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* NB: Please note that this chat thread is 'stickied' because it's proved to be a useful tool for some users, especially around release time for new games. The chat is not an official part of GDS however.


We have an ongoing IRC channel where you can participate in live chat with other players 24\7 (if you're not familiar with IRC, it's essentially just a chatroom). If you already have an IRC client, connect to irc.quakenet.org (port 6667) and join channel #tew2016 (if you do not, but would like one, check out mirc.org, which has a 30 day free trial of mIRC. Other clients (X-Chat, Irssi, etc) are available and instant messengers such as Trillian have IRC support built-in).


If you're not familiar with IRC at all, fear not! Browser-based access to the chat, which works in exactly the same way, can be found here: > Click Here For Chat . [MH 20.09.18 - The link now takes you to Discord]

Type in any name you like in the 'Nickname' box (no signup required at all, if your name is already taken the client will just add underscores to the end until it isn't!).

Type #tew in the 'Channels' box (it should already be there).

Then hit Join Chat, and you'll be taken to where the action is!



EDIT - Please note that no member of the GDS team will ever ask you for payment details or your license code during a live chat. If someone does ask, they are trying to con you out of money \ your license and should be reported to a moderator.




Rules of The Chat Room


1 - Be respectful. If someone is posting about their work, don’t interrupt with things like “Who cares?” or “I won’t read it anyway”. If the current topic of discussion doesn’t interest you then wait a while or start a new one.


2 - Don’t impersonate GDS Staff. Unless you actually are GDS staff, you will be kicked and possibly banned from the chat room for impersonating members of staff.


3 - Don’t resort to personal insults. Being annoyed is fine but don’t start to attack anyone. This rule especially applies on GDS product launch days, which usually see far higher traffic than the usual chat room regular core (where most rules are often more relaxed). If there is a feature in the game you’re not a fan of then say so, but don’t call out the developers’ skills or attack them directly. Likewise, don't allow personal differences to become flame wars. This isn't acceptable on the boards and will not be tolerated in the chat room either. This will also see a kick & possible ban from the chat-room.


4 - Don’t discuss illegitimate copies of GDS games. We’re all here for one reason - GDS and their games - so don’t attempt to hurt their trade by offering or asking for illegitimate copies of their games. Or any other games, for that matter!


5 - Use appropriate language. We don’t mind the occasional drop of adult language (again, this is more relaxed during the quieter periods) but nothing extreme. If you wouldn’t say it in the presence of your parents/co-workers/adults you do not know, then odds are we’re not going to be too pleased with it in the chat either. Frequent breaking of this rule will result in a kick & eventually ban.


6 - Don’t spam the chat. This goes hand in hand with rule number one but a recent spate of chat spamming leads it to be its own rule now. Discussing your own save and asking for opinions/thoughts on where to go is fine. Spamming the chat and attempting to turn the discussion topic purely into being about your own save is not.


7 - No gimmick posting. By this, I mean don’t put on a character and spam the chat with 'in-character' nonsense. This is not an eFed, and doing that kind of thing for laughs stopped being funny in approximately 4BC.


8 - No blatant advertising. Do not enter the room, throw a link out to a stream or a video channel and then instantly leave. Promoting your stuff is generally ok if you're an active contributor to the chat, but not if it's done in such a way that it's obvious that the promoting of your stuff is your primary reason for being there.

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I can't believe I'm having to address this in a separate post but here goes.


If someone comes into the chat and asks a question/posts something you don't agree with, you do not need to engage with it. You are free to ignore it. Leave the moderating of the chat to the people who are set up to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not really rules here, consider the following as guidelines on chat conduct with tomorrow's release.


1) Don't accuse GDS, Adam, Arlie or anyone else of being unprofessional if the game isn't fully out at the start of the time window listed in chat. If it's not out bang on TIME X then either they're busy doing something else, there are behind the scenes stuff going on or they plain just want to wait.


2) A reminder that attempting to post like you're on some other message board that shall remain nameless will see you instantly kicked and banned. We had a rash of this on demo release day, presumably all by one supremely dedicated person that channeled all their time into attempting to troll a small chatroom for a niche wrestling game rather than putting their time and effort into anything remotely productive.


3) We're going to be doing the same voiced thing we done on demo day. If you join the chat and aren't instantly voiced, select MHero from the chat participants (I'll be at the top with a @ in front of my name) and select query to open up a private chat window. Just let me know you're legit (best way to do this is just to link your GDS profile to me) and then you're good to go!


All other rules apply. Outside of this, free to jump in the room and discuss all things TEW, wrestling or even the miscellaneous!

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Hurry up and take my money!!!!




When is the game going to drop I can't wait I'm going to explode! lol


This wait is killing me it's like watching paint dry (I've been doing that today too!) #bankholidaytasks!


Keep up the good work Adam been a manic fan since the EWR days!!!


Any rough idea of when it will drop, kinda feel like some sort of creep hanging around leering at my computer :-P

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So with the release out now, I'd just like to thank everyone who participated in either the demo chat or the release day chat.


Big thanks also to the following: MrCreative, R0x4ry, TeemuFoundation, Tiberious & wonk (We Are APW) for helping moderate the chat in the busy portions and making sure any troublemakers were dealt with swiftly today (as well as d-lyrium and myself naturally)

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Mod Question



I'm currently working on a real world mod. I thought about adding a handful of small/local promotions to form regional alliances like an indy scene that you could import to the mod seperatly (user pref)


*example Las Vegas Wrestling From The Strip, Golden Gate Championship Wrestling ect. as the Southwest Regional Alliance*


The idea would be to add depth to the mod and create more competition for a local to global game. Is that a stupid idea?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

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