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The GDS Pokemon League Challenge

Derek B

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Went into GAME today and ordered my new 3DS, also bought Xenoblade (which I cannot play until I get said New 3DS), as soon as I walked in, I noticed the undertale soundtrack playing over comms, and I never wanted to leave. Anywho, got two Mew code's eventually and left. Also think I have a ghetto internet solution set up in my Uni room so fingers crossed that its stable enough for battles. xD
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So after having a GREAT morning catching Rayquasa on the second turn. "squeeee"


I came across a very nifty thing.




With this link it takes you to a forum, the top post has two google images linked to it.


In each link are 6 QR codes. They lead to six super secret bases with Blissy in them.


If you don't have the Level release (get at battle resort after getting the SS ticket) they will be level 50, if you get this item you activate it in each base and they become level 100


I'm not sure if the post tells you, but after you register the coes, you have to wait till after midnight the day after you activate them to go battle them.



Each battle is a three v three with Blissys with no attacking moves, and each holding a toxic orb. They will do no damage to you.




So with that and Lucky coins, and these...o-powers. Leveling will be super easy.




Enjoy. ;)

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* jaunty music plays *


Today, our "hero" was travelling around and having fun doing nothing in particular as they chased a random Mew off into the distance... when suddenly he walked facefirst into another trainer in the wild by the name of Melty. :p She seemed a little startled but soon an electrifying battle took place that say our "hero" pick up a win and immediately steal half of her money when she wasn't looking.


After being chased down for a rematch, our "hero" threw pokemon after pokemon at the other trainer and managed to escape with another 50% of her money (deciding to round the odd number down) before running away to live another day.


Just what adventures/crimes await our hero in future? Stay tuned, to find out! :D

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The battle begins


Challanger #1 enters Porygon 2 The gym leader brings out a Manectric. Manectric tries her hardest but just wasn't a match for the clearly stronger Porygon 2.


Enter Luxray The gym leader brings out her beloved Luxray. as she whispers "you can do it" Luxray gets that knowing look in her eye and downs the Porygon 2.


The challenger thinks for a moment, and decides on Gengar. Still slightly weak from the previous battle with Porygon 2 Luxray falls to the massive Gengar.


ZEBSTRIKA You are the last hope. With great sadness Zebstrika falls quickly. It was a grand effort but the challenger was just too much.


With great pleasure, and a bit of sadness I'm proud to award the Bolts of Glory badge to the first challenger and victor Derek!




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*** Jaunty music plays ***




Fresh off of winning the Bolts of Glory badge from the charged-up Electric Type Gym Leader, Melty, out "hero" is out going for a stroll in the countryside. After leaving several gates open and forgetting to put out a small campfire, our "hero" kicks a rock in the hopes that it is a Geodude.... but sadly it is not.


Taking much of the rest of the day to recover from his hurt foot from the fight, our "hero" find a bit of metal on the floor and awards himself the Abnormal Badge!




Stay tuned as our journey.... continues! :D

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Radioactive Gym Challenge Log


Leader MHero - Crobat, Toxicroak, Gengar


Challenger DerekB - Arbok, Talonflame, Porygon2


The Challenger walked into the gym and locked eyes with the grand leader of all things Poison.


Crobat vs Arbok


Crobat looked to the skies but Arbok was waiting, readying to coil itself up. As Crobat descended from the skies, Arbok struck and Crobat was forced out, replaced by Toxicroak!


Toxicroak vs Arbok


Toxicroak looked to learn from Crobat's mistakes, readying itself up to strike but the same fate befell Toxicroak, being forced out of the battle and replaced by Gengar!


Gengar vs Arbok


Gengar Gengar Flexed into Mega Gengar but Arbok was one step ahead, biting down on M-Gengar and forcing it out of the battle!


Derek then brought out Talonflame. The rest of the battle was viciously one-sided, Talonflame tearing through Crobat & Toxicroak. So well done Challenger Derek!



