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BOSJ Day Nine


Block B

Sho Tanaka (2) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (10)



Block B

Rocky Romero (10) vs. El Desperado (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (10) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (8) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

KUSHIDA (14) vs. Mascara Dorada (12)



Block A

Ricochet (14) vs. Eita (12)


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BOSJ Day Nine Predictions


Block B

Sho Tanaka (2) vs. U-T (4)

Comments: You got your win Tanaka, go home


Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (10)

Comments: - "


Block B

Rocky Romero (10) vs. El Desperado (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (10) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (8) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

KUSHIDA (14) vs. Mascara Dorada (12)



Block A

Ricochet (14) vs. Eita (12)


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Getting down to the nitty gritty now!


U-T - No repeat of last show here.


Rocky Romero

TAKA Michinoku

Jushin Liger - Though perhaps a chink has appeared in the armor of the legend.

Cavernario - Cav has been a fun addition to the tournament.

Ryusuke Taguchi

Tiger Mask IV - No more gaijins win!



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Block B

Sho Tanaka (2) vs. U-T (4)

Comments:I'll pick Sho(First time I think)


Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (10)

Comments: Hmmmmmm


Block B

Rocky Romero (10) vs. El Desperado (6)

Comments: Push Desperado


Block A

TAKA Michinoku (10) vs. Jay Lethal (6)

Comments: TAKA


Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. Bobby Fish (6)

Comments: :( I'm sorry Bobby


Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (8) vs. Cavernario (6)

Comments: Favoritism is so strong


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8)

Comments: Sabre?


Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Alex Shelley (8)

Comments: Tiger Mask, hmmmmm


Block B

KUSHIDA (14) vs. Mascara Dorada (12)

Comments: Totally Kushida


Block A

Ricochet (14) vs. Eita (12)

Comments: Not Today Eita

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Block B

Sho Tanaka (2) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (10)



Block B

Rocky Romero (10) vs. El Desperado (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (10) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (8) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

KUSHIDA (14) vs. Mascara Dorada (12)



Block A

Ricochet (14) vs. Eita (12)


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June 5th, 2015 - BOSJ Day Nine




Best Of The Super Juniors Day Nine

June 5th, 2015


Live Event

Airing on NJPW WORLD!

Friday, Week 1, June 2015!

Held at the Ariake Colosseum in front of 7,498 fans!

Show Rating: B





Block B

Sho Tanaka (2) vs. U-T (4)


A close match-up between two very evenly-matched young lions here (in fact both are two year-pros). Tanaka was on a high after victory over Taguchi yesterday but sadly, U-T's pace was the real difference maker. A Missile Dropkick found its target and a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors left Sho Tanaka wobbling. He stood up, but was off balance as U-T struck the final blow, a Running Front Flip Piledriver (Canadian Destroyer) to take home the W.


Sho Tanaka finishes BOSJ XXII with 2 points. U-T finishes with 6.


Match Time: 8:23

Rating: D+





Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (10)


Having watched fellow dojo graduate and good friend Sho Tanaka take home points yesterday, Komatsu was hungrier than ever to try and prove that his fellow young lion hadn't eclipsed him. This was a fiesty match, far more intense than your normal Komatsu match as he dialed up to try and match Nakajima. Unfortunately, trying to match physicality with Nakajima was a battle that Komatsu was probably always losing. He really had no backup plan and was beaten on all fronts as Nakajima waltzed home to victory after a Death Roll.


Yohei Komatsu finishes BOSJ XXII with 0 points. Katsuhiko Nakajima finishes rather impressively with 12.


Match Time: 7:35

Rating: C+





Block B

Rocky Romero (10) vs. El Desperado (6)


One can't help but wonder how Romero's tournament would have gone had he not missed that Foreign Devil attempt against Taguchi on Day Four. He had connected, he surely would have taken home the points. That said, it's still been a good tournament for him and he's certainly fared a lot better than El Desperado. In fact, that sentence about sums this match up. Desperado's dastardly villainous tactics are all he really has to offer here, he chokes Romero with his boot in the corner but for the most part, he's out-wrestled and out-gunned. Romero hits several theatrical clotheslines in the corner as Desperado falls into a heap on the mat. From the top, the Foreign Devil (Flying Double Knee Drop) connects and Romero finishes with a victory.


Rocky Romero ends BOSJ XXII with 12 points. Half that and you have El Desperado's finishing tally of 6.


Match Time: 7:48

Rating: B-





Block A

TAKA Michinoku (10) vs. Jay Lethal (6)


With victories over Ricochet and Eita, it's astounding that Lethal is near the foot of the table. Consistency has been the issue, his best performances haven't arrived in matches like these. TAKA's 24 years of experience inside the squared circle give him the advantage early on here. And by that, I mean that he's learned how and when you poke somebody in the eye. Despite Michinoku being in firm control...




Bloody Taichi comes down to ringside...


He attempts to provide an assist as he distracts referee Marty Asami, but Lethal turns the tables on TAKA with a Low Blow! Lethal then handsprings into the ropes knocking an outraged Taichi off the apron before connecting with the Lethal Injection! As the ROH World Television Champion makes the cover, Taichi can't break it up in time and Jay Lethal beats Suzuki-gun at their own game!


Jay Lethal returns stateside having totted up 8 points. TAKA's record of five wins and four defeats leaves him on 10 points.


