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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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So, overall good show. The middle was a bit rough (the AAA tag match made very little sense from a storyline perspective, and Moxley/ Yuta was blink and you'll miss it, but I suppose it's to set something up for later), but they got back on track with the 6-man tag. And the show opened and closed with fantastic matches. The winner was never in doubt in either one, but the losers came out looking good regardless.
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Malakai and Dante was very good. Dante shows so much promise and I like the pairing with Lio Rush. Rush is a fantastic talker and that's Dante's biggest weakness. Dante doesn't really have a character right now and I think Lio could really help him get there. Malakai is being booked very well.


I genuinely enjoy Dan Lambert talking, but that segment was weird. It seemed like he is saying that Sammy can get Men of the Year a tag title shot because he's TNT champion? The 5v5 match could be fun, but the way it's getting there is rough.


Huge disappointment with FTR being Lucha Bros opponents. I love FTR and they're one of the best teams in the world, but from a kayfabe stand point, it's just dumb. The match wasn't bad or anything, but a proper match between FTR and Lucha Bros should be a huge deal.


I don't know why I expected a real match between Mox and Yuta, but whatever I guess.


SuperKliq vs Dark Order was a lot of fun. John Silver is so damn fun and insanely likable. I think him, Angels, and Vance all have potential to be names at some point, but I think Silver gets there first. I'm glad the Bucks and Elite in general have finally started clicking with their heel personas. I felt for awhile that they weren't really right in the roles, but them embracing their dork factor has done wonders for them in my eyes. It helps that Best Bout Machine Kenny is finally showing up.


I'm probably in the minority, but this Cody Rhodes story is interesting. It helps that Arn is finally a real character on the show instead of a corner man. Arn is such a good talker and they never really utilized that until recently. I love that other internet fans are being worked by the angle but completely denying it.


The MJF thing was weird, but at least they acknowledged the nonsensical masked assault last week. I'll always love Sting and MJF throwing Wardlow into the bat was a good moment. Wardlow's eventual split from MJF/Pinnacle could be a lot of fun depending on how it's booked.


Kiera vs Penelope was just kind of there for me. Not bad by any means, but I had no investment whatsoever. Ruby coming out was the highlight for me and I continue to be impressed by how AEW is treating her.


Hangman's promo was amazing and a big highlight of the show in my opinion. Absolutely stellar.


Bobby Fish continues to show that he's an incredible talent that was overshadowed by the other members of UE in NXT. CM Punk was right on the money when he called Fish one of the most underrated talents around. Major props to both Bryan and Bobby for having stellar matches about 24 hours apart. Bryan's current character is really gelling. He's likable in promos because he's well, Bryan Danielson, but his ring work is more violent and premeditated than his WWE run. It's like a matured version of his ROH days.


AEW isn't perfect, but it feels like destination TV and it's been awhile since pro wrestling was that for me.


The Eliminator Tournament should be fun. Bryan vs Dustin Rhodes is a low key banger waiting to happen.

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- Black vs Dante was great. Dante sold the leg damage well. Bitcoin Barry lol. Lio replacing Darius with himself like a boss.

- Paige VanZant is the star of this feud so far. Sign her up. Good to see the spotlight shifting to Sammy now.

- FTR vs Lucha Bros © was good. I didn't realize it was FTR until Punk mentioned it lol. Surprise result. I hope we get some real luchadors join Andrade next year.

- Yuta vs Mox was over quicker than expected. Yuta sold the hell out of the Paradigm Shift. Happy Deeb vs Shida isn't over. Punk on Deeb's hair lol.

- Super Kliq vs Dark Order was super fun. Socko pop!

- Tough love from Arn and the Nightmare Factory crew. MJF is a master troll. More fuel for the Wardlow turn.

- Hogan vs Ford was solid after a shaky start. Ruby!

- Miro vs God when? So many Cowboy s****! Chuckie T crying in the back.

- Fish vs Danielson was my MOTN. Fish worked the crowd well. Interesting brackets for the Men's tournament.

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MMA in wrestling just never works out the way promoters hope. I mean, the most successful MMA fighter to move over to pro wrestling is, arguably, Ken Shamrock, and he was pretty much a midcard talent.


Or, for another example, Ronda Rousey was the most famous female MMA fighter (I'd at least heard of her prior to her involvement in WWE, which is more than I can say for ATT), and then she became RAW Women's Champion, and Monday Night RAW would then go on to... have the lowest ratings in their history up to that point.



This is cartoon levels of logic right here. Ratings have gone down every year since 2001, most of the reason for that lately(since 2008) is cord-cutting. The reason why AEW's ratings are so impressive is that they're literally the only non-sports content to grow in ratings from year-to-year. Everything goes down 5% on average.


The whole anti-MMA thing is hilarious to me. Especially with this kinda tortured logic.

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Wrestling Twitter was having a field day with the fact that Roman Reigns & Brock Lesnar were tied with (and in some markets beaten by) Ruby Soho & The Bunny.


WWE picked a fight, put on their Wrestlemania main event rematch, and essentially drew with a fairly average Rampage card. That's the story. There is a reason that momentum is a thing in TEW card grades.

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I could see Van Zant making the jump. Get paid decent money to pretend, or get hit in the face for real in BKFC?


