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Adding Challenge

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I'm trying to figure out ways to make it harder once you are a big company (I know people say this isn't as much of a management game but still). Any recommendations? I currently use the minor national penalty thing in the in game editor and I think that helps but feels pretty gamey.
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One thing I started doing was cutting people loose if they were in my promotion for a long time. Even my most popular starts. Maybe you can implement something similar-- like a 10 fight or 5 year limit? Whatever you want.


But it's on you to make the game challenging for yourself. There's no real in-game way of doing it, really.

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Unfortunately, it is still far too easy to take fighters from your rivals. Playing as Alpha-1 I have never failed to sign any GAMMA fighter that I wanted to take. I hoped this would be a little more difficult in this game. They also never attempt to make serious moves on any of my top fighters.
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