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Pro Wrestling... But Not Quite As You Know It... Continued...

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Profile date: Monday, week 2, February 2011</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="220px-Katarina_Waters_at_TNA_Live.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ab/Katarina_Waters_at_TNA_Live.jpg/220px-Katarina_Waters_at_TNA_Live.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Nikita’s love affair with wrestling began as a child but it wasn’t until the age of 18 when she moved to England from her homeland Germany to get her degree that wrestling as a career became a viable option.</p><p> </p><p>

Age: 30 (10 year pro)</p><p>

Nationality: German (white)</p><p>

Size: Small</p><p>

Style: Entertainer</p><p>

Strengths: Need more scouting</p><p>

Weaknesses: Need more scouting</p><p>

Health: Fully fit</p><p>

Personal issues: None</p><p>

Relationship: Dating Chris Divine</p><p>

Power 500: Unranked</p><p>

Current contracts: PSW (women’s division), ROH (women’s division)</p><p>

Previous employers: None</p><p>

Overall win-draw-loss record: 33-2-29</p><p>

Current win-draw-loss record (PSW): 12-0-3</p><p>

Current win-draw-loss record (ROH): 19-1-19</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


None</p><p> </p><p>



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<p><strong>Next show</strong></p><p> </p><p>


2 shows before Choice of the New Generation</p><p> </p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - AJ Styles (1-1-1) v 'The Outlaw' Christopher Daniels (1-0-2)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION - 'The Informer' Chris Hero (2-0-1) v Kevin Steen (3-0-0)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - James Storm (0-0-3) v Rocky Romero (3-0-0, TV champion)</p><p>

Marty Scurll v Stu Sanders</p><p>

Desperate Measures (Aaron Stevens & Yoshihiro Tajiri) v The Jackson 2 (Matt & Nick Jackson)</p><p>

Pre show - Eddie Colon v TJ Wilson</p><p>

Pre show - Christian York & Joey Matthews v Destrey Lapointe & Julius Turcotte</p><p>

What will be the match of the night?</p>

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<p>GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - <strong>AJ Styles (1-1-1)</strong> v 'The Outlaw' Christopher Daniels (1-0-2)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION - 'The Informer' Chris Hero (2-0-1) v<strong> Kevin Steen (3-0-0)</strong></p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - James Storm (0-0-3) v <strong>Rocky Romero (3-0-0, TV champion)</strong></p><p>

Marty Scurll v <strong>Stu Sanders</strong></p><p>

<strong>Desperate Measures (Aaron Stevens & Yoshihiro Tajiri)</strong> v The Jackson 2 (Matt & Nick Jackson)</p><p>

Pre show - Eddie Colon v <strong>TJ Wilson</strong></p><p>

Pre show - <strong>Christian York & Joey Matthews</strong> v Destrey Lapointe & Julius Turcotte</p><p>

What will be the match of the night? <strong>Hero/Steen</strong></p>

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GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - AJ Styles (1-1-1) v 'The Outlaw' Christopher Daniels (1-0-2)

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION - 'The Informer' Chris Hero (2-0-1) v Kevin Steen (3-0-0)

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - James Storm (0-0-3) v Rocky Romero (3-0-0, TV champion)

Marty Scurll v Stu Sanders

Desperate Measures (Aaron Stevens & Yoshihiro Tajiri) v The Jackson 2 (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Pre show - Eddie Colon v TJ Wilson

Pre show - Christian York & Joey Matthews v Destrey Lapointe & Julius Turcotte

What will be the match of the night? Styles/Daniels for sure

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<p>PRE SHOW</p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Christian York & Joey Matthews defeated Lapointe & Turcotte in 6:09 when Christian York defeated Julius Turcotte by pinfall with a Frog Splash. <strong>51</strong></p><p>

Destrey Lapointe was really off his game.</p><p>

Christian York is improving in rumble skills.</p><p>

Christian York & Joey Matthews’ losing streak ends at 5.</p><p> </p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Eddie Colon defeated TJ Wilson in 6:26 by pinfall with an Outward Rolling Cutter. <strong>47</strong></p><p>

Eddie Colon is improving in rumble skills.</p><p>

TJ Wilson is improving in flying skills.</p><p>

TJ Wilson has lost his last 5 matches.</p><p> </p><p>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="<a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VvuBx7iwD0U" rel="external nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/embed/VvuBx7iwD0U"</a> frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p>

<strong>PSW SUPERSTARS OF WRESTLING</strong></p><p>

Monday, week 2, February 2011</p><p>

Broadcast on Spike TV on Tuesday late night</p><p>

Announcers: Potter, Bret Hart & Dusty Rhodes</p><p>

EKU Alumni Coliseum, Richmond, Kentucky (6,500 capacity)</p><p>

<img alt="f34667e9b1771da03f4ab9723e452e9c.jpg" data-src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f3/46/67/f34667e9b1771da03f4ab9723e452e9c.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

We start Superstars of Wrestling with Continental champion Jimmy Yang in the ring with his challenger at Choice of the New Generation this coming Sunday night Joe Hennig. Both talk about their respect for each other and that they will be leaving the pay per view as champion. Adam Sandler comes out, yawns and says he is bored of them both. He wants Sunday gone out of the way so we can get on with some real action and not suffer the tedium of a young wannabe trying to dethrone a champion much better than him. Hennig is irate of course but Sandler simply leaves. <strong>68</strong></p><p>

