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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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Both had very obvious reasons to go. Kevin really doesn't. I would be legit shocked if he left WWE at this point. He's been here for a long time, not a good time since the end of the Jericho feud. Similar situation to Joe and Devitt. Money is the primary motivator and all these guys jumping makes their spots a lot more cozy right where they are.


I could be wrong. But the only guy I'm 100% sure is leaving left on the WWE roster is Gargano. Love to see Asuka jump, but I don't think she will. I'd like to see Sasha jump, but I don't think she ultimately will. Everybody else is already over there.


I dunno, I think Kevin being such a family man hurts WWE's chances to resign him unless it's blow away money.


Like if I had the following two job offers as a Dad who doesn't feel like he gets enough time with his 3 year old IRL:


A) $3 Million a year, but you need work 200 days a year, can't take much time off, if any, and also don't have much true input on your "branding" lets call it in place of booking; or


B) $2 Million a year, but you work 30- 40 shows a year for the main company, and can book outside "gig" work if I feel like it



Option B would be more tempting to me.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It almost has to be Mox vs Tanahashi at Full Gear right?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> 3-day Wrestle Kingdom 16</p>
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<p>1.319 million (2nd highest viewership in AEW history)</p><p> </p><p>

681,000 were aged 18-49 (0.52 demo), edging out Raw this week with 678,000.</p><p> </p><p>

1st Dynamite to beat Raw in the 18-49 demo in the same week. Dynamite was also ahead of Raw in M18-49 and P35-49.</p><p> </p><p>

Dynamite ranked #1 among cable originals in the 18-49 demo.</p>

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Rampage was good again this week.


Andrade and Pac was super fun. Shame that Andrade is already ditching Chavo. That's two managers down. Surely, Flair is going to be the replacement this time?


I hope Chavo sticks around in some capacity though. He's a good guy to have in the locker room helping out the younger workers.


Cole and Danielson had terrific promos.


The women's trios match wasn't anything special, but there were some fun spots throughout. I love that Ruby is being treated like such a star. She's one I've followed for so long and I am so happy for her. I don't expect her to take the belt from Britt, but I'm sure they'll tear the house down.


Pillman vs Max was fun, but nowhere near as good as the opener. I love him using the Air Pillman though.


We're getting Adam Cole vs Kazarian on Dynamite next week. Interesting.

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- Andrade vs PAC was my MOTN. Great chemistry. Andrade busted out some cool moves. Tazer lol. I didn't expect Andrade to turn on Chavo this soon. Flair incoming.

- Darby & Sting tore Spears & Tully new ones lol... but Tully was one step ahead. Hyped to see Cole & Bryan wrestle.

- DMD, Hayter & Rebel vs Soho, Riho & Statlander was good. Ruby needs a better finisher for big matches.

- Caster vs Pillman was solid. Wild Mox!

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Do not like. Eddie taking the belt off Miro would have been the biggest pop on that show.


You're crazy. That match up is insane. If Miro's reign was longer, then I would agree that Eddie taking the belt would be amazing, but Miro shouldn't drop the belt until they're ready for him in the world title picture.

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You're crazy. That match up is insane. If Miro's reign was longer, then I would agree that Eddie taking the belt would be amazing, but Miro shouldn't drop the belt until they're ready for him in the world title picture.


Which means until after Hangman beats Omega, at the very least.


Nah. I think you can have Miro without a belt for a while, because they have a lot of guys who should be in a title picture, but aren't. I think if it's not going to be Eddie, the next best candidate to dethrone Miro is Sammy. There's already a built in feud there, what with Sammy getting Fuego the contract, provoking Miro's ire. And of course, there's the obvious line- "You may be God's favorite, but you're not THE SPANISH GOD'S favorite!"

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My fantasy booking:


AEW Men's Title: Omega > Hangman > MJF > Jungle Boy > Black


AEW Women's Title: DMD > Thunder Rosa > Deeb > Soho > Hayter > Statlander/Conti


TNT Title: Miro > Jungle Boy > Starks > Sammy > Bryan > Silver > Wardlow or Miro > Sammy > Starks > Bryan > Silver > Wardlow


Impact Title: Christian > Cole (extra fuel for kicking Omega out of the Elite after he loses to Hangman)



Jungle Boy would be 1st to win both men's singles titles but I don't think they want the TNT title to be viewed as a stepping stone. Bryan doesn't really need a title reign but I'd love to see him mix it up with Sammy and Silver.

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Which means until after Hangman beats Omega, at the very least.


Nah. I think you can have Miro without a belt for a while, because they have a lot of guys who should be in a title picture, but aren't. I think if it's not going to be Eddie, the next best candidate to dethrone Miro is Sammy. There's already a built in feud there, what with Sammy getting Fuego the contract, provoking Miro's ire. And of course, there's the obvious line- "You may be God's favorite, but you're not THE SPANISH GOD'S favorite!"


