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SWF -- This Means War! (diary)

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[b]Tim Westybrook[/b] vs Black Hat Bailey Christian Faith vs. Nevada Nuclear: [i]I think ends in a draw when Skull interferes[/i] The Tomboys vs. [b]Joe Sexy & Darryl Devine[/b], [i]but only as a setup for a future Tomboys victory[/i] Jack Bruce vs. [b]Eddie Peak[/b] in a street fight. [b]High Concept[/b] (c) vs. the Lords of War for the SWF World Tag Team Championship. [i]The Lords of War are so far past their prime it's not funny. So unless you feel like giving them a retirement reign...[/i] Squeeky McClean (c) vs. Steve Frehley vs. [b]Remo[/b] vs. Sam Keith for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. [i]I'm going out on a limb here and say Remo...but I think Squeeky stands a decent chance of recovery afterwards.[/i]
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[QUOTE=derek_b]I guess not. Damn that crappy ROH for rotting my mind with actual wrestling..... :)[/QUOTE] Nothing like a promotion founded by a homosexual pedophile to show America what wrestling should be like. Gotta love that Rob. Westybrook def. Bailey Faith def. Nevada Sexy/Devine def. The Tomboys: I agree with Derek on this one; Devine is a stellar prospect and to have him job with Joe Sexy to the girls would (with the exception of playing the storyline out for a future huge push) be a bad career move. Bruce def. Peak: I just like Jack Bruce. Reminds me of Brett Michaels of Poison. Archangel def. Emma: Archangel with the Fall From Grace through the wedding cake!!! High Concept def. Lords of War: My votes with the majority on this one, too. Lords of War have seen their day, and High Concept can carry the gold better, in my opinion. Squeaky def. Remo, Frehley, and Keith: I'm loving this title reign of Squeaky's, and I think we're at least another couple of Pay-Per-Views from the champ entering the realm of Triple H on this matter. By the by, I'm really loving this diary. I admit, I haven't been browsing through too many, but this one is the only one that has really caught my attention. My friend and I have recently made a mod ourselves that revolves around the fantasy wrestling world we've been building upon for over a decade, called the "CD Galaxy", and when we make our co-op diary I believe you'll see a lot of your diary's style as my own inspiration. Keep up the good work! -Danny
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Just so you all know, I have the PPV scripted out and ready to run. I'll probably post the results later tonight or possibly on Friday morning. I've got a killer day tomorrow, so if I can't get it done tonight, it'll have to wait. That's not to discourage the predictions. I'll admit, some of these predictions have influenced the way the show will be run. So keep them coming!
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[CENTER]SWF Presents... [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Let the Games Begin"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Held Thursday, Week 2 of October 2006[/I] Held at the Utah Park Reservation in the South West Territory 14,250 in attendance[/CENTER] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] 1) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ & JOEY MINNESOTA vs. FLEX & PECS[/B] Not as good of an opening bout as I had hoped, but I'm not sure who the weak link is in this match up. My guess would be Flex & Pecs. WINNERS: [B]Mainstream Hernandez & Joey Minnesota[/B] in 6:50 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 2) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS[/B] I think Enforcer dragged this match down a little. Eric is usually puts on top rate performances. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen[/B] in 7:32 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) Emma Chase is backstage, getting ready for her wedding later tonight. She's not in the wedding dress yet, but she looks good. It gets the audience pumped. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) The announcers (Peter Michaels, Jerry Eisen, and Ana Garcia) hype the fact that tonight's main event is a four-way dance between Steve Frehley, Remo, Sam Keith, and the defending World Heavyweight Champ, Squeeky McClean. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 2) And speaking of the champ, he starts out the night by coming out to the ring. He proudly displays the title belt and asks the crowd if they're really so stupid as to think that he's going to lose it tonight. He says that he's a better wrestler than Steve Frehley, Remo, and Sam Keith combined. Steve Frehley may have destiny on his side, Remo may have power, and Sam Keith may have history, but Squeeky McClean has something none of them have: "Good clean living!" RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. BLACK HAT BAILEY[/B] Black Hat came to the ring looking absolutely bound and determined to show Tim Westybrook how it's done. Unfortunately for him, he's the one who got the lesson. Before he knew what was happening, Tim had him down and pinned. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] in 4:36 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) Black Hat looks absolutely stunned that he lost and lost so quickly. He then rolls out the ring, retrieves the ring bell, and uses it to bash Tim's head in. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 5) Peter Michaels has slipped away from the announce table to interview Steve Frehley backstage. Steve says that Squeeky can mock him all he wants. The fans know that he was robbed of his title months ago. He's had his challenges since then, but it's his destiny to reclaim the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Joe Sexy and Darryl Devine are in another part of the backstage area. Joe didn't come off as well as Darryl, who really shone in this segment. They hype their upcoming match with the Tomboys, saying that play-time is over. The girls are going to learn what happens when you play with men. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. NEVADA NUCLEAR[/B] These two worked very well together and you could tell it made the match so much better. Nevada was able to keep Christian on his toes for most of the match, but as Christian began to rally, Nevada started to look around with a concerned look on his face. Ana Garcia commented that it was like he was looking for someone. Eventually, the momentum of the match turned, and now Nevada looked like he was desperately looking for someone. It all came to an end when Christian hit him with a Leap of Faith. WINNER: [B]Christian Faith[/B] in 12:08 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) As Christian celebrates in the ring, Nevada storms backstage and finds Skull DeBones. He demands to know why Skull wasn't watching his back. Skull said he had his reasons, that it was time for Nevada to learn to stand on his own two feet. Nevada then accuses Skull of not really being on his side. Skull and Nevada argued for a few moments before Skull told Nevada to be quiet, that he's a stupid little boy who doesn't know what he's talking about. Nevada fell silent and Skull walked away, but the look in Nevada's eyes said that he wasn't done. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Sam Keith talks about the upcoming four-way match. He blows off any concerns that he can't keep up with the younger stars by saying that what he may lack in youthful vigor, he more than makes up for in experience. He reminds the audience of his multiple title reigns and says that Squeeky should make the title belt squeeky clean for him, since tonight, the title's coming home where it belongs. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Emma Chase is backstage, still getting ready for her wedding. There's a knock on the door and Richard Eisen steps inside. He compliments Emma on how lovely she looks and he says that he has a present for her. He hands her a small box wrapped in bright paper. Emma opens it and finds an announcer's headset. Richard says that as a wedding present, he's giving her the color commentator position on [I]Invasion![/I] He then hands her the contract, which she signs with a brilliant smile. He then leaves her to finish her preparations. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 11) Melody Cuthill and Principessa are backstage, where they hype their match with Joe and Darryl. They say that the times are changing, and they're going to prove that they can be just as fierce, just as strong, just as good as the men. I will say this: they cut a slightly better promo. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) [B]THE TOMBOYS vs. JOE SEXY & DARRYL DEVINE[/B] The Tomboys held their own in this match. There were a number of times when it looked like Melody or Principessa would get the pin. As a matter of fact, at one point, Melody had Darryl on the ropes and was working him over pretty badly. That's when Joe Sexy hopped up on the ropes and made such a fuss that the ref went over to tell him to get down. That's when BLZ Bubb rushed out from the back. He yanked Principessa off the apron, causing her to hit her head on the side of the ring. He then leapt up and smashed Melody in the back of the head when she was whipping off the ropes for some big finishing move. Melody was stunned and stumbled right into Darryl's arms for a Devine Dream Drop. The announcers are screaming in frustration as he gets the pin and the win. Peter Michaels in particular wants to know what BLZ Bubb was doing! WINNERS: [B]Joe Sexy & Darryl Devine[/B] in 10:31 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 13) Joel Kovach appears on screen. He says that unlike everyone else in the SWF, he doesn't particularly care who wins the title tonight. It could be Steve, Remo, Sam, or Squeeky and he'd be just as happy. Because he's putting whoever wins on notice: he's coming after them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 14) [B]HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. THE LORDS OF WAR [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Both teams looked very determined to hurt the other. It was a great match to watch and reminded me of why the Lords of War, while they may tire out easily, are still a top-rated tag team. In the end, though, the ref lost control of the match. All four men were simply too intent on hurting each other. They were dropping each other on chairs, the ring steps, onto the concrete. They weren't listening to the ref at all, so the ref called the match. WINNER: [B]No one (draw)[/B] in 9:53 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) It's time for a wedding! The ring is quickly transformed into a make-shift wedding chapel complete with a minister. Archangel comes out first and, I have to admit, he looked simply ridiculous. He was wearing his black-and-white face paint in addition to his tuxedo. The crowd still cheered his entrance, though. Then Emma came out, simply radiant in her wedding dress. She approached the ring and smiled at Archangel, who beamed back. The minister started the service and went through the opening words. He then asked if anyone had any objections to Emma and Archangel getting married. The crowd cheered, making it clear that they didn't mind. But that's when Emma raised her hand. Archangel stared at her, stunned, as she took the mic. "I hate to tell you this, Archangel ... but this has all been a set-up. I never loved you. I only used you to get ahead in the SWF. I've wanted only one thing since coming here ten months ago: to be a color commentator. And because of you, I got that today. So really, there's no more need to continue this charade. I mean, look at you! Do you know how stupid you look right now? There's no way I'd ever marry a clown like you!" With that, Emma turns and storms out of the ring, leaving a very upset Archangel behind. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 16) A video plays, highlighting the trail of destruction Eddie Peak has left since showing up in the SWF. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 17) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. EDDIE PEAK [/B]in a [COLOR="Purple"]street fight[/COLOR] The video from the previous segment was actually cut off when the cameras returned to the backstage area. The fight has already started! Jack and Eddie were absolutely brutal to each other, throwing each other into cinderblock walls, dropping each ohter on piles of equipment, and using every conceivable object as a weapon. The brawl eventuall spilled out into the ring area, where workers who were trying to remove the wedding set had to scatter out of the way as Eddie and Jack took the fight into the ring. Eddie, showing how comfortable he was in a fight like this, used the garland as a garrote and even took Jack to the top rope and threw him through the white trellis erected for the wedding. Don't get me wrong, Jack fought back and made this a great match to watch, but in the end, Eddie wore him down and got the pin using the ropes for leverage. WINNER: [B]Eddie Peak[/B] in 11:33 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 18) The camera cuts to the backstage area where we find Remo warming up for the main event. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 19) A video plays, highlighting the path that took us to this main event. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 20) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) vs. STEVE FREHLEY vs. REMO vs. SAM KEITH [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Remo was the star of this match. He dominated from the beginning, tearing through the other competitors. Everyone got their own chance to shine, but it was clear that Remo was the man to beat. In the end of the match, Steve Frehley clotheslined Squeeky McClean over the top rope, leaving Remo and Sam Keith in the ring. As Squeeky and Steve fought on the outside, Remo and Sam went after each other all out. Then Remo hit Sam with the Destroyer. But rather than release him, he powered Sam up again for a second Destroyer, then a third. Squeeky heard the roar of the crowd and turned to see Remo jump onto Sam for the pin. He cried out in desperation, then looked around for some way to save the match. He snared a loose steel chair and, calling the ref's name, smashed it over Steve's head. The ref, who had counted to two, turned in time to see the attack. He immediately called for the bell. Remo, thinking it was for a three count, rose up in victory and celebrated what he assumed was his win. The ring announcer then said that Steve Frehley actually won the match by DQ. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley by DQ[/B] in 23:02 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 21) As Remo realizes what's happened, his elation turns to a look of pure fury. He goes after Squeeky outside the ring and chases the still champ around the ring for a while until finally, officials and other wrestlers have to come out to hold him back. Squeeky retreats up the ramp, holding the title belt aloft and laughing at Remo the whole way. