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Grand Slam Pt.2


  • #CMTights
  • Punk-Hobbs was nothing special, pretty average short TV match... worrying if you wanted the guy who had those classics with Bryan back.
  • Christian is almost 50 and is coming off a career-ending neck injury, he's probably the best I've seen him since that match with Angle in TNA over a decade ago. Hope he doesn't just end up shuffled back to the mid-card with the Dark Order and does comedy again.
  • The crowd dies right at the top of the hour of Rampage. Almost like clockwork.
  • Jericho really needed to retire...
  • Hager-Jericho vs. MotY was maybe the worst match in the companies history. Prove me wrong. This is what Jericho is now, cheap heat and sadly trying to wake up the dying embers of his once-great career. In 6mos he'll come full circle and look like Ralphus. I Hope MJF takes him as his private security when inevitability comes.
  • This middle section really drags. Way too many tag matches.
  • This absolutely didn't need to be 2hrs. I expect this number to get crushed by this last hour.
  • Big Money Matt has go away heat with me. Too much talent not getting TV time to keep this dead-weight gimmick on the show anymore.
  • Poor Homicide got zero pop. The crowd wanted to go home an hour and a half ago.
  • That absolutely should have been Miro vs. Kingston in a No DQ Match with Homicide running in. Nothing can tell me different. Love Minoru, he's the man. But that was the moment.

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- Hobbs vs Punk was good.

- Super Kliq vs Christian & Jurassic Express was good.

- Men of the Year vs Jericho & Hager was solid. Men of the Year needed the win. Top Team finally got their hands dirty.

- HFO vs PnP & Lucha Bros was solid but too short.

- Hardy you coward. Starks & Taz marking out for Miro lol.

- Jay vs Ford was solid but the ending was too similar to last time. Stable standoff but Dark Order still split.

- Archer & Suzuki vs Mox & Kingston was my MOTN. Homicide WTF!


Credit to the crowd for staying hot after Dynamite. Commentary was fun. 2nd hour felt a bit rushed.

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Only 640,000 viewers for Rampage but not a surprise for a 2 hour show in a late time slot. Both Grand Slam shows were #1 on cable and Rampage beat Smackdown in 3 demos so still a great result.


They had some great post-Grand Slam promos on Elevation. Arthur Ashe crowd went nuts for Dark Order. Wight and Rosa got good pops.

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Only 640,000 viewers for Rampage but not a surprise for a 2 hour show in a late time slot. Both Grand Slam shows were #1 on cable and Rampage beat Smackdown in 3 demos so still a great result.


They had some great post-Grand Slam promos on Elevation. Arthur Ashe crowd went nuts for Dark Order. Wight and Rosa got good pops.


They set that second hour up to fail. And unsurprisingly it did just that, dropped 30% or so across the board. Midnight finishes for the East Coast US are rough for a weekly show and Big Money Matt ain't it.

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They set that second hour up to fail. And unsurprisingly it did just that, dropped 30% or so across the board. Midnight finishes for the East Coast US are rough for a weekly show and Big Money Matt ain't it.


yea I don't know how they factor this, but I'm yet to watch a rampage live outside of punks return. its Friday night at 10, I rarely have nothing else to do.


I generally watch Sunday or Monday TBH

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I know they sometimes run ppvs on Saturday, but I wish Rampage was on at 8pm on Saturdays.


If Impact wasn't on Thursdays, Thursday at 8pm would have been a good slot too.


I've watched Rampage the night of every week, but it being on so late is rough. I enjoy the show every week, but I feel like I'd enjoy it more if I wasn't ready for bed.


I guess I could always wait until Saturday to watch it, but then I run the risk of spoilers and I hate spoilers.



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Grand Slam Pt.2


  • #CMTights
  • Punk-Hobbs was nothing special, pretty average short TV match... worrying if you wanted the guy who had those classics with Bryan back.
  • Christian is almost 50 and is coming off a career-ending neck injury, he's probably the best I've seen him since that match with Angle in TNA over a decade ago. Hope he doesn't just end up shuffled back to the mid-card with the Dark Order and does comedy again.
  • The crowd dies right at the top of the hour of Rampage. Almost like clockwork.
  • Jericho really needed to retire...
  • Hager-Jericho vs. MotY was maybe the worst match in the companies history. Prove me wrong. This is what Jericho is now, cheap heat and sadly trying to wake up the dying embers of his once-great career. In 6mos he'll come full circle and look like Ralphus. I Hope MJF takes him as his private security when inevitability comes.
  • This middle section really drags. Way too many tag matches.
  • This absolutely didn't need to be 2hrs. I expect this number to get crushed by this last hour.
  • Big Money Matt has go away heat with me. Too much talent not getting TV time to keep this dead-weight gimmick on the show anymore.
  • Poor Homicide got zero pop. The crowd wanted to go home an hour and a half ago.
  • That absolutely should have been Miro vs. Kingston in a No DQ Match with Homicide running in. Nothing can tell me different. Love Minoru, he's the man. But that was the moment.


You hate on Matt, but yet he's getting a bunch of highlight to alot of people. If it wasn't for working with Hardy Anjelico and Evans wouldn't be getting the matches they are. So yes, he is helping others get TV Time.

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You hate on Matt, but yet he's getting a bunch of highlight to alot of people. If it wasn't for working with Hardy Anjelico and Evans wouldn't be getting the matches they are. So yes, he is helping others get TV Time.


I don't see any value in TV time for people in bad angles that can't go anywhere and make them look like goofballs. Private Party beat the Young Bucks 2 years ago on TV in a solid 20min TV ME, look at where they are now? This stuff does more harm than good, in most cases.

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If they don't make it a special episode called "Brawl At The Mall", they are leaving money on the table.


This is brilliant


I want to see a spot where a wrestler is being held down on one of the escalators and they think they are going to die by being eaten by it at the top.... I will die laughing. :D


As someone who spent the majority of their life with an escalator phobia, this would be hysterical. Honestly, I would put Matt Hardy in that situation. He is able to bounce back from comedy segments easily.

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- Cole vs Jungle Boy was my great. Instant chemistry. Too many nut shots lately but I think it worked fine here. The crowd were hot for the Elite/Danielson segment.

- Sydal & Dante vs Cody & Johnson was good. Big win for Johnson. Cody leaned into his tweenerness and busted out the Vertebreaker for a random tag match. Arn's promo :o:O:O

- Bear Country & Greene vs Mox, Kingston & Darby was solid. Ruby Ruby Ruby Soho.

- HOF vs OF & Dark Order was fun and emotional.

- Lio Rush is cool but his promo was a bit weird. Finally the focus is on Men of the Year. Shida vs Deeb hype!

- Ford & Bunny vs TayJay was solid. Street Fighter-esque theme and matching ring gear.

- Womens' triple threat should be fun. MJF and Darby have been built up so well it feels like a big feud already.

- Sammy vs Miro © was my MOTN. Didn't expect the title change!

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Samuray Del Sol has to be Andrade's partner. Penta was wearing his old Pentagon Jr mask in the segment. Del Sol was Octagon Jr


I would love if Del Sol and Cinta De Oro ended up forming a trio with Andrade with some Ingobernables related name.




Dragon Lee, Black Taurus, Aramis, Bandido & Demonic Flamita were at the PWG show a few days ago in LA. Lee & Bandido are under contract with ROH so that's a no-go. The other 3 are from AAA so they might be available.

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