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United States Wrestling Federation

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This is attempt #2 in the past few weeks to create my own promotion, but I've made a few changes:


Starting as a small company with 12 popularity in the Mid-South

Starting with $100,000

Using TheWho87's Real World Mod set in March of 2018


Everything else will be the same. No face/heel divide, most of the shows will be matches, with a few interviews scattered in.


There will be 2 titles to start with: The USWF Title, and the USWF Tag Team Titles. Eventually, I plan on adding a USWF Women's Title, and once I get a show on tv, I'll of course add a USWF Television Title.


This will be strictly text based, as with photobucket gone, I've yet to find an easy way to do photos. I know other people have, but my time is already limited.


I hope some of the followers of my other dynasties join in, as I'm about to announce the roster.

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Here is a look at the initial roster for the USWF, and again, I am not using a face/heel divide.


Main Eventers


Shad Gaspard, Robbie E, Chris Melendez, Aaron Stevens.


Upper Midcarders


Eugene, Elijah Burke, James Ellsworth (via autopush, I think he's pushed a little high here).




Darren Young, Trevor Murdoch, Garett Bischoff, JTG


Lower Midcarders


Shawn Daivari, Shark Boy, Brian Pillman Jr.




2 Tuff Tony


Occasional Wrestlers


Corporal Robinson, Shaggy 2 Dope, Violent J, Matt Bentley




Joey Styles (Even though we aren't on tv yet, I still plan on filming our shows and going to DVD with them, so having an announcer is still important.


Authority Figure


Anthony Carelli (Otherwise known as Santino Marella)




Justin King, Mike Schaplowsky (Me again)


Road Agents


Al Snow, Shane Helms


I have plans to really push a couple of the midcard and lower midcard guys (not giving any hints which ones), and I also have a few people on the roster that are basically there to just put people over and pass the torch so to speak (Again, no hints).


Tag Teams


Cryme Tyme (Shad Gaspard and JTG)

Insane Clown Posse (Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J)


Will definitely be adding more tag teams as soon as possible, would like to have at least 3, maybe 4.


Ok, that's it. Going to finish simming through March 2018, and will start my first shows in April of 2018. First card upcoming either later today or tomorrow.


Thoughts or opinions on the roster? Let me know.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">March 2018 Recap</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Something new I'm going to try with this dynasty report is to point out key things that happened during every single month. Things such as worker deaths, serious injuries, retirements, major title changes (the only companies I'll really focus on are the big companies, NJPW, WWE, Impact, ROH, Lucha Underground). Let's get it underway:</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Worker Deaths</span></p><p> </p><p>

Only one to speak of this month, as less is better in this case. Gran Apache passed away at the age of 58.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Worker Retirements</span></p><p> </p><p>

No official retirements yet, but a lot of wrestlers that have said they will retire soon. Unfortunately, I don't have a complete list, so I'll keep a better eye on that.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Relationships</span></p><p> </p><p>

In shocking news, the Miz and Maryse have called it quits, deciding to divorce.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Company News</span></p><p> </p><p>

More shocking news, as WWE has fallen to national size, while Lucha Underground has risen to regional size.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Title Changes</span></p><p> </p><p>

-- Eli Drake won a 4 way match to reclaim the Impact World Title.</p><p>

-- Kelly Klein defeated Sumie Sakai to win the Women of Honor Title</p><p>

-- Fenix defeated Dr. Wagner Jr. for the Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods Title.</p><p>

-- Baron Corbin defeated Bobby Roode to win the WWE United States Title.</p><p>

-- Brawn Strowman defeated Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar in a Three Way Match to win the WWE Universal Title.</p>

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<p>The initial card for USWF Live has been announced, and we have some exciting matches taking place:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><pre class="ipsCode">Three Way Elimination Match for USWF Title Shot- Robbie E. vs. Aaron Stevens vs. Eugene

Three Way Elimination Match for USWF Title Shot- Chris Melendez vs. Elijah Burke vs. James Ellsworth

USWF Tag Team Title Match- Cryme Tyme vs. Insane Clown Posse

Darren Young vs. Trevor Murdoch

Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Matt Bentley


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<p><strong>An interesting cast of characters I see you have assembled. I will take some wild shots at predicting the matches</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Three Way Elimination Match for USWF Title Shot- Robbie E. vs. <strong>Aaron Stevens</strong> vs. Eugene</p><p>

