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UWF 1987: Old School Wrasslin' With A New School Twist

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After leaving his job as booker for the Oklahoma-based company headed by NWA member promoter Leroy McGuirk in 1979, Cowboy Bill Watts formed his own office, Mid-South Sports Inc. Watts took over former McGuirk cities in Louisiana and Mississippi with much success. In March 1986, trying to succeed were others have failed, MSW went national as the Universal Wrestling Federation. The name change was to prevent the company from being stigmatized as a southern group. UWF was a huge success upon launch, however, by March of 1987 it was quite apparent that UWF would not last the remainder of the year unless something drastic was done. As Bill downed his fourth shot of whiskey an idea struck him. One so brilliant that it would change the face of wrestling forever...and cement the UWF as the greatest wrestling promotion ever, after all without risk there is no reward.


Within days of Bill Watt's sudden realization he began making phone calls almost around the clock. Several deals were made in bars and back alleys that would take both the wrestling fans and the wrestling promotion owners by complete surprise. Things that were once taboo were no longer so and Bill Watts would be damned if he let the UWF die by clinging to some outdated sense of honor and fair play. Vince McMahon started the revolution, but it would be Bill watts who would use it to his advantage to win the wrestling war!


With several new roster members being brought in, several old roster members were given pink slips and a stiff kick on the bum. After all Bill had no use for dead weight or mediocre talent, not if he wanted UWF to go to the top. And the top was exactly where the UWF was headed. With pink slips being handed out to one half of the tag team champions as well as the TV champion everyone in UWF knew they had better tow the line of they could be next on the chopping block, which is exactly the message Bill wanted to send.


Those fans of my WCW 1996: Big Changes Ahead dynasty have nothing to worry about as I plan to run both of these at the same time. I would like to thank Crossface for his awesome NWA 1987 dynasty as the inspiration to get me back into the time period. You can check his dynasty out here... http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=531376 Lastly the roster page and championship roll call pages will go up after the March Super Clash event to keep a few things a surprise.
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UWF Power Pro Wrestling March Week 1 Preview


The Blade Runners VS Jack & Daniels

The newly reformed team of the Blade Runners, Rock and Flash, are looking to show the upstart team of Cactus Jack and Shane Daniels just why the US wrestling council once deemed the Blade Runners to powerful to compete as a team. Meanwhile Jack and Daniels are simply looking for a win and a little momentum toward earning a shot at the vacant UWF tag titles. Only one team can win, but will power overcome youth?


Gorgeous Gary Young VS Joe Savoldi

Gary Young was set to have a shot at the UWF TV title until it was vacted by the departing Savannah Jack so now he is looking to take his frustrations out on Joe Savodi. For his part Savoldi is simply looking to show the UWF championship council why it was a mistake to ever overlook him. Only one man can prove himself, but which will it be?


Rick Steiner VS Brazo de Oro

Steiner has been left all alone as his tag partner Sting abandoned him and Missy Hyatt and Eddie Gilbert were both fired for actions they took at last weeks Power Pro Wrestling. Does he have what it takes to compete as a singles wrestler or will the Mexican veteran Brazo de Oro have an easy night and a quick win?


The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Titanic Twosome

With the Freebirds down to 2 members can they overcome the challenge of two 7 foot monsters? Mean Mark Callous and Savage Sid Steele were brought in by Skandor Akbar to act as enforcers for his Devastation Inc. but a misplaced work visa saw the Arabian oil baron shipped back overseas and his two monsters set loose on the UWF. What will happen when these two teams collide?


Chavo Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase

Chavo Guerrero came to UWF to get his hands on the UWF Championship but he has yet to get a match with the champion due to the constant interference of Ted DiBiase during Chavo's matches. Ted DiBiase believes he deserves a shot at UWF champion One Man Gang and his loaded black glove has been knocking out all who disagree with him. What will happen when these two meet in the ring?




The UWF Championship Council has decided on a Number One Contender to One Man Gang's UWF Championship and they will make their chose known on Power Pro Wrestling this week!


UWF Power Pro Wrestling March Week 1 Quick Picks


The Blade Runners VS Jack & Daniels



Gorgeous Gary Young VS Joe Savoldi



Rick Steiner VS Brazo de Oro



The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Titanic Twosome



Chavo Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase


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Bring this on!


