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Wrestling Styles v Product

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Which wrestling styles are suited to which product types? I am finagling around a mix of about 70% "regular wrestler". I have some brawlers, a few technical guys, several MMA crossovers. But, I don't know which match type to put them in (Can an MMA Crossover do a Brawl? What about a Technical?), or what kind of guys to default my biases toward/against, when considering their working style and my product. I would like to be as diverse as possible. I think it's fun having an occasional brawl based match or comedy based match. I like the occasional entertainer or mma crossover. What I don't like, is not knowing the where/when of using them best. Can someone point me to a guide, or post which product definitions work well with which wrestling styles?
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Actually, it's really easy. On the roster page, click the filter tab. Then on the right, where it says "In terms of skills I'm looking for" select Good and then whatever category you're looking for. So, for instance, whoever shows up in a search for Good Technical Wrestlers are the ones you want to throw in a Technical Masterclass match. Now, you might be able to get away with wrestlers listed as Decent in that category, but that is often dependent on the specific match type. For example, someone who is a Decent Brawler may not appreciate being booked in a Coal Miner's Glove match.
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<p>I know how to use actual... Mat Wrestling, Chain Wrestling, Submission artist to set up a "Technical Masterclass" match. What I don't know is whether my fed has any business signing MMA Crossover or Puroresu or Technical guys (This is listed under Wrestling Style), and what kind of promotions should be using what kind of guys.</p><p> </p><p>

I think it goes without saying that a company with Sports Entertainment as a key feature should use Entertainer wrestlers while a company with "Pure" as its key feature should probably use Technical, and Hardcore key feature should probably use as many Psychopaths as possible. But what else can "Pure" successfully use? What can "Traditional" use? What style can each product use and use well? I don't want to sign up a top notch guy who happens to be "technical" and then never have him get over because of the difference between my product and his style.</p>

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I've been playing AAA, which is primarily traditional. At least 3 of my main eventers are Good Brawlers, several members of the roster are Good Technicians, and I've got enough people rated well enough that I could put on a High Spots match anywhere on the card, provided the crowd has been warmed up enough.
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