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11 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

If they didn't reference it, there'd be an outcry online from people complaining about them ignoring it.

It's a lose lose situation 

If you say so.  I still think not referencing the debacle was the better option.  Just have the guy wrestle in New Japan don't draw attention to the controversy and hope it all blows over.  Agree to disagree I guess.

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- Joe! Joe! Joe! Hook needs more live promos and storylines like this to progress.

- Hangman vs Penta was good.

- Trent vs Wardlow was solid.

- I'm happy Deonna & Toni were featured in the 1st hour and not backstage. Split screen color/B&W was cool. Mariah needs to wrestle more.

- BCC is all business. I thought Taya & Johnny were ROH exclusive. Taya does have history with Deonna, though.

- Swerve vs Jeff was solid.

- Fighting over the rankings adds more stakes.

- Rosa vs Velvet was solid.

- Sting & Darby should have had a title shot months ago.

- Mogul Embassy vs AssClaimed (c) was solid. Funniest Max rap in a long time.

- Copeland vs Suzuki was my MOTN. Would have been even better with a hot crowd.

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- Taylor & Moriarty vs BCC was good.
- Cassidy (c) vs Komander was good.
- Garcia got messed up. The follow-up with Briscoe was fun.
- Always happy to see Timeless Toni promos on TV.
- Mariah vs Frost was good.
- Toa Liona singles match should be fun.
- Kingston vs Mack was good aside from Mack's botch after hurting his knee.
- Danielson vs Nagata was great. Eddie on commentary and the hot crowd helped.
- Cage is salty lol.
- Deeb vs Robyn was a good squash. The women are starting to get more promo time.
- AEW working with both AAA & CMLL is interesting.
- Trios Cage Match was my MOTN. No flips, just dives. Julia! Briscoe! Another milestone victory for Garcia against a veteran.


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Excalibur: And what a night we've had from our opening context, Jon Moxley getting the big one over Jeff Harvey

Toni Storm: Ah yes, I love Jeff Harvey

Taz: I wasn't sure, but you're Mike Adamle! I knew it!

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2 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Starks and Big Bill vs. Dark Order didn't make a hell of a lot of sense. The champs are headed into Phoenix to ostensibly be the heels, and yet this match had them as babyfaces.

Wasn't that NOLA? That's Starks's hometown, more or less. This always happens in AEW. Every heel is a babyface in their hometown, even MJF at his worst.

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- Mox vs Jeff was solid. Smart getting the CMLL guys involved.
- Hangman vs Toa was good. Mustache.
- Wardlow vs Komander was solid. Wardlow looked banged up at the end.
- Tag titles backstage interview was fun.
- Jericho vs Fletcher was solid.
- Deonna & Toni history promo was great. More effort to tell interesting stories is what the women's division needs.
- Rock Hard Juiceboard is over with the crowd.
- Deonna vs Taya was good. Commentary with Toni was hilarious.
- Old Bucks building annoying heel heat.
- Swerve vs RVD was my MOTN. Good promos.

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RVD ruled on Dynamite. His execution on just about everything was perfect. I need to get on this cannabis and yoga lifestyle if that's what 53-years-old is.

Danielson versus Hechicero was awesome on Collision. I love the CMLL working relationship, they have so much talent that has never been given a stage like this one. 

Hard to call Swerve versus Hangman. Part of me thinks Page versus Joe is the way forward but a Three Way would be super fine too.

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- Keith vs Kingston was great.
- Danielson vs Hechicero was great. I want to see Angelico vs Hechicero in ROH.
- Cash is lucky to be on TV with his legal trouble.
- Hook vs Outrunners was a solid squash.
- HoB targeting Briscoe is a logical follow-up from last week.
- Deeb vs Aminata was great.
- Swerve shouting out Kofi & Athena was cool.
- Velvet vs Vertvixen was a solid squash.
- The Patriarchy vs DGFTR was great. Need a Garcia vs Wayne singles match on TV.

Hot show with a hot crowd. Contender for best Collision ever.

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18 hours ago, Mootinie said:

Hard to call Swerve versus Hangman. Part of me thinks Page versus Joe is the way forward but a Three Way would be super fine too.