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Apparently people tought that Nevada Nuclear was slightly over-used. But it was still a great show and increased our popularity. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from "Let the Games Begin"[/U] DARK: [I]Mainstream Hernandez & Joey Minnesota defeated Flex & Pecs[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] DARK: [I]Eric Eisen defeated Enforcer Roberts[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Tim Westybrook defeated Black Hat Bailey[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Christian Faith defeated Nevada Nuclear[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Joe Sexy & Darryl Devine defeated The Tomboys[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]High Concept (c) drew with the Lords of War[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Eddie Peak defeated Jack Bruce in a [COLOR="Purple"]street fight[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Steve Frehley defeated Sam Keith, Remo, and Squeeky McClean (c) by DQ [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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Awesome card! I just read this over the phone to my co-creator for our mod, and he (who's much more knowledgable in TEW and the CornellVerse) was extremely impressed as well. You've just scored yet another reader! ...I still think ArchAngel should have slammed that skank through the wedding cake, though. Oh well, more the merrier for [I]Invasion![/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 2, October 2006 (airs on Friday)[/I] Held at the McGaw Arena in the Tri State Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] 1) [B]PRINCIPESSA vs. PECS[/B] It was a good dark match. Principessa was helped by her manager, Jessie. WINNER: [B]Principessa[/B] in 6:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 2) [B]REMO vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] A really good match that got the crowd jumping. Several people seemed surprised that we would put on a match of this caliber as a dark match. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 6:48 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) Jessie comes to the ring and announces that she’s on the cover of the SWF’s monthly magazine, and she encourages everyone to go and pick up a copy today. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) The announcers hype that later tonight, we’ll see Archangel take on BLZ Bubb in the main event. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) A video package airs, hyping Brett Biggz as a singles wrestler. I hope his brother is watching from prison and choking on it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) [B]BRETT BIGGZ vs. JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] As Brett went to the ring, the announcers talked about how Brett seems to be on something of a hot streak in the SWF lately. Joey and Brett shook hands before the match started and then they went after each other. It was a good match that really got a boost from the crowd. In the end, as Joey was getting ready to finish of Brett, Brett came out of nowhere with the Biggz Up, his finisher, and scored the pinfall. WINNER: [B]Brett Biggz [/B]in 8:44 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) [B]FLASHBACK vs. HIGH SOCIETY[/B] This was a mess, and I kind of counted on that. The Aristocrat tried his best to help his tag partner, but every time he tried to help, he wound up making things worse. You could see the frustration building in Rich Money the whole time. Finally, Robbie hit Rich with the Malaise Missile, his finisher. WINNERS: [B]Flashback[/B] in 7:04 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 5) As soon as Flashback has cleared out of the ring, Rich Money gets up and calls Aristocrat into the ring. He gets a mic and tells ‘Crat that he’s been giving it some thought. He’s decided that he doesn’t want to be a tag team competitor anymore, he’s more interested in going after singles glory. Aristocrat gets upset and complains about how Rich never gave him a chance, but Rich ignores him. Aristocrat them tries to get his attention by giving him a fore-arm club to the back of the head. Rich doesn’t even stagger. He turns and fixes Aristocrat with a furious look. Aristocrat stares at Rich in shock, and then Rich destroys Aristocrat. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the break-up and the attack 6) [B]GROUCHO BLING vs. DARRYL DEVINE[/B] This was a fun match to watch. Both competitors are high fliers, and it made for a lot of high spots and quick action. In the end, Darryl hit Groucho with the Devine Dream Drop for the win. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine [/B]in 8:57 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Freddie Datsun comes out to the ring and says that he’s beginning to wonder if SWF management wants to keep him around, especially since another Pay-Per-View has come and gone and he didn’t get the chance to defend his title at it. A little bit of real frustration bled through the promo, which was nice. But, Freddie says, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. He’s been issuing open challenges just about every week on Warzone, and so he’ll put his title on the line once again. Eddie Peak comes out and says that he’s more than willing to take him up on it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the open challenge and the response 8) [B]FREDDIE DATSUN vs. EDDIE PEAK [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Holy cow! I wasn’t sure if this was a wise idea, but I think it worked nicely. Eddie and Freddie put on a great match together, one that kept the audience on the edge of their seats all the way to the end when Freddie hit Eddie with the Patriot Press. WINNER: [B]Freddie Datsun [/B]in 11:49 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) A video (inserted in post-production) aired, reminding fans of what happened on Thursday night when Emma Chase left Archangel at the altar. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. BLZ BUBB[/B] Archangel looked absolutely furious as he went to the ring, and Ana Garcia (demoted from Invasion!) said she could understand why, given what Emma Chase did to him. When BLZ Bubb made his entrance, Duane Fry wondered what Bubb’s reasons were for interfering in the match between the Tomboys and Joe Sexy and Darryl Devine last night. Peter Michaels interjected that maybe Bubb would explain himself next Tuesday on Invasion! The match itself was spectacular. Both men really went after each other. You could see the intensity in Archangel’s eyes, leading Peter to wonder if maybe Archangel was picturing Bubb as someone else. In the end, Archangel hit a tired BLZ Bubb with the Fall from Grace. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 14:31 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Bubb gets up from the mat and hits Archangel with a running clothesline, then beats on him for a while as the show goes off the air. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] The general consensus of the audience was that Pecs was slightly overused (which I find amusing; I overused someone in a dark match?) and that the Aristocrat was definitely overused. That’s okay, seeing as ‘Crat is going back down to dark matches for a while. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U]: DARK: [I]Principessa defeated Pecs [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] DARK: [I]Remo defeated Joel Kovach [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Brett Biggz defeated Joey Minnesota [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Flashback defeated High Society [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Darryl Devine defeated Grouco Bling [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Freddie Datsun defeated Eddie Peak to retain t[COLOR="Red"]he SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] -[COLOR="Blue"] A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel defeated BLZ Bubb [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 3, October 2006[/I] Held at the Missouri State Armoury in the Mid West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] 1) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS[/B] A really good opening bout! I wasn't expecting these two to put on such a good match, but they really delivered and got the crowd going early. WINNER: [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] in 6:31 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) [B]FLASHBACK vs. FLEX & PECS[/B] Not as good of a match, but it didn't hurt things any. WINNER: [B]Flashback[/B] in 6:27 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) Jessie shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) Emma Chase starts off the show in the ring, not at the announce table. At the sight of her, the crowd starts to boo. She tells them to shut up, she has something to say. She says she knows that people are angry at her for what she did to Archangel, but she really doesn't care. She had a goal when she came into the SWF, and she's now met that goal. Archangel was a means to an end, and she suggests that members of the audience shouldn't judge her too harshly since they would probably do something very similar if they were in her position. Then Archangel's music hits and the crowd goes wild. AA stalks out towards the ring, looking ready to hurt Emma. Emma cowers in the corner as Archangel gets into the ring and stalks over to her, murder in his eyes. But then Joel Kovach hits the ring! Joel delivers a forearm blow to the back of Archangel's head and then beats the living crap out of him, finishing him off with an Old School Drop. Emma cheers him on. Once Archangel is down, he shoots Emma a dirty look and then storms out of the ring. Emma turns to the announce table and tells them to keep her seat ready, she'll be right back. Emma catches up with Joel backstage. Joel demands to know what she wants. She thanks him for his help and asks him to keep after Archangel. Joel refuses, saying he has his sights set on the World Heavyweight Championship and can't be bothered with something as insignificant as Archangel. Emma points out that after what happened at "Let the Games Begin", the Championship picture is looking a little fuzzy. She suggests that he help her for now, and afterwards, she'll help him get a title shot. Joel thinks about it and hesitantly agrees. Emma tellls him he won't regret it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the opening speech, ambush, and alliance 2) Speaking of the championship picture, Remo bursts into Richard Eisen's office. He rants and raves about how he was robbed at "Let the Games Begin" by Squeeky McClean. He demands a title shot against Squeeky tonight! Richard tells him to calm down and points out that there are still two other viable Number One Contenders, namely Steve Frehley and Sam Keith. Remo blows that off and says that he's a better wrestler than the two of them combined. That seems to inspire Richard. He says they'll see if that's the case. He's booking Remo in a handicap match against Steve and Sam. If he can beat them, the title shot is his. Remo doesn't look happy about this, but he agrees. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) [B]BRETT BIGGZ vs. TEXAS PETE[/B] Brett's stock continues to rise with his hot streak. He's shot up to midcard status in the company, and that's just fine with me! This was as good of a match as I expected from these two. WINNER: [B]Brett Biggz[/B] in 8:43 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Black Hat Bailey is backstage and he taunts Tim Westybrook, pointing out that while Tim may have won their match at "Let the Games Begin", at least he's still standing whereas Tim isn't there tonight for medical reasons. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 5) Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling are in the ring. They say that the SWF Board of Directors has decided to schedule a rematch between them and the Lords of War at the next Pay-Per-View, "Wargames". Elmo and Groucho talk about how the Lords have gotten under the skin over the past couple of weeks with their dirty, underhanded tactics. High Concept declare that if the Lords want a war, they've got one. They then warn the Lords that they won't like what happens. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine come to the ring. BLZ Bubb takes the mic first and explains his actions at "Let the Games Begin". He said that he was sick and tired of hearing Melody and Principessa whine backstage about how they were being treated by men. He points out that his career hasn't gone much of anywhere since coming to the SWF and yet, you never heard him complain. He attacked Melody to get her to shut up. The three men then taunt Melody and Principessa, saying that the three of them are the glass ceiling that Melody and Principessa will never get past. RATING: [COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] for the explanation; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the taunting 7) Rich Money comes out next and takes the mic. He says that he's gone into business for himself and that he's done messing around with tag team partners. He's too good for that. To prove it, he issues an open challenge to anyone in the back to come out and face him. That's when Christian Faith's music hits and Rich freaks out. Sure enough, Christian comes out and walks to the ring with a purpose. