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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DHK1989" data-cite="DHK1989" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43035" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Would make sense since WWE does theirs at Mania. Does TEW normally do hall of fame inductions when it autobooks?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> TEW does Hall of Fames automagically when a person retires and they "qualify" under the game's internal logic.</p>
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April 2004 National Battle Report


I turned off the TV, very intrigued by the show WWE had just put on in Fenway Park for Wrestlemania XX. There were debuts, multiple title changes and a main event result that I would never have expected given recent events. But I had other things to focus on, things that directly affected WCW.


Tomorrow is our big move to prime time network TV. We had to pay a fee to GlobalTV to get out of our deal early, but it was worth it in my view, because the first Nitro of the NBC era airs tomorrow. We signed a live, prime time deal for three years, so we’re in this for the long haul. NBC will obviously expect strong shows that deliver big ratings, so the pressure on us has never been higher. But I think the opportunities have never been higher either.


This is our chance to really make our mark and climb a notch above the WWE.



National Battle Report: April 2004









World Wrestling Entertainment


Top 5 Stars:


1) The Rock (967 points)

2) Triple H (835)

3) Hollywood Hogan (828)

4) The Undertaker (821)

5) Big Show (741)


Total Points: 4,192







World Championship Wrestling


Top 5 Stars:


1) Bill Goldberg (975)

2) The Enigma (861)

3) CM Punk (811)

4) Rob Van Dam (768)

5) Mortis (754)


Total Points: 4,169




British Isles






World Wrestling Entertainment


Top 5 Stars:


1) The Rock (973 points)

2) Hollywood Hogan (853)

3) The Undertaker (810)

4) Triple H (804)

5) Big Show (740)


Total Points: 4,180







World Championship Wrestling


Top 5 Stars:


1) Bill Goldberg (979)

2) The Enigma (860)

3) CM Punk (813)

4) Rob Van Dam (766)

5) Mortis (761)


Total Points: 4,179









World Wrestling Entertainment


Top 5 Stars:


1) The Rock (934 points)

2) Triple H (861)

3) The Undertaker (831)

4) Hollywood Hogan (827)

5) Kurt Angle (743)


Total Points: 4,196






World Championship Wrestling


Top 5 Stars:


1) Bill Goldberg (946)

2) The Enigma (864)

3) CM Punk (820)

4) Rob Van Dam (768)

5) Mortis (758)


Total Points: 4,156











World Wrestling Entertainment


Top 5 Stars:


1) The Rock (968 points)

2) Hollywood Hogan (835)

3) Triple H (834)

4) The Undertaker (820)

4) Big Show (740)


Total Points: 4,197









World Championship Wrestling


Top 5 Stars:


1) Bill Goldberg (936)

2) The Enigma (857)

3) CM Punk (803)

4) Rob Van Dam (757)

5) Mortis (752)


Total Points: 4,105




<hr noshade size=3>


Rateddc indicated they were going to cover Mania in their own way, so we’ll see what happens with that. If necessary I’ll post a screenshot of the results or something, but I don’t think it’s urgent at the moment. Their booking definitely helped WWE in this month’s national battle though (which is good! I want you guest bookers to keep WWE strong.)

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LIVE! from Fenway Park in Boston Massachusetts


50,000 people packed into the sold out Fenway Park for this years WrestleMania, and they did not leave disappointed, with the action coming thick and fast from the opening bell. After all there’s few better openers imaginable than Chris Jericho taking on Shawn Michaels. For the past three years Jericho and Michaels have clashed numerous times but Michaels has never managed to beat Y2J. That changed tonight with a fantastic opening bout that saw these two go over twenty minutes in a match full of near falls and close calls. It looked like Jericho was going to continue his winning ways when he locked Michaels in the Walls of Jericho after hitting him with his own finisher, Sweet Chin Music, but Michaels somehow countered it into a rollup for a two count. Both men struggled to their feet but Mr. WrestleMania hit Jericho with a superkick out of nowhere, and then followed it up with Sweet Chin Music to finally put down the one man he just couldn’t seem to beat!


