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Basically 5-9 minute matches are capped at C+ (from what my research tells me)


11-19 seem to cap at B+


20 plus for an A level match



In TEW 13 though I was able to get 5-9 B-matches


I'm fine with the system. I'll probably just turn match times off. Although, what a cool feature it would be to get rid of a cap for them like we can turn match times on and off. I understand why it is there though

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I recall it being said that matches less than 20 are capped at 80 for the in-ring action, but the segment rating itself could be higher. What would bring that grade higher? Would it be the categories we would expect such as Overness, Psychology, Charisma? Anything else?


Well, if you're playing as a pop>perf company, the popularity of the workers involved is weighed more heavily towards the overall match grade than the in-ring action. So, if you have two icons in a 14 minute match in a company like WWE, they can still get an A* for the match rating because they are so over. What actually happens in the ring is not as important than in a company like NJPW.

That's why in general, you need longer match times in work rate-heavy promotions than in entertainment-based ones, which is pretty realistic, I think.

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