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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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Darby vs. Brody: the best thing on the show by some distance. It ebbed and flowed, the crowd got in behind Allin and both guys worked with intensity. Probably the best match I've seen on Dynamite since Jericho vs. Ortiz. ***1/2


BCC vs. Best Friends: As a match, this was perfectly okay. As a presentation, I thought it was weird. No build for Yuta vs. Chuck & Trent felt like an odd booking move given the history. OC was on comms but I don't recall much mention of the Wardlow match last week and the TNT Champ wasn't on the show altogether. Mox didn't feel like the World champ here. I don't know, am I being overly critical? The work was fine and the match was entertaining enough. **3/4


Cageasaurus vs. Varsity Blonds: a nothing match. Cool to see Jungle Boy back but what exactly was the point of the last few weeks building Lucha as a badass heel if he's still mates with Jungle Jack? I feel a bit sad seeing the Blonds as jobbers, I don't watch Dark but I like Griff and think he has potential. *


Starks vs. Karter: okay match, shame the fans booed Cole working underneath as the babyface, I think that took the legs away from this particular deal. He looked alright but I don't think he really showed out and wowed me. I guess the Danhausen match will be fun but he lost in 30 seconds to jobber Nese so why am I supposed to believe he will give Ricky a contest? Starks is top heel material though and I feel he has really come into his own in the last 3 months. **1/4


The Baddies vs. Athena/Willow: somebody needs to sign Nightingale, she's got all the tools. The match was pretty okay. I'm not sold on Kiera as a wrestler in AEW, seems green but her character work is solid. Not sure why this was changed from a trios match where I thought the finish would have been Jade losing but not being pinned. This worked out fine, let's get on with Athena vs. Jade now. **1/2


Jericho vs. Kingston: not big on these sorts of matches as the barbed wire is obviously gimmicked, it should be a gritty hardcore match but it instead looks hokey and fake. Jericho looks silly as The Painmaker. It was bang average walking and brawling and then it went full Vince Russo. Tay Conti jobbed to a padlock. I have no idea what the fallout from this will be but I hope they had a shouting match backstage because I thought the second half was really poorly planned and shoddily executed. I think they tried to do too much here. The post-match felt like one of those deals where somebody agrees to lose provided they get their heat back after the match. If Kingston was standing tall, he should have just won the match. -**

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Jericho vs. Kingston: not big on these sorts of matches as the barbed wire is obviously gimmicked, it should be a gritty hardcore match but it instead looks hokey and fake. Jericho looks silly as The Painmaker. It was bang average walking and brawling and then it went full Vince Russo. Tay Conti jobbed to a padlock. I have no idea what the fallout from this will be but I hope they had a shouting match backstage because I thought the second half was really poorly planned and shoddily executed. I think they tried to do too much here. The post-match felt like one of those deals where somebody agrees to lose provided they get their heat back after the match. If Kingston was standing tall, he should have just won the match. -**


I blame Jericho in addition to the booking. Even in his prime, Jericho was never capable of the masochism required for a memorable barbed wire match. It's like he wants to be the new Terry Funk but doesn't get that Funk didn't so much change his style in the 90s as it was just an evolution of what he'd already been doing for years.

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- Brody vs Darby was my MOTN. Brody looked like a monster and scored a big win. Black misting Sting! Cool Miro!

- Best Friends vs BCC was good. I like how heated it got. Regal delightful on commentary.

- Swerve in our Glory celebration was fun. Butch!

- Hard to care about the Blondes when they never win on TV. Jungle Boy! Christian/Luchasaurus partnership over in record time. What a waste of a storyline.

- Karter vs Ricky © was solid. Probably should have shown it on Dark instead. Danhausen! I wonder if this leads to Ricky vs Hook...

- Dax speaking from the heart. Glad his daughter is OK.

- Jade & Kiera vs Athena & Willow was good. Stokely afraid of getting his head slapped. If Stat goes after Rosa instead, Athena should beat Jade soon.

- Tony getting closer to pronouncing Yamashita right. Allison Kay would be a nice signing for ROH.

- Jericho vs Kingston was solid until the rough ending. Barbed wire microphone and ring bell lol. How did Sammy & Tay avoid the shark cage? Anna doing what's best for her career. Missed opportunity to have Sammy in the Shark costume. No sell from the cage door lol.

