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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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I'm not a huge fan of all this ROH business being conducted on Dynamite and Rampage.


Hoping it's short term, just to get ROH jumpstarted. Like the main event was good, I hated the post match because it felt like "PLEASE TUNE INTO ROH TOO!"


also, someone needs to revoke Tony's "lights out! oh noes! here's someone in the ring" button. it's becoming a meme at this point how often they go to that.

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I'm not a huge fan of all this ROH business being conducted on Dynamite and Rampage.


Hoping it's short term, just to get ROH jumpstarted. Like the main event was good, I hated the post match because it felt like "PLEASE TUNE INTO ROH TOO!"



There is no ROH to tune into currently so they have to use ROH on AEW tv until they either get a tv deal for ROH or whatever they're going to do for ROH going forward.


Gotta keep the new purchase relavant

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yea, I guess.


But the thing is there are already way, waaaaayyyyyy to many people on the AEW roster alone. if were now going to "keep the new purchase relevant"


already, without the ROH stuff, people and feuds disappear right now for far to long/ get put on the back burner and then randomly shoved back on top without much buildup. Example just this week: Where was anything (besides a semi lame video package) for your World Title Match on Rampage? do we really have time to devot to Jay Leathal and Joe's ROH fued and a green giant? Am I to pretty much consider this match on Friday a "Hangman is winning, since we aren't promoting it much" situation?


never mind things like Lance Archer, Brian Cage, Roby Soho and others dropping off the face of the earth for months, to then reappear with pumped up records from Dark like they've been doing something impressive while they've been away.


Then this is getting to my problem with WWE, where it's just content for content sake. I don't want to see that in AEW. I love AEW, but right now I feel like they are in a pretty big booking Lull, and Tony trying to jam in ROH titles on top of that is not helping the matter for me.

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That endind was incredibly awful. Just terrible. It's Dark Order 2019 levels of bad. Marina Shafir was also pretty flat. The crowd was instantly dead. The rest of the show was pretty good though. I wish Redragon won the belts but there were a lot of good matches nonetheless.
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If ROH is ran as a separate brand similar to Raw/Smackdown, I feel like outside of the big ROH names, most of the ROH roster will come from AEW's lockeroom.


Tony has another "huge" announcement next week on Dynamite. I think it's either he bought Impact or ROH will have a tv deal.


I avoid dirt sheets for the most part, so I'm just going off my own ideas.

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Because there really aren't a whole lot of people left who Jade hasn't beaten and who aren't busy with another storyline. They'll have a match, Shafir will lose, Jade will get win number 30, and hopefully we can move on to more credible opponents where there's actually doubt about whether or not Jade will retain.


Mercedes, Emi, Diamante, Abadon, Ford. Some of the more talented Dark wrestlers like Aminata and D'amboise. For the future there's Riho when she's healed up. Yuka, Itoh and Yamashita are in the US soon.


Could do better than Marina for win #30 anyway.

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Mercedes, Emi, Diamante, Abadon, Ford. Some of the more talented Dark wrestlers like Aminata and D'amboise. For the future there's Riho when she's healed up. Yuka, Itoh and Yamashita are in the US soon.


Could do better than Marina for win #30 anyway.


Mercedes, being Interim ROH Women's Champion, presumably has Deonna Purazzo on her dance card at some point in the future, so can't have her eating pins until then. Emi, Diamante, and Ford are all heels, and heel vs heel contests are already an uphill battle to get the crowd invested; throw in the fact that Jade is not losing until at least after her 30th win. And with the Dark wrestlers, you run into a similar problem as with Shafir, no credibility built and no time devoted to their character.

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I'm really struggling with the Jericho Appreciation Society in that it feels like Inner Circle 2.0 but now with inferior talents. I watched that Trios match and its aftermath and knew I had seen this all before, not even in other wrestling promotions but in this one and not even that long ago.


I thought Marina Shafir was perfectly okay. I saw the match get a lot of criticism but it was 3 minutes long and nothing was overtly bad about it. She's obviously a work in progress but for her first proper gig on live TV it was perfectly fine. People still don't take enough time to appreciate how different it is working the Dark tapings and then going out there live. That's a beast you have to learn how to tame.


