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I think a change of scenery would do Jade good. I'm not a big fan of her as a wrestler and I don't think she has progressed at the rate that either her or AEW would have liked but perhaps her moving on is the best thing for both parties.

I remember that the story the first time around was her unwillingness to truly commit to wrestling. WWE wanted her to relocate whilst AEW was something she could do on her own terms. She has perhaps had a taste in AEW and has liked it enough that she now wants to make it her life.

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2 hours ago, Mootinie said:

I remember that the story the first time around was her unwillingness to truly commit to wrestling. WWE wanted her to relocate whilst AEW was something she could do on her own terms. She has perhaps had a taste in AEW and has liked it enough that she now wants to make it her life.

Or if not, exposure in WWE could lead into other entertainment ventures.

I agree with @Jaysin, she has everything else. NXT would do her real good.

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Watching Rampage and Jesus, Rick Knox should not be anywhere near a national wrestling promotion. Or even a semi national wrestling promotion. I don't think I've ever seen a ref as bad as he is. It's like every match he refs has no rules and it's infuriating. He's so distracting. 

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Take this with a grain of salt considering the source was the Observer, but supposedly the issue between Santana and Ortiz stemmed from Santana being unhappy in AEW and wanting to leave and Ortiz being content earning a steady paycheck. Apparently, Santana had to be talked into being on the same team as Ortiz.

There has to be more to the story than that if they went from being close as brothers to being on the outs. 

They're a top shelf tag team and it's a crying shame they didn't win the AEW tag titles together. If we never see another PnP match, it'll suck, but hopefully they can become friends again behind the scenes. 

It's also sad to me when longtime friends break up. 

Edited by Jaysin
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That women’s four way on Dynamite was pretty awful. Can we stop complaining about the booking and admit that the actual wrestling in this division is just really bad?

Weak strikes, mistimed sequences, zero energy, Shida bumping about two seconds before Baker has even done the curb stomp on her. And now Britt is getting a TBS title shot three days after being pinned because wins and losses matter?

Edited by Mootinie
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28 minutes ago, Mootinie said:

That women’s four way on Dynamite was pretty awful. Can we stop complaining about the booking and admit that the actual wrestling in this division is just really bad?

Weak strikes, mistimed sequences, zero energy, Shida bumping about two seconds before Baker has even done the curb stomp on her. And now Britt is getting a TBS title shot three days after being pinned because wins and losses matter?

I'm looking at the women's division on AEW's site and on paper it should be much better than it is. My biggest complaint is they seem to focus on less talented women for some reason. They really need a developmental house show loop or something because the less talented women aren't getting nearly enough time to develop. AEW has roughly 6-7 hours of TV time a week if you include ROH, and women take up less than an hour of that every week. They need repetition and to work with the more talented ladies on the roster even more. They have Sarah Stock(Sarita of TNA fame) as a coach and I feel like she should have a bigger impact on match quality. Too bad AEW can't steal Fit Finlay

Abadon could be something special down the line, but needs more in ring experience. 

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46 minutes ago, Mootinie said:

That women’s four way on Dynamite was pretty awful. Can we stop complaining about the booking and admit that the actual wrestling in this division is just really bad?

Weak strikes, mistimed sequences, zero energy, Shida bumping about two seconds before Baker has even done the curb stomp on her. And now Britt is getting a TBS title shot three days after being pinned because wins and losses matter?

Unfortunately AEW has been giving the women such little time in there Dynamite matches and it shows. Endless four way matches with most of the same wrestlers and they've just been getting worse. Toni and Britt have been apart of 5 different four way matches in AEW in less than two years, which is ABSURD.


Rampage has has much better women's wrestling (they've main evented most of the Rampages over the past couple months) but not nearly as many people are watching.

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8 hours ago, Mootinie said:


Weak strikes, mistimed sequences, zero energy, Shida bumping about two seconds before Baker has even done the curb stomp on her. And now Britt is getting a TBS title shot three days after being pinned because wins and losses matter?

A rare misstep from Shida. She's usually one of the most consistent, best performers in the division.

