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Young Worker stat drop?

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I have a young worker (23 years old) in my local fed, and for the past several months his stats have been improving steadily.....and then last month his charisma suddenly went down by 2 whole points. He's too young to be anywhere near decline age (and besides entertainment stats usually decline later than physical ones). Is there any reason for his stats to suddenly go down?


I'm just checking his stats through the "Track Progress) screen, so i can't pinpoint any particular day that his stat just dropping, only that it occurred last month. Not sure if it was a gradual or sudden drop, but 2 whole points a month is a lot either way.

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In my experience, he hit his "cap" on his charisma. Workers can exceed their cap, usually more common with entertainment skills, by doing things that would cause their skills to go up. What happened was this worker in question was probably involved in angles with workers who had higher charisma, so his skill increased by 2 points, and then the month they dropped he wasn't in any angles, so it regressed to his "charisma cap".
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<p>That explains it. I had an "off" month without running any events to get some money back so he wasn't working for a whole month.</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks for the explanation.</p><p> </p><p>

Can this skill cap be overcome by special "events" (like the worker getting a new catchphrase or trademark move that usually increases their stats), or is it doomed to be capped at this level for the rest the worker's life?</p>

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