Adam Sandler was the real star.</p><p>

Joe Hennig looked dreadful.</p><p>

Joe Hennig is improving at acting.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/jVJpf2a.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/7e2TBED.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/OWSSTue.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/4IyAxzj.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>Desperate Measures v The Jackson 2</strong></p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Desperate Measures defeated The Jackson Two in 8:09 when Aaron Stevens defeated Nick Jackson by submission. <strong>62</strong></p><p>

Matt Jackson is improving at rumble skills.</p><p> </p><p>

We are in the locker room and we see all five of The Outlaws. They search the locker room and find the lockers of CM Punk and Colt Cabana. They break into the lockers, root through their belongings and loot everything they find of value including wallets, watches and even a lottery ticket. BG James then leads the group out, happy with their haul. <strong>46</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/p1yPlvx.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/i0r2qrk.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>GRAPPLER’S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION</strong></p><p><strong>

James Storm (0-0-3) v Rocky Romero (3-0-0, TV champion)</strong></p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Rocky Romero defeated James Storm in 7:41 by submission. <strong>43</strong></p><p>

Rocky Romero seemed off his game.</p><p>

Rocky Romero has won his last 10 matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage and we see Raven lead John Cena and Bray Wyatt in a vicious three on one beating of Chris Jericho. Cena is particular throws some heavy shots, seemingly angry about losing to Jericho last week. Jericho is left battered on the concrete as the three walk off. <strong>46</strong></p><p>

Chris Jericho looked excellent.</p><p>

Bray Wyatt did not look good.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/mJYNyoL.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/eumyesY.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>Marty Scurll v Stu Sanders</strong></p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Marty Scurll drew with Stu Sanders in 8:39 following a double count out. During the match Rocky Romero appeared in the entrance way. His appearance distracted both Scurll and Sanders, who then ended up brawling at ringside and therefore got counted out. Romero left with a smile on his face as Scurll and Sanders glared at each other. <strong>55</strong></p><p>

Scurll and Sanders have good chemistry which lifted the match.</p><p>

Stu Sanders is improving in technical skills.</p><p> </p><p>

In a backstage segment, Randy Orton says how he is looking forward to Lethal where he gets his chance at winning the Continental Championship and doesn’t have to go through the lottery of a twenty man random tag match then battle royal match. <strong>51</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/dHYh57J.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/9QWHGw0.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>GRAPPLER’S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION</strong></p><p><strong>

‘The Informer’ Chris Hero (2-0-1) v Kevin Steen (3-0-0)</strong></p><p>

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Kevin Steen defeated Chris Hero in 13:17 by pinfall with a F-Cinq. <strong>62</strong></p><p>

Kevin Steen has won his last 7 matches.</p><p> </p><p>

In the mobile medical unit, Chris Jericho is having his wounds seen to by the doctor. Jericho is seething, and he says he wants to face The Following at Choice of the New Generation in a handicap match. <strong>81</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/J27bmSW.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/HkBJgVF.jpg</span>with<span>http://imgur.com/2OcxRsP.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>GRAPPLER’S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION</strong></p><p><strong>

AJ Styles (1-1-1) v ‘The Outlaw’ Christopher Daniels (1-0-2, with BG James)</strong></p><p>

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Christopher Daniels defeated AJ Styles in 19:08 by pinfall with a Last Rites. <strong>82 – match of the night</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: B- 75</strong></p><p>

PSW increased popularity in 14 regions.</p><p>

Attendance: 6,500 (sell out)</p><p>

TV rating: 2.57 (up 0.03, new record)</p><p>

Profit: $57,740</p><p>

Destrey Lapointe passed a random drugs test.</p><p> </p><p>


Christopher Daniels beat AJ Styles in Grappler’s League Premier Division</p><p>

Kevin Steen beat Chris Hero in Grappler’s League First Division</p><p>

Marty Scurll drew with Stu Sanders</p><p>

Rocky Romero beat James Storm in Grappler’s League Second Division</p><p>

Desperate Measures beat The Jackson 2</p><p>

Eddie Colon beat TJ Wilson (pre show)</p><p>

Christian York & Joey Matthews beat Destrey Lapointe & Julius Turcotte (pre show)</p>

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Next show



Last show before Choice of the New Generation



PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI FINAL - Drew McIntyre v Ricky Steamboat Jr

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION - 'The Outlaw' Amazing Red (1-0-2) v Eddie Edwards (1-0-2)

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE CONFERENCE - Nate Nickerson (3-0-0) v Ricky Reyes (2-0-1)

Amy Hennig v Nattie Neidhart

Aubriana Lessard v Tiana Ringer

What will be the match of the night?


Each correct prediction is worth 1 point in the monthly standings.