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the open challenge and response 8) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. RICH MONEY[/B] A great match. Really top notch! Rich played the coward, avoiding Christian as much as possible and then trying to sneak attack him whenever he could. Christian kept after Rich the whole time and got a few near falls. In the end, Nicole Kiss hopped up onto the ring apron and flashed a wad of cash at referee Ric Young as if attempting to bribe him. The ref went over to order her to the back. While his back was turned, Rich pulled out a massive money clip and used it like a pair of brass knuckles to lay out Christian for the pin and the win. WINNER: Rich Money in 7:34 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Principessa is backstage, looking absolutely miserable. Melody Cuthill finds her and asks what's wrong. Principessa says that she's ready to give up, especially in light of what Joey, Darryl, and BLZ Bubb said. Melody does her best to cheer her up, but it's obvious that mere words aren't enough. Melody then takes Principessa by the hand and tells her to follow her. Maybe actions will work better than words. They then come out to the ring and challenge the so-called "glass ceiling" to a 3-on-2 handicap match next week on [I]Invasion![/I] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the miserable worker angle; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the cheering up; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the challenge 10) Jack Bruce is in the ring, and he talks about how everyone is talking about how he lost a street fight to Eddie Peak last week. He says that it's really no big deal, because that's the kind of fight that Eddie Peak excels in. He mocks Eddie's wrestling ability and calls it non-existant. That's why he has to resort to hardcore tactics. Jack then challenges Eddie to come out and face him in a regular wrestling match to prove him wrong. Eddie comes out and accepts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. EDDIE PEAK[/B] Eddie held his own in the ring, but you could tell that he wasn't feeling totally comfortable in a regular match (that was by design, not because of any deficincies on Eddie's part). While he did his best, you could tell that Jack was one step ahead of him the whole time. A few near falls on both sides made both participants all the more cranky. Finally, Eddie hit Jack with a DDT and then went out to ringside and started tossing chairs into the ring. The ref tried to warn him away from doing that, but Eddie didn't listen. He then crawled into the ring with a chair of his own and raised it above his head to crack Jack over the skull with it. The ref jumped onto the chair and tried to wrest it from Eddie's hands. Eddie then violently slapped the ref away and turned to hit Jack. He turned just in time to catch a chair over the head from Jack. The ref called for the bell, DQing Jack for the chair shot and Eddie for manhandling him. WINNER: [B]No one (Draw)[/B] in 11:22 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) Steve Frehley is in the back warming up for the main event. He looks up when Sam Keith enters the room. They come face to face, mere inches separating them. Sam then speaks. He says that he knows Steve doesn't much care for him and, truth be told, Sam doesn't like him either. But, he says, they have plenty of time to settle their differences and go after the title once they've eliminated Remo from the picture. For now, they should just work together. Steve agrees. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) [B]REMO vs. STEVE FREHLEY & SAM KEITH[/B] Remo seemed to be in trouble for most of the match. In spite of their differences, Steve and Sam worked well together, working over Remo and tagging in and out, keeping both of them pretty fresh. Eventually, though, Remo caught a second wind and took the fight to both men. He finally managed to hit Sam with the Destroyer. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 8:12 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) As Remo is celebrating in the ring, Squeeky McClean rushes the ring and attacks him from behind. Squeeky beats him to the ground and then stands over him, holding the championship belt in his face and mocking him, saying he'll never get his hands on the belt. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I'm pretty pleased with how this show went. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] DARK: [I]Enforcer Roberts defeated Mainstream Hernandez[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] DARK: [I]Flashback defeated Flex & Pecs[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Brett Biggz defeated Texas Pete[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Rich Money defeated Christian Faith[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Jack Bruce drew with Eddie Peak[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Remo defeated Sam Keith & Steve Frehley[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 3, October 2006 (airs on Friday) [/I]Held at the Laurent Ballroom in the New England Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] 1) [B]JOEY MINNESOTA vs. THE ARISTOCRAT[/B] These two had good chemistry together which really helped the match. WINNER: [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 2) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH & ERIC EISEN vs. TEXAS PETE & ENFORCER ROBERTS[/B] A pretty good match overall. WINNERS: [B]Texas Pete & Enforcer Roberts[/B] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) The Blonde Bombshell shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [U][B]LIVE SHOW[/B][/U] 1) A video aired of the ending of the handicap match on the last [I]Invasion![/I], showing Remo hit the Destroyer on Sam Keith. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) Backstage, Steve and Sam argue about what happened. They blame each other for the loss, nit-picking over trivial mistakes. They both believe that it's the other's fault that they lost their chance at the gold. The argument escalates until Richard Eisen happens along. He suggests that maybe they should take their argument to the ring in the main event tonight. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) American Elemental is in the ring. He admits to being not such a good guy, but he promises to turn over a new leaf. From now on, it's going to be down the straight and narrow for him. The crowd, while indifferent to the promo, didn't mind the turn. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) [B]AMERICAN ELEMENTAL & CHRIS GORDON vs. FLEX & PECS[/B] American and Chris worked together well. There wasn't good chemistry, but there wasn't bad either. They did their best and held their own, but in the end, Pecs passed Flex a foreign object, which he used to knock out Chris. WINNERS: [B]Flex & Pecs[/B] in 8:20 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 5) A video plays, hyping current SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Squeeky McClean. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) The Lords of War are backstage. They cut a promo on High Concept, informing Groucho and Elmo that they shouldn't act like they're warrior or can handle the upcoming battle at "Wargames". They continue on this track for a few minutes, oblivious to the fact that Elmo and Groucho have snuck up behind them. High Concept motions for everyone to keep quiet, and they kneel down behind the Lords. When the Lords finish, they walk away, and the camera pans down to reveal that Elmo and Groucho have pinned a skunk's tail to Agony's trunks and taped a "Kick Me!" sign to Pain's back. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Nevada Nuclear is backstage with his manager, the Blonde Bombshell. Bombshell is upset with Nevada, saying that while she supports what he's planning on doing tonight, she doesn't think that he should try to enlist Skull DeBone's aid. She doesn't trust Skull and doesn't think that he's actually helping Nevada at all. Nevada disagrees and they argue for a bit before Nevada tells her to be quiet, that his mind is made up. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) A video package airs, hyping Remo. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 9) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. DARRYL DEVINE[/B] A pretty good match. These two have locked up before for the Shooting Star Championship, a fact that the announcers were quick to emphasize. They did a great job, battling back and forth until finally, Mainstream hit Darryl with the Apparition #14. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] in 13:02 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) Nevada Nuclear is warming up backstage when Skull DeBones approaches him. Nevada thanks him for coming. He reminds Skull of how Skull left Nevada on his own when Nevada fought Christian Faith. He wants to know if Skull plans on doing that again tonight. Skull says not to worry, he's behind Nevada 100%, and he finishes off his little speech with, "Good luck." Nevada smiles and walks away. Skull's smile vanishes. "You'll need it." RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) Freddie Datsun comes to the ring and gripes a little about how he's still here and it seems like SWF management has forgotten that he could work for [I]Invasion![/I] or a Pay-Per-View besides just [I]Warzone[/I]. But then he shrugs and offers an open invitation to all comers. Out comes Nevada Nuclear. He says he'll take the challenge, and he's sure that he'll be leaving with the North American Championship tonight. RATING: B+ for the open challenge and response. 12) [B]FREDDIE DATSUN (c) vs. NEVADA NUCLEAR [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Nevada was a little tentative to lock up with Freddie in the early going of the match. He begged off of some encounters and slipped out of holds quickly. He even rolled out of the ring at one point. But eventually, the match truly got under way and, while Nevada looked pretty strong out there, it was obvious Freddie had the upper hand. Then the ref accidentally got run over by Freddie with a clothesline. The minute Darren Smith's body hit the mat, Skull DeBones charged the ring with a chair in hand. He rolled into the ring and smashed it over Freddie's skull, dropping the man to the mat. Nevada smiled and cheered. Skull turned to him, smiled, then smashed the chair over Nevada's head as well. With both men out, Skull took Freddie and draped his arm over Nevada's chest. He then shook the ref and got out of there as quick as he could. Smith came to and saw both competitors out, but since Freddie had his arm over Nevada, he made the count: 1....2....3. WINNER: [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] in 8:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) A video segment aired, explaining why the main event is what it is. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. SAM KEITH[/B] A good way to (almost) end the show. Steve looked particularly dangerous out there, almost running circles around Sam the entire time. Sam managed to counter with some big moves that grounded Steve and kept him on the mat. In the end, Sam resorted to a poke to the eye, a low-blow while the ref wasn't looking, and a handful of tights to secure the win. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith[/B] in 19:32 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) Richard Eisen comes out as Sam Keith celebrates his big win with a major announcement: next week on [I]Invasion![/I], we're going to see Remo take on Squeeky McClean for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR]! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] As the show wound down, Richard thanked me for the hard work I put into the show, but it was clear that he was anxious to leave. "Where are you off to?" I asked. "Media shin-dig. New spring season shows looking for advertisers and all that," he explained. "Be careful," I warned. "Remember what happened last time you went to one of those." "What are you complaining about?" Richard joked. "It worked out okay for both of us!" With a laugh, he left the building, but I had a queasy feeling in my stomach. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Joey Minnesota defeated the Aristocrat[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Texas Pete & Enforcer Roberts defeated Eric Eisen & Christian Faith[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Flex & Pecs defeated American Elemental & Chris Gordon[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Darryl Devine[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Freddie Datsun defeated Nevada Nuclear to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Steve Frehley[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]A New Headache[/SIZE][/I] Before the next episode of [I]Invasion![/I], Richard stopped in my office looking fairly upset. He was followed by a good sized young man who looked a little familiar. "How was the trip?" I said. "Don't ask," Richard moaned. "You know how you told me to be careful? Next time, you're coming with me to make sure that I do." That queasy feeling came back. "Why, what did you do?" "Scap, meet Delirious Dan," Richard said, motioning to the young man at his side. "He's our newest wrestler." I stared at the young man. He smiled at me pleasantly. "What .... wait, Delirious Dan? As in, used to work for TCW?" Richard nodded ruefully. I gritted my teeth and then turned to Dan. "Would you mind stepping outside for a moment. Mr. Eisen and I have to talk." Dan nodded and did so. Richard sank into a chair and held up a hand before I could say anything. "I know, I know, I know...." he said. "What happened?" Richard recounted the tale. It turns out he and Tommy Cornell once again were playing poker at the same table and Richard, already pretty loaded, started bragging on me a bit. Tommy once again made a bet with Richard, and once again, Richard took the bet. The result: we got burdened with Delirious Dan. Let me explain. Delirious Dan is a jobber for TCW, one of the worst I've ever seen. Nobody's quite sure how Dan got a job in the first place; he wasn't with the company when I was fired. The problem is, Dan has absolutely no skill as a wrestler. He's very athletic and in great shape; he just wouldn't know a headlock from a padlock. "So guess we make him a manager?" I suggested. Richard shook his head. "Part of the bet. He has to be a wrestler." I closed my eyes. This was going to hurt. I finally sighed. "Well, I guess that's okay. Tommy's going to pay for that. I tried to get Wolf Hawkins from him, but Wolf wouldn't talk to me. But I've got a line out to someone else, so we may see another defection." [[OOC NOTE: I'm taking part in the "Heidenreich Challenge" that D-Lyrium suggested. [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12642"]Here's the link to see what it's about[/URL]. I don't know what will happen to Dan, but we'll see how quickly he can improve in the SWF.]]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 4, October 2006[/I] Held at the Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [U][B]DARK MATCHES[/B][/U] 1) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] Wow. I must have been delirious for accepting this challenge. Dragged the match down considerably with no noticeable improvement. At least, the road agent didn't say there was any. Mercifully, it was a short match. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 6:46 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 2) [B]AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. FLEX[/B] Another okay match. WINNER: [B]American Elemental[/B] in 5:02 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 3) Jessie shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) The announcers remind us that tonight, we'll see Remo take on Squeeky McClean for the latter's SWF World Heavyweight Title. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) The camera cuts to the parking lot where a very sweet car pulls up next to Enforcer Roberts. The doors open and the Lords of War get out. Enforcer whistles at the car and asks where they got it. The Lords explain that they bought it to travel to the different shows in class and comfort. Enforcer walks into the arena with them. As soon as they're gone, High Concept appears. While Elmo keeps watch, Groucho pops the door open and gets to work. Pretty soon, the engine is running. Elmo hops into the car as well, and they drive off into the night. