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Is it weird that I am extremely attracted to her? :D


Not at all. She's very attractive. It's just that, as far as being a wrestler goes, everything I've seen from her so far has left me bored to tears. Boring entrance music, absolutely no change in facial expressions, no showmanship of any kind, and boilerplate "MMA reject" in-ring.

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- Danielson vs Trent was great.

- I would watch a Hook & Danhausen show. MOTY/Sammy/Tay segment was fine but the feud needs to end with a double turn and less focus on Lambert. QT won something lol.

- Swerve vs QT was solid.

- Velvet vs Willow was good. Willow finally got to show what she's capable of.

- Nese could use a mouthpiece.

- Mox vs Yuta was a MOTY Contender. Pre-match promos were good. Yuta Scale activated :o Kicking out of the Paradigm Shift twice was huge. I hope Rukus whips up a banger entrance theme for him soon.

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A star-making performance from Wheeler Yuta last night, if I say so myself.


Agreed. When you can get the crowd cheering for you over the likes of Jon Moxley, that definitely makes a statement. And with the endorsement of Regal now, he will definitely be pushed, I'm sure. I'm not sure how much was acting and what was real (which, IMO, makes him that much better), but you could "feel" him wanting to give up, but the crowd backing him made him carry on.

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Isn't that a gimmick? From what I've seen - in TEW terms - she's probably capped to D scores. :p


Talking about TEW mechanics, Tony is using the dirty tactics feature nowadays.


I mean, he's likely 100% right so I don't know if its really him using the dirty tactic or calling one out.


One of my friends works for a social media company that conducts what they call "negative space advertising" which is basically exactly what Tony is describing here.

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I mean, he's likely 100% right so I don't know if its really him using the dirty tactic or calling one out.


One of my friends works for a social media company that conducts what they call "negative space advertising" which is basically exactly what Tony is describing here.


Yeah, I've heard from another friend about these type of things. It even dates back to Justin Beiber being accused of doing this when he first started getting famous. Of all the things Vince has done, or been accused of, I would not put it past him to do this sort of thing. I know, personally and from some friends, WWE is not what my friends, or I, would choose to watch. NJPW is amazing these days thanks to Gedo's booking and now having everything broadcast in English as well as Japanese. Kevin Kelly is not my favorite, but he does a decent job. Chris Charlton does a good job translating and giving background. And of course, AEW is on fire. With access to ROH's roster now, I'm expecting even more out of them. With The Forbidden Door combining these 2 worlds, I'm in wrestling heaven. I hope the WWE collapses, to be honest.

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I mean, he's likely 100% right so I don't know if its really him using the dirty tactic or calling one out.


One of my friends works for a social media company that conducts what they call "negative space advertising" which is basically exactly what Tony is describing here.


Using bots to signal boost idiots is nothing new. You don't need a farcical independent study to tell you that and Vince is the guy who killed JCP in one phone call to the cable companies. They've also used social media numbers as pitches to investors for years now. Would make perfect sense to invest next to nothing on bot farms to make their numbers look impressive.


Quoting an "independent study" not linking it, and then telling "internet sleuths" to look into it is one of the absolute most carny things I've seen in a while. Even if he's right, hack tweet, deserves to be drug.

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A dream match of mine is happening on Dynamite as Samoa Joe challenges Minoru Suzuki for the ROH TV title.


Same here!! Not a big fan of Joe, but he puts on great matches. Minoru has become one of my top favs in NJPW. Didn't know he was competing in ROH until I saw this match hype. Guess I'll have to catch up on ROH now too. Haven't watched them since Vince cherry-picked all the talent and didn't use hardly any of them. Are they part of the Forbidden Door now too?

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Same here!! Not a big fan of Joe, but he puts on great matches. Minoru has become one of my top favs in NJPW. Didn't know he was competing in ROH until I saw this match hype. Guess I'll have to catch up on ROH now too. Haven't watched them since Vince cherry-picked all the talent and didn't use hardly any of them. Are they part of the Forbidden Door now too?