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<p>PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI FINAL - <strong>Eddie Kingston</strong> v Iven Michaud</p><p>

PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI FINAL - Drew McIntyre v <strong>Ricky Steamboat Jr</strong></p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION - <strong>'The Outlaw' Amazing Red (1-0-2)</strong> v Eddie Edwards (1-0-2)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE CONFERENCE - Nate Nickerson (3-0-0) v <strong>Ricky Reyes (2-0-1)</strong></p><p>

Amy Hennig v <strong>Nattie Neidhart</strong></p><p>

<strong>Aubriana Lessard </strong>v Tiana Ringer</p><p>

What will be the match of the night? <strong>Red/Edwards</strong></p>

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<p>PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI FINAL -<strong> Eddie Kingston</strong> v Iven Michaud</p><p>

PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI FINAL -<strong> Drew McIntyre</strong> v Ricky Steamboat Jr</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION -<strong> 'The Outlaw' Amazing Red (1-0-2)</strong> v Eddie Edwards (1-0-2)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE CONFERENCE - <strong>Nate Nickerson (3-0-0)</strong> v Ricky Reyes (2-0-1)</p><p>

Amy Hennig v <strong>Nattie Neidhart</strong></p><p>

Aubriana Lessard v<strong> Tiana Ringer</strong></p><p>

What will be the match of the night? Red/Edwards</p>

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<p><strong>PSW SHOWCASE</strong></p><p>

Friday, week 2, February 2011</p><p>

Horner Hall, Hot Springs, Arkansas (1,850 capacity)</p><p>

<img alt="cityscape_327_c-100.jpg" data-src="https://9968c6ef49dc043599a5-e151928c3d69a5a4a2d07a8bf3efa90a.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/cityscape_327_c-100.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Streamed on psw.com</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aubriana Lessard v Tiana Ringer</strong></p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Aubriana Lessard defeated Tiana Ringer in 7:09 by pinfall with a Wind-Sprint Tackle. <strong>36</strong></p><p>

Aubriana Lessard is improving in technical skills.</p><p>

Tiana Ringer has lost her last 7 matches.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Amy Hennig v Nattie Neidhart</strong></p><p>

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Amy Hennig drew with Nattie Neidhart in 7:56 following a double count out. <strong>32</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRAPPLER’S LEAGUE CONFERENCE</strong></p><p><strong>

Nate Nickerson (0-0-3) v Ricky Reyes (2-0-1)</strong></p><p>

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Ricky Reyes defeated Nate Nickerson in 8:38 by pinfall. <strong>44 – match of the night</strong></p><p>

Nate Nickerson has lost his last 5 matches.</p><p> </p><p>


Eddie Kingston v Iven Michaud</strong></p><p>

With Eddie Kingston in the ring, everyone gets a shock when instead of Iven Michaud’s music being played, we get PSW Owner Potter coming to the ring instead. He calms an irate and confused Eddie Kingston down, saying he’s not here for a fight, he says because of repeated backstage transgressions he has had to suspend Iven Michaud for one month without pay. Potter continues by saying he does not want bad apples in his locker room. Therefore, Eddie Kingston advances to the Youth Championship tournament final by default. Kingston’s expression goes from confusion to irate to joy in the space of a minute. <strong>52</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GRAPPLER’S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION</strong></p><p><strong><strong>

‘The Outlaw’ Amazing Red (1-0-2, with BG James) v Eddie Edwards (1-0-2)</strong></strong></p><p><strong>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Amazing Red defeated Eddie Edwards in 11:19 by pinfall with a Red Eye. </strong><strong><strong>44 – match of the night</strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT SEMI FINAL</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

Drew McIntyre v Ricky Steamboat Jr</strong></strong></p><p><strong>

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Drew McIntyre defeated Ricky Steamboat Jr. in 13:56 by pinfall with an Ego Trip. </strong><strong><strong>44 – match of the night</strong></strong></p><p><strong>

Drew McIntyre has won his last 5 matches.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><strong>Show rating: D 44</strong></strong></p><p><strong>

PSW has lost popularity in Mid South.</strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 1,820</strong></p><p><strong>

Profit: $6,230</strong></p><p><strong>

Nate Nickerson passed a drugs test.</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Next show</strong></p><p> </p><p>

CHOICE OF THE NEW GENERATION 2011</p><p> </p><p>

PSW CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP - 'The Champion of Champions' Jimmy Yang (champion) v Joe Hennig</p><p>

PSW CONTINENTAL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Chicago's Finest (CM Punk & Colt Cabana, champions) v The Outlaws (Amazing Red & Christopher Daniels)</p><p>

PSW WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP - Beth Phoenix (champion) v Rebecca Knox</p><p>

PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP - Drew McIntyre v Eddie Kingston</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - Randy Orton (2-0-1) v 'Highlight Reel' Rob Van Dam (1-0-2)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION - Austin Aries (2-0-1) v Keiji Sakoda (1-0-1)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - Paul London (2-0-1) v Super Dragon (1-0-2)</p><p>

'The Greatest Champion' Chris Jericho v The Followers (Bray Wyatt & John Cena)</p><p>

AJ Styles v 'The Outlaw' Cade Thesz</p><p>

Pre show - 'The Outlaw' BG James v Matt Sydal</p><p>

Pre show - Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero (TV champion)) v The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards</p><p>

Pre show - Lance Storm v Mike Quackenbush</p><p>

What will be the match of the night?</p><p>

What will be the worst match of the night (main show only)?</p><p> </p><p>


The winner of the monthly prediction can choose a random event to happen in the game.</p><p>

The winner of the Choice of the New Generation prediction can choose somebody to profile.</p>

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<p>PSW CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP - <strong>'The Champion of Champions' Jimmy Yang (champion)</strong> v Joe Hennig</p><p>

PSW CONTINENTAL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Chicago's Finest (CM Punk & Colt Cabana, champions) v <strong>The Outlaws (Amazing Red & Christopher Daniels)</strong></p><p>

PSW WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP - <strong>Beth Phoenix (champion)</strong> v Rebecca Knox</p><p>

PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP - <strong>Drew McIntyre</strong> v Eddie Kingston</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - <strong>Randy Orton (2-0-1) </strong>v 'Highlight Reel' Rob Van Dam (1-0-2)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION - <strong>Austin Aries (2-0-1)</strong> v Keiji Sakoda (1-0-1)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - <strong>Paul London (2-0-1)</strong> v Super Dragon (1-0-2)</p><p>

<strong>'The Greatest Champion' Chris Jericho</strong> v The Followers (Bray Wyatt & John Cena) <em>DQ?</em></p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> v 'The Outlaw' Cade Thesz</p><p>

Pre show - 'The Outlaw' BG James v <strong>Matt Sydal</strong></p><p>

Pre show - <strong>Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero (TV champion))</strong> v The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards</p><p>

Pre show - <strong>Lance Storm </strong>v Mike Quackenbush</p><p>

What will be the match of the night? <strong>RKO/RVD</strong></p><p>

What will be the worst match of the night (main show only)? <strong>Beth/Knox</strong></p>

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PSW CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP - 'The Champion of Champions' Jimmy Yang (champion) v Joe Hennig

Love seeing Joe get a shot.

PSW CONTINENTAL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Chicago's Finest (CM Punk & Colt Cabana, champions) v The Outlaws (Amazing Red & Christopher Daniels)

Going to be good.

PSW WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP - Beth Phoenix (champion) v Rebecca Knox

PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP - Drew McIntyre v Eddie Kingston

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - Randy Orton (2-0-1) v 'Highlight Reel' Rob Van Dam (1-0-2)

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION - Austin Aries (2-0-1) v Keiji Sakoda (1-0-1)

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - Paul London (2-0-1) v Super Dragon (1-0-2)

'The Greatest Champion' Chris Jericho v The Followers (Bray Wyatt & John Cena)

AJ Styles v 'The Outlaw' Cade Thesz

Pre show - 'The Outlaw' BG James v Matt Sydal

Pre show - Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero (TV champion)) v The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards

Pre show - Lance Storm v Mike Quackenbush

What will be the match of the night? I'll say RKO/RVD as well.

What will be the worst match of the night (main show only)? Yeah, nothing looking bad so I'll go Beth/Bex

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In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Mike Quackenbush defeated Lance Storm in 8:39 by pinfall with a Quackendriver. 58

Mike Quackenbush is improving in technical skills.

Lance Storm has lost his last 5 matches.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Havana Pitbulls defeated The Wolves in 8:09 when Ricky Reyes defeated Davey Richards by pinfall. 47

Rocky Romero is becoming a little stale.

Davey Richards seemed off his game.

Davey Richards is improving at rumble skills.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, BG James defeated Matt Sydal in 9:46 by pinfall with a Piledriver. 62




Sunday, week 2, February 2011

Live on Adelphia and Request TV pay per view

Announcers: Potter, Bret Hart and Dusty Rhodes

Chaifetz Arena, Saint Louis, Missouri (10,600 capacity)



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YgFyi74DVjc" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


http://i.imgur.com/2G1YSwu.jpg v http://i.imgur.com/fK1zfbE.jpg


Paul London (2-0-1) v Super Dragon (1-0-2)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Paul London defeated Super Dragon in 8:55 by pinfall with a London Calling. 51



http://i.imgur.com/kvP8A62.jpg v http://i.imgur.com/uwYtaTk.jpg


‘Bad Ass’ Drew McIntyre v Eddie Kingston

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Eddie Kingston defeated Drew McIntyre in 10:07 by submission. Eddie Kingston wins the PSW Youth Championship title. 50

Drew McIntyre has switched to a Bad Ass gimmick, rated 57.

Eddie Kingston is improving in performance skills.

Drew McIntyre’s win streak ends at 5.

Drew McIntyre has lost 50 singles matches in 111.


From the announce desk, Potter announces that Iven Michaud has requested his release from PSW and “because he is a pain in the ass” he can go. 48


http://i.imgur.com/aJ4jsJ0.jpg v http://i.imgur.com/9OcIGLW.jpg


Austin Aries (2-0-1) v Keiji Sakoda (1-0-1)

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Keiji Sakoda defeated Austin Aries in 12:44 by pinfall. 62



http://imgur.com/fdDJyWY.jpg v http://i.imgur.com/ByE2Srf.jpg


Beth Phoenix (champion) v Rebecca Knox

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Beth Phoenix defeated Rebecca Knox in 10:55 by pinfall. Beth Phoenix makes defence number 2 of her PSW Women's Championship title. 46

Beth Phoenix has won her last 6 matches.



Behind the curtain prior to his match, Chris Jericho says he is getting his revenge on Raven and his Followers right now. 84


http://i.imgur.com/yjx5RFn.jpg v http://imgur.com/vSv9VfG.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/ILiAcXw.jpgwithhttp://imgur.com/aCYQLRH.jpg

’The Greatest Champion’ Chris Jericho v The Followers (with Raven)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Chris Jericho defeated The Followers in 10:42 when Chris Jericho defeated Bray Wyatt by submission with a Lion Tamer. 65

Chris Jericho’s performance stood out.

Raven did good work at ringside.

Bray Wyatt and John Cena have no chemistry.

