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I feel like a big idiot. How do I add weight classes into my company I'm running?


Go into 'Your Office' and select 'Weight Classes'. If the weight class you're adding is one of the 11 already in game go down to 'Use Default' , find the division you want, and hit apply. It will automatically set the division Name and weight limits. If you wanna add a totally new weight class to your save just type in the name you want and set the weight limits. After you've made all the adjustments if any that you want, then just hit Save.

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Unable to make weight


Hey there,


So my number 1 contender at Middleweight has fought 5 times at Middleweight, however when I select him to challenge for the Title Match, he is somehow "unable to make the maximum weight". Has anyone experienced this? They have a VERY HOT rivalry and want this match to happen and not move him up to Light Heavy.


Help please!


I am on the most recent update, played this game a lot and this new save, I cannot figure out why this keeps popping up. Had to move 2 fighters up weights already with similar situations.

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Go into 'Your Office' and select 'Weight Classes'. If the weight class you're adding is one of the 11 already in game go down to 'Use Default' , find the division you want, and hit apply. It will automatically set the division Name and weight limits. If you wanna add a totally new weight class to your save just type in the name you want and set the weight limits. After you've made all the adjustments if any that you want, then just hit Save.


Thanks! I just had a huge brain fart and was worried about removing a weight class lol.

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Hey there,


So my number 1 contender at Middleweight has fought 5 times at Middleweight, however when I select him to challenge for the Title Match, he is somehow "unable to make the maximum weight".


The stat in question: weight cutting, is dynamic and most likely moved down as your fighter aged, and now he no longer can make it.


It's realistic, but if you don't like it, change it to 80 in the editor.

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What's the difference between an Internet Based broadcaster an a non one? I've always at some point in one of my games setup my own broadcaster and each time I've always wondered what the difference is due to the large difference of cost between them. Is there a penalty for running an internet based broadcaster? Do non internet based broadcasters earn more?
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Is there a penalty for running an internet based broadcaster? Do non internet based broadcasters earn more?


I think the line of thought is that "online" shows get pirated more easily? In my experience there was a big piracy network since 2003/4, but it does make it easier.

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I have a question. I am running UFC and have my own PPV broadcaster with enormous coverage all over. I've noticed that the money I make from PPV is dependent upon the location where I host it. I kind of get the idea behind this... but I'm seeing way too much fluctuation - for instance, a PPV in Nevada makes me $37 million+, a PPV in Ontario only net me $17 million, and southeast Asia got me $9 million. All of these had mid to high international main events.


If my PPV coverage is enormous in every region, I don't understand how these numbers can be so drastically different. Are you telling me that an American UFC fan isn't going to buy/watch the PPV because it's being held in Bangkok or some other foreign city? That's ridiculous. If you're a fan, you're going to purchase the event no matter where it's held.


Does anyone know why it does this? I feel like I'm being forced to hold all my major events in Las Vegas, but it shouldn't have to be like this.

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<p>The reasoning behind the fluctuation is that there would be different timezones and it presumes people don't stay up until 4AM to watch the PPV and pay for it.</p><p> </p><p>

However, sometimes it seems a bit harsh. But I doubt it'll change now. This isn't a financial simulator, so I wouldn't worry about it. As UFC, it's impossible to go out of business and once you reach 999 million $, it stops gaining anyway.</p>

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The reasoning behind the fluctuation is that there would be different timezones and it presumes people don't stay up until 4AM to watch the PPV and pay for it.


However, sometimes it seems a bit harsh. But I doubt it'll change now. This isn't a financial simulator, so I wouldn't worry about it. As UFC, it's impossible to go out of business and once you reach 999 million $, it stops gaining anyway.


I was more concerned with the number of buys, not so much the money made. But since no exact number is given, I have to go off the money with my little formula lol. I'm trying to reach 1.5-2m+ buys like UFC has done in real life, but I doubt it will ever hit that. And even with the time zone stuff, why am I getting by far the most buys out of Nevada? There is no catch-all time zone. I don't know, I just don't get that. I lived in Europe for 5 years and I bought a ton of American PPV events when I was over there. I guess I don't think it's as huge of an issue as the game makes it out to be.

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Perhaps not, but many people want to see these events live and to pay top dollar for a live event where you might end up falling asleep before the end... yeah, not gonna happen. Back in the day they didn't even allow "rewatching" afaik.


That's true but it still doesn't explain how holding an event in Toronto at Eastern Standard Time is somehow not selling as much as an event in Buffalo. Same time zone, less than 2 hours apart. Americans aren't going to stop watching a PPV event just because it's hosted in Canada. I find that ridiculous tbh.

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<p>Issue generating fighters</p><p> </p><p>

Hello everyone, i really enjoy playing this game so this is pretty annoying for me.</p><p> </p><p>

I’m playing with the UFC Real World Mod and after reaching 2023 it seems like the game doesn’t generate fighters as much as earlier. In the start of the game, there could easily be 10+ new fighters each month, now there is only like 1-5 in a 3-month span.</p><p> </p><p>

Anyone know how to fix so it keeps adding 10+ fighters each month, so i can keep the save going for a long time?</p>

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Hello everyone, i really enjoy playing this game so this is pretty annoying for me.


I’m playing with the UFC Real World Mod and after reaching 2023 it seems like the game doesn’t generate fighters as much as earlier. In the start of the game, there could easily be 10+ new fighters each month, now there is only like 1-5 in a 3-month span.


Anyone know how to fix so it keeps adding 10+ fighters each month, so i can keep the save going for a long time?


The engine doesnt want to flood the gameworld.


You can change it by editing the Era settings (min fighters per weight class).


Or just generate 20+ fighters every 2 months with the Populate feature.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nephrinn" data-cite="Nephrinn" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="44604" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Do fighters gain energy between rounds? Would a fighter be less worn out over 6x10min rounds as opposed to 1x60min round? I assume that's the case but not sure.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, they do. I don't know how much. Try it yourself in exh. mode. You'll see the "tired" notes come earlier in the 1x60 min. match.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="44604" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yes, they do. I don't know how much. Try it yourself in exh. mode. You'll see the "tired" notes come earlier in the 1x60 min. match.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ok good to know, thanks!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Frankdukes111" data-cite="Frankdukes111" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="44604" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If I had a question about getting a mod to work properly, where should I post that?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Depends on what "working properly" means.</p>
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So the olympics and the BJJ world championships etc are activated in my game, and I see they are being simulated on the losing screen. But I’m 18 years in the game and yet to see the profile of someone who’s participated in them. Is there any way to see this ?


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