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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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Eddie Kingston on commentary is so damn fun.


Shida vs Masha was real fun. I hope they sign Masha. She's got a great look and is a fun worker.


Sonny vs Joey was real good. Kayla Rossi is a mega babe with a great look. That standing moonsault double foot stomp on the chair was dope as hell.


QT vs Dustin was good too. Despite his age, Dustin is one of the best workers around. Shame the roster is so stacked that he can't get a decent mid card title run anytime soon.

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My Grand Slam Pt. 1 takeaways.


  • Draw finishes suck, always.
  • Looked like Bryan hurt his wrist on the buckle bomb spot and worked it into the match, hopefully, nothing too serious.
  • 8PM main events are cotton candy that they need to stop doing because it kills the hype for the rest of the show.
  • Cody getting beat again amused me greatly.
  • It really felt like Ruby was carrying that match. The finish where she basically had to put herself in the lockjaw was the cherry on top, a bad night for Britt. Must have missed her consistency roll.
  • ROH's women's division has apparently ruined it for everyone. Noticeable drop in crowd volume for anything involving women.
  • Really worried for the last hour of Rampage.

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- Danielson vs Omega was a MOTY Contender. 30 minute draw with no interference! I was smiling the whole time.

- Punk is untouchable on the mic.

- MJF vs Pillman Jr was good.

- Black vs Cody was good. Brandi & Arn's involvement was fun. Loved the ending with the mist.

- Another great Miro promo.

- FTR vs Sting & Darby was good.

- Soho vs DMD © was great.


The arena setup and massive crowd gave the show a PPV feel.

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Wow, what a show.


And I loved the ending to Omega and BD (called it as well, but that wasn't hard if you just thought of how you'd book this in TEW under K.I.S.S rules)


Amazing match, showing that Kenny can still be the best in the world but is a weasel, and that BD is back to American Dragon form.


I do agree that if this was WWE, I'd be pissed. But, and if this makes me an AEW fanboy fine, but I think objectivly they've proved they can handle long term storytelling.


Like Kenny already tweeted "ain't gonna be no rematch" does anyone here REALLY think that AEW is not going to now tell a months long story of BD having to go through the Elite and top Heels on the roster to get to #1, and force Kenny into a rematch for the title that will be like a 40 Minute Okada - Omega level banger?


If this was WWE I'd be pissed, because It would have been a DQ finish and then the fued would just be forgotten about next week or something. That won't happen here, so I am very ok and pleased with the Draw to start this storyline.


Also if this was TEW, Cody's note would have been "Cody Rhodes Gimmick is stale, and in desperate need of a change". This whole journey he has been on the last year + of "Get QT MArshall and Brandi over" has not gone well with the fans, nor worked for either QT in the Male roster or BRandi in the quickly becoming stacked Female Division. something needs to change

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Dynamite was amazing.


Sometimes predictably is the right path and Omega/Bryan ending in a draw was perfectly booked. Omega also looked like his New Japan self and had a hell of a performance. I mean it's hard to look bad when you have a talent like Bryan in the ring with you, but Omega finally looked like the Best Bout Machine again. Here's hoping we get a 40-60 minute match at Full Gear between the two.


Interested to see how other crowds cheer Cody going forward. Usually he's one of the most over people on the show, but Black despite being a heel, is just so over. Glad Black won.


Ruby and Britt was fun once they found their groove. I'm so glad Ruby has shaken off the WWE main roster stink so quickly. She's been one of my favorites for ages. I feel proud knowing that I once worked her merch table for her and now she's main eventing.


MJF and Pillman was fine. Pillman is exposed in singles matches. Not saying he's bad or anything, but he definitely needs more time in the tag division before getting any sort of singles push.

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Yeah, it's well past time to turn Cody heel. Either on his own or rejoining the Elite, I think that's the way forward, as they've exhausted pretty much everything he can do as a face at the moment.


Besides, heel Cody can challenge for the World title. "Yeah, I said I'd never challenge. Guess what? I LIED."

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Yeah, it's well past time to turn Cody heel. Either on his own or rejoining the Elite, I think that's the way forward, as they've exhausted pretty much everything he can do as a face at the moment.


Besides, heel Cody can challenge for the World title. "Yeah, I said I'd never challenge. Guess what? I LIED."


