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Stop giving Dan Lambert air time and tell Cody to knock it off with the elaborate entrances and that's at least an extra 20 minutes per week.


Dan Lambert's Cornette parody is more entertaining than the majority of anyone else that gets mic time and Cody isn't on Dynamite all that often. The issue with Lambert's segments is they rarely have any direction. Yes, the women need more time on TV, but these two examples don't really work. Cody's entrance is also part of his character. You're not supposed to like it. He wants you to get mad at it.

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Dan Lambert's Cornette parody is more entertaining than the majority of anyone else that gets mic time and Cody isn't on Dynamite all that often. The issue with Lambert's segments is they rarely have any direction. Yes, the women need more time on TV, but these two examples don't really work. Cody's entrance is also part of his character. You're not supposed to like it. He wants you to get mad at it.


For Cody, that argument only makes sense now, but he's been doing that shtick long before his heel tease.


As for Lambert, he is not a wrestler and should not be getting TV time at the expense of actual wrestlers on the roster. And as far as the rest of the roster not being entertaining on the mic, maybe they would be if they got more mic time to practice. Britt's one of the best talkers now in part because she was given lots of mic time to develop. Some of her earlier stuff was... Well, she got better.

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For Cody, that argument only makes sense now, but he's been doing that shtick long before his heel tease.


As for Lambert, he is not a wrestler and should not be getting TV time at the expense of actual wrestlers on the roster. And as far as the rest of the roster not being entertaining on the mic, maybe they would be if they got more mic time to practice. Britt's one of the best talkers now in part because she was given lots of mic time to develop. Some of her earlier stuff was... Well, she got better.


Lambert has become a manager. Are managers not meant to talk for their clients?

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- Danielson vs Hangman was a MOTY Contender but I wish it had gone a bit longer. TBS = Turner Blood Sport... but it was the headbutts that made me squeamish. Danielson would have by judge decision, IMO.

- Is Punk is a hero or scumbag? Depends on whether Dean is happy with a dirty win. Entertaining promos.

- Terrance & Philip lol. Jericho calling Matt a squarehead while Kip Sabian sits in the audience with a box over his head...

- Wardlow with his usual powerbomb squash. Spears doing good work.

- Cargill vs Soho was solid but could have been smoother. I like Jade but she could have done with at least another 6 months of seasoning before becoming Champion. Even Britt wasn't trusted with a belt until 1.5 years into her AEW career and most of her matches weren't squashes.

- Professor Deeb has spoken.

- Black vs Pillman Jr was good. Pirate Julia was subdued. Still no Brody King. Poor Ruby. Riho!

- Jurassic Express vs Lucha Bros © was great. Shock title change! A bit early but happy Jungle Boy is a Champion. Loved all the shots of the wrestlers around the arena. When the lights went out I expected the Briscoes to run in.


Shame Fenix and Atlas were injured.

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He's a manager for two guys who are already good on the stick.


This we completely agree on. I genuinely enjoy Lambert. I wish he was managing someone or a team with poor mic skills. Heck, if Hager went on a solo run, Lambert would be a huge addition to his act.

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Looks like Fenix got lucky and it's only a dislocation. No word on Jake Atlas' knee yet.


1,010,000 viewers, Demo 0.43. 2nd for the day. 18-34 viewers were 239,000, which is Dynamite’s 4th highest ever. Big Bang Theory is a stronger lead-in than what was on TNT.


Good to see Cargill vs Soho was a draw. I didn't expect it because the TayJay vs BunnyFord match was the weakest draw on Rampage and that match was way better, IMO.



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- Cole vs Atlas was my MOTN. Atlas never impressed me in NXT but he did here. Shame about the injury.

- Andrade lol.

- Hook vs Solow was solid.

- FTW title and Sydal still exist. Nice recap of last week's bloody match.

- Soho & Riho vs DMD & Hayter was solid. Hayter has to be turning soon.

- Garcia & 2.0 vs Kingston & PnP was fun.

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The main event was good, but there were two glaring problems, nothing about the match itself.


1) It's been a recurring criticism of AEW that they run similar storylines concurrently. Teasing a Britt/ Hayter split loses some of it's punch when they've been teasing a MJF/ Wardlow split.


2) How many title defense has Britt had where Hayter and Rebel get involved? Do none of the babyfaces in the women's division have friends to come out and neutralize the advantage? No one thinks to demand a match where interference won't be a factor? It's quickly reaching the point where everyone who faces Britt looks foolish immediately.

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The main event was good, but there were two glaring problems, nothing about the match itself.


1) It's been a recurring criticism of AEW that they run similar storylines concurrently. Teasing a Britt/ Hayter split loses some of it's punch when they've been teasing a MJF/ Wardlow split.


2) How many title defense has Britt had where Hayter and Rebel get involved? Do none of the babyfaces in the women's division have friends to come out and neutralize the advantage? No one thinks to demand a match where interference won't be a factor? It's quickly reaching the point where everyone who faces Britt looks foolish immediately.


1. Yeah, they've done this so many times. It has gotten better since TK consolidated power, but still happens on occasion and it's annoying every time. There's a lot of upside for Wardlow and Hayter, but running the same angle in two different places really drags both down.


2. Completely agree here as well.


Also, Battle of the Belts felt so unneeded. Not one of those matches had any sort of heat going in. They certainly weren't bad matches, but the pacing in all three felt incredibly off and nothing felt remotely important. The more Sammy is put in the spotlight, the less I want to see him. The interim TNT champion thing is dumb.


I thought this should would be similar to the classic Clash of the Champions specials, but it felt more like a throwaway b show.

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- Dustin vs Sammy was great even though I wasn't invested in it. GTH was stiff. Dustin winning would have been more interesting but Sammy needed it more. Garcia!

- Sydal vs Ricky © was solid. Impressed by Ricky's selling. Moriarty & Dante!

- Riho vs DMD © was my MOTN. Hayter wants that belt.


Much better show than I expected. Thankfully they didn't try to cram a 4th match in.

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Something I've noticed from watching an admittedly small sample size of clips is that AEW seems to feature a tablet spot in like every match of somewhat notable consequences. Feels like a paint by numbers approach to matches, does the tag title match or the interim TNT title match really need those spots logically?
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I enjoyed all the matches on Battle of the Belts.


However, if Cody is only out short-term, I'm not sure why they need an interim champion. I would have rather seen another belt defended instead.


yea, the interm thing seemed very much like "well, we don't have the world title or tag matches on the show so....it's still gotta be for a belt". Didn't really make much sense to do that, but I guess they wanted 2 "title matches" on the show

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Something I've noticed from watching an admittedly small sample size of clips is that AEW seems to feature a tablet spot in like every match of somewhat notable consequences. Feels like a paint by numbers approach to matches, does the tag title match or the interim TNT title match really need those spots logically?


Tables have been popping up quite a bit lately. It's kind of annoying

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Something I've noticed from watching an admittedly small sample size of clips is that AEW seems to feature a tablet spot in like every match of somewhat notable consequences. Feels like a paint by numbers approach to matches, does the tag title match or the interim TNT title match really need those spots logically?


I haven't been able to watch BOTB but I feel like in the tag title match it was going to lead to an eventual split between Lucha Bros and Alex Abrahantes. But, I do agree that they probably should dial back the table spots for a bit.

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