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 3) Nevada Nuclear is warming up for his match. Blonde Bombshell is with him. She tells him that he's stupid for believing that Skull will be here tonight to help him, especially in light of what happened on [I]Warzone[/I]. Nevada insists that everything is fine between his mentor and he, that the chair shot and loss must have been done to teach him some lesson. Blonde tries to argue that point, but Nevada shoves past her to go to his match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) [B]BRETT BIGGZ vs. NEVADA NUCLEAR[/B] It was an okay match. Nevada put up a good fight, but Brett's hot streak continued. And Skull DeBones was nowhere to be seen. WINNER: [B]Brett Biggz[/B] in 7:48 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Black Hat Bailey comes out and challenges Tim Westybrook to a rematch at "Wargames". RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 6) Jack Bruce is walking backstage when he runs into Eddie Peak. The two glare at each other, and then, as Jack begins to walk away, Eddie coughs, one that sounds like Eddie said, "Loser." Jack gets in Eddie's face and the two get into an argument. Finally, Jack suggests that they meet in the ring next week on [I]Invasion![/I] to settle it. Eddie agrees. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Jerry Eisen and Emma Chase hype up the 3-on-2 handicap match between BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, Darryl Devine and Melody Cuthill and Principessa, which is coming up next. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) [B]THE TOMBOYS vs. BLZ BUBB, JOE SEXY, & DARRYL DEVINE[/B] The ladies had their hands full from the beginning, but much to the surprise of the announcers, they were able to hold their own. There was a long stretch in the middle of the match where Principessa was isolated from Melody and the three men worked them over, but after a successful desperation move, Principessa was able to kick away from the guys and lurched to the corner to make the tag. Melody hit the ring, absolutely on-fire. She mounted some serious offense but that seemed to crash to a halt as Darryl Devine clotheslined her. He then strutted around the ring, smirking at the audience. Rather than cover her, Darryl instead picked Melody up to put her in the Devine Dream Drop. Melody surprisingly recovered and, before Darryl knew what was happening, Melody dropped him to the mat and got him in a small package. WINNERS: [B]The Tomboys[/B] in 14:36 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) The men can hardly believe that they lost. They charge into the ring and start to beat up both Melody and Principessa. Before things can get out of hand, though, Angry Gilmore hits the ring with a baseball bat. He takes a few swings at Joe, Bubb, and Darryl and clears the ring. He then helps up the girls and raises their hands in victory. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]FLASHBACK vs. THE LORDS OF WAR[/B] The Lords were all business in dismantling Robbie and Johnny. Flashback tried to mount an offense, but the (once again exhausted) Lords took them apart systematically before Warlord Pain finished off Robbie with the Execution at Dawn. WINNERS: [B]The Lords of War[/B] in 10:09 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Joel Kovach appears on camera. He addresses Archangel, and says that part of him doesn't want to hurt Archangel. He remembers the good times, when they worked together in other promotions, when they tagged together in the SWF. He said that those were memories that he would cherish. But then he darkened and said, "But that's all they are ... memories!" He goes on to say that the new memories he and Archangel would make together would involve nothing but pain. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 12) The Lords of War go out to the parking lot. Much to their horror, their car is back .... but it's been repainted. On either side are horrible caricatures of the Lords making ridiculous faces. On the hood in flashy, rainbow colors is painted the slogan "Beware the Lords of Snore!" Pain can't speak, he's so angry. Agony finds a note on the windshield and reads it: "Enjoy the new paint job, courtesy of High Concept". RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 13) [B]REMO vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Maybe I should have spent a little more time building up to this match. Oh well. At any rate, it was a superb match. These two took it to each other and then some, so much so that once again, poor Marv Earnest was left in the dust. The action and momentum swung back and forth at the drop of a dime, making it hard for the fans to be sure who would come out. In the end, Remo was getting ready to set Squeeky up for the Destroyer when Squeeky managed to power out of it. Squeeky then kicked Remo in the knees a few times and placed a few punches to the head, and then set Remo up for the Stain Removal. He had him up, only to have Remo slide out of his grasp. Remo then set up the Destroyer again and hit it square on! WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 18:37 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) Remo can hardly believe it as the ref hands the title belt to him. He stares at it, then holds it aloft as the crowd goes nuts. Remo then rolls out of the ring and dives into the crowd, celebrating his win with the fans. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] People did not like seeing Delirious Dan, but I suspected that would be the case. I got lucky. I was expecting a far worse rating than this: FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Archangel defeated Delirious Dan[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]American Elemental defeated Flex[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Brett Biggz defeated Nevada Nuclear[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]The Tomboys defeated BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]The Lords of War defeated Flashback[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Remo defeated Squeeky McClean to win [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]SWF Warzone[/B][/SIZE] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 4, October 2006[/I] Held at the Lowe Ballroom in the North West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] 1) [B]AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] With the card I have planned for tonight, I figured I could give Dan a longer workout in the only dark match for tonight. Again, no noticeable improvement in his performance. WINNER: [B]American Elemental[/B] in 13:22 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]D[/COLOR] 2) The Blonde Bombshell shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) The champ is here! Remo comes to the ring with the title draped over his shoulder and the crowd pops in a huge way! He thanks the crowd for their welcome and says that he's ecstatic with being the new SWF World Heavyweight Champ. He predicts a long title reign since he is just that good! Then Freddie Datsun's music hits. Freddie comes out with his title draped over his shoulder. He welcomes Remo to his show. He says that he's the one who made it what it is today with his open challenge policy. He then goes on to say that he's suspending that policy for this week. Instead, he challenges Remo for the title! Remo doesn't even think about it. He simply says, "Let's do it." RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] for the self-hype; [COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the acceptance 2) [B]ANGRY GILMORE vs. RICH MONEY[/B] As Angry made his way to the ring, the announcers reminded the fans of how Angry interjected himself into the situation between the Tomboys and "the Glass Ceiling" on [I]Invasion![/I] They go on to say that Angry hasn't explained his actions yet, but that he promised he would at the next [I]Invasion![/I] The match itself was simply fantastic. These two really worked each other over hard. In the end, though, Angry hit Rich with the Anger Management. WINNER: [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]in 11:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) Angry is celebrating his win when BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine hit the ring. They make short work of Angry, beating him to the ground and working him over pretty severely. Then Melody Cuthill races to the ring with a steel chair. She threatens Bubb with it. He snatches it out of her hand and mocks her, not realizing that he's still holding the chair right in front of him. Melody capitalizes on that by placing a drop kick square into the chair, ramming it into Bubb's gut. She scoops up the chair and takes a few swings at Joe and Darryl, who quickly get out of the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Emma Chase is in the ring. She orders the audience to shut up and welcome her guest: Squeeky McClean! Squeeky comes out. Emma says she forgives him for what he did to her and that she really doesn't care, especially since his little kidnapping plot helped boost her career. She then turns the mic over to him. Squeeky complains about Remo. He claims that Remo cheated to win the title. But his tirade quickly becomes about Richard Eisen. He says that he's been trying to call Richard since he lost the title, but that Richard won't take any of his calls. He makes several disparaging remarks about Richard's ethics and intelligence. That's when Richard comes to the ring. He informs Squeeky that he did get all 57 of his messages but he just couldn't work up the effort to care one way or the other. All Squeeky did was get him angry, so he's going to punish Squeeky for what he's done. Tonight, Squeeky will face his son, Eric Eisen, in the ring. Squeeky gets out of the ring and sulks his way backstage, avoiding Richard's glare. But as soon as Squeeky is out of the ring, Archangel blows out the back, shoving past Richard and heading for the ring. Emma's eyes go wide with fright and she gets out of there .... just in time for Joel Kovach to charge out of the crowd. The two meet in the middle of the ring and begin to brawl. Richard immediately grabs a mic and orders a ref out to the ring. If those two want to fight so badly, it might as well be a match! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the interrupted interview; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the ambush 5) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] What a match! Holy cow! Duane Fry couldn't keep up with the action, it was so intense! Archangel and Joel seemed perfectly content with trying to kill each other the whole time. Near fall after near fall sped by. Frustration grew, but finally, Archangel hit Joel with the Fall from Grace and picked up the win. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 12:35 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 6) Archangel gets up and looks around for Emma, who has been standing at ringside the whole time. Her eyes grow wide and she backs away. Archangel starts after her, but before he can take more than one step, Joel is up again and the fight continues. This time, though, Joel gets the upper hand and Archangel is left lying on the mat, clutching his head. Joel then jumps out of the ring and escorts Emma to the back. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 7) The announcers hype the fact that we'll see Remo take on Freddie Datsun in the main event. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN[/B] Another great match for tonight! But then, I knew it would be. These two have great chemistry together. By the time the match was over, every fan was on the edge of his or her seat. Eric seemed to be a sure bet for the win, hitting Squeeky with not one but two Silver Spoon Shocks, but each time, Squeeky managed to squeek through by getting a shoulder up at the last moment. Eric was setting Squeeky up for a third when Squeeky came to life and hit Eric with the Stain Removal. WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] in 16:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Remo is warming up backstage when he looks up and sees Steve Frehley standing in the locker room door. Steve is staring at the championship belt. Remo takes a step toward it, but Steve tells him to relax. He knows that Remo deserves to hold the belt. He isn't there to cause trouble. Instead, he's there to wish him luck. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) [B]REMO (c) vs. FREDDIE DATSUN [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Once again, poor Duane Fry was left in the dust by the action. There wasn't enough selling shown, but the crowd didn't seem to care. Freddie was bound and determined to hold two championships by the end of the night and it really looked like he might have been able to achieve that. But then Squeeky McClean ran to the ring and attacked Remo. The ref immediately called for the bell as Squeeky beat Remo to the mat. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] by DQ in 12:34 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) The beating continues. Remo tries to mount a defense but is unable to. Finally, refs swarm out of the backstage area and pull Squeeky off of Remo. Some of them help Remo out of the ring and towards the back while the rest hold back Squeeky. Squeeky shakes them off and gets a mic. He then taunts Remo, saying that they weren't done with each other yet and that Squeeky was going to dog his every step until he got his title back. At that point, Remo tried to go back to the ring, but the refs wouldn't let him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] As I figured, people were not happy about seeing Delirious Dan that much. But I don't think it hurt the show otherwise. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROW SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] DARK: [I]American Elemental defeated Delirious Dan[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] [I]Angry Gilmore defeated Rich Money[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel defeated Joel Kovach[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Squeeky McClean defeated Eric Eisen[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Remo defeated Freddie Datsun by DQ to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, November 2006[/I] Held at the Centerpiece Bridge in the Mid Atlantic Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [U][B]DARK MATCHES[/B][/U] 1) [B]CHRIS GORDON vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] So much for that idea. I thought I had struck onto a good idea. Chris is a great all-around worker. Some say he could get a good match out of a sack full of rocks. He's also got superb performance skills. I had thought that maybe a series of dark matches between him and Dan would help train up Dan and not focus on any one area. Unfortunately, these two have lousy chemistry. So I don't think that'll work. WINNER: [B]Chris Gordon[/B] in 7:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]E[/COLOR] 2) [B]FLASHBACK vs. JOEY MINNESOTA & NEVADA NUCLEAR[/B] Just giving everyone something to do here. Well, that and testing an idea that I had. WINNERS: [B]Flashback[/B] in 5:01 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Principessa shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) The show starts with the announcers reminding everyone that tonight, we'll see Jack Bruce take on Eddie Peak. Not only that, but Richard Eisen has booked Archangel and Joel Kovach in a street fight! