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Chase Paige's Wrestling SuperShow

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Chase Paige's Wrestling SuperShow


Chase Paige’s Wrestling SuperShow Unveiled

Monday #1, January 2016



Chase Paige, late father Turner Paige, Lois Paige


Chase Paige, son of the late Turner Paige who once ruled over the wrestling world with New York-based World Wide Wrestling Elite, has announced the formation of Chase Paige’s Wrestling SuperShow at the turn of the year. Although professional wrestling has thrived with the end of WWWE’s 50-year stranglehold of the business, Chase has spoken publicly of his regrets with regards to how Turner handled the downfall of the WWWE, and while having a successful career with Paige-Global, he’s always harbored a desire to right his father’s wrongs. One might have thought that his sister, Lois Paige, having soured from professional wrestling after being cheated on by AWF ace Timothy Hawk would have also soured Chase on the business but it clearly hasn’t.


Paige assured wrestling fans that the Wrestling SuperShow isn’t meant to usurp AWF/PWI’s spots atop the wrestling world, he has no intention of competing with the companies, even with Lois’s troubled relationship with AWF and Shane Allman’s notoriously incendiary personality. The Wrestling SuperShow is intended to be just that, a SuperShow attempting to host dream, once-in-a-lifetime matches, showcase unknown talent, and forgotten talent. Based in New York, it has surprisingly avoided a deal with any of the Paige-Global broadcasting companies, instead signing a deal with Absolute: PPV Choice and MyChoice: Canada although it’s been cited to be less a schism between Paige and his father’s company, and more so Chase desiring to not be limited by the risk averse Paige-Global.





The biggest news out of the announcement is the wrestling companies that Chase Paige has announced he’ll be working with, a groundbreaking and unprecedented list. Although the ZODIAC alliance between DRAGON, DIASPORA and Fire Kingdom Pro Wrestling has provided some great international matches, as well as the World Hardcore Promotions for Hardcore wrestling, and the American Wrestling Council for the US independent scene, it doesn’t come nearly as close as the connection Chase has managed to build. Paige has announced working agreements with 37 wrestling promotions across the world. Noteworthy in this list is Awesome Wrestling Federation (perhaps an attempt by the Apache Chief to move past Ezekiel Trillion’s ill-dealings with PWI, and the issue between Lois and Timothy Hawk), Pro Wrestling Integrity (this has everyone stumped), United Promotions Japan, DRAGON, Pro Wrestling HONOUR. The most noteworthy companies to have refused working agreements are DIASPORA, Hollywood Championship Grappling, and the two big Mexican companies Imperio De La Lucha Libre and Campeanato De La Lucha Libre De Mexico.


The WSS staff has already been unveiled. Leading commentary will be WWWE veteran announcer Clay Clinton. Highly critical of Turner Paige’s role in the downfall of WWWE, Clinton accepting a deal with the Wrestling SuperShow highlights Chase’s desire to right his father’s wrongs. Hank Hernandez Jr who was abandoned by WWWE after a broken neck suffered against Jack Bodydrop, hasn’t been seen much since the tragic end to his career, but he returns to WSS as their lead color commentator. Skooter Longhorn will be the 3rd man in the booth, a veteran announcer inexplicably fired from Championship Wrestling from Tennessee after 25 years with the company. East Coast Xtreme Wrestling color commentator, Madison Baker, and American Women’s Wrestling announcer, Daphne Scott, will also be joining the booth for women’s wrestling matches. Cindi Hudson, Gregory Charles, Josiah Crockett and Tiny Jackson have all been announced as part of the refereeing crew. Legends Richie Santana, Woo Mercy, The Magnificent Mountie, Hacksaw Hank Hernandez, and Vickie James will be helping put matches together as road agents.


To leave fans mouth watering, Chase Paige’s Wrestling SuperShow has already announced a colossal main event for their first show “Clash of the Titans.” Core, a 2X AWF World Champion and regular headliner, will face off against The Conqueror Eli Morton, a 2X PWI Champion and an Ozeki Summit winner. The match, unlikely to ever happen if not for Paige’s Wrestling SuperShow, already highlights that no matter how long this company lasts, it will provide some unmatched memories. Unfortunately, fans hoping to see Timothy Hawk involved will be disappointed, Paige has made it clear that Hawk had no interest in competing for the Wrestling SuperShow, but has leaned on putting the blame on the controversial face of AWF by declaring that the door is always open for him to work there.


Chase Paige’s Wrestling SuperShow

Clash of the Titans


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“The Demon” Core vs. “The Conqueror” Eli Morton



Editor's Notes:


First and foremost, BHOTWG is not dead. I had some personal stuff to get through and I've done just that, so I'm now comfortable spending leisure time actually writing these dynasties/diaries. BHOTWG will be getting an update between today and the 13th for sure.


As for this thread, I ran an All In style show in the ThunderVerse that really mirrored the All In card/show itself, and it was really fun to do in a very leisurely way. You can find that in the ThunderVerse discussion thread. I figured I wanted to do something like it again but on a more consistent/long term basis. Presenting Chase Paige's Wrestling SuperShow which will be mostly dream/themed cards. If you're unfamiliar with the TVerse, don't be afraid to ask questions about initials or wrestlers or what not, I'll be happy to add my point of view on it or expand on something.

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