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RPG Dynasty Idea?

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Hopefully this isn't an old thing but I've been tossing this idea around in my head and thought I'd share it to see if anyone cares to throw in their opinions


The basic idea is like this:


One person would be the overseer. They run the game, do the bookings, etc. In the world of tabletop RPG I supposed they'd be the DM, but since it's TEW let's call them the GM


A number of other people then create a character to represent them in the GM's game. They give a bio, choose a pic, and allocate points into stats


GM then creates a promotions and adds their characters to it.


Popularity could be randomly assigned (relevent to promotion size), or everyone could start out the same. Not sure which is more useful


The plan is that the GM will book an event after a certain period of time and run it. The GM chooses who faces who, but the AI selects who wins.


Until the event runs is where the players get to have their fun, though. Actions are sent to the GM and each worker gets to carry out 1 basic action, as well as spend XP and RUB points on other things. Ideas for those below.


XP and RUB would be different types of points that are given out for different things. Successful actions or match wins would result in RUB + XP, whereas Failed actions or losses only result in XP. All of these would be arbitrary, but my thoughts are that in general losses yields more XP than wins (whatever doesn't kill you...), which should mean that everyone benefits in different ways, no matter if they're winning or not.



  • Cut a promo

  • Attack a worker

  • Protect a worker

  • Be on guard

  • Interrupt a match (run-in, distract)

  • Form a tag-team

  • ???


RUB is a mythical currency that can be spent to

  • Trade with other players (buy their protection, form an alliance, etc.)

  • Enhance basic actions (turn a basic worker attack into a hit and run, increasing the chances of it)

  • Do special actions (not sure what these would be)

  • Put you in overwatch (better chance of defending yourself from surprise attacks while you do another action)

  • Influence the DM (e.g., bribe your way to title shot)

  • Change gimmicks

  • Swerves!

  • Heal injuries

  • Post-match beatdowns

  • Resolve tie breakers (e.g., if two people request a title shot, the person who puts more RUB on the line wins)

  • Anything you can think of, at the GM's discretion! (Like maybe even hire a lackey if you had enough of it)


XP can be spent to

  • Increase any stat (some capped)

  • Decrease negative traits

  • Can not be used to increase popularity


I guess the motivation would be to get yourself over to acquire RUB, and you want the RUB so you've got more actions and more chance of being successful and getting over. If you're not getting over, then you'd be getting XP, which gives you a better chance of improving your stats which improves your performance, hence leading to more RUB and the cycle continues...


I dunno, I don't really have much knowledge of role playing games and their mechanics (and how they break), but it seems like something that could be mashed together to work in an interactive dynasty format somehow :p

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Hopefully this isn't an old thing but I've been tossing this idea around in my head and thought I'd share it to see if anyone cares to throw in their opinions


The basic idea is like this:


One person would be the overseer. They run the game, do the bookings, etc. In the world of tabletop RPG I supposed they'd be the DM, but since it's TEW let's call them the GM


A number of other people then create a character to represent them in the GM's game. They give a bio, choose a pic, and allocate points into stats


GM then creates a promotions and adds their characters to it.


Popularity could be randomly assigned (relevent to promotion size), or everyone could start out the same. Not sure which is more useful


The plan is that the GM will book an event after a certain period of time and run it. The GM chooses who faces who, but the AI selects who wins.


Until the event runs is where the players get to have their fun, though. Actions are sent to the GM and each worker gets to carry out 1 basic action, as well as spend XP and RUB points on other things. Ideas for those below.


XP and RUB would be different types of points that are given out for different things. Successful actions or match wins would result in RUB + XP, whereas Failed actions or losses only result in XP. All of these would be arbitrary, but my thoughts are that in general losses yields more XP than wins (whatever doesn't kill you...), which should mean that everyone benefits in different ways, no matter if they're winning or not.



  • Cut a promo

  • Attack a worker

  • Protect a worker

  • Be on guard

  • Interrupt a match (run-in, distract)

  • Form a tag-team

  • ???


RUB is a mythical currency that can be spent to

  • Trade with other players (buy their protection, form an alliance, etc.)

  • Enhance basic actions (turn a basic worker attack into a hit and run, increasing the chances of it)

  • Do special actions (not sure what these would be)

  • Put you in overwatch (better chance of defending yourself from surprise attacks while you do another action)

  • Influence the DM (e.g., bribe your way to title shot)

  • Change gimmicks

  • Swerves!

  • Heal injuries

  • Post-match beatdowns

  • Resolve tie breakers (e.g., if two people request a title shot, the person who puts more RUB on the line wins)

  • Anything you can think of, at the GM's discretion! (Like maybe even hire a lackey if you had enough of it)


XP can be spent to

  • Increase any stat (some capped)

  • Decrease negative traits

  • Can not be used to increase popularity


I guess the motivation would be to get yourself over to acquire RUB, and you want the RUB so you've got more actions and more chance of being successful and getting over. If you're not getting over, then you'd be getting XP, which gives you a better chance of improving your stats which improves your performance, hence leading to more RUB and the cycle continues...


I dunno, I don't really have much knowledge of role playing games and their mechanics (and how they break), but it seems like something that could be mashed together to work in an interactive dynasty format somehow :p


I've been thinking about a concept similar to this for a while now, putting together this type of thing and playing it with some friends. I like the idea and will be following along :)

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Glad to see there's some interest! I'm seriously considering setting one up, although the rules are still a bit murky in my head. Definitely wouldn't want to botch the whole thing :)


If anyone has their own thoughts of how something like this could work (or moreso, where it could go wrong), feel free to shout em out! I'm sure there's plenty of people who are far more experienced with running and participating in this kinda stuff than me after all :p

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