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the Jack/Eddie match; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for AA/Joel 2) Richard Eisen comes out and announces that he's hired a new manager to help keep an eye on his workers: Farrah Hesketh. Farrah, who has done a lot of work on the indie scene, receives a very lukewarm welcome. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) The Lords of War leave their locker room, complaining about what High Concept did to their cars last week. They're so intent in their complaining, though, that they don't notice High Concept pop up behind some crates and sneak to the door, opening it to allow a bunch of teenagers into the room. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Squeeky McClean bursts into Richard Eisen's office and demands a shot at Remo and the title. Richard says that would be a good idea, but he wants to make sure that Squeeky is able to handle a main event shot again. They'll find out at the next [I]Warzone[/I], where Squeeky will take on Skull DeBones. As Squeeky leaves, looking pale and upset, Joey Minnesota comes into the office. He then launches into a tirade about how he's getting sick and tired of not getting the respect and attention he deserves. Richard tells him to get to the point, so Joey says that he wants to face Freddie Datsun at "Wargames". Richard actually bursts out laughing at the suggestion and tells him to dream on. Joey leaves the office, looking dejected. On his way out, though, he bumps into Blonde Bombshell. Bombshell tells Joey that she heard how Richard reacted to his request. She says that maybe, just maybe, Joey should throw his lot in with her. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for Squeeky/Skull; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for Joey's segment; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the alliance offer 5) Tim Westybrook is in the ring and he says that he formally accepts the challenge made by Black Hat Bailey. It'll be the two of them facing off at "Wargames"! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 6) Angry Gilmore comes to the ring and says that he's going to explain his actions. He knows that a lot of people were shocked by the fact that he turned his back on his former partner, Joe Sexy, and stood up for the women. He says that's because Joe, Darryl, and BLZ Bubb have made him live up to his name. He's angry about how they were treating Melody and Principessa. He hypes up the Tomboys, saying that they're excellent competitors who deserve respect. And if he can help them beat it out of the so-called "Glass Ceiling", he will. That's when Darryl Devine comes out. He says that Angry is a traitor to his fellow man by siding with the girls. He challenges Angry to a match, right here, right now. Angry shrugs and says, "I got nothing better to do. Bring it, junior!" RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the explanation; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge and acceptance 7) [B]ANGRY GILMORE vs. DARRYL DEVINE[/B] A pretty good match. Darryl had his hands full with Angry and you could tell that he knew it. At the same time, though, Darryl seemed eerily confident. The announcers thought they knew why when BLZ Bubb charged the ring and hopped up onto the ring apron. The ref saw him coming, though, and ordered him down. When Bubb refused, the ref went over and got into his face. That's when Joe Sexy came over the security railing from the other side of the ring and got inside. He smashed Angry over the head, allowing Darryl to get the pin. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine [/B]in 8:14 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) The Lords of War return to their locker room after a fruitless search for High Concept. When they enter the room, they're shocked to discover that it's been trashed. Grafitti is sprayed over every wall, TP is strewn about the room. Agony and Pain are furious, but not as furious as the arena manager who is standing behind them. He orders them down to the business office to discuss how they're going to pay for wrecking that room. As they leave the room, they see High Concept, who smile and wave. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. RICH MONEY[/B] This was mostly thrown together just to get these two to stop complaining. I didn't even really care who won the match. I'll have to admit, I was surprised at how good the match was and who won. WINNER: [B]Rich Money [/B]in 9:51 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. EDDIE PEAK[/B] Another great match from these two. Very back and forth, lots of great action. But in the end, Jack couldn't avoid the Peak of Perfection. WINNER: [B]Eddie Peak [/B]in 12:25 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) As Jack lies twitching on the mat, Eddie gets a microphone and gets in his face. "Don't you get it yet, Jack? I'm better than you! Always have been, always will be!" RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] in [COLOR="Purple"]a street fight[/COLOR] These two told a convincing story. They really looked like they were trying to kill each other. Lots of hard-hitting action, blood from Archangel, it was all very intense. At one point, Archangel managed to hit Joel with the Fall from Grace. He was about to pin him when he looked to the announce table and Emma Chase. He glared, then rolled out of the ring. Emma stood up and backed away as Archangel advanced on her. Before he could get to her, though, Joel hit him from behind, ramming him face-first into the announce table. Joel then ripped the top from the table and took out the monitors. He then clambered to the top of the table with Archangel and smashed him through the table with an Old School Drop. He then covered AA and got the win. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach[/B] in 21:59 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I thought for sure I'd get notes about Delirious Dan or Joey Minnesota being overused, but I guess people were so shocked at the street fight, they forgot everything else. And it was a great night in Mexico, apparently. We somehow managed to hit 150,000 viewers! FINAL RATING: [COLOR="royalblue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] DARK: [I]Chris Gordon defeated Delirious Dan[/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]E[/COLOR] DARK: [I]Flashback defeated Nevada Nuclear & Joey Minnesota [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Darryl Devine defeated Angry Gilmore[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Rich Money defeated Eric Eisen[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Eddie Peak defeated Jack Bruce[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach defeated the Archangel in [COLOR="Purple"]a street fight [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] (huh. Rick Law is the TCW champ now)[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 1, November 2006[/I] Held at Irvine Hall in the Mid South Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [U][B]DARK MATCHES[/B][/U] 1) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] Given the fact that my training camp idea won't work, I guess Dan will just job in dark matches to the upper card for a while. I know he won't pick up much this way, but at least he's picking up something. WINNER: [B]Christian Faith[/B] in 7:31 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 2) [B]AMERICAN ELEMENTAL & CHRIS GORDON vs. FLEX & PECS[/B] A pretty good match. Pecs seemed a bit off his game tonight, but seeing as this is only a dark match, I'm not too upset about that. WINNERS: [B]American Elemental & Chris Gordon[/B] in 5:49 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) Farrah Hesketh shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [U][B]LIVE SHOW[/B][/U] 1) The announcers hype up two matches for this evening: Archangel vs. Rich Money and Squeeky McClean vs. Skull DeBones. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for AA/Rich; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for Squeeky/Skull 2) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. NEVADA NUCLEAR[/B] Once again, Nevada seemed to be wrestling like he was looking for someone on the outside of the ring. Blonde Bombshell screamed at him to pay attention to Tim, but it did litlte good. Tim hit the pinfall easily thanks to Nevada's distracted state. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] in 9:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) Farrah Hesketh comes out to the ring and says that, as the newest manager of the SWF, she's hit the ground running. She's already signed a major new talent for the promotion, and she'll be debuting him at "Wargames". RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) [B]BRETT BIGGZ vs. DEREK FROST[/B] This show seems to be dragging a bit at the start, but business should pick up soon, I would think. Brett's winning streak is alive and well! WINNER: [B]Brett Biggz[/B] in 8:56 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) There we go. Squeeky McClean is being interviewed by Peter Michaels backstage about his upcoming match with Skull DeBones. Squeeky blows off Peter's concerns about his facing Skull, saying that he's bound and determined to get to Remo at "Wargames", and that nothing is going to stand in his way. He was very intense and cut a very believable promo. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Archangel limps out to the ring with his arm and chest bandaged up. He gingerly gets into the ring and apologizes to the fans. He explains that, due to the beating he took from Joel Kovach on [I]Invasion![/I], he's too injured to wrestling Rich Money tonight. The doctors won't give him medical clearance. He apologizes again, saying that he doens't like to disappoint people like that, but as soon as he's 100%, he'll be back in the ring again.... .... and that's when Joel Kovach jumps the security railing, rolls into the ring, and lets Archangel have it from behind. Joel and Archangel start to brawl, but it's clear that Archangel really isn't in any condition to fight back. Within minutes, Archangel is on the mat with Joel kicking him savagely. Then Joel gets the mic. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Disappointing people? You should be used to that by now! You've been a disappointment from the day you were born! But let's move past that. You'd better rest up, Archangel! I just spoke to Richard Eisen! He's given us a match at 'Wargames'. An 'I Quit' match! Oh, and just so you know, it's a double career match as well. Whoever says 'I quit' won't just lose the match, they'll lose their job too!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] for the beatdown and the challenge 7) A music video plays promoting Remo as the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 8) Freddie Datsun comes to the ring and takes the mic. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Big surprise! You notice, after Remo got done slumming last week, he's nowhere to be seen? But that's okay, ladies and gentlemen, your [I]Warzone[/I] champion is here! And it's business as usual for Freddie Datsun. Did you notice on [I]Invasion![/I] that Richard Eisen refused to book a match for me outside of [I]Warzone[/I]? I would have been happy to face Joey Minnesota, but apparently, Richard doesn't think I have what it takes. Well, let's just see. Anyone who wants to come after the North American Championship, here's your chance!"[/COLOR] Mainstream Hernandez comes out and accepts the open challenge. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the response 9) [B]FREDDIE DATSUN (c) vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] I think I may have found a new feud. Mainstream and Freddie have great chemistry together, so the two of them working a program together could be kind of fun to watch. The match itself was great, the best of the evening so far. Mainstream put up a great fight, but in the end, Freddie hit him with the Patriot Press. WINNER: [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] in 11:51 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Skull DeBones is backstage working out. That's when Nevada Nuclear finds him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"There you are!" [/COLOR]Skull shouts. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What's the big idea of leaving me out to dry with Tim Westybrook! I thought you were my mentor! I thought you were on my side."[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I am, boy, I am. I just have bigger fish to fry tonight than some piddly little lower carder. Besides, I thought you were good enough to handle Tim on your own. I guess I was wrong."[/COLOR] Skull says, then leaves to head for the ring. Nevada watches him go, his eyes narrowing dangerously. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 11) A video plays, hyping the match between Squeeky and Skull. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN vs. SKULL DeBONES[/B] Squeeky and Skull both looked ready to tear each other apart and they nearly did so! The battle raged back and forth for a long time. As Skull was gaining momentum, Nevada Nuclear snuck out to ringside. Oddly, Skull didn't notice him. Skull whipped himself into the ropes, getting ready to finish off a staggered Squeeky with some sort of running clothesline. Instead, Nevada tripped him from ringside, causing him to stumble into Squeeky's arms and a Stain Removal. After the match, Skull tried to find what tripped him, but Nevada was nowhere to be see. WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] in 17:45 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Not much to be said about tonight. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] DARK: [I]Christian Faith defeated Delirious Dan[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] DARK: [I]American Elemental & Chris Gordon defeated Flex & Pecs[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Tim Westybrook defeated Nevada Nuclear[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Brett Biggz defeated Derek Frost[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Freddie Datsun defeated Mainstream Hernandez to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Squeeky McClean defeated Skull DeBones[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] [[OOC Note: Just a note to Shipshirt if he's reading this: thanks for the idea of changing the color of dialogue.]]