John Cena and Raven have great chemistry.



http://i.imgur.com/UvNhlpd.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/YWb2MWU.jpg v http://i.imgur.com/czcWV48.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/HkBJgVF.jpgwithhttp://imgur.com/2OcxRsP.jpg


Chicago’s Finest (champions) v The Outlaws (Red & Daniels, with BG James)

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Chicago's Finest defeated The Outlaws in 13:02 when CM Punk defeated Amazing Red by submission with an Arm Triangle Choke. Chicago's Finest make defence number 4 of their PSW Continental Tag Team Championship titles. 62

Christopher Daniels is improving in rumble skills.

Chicago’s Finest have won their last 8 matches.



Backstage, Continental champion Jimmy Yang says he is not taking Joe Hennig and he knows he will have to fight hard to keep the title. 55


http://i.imgur.com/O1r21q7.jpg v http://i.imgur.com/ZpA7Z98.jpg


Randy Orton (2-0-1) v ‘Highlight Reel’ Rob Van Dam (1-0-2)

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Randy Orton defeated Rob Van Dam in 16:38 by pinfall with an O-Zone. 75 – match of the night


http://i.imgur.com/J27bmSW.jpg v http://i.imgur.com/Szxss6b.jpgwithhttp://imgur.com/2OcxRsP.jpg

AJ Styles v ‘The Outlaw’ Cade Thesz (with BG James)

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Cade Thesz defeated AJ Styles in 18:05 by submission. 73

Cade Thesz has won his last 7 matches.



http://i.imgur.com/PUzR5wO.jpg v http://i.imgur.com/y5FwT8t.jpg


‘The Champion of Champions’ Jimmy Yang (champion) v Joe Hennig

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jimmy Yang defeated Joe Hennig in 14:42 by pinfall with a Yang Time. A comfortable win that many people expected. Jimmy Yang makes defence number 8 of his PSW Continental Championship title. 66

Jimmy Yang has won his first 19 matches.



Adam Sandler’s music hits after the match, and he is followed to the ring by a reluctant looking Kevin Steen who is carrying his Feast or Fired briefcase. Sandler gets a mic from ringside and climbs in, slowly followed by Kevin Steen. Yang is helping a prone Hennig back to his feet, patting him on his back as he does.

Sandler says that was boring. He says everybody expected Yang to win comfortably and he did. Sandler says he is here to make the show interesting. He tells Steen to give his briefcase to the referee Joe Hempel. Steen doesn’t do so, and says he doesn’t want to. Sandler snatches the briefcase, says that he is and gives it to Joe Hempel. Hempel signals for the bell to ring, it does, and we have the most reluctant cash in in all of wrestling… 72



http://i.imgur.com/PUzR5wO.jpg v http://i.imgur.com/9QWHGw0.jpg


‘The Champion of Champions’ Jimmy Yang (champion) v Kevin Steen

Steen is fresh though not really wanting the match. Yang has just had a match, sure not hard but not easy either, so he’s not really wanting the match either. It starts slow. After a few minutes it heats up and we have a ‘proper’ title match on our hands, and one that sees the undefeated reign come to an end.

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Kevin Steen defeated Jimmy Yang in 18:24 by pinfall with a Steenalizer. Kevin Steen wins the PSW Continental Championship title. 63

Jimmy Yang’s winning start ends at 19.

Kevin Steen has won his last 8 matches.

Kevin Steen is the 18th man to win the PSW Continental Championship.


Show rating: C 65

PSW has increased in popularity in 14 regions.

PSW lost popularity in 2 regions.

Attendance: 8,581

Buy rate: 0.92 (second highest in PSW history)

Profit: $173,726

Davey Richards, Matt Sydal and John Cena returned clean drug tests.

BG James failed a drug test for soft drugs.



Kevin Steen beat Jimmy Yang to win the Continental Championship (Feast or Fired cash in)

Jimmy Yang beat Joe Hennig to retain the Continental Championship

Cade Thesz beat AJ Styles

Randy Orton beat Rob Van Dam in Grappler’s League Premier Division

Chicago’s Finest beat The Outlaws to retain the Continental Tag Team Championship

Chris Jericho beat The Followers

Beth Phoenix beat Rebecca Knox to retain the Women’s Championship

Keiji Sakoda beat Austin Aries in Grappler’s League First Division

Eddie Kingston beat Drew McIntyre to win the vacant Youth Championship

Paul London beat Super Dragon in Grappler’s League Second Division

BG James beat Matt Sydal (pre show)

Havana Pitbulls beat The Wolves (pre show)

Mike Quackenbush beat Lance Storm (pre show)