When third generation superstar Randy Orton debuted in WWE shortly before WrestleMania, he immediately targeted Diamond Dallas Page, looking to make an impact at the expense of what he considered “past it’s prime” competition. Orton would boast before the match about making history by debuting at WrestleMania and took the fight to Page with a ruthless, relentless style. Page however showed why he has been so successful, fighting back with a veterans instinct and when Orton attempted to truly insult Page by going for his own Cutter Page countered and turned Orton straight into a Diamond Cutter to pick up the victory.


The ECW World Television Championship was on the line next, and while few have been able to match Brock Lesnar one-on-one, tonight he had to defend against three men, squaring off with ECW legends Rhyno and Raven and the man mountain Leviathan, competing in his first ever WrestleMania. The early parts of the match saw all out chaos with plenty of weaponry getting involved, this is ECW we’re talking about here. Rhyno and Raven, who certainly don’t like each other realised that if they were to overcome the two behemoths they’d have to team up and they did just that, managing to take Leviathan out of action with a double powerbomb off the ring apron through a table at ringside. The alliance ended quickly after however when Rhyno Gored Raven through a table in the ring and soon after that Rhyno himself fell to a vicious belly to belly suplex onto a trash can, followed up with the F-5 as Lesnar continued his reign as champion.


One year ago Christian turned on longterm friend Edge after they lost at WrestleMania 19. Since then Edge has been trying to get his hands on Christian with little success, until tonight. Edge and Christian finally clashed one-on-one almost a year to the day that they initially imploded. It was a highly personal affair as Edge went straight for Christian the moment the bell rang, the two brawling around the ring with Edge hitting Christian with two Spears in the opening minutes of the match. Christian however got back into the match with the kind of dirty tricks he mastered as part of the former WWE Tag Team Champions and soon had Edge on the ropes. Edge fought back with a missile dropkick but when he went for the Spear Christian sent him straight into the referee and struck with a low blow! Christian grabbed two chairs, going for the conchairto, but Edge rolled out of the way at the last moment, sending shockwaves through Christians body and making him an easy target for the Spear as Edge made the cover and picked up the victory over his former friend! After the match Edge considered using the chairs on Christian but decided against it, taking the high road as the fans cheered.


When Hollywood Hogan placed himself as the leader of a new stable, simply known as The Hollywood Takeover, he brought in former WCW star Chuck Palumbo and young vocal newcomer, Ken Anderson. Quickly making plenty of enemies the trio stepped into WrestleMania to take on makeshift trio Big Show, William Regal and Bradshaw in six-man tag team action, three men that they had crossed in the buildup to the biggest show of the year. With Hogan calling the shots Palumbo and Anderson were effective against their veteran opponents and that, combined with their loudmouth attitudes, made it pretty clear why they were such good fits for the new stable. In the end it was Palumbo who delivered the final blow, dropping Bradshaw with Thrill Ride to hand The Hollywood Takeover their first big victory.


Up next Mr. Perfect put his WWF Intercontinental Championship on the line against Booker T, who was getting his first title shot since jumping ship to WWE last year. Perfect has had an impressive run with the belt and as part of The Perfect Combination with Scott Hall has found the kind of success that many thought had past the duo by in their latest runs. Tonight however just wasn’t to be Perfect’s night as he came up against a fired up Booker T. Many have questioned whether he has what it takes to replicate his WCW success here in World Wrestling Entertainment and if tonight is anything to go by then those questions have been answered. Perfect and Booker put on a highly entertaining match and Perfect took Booker to the limit, but in the end the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion hit the Harlem Hangover and followed up with a Scissor Kick to become the new WWE Intercontinental Champion, his first title in WWE!


There was a heavy old school ECW vibe to Mania’s WWE World Tag Team Championship match as the Dudley Boyz defended against Steven Richards and Tommy Dreamer, otherwise known as the Hardcore Soldiers. Many might see this match as highly overdelivering, as the the four ECW originals put on a great tag team match that featured plenty of old school ECW brawling as well as solid tag tam wrestling. Richards and Dreamer have proved effective as a team since forming but just couldn’t overcome the top tag team in WWE today as the Dudley Boyz connected with the 3D to pin Steven Richards and retain the titles.