<strong>Robbie E is in the main event.....but let's go with the superior brain power and wrestling ability in this one with Aaron Stevens.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Three Way Elimination Match for USWF Title Shot- <strong>Chris Melendez</strong> vs. Elijah Burke vs. James Ellsworth</p><p>

<strong>Elijah is probably the better worker here at least at this point but he has been sitting behind a mic for a while. Not sure what to do with Ellsworth</strong></p><p> </p><p>

USWF Tag Team Title Match- <strong>Cryme Tyme</strong> vs. Insane Clown Posse</p><p>

<strong>Surprised the ICP isn't dead yet, but Cryme Tyme will make them DOA</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darren Young</strong> vs. Trevor Murdoch</p><p>

<strong>Young has the tools to be something good. Loved how this guy (Murdoch) had some resemblance to Capt Redneck </strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brian Pillman Jr.</strong> vs. Matt Bentley</p><p>

<strong>Matt Bentley, haven't heard his name in awhile, a long while. BPJ is relatively new and I have no idea of his ability so we will take a wild swing and say he has something or at least enough to get past Bentley</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Good luck with this dynasty, hope you enjoy it and can bring it forward into a major indy promo soon</strong></p>

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Three Way Elimination Match for USWF Title Shot- Robbie E. vs. Aaron Stevens vs. Eugene

Comments: Aaron Stevens is your biggest star in my opinion. Eugene is clearly here to put guys over and Robbie E has a ton of potential.


Three Way Elimination Match for USWF Title Shot- Chris Melendez vs. Elijah Burke vs. James Ellsworth

Comments: James Ellsworth got super over in WWE which is why is got pushed so high. I see Elijah Burke getting the victory. Hopefully we see his OVW Tag Parter, Marcus Anthony join up to help the tag team division. Melendez is decent and I hope he preforms well for you.


USWF Tag Team Title Match- Cryme Tyme vs. Insane Clown Posse

Comments: This match could be shockingly good. Cryme Tyme gets the victory as I hope you can find some other tag teams. I know the New Heavenly Bodies should be out there as well as Ali and Omar Akbar for a good heel tag team.


Darren Young vs. Trevor Murdoch

Comments: Darren Young could be your top star if used correctly.


Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Matt Bentley

Comments: I've never seen Brian Pillman Jr. It will be interested to see him. I have to think he will be victorious in his debut. Also, been awhile since I've seen Matt Bentley as well.


I like this has an indy feel and I've seen some of these guys wrestle in my hometown in OVW. I'm behind this 100%.

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<p><strong>USWF Live</strong></p><p><strong>

Thursday, Week 1, April 2018</strong></p><p><strong>

Husky Field- Houston, TX</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Attendance: 287</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Anthony Carelli opened up the first ever show for USWF by talking about the 2 elimination matches to set up a singles match for the USWF Title, as well as the USWF Tag Title Match between Cryme Tyme and ICP. He promised that it would be a lot of action, and not a lot of talk like those other companies he used to work for (clear dig on WWE there). He also promised that USWF would continue to bring wrestlers in, and would be traveling to small arenas every single week! (50)</em></p><p> </p><p>

In the first ever match of USWF, <strong>Brian Pillman Jr.</strong> took on <strong>Matt Bentley</strong>. It was a good opening match, with a young up and comer against someone who you could consider to be passing the torch, but <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pillman Jr. proved that youth beats experience, at least tonight, by getting Bentley to tap out! (21)</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, Pillman Jr. grabbed the mic and told the fans in attendance how excited he was to be here, and how happy he was for all the support. He told the fans that his dad was one of a kind, and that his dads memory would always live on. The crowd roared in approval. (27)</em></p><p> </p><p>

The next match saw <strong>Darren Young</strong> taking on <strong>Trevor Murdoch</strong>. Murdoch really tried to overpower Young, but Darren was able to use his quickness. One mistake was all it took, as <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Young executed a Bonecrusher on Murdoch to get the pin. (30)</span></p><p> </p><p>