UWF Power Pro Wrestling March Week 1 Quick Picks


The Blade Runners VS Jack & Daniels

Comment:Rock and Flash are too much for any 2 men


Gorgeous Gary Young VS Joe Savoldi

Comment:Gorgeous Gary or Jumping Joe, I'll take Jumping Joe


Rick Steiner VS Brazo de Oro

Comment:Steiner is a hoss and Watts loves hosses!


The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Titanic Twosome

Comment:Sort of depends on which 2 Freebirds are left.


Chavo Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase

Comment: DiBiase! Always Ted DiBiase,especially black-gloved heel DiBiase

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UWF Power Pro Wrestling March Week 1 Quick Picks


The Blade Runners VS Jack & Daniels



Gorgeous Gary Young VS Joe Savoldi



Rick Steiner VS Brazo de Oro



The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Titanic Twosome

Comment: DQ Finish


Chavo Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase


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Thanks for the shout-out Lord Jaguar! I really appreciate having you aboard as a reader and I'm excited to see what you do with Mid-South! I'm from New England so I didn't get a chance to see very much of Mid-South (other than the WWE DVD and assorted clips online). You have some interesting workers on your roster to start (that I know of) so you have a lot of possibilities of growing this.


Anyway...on to the predictions!

The Blade Runners VS Jack & Daniels

Comment: I think Warrior/Sting can have a bigger impact out of the gate.


Gorgeous Gary Young VS Joe Savoldi

Comment: Not terribly familiar with these two beyond vague name recognition... based on the writeup, Young has a bigger future.


Rick Steiner VS Brazo de Oro

Comment: Steiner-line!


The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Titanic Twosome

Comment: As was said, not sure which two Freebirds you have so that does leave some room here. Surprised that Akbar is gone though. I thought he was a major cog in the UWF wheel.


Chavo Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase

Comment: Ted is money in this mod (see TFC's epic diary). That said, it should be a good one. Chavo is a great worker in his own right.

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The Blade Runners VS Jack & Daniels

Comment: These two just scream "immediate money" while Jack/Daniels are "future investments".


Gorgeous Gary Young VS Joe Savoldi



Rick Steiner VS Brazo de Oro



The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Titanic Twosome

Comment: I gotta believe that the Freebirds are way more over.


Chavo Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase

Comment: Ted is just awesome no matter what he does.

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UWF presents Power Pro Wrestling

Sunday Week 1 of March of 1987

From the Abilene Expo Center {Mid South}

Live in front of 4,875 Fans

Announce Team: Jim Ross, Boyd Pierce, and Percy Pringle



Leroy Brown defeated Jeff Gaylord

The Sheep Herders defeated Mike Jackson and Brad Armstrong

The Fabulous Freebirds took a few photos with kids from the audience


Live on tv:



The Blade Runners VS Jack & Daniels w/Brian Hildebrand

The Blade Runners wasted no time and attacked Cactus Jack and Shane Daniels before the bell even rang on this contest. From then on it was a constant assault from the Blade Runners as Jack and Daniels merely tried to survive this match. Brian looked horrified at the punishment his men were takin and mercifully threw in the towel ending the match in a forfeit, possibly saving Jack and Daniels from serious injury.


Victor: The Blade Runners by forfeit

Referee: Jerry Usher

Time: 6:35

Rating: ***



”Gorgeous” Gary Young VS “Jumping” Joe Savoldi

Joe utilized his speed and agility early in the match gaining the advantage over the slower Gary Young. Joe continued to use his quickness to keep Gary off his game, much to the frustration of the Gorgeous One, and soon Gary found himself in a near fall situation. Gary wisely rolled out of the ring after nearly being pinned and slowed the pace of the match down, despite verbal protest from the Texas crowd. Gary managed to nearly pin Joe after a huge slam took Jumping Joe to the mat hard, but quick thinking and a nearby bottom rope prevented Gary from securing the victory. A visibly frustrated Gary went in for a huge haymaker but Joe used his speed to avoid the blow and land a perfect drop kick to the back of Gary Young's head nearly ruining the perfect locks Young is so proud of possessing. After such a beautiful drop kick it was a cinch for Joe to roll over the Gorgeous One and make the pin.


