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APW: A Veteran's Odyssey

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<p>APW ANZAC Cup Qualifier - <strong>Alyx Macquarie</strong> vs Barney Mason</p><p>

<strong>Donovan Boon & Rusty Mills [The Duo] </strong>vs Felix Harding & Reggie Tate</p><p>

APW ANZAC Cup Qualifier - Boo Smithson vs<strong> Nighthawk</strong></p><p>

The Master's Class: Barry Thyme & Phil Rathen [Local Competitors] vs <strong>Lanny Williams & Debonair David Peterson [The Wrestling Masters]</strong></p><p>

APW ANZAC Cup Qualifier - Dexter Mattell vs <strong>Dingo Devine</strong></p><p>

APW ANZAC Cup Qualifier - <strong>Christopher Gerard</strong> vs Lone Shark</p><p>

APW Commonwealth Championship Match - <strong>Nathan McKenzie ©</strong> vs Spiffy Stan Standish w/ Alexander Banks & Max Forbes</p>

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<p>APW OzFest 2016 Full Match Card</p><p> </p><p>

APW ANZAC Cup Qualifier - Alyx Macquarie vs <strong>Barney Mason</strong></p><p>

Donovan Boon & Rusty Mills [The Duo] vs <strong>Felix Harding & Reggie Tate</strong></p><p>

APW ANZAC Cup Qualifier - <strong>Boo Smithson</strong> vs Nighthawk</p><p>

The Master's Class: Barry Thyme & Phil Rathen [Local Competitors] vs <strong>Lanny Williams & Debonair David Peterson [The Wrestling Masters]</strong></p><p>

APW ANZAC Cup Qualifier - Dexter Mattell vs <strong>Dingo Devine</strong></p><p>

APW ANZAC Cup Qualifier - Christopher Gerard vs <strong>Lone Shark</strong></p><p>

APW Commonwealth Championship Match - <strong>Nathan McKenzie</strong> © vs Spiffy Stan Standish w/ Alexander Banks & Max Forbes</p><p> </p><p>

Comments welcome. Fielding suggestions for a possible Spotlight feature. Who do you want to see in the Spotlight and why? Lone Shark. Why, "because the shark bait said so!", but seriously the dude wears a freakin sharkfin on his head how could you not spotlight that?</p>

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APW OzFest 2016

Saturday, Week 3, January 2016

Melbourne Sports Auditorium (Eastern Aus, generic venue)

Attendance: 3200




ANZAC Cup Qualifier



Alyx Macquarie vs Barney Mason


A match that was never really in doubt, Barney's 80s "inspired" wrestling failed to make a mark on the crowd whilst Alyx never really went above second gear. Winning in under 5 minutes, Alyx booked his place in the ANZAC Cup with a Super Kick that knocked Barney down and out.


Winner: Alyx Macquarie

Rating: 31





Donovan Boon & Rusty Mills [The Duo] vs Felix Harding & Reggie Tate


The unknown factor heading into the match, the duo of Harding and Tate never really meshed well against the well oiled machine that is The Duo however they presented a threat early on. Reggie's sheer power outmatched Rusty Mills and an upset was almost on the cards until Felix tagged himself in. A clearly unimpressed Reggie stood idly by as the cocky Harding was dismantled by the tag team wrestling powerhouses - Reggie not even bothering as Rusty launched Felix high up in the air for Donovan to catch him and drive him into the corner with the Donovan Driver (Icarus' Blu Ray Driver) for the win.


Winners: The Duo

Rating: 41




ANZAC Cup Qualifier




Boo Smithson vs Nighthawk


If the APW fans though Barney Mason lost quickly, they had more to come with Nighthawk. The face painted lunatic spent the first two minutes of the match literally running around the ring and the outside in some sort of ritual to summon the power of....something. Whatever that something was didn't help him as Boo eventually grabbed a hold of Nighthawk by the hair and clamped him into the Crossface Chickenwing for the easy submission victory.