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<p>PSW RANKINGS</p><p>

1. Jimmy Yang</p><p>

2. Chris Jericho</p><p>

3. Randy Orton</p><p>

4. Keiji Sakoda</p><p>

5. Roderick Strong</p><p>

6. Petey Williams</p><p>

7. Kevin Steen</p><p>

8. Mike Quackenbush</p><p>

9. Air Paris</p><p>

9. Ricky Reyes</p><p>

11. Cade Thesz</p><p>

12. Reckless Youth</p><p>

13. Rocky Romero</p><p>

14. Kid Kash</p><p>

15. Chris Hero</p><p>

16. Rob Van Dam</p><p>

17. Eddie Kingston</p><p>

18. Joe Hennig</p><p>

19. T. J. Perkins</p><p>

20. Drew McIntyre</p><p>

21. Christopher Daniels</p><p>

22. Stu Sanders</p><p>

23. Alex Wright</p><p>

24. Matt Sydal</p><p>

25. CM Punk</p><p>

26. Austin Aries</p><p>

27. Joey Matthews</p><p>

28. Amazing Red</p><p>

29. Joel Maximo</p><p>

30. Colt Cabana</p><p>

31. AJ Styles</p><p>

32. John Cena</p><p>

33. Paul London</p><p>

34. Jose Maximo</p><p>

35. Ricky Steamboat Jr</p><p>

36. Durrant Roy</p><p>

37. Lance Storm</p><p>

38. Brian Kendrick</p><p>

39. Eddie Colon</p><p>

40. Aaron Stevens</p><p>

41. Nate Nickerson</p><p>

42. Alex Shelley</p><p>

43. Matt Jackson</p><p>

44. Caprice Coleman</p><p>

45. Destrey Lapointe</p><p>

46. Davey Richards</p><p>

47. Marty Scurll</p><p>

48. Chris Sabin</p><p>

49. Super Dragon</p><p>

50. Austin Creed</p><p>

51. Jay Lethal</p><p>

52. Chris Divine</p><p>

53. Eddie Edwards</p><p>

54. Nick Jackson</p><p>

55. Yoshihiro Tajiri</p><p>

56. Christian York</p><p>

57. Robert Michaud</p><p>

58. James Storm</p><p>

59. Leon Patterson</p><p>

60. Julius Turcotte</p><p>

61. TJ Wilson</p><p>

62. Ice</p><p>

Drake Thompson and Shayne Hawke are unranked.</p><p>

Other wrestlers do not qualify for a ranking.</p><p> </p><p>

1. Chicago’s Finest</p><p>

2. New Wave</p><p>

3. The Outlaws</p><p>

4. Havana Pitbulls</p><p>

5. To Kijar, With Love</p><p>

6. Spanish Announce Team</p><p>

7. Shock & Awe</p><p>

8. Londrick</p><p>

9. Desperate Measures</p><p>

10. Motor City Machine Guns</p><p>

11. The Wolves</p><p>

12. Christian York & Joey Matthews</p><p>

13. The Jackson 2</p><p>

14. Destrey Lapointe & Julius Turcotte</p><p>

Other teams do not qualify for a ranking.</p><p> </p><p>

1. Beth Phoenix</p><p>

2. Nikita</p><p>

3. Nora Greenwald</p><p>

4. Trenesha Biggers</p><p>

5. Amazing Kong</p><p>

6. Sarah Stock</p><p>

7. Melissa</p><p>

8. Gail Kim</p><p>

9. Nattie Neidhart</p><p>

10. Rebecca Knox</p><p>

11. Amy Hennig</p><p>

12. Meryl Roux</p><p>

13. Aubriana Lessard</p><p>

14. Annie Social</p><p>

15. Ariel</p><p>

16. Lu Fisto</p><p>

17. Tiana Ringer</p>

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1. Jimmy Yang 4-0-0</p><p>

2. Chris Jericho 3-0-0</p><p>

3. Randy Orton 3-0-1</p><p>

4. Christopher Daniels 2-0-2</p><p>

5. CM Punk 1-1-1</p><p>

6. AJ Styles 1-1-2</p><p>

7. Matt Sydal 0-2-1</p><p>

8. Lance Storm 1-0-2</p><p>

9. Rob Van Dam 1-0-3</p><p>

10. Yoshihiro Tajiri 0-0-4</p><p> </p><p>


1. Kevin Steen 4-0-0</p><p>

2. Colt Cabana 2-0-1</p><p>

2. John Cena 2-0-1</p><p>

2. Keiji Sakoda 2-0-1</p><p>

5. Austin Aries 2-0-2</p><p>

5. Chris Hero 2-0-2</p><p>

7. Mike Quackenbush 1-0-2</p><p>

8. Brian Kendrick 1-0-3</p><p>

9. Aaron Stevens 1-0-3</p><p>

– Jeff Jarrett 0-0-2 (fired)</p><p> </p><p>


1. Rocky Romero 4-0-0</p><p>

2. Drew McIntyre 3-0-0</p><p>

3. Paul London 3-0-1</p><p>

4. Ricky Steamboat Jr 2-0-1</p><p>

5. Davey Richards 1-0-2</p><p>

6. Super Dragon 1-0-3</p><p>

7. Caprice Coleman 0-0-3</p><p>

8. James Storm 0-0-4</p><p> </p><p>


1. Roderick Strong 3-0-0</p><p>

2. Kid Kash 2-0-1</p><p>

2. Petey Williams 2-0-1</p><p>

4. Amazing Red 2-0-2</p><p>

5. Reckless Youth 1-0-2</p><p>

6. Eddie Edwards 1-0-3</p><p>

7. Eddie Colon 0-0-3</p><p>

– Iven Michaud 2-0-1 (released)</p><p> </p><p>


1. Cade Thesz 4-0-0</p><p>

2. Ricky Reyes 3-0-1</p><p>

2. T. J. Perkins 3-0-1</p><p>

4. Joe Hennig 2-0-1</p><p>

5. Austin Creed 1-0-2</p><p>

5. Jay Lethal 1-0-2</p><p>

7. Chris Divine 0-0-3</p><p>

8. Nate Nickerson 0-0-4</p>

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<p>FRANCHISE PLAYERS: Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, John Cena, Randy Orton, Colt Cabana</p><p>

NEXT BIG THINGS: Valiant Leclerc, Durrant Roy</p><p>

HOT PROSPECTS: Valiant Leclerc, Durrant Roy, Julius Turcotte, Petey Williams, Marty Scurll</p><p>