Victor: Joe Savoldi by pin fall

Referee: Jerry Usher

Time: 9:47

Rating: **





Rick Steiner VS Brazo De Oro

Rick used his power to push around the much smaller Brazo from the moment the match began. Brazo tried to use his speed and lucha libre skills, but Rick Steiner was too relentless to give Brazo the room he needed to utilize his skill set. It wasn't until Rick landed a huge lariat then instinctively reached over to get a tag that Brazo was able to get some offense going on the confused Steiner. The announcers theorized that Rick's years of being a tag team competitor cause him to reach for a tag despite being in a singles contest and it would take time for Steiner to adjust to his new life as a singles competitor. Brazo unloaded a whole arsenal of planchas and jumping attacks that saw Rick nearly get knocked out of the ring. Brazo went for a splash off the top rope but Rick was able to use his strength and catch Brazo in mid air before slamming the luchadore down hard on the mat and making the pin.


Victor: Rick Steiner by pin fall

Referee: Jerry Usher

Time: 8:59

Rating: ***



Welcome to Badd Street:


The duo of Michael “Pretty Sexy” Hayes and Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy made their way down to the ring to the tune of Badd Street USA. The crowd absolutely loves the Feebirds and they appreciated the crowd's reaction. After they got into the ring Hayes asked for a microphone and a nearby ring technician handed him one.


“As you can see, the Fabulous Freebirds are now down to two members, but rest assured we are no less bad than we were a week ago. In fact, we might be a bit badder because me and Terry know that we got no one else we can count on. Now, you all might be wondering why Buddy Jack isn't here and won't be here ever again....well, it's quite simple. It's a lesson me and Terry learned growing up on Badd Street...only the toughest survive in the wild baby. Jack Roberts is a good friend, he's one hell of a brawler, and he might just be the greatest squirrel hunter I know, but he is not in the same league as Terry and I when it comes to wrestling and if The Fabulous Freebirds want to make a name themselves as the elite in this sport, well we had to trim the fat Jack!”


The crowd gives a slight roar of approval as “Buddy” Jack Roberts was always the least entertaining and therefore least liked Freebird. Terry, sensing that the crowd still is not one hundred percent behind the release of Roberts takes the microphone from Hayes.


“Let me just say a few words. The UWF is home of the greatest wrestlers on the planet. From UWF Champion One Man Gang all the way down to guys like Cactus Jack. Now, the Freebirds have always prided themselves as being the best of the best and there is no way we could continue to do so with Jack Roberts among our number. Now, me and Michael are still gonna go by Jack's house this weekend and eat some fine Texas bar-b-que, but as far as Jack being out here with us...that won't be happening again. Now, in just a few minutes me and Michael are going to show these two lumbering oafs that we aren't as good as we say...we're even better!”


Time: 6 Minutes

Rating: ***



The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Titanic Twosome

Hayes starts things off with Mark Callous and it quickly becomes apparent that Hayes is no match for the power of “Mean” Mark. Mark and Sid use their strength to keep Hayes away from his tag team partner Terry Gordy and nearly end the match several times. Gordy is fired up in his corner and after Hayes slips away and tags him in he comes out guns a blazing. Gordy unloads wild lefts and rights but neither member of the Titanic Twosome goes down. Gordy continues to unload punch after punch but the two big men merely wobble on their feet, refusing to go down. Finally Gordy unleashes a huge haymaker on Sid and the big man goes down to a huge pop from the crowd. Gordy unleashes a second haymaker, this time on Callous who also goes down to a thunderous approval of the crowd. Gordy sets Mark up in a pile driver position as Hayes ascends the top rope but before Hayes could jump down and spike Mark into the mat Sid nails Hayes in the back with a steel chair causing the DQ. Gordy pile drives a helpless Mark Callous and the two opponents each collect their fallen partner before heading to the back.


Victors: The Fabulous Freebirds by DQ

Referee: Jerry Usher

Time: 10:22

Rating: ****



You've had too much tequila boy!:


Ted DiBiase came down to the ring much to the chagrin of the crowd. He looked smug as ever and the crowd wasted no time in expressing their hatred toward the second generation star. Ted looked at the gathered crowd before speaking.