When Kane won the Royal Rumble many expected him to challenge the WWE World Champion, however after The Perfect Combination attacked Kane, warning him to make the smart decision and go for The Rock, Kane shocked everyone when he decided to face ECW Champion Scott Hall at the show of shows. Hall had been in the middle of a feud with former ECW Champion Kurt Angle, and the olympic gold medalist wasn’t about to step aside for Kane, crashing the contract signing and putting his own name on the contract to forcefully add himself into the match and make it a triple threat match. Now usually you’d expect Hall and Angle to team up to take out the Big Red Machine, but champion and challenger have absolutely no love lost for each other and couldn’t work together if they tried. All three men fight it out with Angle’s technical ability and Hall’s willingness to cheat being the only thing that stops Kane dismantling them. Hall’s Perfect Combination parter Mr. Perfect attempted to get involved but found himself trapped in the Ankle Lock only for Angle to then get Chokeslammed straight to hell. Scott Hall swung for Kane’s skull with a steel chair but got the chair booted straight back into his face. Kane used the chair to send Mr. Perfect packing once and for all and then delivered a Chokeslam to Scott Hall to put him down and become the new ECW World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania!


While the streak may have ended in controversial circumstances two years ago, The Undertaker is still the one to beat at WrestleMania and this year it was Chris Benoit stepping up to the plate. Now The Undertaker has still never been beaten at Mania one-on-one, and in fact hasn’t actually been pinned or submitted (he lost in a triple threat match), and so Benoit was looking to make history tonight and firmly cement himself as a main event player. Benoit has been goading The Undertaker for weeks, refusing to buy into his mind games but instead focusing purely on the idea that he can outwrestle The Undertaker and that’s exactly what he tried to do. Benoit pulled out every single move in his arsenal to try and take the Phenom down and it certainly seemed to be working, The Undertaker looking closer and closer to defeat with every passing moment. The Deadman fought back, using his striking game and pure power to back Benoit into a corner. Benoit worked away at The Undertaker’s shoulder, trying to set him up for the Crossface which he immediately went to when a Diving Headbutt only got a two count. The Undertaker somehow managed to lift Benoit off of the mat while in the Crossface though and dropped him back first! The Undertaker powered through the pain, connecting with a chokeslam and finishing Benoit off with the Tombstone Piledriver to come out on top once again at WrestleMania, though it was a much closer call than he would’ve been hoping for.


In the penultimate bout of the night Molly Holly put her WWF Women’s Championship on the line against Lita, Chyna, Taylor Matheny, Jacqueline and Trish Stratus in a six woman elimination match. The action came thick and fast with all six women in the ring at the same time, with Matheny becoming the first elimination thanks to the pure strength of Chyna. Chyna notched up her second elimination not long after, putting Jacqueline down with a big Spinebuster. Lita, Molly and Trish all realised the threat they faced and worked together to take on Chyna and though she had all three of them on the ropes at one point the numbers game proved too much, with Molly getting the pin after all three women connected with their respective finishing moves. With three women left the action continued with Molly temporarily being taken out of the action by a Twist of Fate, leaving Trish and Lita to battle it out in the ring. Lita had Trish down, hitting the Twist of Fate and the Moonsault only for Molly to recover just in time to roll Lita up out of nowhere and eliminate her. The action was down to just Molly Holly and a hurt Trish Stratus. Trish fought valiantly but was in an uphill struggle until she managed to send Molly face first into the turnbuckle and connected with Stratusfaction! Trish made the cover and scored the final elimination to win the WWE Women’s Championship!