TALK THE TALK: Chris Jericho, Adam Sandler, Raven, John Cena, Eddie Guerrero</p><p>

SHOW STOPPERS: Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Christopher Daniels, Matt Sydal, Colt Cabana</p><p>

RING GENERALS: Chris Jericho, Christopher Daniels, Cade Thesz, Chris Hero, Keiji Sakoda</p><p>

WHO’S HOT: None</p><p>

WHO’S NOT: Paul London, Lance Storm, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Eddie Colon, Davey Richards</p><p>

TIME DECLINE: Lance Storm (early days), BG James, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam and Yoshihiro Tajiri (all occasional sign)</p>

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<p><strong>Next show</strong></p><p> </p><p>


8 shows before Lethal</p><p> </p><p>

PSW TV TITLE - Rocky Romero (champion) v Marty Scurll v Stu Sanders</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - 'The Greatest Champion' Chris Jericho (3-0-0) v CM Punk (1-1-1, Continental Tag Team champion)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - Caprice Coleman (0-0-3) v Ricky Steamboat Jr (2-0-1)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION - Kid Kash (2-0-1) v Petey Williams (2-0-1)</p><p>

Londrick (Paul London & Brian Kendrick) v Spanish Announce Team (Joel & Jose Maximo)</p><p>

Pre show - Bray Wyatt v Leon Patterson</p><p>

Pre show - Christian York v Valiant Leclerc</p><p>

What will be the match of the night?</p><p> </p><p>

Each correct prediction scores 1 point in the monthly standings that ends at Lethal.</p>

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<p>PSW TV TITLE - <strong>Rocky Romero (champion)</strong> v Marty Scurll v Stu Sanders</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - 'The Greatest Champion' Chris Jericho (3-0-0)<strong> v</strong> CM Punk (1-1-1, Continental Tag Team champion)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - Caprice Coleman (0-0-3) v <strong>Ricky Steamboat Jr (2-0-1)</strong></p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION - Kid Kash (2-0-1) v<strong> Petey Williams (2-0-1)</strong></p><p>

<strong>Londrick (Paul London & Brian Kendrick)</strong> v Spanish Announce Team (Joel & Jose Maximo)</p><p>

Pre show - <strong>Bray Wyatt</strong> v Leon Patterson</p><p>

Pre show - <strong>Christian York</strong> v Valiant Leclerc</p><p>

What will be the match of the night? <strong>Jericho/Punk</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Shortly gonna send you a PM for the Random Event and Profile.</em></p>

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<p>PSW TV TITLE - Rocky Romero (champion) v<strong> Marty Scurll </strong>v Stu Sanders</p><p>

Or Rocky retaining. Either way. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - <strong>'The Greatest Champion' Chris Jericho (3-0-0)</strong> v CM Punk (1-1-1, Continental Tag Team champion)</p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - Caprice Coleman (0-0-3) v <strong>Ricky Steamboat Jr (2-0-1)</strong></p><p>

GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION - Kid Kash (2-0-1) v<strong> Petey Williams (2-0-1)</strong></p><p>

Good match</p><p>

<strong>Londrick (Paul London & Brian Kendrick)</strong> v Spanish Announce Team (Joel & Jose Maximo)</p><p>

Pre show -<strong> Bray Wyatt</strong> v Leon Patterson</p><p>

Pre show - Christian York v<strong> Valiant Leclerc</strong></p><p>

I'll get on board the Valiant Leclerc train, honestly</p><p>

What will be the match of the night? Jericho/Puk</p>

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<p>PRE SHOW</p><p>

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Valiant Leclerc defeated Christian York in 6:08 by pinfall with a Herculean Bomb. <strong>35</strong></p><p>

Christian York is improving in rumble skills.</p><p>

Valiant Leclerc is improving in flying skills.</p><p> </p><p>

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Bray Wyatt defeated Leon Patterson in 6:19 by pinfall. <strong>22</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="<a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VvuBx7iwD0U" rel="external nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/embed/VvuBx7iwD0U"</a> frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p>

<strong>PSW SUPERSTARS OF WRESTLING</strong></p><p>

Monday, week 3, February 2011</p><p>

Broadcast on Spike TV on Tuesday late night</p><p>

Announcers: Potter, Bret Hart & Dusty Rhodes</p><p>

Cedar Rapids Ice Arena, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (4,000 capacity)</p><p>

<span>http://venuwork.grid33studios.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/bfi_thumb/Ice-Arena-8-08-crop-31apl717cgu66nwir1an0g.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

We start the show with the new Continental champion Kevin Steen celebrating winning the championship last night. He is dressed smart casual in a nice shirt and jeans, with the Continental Championship belt draped over his shoulder as he sips champagne. He says while he didn’t want to cash in last night, he is now glad he did.</p><p>

Out walks Adam Sandler and Randy Orton. Sandler says he is happy, happy that Yang is no longer champion as he was boring winning all the time. Uncertainty creates intrigue and brings ratings so he is happy Steen is champion because “you can lose the title any time”. Randy Orton tells Kevin Steen he better get used to being champion quickly, as he is taking the title in four weeks at Lethal. Steen is unhappy his celebration was cut short, but as he charges at Orton, Orton rolls under the bottom rope and points at the title from ringside. <strong>68</strong></p><p>