I don't think that'd actually work. I mean the response to that would be: "Pity you signed that contract stipulation stating you couldn't challenge for the World title if you lost that match and you did." Now if a heel Cody came up with a clever way to get around that that stipulation that'd be fine but it shouldn't simply go away simply because he turned.

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Being from Philly, I've considered Cody a heel ever since he said Tom Brady was his favorite football player.


Ew he said that? It's hard to balance my love for him now. First he said Sting was his all time favorite wrestler, which made me love him more and now you tell me he loves Tom Brady? BOOOOOOOOOO.

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Ew he said that? It's hard to balance my love for him now. First he said Sting was his all time favorite wrestler, which made me love him more and now you tell me he loves Tom Brady? BOOOOOOOOOO.


Cody is a natural tweener, every time you think you know that guy, you find out something that makes you question absolutely everything about him. He values tradition and success to a fault but he consistently challenges those traditions whenever he gets the chance.


He gets put in the old school box, he goes out and takes the dickflip. He gets comfortable as the executive looking like a million dollars in a suit. Runs out and gets a neck tat. Bush Republican, Black Liberal Wife. Son of the Son of a Plumber, who's a pretty boy executive.


The man is a living contradiction. And if they're going to sort Cody out long term with that crowd, they're going to have to lean into that. People keep wanting him to be wrestlings J.K Simmons but in reality, he's more like wrestlings Prince, if Prince was a white guy who looked like Jim Carey, and had Dusty Rhodes for a father.

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Dynamite was amazing.


Sometimes predictably is the right path and Omega/Bryan ending in a draw was perfectly booked. Omega also looked like his New Japan self and had a hell of a performance. I mean it's hard to look bad when you have a talent like Bryan in the ring with you, but Omega finally looked like the Best Bout Machine again. Here's hoping we get a 40-60 minute match at Full Gear between the two.


Interested to see how other crowds cheer Cody going forward. Usually he's one of the most over people on the show, but Black despite being a heel, is just so over. Glad Black won.


Ruby and Britt was fun once they found their groove. I'm so glad Ruby has shaken off the WWE main roster stink so quickly. She's been one of my favorites for ages. I feel proud knowing that I once worked her merch table for her and now she's main eventing.


MJF and Pillman was fine. Pillman is exposed in singles matches. Not saying he's bad or anything, but he definitely needs more time in the tag division before getting any sort of singles push.


Have you listened Ruby's podcast with Renee yet? It was great. I've binged a lot of them in the last week (Ruby, Cole, Black, Kingston, Tay & Anna, Jungle Boy, Punk x2).

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Cody is a natural tweener, every time you think you know that guy, you find out something that makes you question absolutely everything about him. He values tradition and success to a fault but he consistently challenges those traditions whenever he gets the chance.


He gets put in the old school box, he goes out and takes the dickflip. He gets comfortable as the executive looking like a million dollars in a suit. Runs out and gets a neck tat. Bush Republican, Black Liberal Wife. Son of the Son of a Plumber, who's a pretty boy executive.


The man is a living contradiction. And if they're going to sort Cody out long term with that crowd, they're going to have to lean into that. People keep wanting him to be wrestlings J.K Simmons but in reality, he's more like wrestlings Prince, if Prince was a white guy who looked like Jim Carey, and had Dusty Rhodes for a father.


Cody is way too boring to be Prince lol.

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Cody is way too boring to be Prince lol.


Cody is a lot of things, but I've never found him boring since he left WWE. He is prone to fall back on some very basic tropes though and the Archer/Ogogo feuds probably most exemplify that. But he's also the same guy who still owns the best match in the company's history, and those matches with Darby aren't that far away. It's been a weird run of celebrity angles and nothing matches for the last year and change but I have no doubt that he can have great matches in that company.

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But he's also the same guy who still owns the best match in the company's history


Second best. But don't take my word for it. (Though admittedly, I do question them putting the Dark Order vs. MJF and Santana & Ortiz so high. I loved it, it was arguably my favorite match of the Brodie Lee Tribute, but better than the Parking Lot Brawl or Britt vs Thunder Rosa?)

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I still find it odd that people are surprised Cody was booed here, he's been a pretty unlikable face for a while now, add to that this was his first time wrestling outside of the south since becoming "america" guy. and most importantly Black is super over and hot with the audience, put all that together and I would have found it shocking if they did cheer for him.
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