It was time for the main event of the evening, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match between the reigning champion The Rock and the challenger Triple H. Since winning the WWE Championship The Rock’s ego has been bigger than ever and he has held himself above the entire WWE fanbase, not to mention the roster. The Rock has threatened multiple times that if he isn’t given the respect he deserves then he’ll take the WWE Championship to Hollywood at a moments notice, calling himself the biggest star the WWE has ever seen. Surprisingly Triple H stepped up to defend the WWE, saying that despite everything this company is his life and he was going to make sure the title stayed where it belonged. And so two of the biggest stars in the WWE collided in an epic contest. Triple H showed everyone why he is The Game, pulling off a meticulous attack that left the WWE Champion truly up against it. The Rock however pulled out multiple dirty tricks, first sending Triple H into the official and then unloading on him using a steel chair. The Rock locked in the Sharpshooter but Triple H managed to reach the ropes. The Rock went for the chair again, seemingly happy to get himself disqualified if it meant retaining the title but the official pulled the chair away from the furious Rock and Triple H hit him with a low blow out of the sight of the official, returning The Rock’s dirty tactics. One final Pedigree later and Triple H was crowned the WWE World Heavyweight Champion as 50,000 people in Fenway Park cheered. The twentieth edition of WrestleMania ended with a bang, with Triple H holding the WWE Championship up high for everyone to see.



0. In a pre-show bout, Test won a battle royal. The other members of the 'final four' were X-Pac, Steve Blackman and Mark Henry, with X-Pac being the final elimination. (C+ / 65)

1. Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho. (B+ / 87)

2. Diamond Dallas Page defeated Randy Orton. (C- / 55)

3. Brock Lesnar defeated Raven, Leviathan and Rhyno. Brock Lesnar makes defence number 5 of his ECW World Television title. (B- / 76)

4. Edge defeated Christian. (B+ / 84)

5. The Hollywood Takeover defeated Big Show, William Regal and Bradshaw. (B / 81)

6. Booker T defeated Mr. Perfect in 16:38. Booker T wins the WWE Intercontinental title. (B / 80)

7. The Dudley Boyz defeated Hardcore Soldiers. Dudley Boyz make defence number 2 of their WWE World Tag Team titles. (B+ / 84)

8. Kane defeated Scott Hall and Kurt Angle. Kane wins the ECW World Heavyweight title. (A* / 95)

9. The Undertaker defeated Chris Benoit. (A / 93)

10. Trish Stratus defeated Lita, Chyna, Jacqueline, Molly Holly and Taylor Matheny. Trish Stratus wins the WWE Women's title. (C+ / 68)