“Chavo Guerrero, I have nothing but respect for you and your in ring ability. You held numerous titles up and down the west coast from Mexico to Canada. You defeated men like Roddy Piper, Dusty Rhodes, and even my father Mike DiBiase. So believe me I am telling you the truth about how much I respect you and your talent. However, you must have had one too many bottles of tequila if you think you could ever hold a candle to my skill. You must be punch drunk and the good old fashion regular drunk if you ever think I would sit by and let you or anyone be named number one contender to the UWF Championship. I've worked too hard, been through too many wars, and have lost way too much blood to let you waltz in here and take my spot from me. Tonight I will prove to you, to the fans, and to the Championship Council that I deserve the shot at One Man Gang at the Super Clash from the McCasland Field House in Norman, Oklahoma!”


Time: 6 Minutes

Rating: ***



Chavo Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase

Ted DiBiase allowed the referee to check his tights and black glove as the ring announcer read the tale of the tape on this match. To the shock of everyone in the audience the ref found nothing wrong with the black glove of Ted's and allowed him to wear it for the match. Chavo sprinted out from the back and slid into the ring causing the bell to get rung wildly signaling the start of this contest. Chavo unloaded a series of punches that culminate in a huge dropkick and a roar from the crowd. Chavo was fired up as he took the fight to Ted but a thumb to the eye put a stop to that. As the referee checked on Chavo Ted took off his glove and tossed it into the crowd. Ted then proceeded to pull out a “loaded” black glove from his left boot and slip it on his hand. Ted pushed the ref aside and unloaded a huge right on Chavo that took the Mexican star off his feet. Ted made the cover on a dazed Chavo Guerrero and then rolled out of the ring. Ted walked off toward the back area as the ring announcer was still declaring him the winner of the match.


Victor: Ted DiBiase by pin fall

Referee: Jerry Usher

Time: 11:15

Rating: ****



The New Number One Contender to the UWF Championship is Terry Taylor:


Jim Ross informed the fans that the new number one contender to the UWF championship would be announced in just a few minutes so the fans needed to return when Power Pro Wrestling came back from commercial break.


When the show came back on the air Terry Taylor was in the ring with a graphic that said “Number 1 Contender” under his image. Taylor asked for a microphone but before he could say anything...



One Man Gang came out of the audience and attacked Taylor from behind. The One Man Gang slammed Taylor hard on the mat as security rushed to the ring. Power Pro Wrestling ended with the image of One Man Gang and Terry Taylor separated by a sea of security.


Time: 6 minutes

Rating: ***


Overall Show Rating: ****

.04 TV Rating on KWTV-DT

.00 TV Rating on Sports Channel America

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UWF Power Pro Wrestling March Week 2 Preview


Mr. Wrestling II and Brad Armstrong VS the Zambaui Express

Mr. Wrestling II comes back to UWF to team up with Brad Armstrong against the Zambaui Express in hat is sure to be a great opening contest. The Zambaui Express claims to be the best tag team from Africa and thus shoe ins to compete for the vacant UWF tag team championship. Will the Zambaui Express defeat the wily veteran and quick youngster and what is the reason Mr. Wrestling II has come back to the UWF?


Terry Taylor VS Rick Steiner

Terry Taylor was just recently named Number One Contender to the UWF Championship but this will be the first singles match in months for the former tag team champion. Rick Steiner is riding a wave of momentum after a huge win last week over Mexico's Brazo De Oro. Will Terry show the world why the Championship Council chose right or will Rick Steiner pull a huge upset?


The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Sheepherders

The newly trimmed Fabulous Freebirds are still hurting from the rough victory they secured last week over the Titanic Twosome. The Sheepherders are fresh off a tour of New Zealand where they wrestled and defeated many of the biggest tag teams in pro wrestling. What will happen when these two teams collide?


Hector Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase

Hector Guerrero, the younger brother of Chavo Guerrero, requested this match as a means to pay back DiBiase for knocking Chavo out cold with Ted's infamous “loaded” black glove. Ted is just looking to take out some frustrations as not being named number one contender to the UWF title has really chapped his hide. Can Hector can some measure of revenge for his brother or will Ted DiBiase lay out another Guerrero?