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, November 2006[/I] (The Go Home Show for "[COLOR="DarkRed"]Wargames[/COLOR]") Held at the McGaw Arena in the Tri State Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [U][B]DARK MATCHES[/B][/U] 1) [B]AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. ANDRE JONES (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] You know, I would have expected Andre to start complaining as little as he's worked since winning the title. Oddly enough, it's my upper card people who are constantly after me about not working enough shows. But to forestall any complaints, we threw together this match. WINNER: [B]Andre Jones[/B] in 6:55 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 2) [B]FLASHBACK vs. THE PROBLEM SOLVERS[/B] Again, just trying to keep everyone happy. WINNER: [B]The Problem Solvers[/B] in 6:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Jessie shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) The announcers put over the fact that tonight's main event is a tag match with Remo and Archangel on one side and Squeeky McClean and Joel Kovach on the other. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) Warlords Agony and Pain are in their dressing room, poking at everything they see to see if it's booby-trapped. There's a knock at the door and they open it, surprised to see Delirious Dan at the door. Dan does a horrible job of acting (even though he's A* in that skill). He says that he has some sort of gift from a fan for the Lords of War. He hands them a package. The Lords shake it a little, then open it. When it's opened, some sort of bomb goes off, spraying the Lords with goo. Dan pokes his head in to see what's going on, but then winces and holds his nose. The Lords sniff each other and almost vomit. They check the box and find a note from High Concept. The gift was really from them! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) Richard Eisen is with Farrah Hesketh in his office. He is particularly excited about Farrah's new client, whoever he is. He takes the contract from Farrah and signs it, making everything official. He then invites Farrah to go get a celebratory drink with him. She declines, but they leave the room. A few seconds later, the Blonde Bombshell enters the room. She rustles through the papers and finds the contract. She reads it over and her eyes grow wide when she sees who it's for. She then smiles and slips out of the office again. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 4) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. SAM KEITH[/B] A phenomenal match from these two. Sam sewed up the win with the Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith[/B] in 8:43 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 5) Jack Bruce comes out and challenges Eddie Peak to a rematch at "Wargames". Eddie comes out and accepts, and then Jack mocks Eddie, saying that they'll see who the loser really is on Thursday! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the acceptance; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the hype 6) We cut back to the Lords of War's locker room where the Lords are in the shower, trying to scrub the stink away. Agony thinks he's gotten it all and he reaches out of the shower to get his towel. It's not there. He reaches for any towel and finds nothing. He calls to Pain and asks what's going on. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Looking for these?"[/COLOR] The Lords look out of the shower and see High Concept. Elmo and Groucho wave the towels at them and laugh, tossing them into a bag that contains all of the Lords clothing. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"What are you doing?"[/COLOR] Pain demands. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"What are we supposed to wear?"[/COLOR] Elmo tosses a knapsack to the Lords as Groucho says, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"We've got you covered. Have a great match tonight, guys!"[/COLOR] The Lords open the sack and look inside. The glance at each other and look pissed. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Angry Gilmore, Melody Cuthill, and Principessa go to the ring and challenge BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine to a match at "Wargames". A few seconds later, the "Glass Ceiling" comes out and accepts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the acceptance 8) Skull DeBones is backstage when Nevada Nuclear finds him. Nevada says that he thinks he has things figured out now. Skull has been using him the whole time for whatever reason. Skull denies this, but Nevada says that Skull should look at his own record. He hasn't been wrestling much. The only match he's been in, he's lost. Skull looks upset about that. Nevada says that Skull has a chance to redeem himself in Nevada's eyes. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Why don't you challenge Farrah Hesketh's new client?"[/COLOR] Nevada suggests. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"It shouldn't make a difference who he or she is. You can beat anybody, right?"[/COLOR] Skull grumbles something under his breath and leaves. Nevada watches him go and a crafty smile breaks on his face. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 9) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. RICH MONEY[/B] The announcers describe call this a warm-up match. A short one. Jack looks pretty good. He and Rich kept the action going and got the crowd really into it before Jack hit Rich with the New York Minute. WINNER: [B]Jack Bruce[/B] in 5:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) As Jack celebrates his win, Eddie Peak charges the ring and beats him down. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Skull DeBones comes to the ring and issues a challenge to the SWF's newest worker, whoever he or she may be, to face him at "Wargames" and receive a proper welcome to the company. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) The Lords Of War entrance music plays, but they don't come out. It starts over again, and still no sign of them. The third time, they make their entrance. Warlord Agony is dressed as Little Bo Peep and Warlord Pain is wearing a teddy bear costume. When their opponents, Eric Eisen and Christian Faith, see this, they burst out laughing. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 13) [B]ERIC EISEN & CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. THE LORDS OF WAR[/B] Lesson learned: don't laugh at the Lords of War. Also, don't put them in matches longer than five minutes. Pain was exhausted at the end of this match. I think his contract is coming due in less than a month. I think it's time for him to put over some lower stars and then retire. WINNER: [B]The Lords of War[/B] in 6:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 14) A video plays, hyping the main event and recapping some of the action and history between the four participants. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) [B]REMO & ARCHANGEL vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN & JOEL KOVACH[/B] Holy cow! What a match! These guys all blew the roof off the arena. It was simply a phenomenal match, no two ways about it. Lots of hot tags, fierce attacks, all leading up to Archangel putting Squeeky in the Wing Clip to get him to tap out. WINNER: [B]Remo & Archangel[/B] in 10:50 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 16) The match is over, but Archangel won't release the Wing Clip. Squeeky is screaming in agony, but Archangel is staring at the other corner. The announcers aren't sure if he's looking at Joel or Emma. Finally, Remo gets into the ring and tries to pull AA off. That doesn't go so well. Now Joel and the ref get involved, but that turns out to be a mistake. Joel's solution to the problem is to kick AA in the head. Archangel releases, only to lunge at Joel, resulting in a brawl. Remo tries to help Squeeky up, but that only results in a brawl as well. The show ends with the four wrestlers trying to kill each other in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] Well, actually, the show ends with the announcers hyping the card for "Wargames": Tim Westybrook vs. Black Hat Bailey ([COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR]) Angry Gilmore, Melody Cuthill, & Principessa vs. "The Glass Ceiling" ([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) Skull DeBones vs. a mystery opponent ([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) Archangel vs. Joel Kovach in an [COLOR="Purple"]"I Quit" [/COLOR]match ([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) High Concept vs. the Lords of War for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR]) Jack Bruce vs. Eddie Peak ([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) Remo vs. Squeeky McClean for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] A good go-home show, I think. Tim probably should have made an appearance, but that's okay. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] DARK: [I]Andre Jones defeated American Elemental to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] DARK: [I]The Problem Solvers defeated Flashback[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Steve Frehley[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Jack Bruce defeated Rich Money[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]The Lords of War defeated Eric Eisen & Christian Faith [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Remo & Archangel defeated Squeeky McClean & Joel Kovach[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Once again, predictions are always welcome, comments are always appreciated.
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[b]Tim Westybrook[/b] vs. Black Hat Bailey [i]I like Black Hat, but I don't see him winning this one[/i] [b]Angry Gilmore, Melody Cuthill, & Principessa[/b] vs. "The Glass Ceiling" [i]Gotta love the underdogs, specially if they're hot[/i] Skull DeBones vs. [b]a mystery opponent[/b] [i]I reckon its Wolf Hawkins... he ALWAYS gets released from TCW despite being the boss's protege. Wins thanks to Mr Nuclear :)[/i] [b]Archangel[/b] vs. Joel Kovach in an "I Quit" match [i]Just because....[/i] [b]High Concept[/b] vs. the Lords of War for the SWF Tag Team Championship [i]Retirement? Lets get on with it then.[/i] Jack Bruce vs. [b]Eddie Peak[/b] [i]Go Peak! Get that TCW traitor![/i] [b]Remo[/b] vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [i]DESTROYER!!! wOOt![/i]
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[B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Black Hat Bailey (C) A Fav character of mine so have to pick him, even if I think Black Hat's going to win. But I feel your trying to push him to be over and using Black Hat to do it. [B]Angry Gilmore, Melody Cuthill, & Principessa[/B] vs. "The Glass Ceiling" (B) Hard one, and not sure who I want to win. Going with the face win with a beatdown by the heels after. Love Angry Gilmore, Melody Cuthill and Devine and BLZ Bubb, but I love Gilmore and Cuthill more than Bubb so going with them. Skull DeBones vs. [B]a mystery opponent [/B](A) Mystery Opponent wins, who it is I'm not sure. I'll guess Human Arsenal, Johnny Bloodstone, Nemesis for a big surprise maybe. Archangel vs. [B]Joel Kovach [/B]in an "I Quit" match (B+) Not sure if your actually gonna sack the loser, just keep them off screen but I think if Archangel wins, unless Emma's got someone else to protect her, it's too easy an ending to the storyline. [B]High Concept [/B]vs. the Lords of War for the SWF Tag Team Championship (B+) Seeing as your thinking of Jobbing out Agony I think it was, going with a High Concept Win. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Eddie Peak (A) Don't know, not high on Eddie Peak. Just seems like a brute, nothing more to his character. Never use Jack Bruce either but always wanted too. Suppose it's my determination to never play TCW or SWF, and make a company as big as them instead. [B]Remo[/B] vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) Looks like you prefer long title reigns, and I don't see you changing your view with Remo who I don't see as a transitional Champion.
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From SWF.com - [QUOTE] [CENTER]Be sure to order [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Wargames"[/COLOR][/SIZE] this Thursday, only on Pay-Per-View![/CENTER] Featuring ... [B]Tim Westybrook vs. Black Hat Bailey [/B] Tim Westybrook set his sights on beating Black Hat Bailey once, and now the veteran wants to get his revenge. Will Black Hat pour cold water on Tim's hot streak? Or will Tim pick up another win? [B]Angry Gilmore, Melody Cuthill, & Principessa vs. "The Glass Ceiling" (BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine)[/B] The men have always stayed one step ahead of the ladies in this feud. Will they resort to underhanded tactics again on Thursday? Or will Melody, Principessa, and Angry shatter the glass ceiling? [B]Skull DeBones vs. a mystery opponent[/B] Most veterans will tell you the best way to prepare for a big match is to scout your opponent. How well will Skull do since he doesn't even know who he's going to face? Who has Farrah Hesketh brought to the SWF? Can Skull defeat whoever it is? [B]Archangel vs. Joel Kovach in an "I Quit" match[/B] Ever since Emma Chase broke his heart, Archangel has been bound and determined to get his revenge. Now his former friend, Joel Kovach, is standing in his way. Joel has stated that he wants to go after the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. For one of these men, those dreams will end forever at "Wargames". Whoever submits and quits is gone for good! [B]High Concept vs. the Lords of War for the SWF Tag Team Championship[/B] The Lords have conducted a guerrila war against the champs, and High Concept has retaliated with a prank war of their own. Who will come out on top in this match? Who will walk away with the gold? [B]Jack Bruce vs. Eddie Peak[/B] Eddie continues to make a spalsh in the SWF but Jack Bruce is bound and determined to put an end to it all. But he's got an uphill battle since Eddie has won just about every time they've faced off. Can Jack pull out a victory, or has he met his match in Eddie Peak? [B]Remo vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/B] In a surprise upset, Remo took the belt from Squeeky two weeks ago on [I]Invasion![/I] and now, Squeeky wants it back. Will Squeeky resort to his usual "clean" fighting style to get the belt back? Will Remo be able to power his way through to retain the championship? Order "Wargames" this Thursday and find out the answer to all these questions![/QUOTE]
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[B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Black Hat Bailey [B]Angry Gilmore, Melody Cuthill, & Principessa[/B] vs. "The Glass Ceiling" With a post match beatdown by "The Glass Ceiling" Skull DeBones vs. [B]a mystery opponent[/B] Archangel vs. [B]Joel Kovach[/B] in an "I Quit" match After some interference from Emma [B]High Concept[/B] vs. the Lords of War for the SWF Tag Team Championship Out with the old.... [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Eddie Peak Don't know why, just a feeling [B]Remo[/B] vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship Remo!