Match Time: 9:45

Rating: C+





Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. Bobby Fish (6)


Liger's aging body was never going to be cut out for this tournament and looking over the opposite side of the ring to see Bobby Fish was the stuff of his nightmares. Fish pelts him with strikes, particularly his stiff kicks. He shows absolutely no respect for Liger nor his legacy. A kick to the thigh drops Liger to one knee before a hard chest kick leaves the 51-year old in a heap on the canvas trying to catch his breath. Liger makes a spirited comeback, feeding off the energy of the crowd as he drops Fish with a pair of Palm Strikes and a Rolling Koppu Kick. Liger hooks Fish up (no pun intended) for a Brainbuster but Fish counters with a knee strike to the face on the way up and takes Liger up himself before hitting a Falcon Arrow that is enough for the three count.


Liger's fall from grace leaves him on 12 points. Fish finishes with 8.


Match Time: 8:05

Rating: C+





Six Man Tag Team Match

Manabu Nakanishi, Captain New Japan & Watanabe vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson, Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi)


Hardly a match on paper, it's surprising that this actually winds up being such an evenly fought clash. Fale has no power advantage over Nakanishi, the Captain winds up being useful as he makes brief interjections when his team is in trouble and in a proving ground clash between rookie and veteran, Watanabe actually duels very well with Yujiro. Bullet Club have paid for their tomfoolery before but they're all business tonight. They keep shutting their opponents down and eventually, they crack their resolve as Bad Luck Fale hoists Captain up in a Crucifix and brings him crashing down to the canvas with the devastating Bad Luck Fall.


Match Time: 11:31

Rating: B





Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (8) vs. Cavernario (6)


Two underachievers did battle here and with a lot of pride on the line, you'd expect that this would be a damn good match. Instead, both men wrestle as though as they're happy the tournament is coming to a close. O'Reilly is the one with the most varied skills set and he takes control with his technical prowess on the mat. Cavernario comes back and instantly goes high risk, taking out O'Reilly with a Suicide Dive. But it's his unpredictable offence that proves to be his undoing: his signature top-rope splash to the outside is well telegraphed and O'Reilly rolls out the way leaving the wildman to crash and burn. You live by the sword, you often die by the sword and O'Reilly's Guillotine Choke puts Cavernario out of his misery.


Kyle O'Reilly salvages something from a disappointing BOSJ, finishing on 10 points. Cavernario won just a third of his matches and finishes on 6 points.


Match Time: 9:24

Rating: C-





Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8)


Rather surprisingly, Taguchi's strategy is to engage the Englishman in a submission war here. Although it makes for a great spectacle, a superb technical wrestling match, Taguchi finds himself second best for most of this contest. That said, he does get some damage done on Sabre Jr's ankle. Not that it matters, that damage pales in comparison to the pain shooting through Taguchi's right arm and that proves to be the important turning point as his arm gives out on the Dodon. Sabre Jr. wisely takes advantage, locking his legs around the arm to bring Taguchi over into a Cross Armbreaker that ultimately brings him home the spoils.


Sabre Jr. joins fellow Cross Armbreaker specialist O'Reilly on a finishing tally of 10 points. Taguchi's best days appear to be behind him as he finishes on a miserable 6 points.


Match Time: 8:51

Rating: C+





Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Alex Shelley (8)


Defeat to Kyle O'Reilly sent Shelley on a downward spiral, his only victory since was against young lion Yohei Komatsu. If he was looking to prove his credentials as a singles competitor, this was a must-win match for him. Tiger Mask IV made life difficult with his old-school physical wrestling style, he stretched Shelley in every which way imaginable. At one point, he locked on a Rear Chancery and dug his knee into Shelley's back as he bent him backwards. But Shelley is something of a comeback king, a tag team competitor that is used to absorbing punishment, he countered a Tiger Bomb attempt with a Hurricanrana to give himself some valuable breathing room. The crowd got behind him and Shelley fired up, delivering an Enzuigiri with such force that Tiger Mask IV was nearly out for the count. This led directly into the Sliced Bread #2 and Alex Shelley finished with a flourish.


Alex Shelley recovers somewhat to finish on 10 points. Tiger Mask IV picked up 6 points.


Match Time: 10:01

Rating: B-





Block B

KUSHIDA (14) vs. Mascara Dorada (12)

Winner advances to the Final


After four straight victories, Dorada was now in a position to usurp KUSHIDA at the top of the block. The luchador made a lightning-quick start, delivering a Headscissors that sent his adversary to the outside before flattening him with a Step-Up Tornillo. This early pressure was really Dorada's only hope and that was exemplified when he hit a Springboard Dropkick with the match timer having barely ticked past two minutes. But as this contest wore on, Dorada began to tire and KUSHIDA gained more and more ground. Taking to the mat, Kushi began inflicting damage on his opponent's left arm to soften him up for the Hoverboard Lock. It was suddenly very important that Dorada made the most of his second wind and with the crowd firmly behind him, he wowed them with a Slingshot Front Flip Frankensteiner. Unfortunately though, this wasn't enough to put KUSHIDA away.


A Rope Bounce Casadora Victory Roll was the closest call yet, another close two count for the masked man. He then started measuring KUSHIDA from the apron and springboarded onto the ropes. Dorada then started pacing along the top rope and then leaped off with a Crossbody! But KUSHIDA rolled right through and slapped on the Hoverboard Lock!!! Dorada inches, Dorada crawls... he fights... but he has no option but to tap out!