Omega and Page probably have the World on lockdown for the next two years. Even though I still see absolutely nothing in Adam Page that makes me think he's got the chops to stand across from Danielson and Punk and that ME scene and hang. But that's not my call.


Miro's a good mid-card guy. That's what he is. Get the belt off him so you can evolve his character with CJ. Eddie deserves his moment in the sun, and this was it. A filler tag match was not on the order. And with all these guys coming in he's in danger of being AEWs James Storm.

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Omega and Page probably have the World on lockdown for the next two years. Even though I still see absolutely nothing in Adam Page that makes me think he's got the chops to stand across from Danielson and Punk and that ME scene and hang. But that's not my call.


Miro's a good mid-card guy. That's what he is. Get the belt off him so you can evolve his character with CJ. Eddie deserves his moment in the sun, and this was it. A filler tag match was not on the order. And with all these guys coming in he's in danger of being AEWs James Storm.


Yeah because being a former World Heavyweight Champion and 14 time World Tag Team Champion and winning a butt load of tournaments is such a bad resume. :rolleyes:

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Queen Aminata impressed against Emi. Garcia vs Moriarty was good. Moriarty is a great signing. Nyla gave up a lot of offense to Sky Blue who was over with the crowd. Eddie is a mark for Butcher, Emi & Lulu Pencil but doesn't like Garcia, Remsberg or TayJay's entrance lol.


Nice to see multiple women get promo time on Dark. Best Friends vs Hybrid2 & Johl and Hirsch vs King were good.

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First, I love the new Dark Studio set. I'm a fan of studio shows and I like the way it looks. It has a cool b show atmosphere.


I am so pumped Butcher is back.


2point0 are freaking awesome. I liked them preWWE and in NXT, but they were killing it right now.


Angelica Risk had some of the dumbest looking gear I've ever seen.


Will Big Swole and Diamante's feud ever end? I'm a fan of both, but just don't care anymore.


I've always heard good things about Movado(he's from Michigan, I'm from Ohio), but this was my first time seeing him. Not really a fan. He wasn't bad, but just didn't do anything for me.


Spears got a good dominant win and that's always a good thing.


HFO vs Best Friends was really fun. It should have been the main event in my opinion.


Hirsch and King was real good. Hirsch works so well against people much larger than her as her match with Kamille at NWA EmPower showed. I'm cautiously optimistic about her match with Jade. It'll be a real test to see if Jade can have a real match instead of a squash.

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I tend to only get to watch the last half hour of the show every week (I saw the last hour this week) and I have to say they sure love having sub-par main event matches. This week was a squash, which is understandable because Mox and Eddie are the stars and they should not be selling too much to the team they were facing. The main event matches for the last two shows were far too short, half the time is spent on Jon Moxley wandering through the crowd aimlessly.


Also, something that I felt was weird is them hyping MJF vs. Pillman as if this is something new. To AEW it is, but to me...well I can't tell you how many times I saw these two fight each other in MLW. It seemed every week there was some form of Dynasty taking on Davey Boy Smith Jr., Brian Pillman Jr., and Teddy Hart. It got to the point where it became MLW's version of John Cena vs. Randy Orton.


What felt weird to me is that AEW seems to recognize stuff that happened outside of their promotion but they are hyping this as being their first-ever match. That being said, I hope they have enough time to shine and have a chance to put on a good match. I like both guys and always want to see them do good.


I thought the Darby Allin vs. Shawn Spears match was a good television match.


Though I have to say I am not overly fond of Sting getting into the ring again next week even if he is protected in a tag team match. Sometimes people have to know when to stop, the last thing I would want to see happen to him is that he gets another serious injury. I felt like near the end of his run in TNA Sting was getting to the point where he was like Willie Mays playing for the Mets. Having not watched his WWE run or his previous match in AEW, I have no idea how he is now.


Minoru Suzuki is not going to be a selling point to any casual fans. He's never had a major run in America like a Muta or Liger. They can hype him as much as they want but only the fans who like Japanese wrestling know who he is.


Bryan Danielson's promo lacked something, I am not sure what, but there just does not seem to be any fire behind it. I mean it was not bad at all, but it was lacking something and I really cannot put my finger on what it was.

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- Cole vs Kaz was good.

- Dynamite and Rampage are stacked for the next 3 shows! MJF doubling down for maximum heat. Pillman's improving at promos.

- FTR vs Sydal & Dante was good.

- Suzuki-gun ichiban. Rosario Dawson is crazy lol. Cody's back for a brawl. ANNA!

- Would have preferred PnP but Jericho can match Lambert on the mic and Hager has done MMA so it makes sense.

- Jade vs Hirsch was good. I think Rosa will beat Jade before she faces DMD. They need to make her 1st loss count.