11. Triple H defeated The Rock. Triple H wins the WWE World Heavyweight title. (A / 93)



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<p>April 2004 Week 1</p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>April 2004, Week 1</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="5syC0e6.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5syC0e6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>March 29th, 2004</strong></p><p> <img alt="RRaNlJE.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RRaNlJE.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <em>Show Notes:</em></p><p><em> -Knoble and Devitt had poor chemistry as opponents, which hurt the opener.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> -Trent Acid was wasted on drugs during his squash match. Guess that’s what I get for bringing in a guy named Trent Acid, even if only for one night. The rest of the guys in that match were annoyed, and understandably so.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> “I get the hype on Nakamura. That guy is a star.” –CM Punk</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> “Aguila can do some cool moves, but he just can’t connect with the fans.” –The Enigma</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="JJBwRaP.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JJBwRaP.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>April 3rd, 2004</strong></p><p> <img alt="vnnl5M8.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vnnl5M8.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Upcoming WCW PPV Event(s):</strong></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="hTAKLwJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hTAKLwJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43035" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>April 4th, 2004<p> </p><p> <strong>Prediction Key:</strong></p><p> </p><p> Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship</p><p> </p><p> Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship</p><p> </p><p> Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic</p><p> </p><p> Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto</p><p> </p><p> Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada</p><p> </p><p> Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare</p><p> </p><p> How many championships will change hands?</p><p> </p><p> What will be match of the night?</p><p> </p><p> General comments:</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="k7dcitf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/k7dcitf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43035" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>April 11th, 2004<p> </p><p> CM Punk vs. The Unnatural for the World Heavyweight Championship</p><p> </p><p> The Destroyer vs. Rob Van Dam for the United States Championship</p><p> </p><p> Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Eddie Guerrero in a Two out of Three Falls match</p><p> </p><p> Matt Hardy vs. Mortis</p><p> </p><p> Card subject to change. Please do not submit your predictions at this time.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>News Updates:</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43035" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I groggily rolled over in bed as my phone went off. I’d flown in to Japan shortly after this week’s Nitro to set up for our Renaissance-branded Revolution PPV on Sunday, and my sleeping schedule was all messed up. I shook myself to alertness as I heard the hotel room phone go off though. I’d only given one person this number, and my assistant knew to only call me for one very specific reason beyond something serious.<p> </p><p> “Hello?” I said, fumbling to turn the light on.</p><p> </p><p> “Hey Bret. Your assistant gave me this number. Hope I’m not bothering you.”</p><p> </p><p> “You can call me anytime,” I said quickly. I woke up quickly when I heard the voice on the other end. “So since you called me back, I’m assuming you’re willing to consider coming back to WCW?”</p><p> </p><p> “Of course,” he said. “Making it to the WWF was always my dream, but that doesn’t mean I’d never consider leaving if I got a good offer. Especially with how well you’ve done in turning WCW around; it’s like a different world compared to when I was left.”</p><p> </p><p> “Yes it is,” I agreed. “And we’d love to have you in it. You’re as good as it gets in the ring and on the mic, you’re a big time star, and best of all, you’re a Canadian!” He laughed at that, but I got serious quickly. “So what’s it going to take to bring you back?”</p><p> </p><p> “Hard to say,” he said. “Obviously Vince has already made me a nice offer, but Inoki has reached out to try and bring me into New Japan too.” Of course he had. Inoki is trying to sign EVERYBODY.</p><p> </p><p> “Well, I’m sure we can make you a competitive offer,” I said. “Let’s talk numbers, Chris.” </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> A bunch of our contracts are about to run out, and New Japan jumped in to aggressively pursue several of our guys. They made overtures to Shane Douglas and even The Unnatural, but were rebuffed and gave up on those negotiations pretty quickly. They’re more serious players for Jamie Knoble and both Kaz Hayashi and Yang of The Jung Dragons though. And then All Japan got in on the bidding for Hayashi and Yang, which will only drive their prices up higher. NOAH even got in on talks for Yang, who I guess they would bring in as a singles guy if they got him. I’ll have to seriously evaluate the amount of money it will take to try and retain both these three and others. Financially we are doing very well, but we don’t want to let our budget get out of hand. I’ve already resolved to let several of our mid and lower card guys walk, but we may wind up losing more talent than I thought we would.</p><p> </p><p> Later in the week when I was in Japan, I got word that WWE and NJPW were both coming after Rob Van Dam. No way; not happening.</p><p> </p><p> Several signings and re-signings have already been agreed to: </p><p> </p><p> -Dustin Rhodes signed a 2 year extension. Keeping him was obviously a top priority, and that was made easier when WWE didn’t even make him an offer.</p><p> </p><p> -Randy Savage officially converted his pay per appearance deal for limited dates into a full-time contract.