Tony Khan bought ROH so they're a sister company. Not sure what that means for it as a brand moving forward but word is they're looking to have a TV presence of some sort. It also gives them a couple of decades worth of content for the inevitable streaming service since that's where all the money is these days.

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Tony Khan bought ROH so they're a sister company. Not sure what that means for it as a brand moving forward but word is they're looking to have a TV presence of some sort. It also gives them a couple of decades worth of content for the inevitable streaming service since that's where all the money is these days.


Yeah. I knew he bought them. Just wasn't sure how they were gonna be utilized. Development, or treated as their own entity. I do like how they are swapping so much talent. I think it will keep things fresh in both companies. I watched Supercard this morning. Amazing! I kinda figured on all the title changes. I love the handshakes with the Code of Honor again. Briscoes vs. FTR stole the show. I kinda shrugged off FTR, but they proved they can hang. I think we should start a GoFundMe to get YUTA some new tights. Those things are hideous. And of course, you could tell, the crowd really weren't into Minoru Suzuki. It's a shame because he is a legend in Japan.

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I think we should start a GoFundMe to get YUTA some new tights.


Funnily enough, I believe he will definitely be getting some new tights soon. That's based entirely on Chuck Taylor pointing out that he'd given YUTA those tights. Man, honestly he should be upset at Chuck just for that.

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Tony Khan apparently has yet another huge announcement next week on Dynamite.


Maybe he bought Impact? If so, we could see a thriving X-Division once again!


I doubt it's another promotion purchase, but it'd be neat.


I feel like they could have used Shane Taylor in the post main event attack instead of the rando. That's just personal bias.


It's odd they debuted a giant middle eastern dude the week after WWE did tho

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I thought the first hour of the show was much better than the second hour. Not that the second hour was bad, but there were a lot of questionable booking choices.


- The Marina Shafir match totally killed the crowd's enthusiasm.

- Keith Lee should NOT be eating pins this soon after his debut.

- The post match shenanigans after the main event didn't land for me.

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I mark out for Minoru, so I was extremely disappointed at the main event. Joe has already been World champ in ROH. It seems like a step down. It would have been better to have Minoru win and get a huge boost over a big (no pun intended) star. Then have Joe get attacked and have Minoru come in for the save. Even more of a boost for Suzuki and Joe saves face and gains an ally.
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- Punk vs Penta was good. They did well to work around Punk's slip.

- Jericho arriving in style. Garcia running after the car lol.

- reDRagon vs Jurassic Express © was great. FTR vs reDRagon will draw stars if they get 20 minutes.

- Hayter vs Storm hype intensifying.

- Dean vs MJF was a nothing match but a hot angle. Wardlow getting a star reaction every time he shows up.

- Darby throwing down the gauntlet to Andrade. Whoever wins should be getting a title shot soon. Black needs a new direction.

- JAS vs LAX was solid.

- Blue vs Shafir was meh. Shafir is too slow and boring. She's no Baszler or Rousey. Not sure why she's being hot-shotted to a title match.

- Hook is a menace for hurting Danhausen.

- Team Taz vs Swerve & Lee was my MOTN. Big pop for Ricky. Taz interference was new. Must be sick of losing lol.

- We need more women's brawls but not like this. Nyla should have at least brought tacos.

- Joe vs Suzuki © was great. They should have gone longer with the overrun. Bad ending. I wonder if Satnam Singh can actually wrestle...

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- Blue vs Shafir was meh. Shafir is too slow and boring. She's no Baszler or Rousey. Not sure why she's being hot-shotted to a title match.


Because there really aren't a whole lot of people left who Jade hasn't beaten and who aren't busy with another storyline. They'll have a match, Shafir will lose, Jade will get win number 30, and hopefully we can move on to more credible opponents where there's actually doubt about whether or not Jade will retain.

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