- Kingpin Andrade. Punk getting heat on Team Taz.

- Spears vs Darby was my MOTN. Spears is underrated. Good beatdown.

- Danielson/Don/Omega segment was entertaining. Best Bout Machine taking that non-title loss in New York. Feugo has a death wish but Sammy will save him from Miro. Bald Hardy incoming.

- Mox & Kingston vs 2point0 was solid. Kaze Ni Nare!

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Really Good show, I enjoyed it


100% that Kenny v. BD match is a draw btw. I don't understand all the hand wringing (not here) online about how this is stupid, WWE booking to have the Champ lose in a non-title to the new guy blah blah.


Here's how this is going to go down. It's going to be 20 minutes, because it's non-title. They will tear the house down, and the finish will be KEnny in a submission (I'm hoping cattle mutilation, but prob not. a man can dream though) and then Kenny is about to tap and the time limit goes off.


Then you have BD say "Give me a title match, I was going to beat you" and Kenny play the weasel heel and say that he didn't lose, and if BD wants a shot, get in line like everyone else to earn it and hide behind everyone. You can even weave hangman back into that as a guy who either BD has to go through or beats BD to get the shot against Kenny.


K.I.S.S booking at it's finest, especially (like they have) you don't do the draw often



Also, I'm not a Cody hater but I do think he thinks waaaayyy to much of himself. Like wow, you've been gone a month and now yoo've "regained your passion!"? I hope Black wins again. notice of all the things tonight btw, that was like the lowest pop

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I have not enjoyed watching wrestling this much in years. This is my favorite time to be a fan since 1996-2001ish.


I grew up on the tail end of the territories and WWF/E. I enjoy NXT, but don't watch Raw and Smackdown very much and can't watch them regularly anymore. Too predictable and way too many repeat matches.


AEW doesn't hit it out of the park on everything. There are a few things I don't like about it, but the good outweighs the bad by far. I really enjoy all of the new talents that I have been able to watch. I like that they don't ignore everything that has happened outside of AEW. The "Forbiden Door" being open and one or two off appearances by non-contracted talent are great (i.e. Jeff Cobb, Matt Cardona, Nick Gage, Juvi, etc,)... it's one thing that I enjoyed about WCW back in the day. It never seems repetitive either; lots of fresh, unique match-ups.


Time to admit my guilty pleasure... I love that Pillman theme! Throwback to the 80's hair metal that I grew up on, and reminds me of a lot of the early to mid 90's WCW theme songs.

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Cole and Kazarian was a fun match. I'm still not a huge Cole fan, but he started winning me over with his feud with Kyle O'Reilly in NXT and his promo work has been stellar. Kaz was the right guy to debut Cole against. Kaz seemingly never wins important matches, but is always made to look good. It's hard to believe he's 44 and has been wrestling for 23 years. He doesn't even look like he's lost a step in the ring. The weird thing is they said on commentary that Daniels is now retired because of the split? Little bummed he didn't get any sort of on screen retirement acknowledgement. CD is one of my all time favorites and him going out with no fan fare just bums me out. I know he is the head of talent relations behind the scenes, but I'm gonna miss seeing him.


MJF is a mega douche heel. I love that he's not trying to be a cool guy, he's just being awful. I doubt Pillman beats him, but it should make for a good match.


LOL Miro is getting a new car!


Sydal and Dante work really well together. Did something happen to Mike Sydal? FTR can have good matches with any style opponents.


I usually groan when celebs get involved randomly, but Rosario Dawson is one of my favorite actresses and she's full of spunk.


The Dark Order drama is weird. Hopefully someone can either unite them or split them up soon. Bray?


Dan Lambert is such a tool and I love it. All he does is parody Jim Cornette and it's amazing. Jericho and Hager vs Sky and Page should be mega fun. Men of the Year don't really need a mouth piece, but Lambert is such a scumbag that it works.


Jade and Leyla was pretty good considering how inexperienced both ladies are. Leyla continues to shine in ring and show a crap ton of fire.


I kinda hope Andrade uses the nickname Kingpin. I dig it. Again, little bummed Chavito is out already though.


Super hyped for Hobbs and Punk.


Darby and Spears was real good. The post match attack was well done as well. I'm 100% a little Stinger and I grimaced when he took the spike piledriver. That said, I am excited to see him and Darbs vs FTR next week.


Don Callis is such a great talker. Like I think right now he's the best heel manager in the game. Obviously Heyman is in the picture, but Callis is so so so scummy. Really excited for Omega vs Bryan.


Mox and Eddie are one of my favorite pairings in wrestling and I friggin love 2point0. Fun match despite it's briefness. Minoru Suzuki closing the show is amazing. I wish we could have seen the Gotch Piledriver on the table to close the show though.


As usual, a good show.

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