</p><p> </p><p> -We brought in Don Callis and WWE Diva Search reject Maria Kanellis. The plan there is for Callis to work as the color commentator alongside Tony Schiavone on WCW Worldwide, which will be returning to the air imminently as our B show. Maria will probably appear either on that show or on Renaissance as the backstage interviewer, filling the role Becky Bayless does on Nitro and the PPVs. These two and Tony will also probably serve as the regulars on the WCW Panel, a roundtable discussion thing we’re going to start doing on PPVs.</p><p> </p><p> -Reno is signed to a 2 year extension. After all that time in development it feels like a waste to not give him another try on the main roster, though I’m not sure where he’ll slot in yet.</p><p> </p><p> -When I went to negotiate with Scott Steiner he not only demanded a strong salary but made all sorts of demands about wanting a lighter schedule. He even asked for creative control, something no one in the company has and no one is going to get. Not sure why a guy who is currently in rehab thinks he has so much leverage, but I’m strongly considering allowing his contract to run out.</p><p> </p><p> -Chris Harris, James Storm, Charles Robinson, Johnny Parisi and Mike Tenay all signed multiyear extensions, and Aja Kong, Buff Bagwell, Konnan and Shane Douglas are sticking around at least for one more year.</p><p> </p><p> -We’re bringing in Dusty’s kid, Cody Rhodes. He’s a good looking guy who was a two-time Georgia state champion amateur wrestler, and let’s face it, he’s the American Dream’s kid and the younger brother of our reigning world champion, so there’s no way we weren’t giving him a shot. He’ll report to Wildside for a while for training, so we’ll see how he progresses.</p><p> </p><p> Aside from the big move to NBC for Nitro, we extended our prime time deals with Seven Network Australia and ITV and signed an extension with Televisa that saw us move into a prime time spot.</p><p> </p><p> Daisuke Sekimoto had improved about as much as he could in developmental, so we brought him up to the main roster.</p><p> </p><p> Kanyon and Daffney have been hanging out a lot recently (just as friends though, from what I hear.)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Elsewhere in the wrestling world:</span></p><p> </p><p> WWE re-signed Triple H, so I guess he and the McMahons are willing to continue working together even after the breakup with Stephanie. Maybe he realized that he had no other options, because there was no way I would have signed that jerk.</p><p> </p><p> Scott Hall and X-Pac both embarrassed themselves by wrestling while impaired at Mania. In the case of Waltman it was “just” drugs, while Hall threw in drunkenness on top of it. What a way to respond to having been put over Kurt Angle one month earlier for one of the company’s top titles. They were both sent to rehab, and Hall was also hit with a fine (amusingly, his buddy Shawn was apparently angry about the fine.) Good thing they took the ECW title off of Hall and put it on Kane.</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of the Boy Toy, some of my friends there told me he’s been working to try and turn the locker room against The Rock. Hey, sounds good to me. Drive him out, send him to me and the two of us will put you out of business. </p><p> </p><p> WWE seems poised to gut their women’s division. I’m hearing that they don’t plan to offer contract extensions to Lita, Trish Stratus or Jacqueline. The first two are surprising: Lita was still sleeping with Shane McMahon last I heard, and Trish is by far the most popular woman in the division (and just won the title at Mania.) I wasn’t really planning on making a bid for any of their women, aside from maybe Molly Holly, but if they’re just going to let Trish and Lita walk maybe I should reach out to them.</p><p> </p><p> WWE hired young Chris Masters, a big muscly guy. Big surprise. They also let Steve Blackman go at the same time.</p><p> </p><p> Pro Wrestling NOAH has been given National designation in Japan. That’s above New Japan’s current Cult status, though NJPW is still considered more important. With the plethora of guys whose contracts are coming due with both us and WWE, it’ll be interesting to see what NOAH does.</p><p> </p><p> NOAH’s Spring Navigation show was good at an 86 overall score, but well below last month’s big show. They didn’t have the big belt defended, as the main event saw champion Jun Akiyama team with Akira Taue to go to a time limit draw against Mitsuharu Misawa and Yoshinari Ogawa in a 91 rated match, which was the best thing on the show. The show also saw Pentagon and Gran Naniwa win the GHC Junior Heavyweight tag titles from Dissident Movement.</p><p> </p><p> Kenta Kobashi is currently out with an elbow injury but he’s still a vital cog for NOAH, who signed him to an extension. They also extended reigning heavyweight champion Jun Akiyama.</p><p> </p><p> While busy trying to swipe all of my guys, New Japan locked down top stars Jushin Liger and Masahiro Chono with contract extensions.</p><p> </p><p> 50 year old Tatsumi Fujinami isn’t done just yet. New Japan signed him to an extension.</p><p> </p><p> NOAH stole Shinji Takada, AJPW’s color commentator.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <hr noshade size=3></p><p> </p><p> Nice work on Mania, Rateddc!</p><p> </p><p> So yeah, a much bigger post than usual just because of the flurry of contract stuff going on. I think that’s because many people were set to 3 year contracts at the start.</p><p> </p><p> If it wasn’t clear, this is the last post before Revolution and now is the time to get your predictions in.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Ry da guy" data-cite="Ry da guy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43035" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How good is the company doing financially?</div></blockquote><p> I’ve been turning a profit from the beginning, and right now I’ve generally been making 3-5 million in profit a month. So I’ve got plenty of cash saved up, though my wages are about to skyrocket thanks to all of these bidding wars and just the rising popularity of my roster.</p>
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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands?