Mascara Dorada finishes without shame on 12 points. KUSHIDA is the winner of Block B with 16 points and advances to the final.


Post-match as KUSHIDA is celebrating, Dorada comes over to him and in a show of great sportsmanship, the two shake hands and embrace in the middle of the ring.


Match Time: 11:06

Rating: B





Block A

Ricochet (14) vs. Eita (12)

Winner advances to the Final


The exact same scenario as Block B, only these two had been in the ascendancy ever since Alex Shelley lost to Ricochet on Day Five. This match was far more back and forth than the one previous, neither Ricochet nor Eita took control at any point. Nothing more than a simple war of attrition, these two exchanged their greatest hits. Eita's Missile Dropkick was bettered by Ricochet's Standing Shooting Star Press. Eita's response was a Superkick and then a quickfire Moonsault Press from the second rope. The two continued until Eita busted out the Hidalgo, spiking Ricochet on his neck. As the Millenial made a lax cover, he was almost sure of a victory, but Ricochet popped his shoulder out before the three. Eita waited for the 'Future Of Flight' to stand and rebounded off the ropes to attempt a Crucifix Driver but Ricochet put the brakes on! Showing not only great leg strength not to be slammed into the canvas, Ricochet then hoisted Eita up onto his shoulders and then connected with the Benadryller!


In a fitting finale, Ricochet climbed to the top rope, steadied himself and hit a sensational Double Rotation Moonsault!!! He was just showing off but he covered Eita and got the one, the two and the three!


Ricochet is the winner of Block A with 16 points and advances to the final. Eita finishes on 12.


Match Time: 12:50

Rating: B-





Six Man Tag Team Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Naomichi Marufuji & Tomoaki Honma vs. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii, YOSHI-HASHI & Toru Yano)


Marufuji has found himself a nice spot alongside the unitless unaffiliated members of the New Japan roster and his pairing with Tanahashi and Honma tonight almost makes for the perfect trio. The CHAOS unit definitely appear to be the better team, with stronger communication and more fluent teamwork. But the whole isn't greater than the sum of its parts tonight (sorry Aristotle, you were wrong). the divide in class is far too wide and the New Japan Army put their skills to good use as they pull into the ascendancy. Honma puts his own personal well being before the success of his team, providing a valuable assist when he takes out Ishii with a Diving Kokeshi. Marufuji's Shiranui deals with Yano and Tanahashi out-classes YOSHI-HASHI en route to pinning him after a High Fly Flow.


Post-match, Tanahashi thanks his partners and the fans for their support. He hopes Tetsuya Naito was watching on NJPW WORLD, only 999 yen a month! Tanahashi says that if he was IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, he would be at every event and would always be ready to wrestle anybody. He asks the fans if they know where Naito is? Because he's most definitely not here in the Ariake Colosseum tonight. Similar to his promo on Day Six, Tanahashi asks for support and promises that he will claim back the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship.


Match Time: 15:03

Rating: B+ (match), B+ (celebration)



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BOSJ Day Nine Prediction Results


The Final Standings






Prediction Results


Wolfman84: 8

Kijar: 8

Crackerjack: 8

Uncrewed: 7

Snyder: 6

thecoolestjedi12: 6

rawcass: 5

Beejus: 5

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BOSJ XXII Finals Preview






Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Finals

June 7th, 2015


Survival of the fittest has bought us down to just two Juniors. These are the competitors that wanted it the most and, in a repeat of last year's final, Ricochet faces KUSHIDA. Will the 'Future Of Flight' take home back-to-back trophies? Will he receive an opportunity for redemption after failing to win the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship last year? Or will KUSHIDA finally scale to the top of the Junior division and prove himself to be the 'Ace'?


BOSJ XXII Finals Prediction Card


Eight Man Tag Team Match

Ryusuke Taguchi, Eita, Cavernario & U-T vs. Jay Lethal, Zack Sabre Jr., Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish



Tag Team Match

Alex Shelley & Mascara Dorada vs. CHAOS (Rocky Romero & Jado)



Tag Team Match

TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Yujiro Takahashi)



Tag Team Match

Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)



Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hirooki Goto, Katsuyori Shibata, Captain New Japan & Yohei Komatsu vs. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Kazushi Sakuraba & Sho Tanaka



Special Singles Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer w/ Tetsuya Naito



Six Man Tag Team Match

Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI)



Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Final

Ricochet vs. KUSHIDA



Bonus Question (worth 3 points)

Based on the quality of their matches, who will be named the MVP of BOSJ XXII?



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BOSJ XXII Finals Prediction Card


Eight Man Tag Team Match

Ryusuke Taguchi, Eita, Cavernario & U-T vs. Jay Lethal, Zack Sabre Jr., Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish



Tag Team Match

Alex Shelley & Mascara Dorada vs. CHAOS (Rocky Romero & Jado)



Tag Team Match

TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Yujiro Takahashi)



Tag Team Match

Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)



Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hirooki Goto, Katsuyori Shibata, Captain New Japan & Yohei Komatsu vs. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Kazushi Sakuraba & Sho Tanaka



Special Singles Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer w/ Tetsuya Naito



Six Man Tag Team Match

Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI)



Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Final

Ricochet vs. KUSHIDA



Bonus Question (worth 3 points)

Based on the quality of their matches, who will be named the MVP of BOSJ XXII?