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[CENTER]SWF presents ... [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Wargames"[/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]Thursday of Week 2, November 2006[/I] Held at the Dust Bowl in the South East Territory 14,250 in attendance[/CENTER] [U][B]DARK MATCHES[/B][/U] 1) [B]FLASHBACK vs. TEXAS PETE & RICH MONEY[/B] A great opening match, one that got the crowd jumping immediately. WINNER: [B]Texas Pete & Rich Money[/B] in 7:01 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. SAM KEITH[/B] The night is off to a really good start! While there wasn't enough selling in this match, it kept the crowd on the edge of their seats, especially as Sam get Eric in the Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith[/B] in 6:48 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) Jessie shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) We start with a graphic, reminding the crowd that tonight's main event is Squeeky McClean taking on Remo for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 2) Squeeky McClean is backstage being interviewed by Ana Garcia. Squeeky does his level best to convince the crowd that he really is a clean guy who deserves the championship, but the crowd doesn't seem that into the promo. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Tim Westybrook is warming up backstage when Black Hat jumps into the locker room and clocks him over the back of the head with a set of brass knuckles. He then stomps on Tim for a while before escaping. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) A video plays, hyping the feud that's develoepd between Tim and Black Hat. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. BLACK HAT BAILEY[/B] Tim played up the effects of being beaten up backstage. Black Hat dominated the match in the early going, working on Tim's legs and knees primarily. This led to a few near falls, but even after Tim kicked out of the pins, Black Hat didn't look too concerned. That changed when it became clear that Tim was recovering. He began to fight back more and more with each passing second. Pretty soon, Black Hat was on the run, trying to avoid Tim. But in the end, Tim finished him off. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] in 13:02 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 6) BLZ Bubb, Darryl Devine, and Joe Sexy taunt Angry, Melody, and Principessa. They say that they'll be sure to bring some extra-strength aspirin to the ring since the girls are bound to get headaches from slamming into the glass ceiling so often. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) A video plays, hyping the feud between Jack Bruce and Eddie Peak. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. EDDIE PEAK[/B] A really good match! These two kept after each other, Eddie strutting and confident while Jack looked relaxed and ready to fight. They tore it up from one end of the ring to the other until finally, Jack hit the New York Minute for the win. WINNER: [B]Jack Bruce[/B] in 14:48 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Having finally won one against Eddie, Jack celebrates his win in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) A video airs hyping the match between Angry, Melody, and Principessa and BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 11) [B]MELODY CUTHILL, PRINCIPESSA, & ANGRY GILMORE vs. BLZ BUBB, DARRYL DEVINE, & JOE SEXY[/B] The match started out nice and orderly, but that soon changed as all six individuals started brawling in and around the ring. Weapons were used, people were knocked out, until finally, the only two left standing in the ring were a very tired Joe Sexy and Melody Cuthill. They eyed each other warily and then attacked. They only succeeded in knocking each other out and they stayed down for a 10 count. WINNER: [B]No one (Draw)[/B] in 13:39 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) Remo delivers a stinging promo against Squeeky McClean, telling him that his glory days are over. The title isn't going anywhere! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 13) Archangel is shown walking to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) A video airs, reminding viewers of how Emma Chase broke Archangel's heart, how Joel Kovach intervened afterwards, and how it led to this "I Quit", double career match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 15) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. JOEL KOVACH [/B]in an [COLOR="Purple"]"I Quit" Match[/COLOR] I'm worried that this might turn out to be the match of the night, and we're only about halfway home! It was simply phenomenal. Peter Michaels explained that the idea was that you could do just about anything to your opponent to soften him up until he said the magic words "I Quit." Both Archangel and Joel kept after each other, throwing each other into the ring posts, security railings, dropping each other onto the ring steps then locked in holds and waited for the other to quit. At one point, after Archangel refused to quit, Joel dropped him on the mat and rolled out of the ring. He retrieved a table and slid it under the bottom rope and set it up. He then picked up Archangel and was going to do an Old School Drop through the table, but Archangel reversed it at the last minute and somehow came up with Joel in the Wing Clip. Joel screamed as Archangel yelled for him to submit. That's when Jerry Eisen asked, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What are you doing?"[/COLOR] and the fans at home heard a mic hit the table. Emma Chase appeared in the ring and she hit Archangel over the back of the head. She might as well have hit a brick wall. Archangel sat up straight, released Joel, and turned on Emma. Emma's eyes grew wide and she backed away, pleading with Archangel to leave her alone. Archangel snared her by her hair, drew her in close, and then drove her through the table with a Fall From Grace. The crowd exploded with cheers. Archangel stares at the broken table and Emma in shock. He turns back to Joel only to get kicked in the gut. Joel then got Archangel into some choke hold that caused Peter Michaels to scream [COLOR="darkgreen"]"What is that? What does he call that?"[/COLOR]. Archangel tried to break the hold, but finally, when it became clear that Joel was trying to break his neck, Archangel whispered, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I quit." [/COLOR]The ref called for the bell. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach[/B] in 21:18 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 16) A video plays hyping the feud between the Lords of War and High Concept. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 17) [B]HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. THE LORDS OF WAR[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] A really good match. Better than I expected from the Lords of Snore. And I guess I have to be careful what I say. Apparently a rumor got out on the Internet that the Lords would be leaving soon. The fans apparently heard about that. After the match, they started to sing the "Good-bye" song to the Lords. Whoops. WINNERS: [B]High Concept[/B] in 13:55 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 18) Skull DeBones is warming up backstage when Nevada Nuclear comes in. Skull instructs Nevada to watch and see how it's done. Nevada says he'll watch all right. As Skull leaves, Nevada smiles craftily. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 19) Archangel comes out to the ring and takes the mic. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I never thought I would say it. If you would have asked me earlier tonight if I was going to quit, I would have said never. No way. I'll never quit; not on my fans, not on my self, not for any reason. And Joel, get it out of your head if you think that you made me quit. Your move hurt, but that's not what made me say it. No, I quit because of what I've become. "I've always prided myself on abiding by a strict code of honor and tonight, I realized how far from that code I'd strayed. Yes, Emma hurt me badly, but that's no excuse for what I did to her. And as I was lying on the mat being choked out, I realized, I had to quit. I had to leave so I could get back in touch with myself and find myself again. "So thank you for all of your support. But good-bye."[/COLOR] With that, Archangel gets out of the ring. A few fans yell for him not to go and the others cheer as if hoping that will change his mind. Archangel says nothing as he goes through the backstage area. Eric Eisen, Christian Faith, and even Remo find him and say good-bye and thank him for what he's done. Before Archangel can leave, though, Steve Frehley finds him. Steve begs Archangel not to leave, that he doesn't have to go. Steve urges him to stay and fight, to talk to Richard Eisen and the board of directors. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"There has to be a way to make this right!"[/COLOR] Archangel doesn't say a word but instead, opens the door and leaves the arena. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 20) Skull DeBones is now in the ring and he reiterates his challenge to whoever the newest worker is. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You may think you're going to make a splash here, whoever you are, but your losing streak starts tonight with me!"[/COLOR] Farrah Hesketh comes out and smirks at Skull. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"You seem really eager, Skull, but you won't be for long. Allow me to introduce my new client and the newest SWF superstar .... [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B]."[/COLOR] Ricky comes out and Skull's jaw drops open. I swear, his skin became as white as his skull-mask. Oddly, the fans didn't get as excited as I thought they would. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge and reveal 21) [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. SKULL DeBONES[/B] The crowd got excited when they saw Ricky work, though. The former TCW star kept after Skull the whole time. This time, it was Skull who kept looking around like he was expecting someone to come out and help. But nobody showed up and even though Skull was able to fight off Ricky for a while, Ricky finally hit him with the Southern Justice. WINNER: [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] in 16:54 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 22) Remo is warming up backstage when he looks up and sees Joel Kovach watching him. Joel comes up and wishes Remo luck. He adds, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Don't get too attached to holding the gold. By the end of 2006, you won't have it anymore."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 23) [B]REMO (c) vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] These two pulled through, almost to the point where the crowd forgot what happened during the "I Quit" match. Squeeky used every dirty trick in the book and came close to pinning Remo a number of times, but in the end, Jerry Eisen called it by screaming triumphantly, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"THE DESTROYER!"[/COLOR] WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 18:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Wow. There was just a few complaints about Black Hat Bailey being overused. Otherwise, what a show. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Wargames"[/COLOR][/U] DARK: [I]Texas Pete & Rich Money defeated Flashback[/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] DARK: [I]Sam Keith defeated Eric Eisen[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Tim Westybrook defeated Black Hat Bailey[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Jack Bruce defeated Eddie Peak[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Melody Cuthill, Principessa, and Angry Gilmore drew with BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Archangel[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]High Concept defeated the Lords of War to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Skull DeBones[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Remo defeated Squeeky McClean to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 2, November 2006 (airs on Friday)[/I] Held at the President’s Hall in Puerto Rico 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [I]Once again, I took advantage of the fact that Warzone is taped before the PPV. Many of these segments were actually taped but not shown to the good folks of Puerto Rico, simply because we didn’t want to give anything about the PPV away.[/I] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] 1) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] You know, I find it funny that the road agents keep telling me that “Delirious Dan seemed off his game tonight” when I know that Delirious Dan has no game to be off of. Tim was able to carry Double-D through a below average match. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook [/B]in 7:05 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 2) [B]ROBBIE RETRO vs. SAM KEITH[/B] A good opening bout, one that ended with the ‘70s Stud in a Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 6:54 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) Blonde Bombshell shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) Richard Eisen comes out and thanks the people of Puerto Rico for another warm reception. He goes on to say that Warzone is growing significantly. It’s now being shown around the world since the SWF has recently signed deals with a number of overseas TV stations to air the broadcasts pretty much all over the world. Richard goes on to say that due to that growth, it’s been decided to add another title to the SWF: The SWF Warmaster Title. This title will only be defended on Warzone. He goes on to say that a number of wrestlers have been invited to participate in a ladder match in the main even to determine who will be the first holder of the Warmaster Title. