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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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Eight man tag was a super fun opener even if the tag rules continuously are ignored. It's so infuriating, but other than that it was super fun and rather interesting that Cole gets another win on Jungle Boy.


Punk in honeymoon mode still entertains me. I know it'll wear thin on people after awhile like Punk said in his promo, but he's still such a damn good promo. Really excited to see him face Garcia on Friday.


I'm probably in the minority, but I was really hoping Bobby Fish would win the TNT title. I like Sammy, but other than an ROH tv title run, Bobby has never really gotten a good singles run. Bobby looked fantastic in defeat though. The avalanche Falcon Arrow was gorgeous. I hope this isn't the last we see of Bobby. He's so damn good.


The Inner Circle/Lambert segment was fantastic. Lambert's Cornette parody gimmick is incredible. Cracks me up that they try to make Paige VanZant out to be a bad ass when she's more known for being attractive and a social media influencer than her MMA skills. I've thought for years though that she should make the jump to wrestling. Really hoping that ends up happening. The crowd was so into this segment too. Jericho's line about not hearing Lambert might have been legit.


When I saw there was a belt bag in the ring, I expected either a TNT women's title or a TBS title and well, I was right and wrong.


I was hoping Nick Comoroto and Darby would get more time, but Nick is awesome. He teamed up with fellow Nightmare Factory student Brick Aldridge for MCW this past weekend and I really hope that gets brought to AEW. They'd be a great powerhouse team. Brick reminds me of Scott Norton and Nick reminds me of Hercules Hernandez, a new age Jurassic Powers!


I love Ricky Starks, but I'm bored of his feud with Cage. It's so underwhelming.


When they announced Shida vs Deeb I thought to myself how cool it would be if Deeb won. I had no idea they'd actually go with that. Deeb is so damn good and I hope she gets a good singles run here.


The Pinnacle attack on Darby was well executed, but the ski masks were stupid.


Hangman was clearly the right call as the Joker and winner. No crowd has booed Mox until he attacked Hangman in the main event. Interested to see if we get a triple threat at Full Gear with Bryan, Omega, and Hangman.

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- Super Elite vs Danielson, Christian & Jurassic Express was great. Diving headbutt still makes me uneasy.

- Mox is fired up. Hyped for Punk vs Garcia. Arn still mad lol.

- Fish vs Sammy © was great. Best I've seen the GTH look. Top Team are more interesting now they're getting physical.

- TBS Womens Championship! Hopefully there will be less restrictions next year for the women.

- Darby vs Comorato was solid. Pre-match interview was good for anyone not familiar with his backstory.

- Claw Order. Dante might regret his open challenge. Starks vs Cage finally happening.

- Shida vs Deeb was good. I want Deeb vs Conti, Jay, Statlander and Rosa.

- Darby the crash test dummy. Lio not wasting any time recruiting. I hope Hayter is a future TBS Champion.

- Casino Ladder was my MOTN for the crazy bumps. Hangman as Joker and winner was worth it for the pop.


Fantastic anniversary show.

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- Super Elite vs Danielson, Christian & Jurassic Express was great. Diving headbutt still makes me uneasy.

- Mox is fired up. Hyped for Punk vs Garcia. Arn still mad lol.

- Fish vs Sammy © was great. Best I've seen the GTH look. Top Team are more interesting now they're getting physical.

- TBS Womens Championship! Hopefully there will be less restrictions next year for the women.

- Darby vs Comorato was solid. Pre-match interview was good for anyone not familiar with his backstory.

- Claw Order. Dante might regret his open challenge. Starks vs Cage finally happening.

- Shida vs Deeb was good. I want Deeb vs Conti, Jay, Statlander and Rosa.

- Darby the crash test dummy. Lio not wasting any time recruiting. I hope Hayter is a future TBS Champion.

- Casino Ladder was my MOTN for the crazy bumps. Hangman as Joker and winner was worth it for the pop.


Fantastic anniversary show.


Glad you enjoyed the show. All you see online is talk about ratings, nothing about the show itself.

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Late review. Was avoiding all wrestling threads until I could watch the TJPW show (which was fantastic).


- Punk vs Garcia was my MOTN. Punk sold the hell out of Garcia's offense.

- Lio's not messing around.

- The Acclaimed vs Lucha Bros © was great. It was incredible how much they crammed into 6 minutes.

- Jade vs Skye was an OK squash. Rosa!

- Cage vs Starks © street fight was good. AEW needs to stop spamming low blows.

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The official Lucha Azteca 7 Facebook says Myzteziz Jr is who showed up. Dragon Lee does make more sense though.


Strange mistake by them.


Anyway... wouldn't be surprised to see Rush, Dragon Lee & Dralistico all sign with AEW next year. I'm sure Andrade is pushing hard for it.

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America's Top Team isn't working for me, because they've done absolutely nothing to showcase character or personality outside of "they're MMA fighters!" They may as well be angry cricket players for all I know.


Meanwhile, Orange Cassidy demonstrated more personality in the 30 seconds he showed up in the first Casino Battle Royale.

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Yeh the American Top Team (MMA involvement) doesn’t sit with me either, I like lamberts mic skills but don’t like the MMA guys and girls there it’s a cringe fest when they get into a brawl as it just feels unrealistic which is ridiculous as they are real fighters but look awkward at times.


Hopefully in time they will change my mind.


Rampage was good, Smackdown was good (more downs than rampage but still a lot of ups) so that’s a win for me. Favourite moment was Danielson vs Suzuki and Brock/Reigns segment smug farmer Brock was entertaining to me.

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Bryan vs Suzuki was top tier quality. I had insanely high expectations and they easily exceeded them.


As for the American Top Team stuff, Lambert is a blast. His Cornette parody is hilarious. That said, the MMA people are just sort of there. Junior Dos Santos didn't look that bad in the main event. I wouldn't be opposed to him working more matches personally.


Paige VanZant has an amazing look and I think she'd be a good person to get trained.


Why did the crowd chant holy shit right before Hager put Dos Santos through the table? It was off camera and the announcers didn't say anything.

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- Conti vs Santana was solid. For all her experience Santana has never wowed me in the ring.

- Moriarty vs Fish was good.

- Suzuki vs Danielson was a MOTY Contender. Had a grin on my face the whole match. I loved the finish with Suzuki making the mistake of running the ropes and copping the Busaiku Knee.

- Sydal vs Punk was great. Sydal is underrated.

- Bunny vs Ruby was good.

- Inner Circle vs Men of the Year & Dos Santos was fun. Dos Santos did well. Van Zant would make a great valet.



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Yeh the American Top Team (MMA involvement) doesn’t sit with me either, I like lamberts mic skills but don’t like the MMA guys and girls there it’s a cringe fest when they get into a brawl as it just feels unrealistic which is ridiculous as they are real fighters but look awkward at times.



MMA in wrestling just never works out the way promoters hope. I mean, the most successful MMA fighter to move over to pro wrestling is, arguably, Ken Shamrock, and he was pretty much a midcard talent.


Or, for another example, Ronda Rousey was the most famous female MMA fighter (I'd at least heard of her prior to her involvement in WWE, which is more than I can say for ATT), and then she became RAW Women's Champion, and Monday Night RAW would then go on to... have the lowest ratings in their history up to that point.

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Shamrock was a pro wrestler before he became an MMA fighter.


Minoru Suzuki was a pro wrestler first as well, but his MMA career is the stuff of legends. When I was a kid, my friend's dad had a bunch of bootleg VHS Pancrase compilations and we watched the hell out of them. I had no idea then that Minoru was a pro wrestler, but I loved the hell out of him.

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