Radioactive Badge - +5 to Pokemon Radioactiveness



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*fight music plays... no, not the D12 song, just general fight music*


The heroic hero stands tall in the Abnormal Gym awaiting challengers... a few minutes pass and it looks like it will be a day off when suddenly a wild challenger appears!


"Go, Porygon2! Dude, you totally need to download a better nickname", he yells encouragingly as his pet tamagotchi slugs it out with Mr Noodles, the high voltage Electivire! Porygon2 pushes through and wins the fight as the totally r00d challenger sends out Ferrothorn to do battle!


The barbed landmine explodes into action but takes serious damage from Porygon2, forcing the virus checker to remove it from the field of play. "Go Bibarel!", the leader says with a totally straight face. Bibarel dies.


"Damn", as SOFT KITTY takes to the field and Ferrothorn goes into hiding to be replaced by Conkeldurr. SOFT KITTY does not like being petted and runs away at about the same time it gets caught with a fatal blow, leaving us wondering whether SOFT KITTY is alive or dead.


"Well done challenger, here, you've earned the Abnormal Badge!", the leader shouts through gritted teeth, throwing the badge at MHero's face only for the challenger to gracefully catch it, spin around and strike a Vogue-esque pose!



MHero has won the Abnormal Badge!

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Hey guys. My FC is 2724-1599-2935 and name is just Ayden. I'll go through and add everybody now. Does anybody have a Ditto that would be good for breeding that they would like to give me? (Or anything else good. I'm not against charity :p) :) I don't have anything good to give back as my game has been started again by my 7 year old son
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I'm adding you just now. Any particular nature you are looking for? I've got lots of spare dittos and hopefully a nature you might want. :)


Didn't even think about natures. I'm still fairly new to this side of the pokemons :) You choose something

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Cool, I'l send you something over. Your friend safari is a grass type too. Sunkern and Swadloon that I can see just now, will get your third when you're online and after I send you Ditto. If you have any other favourites I can probably find one of that for you and send it over too. :)
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Cool, I'l send you something over. Your friend safari is a grass type too. Sunkern and Swadloon that I can see just now, will get your third when you're online and after I send you Ditto. If you have any other favourites I can probably find one of that for you and send it over too. :)


Oh, good to know. Friend Safaris is another thing I'm not really familiar with. I have Y but I mainly play Alpha Sapphire.


Also, would you be willing to help me evolve my Haunter?

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Friend Safaris are good to collect, can get lots of good pokemon from there if you find someone with good ones in their safari. Here's a link to a good place. :D - https://www.reddit.com/r/friendsafari/


Going to add that to the list of useful links too. :)


EDIT: I think my internet connection is still playing up here... darn BT Internet has taken a beating from the storms lately. :(

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The UNDER Gym Opens!


Deep under the crevices of Pyrite Town, long after the original town was filled in, a group of miners have carved out a mysterious set of rooms. Accessible only through the formally used elevators of the Under, and some tricky navigating of the newly formed caves, a Pokemon Gym appears to be forming.


Challengers will be faced with the sheer power of their surroundings as they face off against the very ground they stand on! In traditional Orre fashion the battles will take place in doubles format, which each side allowed four pokemon each. If they manage to survive without being devoured by the land itself, challengers will be rewarded with...


The Sinking Badge



(Note, I will probably need to schedule in a day in advance for challenges, since I need to travel to a Wi-Fi hotspot xD)

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I was actually doing what's called a Wonderlocke (at request of my son who was playing along with me) so my starter got traded away haha. I don't remember who i picked



I can breed mine if you'd like it. I don't remember what I started with.


Also, I can give you a breeded version of my favorite pokemon a Luxray. :) If you'd like of course.

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I can breed mine if you'd like it. I don't remember what I started with.


Also, I can give you a breeded version of my favorite pokemon a Luxray. :) If you'd like of course.


I will take any freebies :) It's just finding a time when we are both online seeing as I am in NZ :p

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I'm going to be around for most of today. Hoping to challenge a gym leader today if anyone is around and I'm open for challengers to come and take me on too. I can probably help out with some trades if anyone is around too, just turn on the in-game chat feature so we can talk it out there. :)
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