Everything was wrong in the aftermath of Joe vs. Suzuki. It would have been better had Lethal or Dutt given Satnam a verbal introduction and put him over, just to explain it to the audience. Or brought him in through the crowd to put over his stature. They may have gotten away with this whole deal earlier in the card but it was a flat note to close the show on. Perhaps they should have put Punk vs. Penta on last just to send everybody home happy?

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- BCC vs Gunn Club was good. Billy did more selling than usual.

- Butcher vs Brown was an OK squash.

- I often forget how good a promo Dustin is.

- Soho vs Renegade was good. Robyn did well. Twin magic was fun.

- Cole vs Hangman © was my MOTN. So many cool spots but the chain clothesline and barbwire Deadeye through the table were my favorite spots.

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Maybe the start of a heel turn. She mostly got booed because Willow was a local. I wouldn't mind a Jade/Velvet/Hogan stable. Add the Renegade twins in later as fodder.


She was acting more arrogant than usual and then she was in the Baddie section with Kiera. They're definitely heels. Velvet has been spinning her wheels for an eternity. Her and Kiera would make a solid tag team. They really need a women's tag title and they need to make more time for women on Dynamite/Rampage.


As for Rampage, pretty fun show.


TK seems to be All In on Wheeler Yuta and that's not a bad thing. He has so much fire and potential.


Ruby and Renegade was fun. The Renegade Twins have a ton of potential.


Hangman vs Cole was gnarly and much, much better than their match at Revolution. The psychology and fire was top notch.

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- Sammy vs Sky © was good. Didn't mind the title change in service of a double turn but it would have been better if Sky had a few more defenses first. There's still a chance he wins it back or Ethan get the belt.

- Castle vs Gresham © was good. Much better use of Singh here. Moriarty & Sydal tried their best lol. Joe! Joe! Joe!

- Nyla vs Rosa © was my MOTN.


Top tier promos from Ethan & Sky -

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Both Dark shows were good this week.


Yeah I watched both earlier today.


That 8 man main event on Elevation was more fun than it had any right to be for a C show.


Also, Keith Lee and Swerve's Spirit Bomb/Double Stomp was so dope and smooth.

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- Punk vs Dustin was a good slow-burner. Punk heeled it up a bit.

- BCC vs Dante, Moriarty & Anderson was good. Regal on commentary is a blessing.

- Undisputed Elite in a slump... for now. Joe is inevitable. Jade's stable shaping up nicely.

- Super Show! Adam Cole lol. Ishii in the Owen Cup! Jay White finally back. The NJPW President showing up in person was cool.

- Butcher vs Wardlow was solid. Spears & MJF throwing popcorn lol. Wardlow with the VIP security treatment. Kingston the Reaper.

- Kyle vs Jungle Boy was good. Shock result.

- Wardlow/Archer should be fun.

- Hook vs Henry was solid. Danhausen squaring up to Hook lol.

- Nice Thunder Rosa promo. Double turn complete. Cheers for Ethan!

- Kamela vs DMD was solid. The fans were happy to see Britt and the players. Promo was weak.

- Looking forward to the Shida/Deeb street fight. Bret Hart next week?

- Andrade vs Darby coffin match was good. Would have preferred Andrade win but it makes sense to establish a winning streak for Darby in his specialty match. Sting crowd spot was funny.



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Dustin vs Punk was everything I wanted and more. Dustin has been in my top five wrestlers since I was a kid and I wish he was sober during the "prime" of his career instead of the twilight. He's in amazing shape and is such a good in ring story teller.


Punk using heelish tactics and the Bret Hart influence on his style for the match was brilliant.


Is it a match of the year candidate or anything? Probably not for most people, but for me it's up there on an emotional level. At one point, I thought Dustin might actually pull out a win some how.


I know that's silly, but man, they just told that good of a story. There was no storyline going into the match, but they still had the crowd in the palms of their hands.


I thought I heard boos on one of Punk's kick outs, but one of my friends was there and said they were yelling "TWO!!!" like in surprise.

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