Speaking of, Ricky Starks complaining about unfairness despite being on TV every week. Meanwhile, the winner of this year's women's Owen's Tournament has been sitting back in catering for a month.

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- Ricky & Bill vs BCC was good.
- Good Hobbs & Miro promos.
- Iron Savages vs FTR (c) was solid.
- Take 22 lol. ROH crossover ramping up again the last few weeks.
- Silver vs Bowens was solid.
- Killer Eddie promo. He needs to win at Grand Slam. OrangeHook.
- Aussie Open squash was OK.
- Toni sit-down with RJ was funny.
- Scorpio vs Andrade was solid. "Where are we?" lol.
- Nice look at Kenny & Ibushi's history. Legendary promo from Shibata.
- The Hardys vs The Righteous was solid. Building up fodder for MJF & Cole.
- Hype Danielson/ZSJ video. Ricky speaking the truth.
- DMD vs Statlander (c) was my MOTN. Longest women's match in a while.

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On 9/16/2023 at 1:06 PM, Mootinie said:

That women’s four way on Dynamite was pretty awful. Can we stop complaining about the booking and admit that the actual wrestling in this division is just really bad?

Weak strikes, mistimed sequences, zero energy, Shida bumping about two seconds before Baker has even done the curb stomp on her. And now Britt is getting a TBS title shot three days after being pinned because wins and losses matter?

To be fair, Britt is arguably the worst women's wrestler that gets a push in the division.

Jamie Hayter was the standout in that division -- her injury not only hurt the division but hurt AEW's programming as a whole.

When healthy, Hayter should either be challenging for or holding the women's title.

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On 9/15/2023 at 11:12 PM, Jaysin said:

Watching Rampage and Jesus, Rick Knox should not be anywhere near a national wrestling promotion. Or even a semi national wrestling promotion. I don't think I've ever seen a ref as bad as he is. It's like every match he refs has no rules and it's infuriating. He's so distracting. 

Honestly while he's definitely the worst of the AEW officials I haven't been as down as you are on him... until tonight. That was HORRIBLE, and really took the sails out of a pretty great match where I'm pretty sure Mox had his bell rung from the beginning. How do you not count to three there? I really hope they don't give Knox any big matches from here on out, that was so bad.

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Yep, that was pretty bad. Refs should always count to three. It's awesome to see Fenix winning a singles championship, even though it was an audible. Hope Mox is okay.

The show was actually pretty fun. They relegated most of the bad stuff to the 2h Rampage. Collision is also looking good but the College schedule for this saturday is insane. I'll def watch Collision later down the week.

I'm curious to see what Joe does now. He did a pretty good job with MJF.

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- Eddie vs Claudio (c) was my MOTN. Popped for Eddie winning!
- Prayer circle for Roddy. Christian is the greatest TNT Champion of all time.
- Jericho vs Sammy was solid aside from the botch. Light-up vest lol. I was confused by Jericho winning until the Sammy turn.
- Fenix vs Mox (c) was good. Sucks the audible finish was botched.
- Toni vs Saraya (c) was good. B&W 16fps entrance was amazing. Shoooooes! Surprise kiss!
- Mixed tag loophole to get 2 women's matches on Rampage.
- Joe vs MJF (c) was great. It's interesting seeing MJF as the underdog selling like crazy.

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The Toni/ Saraya match was better than I expected, which is surprising, as I'm really not big into either one. Though I was expecting a 2 on 1 beatdown to be interrupted by either a returning Thunder Rosa or a debuting Mercedes Mone and instead, it just... stopped.

Also, why does Ruby Soho, the person who LOST this year's Owen Hart Tournament, get more TV time right now than Willow Nightingale, who actually WON the darn thing?

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14 hours ago, John Lions said:

Honestly while he's definitely the worst of the AEW officials I haven't been as down as you are on him... until tonight. That was HORRIBLE, and really took the sails out of a pretty great match where I'm pretty sure Mox had his bell rung from the beginning. How do you not count to three there? I really hope they don't give Knox any big matches from here on out, that was so bad.

I don't remember the last time a ref made me as mad as Knox does. He's the Mike Adamle of refs. 

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