Zack Sabre Jr.

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Eight Man Tag Team Match

Ryusuke Taguchi, Eita, Cavernario & U-T vs. Jay Lethal, Zack Sabre Jr., Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish

Comments: Gaijin City *clap clap clap clap clap*


Tag Team Match

Alex Shelley & Mascara Dorada vs. CHAOS (Rocky Romero & Jado)

Comments: Consolation victory


Tag Team Match

TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Yujiro Takahashi)

Comments: My boys gettin' TenCozy in this one


Tag Team Match

Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)

Comments: Marufuji is the man


Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hirooki Goto, Katsuyori Shibata, Captain New Japan & Yohei Komatsu vs. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Kazushi Sakuraba & Sho Tanaka



Special Singles Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer w/ Tetsuya Naito



Six Man Tag Team Match

Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI)



Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Final

Ricochet vs. KUSHIDA

Comments: Could go either way. I'm just really high on Kushida right now.


Bonus Question (worth 3 points)

Based on the quality of their matches, who will be named the MVP of BOSJ XXII? Jushin Thunder Liger

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Eight Man Tag Team Match

Ryusuke Taguchi, Eita, Cavernario & U-T vs. Jay Lethal, Zack Sabre Jr., Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish



Tag Team Match

Alex Shelley & Mascara Dorada vs. CHAOS (Rocky Romero & Jado)



Tag Team Match

TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Yujiro Takahashi)



Tag Team Match

Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)



Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hirooki Goto, Katsuyori Shibata, Captain New Japan & Yohei Komatsu vs. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Kazushi Sakuraba & Sho Tanaka



Special Singles Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer w/ Tetsuya Naito



Six Man Tag Team Match

Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI)



Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Final

Ricochet vs. KUSHIDA



Bonus Question (worth 3 points)

Based on the quality of their matches, who will be named the MVP of BOSJ XXII?- Sho Tanaka, Not really, But seriously Mascara Dorada

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BOSJ XXII Finals Prediction Card


Eight Man Tag Team Match

Ryusuke Taguchi, Eita, Cavernario & U-T vs. Jay Lethal, Zack Sabre Jr., Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish



Tag Team Match

Alex Shelley & Mascara Dorada vs. CHAOS (Rocky Romero & Jado)



Tag Team Match

TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Yujiro Takahashi)



Tag Team Match

Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)



Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hirooki Goto, Katsuyori Shibata, Captain New Japan & Yohei Komatsu vs. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Kazushi Sakuraba & Sho Tanaka



Special Singles Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer w/ Tetsuya Naito



Six Man Tag Team Match

Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI)



Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Final

Ricochet vs. KUSHIDA



Bonus Question (worth 3 points)

Based on the quality of their matches, who will be named the MVP of BOSJ XXII? Mascara Dorada

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Eight Man Tag Team Match

Ryusuke Taguchi, Eita, Cavernario & U-T vs. Jay Lethal, Zack Sabre Jr., Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish



Tag Team Match

Alex Shelley & Mascara Dorada vs. CHAOS (Rocky Romero & Jado)



Tag Team Match

TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Yujiro Takahashi)



Tag Team Match

Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)



Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hirooki Goto, Katsuyori Shibata, Captain New Japan & Yohei Komatsu vs. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Kazushi Sakuraba & Sho Tanaka



Special Singles Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer w/ Tetsuya Naito



Six Man Tag Team Match

Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI)



Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Final

Ricochet vs. KUSHIDA



Bonus Question (worth 3 points)

Based on the quality of their matches, who will be named the MVP of BOSJ XXII?- Eita

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Eight Man Tag Team Match

Ryusuke Taguchi, Eita, Cavernario & U-T vs. Jay Lethal, Zack Sabre Jr., Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish



Tag Team Match

Alex Shelley & Mascara Dorada vs. CHAOS (Rocky Romero & Jado)



Tag Team Match

TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Yujiro Takahashi)



Tag Team Match

Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)



Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hirooki Goto, Katsuyori Shibata, Captain New Japan & Yohei Komatsu vs. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Kazushi Sakuraba & Sho Tanaka



Special Singles Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer w/ Tetsuya Naito



Six Man Tag Team Match

Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI)



Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Final

Ricochet vs. KUSHIDA



Bonus Question (worth 3 points)

Based on the quality of their matches, who will be named the MVP of BOSJ XXII? Liger

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June 7th, 2015 - BOSJ XXII Final




"After ninety matches in nine grueling days...


We're down to just two...


'The Future Of Flight' takes on the 'Time Splitter'!"


Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Final

June 7th, 2015


Live On Pay-Per-View

Sunday, Week 1, June 2015

Held at the Toda Motorboat Race Place in front of 25,000 fans!

Show Rating: B+

PPV Buy-Rate: 2.09

This show increased our popularity in 21 regions.


Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo and Mick Foley






Eight Man Tag Team Match

Ryusuke Taguchi, Eita, Cavernario & U-T vs. Jay Lethal, Zack Sabre Jr., Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish


A rather mix and match affair, Cavernario offers to start for this team. Although his partners object, their Japanese seems to fall on deaf ears. That is, until Eita says something in Spanish that has Cavernario cussing him out with a word this writer can't type in case a moderator puts it into google translate. Much the same on the opposite side of the ring as, in the presence of reDRagon, Jay Lethal looks like he wants the ground to rise up and swallow him whole.


