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How to make enough storylines interesting?

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I do ask you because i'm having a problem in the Hulkamania Extreme Edition II that takes place in 1995. Happens that no matter how popular are several of my wrestlers, the situation is the same, i have no enough interesting storyline so Nitro ends up with a C+ rating.


What i can do and how do you guys face a situation like this one?

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<p>I'm guessing you're running a company where you need 2 storylines to have high heat. Not sure what letter grade they need to be because I use the numbers but the number is 77. </p><p> </p><p>

Are you running storylines using the storylines tab? Its not enough to have book them in your head, you need actual storylines set up. You need the people in those storylines to appear in segments( angles or matches) together to get the heat up. If not, your show's rating will be tanked. Hope I was able to help.</p>

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Go to your storyline page and find out the requirement. Let's say you need 2 storylines at a heat of 77.


The best way to go about getting your storylines good grades is make sure you end on the strongest grade. Usually this is going to be an angle. For example:


Austin vs Rock interviews lead up to the main event, and all those will get good entertainment-related scores. The match itself doesn't matter, but the higher the better. Then end on something big. A brawl (using overness or selling) or an exchange of words (using entertinment or microphone). Or menace if you got it. Ending on an angle will ensure the storyline takes the latest grade into account and bumps it up accordingly.

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Go to your storyline page and find out the requirement. Let's say you need 2 storylines at a heat of 77.


The best way to go about getting your storylines good grades is make sure you end on the strongest grade. Usually this is going to be an angle. For example:


Austin vs Rock interviews lead up to the main event, and all those will get good entertainment-related scores. The match itself doesn't matter, but the higher the better. Then end on something big. A brawl (using overness or selling) or an exchange of words (using entertinment or microphone). Or menace if you got it. Ending on an angle will ensure the storyline takes the latest grade into account and bumps it up accordingly.


I'll try it, but with the roster that i have seems quite difficult. (I have Warrior as my figurehead and the Renegade is involved in the feud along with Sting & Muta against the Four Horsemen).

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<p>You have workers who should be able to pull strong angle grades. The likes of Warrior, Sting, and several of the Horsemen should be very VERY capable of pulling B or better grades on the microphone. </p><p> </p><p>

If the grades aren't delivering, you can consider a couple of options. one would be adjusting the types of angles you are using, to ensure the best suit the workers involved. Many of us will create custom angles just to suit a particular worker. And the other adjustment would be to ensure every storyline has at least one participant who can carry angles.</p>

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<p>Thankfully i've found my way. For example, i involved the Road Warrior Hawk vs. Kurasawa in a match vs. Ric Flair. Also i have Luger vs. Vader, and also Meng (with. Col. Rob Parker) against the debuting Bryan Clarke.</p><p> </p><p>

Thank you all for al the tips.</p>

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