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- Hard to care about the Blondes when they never win on TV. Jungle Boy! Christian/Luchasaurus partnership over in record time. What a waste of a storyline.


I'm holding out a hope (prob a fools hope) that Lucha is actually playing the long game on JB. Otherwise I agree, complete waste of time.

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Rampage was skippable aside from Dante vs Moriarty.


ROH card looks interesting.





It turned out to be a fantastic card. Very weird that they went with the World Title off the top of the card. And then changed it. But FTR-Briscoes was maybe the best tag-match of the last 35 years. I'm almost sad they didn't swap the belts to set up a trilogy match. Everything else was pretty non-offensive. Rush and Dragon Lee was quite good.

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- Cabana vs Henry - *** 1/4

- Shinobi Shadow Squad vs Trustbusters - *** 1/4

- Christian, Zayne & Deppen vs Tully Enterprises/Embassy - *** 1/2

- Kay vs Willow - *** 1/4

- Claudio vs Gresham © - *** 3/4

- Dalton & The Boys vs The Righteous © - *** 3/4

- Garcia vs Yuta © - **** 1/4

- Dragon vs Rush - **** 1/4

- Deeb vs Martinez © - **** 1/4

- Lethal vs Joe © - **** 1/4

- Briscoes vs FTR © - *****


Briscoes & FTR had another tag team classic. Claudio vs Gresham was disappointingly short. I feel bad for Gresham but Claudio as champion makes sense while trying to land a TV deal. Commentary was great again. Prince Nana was a nice surprise.

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I'm of two minds on it. On the one hand, if Tony is shopping ROH around for TV deals, Claudio is the much bigger star, and is a much better choice for champion. On the other, I don't feel that Gresham was given much of a chance to make a connection with the audience.
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Best Dark Elevation in a while.


Spoilers: AR Fox made the most of his debut. I'm a big fan of his Lucha Underground run. Baron Black got his 1st win. Toni vs Emi was great. TK needs to us Emi on TV. Nice to see Baliyan Akki with her. Takeshita got another win before heading back to Japan.

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Supposedly Gresham blew up on Tony Khan during the PPV.


He was buried 64 ft under, can't imagine why. I would have walked out and not jobbed if you came to me and said. "Your World Title Match is jerking the curtain, I'm cutting the time, and you are jobbing in this match we threw together 5 days ago."


That's disrespect. I literally said when it went on first, it's gotta be a DQ to set up an angle for later because they can't possibly swap it now. Then they swapped it, and it was the only time in the night I grimaced, felt really bad for Gresham. Tony Khan really not helping his not a racist case with the black community here either.

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He was buried 64 ft under, can't imagine why. I would have walked out and not jobbed if you came to me and said. "Your World Title Match is jerking the curtain, I'm cutting the time, and you are jobbing in this match we threw together 5 days ago."


That's disrespect. I literally said when it went on first, it's gotta be a DQ to set up an angle for later because they can't possibly swap it now. Then they swapped it, and it was the only time in the night I grimaced, felt really bad for Gresham. Tony Khan really not helping his not a racist case with the black community here either.


First Tony puts on Main Events to open the show all the time. Could they have set it up a little better sure, but I felt it was apparent when Gresham was calling himself the best technical wrestler in the world since Claudio beat ZSJ in a match to crown "the best technical wrestler". I don't know how losing to a much bigger star than you, in a competitive match, while getting put over huge on commentary by a legend like Regal is getting "buried 64 ft under". Gresham is the one who was apparently acting completely unprofessional. If the reports are true then I'm shocked because I've always really liked Gresham as a performer. Gresham appeared to be set up as the top heel of ROH and as the "Crown Jewel of the Embassy" which for someone that claims to love and want to protect the history of ROH, should have been a huge deal to him. Overall bad situation, but I hope Gresham goes somewhere where he feels valued.

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First Tony puts on Main Events to open the show all the time. Could they have set it up a little better sure, but I felt it was apparent when Gresham was calling himself the best technical wrestler in the world since Claudio beat ZSJ in a match to crown "the best technical wrestler". I don't know how losing to a much bigger star than you, in a competitive match, while getting put over huge on commentary by a legend like Regal is getting "buried 64 ft under". Gresham is the one who was apparently acting completely unprofessional.