Adam Sandler looked excellent.</p><p>

Kevin Steen was very underwhelming.</p><p>

Randy Orton under performed.</p><p> </p><p>


<span>http://i.imgur.com/i0r2qrk.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/mJYNyoL.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/eumyesY.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>PSW TV TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>

Rocky Romero (champion) v Marty Scurll v Stu Sanders</strong></p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Marty Scurll defeated Rocky Romero and Stu Sanders in 8:32 when Marty Scurll defeated Stu Sanders by submission. Marty Scurll wins the PSW TV Title. <strong>46</strong></p><p>

Stu Sanders is improving in technical skills.</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage and former Continental champion Jimmy Yang meets Adam Sandler. Yang expresses his anger at Sandler, saying the Director of Operations can make matches, but that doesn’t include Feast or Fired briefcases and he has his favourites such as The Outlaws. Sandler just brushes him off, saying if Yang doesn’t like it, he knows where the exit is. Raven then appears, flanked by John Cena and Bray Wyatt and asks Jimmy Yang is he needs salvation. Yang walks away without saying anything. <strong>52</strong></p><p>

Adam Sandler looked excellent.</p><p>

Bray Wyatt looked dreadful.</p><p>

Raven is improving at acting.</p><p>

Jimmy Yang is showing more charisma.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/zbTySKg.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/CjLYqKF.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>GRAPPLER’S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION</strong></p><p><strong>

Caprice Coleman (0-0-3) v Ricky Steamboat Jr (2-0-1)</strong></p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Ricky Steamboat Jr. defeated Caprice Coleman in 8:59 by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop. <strong>48</strong></p><p> </p><p>

To Kijar, With Love are backstage. Matt Sydal says he is excited about qualifying for Lethal. T. J. Perkins says that they are in line for a Continental Tag Team Championship match at Lethal. Perkins continues by saying that Sydal can’t do both and he talks Sydal into going for the Continental Tag Team Championship instead of entering Lethal. <strong>42</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/2G1YSwu.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/Y1bA5T6.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/3PLv8nm.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/XhzF6XE.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>Londrick v Spanish Announce Team</strong></p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Londrick defeated Spanish Announce Team in 9:20 when Paul London defeated Joel Maximo by pinfall with a London Calling. <strong>59</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Outlaws are backstage, lurking behind the curtain. BG James expresses his displeasure at Amazing Red costing the group the Continental Tag Team Championship last night at Choice of the New Generation. James tells Red he will start to make up for that right now, by attacking Spanish Announce Team when they come through the curtain after their loss. Red protests, but the other Outlaws stare at him. Reluctantly, Red leads a five on two assault on the unsuspecting Maximos when they enter the backstage area, with Red visibly upset at leaving his cousins lying on the floor. <strong>30</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/Yz4LYPg.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/572X7um.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>GRAPPLER’S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION</strong></p><p><strong>

Kid Kash (2-0-1) v Petey Williams (2-0-1)</strong></p><p>

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Kid Kash defeated Petey Williams in 12:01 by pinfall with a Dead Level. <strong>50</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Behind the curtain, Chris Jericho is ready to make his entrance for the main event. He says he is happy to have vanquished The Followers last night and he can now look forward to Lethal and the Grappler’s League, two roads of which one will lead to him becoming the Continental champion once again.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/yjx5RFn.jpg</span> v <span>http://i.imgur.com/UvNhlpd.jpg</span></p><p>

<strong>GRAPPLER’S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION</strong></p><p><strong>

‘The Greatest Champion’ Chris Jericho (3-0-0) v CM Punk (1-1-1, Continental Tag Team champion)</strong></p><p>

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Chris Jericho defeated CM Punk in 19:17 by submission with a Lion Tamer. <strong>92 – match of the night</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: B 79</strong></p><p>

PSW increased popularity in 16 regions.</p><p>

Attendance: 4,000 (sell out)</p><p>

TV rating: 2.54 (down 0.03)</p><p>

Profit: $25,240</p><p>

Chris Jericho passed a random drugs test.</p><p> </p><p>

Very pleased and a little surprised with the excellent main event.</p><p> </p><p>


Chris Jericho beat CM Punk in Grappler’s League Premier Division</p><p>

Kid Kash beat Petey Williams in Grappler’s League Third Division</p><p>

Londrick beat Spanish Announce Team</p><p>

Ricky Steamboat Jr beat Caprice Coleman in Grappler’s League Second Division</p><p>

Marty Scurll beat Rocky Romero and Stu Sanders to win the TV Title</p><p>

Bray Wyatt beat Leon Patterson (pre show)</p><p>

Valiant Leclerc beat Christian York (pre show)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


Sunday, week 2, March 2011</p><p>

Current card</p><p>

PSW CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP – Kevin Steen (champion) v Randy Orton</p><p>

PSW CONTINENTAL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP – Chicago’s Finest (champions) v To Kijar, With Love</p><p>

PSW WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP – Beth Phoenix (champion) v Amazing Kong v Nikita</p><p>

LETHAL – Jimmy Yang, Chris Jericho, Keiji Sakoda, Roderick Strong, Petey Williams, Mike Quackenbush, Air Paris, Ricky Reyes, Cade Thesz, Reckless Youth, Rocky Romero, Kid Kash, Chris Hero, Rob Van Dam, Eddie Kingston, Joe Hennig, Drew McIntyre, Christopher Daniels, Stu Sanders and Alex Wright</p><p>


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