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which is better?

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I'm getting ready to start yet another rookie to legend career, but i want to use a different type of wrestler. I've heard reports from guys that use super juniors, and seem to have good success, and I've heard that the major heavyweights and giants have a lot of success. What are the positives and negatives to each of those? I would think that being a super junior, it would be hard to do a lot of moves, because super juniors wouldn't be able to execute a lot of moves on guys that were bigger. Which should I go with? a super junior, or a giant?
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I've been having a LOT of success myself with a heavyweight strongstyle wrestler. You get some huge stats if you adjust it right, like 30 points more than any other wrestler style I've seen so I was cleaning up pretty well right from the get go. The downside, I'm in July 2007 and still can't get work in Japan, but I'm over big in the US, Europe, UK, and somewhat in Canada. The problem is sports entertainer venues, hardcore, and of course lucha won't hire you, though I have gotten into Men of Steel Combat in the UK which is hardcore after my overness got high enough and they actually contacted me. I'm not sure if I'll eventually be able to get a contract in Japan or not but it's great otherwise as I'm up to the second spending level right now so it's not really a huge issue. I'm the reigning champ of 3 federations and have 4 tag belts as well. My mic skill peaked at 55 but 3 years in I have yet to have an interview anyway and have a manager to back me up in every federation regardless as I'm Upper Midcard to Main Event in all of them. If you giant, I think the big plus is a lot of moves simply cannot be performed on you and it's very easy to get the "fall out" manuever to work when it's available. Super Junior I haven't tried but I think it's supposed to be a high speed style. If that's true then being able to perform moves like suplexes and powerbombs on bigger guys shouldn't really be an issue, you're going to be using a lot of flying moves.
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Well I just started messing with the super junior style since you mentioned it and set it for a lightweight guy. It's actually a mix of technical wrestling and speed, his only drawback seems to be somewhat in charisma and toughness. Here's what I got after some fiddling. Power: 5 Technique: 36 Speed: 26 Stamina: 40 Psychology: 27 Toughness: 11 Safety: 23 Charisma: 16 Microphone: 12 Look: 7 Those are the best stats I could come up with and it actually looks pretty impressive with over 200 points total which is pretty rare to get plus being able to work for all starting promotions (not sure about lucha since both those are "cult" status to start). If you want those use lightweight like I said and set it up like this. Athletic Ability: 30 Toughness: 25 Charisma: 15 Wrestling: 30 Fundamental: 35 Power: 0 Technical: 35 Speed: 30
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I use a middleweight technician in my game, and I'm having decent success. THe only problem is that it's kinda hard to get good matches, because you don't have too many moves with high wow-factor, and since you're being paired with opponents similar to you, they don't have to many flashy moves either. I started out with i think 40 for tech, which got me off the ground pretty well... all other stats kinda suck though, but I've managed to get psych into the 90's and mic up to a decent level, so I'm all good... Speed & power kinda sucks, though... and it takes alot of training to keep you tech stats let alone improve them.
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