No. He was very clearly being discarded for a new toy. This is classic Tony Khan, we've seen it for almost 3 years now. He bigs you up and then you're on Dark for a year nobody calls you until your contract is up, and then they all put a lock on the door. That was going to be Gresham's fate and everyone knew it.

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No. He was very clearly being discarded for a new toy. This is classic Tony Khan, we've seen it for almost 3 years now. He bigs you up and then you're on Dark for a year nobody calls you until your contract is up, and then they all put a lock on the door. That was going to be Gresham's fate and everyone knew it.


He was clearly set up to be the top heel in the promotion as the top guy in the top heel faction. If that isn't obvious then I don't know what to tell you. Also, I have no idea why people think being featured on weekly programming is a bad thing but whatever.

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He was clearly set up to be the top heel in the promotion as the top guy in the top heel faction. If that isn't obvious then I don't know what to tell you. Also, I have no idea why people think being featured on weekly programming is a bad thing but whatever.


He was put with guys who didn't have anything to do, and got an angle so people would care about Claudio beating him more. TK's booking tropes are well known at this point.

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So excited AEW is introducing a Trios championship. 6 man tags are great, if you don't believe me, just watch any NJPW event. There is always some amazing and also odd teams in these matches.


It was a tad unbelievable that the Bucks were surprised by the announcement. I was, "How do you not know?!? You're Executive Vice Presidents!"

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It was a tad unbelievable that the Bucks were surprised by the announcement. I was, "How do you not know?!? You're Executive Vice Presidents!"


They're heels.


Real news is that they ran scared from FTR. Know they can't keep up with them anymore.

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While on the one hand, there was some great stuff, there were a few feuds set up that are underwhelming at best.


- We do NOT need to see Mox vs. Jericho again.

- Eddie should be main eventing, challenging for the title, not chasing Sammy around in a midcard feud.

- The first opponents for our new Tag Team Champions are... Tony Nese and a guy who thus far has only wrestled on Dark?!?


I mean, if you need someone to feud with Sammy, ideally someone who's associated with a female wrestler on the roster to do mixed tag stuff with Tay, then Kip Sabian is right there. I mean, he's literally right there in the front row every week. Bring up the fact that he beat Sammy in the first ever AEW singles match, but yet it's Sammy who's called "A Pillar", bring up how Ford hates Tay & Jay, and let them try to kill each other.

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While on the one hand, there was some great stuff, there were a few feuds set up that are underwhelming at best.


- We do NOT need to see Mox vs. Jericho again.

- Eddie should be main eventing, challenging for the title, not chasing Sammy around in a midcard feud.

- The first opponents for our new Tag Team Champions are... Tony Nese and a guy who thus far has only wrestled on Dark?!?


I mean, if you need someone to feud with Sammy, ideally someone who's associated with a female wrestler on the roster to do mixed tag stuff with Tay, then Kip Sabian is right there. I mean, he's literally right there in the front row every week. Bring up the fact that he beat Sammy in the first ever AEW singles match, but yet it's Sammy who's called "A Pillar", bring up how Ford hates Tay & Jay, and let them try to kill each other.


Ford is currently out hurt, which is why I feel like that trigger hasn't been pulled yet.

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- Rush vs Mox © was great. Mox doesn't need to bleed every match. Lionheart! I'd be shocked if they didn't drag this out to the PPV.

- Trios titles finally. Good excuse for crossover with NJPW and ROH. Skye Blue about to get plenty of TV time.

- Danhausen vs Ricky © and Orange Trunks HOOK vs Ricky © were fun. Loved the vignette and promo. My face when Hobbs dropped Ricky [face_shock]

- Acclaimed lol.

- Dante vs Sammy was good. Dante showed more personality. Ruby's back!

- Sonjay is a fun character. Jungle Boy promo had me howling. Learning from one of the best in Christian.

- No Trios Gold for Cutler. I guess Hangman will have to do.

- Nese & Sterling vs Swerve was solid.

- This Miro/HOB storyline has my interest. Coffin match!

- Yamashita vs Rosa © was solid. Miyu struggled with the ring apron and there were some minor communication/timing issues.

- Garcia vs Danielson was my MOTN. Bryan had me legit worried with his S Tier selling. Huge win for Garcia.

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