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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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I've never felt this way since i heard about Eddie..i grew up following Eddie and i thought it would never happen again...but alas it has...I've since grown up and kinda fell out of the wrestling scene for awhile but i eventually came back...and one wrestler i enjoyed watching was Luke Harper...I thought he was an agile guy especially for his size and i was very disappointed when he just didn't get that "star" treatment that certain wrestlers get and i kinda blew off WWE and went NJPW, Mexico and the indie scene...then one day AEW appeared and i've been faithful then i heard a certain person got released from the WWE and i prayed that it was Luke Harper and boy was i ever happy to see him on the AEW screen and man i knew it was his time to shine and the spotlight would fall on him...and it did...he played the role of Brodie Lee with grace...and i sure as hell popped when he beat the crap of Cody for the title...his time had come and i imagined the world at his feet...the STAR he was destined for...but now i just sit here in disbelief and dumbfounded over what has transpired...RIP Brodie
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From Tony Khan:


#AEW New Year’s Smash will now take place across the first 2 weeks of 2021, on January 6 + January 13 on @tntdrama. I’ll announce the card for this week’s #AEWDynamite Celebration of Mr. Brodie Lee’s Life in a moment. Thank you to all who have shared their love for Jon this week.



-1’s Favorites Team For One Night Only: @CodyRhodes, @orangecassidy & 10 v. Team Taz


@youngbucks/@ColtCabana v. Matt Hardy/Private Party


Hangman/Silver/Reynolds v. MJF/Santana/Ortiz


Anna Jay/Tay Conti v. Dr. Britt Baker/Penelope


Lance Archer/Uno/Stu v. Kingston/Butcher/Blade

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Being the Elite (Brodie Lee Tribute) -


Brodie Lee AEW Unrestricted Podcast -


What a strange card. More heel vs heel matches than usual.


The first match at least is made up of Brodie's son's favorite wrestlers. The rest feature other Dark Order members mostly against first time opponents... presumably to make it a unique show and to not screw up planned booking.

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I teared up during BTE but not in a sad way, more that the tributes were heartfelt and those that knew him felt utter gratitude for the time they got in his company. I can't recall an outpouring of love and support like this, I was only like 10 when Eddie died but it feels comparable to that, nothing but good words and admiration for who he was.


As for his talent, I've said it here before, he was convincing in a way that nobody in AEW was. I got the impression from Talk is Jericho that he was always unsure of himself but you'd never have known it watching him work.

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Funny thing with the Rowan cameo. Not having watched WWE regularly in over a decade, that would have been a confusing moment for me on any other night. However, Jericho's excitement on commentary and flat refusal to have his spontaneous enthusiasm officially corrected made that segment for me. Turning it from a "HUH?!! WHO?!!" to a "How awesome is THAT?!!" Don't think I've ever felt better to see the appearance of a wrestler who was a virtual stranger to me beforehand. Great moment indeed.
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Legitimately one of the best wrestling shows of the year. There's just so much goodness to really break the show down.


It'd be dope if AEW does a Brodie Lee Memorial tournament or something.


They could rename the Casino Battle Royal because it never made sense on a PPV not named Double or Nothing.

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It'd be dope if AEW does a Brodie Lee Memorial tournament or something.

I think it would be fitting if said tournament was similar to the Young Lions Cup or the Top Prospect Tournament in that he always did seem the type of guy that felt elevating others was more important than this own push. Seems fitting that his legacy be used to benefit others in such a fashion.

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I think it would be fitting if said tournament was similar to the Young Lions Cup or the Top Prospect Tournament in that he always did seem the type of guy that felt elevating others was more important than this own push. Seems fitting that his legacy be used to benefit others in such a fashion.


This sounds like an awesome idea. Always look forward to the Top Prospect tournament in Ring of Honor because it's usually my first chance to see most of the talent in it. Imagine the fresh faces AEW could give exposure to out of such a tourney.

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I think it would be fitting if said tournament was similar to the Young Lions Cup or the Top Prospect Tournament in that he always did seem the type of guy that felt elevating others was more important than this own push. Seems fitting that his legacy be used to benefit others in such a fashion.


That's absolutely brilliant

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Evil Uno said on Jericho's podcast that Dark Order might drop the cult gimmick and be more like a family going forward.


I've read quite a few people online suggesting Sting becoming the new leader so there would still be a big name behind them.


I just don't see how Dark Order can be heels again anytime soon.

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Evil Uno said on Jericho's podcast that Dark Order might drop the cult gimmick and be more like a family going forward.


I've read quite a few people online suggesting Sting becoming the new leader so there would still be a big name behind them.


I just don't see how Dark Order can be heels again anytime soon.


I honestly don't think they need to keep the cult gimmick but, if they do still have a "leader" going forward I would make it Brodie Jr. Keep the family involved. He doesn't even have to show up on TV if the family doesn't want to. But you could just have someone mention that -1 sent instructions and do that. I think it would be something neet to do and that way you can keep Beodie Jr. involved and hopefully happy.

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