I really wish they hadn't done that "Swerve and Nana invade Hangman's house" segment. One, because it's stupid that Swerve and Nana aren't in jail after committing a felony and broadcasting it on national TV, but mainly because it was such a heinous heel act that Page needs to make him pay for it, but ... Swerve is so freakin' over right now, and with, let's be real, Face heat. Everyone is ready for Swerve to be the next World Champion, but Page losing to Swerve three times in a row after that home invasion... will always leave me with an unfulfilled angry place in my soul.

Another issue is... are we even ready for Joe to lose the belt? Maybe not. Joe is pretty over right now too.

So maybe what they do is give Page his win over Swerve now, have him lose the title match to Joe, and then Swerve gets the next title shot and wins the belt at the PPV after Revolution.




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Officially caught up on AEW and TNA. AEW has some major positive things going right now. Hangman and Swerve is a mega hot feud. Copeland is having bangers with random ass people. FTR and Daniel Garcia are fun on a bun. 

There's so much negativity around that it's easy to get caught up in that stuff, but I feel like every major promotion has some positives going for them right now. 

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Tony Khan should hire Scott D'Amore now that TNA made the boneheaded move to fire him. I know Scott's opinion of AEW had soured after the kind of piss poor relationship, but man, imagine what a guy that took TNA from irrelevant to a serious alternative again could do with a roster like AEW has?

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38 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

Tony Khan should hire Scott D'Amore now that TNA made the boneheaded move to fire him. I know Scott's opinion of AEW had soured after the kind of piss poor relationship, but man, imagine what a guy that took TNA from irrelevant to a serious alternative again could do with a roster like AEW has?

He'd do amazing, provided he can keep TK or the EVPs from overruling him.

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- Hangman vs Swerve was a MOTY Contender. Their reactions to the Triple Threat was great. One of the best feuds in recent history.
- Toni vs Velvet was good. Velvet is improving fast in the ring but needs a character shift. Women in the 1st hour of Dynamite 😮
- BCC vs CMLL was good. CMLL guys showed out again.
- Big Business is Rainmaking Mone in Bo$$ton and you can Bank on that!
- Jericho vs Takeshita was good. Went too long but Jericho being tapped out with a Liontamer was perfect. Give Takeshita a proper theme already.
- Sting & Darby vs Ricky & Bill (c) was good. The hesitation from Ricky was interesting. Bill won't be happy. EVP ambush! The blood on the white suits was quite the visual.

Hot show and hot crowd again.

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Here's how I would book things for the tag titles. Sting and Darby beat the Young Bucks with Darby getting the pin on one while Sting has the Scorpion Deathlock on the other to prevent him from breaking up the pin. Sting gets to retire as an undefeated tag team champion.

The next Dynamite, The Bucks demand that Darby forfeit the titles and hand them over because he doesn't have a partner anymore. Darby must find a partner before the end of the show. But who...?



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31 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

Here's how I would book things for the tag titles. Sting and Darby beat the Young Bucks with Darby getting the pin on one while Sting has the Scorpion Deathlock on the other to prevent him from breaking up the pin. Sting gets to retire as an undefeated tag team champion.

The next Dynamite, The Bucks demand that Darby forfeit the titles and hand them over because he doesn't have a partner anymore. Darby must find a partner before the end of the show. But who...?



Knowing TK he'd just put the tag titles up for grabs in yet another tournament.

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12 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Here's how I would book things for the tag titles. Sting and Darby beat the Young Bucks with Darby getting the pin on one while Sting has the Scorpion Deathlock on the other to prevent him from breaking up the pin. Sting gets to retire as an undefeated tag team champion.

The next Dynamite, The Bucks demand that Darby forfeit the titles and hand them over because he doesn't have a partner anymore. Darby must find a partner before the end of the show. But who...?

I'd love the idea without caveats... except for me still believing that it's better for wrestlers to go out on their back so as to not make the next generation look weak.  Maybe I could make an exception this one time, as it's not like the Bucks need the rub after the career they've already had.  Then again, losing without getting pinned might work out for Darby if they want to book him as a singles competitor again.  In summation, I could see Sting's last match going either way.

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8 hours ago, overthetop2 said:

I'd love the idea without caveats... except for me still believing that it's better for wrestlers to go out on their back so as to not make the next generation look weak.  Maybe I could make an exception this one time, as it's not like the Bucks need the rub after the career they've already had.  Then again, losing without getting pinned might work out for Darby if they want to book him as a singles competitor again.  In summation, I could see Sting's last match going either way.

It also depends what Sting himself wants to do. If he wants to go out on his back in his last match ever, who's gonna tell him no?

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