The action is predictably fast-paced and after a little while, referee Marty Asami throws the rule book out and does away with the rules of legal and illegal men. As Eita is taken out by a Double Team Wheelbarrow Facebuster by reDRagon, U-T simply comes in and takes his place. There's two factors that prove to be the difference maker here, the first is that Taguchi can't direct traffic with Cavernario on his team. The second, the tag team synergy that O'Reilly and Fish possess allows them to take each of their opponents out one by one. Eventually, Taguchi is the only person on his team left fighting. A Hip Attack has O'Reilly down briefly but it's only a matter of time before he eats Chasing The Dragon and Gaijin City prevail.


Match Time: 9:37

Rating: C+

Shout out to Kijar. :p





Tag Team Match

Alex Shelley & Mascara Dorada vs. CHAOS (Rocky Romero & Jado)


After nine days of wrestling in the last twelve, Shelley, Dorada and Romero were still pumped up for what appeared to be a meaningless tag team match. The contest started off rather predictably with the more experienced CHAOS duo isolating Dorada on their side of the ring. But after Shelley got the hot tag, the match rose way above its expected heights. Romero hit the Foreign Devil on Dorada and was sure he had picked up the victory - until Shelley managed to break free of Jado's clutches at the last second to break it up. A Superkick from Shelley left Romero out on his feet until Dorada springboarded in with a Hurricanrana to knock him to the outside. Jado fought on alone, delivering knife edge chop after knife edge chop to both men. But as he came off the ropes, Dorada gave him a kick to the gut that led right into Alex Shelley's Air Raid Crash for the victory.


Match Time: 11:01

Rating: B





Tag Team Match

TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Yujiro Takahashi)


Just like the previous match, this one also far exceeded expectations. In fact, this was match of the night.


Takahashi started out by showboating to the fans and that allowed Kojima to take the early advantage. The 'Machine Gun' tried to help right his partner's wrong with a double team move but Kojima delivered a Double Cozy Lariat and took them both out. The 'Biz Cliz' regrouped with Tama Tonga on the outside and started to fare much better as they singled out whom they believed to be the weak link, Hiroyoshi Tenzan. Kojima rallied support for the NWA World Heavyweight Champion from the apron so Anderson responded fittingly by doing Tenzan's Mongolian Chops! This angered the fans, Kojima, probably even the referee - but nobody as much as Tenzan himself. He rallied back with fire, a series of Mongolian Chops to Anderson had him down and then a Powerslam to Yujiro bought the legend some separation. The hot tag was made to a raucous reaction and Kojima ran through all of his signature offence to shift the momentum back towards the five-time IWGP Tag Team Champions. As he geared up for his signature Cozy Lariat...










Tama Tonga jumped on the apron!


Kojima quickly took him out but the distraction was enough for Yujiro to roll him up! Pulling the tights, Takahashi nearly got the three but Kojima still had the wits to kick out at 2.9. Yujiro couldn't believe it but wasted valuable time arguing with the referee. He held up three fingers and contested the count... only to turn around into a Cozy Cutter! Anderson came in for the save and blindsided Kojima. He was motioning for the Gun Stun when Tenzan came in and hit him with the Anaconda Buster. With Anderson indisposed in the Anaconda Vice, Kojima slammed Yujiro with the Cozy Lariat and the fans counted along as referee Marty Asami slapped the mat once, twice and then a third time.


Match Time: 11:40

Rating: B+





Tag Team Match

Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)


With four very different personalities in the mix, this turned out to be a very interesting match. Yano and Ishii had no respect for their NOAH-based opponents but showed it in very different ways. Whereas Yano was pointing and laughing at his super-serious opponents (and pulling the turnbuckle pads off), Ishii was giving them a hiding they'll never forget and trying to beat them into the dirt. That said, he found Nakajima to be a tough customer. Ishii wailed away on him with forearms and knife edge chops but Nakajima came firing back with kicks to the legs and upper body of the NEVER Openweight Champion. In a homage to Ishii's 2013 G1 Climax match against Katsuyori Shibata, the two stopped in the middle of the ring to start a battle of fighting spirit. Ishii would deliver a hard knife edge chop then stand still to let Nakajima deliver a stiff chest kick in return. The two went back and forth like this for several minutes with neither man giving an inch. Finally, Nakajima delivered a weak kick and was seemingly fading as Ishii dropped him with a chop and let out a battle cry.


Several minutes later, Nakajima had recovered and was quick to let Ishii know that they weren't done yet. The two continued where they left off as they scrapped around the outside of the ring. Nakajima asserted his speed advantage when he ducked a Lariat and then floored Ishii with a Roundhouse Kick to the side of the head! Meanwhile, back inside the ring, Yano was losing a wrestling match because of course he was. He thought his Drop Toe Hold to the exposed steel turnbuckle had connected with Marufuji's face. Little did he know, his opponent blocked it with his hands. One Bicycle High Knee later and Marufuji had taken home the W.


Match Time: 13:18

Rating: B






As Marufuji and Nakajima celebrate their victory, Ishii has regathered his bearings and slides back in the ring to confront Nakajima! The two come face to face as Ishii holds up his NEVER Openweight Championship, but the situation fizzles out before the two come to blows.