It was time to crown our first champion in USWF, as the <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">USWF Tag Team Titles</span></strong> were up for grabs as <strong>Cryme Tyme</strong> took on those infamous juggaloes, the <strong>Insane Clown Posse</strong>. ICP tried to use trickery and did everything they could to embarrass Cryme Tyme, but all that did was make them mad. Shad Gaspard used the power, and <span style="text-decoration:underline;">JTG finished Violent J off with a Shout Out as Cryme Tyme got the pin and became the first ever USWF Tag Team Champions! (31)</span></p><p> </p><p>

The first of our 2 three way elimination matches took place, as this one featured <strong>Chris Melendez</strong>, <strong>Elijah Burke</strong>, and <strong>James Ellsworth</strong>. Burke quickly eliminated Ellsworth, and the bulk of the match was between Melendez and Burke. Despite his handicaps, Melendez proved to be a force, and the ring rust of Burke really showed. In the end, <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Melendez was able to get the pinfall over Burke to advance to the USWF Title Match on next weeks show. (29)</span></p><p> </p><p>

The main event of the evening saw our 2nd three way elimination match, as <strong>Robbie E</strong>, <strong>Aaron Stevens</strong>, and <strong>Eugene</strong> did battle. Stevens was clearly the top performer here, but he needed help from the ring ropes to defeat Eugene. Clearly distraught, Eugene cried his way to the back as Robbie E and Stevens put on an absolute classic for several minutes. The crowd popped late in the match, as Eugene came back out, riding a tricycle of all things. The crowd and Robbie E loved it, but Aaron Stevens did not. He tried to lecture the fun spirited Eugene, <span style="text-decoration:underline;">but completely forgot that he was still in a match, as Robbie E delivered a quick roll-up for the 1,2,3, earning the 2nd spot in the USWF Title Match next week! (37)</span></p><p> </p><p>

Joey Styles commented that it'll be Robbie E vs. Chris Melendez next week for the USWF title, which should be a pretty solid match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Show Rating: 36</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Not bad for the first show, I'll take it. The first and last segments were clearly the best, as Santino... excuse me.. Anthony stole the show. Everything else in between was kind of blah, and I'm still getting that stupid "bad booking decisions" road agent note that I never have figured out what it means. Oh well, I'll keep plugging along, trying to build USWF into the best promotion I can. I'm not expecting it to ever win any Company of the Year awards, might not even get any A or A+ match ratings, but it'll be a heck of a fun independent company to focus on. Hope you all enjoyed the first show. Ah.. but wait, we're not done, we do have a bit of bad news...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Notes</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-- Chris Melendez sustained a dislocated finger at the show tonight, and many in the back are unhappy with Elijah Burke, as they are saying it was his botch that caused Melendez to get hurt. We'll keep an eye on that, but it doesn't look like anything that'll cause next weeks match to get changed.</p><p> </p><p>

-- On the subject, Burke is not too happy about being accused of causing Melendez's injury. He's going to be a key piece here in USWF. I gave him a $3,000 bonus, and now he is just slightly irritated. Hopefully this will blow over soon.</p><p> </p><p>

-- Robbie E wasn't too kind to Brian Pillman Jr. after the show, telling me that "the kid is too clumsy and is going to end up hurting someone badly." I told Robbie just to relax, that he was a rookie at one time too, and that Pillman Jr. had a lot of star power and that he would get better in the ring.</p>

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-- USWF has entered an alliance with Evolve Wrestling, Full Impact Pro, and Shine Wrestling. Because of that, they will be sharing talent with those companies.


-- Also, lots of new talent has been signed, including several tag teams that will make their debut. I don't want to give anything away yet, but some of them will be introduced at the next show. Speaking of, let's look at the card for USWF Live coming up:


Aaron Stevens vs. Shark Boy
Darren Young vs. Garret Bischoff
Eugene vs. Shawn Daivari
ACH vs. Brian Pillman Jr.
USWF Tag Team Title Match- Cryme Tyme vs. Adrenaline Override (2 Tuff Tony and Corporal Robinson)
USWF Title Match- Robbie E vs. Chris Melendez


I'll give my 2 guys that regularly make predictions a chance to predict, and try to run this show over the weekend.

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Aaron Stevens vs. Shark Boy


Darren Young vs. Garret Bischoff


Eugene vs. Shawn Daivari


ACH vs. Brian Pillman Jr.