Winner: Boo Smithson

Rating: 39






Barry Thyme & Phil Rathen [Local Competitors] vs Debonair David Peterson & Lanny Williams [The Wrestling Masters]


In what appeared to be the running theme of the evening, The Wrestling Masters outclassed their local opponents. Displaying a clinically flawless level of teamwork, Lanny and David ran through their "students" and the lesson came to an end when Lanny forced Rathen to tap out to the Figure Four Leglock.


Winners: The Wrestling Masters

Rating: 37






Not happy with their lesson in the ring, David announced it was time for some extra credits and set to work on dismantling the poor local competitors further. The crowd soon began to make some noise however as the APW Tag Team champions thundered down to the ring to protect Rathen & Thyme. The Masters bail from the ring, Debonair furious at his lesson being cancelled.




ANZAC Cup Qualifier




Dexter Mattell vs Dingo Devine


Starting the second half of the show off strong, Dingo Devine and Dexter Mattell put it all on the line to secure a place in the ANZAC Cup. Dexter in particular stood out, the man considered by many to be the after thought in the match more than held his own against the more seasoned veteran in Dingo Devine. Experience won out in the end however with Dingo progressing to the ANZAC Cup with a picture perfect Southern Lights Suplex.


Winner: Dingo Devine

Rating: 43






All good things come with bad however as not even a moment after being announced as the winner of the match, Dingo was blindsided by his rival Scottie Hamstead. A swift beat down followed before Scottie left, only stopping to scream that he was, in fact, not a hamster.




ANZAC Cup Qualifier




Christopher Gerard vs Lone Shark


Gerard looked disgusted to even be in the match, loudly asking how he was supposed to be taken seriously if he's stuck facing comedy acts. Lone Shark looked around, pointed at himself before laughing. The comedy continued early on with Lone Shark going for legitimate wrestling moves such as the tickle until Gerard knocked him out of it - literally - by launching Shark overhead with a biiiiiig belly to belly suplex. An even contest after the early comedy, it would be Lone Shark who would get the win and qualify to the next round after tasting Blood in the Water and blasting Gerard with the oh so familiar running knee to Gerard that put him down for the three count.


Winner: Lone Shark

Rating: 46





APW Commonwealth Championship





Nathan McKenzie vs Spiffy Stan Standish w/ Alexander Banks & Max Forbes


With the backing of Banks & Forbes, Stan mouthed off to the champion during the introductions.....then ran screaming as soon as the bell rang and Nathan lumbered towards him. Employing hit and run tactics to keep the bigger man away from him, Stan took the early advantage (mostly through Forbes running interference and allowing Banks & Stan to gang up on Nathan). Gaining control of the action eventually, head official Virgil Mann threw Max and Alexander from ringside after one attempt too many at gaining the illegal advantage. Outgunned on his own, Stan soon found himself at Nathan's mercy. Cut in half by a massive spear, Stan's title hopes faded to dust as Nathan gained the impressive victory to cap off OzFest 2016...


Winner: Nathan McKenzie

Rating: 46






...or so the fans thought. Making his way back to the ring, Max Forbes sarcastically applauded Nathan. Grabbing the champion's attention, Max poked the big 300lb powerhouse one too many times and soon found himself brought face to face with the champion - Nathan lifting the diminutive super agent up off of the ground. Failing to see the former champion Alexander Banks behind him, Nathan soon found himself releasing Max and dropping to the mat due to Alexander picking up "his" Commonwealth title and battering the current champion in the back of the head with the gold. Posing over Nathan, Alexander declared his intentions to regain his title at the Big Night Out in February before tossing the title onto Nathan and leaving with Max and Stan in tow.




FR: 41 (dang storylines)


Author's Note: Yes, I'm aware Felix's background is too blue. Yes, I'm fixing it eventually. Tofu is pretty good to eat.

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