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On 2/9/2024 at 3:12 AM, MightyDavidson said:

Knowing TK he'd just put the tag titles up for grabs in yet another tournament.

I don't think that would be a bad idea. Between the apparent issues that FTR have with The Young Bucks*, the Omega injury that derailed the Golden Jets and the divided attention after the introduction of the Trios titles, I think this tag division has been in a bit of a state. Perhaps a tournament and a full reset would breathe some new life into it.

* rumour has it that FTR refused to do the job to The Young Bucks and that's why they lost their belts to Ricky Starks & Big Bill.

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- BCC vs CMLL was solid. FTR vs BCC should be interesting.
- Garcia vs Taylor was solid.
- Looking forward to Kingston/Danielson.
- Cage vs Outrunners was an OK squash. Hook!
- I like Garcia stepping up to Copeland. Nigel's Save the Clams shirt lol.
- TBS storyline finally being setup for Revolution involving Willow.
- Brody vs Briscoe was great. Julia with the Spike!
- Solid Keith promo.
- Deonna vs Kiera was solid but too short.
- Toni vs Aminata was good. Brilliant promo.
- Cassidy (c) vs Ishii was my MOTN.

7 matches is a bit much for a 2hr show. Women's matches got shafted to the 2nd hour but they at least got 2 promo spots.

Edited by milamber
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21 hours ago, Mootinie said:

They need to put some heat on these CMLL guys. They’re super cool and all but this has felt too one sided for a rivalry so far.

Indeed. They've beaten Matt Sydal and whatever they're calling Menard & Parker now, but who HASN'T beaten those guys? I will say, however, that they have been booked relatively strongly in defeat, with last week's Collision being the first full decisive finish. The other 2 against BCC were a surprise roll-up and a low blow.


Speaking of "needs a win", Queen Aminata. There are only so many matches where you can say "she lost, but good effort" before she's full on jobber status. Even Red Velvet gets a win on TV from time to time.

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On 2/13/2024 at 7:45 AM, milamber said:


I enjoyed the sit down Aminata interview that Renee did.  They need to do more like this for the women's division.  They have a lot of pretty good in ring performers but the problem is they have no characters and people aren't interested in them.  I never really gave much though about Queen Aminata but after watching that interview, I am more vested in her.

With all that said, they do this great interview and then she goes out and loses hahah One step forward, two steps back

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- Mox vs Dax was good. Post-match beatdown was fun.

- Takeshita/Ospreay hype! Seems like a setup for an Ospreay face turn.

- Wardlow vs Jobber was a boring squash.

- Copeland vs Garcia was good. Another fun post-match beatdown.

- Great promo segment from Joe, Swerve & Hangman.

- A very personal short film from Timeless Toni. Deonna mad.

- Bucks vs Top Flight was good. Too many low blows. Poor Tony. Darby going in hard lol.

- Willow vs Skye was good.

- Cassidy (c) vs Taven was my MOTN. Lots of blood! OC hurdling the rail was impressive. Taven took a Darby bump. There should be a ban on throwing chairs at heads.

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20 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Next week, Will Ospreay finally shows up for work! Nearly 5 months after they made a big deal about it!

Was that a big announcement by Tony? That Will Ospreay will finally wrestle next week?

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11 hours ago, CQI13 said:

Was that a big announcement by Tony? That Will Ospreay will finally wrestle next week?

Now, it was an offhand mention by Callis. Still, it sticks in my craw that for that one PPV, they were all, "See who are big signing is!" and then it's "It's the guy you've already seen on AEW TV multiple times! Also, you're not going to see him again for, like, 6 months!"

  • Haha 2
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- BCC vs FTR was my MOTN.

- Cassidy vs Bennett was solid.

- The less Flair the better.

- Garcia restoring the feeling. Christian with no shame.

- Toni vs Jobber was an OK squash. Toni & Deonna using each other's finishers was cool.

- Deonna vs Rayne was OK until the nasty botch. Can't believe they replayed it.

- Loved Sting's promo. Best promo of Wardlow's career. Meat madness lol.

- Hangman, RVD & Hook vs Joe, Swerve & Cage was good.

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Mariah vs Jay was the best match on Rampage.

- Sammy vs Hobbs was great.
- BCC Maximum Endurance.
- FTR vs STP was solid.
- Rosa vs Monroe was a solid squash.
- BBSG vs Iron Savages was a solid squash. Feel bad for Caster.
- Dragon going off on Eddie never gets old lol.
- Black vs Keith was good. 1st Malakai singles match in almost 2 years 😮
- Deeb vs Frost was solid. TK should send more fringe talent to CMLL, DDT & TJPW.
- Danielson vs Akiyama was great.

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8 hours ago, milamber said:

- Deeb vs Frost was solid. TK should send more fringe talent to CMLL, DDT & TJPW.

I don't think that was his call, as I don't think Lady Frost is All Elite. She's worked for them a few times, but I don't think she's under contract the way that Deeb is.

Still, I do agree that, with all these working agreements AEW has, it's a bit puzzling they've never fully taken advantage of them. Like, instead of feeding the entire women's division to Jade Cargill for 2 years (only for her to go "SEE YA" and sign with WWE, great long-term booking decision there, Tony), they could have brought in talent from AAA or other promotions, do the video package thing, and let them take the loss, keeping the actual AEW women's talent strong and more credible.

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2 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

I don't think that was his call, as I don't think Lady Frost is All Elite. She's worked for them a few times, but I don't think she's under contract the way that Deeb is.

Still, I do agree that, with all these working agreements AEW has, it's a bit puzzling they've never fully taken advantage of them. Like, instead of feeding the entire women's division to Jade Cargill for 2 years (only for her to go "SEE YA" and sign with WWE, great long-term booking decision there, Tony), they could have brought in talent from AAA or other promotions, do the video package thing, and let them take the loss, keeping the actual AEW women's talent strong and more credible.

Frost has been in AEW/ROH enough times she's at least on a low tier contract... maybe low enough she can still work elsewhere without permission. She has worked in CMLL before so probably her choice.

I've been impressed with Anna Jay lately but she could use a stint in Japan to get to the next level. She's basically the equivalent of an NXT recruit because she was signed after a handful of indie matches and never worked outside of AEW since.

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On 2/27/2024 at 8:34 AM, Matt_Black said:

Now that I'm thinking about it, they need to bring back Maki Itoh. Let her hang out with the Acclaimed or something.

TJPW are running a show in the US WM weekend so maybe Itoh will be booked for Supercard of Honor the same day like Yuka last year. It's been too long since Aniki was in AEW as well.


Edited by milamber
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- Opening segment was fun.
- BCC vs Kingston & FTR was good.
- Oi Oi Oi bruv! About time the Callis Family got a proper theme.
- No... not a dress code 😮
- Cassidy (c) vs Wayne was good.
- Statlander vs Blue was my MOTN.
- Jericho vs Atlantis Jr was solid.
- STING from the rafters!

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I haven't watched anything after World's End, and I really wanted to watch Sting's last match, but it's just so late on a Sunday that I'll not be able to watch live.

Ospreay vs Takeshita is gonna be awesome as well.

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