USWF Tag Team Title Match- Cryme Tyme vs. Adrenaline Override (2 Tuff Tony and Corporal Robinson)


USWF Title Match- Robbie E vs. Chris Melendez

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Aaron Stevens vs. Shark Boy

Darren Young vs. Garret Bischoff

Eugene vs. Shawn Daivari

ACH vs. Brian Pillman Jr.

USWF Tag Team Title Match- Cryme Tyme vs. Adrenaline Override (2 Tuff Tony and Corporal Robinson)

USWF Title Match- Robbie E vs. Chris Melendez

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<p>USWF Live</p><p>

Thursday, Week 2, April 1998</p><p>

Husky Field- Houston, TX</p><p>

Show Attendance: 271</p><p> </p><p>

The first match of the show saw <strong>Darren Young</strong> taking on <strong>Garett Bischoff</strong> in a match-up between 2 mid-carders. While the wrestling wasn't great, the crowd gave it a decent reaction. In the end, the younger Bischoff let his inexperience show and <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Young pinned Bischoff at the 6:16 mark after a Bonecrusher. (30)</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ACH</strong> took on <strong>Brian Pillman Jr.</strong> in another match that got a decent crowd reaction. Unfortunately, the wrestling wasn't quite as good as ACH was a bit off his game. Both men tired toward the end, but <span style="text-decoration:underline;">ACH was able to hit a 450 splash on Pillman Jr. to get the pin at the 12:13 mark. (24)</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, Pillman Jr. was visibly upset, but ACH consoled the young man as they shook hands and both pointed to the sky in honor of Pillman Jr's late father, the great Brian Pillman. (25)</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aaron Stevens</strong> took on <strong>Shark Boy</strong> next, and this match was all Stevens. It wasn't quite a squash match, but <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Stevens got the pin at the 3:04 mark after an Idolizer. (39)</span></p><p> </p><p>

The wild and crazy <strong>Eugene</strong> took on <strong>Shawn Daivari</strong> next, as Eugene continued to play to the crowd. Eugene used his skills to his advantage though, <span style="text-decoration:underline;">as he was able to get a Bridging German Suplex on Daivari to get the pin at the 4:38 mark, shocking yet another wrestler. (31)</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After the match, with Eugene celebrating, Aaron Stevens came in from behind and attacked Eugene. Daivari waited for a second, then joined Stevens in the attack, as they threw him out of the ring with the crowd booing loudly. (37)</em></p><p> </p><p>

The USWF Title Match was next, as <strong>Robbie E</strong> took on <strong>Chris Melendez</strong> in a decent match. The 2 went back and forth, but Melendez clearly showed he doesn't quite have the stamina to go more than a few minutes. <span style="text-decoration:underline;">At the 8:19 mark, Robbie E pinned Melendez to become the first ever USWF Champion! (32)</span></p><p> </p><p>

Our main event of the evening was a USWF Tag Team Title Match featuring the USWF Tag Team Champions <strong>Cryme Tyme</strong> going against <strong>Adrenaline Override (2 Tuff Tony and Corporal Robinson)</strong>. To nobodys surprise, Cryme Tyme was dominating the match when <span style="text-decoration:underline;">at the 3:41 mark, Violent J ran into the ring and hit JTG, disqualifying Adrenaline Override. (32)</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The action didn't stop there though, as Shaggy 2 Dope and Mad Man Pondo entered the ring to help with the beatdown. The 5 juggaloes brutalized Cryme Tyme, leaving them a bloodied mess. Violent J took the mic and said that it was time for the Juggaloes to take over this "crappy excuse for a wrestling promotion" and that from this moment forward, these 5 men would be known as the Juggalo World Order (original I know), and that they would cause all the havoc they wanted, and nobody could stop them. The show ended with fans littering the ring with all kinds of objects. (25)</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Show Rating: 33</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Not as good as last week, and I apologize for the write-up, it felt a bit rushed. Obviously these backstage "bad booking decisions" are driving me crazy, but this is why I wanted to do a small "independent type company" so that I could make all kinds of mistakes and not be too penalized by them.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Notes</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-- Nothing noteworthy to speak of. Al Snow doesn't think Brian Pillman Jr. is a good fit in USWF. What's with these people? Do they not realize who his daddy was? The guy isn't going anywhere, so Mr. Snow will just have to get over it. He is replaceable, Pillman Jr. is staying here.</p>

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