Rating: C



Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hirooki Goto, Katsuyori Shibata, Captain New Japan & Yohei Komatsu vs. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Kazushi Sakuraba & Sho Tanaka


We went from one physical match straight into another equally stiff contest full of painful moves that even the viewers at home can feel. Although the early proceedings feature a lot of Komatsu and Tanaka, this match quickly boils down to Meiyu Tag and the Great Bash Heel pairing of Makabe and Honma. Showing that they've scouted their opponents, Makabe ducks Goto's Discus Lariat just as Honma is rebounding off the ropes to give him a Kamikaze Kokeshi! Shibata goes guns blazing but can't take neither Makabe nor Honma down, not even with Big Boots to the face! He gets a King Kong Lariat for his troubles as Honma follows that move up with a Kokeshi! Captain, Komatsu, Sakuraba and Tanaka occupy each other on the outside as Goto comes back into the ring. He floors Makabe with a Lariat and then attempts a Shouten Kai on Honma, but the underdog blocks it and instead hoists him up with a Deadlift Brainbuster! Then from out of nowhere, Makabe comes flying off the top rope with a King Kong Knee Drop and pins one half of the tag champs!


Post-match, as Shibata and Komatsu attend to Goto with a pair of ice packs and try to bring him back to consciousness, Makabe sticks around and starts mouthing off at the both of them. But Shibata's heard enough and stands up face-to-face with him! The confrontation gets a little feisty but it's quickly defused as the rest of the participants separate the two. Honma whisks his tag team partner away as it would appear a challenge has been issued.


Match Time: 14:34

Rating: B (match), B (confrontation)





Special Singles Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer w/ Tetsuya Naito


Offering an explanation as to why this singles match is happening (a rare event in Japan), Ranallo explains that Tetsuya Naito refused requests from New Japan officials to face Tanahashi in a multi-person tag team match. He instead challenged Tanahashi to this match and the #1 Contender accepted. The IWGP World Heavyweight Champion has the best seat in the house for this one, grabbing himself a chair at ringside. Ironically, he places the chair rather strategically so that none of the fans can reach over and touch him.


As for the match, Tanahashi appears to be distracted by Naito's presence and finds himself being dominated in the early proceedings. Archer takes the fight to the outside and whips Tanaback first into the guard rail, making sure he does so right in front of Naito. The Champion looks like a kid on Christmas as Archer forcefully brings his adversary back into the ring. Although still under the kosh, Tanahashi fights back with a pair of dropkicks to Archer's knees and then floors him with a Running Forearm Smash. Tanahashi grows more and more into the match but finds himself hitting the canvas with sickening force after a gigantic Chokeslam from Archer. It takes true fighting spirit for Tana to get up and start fighting again but he gets back on that bike and goes back to knocking out Archer's base. The Sling Blade brings the big man crashing down on the back of his head and then the 'Ace' puts this one to bed courtesy of a spectacular High Fly Flow.


As Tanahashi celebrates victory, he's handed a microphone by ring announcer Kimihiko Ozani. He starts by cracking a joke about how much his back hurts before turning to Naito to ask him if he enjoyed watching that. The camera pans to Naito but he's sleeping. Or at least pretending to... he brings his head up and smiles at Tanahashi shortly after. Tanahashi tells everybody that this is their IWGP World Heavyweight Champion - a joke! He tells Naito that he better not be sleeping on him come Dominion, he wants to beat his very best, no excuses! It's at this point that Naito stands and simply walks off, yawning as he departs up the ramp. Tanahashi cuts his verbal beatdown short and thanks the fans for supporting him once again. He then wheels around ringside giving high fives before departing with a bow before his adoring fans.


Match Time: 12:52

Rating: B (match), B (attempted confrontation)





Six Man Tag Team Match

Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI)


This is the first time that Nagata has been in the ring with Nakamura since their clash at The New Beginning. Poetically, it's those two that kick off this clash in a battle of strikes that ends with a stalemate. As Okada is tagged in, he tries to isolate Watanabe in the CHAOS corner. But Watanabe instead turns the tables on YOSHI-HASHI and the New Japan trio cut the ring off. Despite having moments of joy, they just simply can't compete with the class of Nakamura and Okada. The two are in a totally different league and Okada all but confirms that when he covers Nakanishi after a Rainmaker Lariat.


Match Time: 15:28

Rating: B






Nakamura starts the CHAOS victory celebration and claims that it was too bad nobody could impress him enough to earn themselves a shot at his title at Dominion. He asks if anybody wants to come out now and challenge him. He puts his goggles to his eyes and pans the crowd but nobody emerges. Nakamura shrugs his shoulders and tells the fans that maybe he's just that good, nobody believes they can beat him so why bother challenging him? Nakamura asks the fans if he's the best in the world? Do they believe him?


And just as Nakamura goes to YEAOH...






























Okada snatches the microphone out of his hand!


Does Nakamura want a challenge? 'The Rainmaker' is tired of this now, always being Nakamura's little friend. He's sick of being second, standing in the background as Nak chats rubbish and tries to entertain the fans that, four years ago, couldn't stand the sight of him. Okada tells Nak that he'll fight him at Dominion, or will he chicken out?


