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RNG: Rochester Nonstop Grappling

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Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to a grand experiment.


This game will not be a booking showcase, a RTG, an attempt to book abhorrenty awful wrestling, or anything of the sort.


No my friends, this is a game where as many factors as possible will be out of my hands. Things will be as random as possible, either through TEW or through a third-party RNG.


As such, I've randomly selected nearly everything about my promotion, down to the starting monies. Even the product I give myself is randomly generated from rolling various d6s.


To prove this, the following is my product definition:

Key Features: Mainstream, Hardcore, Lucha Libre

Heavy: Traditional, Realism, Daredevil

Medium: Comedy, Modern, Hyper Realism, Pure

Low: Risque

Very Low: Cult


The only things I did not leave entirely to chance are match times, women's wrestling (which will be integrated), and the drug policy (which will be none).


Before I start the game proper (including my user talents rolled at random!), I'm going to leave two aspects of this horrific experiment in the capable hands of whoever reads this diary first.


Whichever gets the most votes at 8PM EST tomorrow will be what I go with.


1. Should my Avatar be Grand Avatar, or a randomly selected member of the Avatar clan? Vote as GRAND or RANDOM. (Note: RANDOM can still end up with me getting Grand Avatar).

2. Should the other Avatars be included in the game? Select YES or NO (Note: This does not necessarily mean I'll be hiring them!)

3. Should I start as the owner, or let another person come in as the owner and possibly change my eldritch abomination of a product? Select as OWNER or BOOKER to reflect which button I should push.

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More Setup


My Avatar is David Avatar.

Reputation: Very High


Negotiating 8

Motivating 5

Creativity 4

Leadership 7

Diplomacy 1


Backstage Rules in effect (Based on a coin flip; Heads = Checked)

No Alcohol

No Smokng

3 Hour Rule

Chiropractor Provided

Accomidations Organized


Promotion Owner: Arnold Westberry

Owner Goals:

-Must improve rating (current: 41)

-Must gain popularity in US

-Cannot hire or extend contracts with people known to have had trouble with the law


Roster (Chosen from Creative Meeting Hidden Gems List, Contract Length Determed At Random, until I can't hire any of the ones on the list and go by best in-ring workers)


Deaf Touch - Heel

Extraordinario Jr - Face

Fuyuko Higa - Face

KC Glenn - Face

Kirk Jameson - Heel

Lily Snyder - Face

Mainstream Hernandez -Face

Masked Avatar - Heel

Matthew Keith - Heel

Nelson Callum - Heel

Roger Cage - Heel

Sara Marie York - Face


Title tournament will be random draw over three shows; first show will have six 1 on 1 matches, second show will have two three-way dances, and the finals will take place on thee third show.


ALL results will be left up to the game. The non-tournament matches will decided via random pairing. Number one contender for every show after the title tournament will be determined by who of the correct disposition (that is, face vs heel) has the best winning performance. If no such person exists, the one with the best average match rating will be the top contender (this could be whoever had a shot the previous show)

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RNG Blaze of Glory

Saturday Week 4 January 2013

Attendance: 12


1. In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Roger Cage defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 15:18 by pinfall with a Cage Rage.

2. In an extremely poor match, Deaf Touch defeated Lily Snyder in 10:07 by pinfall with a Crooked Moonsault.

3. In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Sara Marie York defeated Matthew Keith in 15:13 by pinfall with an Energy Burst.


5. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Masked Avatar defeated KC Glenn in 9:38 by pinfall with a Piledriver.

6. In an extremely poor match, Kirk Jameson defeated Extraordinario Jr in 10:11 by pinfall with The Bullseye.

7. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Nelson Callum defeated Fuyuko Higa in 9:50 by submission with a Honey Trap.


Best Match: Cage/Hernandez

Overall Score: 46

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RNG Brutal Vengeance

Saturday Week 4 Feb 2013

Attendance: 18


1. In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Matthew Keith defeated Lily Snyder in 9:31 by submission with a Proton Lock.

2. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Extraordinario Jr and Mainstream Hernandez defeated Fuyuko Higa and KC Glenn in 12:02 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated KC Glenn by pinfall with an Apparition #14.

3. Rob L Miskovsky cuts a backstage promo.

4. In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Roger Cage defeated Deaf Touch and Sara Marie York in 15:26 when Roger Cage defeated Deaf Touch by pinfall with a Cage Rage.

5. In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nelson Callum defeated Masked Avatar and Kirk Jameson in 15:21 when Nelson Callum defeated Kirk Jameson by submission with a Honey Trap.


Best Match: Exta/Mainstream vs Fuyuko/KC

Misses out on praise: Extra

Overall Grade: 56

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RNG Revenge

Saturday Week 4 March 2013

Attendance 12


1. In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Matthew Keith defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 8:23 by submission with a Proton Lock.

2. In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Kirk Jameson defeated Fuyuko Higa in 6:05 by submission with a Kirk-Hold.

3. In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Deaf Touch and Masked Avatar defeated Extraordinario Jr and KC Glenn in 10:14 when Masked Avatar defeated KC Glenn by pinfall with a Piledriver.

4. In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Sara Marie York defeated Lily Snyder in 12:22 by pinfall with an Energy Burst.

5. A video plays hyping Roger Cage vs. Nelson Callum.

6. In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Roger Cage defeated Nelson Callum in 14:33 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. Roger Cage wins the RNG Midwestern title.


Best Match: Keith vs Mainstream

#1 Contender: Sara Marie York

Grade: 50


Unfortunately... due to the fact that my promotion owner won't let me use the touring schedule... RNG is going to go out of business.


Here are the promotion's top three competitors, the MVPs, based on average match rating (best match first tiebreaker, worst match second):


Mainstream Hernandez (62)

Roger Cage (60)

Matthew Keith (59)



Extraordinario Jr (42)


So if you guys ever wondered who the king of the indies is... now you know. (For the record, KC Glenn ranked sixth).


Granted three matches is a weak grouping, but the evidence is pretty clear: Mainstream Hernandez is F'N AWESOME.


Overall, this was a really neat experiment, and even though I was royally screwed over by the RNG, I had a decent few shows out of it. It didn't help that i basically had a team of indy all stars as my roster.


TEW really loved having the heels win though...

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