2)

Smasher1311: 3 (+3)

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-At a recent event on the New Japan Pro Wrestling Forever Tour, Matt Taven suffered from a Fractured Cheek Bone! While there is a possibility for him to work through the injury, ROH may have other plans!

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On the next edition of Ring of Honor Wrestling...

The two TV Title contenders see who the better man is, Fish and Beretta look to gain their teams some momentum ahead of their rubber match, Strong has one last shot to get into that World Title Match, while Jay Briscoe can get his hands on Michael Bennett! Matt Sydal takes on Frankie Kazarian before the Tag Title match, and Low-Ki looks to stop AJ Styles before he can even face Austin Aries! All of this and more on the All Star Extravaganza VII Go-Home Show!


ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Bobby Fish w/Kyle O'Reilly vs. Beretta w/Rocky Romero



If Roddy's Team Wins, He'll Join the ROH World Title Match at ASEVII

"Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Jay Briscoe vs. The Kingdom (Adam Cole & Michael Bennett) w/Scarlett Bordeaux



Frankie Kazarian vs. "Reborn" Matt Sydal



If Styles Wins, He Faces Aries at All Star Extravaganza VII

"The Warrior" Low-Ki vs. "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles



Thoughts of Previous Show:

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ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Bobby Fish w/Kyle O'Reilly vs. Beretta w/Rocky Romero



If Roddy's Team Wins, He'll Join the ROH World Title Match at ASEVII

"Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Jay Briscoe vs. The Kingdom (Adam Cole & Michael Bennett) w/Scarlett Bordeaux



Frankie Kazarian vs. "Reborn" Matt Sydal



If Styles Wins, He Faces Aries at All Star Extravaganza VII

"The Warrior" Low-Ki vs. "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles


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ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon



Bobby Fish w/Kyle O'Reilly vs. Beretta w/Rocky Romero



If Roddy's Team Wins, He'll Join the ROH World Title Match at ASEVII

"Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Jay Briscoe vs. The Kingdom (Adam Cole & Michael Bennett) w/Scarlett Bordeaux



Frankie Kazarian vs. "Reborn" Matt Sydal



If Styles Wins, He Faces Aries at All Star Extravaganza VII

"The Warrior" Low-Ki vs. "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles


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ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon

Comments: Pairing him up with Mandy's done wonders for TJP


Bobby Fish w/Kyle O'Reilly vs. Beretta w/Rocky Romero



If Roddy's Team Wins, He'll Join the ROH World Title Match at ASEVII

"Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Jay Briscoe vs. The Kingdom (Adam Cole & Michael Bennett) w/Scarlett Bordeaux



Frankie Kazarian vs. "Reborn" Matt Sydal



If Styles Wins, He Faces Aries at All Star Extravaganza VII

"The Warrior" Low-Ki vs. "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles

Comments: I may not be a fan of either man, but I do want to see A-Double vs AJ Styles

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ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon

Comments: Big ACH fan, but my gut is telling me TJ, but my heart is telling me ACH.


Bobby Fish w/Kyle O'Reilly vs. Beretta w/Rocky Romero

Comments: Why would I not pick reDRagon, I'm a full on mark for the team and them as single wrestlers.


If Roddy's Team Wins, He'll Join the ROH World Title Match at ASEVII

"Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Jay Briscoe vs. The Kingdom (Adam Cole & Michael Bennett) w/Scarlett Bordeaux

Comments: I'm still backing ''The Backbreaker Brigade''


Frankie Kazarian vs. "Reborn" Matt Sydal

Comments: I'm feeling Sydal, even if Roh isn't pushing him that hard, I like Sydal


If Styles Wins, He Faces Aries at All Star Extravaganza VII

"The Warrior" Low-Ki vs. "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles

Comments: It is AJ Styles, just saying


Thoughts of Previous Show: NO, Not Roderick! He should've Won.

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