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]BRETT BIGGZ vs. JOE SEXY[/B] A pretty decent match. Brett’s winning streak is alive and well! WINNER: [B]Brett Biggz [/B]in 10:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Richard Eisen is on his cell phone, congratulating himself for coming up with the Warmaster Title, when the door is kicked open and Freddie Datsun storms inside. He gets in Richard’s face and demands to know why he wasn’t able to take part in the Warmaster Ladder Match later tonight. Richard points out that Freddie already has a title. Freddie gets even angrier, saying that he knows he has a title, that he’s been defending his title on Warzone just about every week and nowhere else. He complains how he’s the reason why Warzone is so successful, yet this is how he’s repaid. Richard warns Freddie that he’s coming dangerously close to crossing a line and orders him out of the office and get ready for his match tonight. Freddie leaves. A second later, the door is kicked open again, and this time, it’s Joel Kovach. He says that he’s ready to take on Remo for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Richard tells him to back off, that he has other plans for the championship right now. Joel is stunned and asks if Emma Chase has said anything to Richard at all. Richard says he hasn’t heard from Emma since her so-called wedding. Joel leaves the office, fuming. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for Freddie & Joel 4) Skull DeBones finds Nevada Nuclear backstage and demands to know what his problem is. Why didn’t he help at the Pay-Per-View? Nevada smiles smugly and says, “I thought you could handle anything, Skull. Looks like you know what it’s like to be left hanging now, huh?” Skull gets in Nevada’s face and says, “Apparently you need to learn some respect. Meet me in the ring later so I can beat it into you.” RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Freddie Datsun is in the ring. He says that he knows he’s supposed to face Johnny Martin tonight and once again defend his North American Championship. He goes on to say that he would much rather be in the ladder match later tonight. He says he’s frustrated and angry, so he apologizes to Johnny Martin. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Sorry, kid, but I need to take out my frustration on somebody!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) [B]FREDDIE DATSUN (c) vs. JOHNNY MARTIN [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Freddie slaughtered Johnny in this match. It was really hard to watch. He didn’t let up, even when the ref tried to pull him off of the other wrestler. In the end, Johnny couldn’t stop Freddie from hitting the Patriot Press. WINNER: [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Johnny is lying on the mat, trying to recover. Freddie is about to leave the ring, but he stops, and looks back at his opponent. Rather than leave, he walks over and starts stomping on Johnny over and over and over, finally laying him out by hitting him over the head with his title belt. The turn went pretty well, I’m told. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) [B]SKULL DeBONES vs. NEVADA NUCLEAR[/B] Turns out, these to have great chemistry together, and it really made a for a good match. Skull dominated Nevada the whole time, beating on him and throwing him around. Strangely, Nevada didn’t seem that upset by it. Instead, he had a ****y smirk on his face the whole time, one that made Skull angrier and angrier as the match progressed. That smirk made Duane Fry wonder why Nevada was so happy. We eventually learned why. As Skull was setting Nevada up for a Skull Krusher, the Blonde Bombshell hopped up on the ring apron and distracted the ref. While he ordered her down, Joey Minnesota ran out to the ring and attacked Skull, taking him down. Nevada, who didn’t look like he could stand, fell onto Skull and the ref counted it as a pin. WINNER: [B]Nevada Nuclear [/B]in 7:51 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. RICH MONEY vs. ERIC EISEN vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. BLZ BUBB vs. TEXAS PETE[/B] in [COLOR="Purple"]a ladder match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] This was a great match and a great way to end the show. Well, almost end it. A lot of these guys were exhausted by the end, but they really put it all on the line, throwing each other off the ladder, pulling out more ladders to use as weapons, double and even triple teaming each other at times. In the end, though, Eric was the one who climbed to the top of the ladder and pulled down the new Warmaster belt. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen [/B]in 28:39 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) As Eric is celebrating his win in the ring, Freddie Datsun charges the ring and attacks him. Eric is so tired, he can’t defend himself. That’s when Mainstream Hernandez charges the ring and chases Freddie out of there. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Huh. Texas Pete was slightly overused. Weird. But it increased our popularity, so I can’t complain. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] DARK: [I]Tim Westybrook defeated Delirious Dan [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] DARK: [I]Sam Keith defeated Robbie Retro [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Brett Biggz defeated Joe Sexy [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Freddie Datsun defeated Johnny Martin to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Nevada Nuclear defeated Skull DeBones [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Eric Eisen defeated Rich Money, Steve Frehley, Christian Faith, BLZ Bubb, and Texas Pete to become [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 3, November 2006[/I] Held at The Gorski Ballroom in the South West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] 1) [B]ROBBIE RETRO vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] Ugh. Not a good match, and once again, Dan was off his non-existant game. WINNER: [B]Robbie Retro[/B] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 2) [B]AMERICAN ELEMENTAL & CHRIS GORDON vs. THE LORDS OF WAR[/B] The jobbing of the Lords begins now. This match was actually better than I expected. WINNER: [B]American Elemental & Chris Gordon [/B]in 6:31 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 3) The Blonde Bombshell shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]LIVE SHOW[/U][/B] 1) Richard Eisen comes out and says that it's time to determine a new Number One Contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. About a year ago this time, the SWF held a tournament to determine the Number One Contender, so we're going to do that again! And it's going to start .... right now! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN[/B] in a tournament match for the Number One Contender A great way to open the show. Ricky and Squeeky went after each other. Squeeky played the cowardly (yet frustrated) heel to the hilt, trying to weasel his way into a win. But in the end, he couldn't escape Southern Justice. WINNER: [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] in 11:49 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) Emma Chase hypes up the fact that tonight, we'll see a rematch between Angry Gilmore, Melody Cuthill, and Principessa vs. BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine. Before she's done speaking, though, Joel Kovach comes to ringside and starts screaming at her. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I thought you said you would arrange a title shot for me against Remo if I took care of Archangel!"[/COLOR] Emma tries to calm him down, saying that Richard wouldn't take her calls but that she was able to pull a few strings and get him into the tournament. Joel says that's not good enough. Then Emma loses her cool and says, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Well, you did a great job of protecting me! Remind me to send you my doctor bill from when Archangel drove me through that table!"[/COLOR] Joel comes in very close and says, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"You're just lucky he's gone. I'm through with you."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the hype; [COLOR="blue"]A [/COLOR]for the argument 4) Speaking of Archangel, a video tribute is aired, highlighting his all-too-brief career in the SWF. It finishes with Jerry Eisen saying, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Good luck, Archangel, in whatever you do now."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 5) BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine are backstage and looking very upset. They get into a major argument over what they're going to do about the rematch tonight. BLZ Bubb points out that these women aren't the pushovers he thought they'd be. Darryl even suggests that they give up. Joe refuses, though, saying that he's not going to be beaten by some chicks. He says to trust him, he has everything under control. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) Tim Westybrook comes out to the ring. He says that he's beaten Black Hat Bailey, which is precisely what he set out to do. So now he's setting his sites on a bigger target: Enforcer Roberts. He warns Enforcer to watch his back, becuase Tim is coming for him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 7) Blonde Bombshell is walking backstage when Skull DeBones appears beside her. He asks her where Nevada is and she plays dumb, saying she doesn't have a clue. Skull's eyes narrow dangerously and he leans in close. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I know you're the one who's been poisoning him against me, woman. You'd best watch your attitude or I'll change it for you."[/COLOR] Bombshell laughs at him, saying that she isn't too worried. Skull growls and says, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"We'll see."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) [B]MELODY CUTHILL, PRINCIPESSA, & ANGRY GILMORE vs. BLZ BUBB, DARRYL DEVINE, & JOE SEXY[/B] These guys are putting on some great matches, just like I knew they could. The "Glass Ceiling" seemed a little wary at first, but tossing around the women for a little while and keeping them from tagging in Angry seemed to lift their spirits. But then the girls began to fight back. Principessa, who was worked over in the early going of the match, got Melody tagged in. She took out Darryl pretty handily, and when it seemed like she was in trouble, she tagged in Angry, who really cleaned house. It seemed like he was a lock to win the match for sure. But then Texas Pete hit the ring. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What is he doing here?"[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen cried. While BLZ Bubb distracted the ref, Texas hit Angry over the head with a blackjack, knocking him cold. Darryl covered him and Tex got out of there. WINNER: [B]BLZ Bubb, Darryl Devine, and Joe Sexy [/B]in 10:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Richard Eisen is in his office when Jack Bruce comes in. He says that he's proud of his win over Eddie Peak, but he wants to prove to himself, to the fans, and especially to Eddie that it wasn't a fluke. He wants to face Eddie one more time at "Christmas Clash". Richard says he'll think about it. Jack says that's all he asks and leaves. Richard turns back to his work, only to be interrupted again as Freddie Datsun comes into the office. Freddie asks, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Surprised to see me on [I]Invasion[/I]? The fans probably are!"[/COLOR] He then goes into a tirade about how horrible Richard has treated him. Before it can go on too long, Richard cuts him off and berates him for interrupting him. Richard goes on to book Freddie in a tag team match against Remo and his son and the new SWF Warmaster, Eric Eisen. Richard says that he'll be generous and let Freddie pick his own partner. Freddie leaves, looking upset. Richard tries to get to work again, but he's interrupted a third time, this time by Eddie Peak. Eddie says he wants Jack Bruce in a match.... Before he can finish, Richard sighs and agrees. It'll be Jack Bruce vs. Eddie Peak at Christmas Clash. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for Jack's request, Freddie's tirade, and Eddie's request 10) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. SAM KEITH[/B] in a tournament match for the Number One Contender These two put on another awesome match. Really well done. Steve tried to set Sam up for the Frehley's Comet, but wound up in the Proton Lock instead. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 11:28 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) After the match was over, Steve went over to shake Sam's hand, but Sam blows him off and walks away. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) Freddie Datsun finds Enforcer Roberts backstage and asks to hire him as a tag partner for the main event. Enforcer haggles with him over the price and when Freddie agrees to pay, Enforcer says he has his man. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) [B]REMO & ERIC EISEN vs. FREDDIE DATSUN & ENFORCER ROBERTS[/B] Marv Earnest made some lame comment at the beginning of the match about how much gold was at ringside. It might have been a good line, but Marv butchered it horribly. The match itself was excellent. Lots of action, lots of near falls. At one point, Enforcer Roberts seemed in control of Eric Eisen and was getting ready to pin him when Tim Westybrook came out of the back and stood at the ring entrance, smiling and waving. It distracted Enforcer long enough that Eric was able to roll him up. Before the ref could make the count, though, Freddie came in and broke it up. Tim laughed and went to the back again. In the end, Freddie low-blowed Eric and then hit him in the Patriot Press. WINNER: Freddie Datsun & Enforcer Roberts in 13:05 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) As the show went off the air, the announcers said that on the next Warzone, we'd see two more matches for the Number One Contender tournament: Christian Faith vs. Joel Kovach ([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) Elmo Benson vs. Rich Money ([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] I can hardly believe it's almost been a year since I took over booking. Seems longer in some ways. Shorter too. Isn't that weird. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] DARK: [I]Robbie Retro defeated Delirious Dan[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] DARK: [I]American Elemental & Chris Gordon defeated the Lords of War[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Squeeky McClean[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]BLZ Bubb, Joe Sexy, and Darryl Devine defeated Melody Cuthill, Principessa, and Angry Gilmore[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Steve Frehley[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Freddie Datsun & Enforcer Roberts defeated Remo & Eric Eisen[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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