The debut of The House of Humperdink! Who will Sir Oliver Humperdink bring to the UWF and what exactly are their goals?


UWF Power Pro Wrestling March Week 2 Quick Picks


Mr. Wrestling II and Brad Armstrong VS the Zambaui Express



Terry Taylor VS Rick Steiner



The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Sheepherders



Hector Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase





Who will be a part of the House of Humperdink?

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UWF Power Pro Wrestling March Week 2 Quick Picks


Mr. Wrestling II and Brad Armstrong VS the Zambaui Express

Comment:Elijah Akeem and Kareem Mohammad for the win.Brad will take the pinfall.Wrestling II will be a grumpy old man.

(Is Leroy Brown changing gear to become Elijah Akeem between matches?)


Terry Taylor VS Rick Steiner

Comment:Taylor is the top contender, Steiner will put a hurting on him but the 5-Arm comes through


The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Sheepherders

Comment:I want to say a double dq or double count out


Hector Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase

Comment:Ted puts down another Guerrero




Who will be a part of the House of Humperdink?Dr.Death Steve Williams?

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Mr. Wrestling II and Brad Armstrong VS the Zambaui Express

Comment:Ray Candy and Leroy Brown(the Zambaui Express) to powerful for the young Armstrong and the grumpy old man


Terry Taylor VS Rick Steiner

Comment:Taylor being the #1 contender, don't see him loosing to Steiner


The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Sheepherders

Comment:going with the birds,but can see this being a brawl or the ref throwing the match out.


Hector Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase

Comment:another Guerrero goes down




Who will be a part of the House of Humperdink?going out on a limb and saying either the Angel of Death or Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert


really loved this time period especialy JCP/NWA & WATTS/UWF

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UWF Power Pro Wrestling March Week 2 Quick Picks


Mr. Wrestling II and Brad Armstrong VS the Zambaui Express

Comment: Going with the more established team.


Terry Taylor VS Rick Steiner



The Fabulous Freebirds VS The Sheepherders

Comment: Freebirds seem to be the featured team


Hector Guerrero VS Ted DiBiase

Comment: Dibiase is money.




Who will be a part of the House of Humperdink? Bubba Rodgers

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<p><strong>Mr. Wrestling II and Brad Armstrong</strong> VS the Zambaui Express</p><p>

Comment: I'll go against the current here and go with the new team. Mr Wrestling II will be able to help young Brad get over with the crowd quicker than he could alone. Zambuie are expendable and get their heat back with post match antics.</p><p>


Terry Taylor</strong> VS Rick Steiner</p><p>

Comment: #1 contender can't lose before he gets his title shot</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Fabulous Freebirds</strong> VS The Sheepherders</p><p>

Comment: I could see this one being a DDQ, but if picking a winner I'll take the Birds and expect the Sheeps attack</p><p> </p><p>

Hector Guerrero VS <strong>Ted DiBiase</strong></p><p>

Comment: Ted will be the big star here</p><p> </p><p>

PLUS</p><p> </p><p>

Who will be a part of the House of Humperdink?</p><p>

One Man Gang, and the Titanic Twosome - they need some guidance with the departure of Akbar</p>

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<p>UWF Power Pro Wrestling March Week 2 Quick Picks</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr. Wrestling II and Brad Armstrong</strong> VS the Zambaui Express</p><p>

Comment:Going against the grain here...but Brad's got the upside and Mr. W II should at least win his debut</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Terry Taylor</strong> VS Rick Steiner</p><p>

Comment: build up your man for his title shot</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><strong>The Fabulous Freebirds</strong></strong> VS The Sheepherders</p><p>

Comment: Freebirds should come out on top here</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hector Guerrero</strong> VS Ted DiBiase</p><p>

Comment: Against the grain again, but Chavo helps his brother to continue the feud</p><p> </p><p>

PLUS</p><p> </p><p>

Who will be a part of the House of Humperdink? Bam Bam Bigelow</p><p> </p><p>

Great first show! I'm looking forward to seeing it grow</p>

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