Nakamura looks taken aback but Okada continues. He says he was the one to pin Nakanishi and pick up the victory but Nakamura didn't want to mention that did he? Best in the world? Does he truly believe that? Okada laughs it off. Nakamura has just four defences of his IWGP Intercontinental Championship, Okada made eight when he was last the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. How long has it been since Nakamura even held that Championship? Before Nakamura can even take the microphone back to answer, Okada tells everybody: it's been five whole years. Who bought that gold home to CHAOS? It was 'The Rainmaker'. But yet, Nak was still the star billing when they threw out the first pitch at baseball matches. Who won the G1 Climax final when the two last met? Who headlined Tokyo Dome this year? Okada concedes that yes, he is Nakamura's comrade in CHAOS but he is not a professional wrestler to be anybody's partner. He's a wrestler to be the best in all of Japan and at Dominion, he promises to defeat Nakamura again.


Okada hands the microphone back to the Intercontinental Champion and walks past him to leave. As Okada is seen departing in the background, Nak appears to have enjoyed every minute of that and cracks a wry smile.


Rating: A





Best Of The Super Juniors XXII Final

Ricochet vs. KUSHIDA


As the winner of Block A, Ricochet enters first. "White Ghetto" by Teenage Rehab rings out across the arena as last year's winner emerges from billowing white smoke. Evoking an aura of confidence bordering on arrogance, Ricochet does not look the least bit pressured in this big match environment.


With an interlude of high-tempo drums and an energetic synth, KUSHIDA charges out the curtain with the emergence of a high-pitched guitar riff. "KUSHIDA MAKES YOU ROCK" has the fans doing just that and Block B's winner takes time out to high five front row fans and look at his "watch" (it's actually just drawn on his wrist tape). As the two competitors are formerly introduced by Kimihiko Ozani, KUSHIDA is the one looking a little more antsy. Foley explains that such an exciting entrance can often get the adrenaline flowing a little early, you tend to lose focus and that's why he always preferred a slower more casual approach to the ring.


As the bell rings, we start with a methodical pace as the two feel each other out and measure how the other might have changed since their clash last year. Suddenly, KUSHIDA switches gears. He sweeps Ricochet's legs and goes for a cover, barely getting a one count. As both men climb to a vertical base, Ricochet does the same and gets a similar result. KUSHIDA's turn to sweep out the legs but Ricochet does a backflip and lands on his feet. KUSHIDA hastily climbs to his feet as Ricochet angles a Roundhouse Kick towards his head, but Kushi takes an evasive roll and the two are back to a stand off.


As the two come back together in the middle of the ring, KUSHIDA goes straight after Ricochet's left arm. He applies an arm ringer but Ricochet uses his athleticism to break the grip and apply an arm ringer of his own. Kushi counters out with an Arm Drag but Ricochet is back to a vertical base before him and gives him a Front Dropkick to the outside. The 'Future Of Flight' charges but KUSHIDA is well out of harms way and Ricochet decides against a dive. Instead he does a gratuitous back flip off the second rope back to the middle of the ring. The match follows much the same trend, KUSHIDA looks to keep Ricochet grounded and weaken the left arm for the Hoverboard Lock. But last year's winner keeps on getting back to a vertical base and keeps on finding a way to utilise his spectacular high-risk offence. It's not until Ricochet hits a Diving Double Knee Drop to his standing opponent that the pace really quickens and KUSHIDA tries to trade with something more impactful. Ricochet takes KUSHIDA up onto his shoulders but the 'Time Splitter' escapes out the back door and hits a silky-smooth Dragon Suplex. Ricochet might kick out but KUSHIDA stays on him and this time, he hits a Bridging German Suplex for another near fall. Seeing his opponent slowly standing, KUSHIDA hits a Handspring off the ropes and goes for the proceeding Back Elbow... but Ricochet counters with a Reverse Rana! Ranallo believes that the match must be over after that but KUSHIDA still has the wherewithal to slip his shoulder out before the three.


As both competitors slowly climb back to a vertical base, they exchange weak forearms in the middle of the ring. KUSHIDA turns the heat up and delivers a tirade of kicks to Ricochet's left arm. The 'Future Of Flight' responds by grabbing his boot and reeling him in as he takes KUSHIDA back up onto his shoulders. Ricochet throws him off for the Benadryller... but KUSHIDA ducks the Roundhouse Kick! A Headscissors Takedown later and KUSHIDA has found the Hoverboard Lock!!! With his face down on the canvas, Ricochet uses his extra leverage and rolls sideways towards the ropes. He fights the hold and tries to get a foot on the bottom rope but KUSHIDA stands up with the lock still applied (Ricochet has no choice but to co-operate and stands as well). Pulling him back to the middle of the ring, KUSHIDA applies a Body Scissors and has the Kimura firmly applied behind his opponent's back. Ricochet continues to fight but can only slump down to his knees in the middle of the ring. He kicks his legs to see if he's anywhere near the ropes. But his resistance is futile and last year's BOSJ winner submits the match!


Match Time: 18:57

Rating: B






Having just won the 22nd iteration of the Best Of The Super Juniors, a ceremony begins in the ring for KUSHIDA. Ricochet is back on his feet and offers Block B's winner a handshake in the middle of the ring. The two briefly embrace before the runner up takes his walk of shame back to the locker room.


The President of New Japan Pro-Wrestling, Takaaki Kidani, enters the ring now. But not before 2007 BOSJ winner and current Japanese Colour Commentator, Milano Collection A.T.