Edit - Given her less than stellar performances in BKFC those dollars are drying up very soon.


AEW would have to compete with neckbeard subscribers to the artistic FansOnly softcore catalog to get her, and she's proven since her reality TV run that she's not in the right headspace for anything right now. If she does wrestling it will only be to keep her name out there to make OnlyFans money. Not a hire I recommend.

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Rampage was a lot of fun tonight. Hobbs and OC was fun, Baker and Anna was a good one, but man, Andrade vs Pac was fantastic. They have so much chemistry as opponents.


Also, Malakai potentially forming an alliance with Andrade is a good throwback to their time in NXT.


I bet we'll see Andrade vs Pac 3 at Full Gear and I'm all for it.

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- OC vs Hobbs was solid. Hobbs picking Bryce up was funny.

- FTR/Lucha Bros at Full Gear should be a banger.

- Jay vs Britt was solid with a few clunky spots. Anna needs to work with Tay to improve the speed of her transitions.

- The women's brackets make sense based on feuds and rankings. I think Deeb should win it. Rosa should be next AEW Women's Champion.

- PAC vs Andrade was the clear MOTN. They surpassed their last match. Black in the ring bought back peak NXT memories. Cody & Arn showing up was a nice setup for Dynamite.

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This is a tweet that I have shamelessly stolen from @EverythingAEW but I think it makes a good point.


Presented without comment, context or implication, days since wrestling on Dynamite -ep


Santana & Ortiz - 52

Thunder Rosa - 66

Kris Statlander - 73

Nyla Rose - 73

Chuck Taylor - 73

Wardlow - 73

Ricky Starks - 101

Scorpio Sky - 139

The Acclaimed - 163

Riho - 248

Sonny Kiss - 367


I know that the vast majority of these have appeared on Rampage, but that show does half the viewership and they never recap it nor even really mention it on Dynamite so does it even matter? I don't care about Rampage because AEW don't make me care about it. Dynamite is the flagship broadcast, it's a shame that good talents their fanbase like get relegated to Dark instead of being showcased regularly.

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- Danielson vs Dustin was my MOTN. Tony Nese ringside reminded me of how they used to setup NXT debuts.

- Kenny is better at promos when he doesn't ham it up so much. Sting/MJF segment was fun. DMD going in on Conti.

- Ford vs Soho was solid. Brass knuckles backfiring was a nice touch. LOL MJF. Can't wait for the Wardlow turn.

- Fish match was pointless. Either have him work with a young talent... or set the Punk match up backstage and book a 2nd women's match instead.

- Archer vs Kingston was good. Shame they had to rush the finish after Archer's scare.

- Nice to see Ethan Page and Sammy get mic time. I like Mox's character shift.

- Jungle Boy vs Cutler was a feel good squash. JB getting some mic practice. Fun table bump. Miro ready to crush!

- Black vs Rhodes was great but overbooked. Blood! Andrade! iPad Guy! Arn Spinebuster! Black Mist! PAC! Coup de Grace! The result is going to annoy a lot of people LOL.

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The MJF/ Wardlow/ Spears bit was funnier than it had any right to be.


Spears has finally found a character that works. When Wardlow finally turns on MJF it's going to be awesome.


Yeah, Spears is finally clicking. He's always been a good hand, but his character work has finally started seeming natural.


Pinnacle is in such a weird place though. They were positioned as the big heel faction, but instead the Elite turned heel and Pinnacle was rarely seen together for awhile.


Inner Circle "reuniting" was weird too. They made such a big deal about them getting back together despite there being no kayfabe reason they weren't on screen together. Santana and Ortiz just randomly stopped being in Inner Circle segments for awhile.


Which also reminds me of my annoyance of Scorpio Sky randomly leaving SCU with zero explanation or real heel turn.

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Yeah, Spears is finally clicking. He's always been a good hand, but his character work has finally started seeming natural.


Pinnacle is in such a weird place though. They were positioned as the big heel faction, but instead the Elite turned heel and Pinnacle was rarely seen together for awhile.


Inner Circle "reuniting" was weird too. They made such a big deal about them getting back together despite there being no kayfabe reason they weren't on screen together. Santana and Ortiz just randomly stopped being in Inner Circle segments for awhile.


Which also reminds me of my annoyance of Scorpio Sky randomly leaving SCU with zero explanation or real heel turn.


Re: Factions in general they need to either do a better job explaining these are like loose associations and/or like business arrangements or something.


because I agree with you, if your "teamates" care or not has no rhyme or reason right now. Sometimes it's a 1 on 1 situation, other times they appear, its getting odd.


Like to stick on the Inner Circle, why did they just let Miro beat the stuffing out of Sammy for like a month straight, but now that American Top Team is here, Sammy is now required to step up and put the belt on the line ?


Makes little sense, then you have like the loose ones (like I would say Mox, Kingston, Darby and Sting are at times an "outsider" stable, who have each other's back, but at others they could care less about each other)


it's all very strange.

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Dynamite was so much fun. Deeb/ Shida gets my vote for match of the night, which is high praise indeed, because there we some absolute bangers on the rest of the show. And the main event was just a rollicking good time.


Came to say the same thing.


I'm very interested to see how people react to Cody's promo though. I feel like it's going to be super polarizing.

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