What will be match of the night?

Nagayo v Hokuto

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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands? 0


What will be match of the night? Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship

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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands? 0


What will be match of the night? The main event


General comments: But there’s two canadian Chrises! By god, the suspense!

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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands? 0


What will be match of the night? Nagayo vs. Hokuto

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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands? 0


What will be match of the night? Nagayo vs Hokuto

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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands?



What will be match of the night?

World Title Match


General comments:

A Canadian Chris interested in coming back?? :D

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<p>Interesting to see all that massive work you've put into building Japan up is coming to bite you in the butt with all the Japanese companies coming to pillage all your guys. Glad you're back to doing this for however long it lasts. You're an icon in the diaries section, and just like Phantom Stranger will be missed greatly when you do pull the plug.</p><p> </p><p>

And given the UI catastrophe, I'm likely not buying 2020 either so I'll be enjoying 2016 right along with you.</p>

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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands?


What will be match of the night?

Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation




He probably wanted a cooldown match between them.


having a cooldown as your semi main doesn't seem like a good idea.

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<p>Chigusa Nagayo vs. <strong>Akira Hokuto</strong> (©) for the World Championship</p><p> </p><p>

Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. <strong>Our Generation</strong> (©) for the World Tag Team Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Manami Toyota</strong> vs. Wesna Busic</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Meiko Satomura</strong> vs. LuFisto</p><p> </p><p>

Kyoko Inoue vs. <strong>Toshiyo Yamada</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Momoe Nakanishi vs. <strong>The Beautiful Nightmare</strong></p><p> </p><p>

How many championships will change hands? 0</p><p> </p><p>

What will be match of the night? <strong>Nagayo vs. Hokuto</strong></p>

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<p>Chigusa Nagayo vs. <strong>Akira Hokuto</strong> (©) for the World Championship</p><p> </p><p>

Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. <strong>Our Generation</strong> (©) for the World Tag Team Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Manami Toyota</strong> vs. Wesna Busic</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Meiko Satomura</strong> vs. LuFisto</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kyoko Inoue</strong> vs. Toshiyo Yamada</p><p> </p><p>

Momoe Nakanishi vs. <strong>The Beautiful Nightmare</strong></p><p> </p><p>

How many championships will change hands? 0</p><p> </p><p>

What will be match of the night? Nagayo v Hokuto</p><p> </p><p>

General comments:</p>

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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship

The prodigy in my 1987 game at the moment


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare

How many championships will change hands? 1


What will be match of the night? Chigusa/Akira

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Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands? 0


What will be match of the night? Nagayo vs. Hokuto

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April 4th, 2004


Prediction Key:


Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship

Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands? 0


What will be match of the night? Nagayo vs Hokuto

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Prediction Key:


Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto (©) for the World Championship


Etsuko Mita and Kaoru Ito vs. Our Generation (©) for the World Tag Team Championship


Manami Toyota vs. Wesna Busic


Meiko Satomura vs. LuFisto


Kyoko Inoue vs. Toshiyo Yamada


Momoe Nakanishi vs. The Beautiful Nightmare


How many championships will change hands? 0


What will be match of the night? Chigusa Nagayo vs. Akira Hokuto


General comments: Crazy how Inoki is running NJPW and trying to bid on everyone, does he get the ratings to justify all of this? How is Steve Austin doing over there?

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