Milano is handed a microphone and congratulates KUSHIDA on his victory, he takes his hat off to him, it was a fiercely competitive tournament but he believes KUSHIDA is a role model for young wrestlers everywhere that hard work and dedication to your craft always pays off. But that's not why Milano is here, he's here to announce the MVP of the tournament, as decided by a fan vote.


Scooping the vote very narrowly over Alex Shelley...





Katsuhiko Nakajima is announced as the MVP of the 2015 Best Of The Super Juniors!


He makes his way down to the ring and accepts a trophy before bowing before Kidani, Milano and tournament winner KUSHIDA. But not before the latter up very fiercely, indicating he may want to do battle with him in the near future. Takaaki Kidani is handed the microphone now and simply congratulates KUSHIDA on his victory. He hands him a cheque for 5 Million Yen and then places the trophy on the canvas. With the ring cleared...




Rating: B-

































































A heavy guitar riff welcomes the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, Kenny Omega. Carrying a brush, 'The Cleaner' gets to work on the streamers that seem to be blocking his approach to the ring. He comes face-to-face with KUSHIDA sporting a feces-eating grin - it's a stark contrast to KUSHIDA's expression. He's geared up for a fight. Suddenly, the screams of young children can be heard as a gigantic figure steps up onto the apron...















And Bad Luck Fale enters the ring...


On commentary, Ranallo screams for help but his cries only fall on deaf ears as Fale wraps his hand around KUSHIDA's little throat. He throws him up into the air with one hand and then jabs his thumb into KUSHIDA's throat on the way down - a move commonly known as the Grenade. Omega laughs hysterically and curses Kushi's bad luck. The irony of such a statement isn't lost on him as he bursts out laughing again (Bad luck, Bad Luck Fale, get it?). Fale wraps his hand around KUSHIDA's throat again and slowly brings him back to his feet. Although he's on wobbly legs, the sheer power of big Bad Luck Fale is enough to keep KUSHIDA vertical as he hoists him up over his head into the Crucifix position. From here, Fale tosses the Junior across the ring with a sickening Bad Luck Fall. The impact leaves KUSHIDA looking like he was just shot. He's laid over on one side with his arm trailing rather unnaturally behind him. Omega crouches down, puts his 'gun' to KUSHIDA's head and strikes a pose for all the ringside cameras.


As the Bullet Club representatives leave, we close the show with a view of KUSHIDA laid out in the ring. His trophy can be seen tipped over in the background as both Ranallo and Foley ponder if he'll even be fit to compete at Dominion.


Rating: B-



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Wow, a lot going on for a BOSJ final, and it's all pretty interesting! I would like to see a Nakamura vs. Okada feud...but I'm not sure who would leave CHAOS. Or maybe the stable just breaks into two with a Okada/YOSHI/Yano/Saku/Jado & Gedo group and a Nakamura/Ishii/RPG Vice group? There are a lot of different ways you can go there.


And I definitely like Nakajima being involved, but I think he'd be a better fit fighting the Jr. Heavyweights than being in the NEVER mix. Although I could see him playing an Ibushi-like role vs. guys like Makabe and Ishii. This is great stuff, very detailed. Definitely an inspiration!

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Wow, a lot going on for a BOSJ final, and it's all pretty interesting! I would like to see a Nakamura vs. Okada feud...but I'm not sure who would leave CHAOS. Or maybe the stable just breaks into two with a Okada/YOSHI/Yano/Saku/Jado & Gedo group and a Nakamura/Ishii/RPG Vice group? There are a lot of different ways you can go there.


And I definitely like Nakajima being involved, but I think he'd be a better fit fighting the Jr. Heavyweights than being in the NEVER mix. Although I could see him playing an Ibushi-like role vs. guys like Makabe and Ishii. This is great stuff, very detailed. Definitely an inspiration!


Thanks man, really appreciate your comments. A unit shake up is something I absolutely cannot wait to do.


With regards Nakajima: who knows if he'll wind up in the Heavyweight division, it's down to him really ;) But I have wanted to have a Junior fight for that title all game long considering I'm yet to play up to the Openweight aspect of it. Nakajima is as believable against Ishii as any Junior I can think of.


Interestingly, here's the match averages for all 20 competitors throughout the tournament.




Yes, Shelley and Nakajima ended up being dead even somehow. Pretty much my worst case scenario when I decided to give an MVP award. >_>

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I'm extremely excited to announce that myself and MHero will be teaming up to present two cross-dynasty shows!


I'll be welcoming his Dragon Gate into my universe and he will be welcoming New Japan into his. This has been in the pipeline for some time now but obviously, it's taken both of us time to get to this point. It goes without saying that if you haven't checked out his Dragon Gate diary, I highly recommend that you do so. As with all MHero projects it's a joy to read and that's coming from a relative newcomer. Naturally, we are both commited to making the shows as accessible as we can to all audiences, I'll be touching on many of the characters in great detail so that even non-Dragon Gate fans can understand what's happening. I know for a fact that MHero will be doing the same.


Personally, I'm very intrigued to see how these shows go down with the board at large. I'm not entirely sure if this is a first or not but I certainly think it's a fresh idea and one should be a lot of fun for us as writers and of course, for all of you as readers. With regards the scheduling, Together Gate will take place in my diary first. Then, Open The New Japan Gate will take place in MHero's diary! These are the next two shows in our diaries so expect them to drop within the next seven days or so!

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